Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3179 update || Chapter 6605 & 6606 || Chapter 3179: Relay Race | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3179 Relay Race

Hearing that Wade Zhongquan wanted to stay in Aurous Hill for a longer time, the happiest person turned out to be Charlie's uncle An Qishan.

He couldn't help but laugh and said, "Brother Wade, you might as well live at home. There are still empty rooms at home. Living together, we can have a drink, reminisce about the past, and chat about family matters."

Wade Zhongquan said, "Brother An, I won't live at home. It's too disturbing. It's more convenient to live in Shangri La. If you want to have a drink, reminisce about the past, and chat about family matters, I can come over anytime. The journey is not far and the transportation is convenient."

An Qishan wanted to persuade him, but Charlie said directly, "Grandpa, I asked Elder Issac to buy back these villas in the hillside of Champs Elysees. Except for the one next door, which I occasionally use, the others are all empty. I asked Orval Hong to arrange someone to prepare a set for you. It happens that Orval Hong spends most of his time at the foot of the mountain. I asked him to come and take care of your daily life. If you want to live in the city, let Orval Hong take you there directly."

Wade Zhongquan smiled and said, "Okay, okay, this is more convenient! Since tomorrow's press conference will be held at Shangri La, I will live there tonight and move here after the press conference. The environment here is good and much quieter than Eastcliff. Charlie, just ask Orval Hong to drive a car for me. You don't have to take care of my daily life. I am in good health now and can live alone. "

An Qishan on the side couldn't help asking him, "Brother Wade, why didn't you bring one or two children to take care of you when you came to Aurous Hill this time?"

Wade Zhongquan looked at Charlie, and then said to An Qishan, "Don't be afraid to say it out loud and make you laugh. When the Wanlong Palace attacked Wade rest mountain before, among the descendants of the Wade family, except Charlie, there was no one with backbone. They were all cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death. Later, Charlie subdued Joseph Wan’s Army and let them all live in Wade rest mountain to mourn for the ancestors of the Wade family. "

An Qishan dropped his jaw and blurted out, "All of them?"

"Yes." Wade Zhongquan laughed awkwardly: "Son, daughter, grandson, and those relatives with the surname Wade, all went. Except for my daughter who was specially allowed by Charlie to take care of my food and daily life in Eastcliff, no one else can leave Wade rest mountain within three years without Charlie's permission."

An Qishan widened his eyes and glanced at Charlie subconsciously. Seeing that Charlie had a calm face, as if what he said had nothing to do with him, he tentatively asked Wade Zhongquan: "Brother Wade, with so many people in Wade rest mountain, the business of the Wade family should be greatly affected, right?"

Hearing An Qishan's question, Wade Zhongquan smiled awkwardly: "The shame is here. After these people handed over the business, they handed it over to professional managers according to Charlie's wishes. There are strict performance appraisals and reward and punishment standards for these professional managers. As a result, the original business rules. The scale and profit margin have continued to rise, and the cost has also been reduced a lot. Although the salaries of those professional managers are also very high, they are much lower than the salaries and benefits that the Wade family provides to their own people. It is equivalent to reducing costs and increasing efficiency, so it is good for those people to stay in Waderest Mountain. "

An Qishan did not expect such an answer. He smiled helplessly and said, "Sometimes, we are indeed negligent in managing and restraining our own people. This is also a stubborn problem faced by many families. "

Wade Zhongquan smiled and said, "I figured it out later. If our family members don't have this ability, let them just sit back and enjoy the achievements. They don't have to stay in their original positions and eat for nothing. Instead, give the positions to capable people, and they only need to sacrifice a part of the dividend ratio. If capable people can make the income base higher, they don't have to work, but can earn more. "

An Qishan nodded in agreement and said, "This is also a good way to solve the problem. "

Wade Zhongquan smiled and said, "I have let it go now. Although the Wade family is not as big as the An family now, it has already allowed all the Wade family members and the Wade family's relatives and backbones to achieve financial freedom. As long as they manage the money in their hands well, they can live a life of luxury. So now the Wade family does not need to bear any excessive responsibilities and burdens for them. "

As he said, he looked at Charlie and said very seriously, "Charlie, all the assets of the Wade family today will be your funds to fight against the Poqing Society in the future. Just go ahead and do it. Even if the assets of the Wade family are exhausted one day, you don't need to be responsible to anyone, and you don't need to have any psychological burden. "

Charlie nodded lightly. Although he doesn't need to use any resources of the Wade family now, he can't help but be moved by the old man's words.

An Qishan couldn't help but sighed, "Charlie, my attitude is the same as your grandfather's. All the resources of the An family are at your disposal! "

At a family dinner, everyone toasted each other, and the two old people who had broken the barrier for many years became happier and happier.

However, sometimes the topic would involuntarily talk about Charlie's parents, and the two old people would often have red eyes.

