Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3155 update || Chapter 6557 & 6558 || Chapter 3155: This is what you meant | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3155: This is what you meant

 Facing Jimmy's pleading, Han Meiqing was at a loss for a moment. Paul next to her couldn't bear it, so he said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, although my uncle is a bit mean, he is my father's younger brother after all. Please give him a chance to reform because he sincerely repents."

When Paul started to plead with Charlie, Jimmy didn't understand yet, and thought to himself: "Paul, Paul, my good nephew, if you really want to plead for me, go and beg your stepfather. After all, he is a friend of the eldest son of Rothschild. What's the point of asking this young man next to you?"

Charlie asked Paul curiously at this time: " He wants to steal the property left to you by your father and your mother, and you still want to plead for him?"

Paul smiled awkwardly and said, "I know very well what kind of person my uncle is. The reason why he ran so far from the United States to act like a rogue is because he has no reasonable and legal way to snatch the shares of Smith Law Firm from me and my mother. Otherwise, with his character, he would have sued us in the United States long ago. Although what he did today was indeed a bit despicable, in essence he was just trying his best. Even if he returns to the United States safely, he has no other way to ask for shares."

Jimmy didn't expect that his nephew had already revealed his bottom line . He saw the cards clearly and said with shame: "Paul, you are right... I am just mentally unbalanced. I want to take advantage of this happy day to come and make trouble. As long as you can forgive me this time, I will never harass you again!"

As he said, he wiped his tears and said with great grievance: "And now I have paid the price for my stupid behaviour. I never dreamed that my boss would deliberately set a trap to get hold of my handle. If he bans me, I will be completely unemployed when I go back, and may not be able to work as a lawyer in this life. I hope you will show mercy and don't kill me. I still have a wife and children..."

Han Meiqing saw that he was indeed After admitting his mistake and paying a heavy price, she said to Charlie: "Charlie... why don't you just forget it? You've worked hard to talk to Mr. Rothschild and leave Jimmy a way out."

Steve was afraid that Charlie would really save face for Jimmy, so he quickly said: "Mr. Wade, this despicable and shameless villain, we have to kill him quickly, otherwise he will go back and sleep, forget the pain after the scar healed, and come to cause trouble tomorrow. If I were you, you don't have to worry about anything, I will arrange it, and I guarantee you will never see him again in this life!"

Steve had been wronged in Aurous Hill for so many days, and he finally found a punching bag. If he only let out half of his anger, he would definitely feel more depressed.

Jimmy was so scared that his face turned pale. He didn't dare to plead with Steve, but when he thought about how Paul and Han Meiqing had just pleaded with this ordinary-looking young man in front of him, and even Steve Rothschild was respectful to him, he suddenly realized that Charlie was the real key behind this.

So he looked at Charlie and cried, "Mr. Wade, you see, my sister-in-law and my nephew don't stand up to me. Please ask Mr. Rothschild for mercy. I will never cause trouble again. I promise! If I break my promise, it won't be too late for you to send me to jail!"

Charlie looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Look, Mr. Rothschild also said just now that you don't have to go to jail in the United States. There is no extradition agreement between China and the United States. You can live in China." 

Jimmy said in a panic, "I... I came here for a transit visa exemption. I can only stay in China for 144 hours. If I haven't left China in 144 hours, I will be considered illegally staying..."

Charlie smiled and said, "It's okay. I have a good place to settle you. You can stay in China steadily. It doesn't matter how long you stay."

Steve on the side smiled happily when he heard this, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes! Kennel! Mr. Orval’s kennel! It's perfect for him, more suitable than prison!"

After that, he gave Charlie a thumbs up and praised: "Mr. Wade, it has to be you! This is more exciting than sending him to prison!"

When Jimmy heard that he was going to be sent to a kennel, although he didn't know what it looked like, but considering the name and seeing that Steve Rothschild was so excited about this place, he knew it was definitely not a good place.

He looked at Charlie anxiously and asked him while crying, "Mr. Wade... Mr. Wade... May I ask what your dog farm is... what does it do..."

