Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 1301 to 1400 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 1301

When Orvel shouted out, the Sun family suddenly realized that they clapped unwillingly.

In fact, they are also very unhappy with this wedding, because this kind of thing will make their faces faceless.

But at the moment, it’s already done, so no one can change anything.

Bella, who was wearing a wedding dress with a cold expression, and Sun Dewang, who was with five people in a suit, walked onto the stage together.

Afterwards, the emcee smiled and said: “Next, let us invite a second couple, the bridegroom Carden, and the bride Isabella!”

In fact, the Sun family is not willing to applaud this pair.

Not only Xu Liqin and Sun Dewang look down on Isabella, but the rest of the Sun family also look down on this poor girl.

However, with the lessons learned earlier, everyone did not dare not to applaud, so they could only clap non-stop.

Carden took Isabella’s hand and walked onto the stage together.

I can see that the two of them are really affectionate, and there is no intention to loosen their fingers.

After the two of them came on stage, the atmosphere was somewhat embarrassing.

The people in the audience have also come out to have a wedding wine more than once, but they have never encountered the absurd thing of a father and son getting married on the same stage.

Even the host of ceremonies is not sure what to do.

He can also be regarded as an old senior in the Aurous Hill emcee circle.

But he had never encountered this kind of marvellous wedding before in his entire life.

When he usually hosts, he would make fun of the parents of both men and women to enliven the atmosphere, but today it is really impossible to do such things.

This made him not know where to start.

So he could only give up this part of the lively atmosphere, and after directly speaking a paragraph of opening remarks, he said to the two couples around him: “Today, our two Mr. Sun, Miss Xue and Isabella are finally pregn@nt with four The hearts that love each other have embarked on this solemn and sacred wedding church!”


“My friends, let us sincerely bless these two couples, pray for these two couples, cheer for these two couples, cheer for these two couples, and celebrate the perfect combination of these two couples! Let us once again Warm applause and wish them a bright future!”

Although everyone in the audience looked at each other, they all clapped very cooperatively.

After the applause fell silent, Master of ceremonies said affectionately: “The Bible says that love is patient and kind; love is not jealous, love is not boastful, arrogant, does not do shy things, does not seek your own benefit, and is not easy. Be angry, don’t count human evil, don’t like unrighteousness, just like the truth; tolerate everything, believe everything, hope everything, endure everything; love never ceases.”

“So, in front of the many guests today, I would like to ask Mr. Sun Dewang, one of our

grooms today, Mr. Sun Dewang, would you like to marry the Miss Bella next to you as

your wife? Are you willing whether she is poor or rich, Do you love her forever and never

give up?”

Sun Dewang nodded: “I am willing!”

The emcee asked Bella in the same words: “Then Miss Xue, are you willing?”

The emotions in Bella’s heart could no longer be controlled and collapsed and cried:


At this moment, she wanted to shout that I didn’t want to, and then immediately run

from here.

But when she thought that her father had offended so many powerful people, if she did

not marry Sun Dewang today, the whole family would be in great trouble, and the family

might even be ruined, so she suppressed the impulse in her heart and cried. He said:

“I…I would…”

After saying this, her heart was even more sad, and she immediately hid her face and

wept bitterly.

Chapter 1302

The emcee smiled and said: “Oh, I didn’t expect Miss Xue to be so touched. The

marriage must have been long-awaited. This is really a match made by God, consensual,

and made in heaven. Let us all wish the couple a happy new marriage and love each

other with applause. A bright future and a safe life!”

Bella almost collapsed when she heard this, squatting on the ground, burying her face

deep in her arms, crying.

The emcee picked her up and said with emotion: “It seems that our bride is very excited.

Let us interview our groom. May I ask Mr. Sun Dewang, how do you feel about being

able to marry such a young and beautiful wife?”

Sun Dewang chuckled and said: “I am very excited…”

The emcee smiled and asked, “Then Mr. Sun Dewang, do you have the urge to chant a


Sun Dewang said with embarrassment: “I haven’t gone to school much, I don’t have

much culture, so can’t just chant poems.”

The emcee said again: “Today the parents of our bride, Xue Jing, have also arrived at our

wedding. I would like to ask the groom, Mr. Sun Dewang, do you have anything to say

to your future mother-in-law and father-in-law?”

Sun Dewang looked at the audience, Xue Xinlong and his wife, whose expressions were

crying without tears, waved at them with a little restraint, and said: “Please rest assured, I

will definitely face the quiet.”

There is one more sentence, Sun Dewang wanted to ask, but he was not ashamed to


He wanted to ask Xue Xinlong, his future father-in-law, whether the 50 million dowry

that he said before counts?

But he was afraid that after he asked this sentence, Xue Xinlong would come up to

hammer him, so he could only give up.

At this time, the emcee said to Xue Xinlong and his wife: “Come on, let’s invite our bride

Xue Jing’s parents to stage!”

The Sun family has become a blank applause machine at this time.

Xue Xinlong could only go on stage with his wife.

The master of ceremonies smiled and said, “Please ask the man’s father-in-law to stand

in front of our groom.”

Xue Xinlong and his wife stood in front of Sun Dewang with unnatural expressions.

The emcee smiled and said: “Groom officer, I ask you, who is standing in front of you?”

Sun Dewang hurriedly said: “It’s my father-in-law!”

The emcee smiled and said, “Is it still called father-in-law? Should I change my tongue?”

Sun Dewang smirked awkwardly, and said hurriedly: “Yes, it should be changed.”

With that said, he hurriedly called out to Xue Xinlong and his wife: “Dad, mom!”

Xue Xinlong’s face was extremely ugly. This b@stard, who is about the same age as

himself, calls him Dad!

Although I don’t have a son, I don’t want such a cheap son.

Seeing that he did not respond, the emcee hurriedly said: “Is it a bit too excited to be a

parent? You forgot to respond to the bridegroom officer so excited. This is the first time

the bridegroom officer changed his words. Isn’t the father-in-law showing anything?

Xue Xinlong said with a gloomy expression: “I was in a hurry to go out today and forgot

to prepare the red envelope.”

Sun Dewang said hurriedly: “It’s okay, it’s okay, red envelopes are forgotten!”

The emcee said with a smile: “Since he has changed his mouth, the groom should knock

his head and bring a cup of tea to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and let our staff

bring the tea!”

Sun Dewang asked awkwardly: “Kow my head?”

Chapter 1303

Naturally, Sun Dewang was not happy to kowtow in front of so many people.

After all, he is more than 50 years old, this face is really a bit embarrassing.

But Master of ceremonies said seriously at this time: “Groom officer, today is your big

wedding day. Two families are combined into one family. Not only do you have a young

and beautiful wife, but you also have a couple of parents who love you. Parents, we

Chinese have been showing the most filial piety since ancient times, so we kneel and

kowtow to our parents. That is a matter of tradition, of course. Why you hesitate?

“Besides, the tradition of our Chinese marriage is to give tea to both parents.”

When Xue Xinlong’s wife heard this, she burst into tears.