Charlie was relieved, after all, it meant that there would be no more conflicts and gaps between the two families in the future. His parents had always had a very good relationship when they were alive. If the spirits in heaven saw that the two old people had put aside their past grudges, they would definitely be happy. 

After eating and drinking, Wade Zhongquan chatted with Charlie's grandparents for a long time before getting up and saying goodbye with some apology.

Charlie asked Orval Hong to drive and first sent Wade Zhongquan to Shangri La, and then he returned home.

Tomorrow's press conference is scheduled for the afternoon. In the morning, the two old people and Charlie's three uncles will meet with He Yuanjiang and his wife who have returned from their honeymoon to sort out the process and content outline of the press conference to ensure that the press conference in the afternoon will be foolproof.

At night, Charlie couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Hearing Claire's breathing rate beside him was slow and quiet, he knew that she had fallen asleep.

Charlie was still thinking about what his grandmother had said to him.

Although he had never thought about having a child, his grandmother's words still planted a seed in his heart.

The inheritance of bloodline has invisibly shouldered a huge and unshirkable responsibility on his shoulders. He has the responsibility to let the bloodline left by his parents continue to be passed on.

People will always die. The difference is that some people die, and the bloodline that has been passed down from the Homo sapiens era is broken in him, but some people continue this bloodline;

there are now 8 billion people alive in this world, and there are 8 billion hot bloodlines. Among them, there must be a part of the bloodline that can continue for thousands or tens of thousands of years, or even until the last moment of human extinction, and there must be a part of the bloodline that will die when the second hand points to any grid, perhaps the last second, perhaps this second, or perhaps the next second.

Charlie couldn't guarantee how long his bloodline would last in the future, but he realized that he would have to hand over the baton at some stage to complete the inheritance of his bloodline to the next generation. Life is a relay race. When people in other tracks are passing the baton, the one who runs the whole course silently is destined to be lonely for life.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn't help but laugh at himself. In the past twenty years, all he thought about was revenge for his parents. He never thought about what kind of life he should live. In the past years of marriage with Claire, he insisted on the inferiority of being a loser and the mutual respect between the two. Later, he continued with the guilt of concealing his identity and the unchanged respect between the two.

This continuation is like a rocket launched into outer space. You don't have to worry about it. It will fly at a constant speed in space, without turning or slowing down. It is as stable as the electrocardiogram of a dead person without fluctuations.

And Charlie was really a little scared at this moment.

He was afraid that if he couldn't defeat Wu Feiyan and was killed by Wu Feiyan, his parents' bloodline would be cut off. How should he face the spirits of his parents in heaven?

With this thought, he could not help but turn around, looking at Claire who was sleeping beside him, and asked softly: "Wife, how about... let's think about having a child."

Charlie just whispered softly, never thinking that Claire could hear it, but Claire closed her eyes and said in a daze: "Husband... recently... recently I'm really... so busy... how about... how about waiting for two years to have a baby..."

Charlie was startled by her voice, and after a closer look, he found that she should be talking in her sleep. Sometimes people can't distinguish between dreams and reality in dreams. If someone happens to dream about someone in a dream, and someone asks her a question in reality, she will directly bring it into the dream, and then answer in a daze.

Charlie also guessed that Claire should have himself in her dream at this moment, but he didn't know whether her answer was sincere or perfunctory.

But he didn't really want to ask, so he looked at Claire gently and said softly: "It's okay, I still have a lot of things to do, you can think about it slowly."

Claire seemed to have heard his words, giggled, and murmured coquettishly: "Thank you, husband, for your understanding, husband is the best..."


At this moment, in a Buddhist house on Putuo Mountain.

A woman with extraordinary temperament was sitting quietly in the yard, looking up at the starry sky.

Today the weather dropped sharply, and the cold wind from the north blew away the clouds in the sky. The whole sky was full of stars, which was fascinating.

This woman was Charlie's mother, An Chengxi.

Although Putuo Mountain is located further south, the damp and cold weather is particularly unbearable, but An Chengxi was only wearing a thin robe, hugging her arms in front of her chest, looking up at the sky, and her beautiful eyes were shining under the starry sky.

Sister Sun came out of the left wing holding a coat, put the coat on An Chengxi's shoulders, and said, "Madam, it's too late, you should rest."

An Chengxi's eyes were sparkling with tears.

She did not let the tears flow, but smiled and said, "Sister Sun, my father-in-law met my parents today, and Charlie was here too. I think they should have forgiven each other."

Sister Sun nodded, and said respectfully and distressedly, "Madam, your father hated your father-in-law for so many years, and now they finally understand each other. This is a good thing for both him and your father-in-law. If they knew you were still alive one day, they would definitely be happier."

An Chengxi shook his head, sighed, and murmured softly, "It's different. My parents will be extremely happy, but my father-in-law may be even more lonely. After all, Changying will never come back, and he originally had my parents, two people who were also connected to him and had the same fate. Once I go back, he will become the only one. This is too cruel for him, an old man who is nearly 80 years old..."


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