Before Charlie could say anything, Steve sneered, "Of course, a dog farm is for raising dogs, but there are real dogs and fake dogs. You are a fake dog, and you are the one who looks like a human butler."

Then, Steve said, "Mr. Orval's dog farm has a very good environment. You can get your own cage, and there is a Japanese butler to provide you with meals. You don't have to work hard when you get there. You can just eat and wait to die every day."

Jimmy was so scared that his soul flew away. Locking himself in a dog cage? This is more than a hundred times more cruel than prison! Is there still justice? Is there still humanity?

Thinking of this, Jimmy cried and said, "Mr. Wade, I beg you, I really beg you, you see I'm old, you put me in the kennel, it's no use except wasting your space and your food, I'll have to waste your energy to deal with the body when I die, just treat me as an old dog that's about to die, have mercy on me and let me go!" 

Before Charlie could say anything, Steve said, "It's okay, Mr. Wade, I'll be responsible for all his expenses in the kennel, I'll pay double, and if he dies, you don't have to bother dealing with the body, just chop it up and feed it to the dogs, right? I'll sponsor a batch of the best fighting dog breeds in the world then." 

At this point, Steve waved his hands, "Forget it, I'll just sponsor Mr. Hong 10 million US dollars and upgrade his kennel!" 

Jimmy had collapsed, he never expected Steve to be so determined that he wouldn't let go, the situation he was facing was getting worse and worse, he could have gone back to the United States to go to jail, but now even this road is blocked, he has to stay in a dog cage in China for the rest of his life until he dies, if he had known this would happen, he would have just gone back to the United States to go to jail!

Han Meiqing and Paul, mother and son, did not expect that Steve was so dissatisfied with Jimmy that he wanted to completely block his way out. The two wanted to say something for Jimmy, but they did not know where to start.

The mother and son exchanged glances, and then Han Meiqing said very politely: "Mr. Rothschild, Jimmy did offend you in many ways just now, but I still hope that you will forgive him once for his sincere repentance. He has three children in the United States, and the youngest is not yet an adult. If he disappears in China, his family will be very anxious..." 

Jimmy was so scared that he trembled all over when he heard this, and cried and shouted: "Sister-in-law, don't say it! Please, sister-in-law, don't say it again!"

Jimmy saw through Steve. This guy is now going to completely chase and intercept him, and never leave him any chance and hope. Han Meiqing mentioned his wife and children, and he was really afraid that Steve's next sentence would be to send his wife and children over.

Han Meiqing didn't react for a while. Why did she plead for Jimmy and scare him half to death?

But then Steve suddenly clapped his hands and said excitedly, "Yes, yes, yes! We should bring his wife and children here too so that the family can be reunited!"

After saying that, he quickly changed his words: "No! They can't be reunited. Let his family of five each have a cage, and there should be an empty cage between each cage. Let them meet and talk every day across the cage, but no one can touch each other. I let him pretend to be cool with me, and this time I must punish him severely!"

Jimmy was so scared that he collapsed to the ground. Seeing this, Han Meiqing quickly asked Paul to help him up, and then said angrily: "Mr. Rothschild, you... Even if you don't accept his confession, you shouldn't involve his wife and children. We Chinese have an old saying that the disaster will not affect his wife and children. If you do this, If it gets out, it will bring shame to the Rothschild family!"

Steve said without hesitation: "What does the ancient Chinese saying have to do with me, an American? I just want to make things difficult for him. Not to mention his wife and children, even his dog will be taken away!"

Seeing Steve gritting his teeth, Charlie was afraid that he would really do it if he didn't wake him up, so he said: "Okay Steve, you are here to attend the wedding, don't make it so bloody."

Steve was stunned, then looked at Charlie, and said aggrievedly: "Mr. Wade, he barked at me first Damn it, I didn't hire him!"

Charlie nodded: "I know, I know, you see he is old, there is no point in keeping him in the kennel. Instead of letting him eat and wait for death at Orval Hong's place, it is better to find something for him to do and squeeze out his surplus value."