It is true that two families form a family, but she really doesn’t want her daughter to

start a family with this old thing.

But now there is no retreat, she can only watch it.

Sun Dewang was told by the emcee at this time that he was somewhat unable to get off

the stage, so he had to kneel on the ground, first kowtow to Xue Xinlong and called

Dad, then kowtow to Xue Xinlong’s wife and called her Mom.

The couple looked at each other, feeling extremely depressed.

At this time, the staff hurriedly moved two chairs and asked Xue Xinlong and his wife to

sit side by side. Then Master of ceremonies said to Sun Dewang: “It was supposed to be

the bride and groom who bowed their heads to offer tea to both parents, but the

parents of the bridegroom officer didn’t come today, so let’s let the bride and groom

serve only tea to the woman’s parents.”

The crying red-eyed bride could only come to her parents reluctantly and knelt beside

Sun Dewang.

The staff immediately brought them two cups of tea and handed them to Sun Dewang.

Sun Dewang took a cup and said to Xue Xinlong with a red face, “Dad, drink tea…”

Xue Xinlong couldn’t wait to splash this cup of tea directly on his face, so naturally he

didn’t want to pick it up.

But he raised his eyes and took a look, and found that Issac was in the audience, looking

at him with a gloomy expression, and suddenly shrank his neck, and hurriedly reached

out and took the tea from Sun Dewang.

Sun Dewang took another cup of tea, handed it to Xue Xinlong’s wife, and said: “Mom,

you have tea!”

Xue Xinlong’s wife was even more annoyed, and 10,000 times unwilling to drink the cup

of tea he respected. So before she reached out to pick it up, Sun Dewang held the cup

of tea in the air. After a while, he felt a little sore in his arms and felt embarrassed in his


Xue Xinlong hurriedly winked at his wife. What he fears most now is that Issac has

opinions on him.

He dare not make him angry anyway.

Xue Xinlong’s wife found her husband glared at herself fiercely, she could only grit her

teeth, reached out her hand to take the cup of tea, and drank it.

The emcee then smiled and said: “Drinking tea from the son-in-law is equivalent to

approving the son-in-law. Let me interview the bride’s parents. Excuse me, are you

satisfied with the groom?”

Xue Xinlong sighed and said with red eyes: “Satisfied, satisfied…”

He was actually 10,000 dissatisfied in his heart, but he really didn’t dare to say it at this


Xue Xinlong’s wife can only follow her husband and say things against her will.

Charlie looked amused in the audience, this is the price of being unkind, thinking that

he has a bit of money and a little ability, he will look down on this and that, such a

person will only eat the bitter fruit in the end.

After the farce of Sun Dewang and Xue Xinlong’s family of three was over, the emcee

said: “Next, we will invite our second couple to take the stage, the groom Carden and

the bride Isabella!”

Chapter 1304

Carden took Isabella’s hand and walked onto the stage.

The master of ceremonies followed the usual process and said some compliments, and

then he went to the part of the marriage vow.

Carden and Isabella really love each other, so they are finally able to hold a wedding,

naturally they are deeply moved.

Therefore, the two clasped their fingers on the stage, and both left tears of excitement.

Carden’s mood is more complicated, because he has just experienced the divorce of his

parents and witnessed his father’s second marriage with his own eyes, and his heart is


After the bride and groom completed the exchange of rings, the emcee smiled and said:

“Next, let us invite the parents of the bridegroom Carden, who is the couple who just

had the wedding just now, and invite them to come on stage!”

Sun Dewang and Bella, who had just stepped down, could only bite the bullet and step

on stage as the groom’s father and mother.

The grandchildren at the scene had extremely ugly expressions, but Mr. Orvel brought a

large number of younger brothers to applaud, and even a younger brother shouted,

“Hey, this bride is about the same size as the future mother-in-law! Hey! The emcee is

affected and ask, it is the bride who is older A little bit, or is the future mother-in-law of

the bride a little older?”

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Orvel’s brothers burst into laughter.

Bella has just returned from abroad this year and hasn’t started work yet. Isabella and

Claire are almost the same. They have both been working for two years. So in age,

Isabella is actually a bit older than Bella.

Therefore, the scene suddenly became more embarrassing.

The secretary’s appearance was also dumbfounding, so naturally he couldn’t really ask

such a question, otherwise he wouldn’t have to do his job of emcee if he went out.

So, he hurried to the next session on the spot, greeted the staff to put on the chairs

again, put the tea cups, and asked Carden and Isabella to offer tea to their parents.

When Isabella offered Bella tea and called Bella’s mother, Bella cried again.

What the h*ll is this? Suddenly marrying a bad Old Master, he suddenly added a son

and daughter-in-law.

The point is that this son and daughter-in-law are older than themselves.

After Carden and Isabella changed their mouths to the newlyweds Sun Dewang and

Bella, the emcee finally breathed a sigh of relief and announced that this wonderful

wedding was officially over.

Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom toast the guests.

Bella wanted to give up the toast, but because she was afraid that Charlie would be

dissatisfied, she could only come to the table where Charlie and Claire were with Sun

Dewang, carrying a glass.

Sun Dewang looked at Charlie tremblingly, and said nervously, “Master, thank you for

coming to my wedding with Bella. We both toast you!”

Charlie said lightly: “Sun Dewang, after marrying such a good wife, you must treat her

well in the future, and treat the child in her stomach well, have you heard?”

Sun Dewang’s face blushed, and he nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I will treat Bella and

the child in her stomach well.”

Charlie said with satisfaction: “This is just the truth. Don’t have any opinions about the

future young son’s skin color. You must treat him as your own.”

Sun Dewang could only nod his head and said, “Master can rest assured, I will


Chapter 1305

Seeing Sun Dewang’s stance, Charlie said with satisfaction: “In the future, I will let

President Issac supervise your post-marriage behavior. If you don’t correct your

disagreement about the poor and love the rich after marriage, it’s not good for you.

New wife, daughter-in-law, and future youngest son, then I will let President Issac

interrupt your dog legs. Do you understand?”

Sun Dewang nodded repeatedly, and said firmly, “Master, I understand…”

Charlie waved his hand: “Okay, I am driving today, so I won’t drink the wine you toasted.

Let’s go and meet others. There are so many guests here today. Don’t leave any of them.

Have you heard?”

“I heard it! I will toast one by one!”

Sun Dewang was sent away, and Carden and Isabella came over with wine glasses.

Isabella respectfully said to him and Claire: “Mr. Charlie, Claire, thank you both very

much today, and Carden and I will offer you a drink!”

Charlie smiled faintly: “Then we two will use tea instead of wine. I wish you a happy and

happy newlywed couple!”

The two nodded repeatedly and thanked them vigorously.

Although Claire was a little bit dumbfounded at today’s farce, but at this time, seeing a

good classmate finally got her wish to marry her own sweetheart, Claire was also happy

for her.

Charlie looked at Isabella and exhorted: “Isabella, after you marry Carden, you must

remember not to give up your little family and go to your parents and your brother’s

house. What they did today, you should know it in heart, so live with your husband,

keep a distance from your mother’s family, and don’t have any financial contacts.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Carden again and said seriously: “Carden must

also be carefully supervised on this matter. Your young couple should be on the same

front. Don’t be separated from each other because of this matter.”

Charlie’s implication was that Isabella must never give her parents and brother a penny.

Charlie looked down upon the families who wanted to sell their daughter at a high price

and then drink their daughter’s blood.

He also worried that once Isabella and Carden got married smoothly, Sun Dewang

would not dare to do anything to her in the future. In that case, Isabella would have the

right to speak in this family, and it would be possible to recruit her wonderful parents.

With her little brother who is so lazy.

So remind her in advance, let her know a little bit, don’t be used by that family again.

Isabella and Carden also nodded again and again.

In fact, even Isabella herself was very disappointed with her parents and younger

brother, and wished to completely draw a line with them, so she was unwilling to make

money in the future or be taken away by her parents and younger brother.

Charlie and Claire picked up their tea cups and had a drink with the newlyweds. Then

Charlie said, “Okay, you two quickly go to the bar with the other people, don’t worry

about us.”

Carden respectfully said: “Mr. Charlie, then we will go to other tables first.”

When the banquet was about to end, Charlie got up and went to the bathroom.

Seeing this, Issac hurriedly followed. When there was no one around, he respectfully said

to Charlie: “Master the last time Delon has undergone surgery in Eastcliff.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked with a funny face: “This buddy still didn’t pull out the necklace?”

Chapter 1306

“No.” Issac smiled: “It is said that the necklace made a bend in his intestines and got

stuck, so the operation was urgently performed. It is said that Delon was still in the ward

before the operation and was preparing to come with the nurse. It turned out that he

was bumped into by his grandparents and mom and dad, and the Old Lady was terribly


Charlie smiled and said: “I really don’t understand, how can the Kevin family say that it is

also a first-class family in Eastcliff, how can they cultivate such a watery offspring.”

Issac nodded and sighed: “To be honest, the descendants of the current big family are

really weaker than older generations. If they are as outstanding as you, there is no

second one in the country.”

Charlie smiled faintly: “You don’t slap my a** here.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master everything I’m talking about is from the bottom of my


Having said that, he said again: “By the way, Master I am worried that after Delon’s

surgery recovers, 80% chance is that he will find you to get revenge. The strength of the

Kevin family is not on the same level as the Wu family, and their family also has many

first-class masters. At that time they will be against you. I am afraid it will be a tricky

thing. Would you like to tell Master Wade and let him say hello to the Kevin family?”

“As long as the Old Master says hello to the Kevin family, the Kevin family will definitely

not dare to do it again.”

Charlie smiled and waved his hand: “I haven’t figured out whether I will return to Wade’s

house in the future. Therefore, if I can use the Wade Family’s help and the identity of

Wade Family I should use it as little as possible.

Issac persuaded, “Master you don’t need to divide it so clearly from your family. Before

the steward Stephen found you, Master Wade was always talking about you. If you have

time, you should definitely go back. Don’t say anything else. , At least look at the Old


Charlie shook his head lightly, and said, “It’s not impossible to go back, but not now.”

In Charlie’s heart, he not only had a certain hatred against the Wade family, but also a

certain amount of caution.

The family has a big business. When his father was still there, it was very fiercely fighting

secretly. Now that the family has added a generation, the internal situation must be

more complicated.

Although he now has a certain amount of personal strength, in front of the Wade

Family, the disparity is still too great.

Therefore, he even hoped that he would return to the Wade family to see things after he

had achieved certain results and had a strength that could not be underestimated.

Otherwise, his current net worth is more than 20 billion in cash plus Emgrand Group, of

which the Emgrand Group and 10 billion in cash are all given by the Wade family, and

he has not made much money. The two biggest pennies are Keng Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical. The 11 billion that came.

11 billion, placed in front of the Wade family, is a drop in the bucket.

Now Charlie already owns 80% of the shares of Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, and Wei’s

Pharmaceuticals has also officially changed its name to JX Pharmaceuticals. Now Liang is

presiding over the production of his own Weisan prescriptions by JX Pharmaceuticals.

Once the drug is produced and successfully listed , Presumably it will become the

world’s best-selling gastric medicine with the best efficacy. This medicine alone may

bring tens of billions or more of profits to JX Pharmaceutical.

He will then take out some other medicines from the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures,

and JX Pharmaceutical’s income will surely skyrocket.

Then through Ichiro, he also got Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, and merged Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical into JX Pharmaceutical.

By then, JX Pharmaceutical will soon become the largest pharmaceutical company in

Asia, and even the largest pharmaceutical company in the world!

After he has achieved the results of JX Pharmaceutical, he can have full confidence

before facing the Wade family!

Chapter 1307

Early in the morning after Isabella’s wedding, Charlie received a call from Liang while he

was watering the crops in his vegetable garden.

On the phone, Liang told him that the stomach powder he produced according to the

prescription given by Charlie had passed the relevant license of the drug regulatory

department and was ready to go on sale.

This prescription derived from the Nine Profound Heaven Classics has a strong relieving

effect on common people’s stomach upset symptoms.

If you have chronic stomach problems, you can get a good improvement and

conditioning by taking this stomach powder.

Stomach acid, bloating and stomach pain, or stomach discomfort caused by drinking,

cold, fatigue, etc., taking Weisan can get immediate results.

Weisan was first invented by a famous doctor in ancient China, but the development of

traditional medicine has been relatively slow in recent decades. Medicines like Weisan

are instead mainly products produced by Japanese and Korean pharmaceutical


For example, Japan has the famous Ota Weisan and Kobayashi Weisan.

Both types of stomach powder are in powder form and are packed in sachets. If you

encounter stomach upset, you can take a packet with warm water immediately for good


Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s Kobayashi’s Weisan has been rated as a daily medicine by

ordinary people in Japan and many countries.

This shows how big the sales and profit margins are behind it.

The stomach powder produced according to the prescriptions in the “Nine Profound

Scriptures” is about eight to ten times as effective as Kobayashi’s stomach powder. The

effect is very significant, and it has a good advantage that there are basically no side

effects. , And the stomach powder produced by the prescription has a strong and fresh

medicinal fragrance, which gives people very good senses.

This Weisan, named JX Weisan by Charlie, will be the first brand new medicine produced

since JX Pharmaceutical changed its name.

Liang said on the phone: “Master, the effect of this stomach powder is really amazing.

We have found many volunteers with stomach problems and tried this medicine. They

all gave very, very high evaluations. It is stronger than the stomach powder in Japan and

South Korea, many times less. Now these volunteers very much hope that this medicine

can be launched as soon as possible!”

Charlie gave a satisfied hum, and asked him, “Then when will it be officially listed and

sold in bulk?”

Liang said: “We have now produced more than 50 tons, and now that the approval has

been down, we can directly package and sell.”

Charlie asked curiously: “If more than 50 tons of the original medicine, how many copies

can be packaged?”