Steve hurriedly said: "Then it is also okay to let him feed the dogs and clean up the dog poop at the kennel every day."

Charlie waved his hand and said: "He is an experienced lawyer after all, cleaning up dog poop is a bit of a waste of his talent. I just want to set up a company, and the legal department is currently left with only Aunt Han, so why not let him come to her" he will do voluntary work for the new company for ten years. If he performs well at the end of the ten years, he will be allowed to go back. If he does not perform well in the meantime, he can be sent to the dog farm."

Steve suddenly realized: "Mr. Wade, this is what you mean."

Charlie nodded, turned to look at Jimmy, and asked him: "Mr. Smith, I will let you work in China for ten years, with food and accommodation, but no salary. Are you interested? If not, just pretend I didn't say anything." 

When Jimmy heard this, he felt that the sky was bright, and he nodded frantically: "I am interested! I am interested!"

For him, the worst thing is to go to the dog farm, and the second worst is to go back to America and go to jail.

Being able to stay in China to work, at least you can still get basic personal freedom, this is not a little bit worse, it is definitely a mercy outside the law.

Han Meiqing didn't expect that Charlie would let Jimmy stay and work under her, but after thinking about it carefully, this is a very good solution. Although Jimmy is a little shameless, this is also the basic quality of American lawyers, especially those who focus on business. If you are a little thin-skinned, you can't get by at all. The thicker the skin and the higher the professional level, the greater the industry status and influence.

Jimmy can become a senior partner of Ellis Law Firm, which is enough to show that he is definitely beyond doubt in terms of professional ability. Moreover, he has been behind the scenes for several years, and he must be a little rusty when it comes to actual operation. Jimmy has always been in the front line, and his practical ability is absolutely no problem.

Moreover, this is indeed a good thing for Jimmy. No matter what, it is much better than going to a kennel or prison.

Charlie specifically asked Jimmy at this moment: "You said you are interested. Are you sincere?"

Jimmy blurted out without hesitation: "Yes, yes! Absolutely sincere!"

Charlie asked again: "Ten years, you won't regret it, right?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Charlie asked again: "If others ask you about it, you know what to say, right?"

"I know, I voluntarily chose to develop in China! Absolutely voluntary! Even if my wife and children ask me, I will say the same thing!"

Charlie nodded gently: "You are a teachable child. In this case, I will let you go back and arrange your family. Come to Aurous Hill to report to Aunt Han in half a month."

"No problem!" Jimmy didn't expect Charlie to let him go back home to make arrangements. He was extremely grateful and nodded heavily, saying, "Thank you, Mr. Wade, for your magnanimity! Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I'll come right away after I arrange things at home!"

Charlie looked at Steve and said, "If he doesn't come in half a month or runs away, then you have someone catch him and send him directly to Orval's dog farm."

Steve didn't expect that he couldn't even abuse a loser like Jimmy. He felt a little depressed, but when he thought that it didn't matter if he suffered a little grievance, the most important thing was to please Charlie, so he immediately patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I'll have someone keep an eye on him."

Charlie looked at Jimmy and said with a smile: "You are Paul's uncle. The blood relationship in your bones will not disappear because of the death of your eldest brother. Aunt Han is your eldest sister-in-law for decades. People say that the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother. Although your eldest brother is no longer here, she is also half of your relative. You are also very loyal and righteous. Not only did you come to China to attend Aunt Han's wedding, but you were also willing to come to China to help Aunt Han at the beginning of her new career. This feeling is really touching. In my opinion, when the wedding starts later, you must go on stage to say a few words of blessing, so that the guests can see the brilliance of your humanity. "

Jimmy heard this and felt bitter in his heart.

He knew what Charlie meant. On the one hand, it was a step for him to step down. On the other hand, he also needed to come forward to give these guests a reasonable explanation, otherwise everyone would not understand what happened here.

Although this kind of thing is quite embarrassing, he can't care about it at the moment. It is the greatest blessing to escape from the clutches of Steve Rothschild. In front of this matter, what does it matter if he loses some face? I can even take off my pants and run naked from here to Aurous Hill Airport. I can do that!

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