Liang said: “We plan to use the same specifications as those in Japan. We use 1.3 grams

per pack and 48 packets per box. In this case, the net content of the original drug in

each box is 62.4 grams, which can be packaged in total. 800,000 boxes.”

Charlie asked again: “What about the selling price, what is the selling price for the


Liang said: “Oita’s Weisan and Kobayashi’s Weisan, about 150 a box, our JX Weisan, the

efficacy is several times theirs, I think we have to sell at least four to five hundred a box.”

Charlie asked him: “How much is our cost for a box?”

Liang said: “Most of them are some proprietary Chinese medicinal materials. The cost is

actually very low. We are very conscientious. The cost is about 20 per box, so I guess.

The cost of Ota’s Weisan and Kobayashi’s Weisan is also about in tens.”

Chapter 1308

Charlie heard this and said: “Then we also sell 150 a box, with the same price, several

times the efficacy of the medicine, directly squeezing the same type of competing

products in Japan and South Korea!”

Liang hurriedly said, “No problem, Master, then I will supply the dealer for 150 a box.”

“Okay!” Charlie said: “You try to produce at full capacity, and don’t worry about the sales

of this drug. We are now not only covering domestic users, but also covering countries

such as Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. To compete with them in their

homeland, and to compete with them in their homeland, since we want to grab their

market, we must prepare enough ammunition.”

“I understand Master!”

Liang was so excited, he blurted out: “Japanese and Korean Chinese herbal medicines

have suppressed us for so many years, and now we can finally fight back!”

After speaking, Liang asked again: “By the way, Master, for our JX Weisan, should we

make some TV commercials? It’s best to ask a celebrity to endorse or something. Now

everyone in this society is engaged in publicity, and the fragrance of wine is also afraid

of alleys.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Yes, then you find the most popular celebrity, and it must be

the kind of decent star who is out of silt but not stained, because the entertainment

industry is too messy, those with dark history, Gossip, don’t work with them!”

Liang said: “OK, Master, I have a very suitable candidate in my heart. I wonder what you

think of it?”

Charlie asked: “Oh? Come and listen.”

Liang hurriedly said: “Now there is a female star named Qiuyi Gu , more famously known

as Sara who is very popular in film and television songs. She just picked up a Hollywood

movie some time ago. Now she is very popular, and this person seems to be from a

famous family, so there is nothing at all. Gossip is the object of worship by countless

boys and girls.”

Charlie nodded and said: “don’t know about the entertainment industry, and I don’t

follow stars, so it’s up to you to decide. If you think this person is suitable, then you can

contact this person’s agency to discuss the price. If it’s appropriate, just sign a contract

with her and let her start advertising.”

“OK, Master!”

After hanging up Liang’s phone, Charlie picked some fresh vegetables and prepared to

go home to make breakfast for his wife Claire.

It just so happened that Claire had also gotten up and walked downstairs.

Charlie thought of the phone call just now and asked her curiously: “My wife, have you

heard of Sara?”

Claire immediately said excitedly: “Sara? Don’t you even know Sara? She is now the most

popular female star.”

Charlie shook his head: “I don’t chase stars, so I don’t understand this.”

Claire hurriedly said: “I’m telling you, Sara is my idol, not only my idol, but also a

national idol. She plays very well in movies and TV series, and she sings very well! I

heard that she will come to us some time later. When Aurous Hill is holding a concert, I

have been paying attention to the ticketing website, just waiting to get the tickets when

they are issued.”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’m your husband, I don’t even know that this person is your


Claire said: “You never asked me. Besides, I don’t like to talk about many things. To like

someone is to like it in heart. I don’t want to talk about it every day like other people.”

Charlie nodded lightly, thinking, if JX Pharmaceutical really reached a cooperation with

this Sara, it might be able to satisfy his wife’s desire to chase this star.

Chapter 1309

Charlie wrapped an apron and went to the kitchen to prepare.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang again.

Unexpectedly, the caller ID, the caller turned out to be the little pepper Aoxue of the Qin


Seeing this, Charlie couldn’t help but feel a little surprised: “This little chili doesn’t

usually call him often. Will she be in trouble again today?”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly connected to the phone and asked, “Aoxue, are you

looking for me?”

Aoxue said shyly: “Master, do you remember what I told you about my participation in

the International College Sanda Competition?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Of course I remember, didn’t I promise you that I want to come

to the scene to cheer you on? By the way, you haven’t told me the specific day.”

Aoxue smiled happily and said, “So you still remember Master, I am so happy!”

After that, Aoxue’s voice was very shy and said: “Master, I will play the last preliminaries

this morning. don’t know if you have time to take a look…”

Charlie asked curiously: “Playing preliminaries? How is your competition system


Aoxue said: “Because this is an international college competition, there are more

participants. There are dozens of contestants in my heavyweight class, so I have to play

a few rounds of preliminaries first, but then the quarter-finals will be selected. Play the

quarterfinals again.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “Has this all reached the final round of the knockout? How

many games have been played in total? Why didn’t I hear you before?”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “There are 4 knockout matches. This morning is the last one. If I

win, I will be able to enter the top 8! The reason why I have not told you is because you

will not have time to come over. You also told me that your time is more precious, so let

me not always disturb you.”

Charlie smiled and said, “What are you doing so politely with me?”

After speaking, Charlie smiled heartily and said: “Okay, give me a time and address, I will

go over and cheer you in the morning!”

“Really?!” Aoxue said with joy when he heard this, “That’s really great Master! My game

is at ten o’clock this morning, at the Aurous Hill Gymnasium! There are several groups of

people competing in the stadium at the same time. , I’m afraid you won’t find it. If you

arrive, tell me, I will let my dad pick you up!”

Charlie smiled and said: “No problem, it’s settled, I will be there on time in the morning.”

Having said this, Charlie suddenly remembered a question, and asked Aoxue curiously:

“By the way, Aoxue, how many kilograms would you participate in the competition?”

Aoxue said hurriedly, “Master, mine is in the 52 kg class!”

Charlie heard this and said jokingly: “52 kg, then 104 kg?”


Charlie teased her deliberately and said with a smile: “I’ve never heard of a good woman

but a hundred? You have to work hard to lose weight.”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “No, Master! The kilogram class of Sanda competitions is not

divided according to the actual weight. For example, as long as the weight is less than

48 kilograms, it belongs to the 48 kilogram class. The kilograms belong to the 52

kilogram class. I am 49.5 kilograms, which is equivalent to 99. It happens to be no more

than a hundred, but it is classified into the 52 kilogram class! If you don’t believe me,

when you meet. I’ll show you the weight!”

Charlie said with a smile: “I’m just joking with you, don’t be so angry.”

Aoxue said diligently, “I am not angry, you will misunderstand that he is a little fat man!

My height of 1.7 meters, controlled within 100 kilograms, is already very powerful! My

classmates say I am a devil figure!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Well, little pepper Aoxue has a devil figure, I will find out later.”

Chapter 1310

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “I am not a little pepper…”

Charlie smiled and asked: “Then what are you?”

Aoxue: “I…I…I…I am a little beautiful woman, a little cute!”

After finishing speaking, before Charlie responded, she hung up the phone shyly.

Charlie listened to the phone and suddenly turned into a beep, couldn’t help but shook

his head and laughed secretly. This little pepper is really cute.


After Claire had eaten, she went to her studio.

Recently, the scale of her studio has been expanded a lot compared with before, and

some employees have been recruited. At the same time, several renovation projects are

underway, which can be said to be booming.

Jacob is also very busy every day in the Association of Painting and Calligraphy.

After breakfast today, he was anxious to go to the Calligraphy and Painting Association,

which made Charlie a little curious.

So he couldn’t help asking him: “Dad, why are you going so early today?”

Jacob smiled and said: “The Calligraphy and Painting Association happened to have

some activities today. The calligraphy and calligraphy hobby class of the University for

the Elderly is coming over to visit us today.”

Charlie understood it instantly when he mentioned college for the elderly. The University

for the Elderly is where Meiqing works and studies every day.

A good friend of Aunt invited her to be a visiting professor of French education at a

university for the elderly. At the same time, she herself was studying calligraphy and

Chinese painting at the same university.

It seems that Aunt is going to meet with Jacob today.

No wonder father-in-law is so happy early this morning.

However, because the mother-in-law Elaine was right in front of him, Charlie didn’t click

through either.

He himself will go to Aurous Hill Gymnasium later, so he asked his father-in-law: “Dad,

would you please drive me for a while, I just want to go to the gym to watch the game.”

“Okay!” Jacob said with a smile: “It just happened to be on the way, you can come with


Elaine said dissatisfied: “I said you, this is out of my mind. Am I?”

Jacob asked with a cold face, “What are you talking about, who is mad at you?”

Elaine said angrily: “After you have eaten, you all run out one by one, going out to play,

go out, how boring I am at home alone?”

Jacob curled his lips and deliberately said in a sarcastic tone: “Who stopped you from

going out? If you want to go out, go out, go find your old friends to play mahjong, or

ask your old sisters to make faces!”

Elaine scolded annoyedly: “Jacob, did you f*cking deliberately damage your Old Lady? I

broke a leg. How can I get out? Besides, my two front teeth have to be rectified, going

find the Old friends, how embarrassed would I be?”

Jacob opened his palms and said innocently, “Then I can’t help you. Anyway, your legs

are on your body. You can go out anytime you want to go out. If you don’t want to go

out, stay at home, but you can’t stop us from going out. Ah, we are not obligated to stay

with you at home!”

After speaking, he waved to Charlie, shook the car key in his hand, and said casually:

“Good son-in-law, let’s go!”

Chapter 1311

After Charlie and his father-in-law left the house, he drove and said with a smile: “Oh, I

have waited for so long. I finally waited until the senior college to have an exchange

with our Calligraphy and Painting Association. It was not easy!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Did you communicate with Aunt?”

“Not yet.” Jacob smiled and said, “I plan to surprise her, after all, there are days when I

haven’t seen her.”

Charlie nodded and said, “But you should be a little more careful. Don’t let mom know

that Aunt has returned to China, let alone let her know that you have contact with her,

otherwise our family will really be messed up. It’ll shake the sky.”

Charlie could understand Elaine’s character better. Elaine has several untouchable scales

in this life, one is money and the other is Meiqing.

The Old Master is going to divorce her. Although she will be angry, she has not lost her

mind. But if she knows that the Old Master and Meiqing met, and the two of them were

still fighting while she was in the detention center. Elaine will definitely be angry.

When Jacob heard Charlie’s reminder, he nodded with a serious face and said: “You are

right, I have the same idea as you, so I have never dared to have too much contact with

your Aunt.”

At this point, Jacob sighed and said: “This stinky lady is still alive and unwilling to

divorce me. It is really a headache.”

Charlie smiled and thought to himself, it would be weird if the mother-in-law Elaine was

willing to divorce his old father-in-law. After all, she now has nothing, so it is even more

unlikely that she would be willing to divorce and leave the family.

The Old Master wanted to get rid of her, I am afraid it is a foolish dream.

When the car drove to the Aurous Hill Gymnasium, Charlie said goodbye to his old man

and got out of the car alone.

At this time, the Gymnasium and the entrance were all hung up with promotional

materials about this international college student Sanda competition.

It is said that this is the most authoritative one of the global college student Sanda

competitions. So far, more than a dozen of them have been held consecutively. This is

the first time it has been held in China.

Aurous Hill is also very lucky to be elected as the host city of this competition.

Although the competition has been held for many times, and China has sent players to

participate many times, but the best result is fourth place, and they have not won a


Therefore, this time, the Chinese team is very hopeful that it can achieve the

international college Sanda competition, a zero breakthrough in medals in this sports


And Aoxue is one of the most promising players of the Chinese team to win a medal in

this competition.

When Charlie came to the entrance of the gymnasium, he found that there were already

a lot of spectators coming in and out. So he called Qin Gang and told him that he had

reached the door.

Qin Gang greeted him in a hurry. As soon as he saw him, he respectfully said: “Master,

I’m really sorry, I will let you come to see the children’s play house during his busy

schedule, which will waste your precious time.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said indifferently: “Where is this? I think this competition is of

a very high level. Aoxue’s ability to participate in the war for the country is also a

commendable thing. I should cheer for her.

Qin Gang was overjoyed. What he hopes most is that Charlie can have that kind of

thought for his daughter. In his eyes, Charlie has long been regarded as the best son-inlaw to take a dragon.

Seeing that Charlie is busy and willing to take time for his daughter to come here to

watch her game, he naturally feels that this is a manifestation of Master’s importance to

his daughter.

So he hurriedly made a gesture of invitation and said to Charlie: “Master, Aoxue is

preparing for the battle in the lounge, let’s go to the audience first!”

Chapter 1312

The Gymnasium has a huge area. It not only has a standard indoor swimming pool, but

also standard indoor track and field, badminton, table tennis and basketball competition


At this time, the entire stadium, except for the swimming pool, has been vacated for this

Sanda competition.

The whole scene is divided into many square shapes, and each square shape has an


Qin Gang pointed to these arenas and introduced to Charlie: “Master, there are a total

of 8 arenas at this scene, and these 8 arenas correspond to 8 groups. The 8 groups

finished the group preliminaries on a fixed arena. The person who finally won the ring

was the only person in this group who successfully broke through and was one of the

top eight in the entire game.”

As he said, he pointed to the 5th ring again and said, “Master, Aoxue has been in the 5th

ring all the time. Her game has 10 minutes to start. Let’s go over.”

Charlie said hello, and then went to the No. 5 ring with him.

There are a total of more than 100 audience seats around the No. 5 ring, and Qin Gang

has already arranged several seats in the first row.

As soon as Charlie arrived, he saw a familiar figure, who turned out to be Steven from

the Qin family.

Steven had been banned by the Qin family for a long time because of pretending to be

forceful with Charlie and causing a major disaster.

During this period of time, his performance was fairly good. In addition, today was the

little pepper Aoxue’s game. As Aoxue’s cousin, he had to come over and cheer for his

sister. Qin Gang made an exception to let him out.

Seeing Charlie, Steven had long lost the pretending attitude of the young master of the

Qin Family. Before Charlie was there, he hurriedly stood up, but nodded and said,

“Master, you are here, please. Sit, please sit down”

Charlie looked at him curiously, and smiled and asked, “Steven, it’s been a long time

since I saw you. don’t know where you made your fortune recently?”

Steven said with a face of shame: “Master, I have been reflecting on repentance at home

during this period of time. I feel upset and self-blame for offending you every day. I was

really blind at the beginning and I dared to oppose you. , And you are an adult,

regardless of the villain’s experience, and you have helped our Qin family solve the great

troubles. I really don’t know how to thank you!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Steven, it’s been a long time since I saw you. You seem to be

a bit more sensible.”

“Really?” Steven scratched his head and said with a smile: “Master, if you can feel my

enthusiasm, I am already very satisfied!”

Qin Gang slapped him on the head and reprimanded: “When you meet Master in

Aurous Hill, you must be obedient and respectful, and let me know that you dare to

fight Master and I will slap you in the leg and break it!”

Steven nodded repeatedly, and said hurriedly: “Second Uncle, don’t worry, Master will

be my idol in the future. I will definitely treat Master as a bright moon in my heart like

my sister!”

Charlie smiled faintly: “Okay, don’t flatter yourself, and you can make trouble for second

uncle in the future.”

Steven nodded hurriedly.

At this time, the referee said: “The last regular preliminaries of the five groups, start


Steven got excited at once, pointed to the entrance and said excitedly, “Master, my

sister is on the stage!”

Chapter 1313

As Steven’s voice fell, Charlie immediately saw Aoxue who walked in at the entrance!

Today, Aoxue wore a sports bra and a pair of sports shorts. Her excellent figure was

exposed. What Charlie didn’t expect was that Aoxue’s muscle lines were amazing, and

there was even an obvious vest line around her waist.

With this figure, she is really invincible among girls!

In addition, Aoxue’s skin is as white as snow, and there are no blemishes. With such a

beautiful figure, it is perfect to be impeccable.

In addition, Aoxue’s long hair was tied into a neat ponytail behind her head, and she

wore a pair of big red boxing gloves on her hand, her face was brazen.

Walking out side by side with Aoxue was a young woman with brown skin, even a little


Steven introduced to Charlie diligently: “Master, my sister played against a Thai player

today. It is said that she has strong Muay Thai skills and is a seed player of the team!”

Charlie laughed and said: “It’s nothing to be afraid of Muay Thai. The whole of Thailand

is only Muay Thai, which can be regarded as a handy fighting technique. Compared with

our Chinese martial arts, it is really insignificant, and your sister can definitely beat this


Steven said with a smile, “Master is so insightful! In fact, I also think that my sister will

definitely win over her!”

Qin Gang on the side glared at Steven and murmured, “You show me a good time to

watch the game, and stop talking nonsense there and affect Master’s mood when

watching the game.”

Steven shrank his neck when he was scolded, not knowing what he had done wrong,

which made his second uncle unhappy.

In fact, Qin Gang was mainly annoyed because this kid was robbing him here, and he

was going to get close to Master. As a result, this kid kept chatting here, so it made him


At this time, Aoxue, who was on the stage, also saw Charlie in the stands, and the little

chili with a bit of firmness in his original expression instantly became shy.

She gently waved her hand with boxing gloves, and exclaimed excitedly: “Master, you

are here!”

Charlie nodded and smiled at her, and said: “Be sure to cheer later, I am optimistic that

you will qualify for the team and advance to the quarterfinals!”

Aoxue smiled shyly, her heart as sweet as honey.

Nothing makes her happy and excited more than her beloved man coming to watch her


She felt that at this time, she was the happiest woman in the world.

At this point, the referee stepped forward.

Since it was a preliminary match and there were 7 other groups of players in the game

at the same time, the referee did not delay the time. He walked up and said directly:

“Both sides prepare, the game will start in 30 seconds!”

Aoxue and the Thai female athlete immediately warmed up briefly in the ring.

After 30 seconds, the referee took the two to the center of the ring. After briefly talking

about the rules of the game, they immediately announced the start of the game!

As soon as the game started, the Thai female player took the initiative to launch a quick

attack on Aoxue.

Chapter 1314

Charlie can see that this Thai female boxer is quick to punch and her body is very

flexible, and her height is almost ten centimeters shorter than Aoxue, and her body is

short overall, so her bottom plate is more stable.

Moreover, the Thai female player has a very clever style of play. She knows that her

advantage is in the bottom game and Aoxue’s advantage is in the top game, so she

frequently attacks from the bottom game.

As the opponent came up and quickly launched an attack, Aoxue could only focus on

blocking, so the whole fight was a little embarrassing.

In the first round, the opponent had significantly more effective hits than Aoxue, so after

one round, the opponent was ahead of Aoxue in points.

During a short break, Aoxue’s coach hurriedly gave her tactical guidance in her ear.

After a short break of a few minutes, the game immediately entered the second round.

At the beginning of the second round, Aoxue changed her strategy and took the

initiative to attack the opponent, but her main tactic was to break the opponent’s

bottom set, and the opponent continued to break her bottom set.

But Aoxue was obviously not as solid as the opponent in the next game, and because

her figure was relatively thin and tall, the next game itself was not stable, so it was

obviously not dominant in this kind of confrontation.

Soon after the second round, Aoxue still lags behind the opponent in points, and the

gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Steven couldn’t sit still at this moment. He whispered: “The Thai player always beats my

sister’s side. If my sister can’t break through the opponent’s advantage, then it is very

likely that the game will be lost.”

Charlie smiled: “Steven, it seems that you are quite discerning.”

Steven said embarrassedly, “It was the classmate who got the axe. Please forgive me,


Charlie nodded slightly and glanced at the Thai female player.

He found that this female player, although the bottom plate is more stable and the

speed of her legs is faster, but the faster her tactics, the less defensive her tactical

moves. Every time she takes her legs, while attacking the opponent, she also exposed

her weaknesses. Every time she tried to attack from the bottom plate, she deliberately

pressed her leg very low, trying to directly attack Aoxue’s calf and ankle. This method of

getting out of the leg was fierce, as long as she hit with all her strength. For a moment,

Aoxue will find it difficult to stand normally in this game, and it will be equivalent to

losing the game at night.

However, it was precisely because she pressed her legs very low that a fatal flaw was

revealed. It was the front of her own leg bones and knees. Although Aoxue was not

stable in her footing, she was better than her height and long legs. When the opponent

lowers her leg, the opponent hits the front of the opponent’s leg bones and the front of

the knee in one step. It is very likely that the opponent’s entire bottom plate attack will

be destroyed in one move.

So Charlie stood up and walked to the side of the ring, Aoxue’s resting place.

At this time Aoxue was sitting in a small chair for rest, and her coach said to her: “Now

you are hitting your back game. This is your disadvantage, but if you want to get it back,

you can beat her back. It’s her last game. Once you have the upper hand in the upper

game, the opponent’s advantage in the next game won’t be played out. If you play hard,

we can still get the score back in the next three games!”

Charlie couldn’t help frowning.

If you feel that the opponent’s disadvantage is on the upper plate, you have to launch

an offensive against the opponent’s upper plate first. This idea is too simple for your

opponent to think of.

It’s like a police officer catching a gunman, knowing that his biggest target is the

abdomen, so he will wear his body armor in advance.

On the surface, the disadvantage of this Thai player is the hanging game, but she hides

the murderous intention in the second game. Even if Aoxue can take advantage of the

hanging game, but it is difficult to hit the other side in the hanging game, but once the

opponent is in her After successfully hitting the calf and ankle once, Aoxue’s whole

person may fall into absolute badness, and thus will have no strength to fight back in

the subsequent matches!

So Charlie walked up to Aoxue and said to her, “Aoxue, don’t hit the opponent’s

hanging game. Instead, focus on the opponent’s bottom game. While avoiding the

opponent’s attack, look for opportunities and use your height and legs. Long advantage,

attack directly above her right calf and knee, her bottom plate is fast and strong, so you

must break her bottom plate to win the final victory!”

Chapter 1315

Hearing Charlie’s words, Aoxue looked at him with joy, and shouted excitedly: “Master!”

After speaking, she said with a little shame: “Sorry, Master, let you watch the joke!”

Charlie smiled comfortingly: “It’s okay. At first, it’s normal that you can’t find the rhythm.

If you carefully analyze the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and choose the right

strategy, you can turn against the wind and win in the end.”

Aoxue nodded excitedly, and said piously: “I see, Master, thank you for your teaching!”

At this moment, the coach next to Aoxue looked at Charlie with a dissatisfied

expression, and said, “What are you commanding here? Do you know how to Sanda?

Aoxue is now at the most critical time, if the third game cannot save the situation. , It is

likely to lose! You are still giving her a bad idea at this time, isn’t this intentional to harm


Charlie said lightly: “I just told her the truth, and it’s a fact you can’t see!”

“If she continues to play as you said, she will definitely lose miserably this time. The Thai

player is not much better than Aoxue in terms of strength, skill and speed. It’s just that

the opponent’s tactics are very smart, so Only in the first two rounds did Aoxue fight!”

“And if Aoxue is not tactically, and overtakes the opponent by one head, then this game

will be lost!”

The coach said angrily: “Where do amateurs dare to fight in front of me, I won the

national Sanda championship, so you dare to point fingers in front of me?”

Charlie smiled and said: “You said it yourself, you only won the national championship,

but now Aoxue is going to win the world championship, why do you think you can

guide a world championship at the level of a national championship?”

“You…” The coach was insulted by Charlie, his heart was very angry, but he couldn’t find

any suitable words to refute him, so he gritted his teeth and said sharply to Aoxue

instead: ” Aoxue, if you listen to him today and play according to his method, then you

will not train with me, and I will no longer be your coach! You will be on the court later,

you can figure it out!”

Aoxue was also very embarrassed at this time, she didn’t expect her coach to choke with


She has been training with this coach for more than a year, and the overall feeling is

pretty good, but in her mind, his weight is really worse than Master.

If Master didn’t advise her, she would naturally follow the tactics ordered by the coach.

But since Master gave her advice, she would undoubtedly choose the tactics Master


So, after she made the decision, she looked sorry, looked at her coach and said: “Coach

really sorry, I am going to use the tactics Master just told me.”

“You…” Coach said angrily: “I thought you were a very smart girl, but I didn’t expect you

to be so ignorant of good and bad. Since you choose to believe in this amateur player,

then the relationship between the two of us is a teacher and apprentice. That’s it.”

As he said, he stepped off the ring, walked a few meters and then turned around and

said: “Aoxue, originally I believed that you can advance to the top 8 this time, and may

even hit the medal, but now it seems that your fate in this competition will stop in the

group stage.”

Afterwards, he looked at Charlie coldly, and said disdainfully: “Boy, you ruined a good


Charlie smiled and said, “Really? Why don’t I feel at all? On the contrary, I think that

Aoxue has a chance to hit the championship this time.”

“Are you kidding?” Coach said disdainfully: “Do you know how strong the real seed

player is in this competition? The top seed Japanese player Nanako is far superior to

Aoxue. The Brazilian player Joanna, the number one seed, is also stronger than Aoxue. If

there is my guidance, Aoxue still has a chance to beat Joanna, but without me, she can’t

even win this game!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, whether it is Brazilian player Joanna or Japanese

player Nanako, they will all become Aoxue’s defeaters!”

Coach said contemptuously: “Boy, you have a big tone. With your three-legged cat’s

amateur skills, can Aoxue defeat Nanako?”

Chapter 1316

Charlie nodded: “If you don’t believe it, we can just walk around and see.”

“Okay!” Coach sneered: “Walk and see, I’ll just wait here to see how Aoxue loses this


After that, he walked directly to the audience seat next to him, found an empty seat and

sat down, with his arms folded on his chest, with a look of good play. He had already

recognized Aoxue in his heart. Not doubt she will lose.

Charlie ignored him, but watched Aoxue whispered: “Don’t be nervous later, just fight as

I said. I believe you will be able to defeat this opponent.”

Aoxue nodded heavily, and then said with a pitiful face: “Master, Coach is gone, I will not

have a coach in the future. If I win this game, there may be a few more games to play in

the future. Can you Come to be my coach?”

Charlie said without hesitation: “No problem, I will be your coach from now on.”

Aoxue cheered with excitement: “Great! I will call you Coach Wade in future matches!”

Charlie smiled and said, “You can call me whatever you want.”

At this time, the referee rang the bell for the third game.

Aoxue stood up, flexed her muscles and bones, and said to Charlie with a resolute

expression: “Coach Wade, I’m going to play!”

Charlie nodded: “Come on!”

At this time, the Thai players also walked from the other side of the ring to the center of

the ring.

At this time, the Thai player’s expression was very relaxed, even a bit contemptuous.

She had already won a lot of points from Aoxue in the first two games, as long as she

played steadily in the next three games. She will definitely be able to defeat the

opponent and advance to the quarterfinals.

What Aoxue was thinking about at this time was the tactics that Charlie told her, and she

was already knowing how to fight next.

With the start of the referee, the third game of the two sides officially kicked off.

Seeing that her tactics in the first two rounds worked very well, the Thai player was

ready to adopt a fresh-eaten routine against Aoxue.

Therefore, as soon as she came up, she went straight to Aoxue’s bottom plate and

launched a fierce attack.

Aoxue gave up the idea of attacking on the upper plate, concentrated on resisting the

opponent’s attack on the lower plate, and at the same time was looking for the

weaknesses exposed by the opponent’s attack.

Generally speaking, in Sanda combat, the more fierce the offensive is, the weaker the

strength of the defense, which is like the faster a person runs, the more unstable the

center of gravity, the easier it is to fall.

Therefore, Aoxue quickly saw the weakness exposed by the opponent in the process of quickly getting out of the leg!

The opportunity is here!

Chapter 1317

Coach had been watching from the side, seeing Aoxue always passively defending and

being beaten back by the opponent, he couldn’t help but sneer.

In his opinion, Aoxue’s tactics were simply the weakest among the weak.

Since the opponent’s next set attack is fast and the upper set is relatively inferior, it

should be the same as the opponent’s own next, and the other side’s hanging.

In this way, we can find a breakthrough point and reverse this passive situation in one

fell swoop.

This is also the traditional thinking of most coaches.

But this is also the root reason why most coaches cannot become top coaches, and even

when they themselves are players, they cannot become top players.

In Charlie’s view, whether it is a battle between the two armies or a fight between the

two, the best and most stable way is to defeat the enemy’s trump card.

Just like in a war, if the opponent’s ace division is defeated, not only will the opponent’s

strength be greatly weakened, but also the military will be in a state of confusion.

In contrast, if you just destroy the opponent’s miscellaneous army, or even the cannon

fodder army, not only is it impossible to achieve a key victory, but it may be targeted by

the opponent’s main force because of the main goal of the measure.

In Sanda, if the opponent uses the fist best, then the opponent’s fist must be abolished;

if the opponent uses the leg best, then the opponent’s leg must be abolished, otherwise

the opponent’s most powerful means of attack is left. It is the biggest hidden danger.

The Thai player Aoxue face was the best at right leg, so even if Aoxue launched an

attack on her upper plate and succeeded in the attack, it would not have much impact

on her attack power.

In this process, if Aoxue was hit by the opponent’s leg, it was very likely to fall into a

slump immediately.

That’s why Charlie asked Aoxue to do everything possible to find the weakness of the

opponent’s next game.

And at the moment when the opportunity came, Aoxue did not disappoint her trust.

Seeing Aoxue’s fierce kick facing the opponent, she suddenly flashed, and then stepped

hard, slamming on the calf bone of the leg that the opponent kicked.

This step immediately caused the Thai player to cry out in pain.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a sudden pain in her right leg, as if she was about to


This pain made her feel unsteady even standing, let alone continue to attack Aoxue.

So she immediately limped back a few steps, her face full of shock and incredible.

What she didn’t expect was that her next game was obviously stronger than the

opponent, but the opponent dared to make a fuss with her in the end.

She kept beating her back every time, thinking that she had the upper hand, and waiting

to give her a fatal blow, but she didn’t expect that the other party was the one who

looked at her and waited to give her a fatal blow!

With this foot, she was affected even when she walked. Every step she took was painful,

and the combat effectiveness of the whole person plummeted instantly.

Most of the audience in the audience was Chinese. Seeing Aoxue finally regained a city,

a burst of cheers broke out.

Charlie looked at Aoxue with approval, and it seemed that Aoxue was really talented.

She was able to seize this opportunity accurately the first time the other party exposed

her weakness.

Now the balance on the ring has been severely tilted, and the Thai player injured her

right leg. It is absolutely impossible to be Aoxue’s opponent anymore, but this kick just

now laid the foundation for Aoxue’s victory.

Coach in the audience looked very ugly.

He really didn’t expect that Aoxue could really take advantage of the opponent in the

next game!

The kick just now is very strong, and you can tell that the other party’s injury is serious.

From the coach’s perspective, it can be seen that Aoxue’s game has already been won,

and the rest is just a matter of time.

Chapter 1318

At this moment, he couldn’t help feeling regretful.

Seeing Aoxue was about to advance to the quarterfinals, she turned her face against her.

In this way, if she achieves better results in this game, then it has nothing to do with her.

At this moment, Aoxue changed, just constantly defending the retreat routine, and

proactively launched a series of attacks on the opponent.

The opponent’s right leg was injured, and she was already greatly affected. Now being

chased by Aoxue, every step back in her right leg would bring piercing pain.

And her right leg can’t keep up with her figure at all now, and it has become an oil


This makes her not only difficult to defend, difficult to dodge, but also difficult to


Most of Aoxue’s series of offenses hit the opponent.

The Thai players, who was on the offensive just now, can only hold their heads and flee

in the ring.

Aoxue kept Charlie’s teachings in mind, and was still staring at the opponent’s bottom

plate, preparing to give the opponent another fatal blow.

Soon, she found a chance in the other party’s backlash.

So she kicked out a whip leg accurately, and kicked directly on the opponent’s injured

right leg.

At this time, she kicked the opponent with a scream, her face was pale, her forehead and

cheeks were covered with cold sweat.

Aoxue didn’t use her full strength with this kick. If she used her full strength, the

opponent’s calf would have been broken.

The reason why there is still a certain amount of leeway is to give the other side a


The game is only on, she doesn’t want to completely abolish the opponent.

After all, for a Sanda athlete, the limbs are the most important body part in their eyes. If

the leg is really broken, then the career can be declared over. After all, even if the

broken leg can recover, it will definitely not reach the previous level. Competitive state,

strength will inevitably be greatly weakened.

The Thai player also realized that Aoxue had been merciful with this kick just now. So

she also felt a little grateful for Aoxue.

She has been practicing Muay Thai for many years, and she is most proud of her right


If her right leg was kicked off by Aoxue today, then she wouldn’t have to participate in

any competitions in the future. She was only in her early twenties this year, so she didn’t

want to let her career stop there.

Thinking of this, she took two steps back and gave Aoxue a fist gratefully. Then she said

to her coach in Thai, and then her coach raised the towel.

As soon as the referee saw this, he immediately jumped into the arena, blocked the two

players, and said: “The Thai player admits defeat, and the Chinese player Aoxue won this


With his announcement, Aoxue jumped up excitedly.

She subconsciously looked for Charlie’s figure, and then looked at him with an

extremely affectionate look, and the worship of him in his heart reached a new peak


Qin Gang and Steven were also excited, and stood up and applauded.

Only the Coach, seeing Aoxue win, had a gloomy expression to death.

He even began to think about how he could restore the relationship between his

teacher and Aoxue.

Because, once Aoxue achieved good results in the competition, it was a good

opportunity for her to become famous.

But just now, she gave this good opportunity to others. d*mn it!

Chapter 1319

With Aoxue’s victory, this little pepper also officially entered the quarter-finals of this

international college student Sanda competition.

This is Aoxue’s best result in an international college student Sanda competition.

When the competition was held in Canada last year, she made a special trip to compete,

but that time she failed to qualify for the group, and the final overall ranking was 30th.

So this time, Aoxue has achieved an unprecedented breakthrough.

After the referee announced the victory, she shook hands with the Thai player and the

two girls hugged each other.

Immediately, Aoxue turned around and ran to Charlie quickly. When she came to

Charlie, she happily jumped up and jumped directly onto him.

“Master, thank you so much!”

Aoxue hugged his neck and hugged him like a baby koala, happier than ever.

Aoxue’s hug caught Charlie by surprise, but he could also feel the excitement and joy in

her heart.

So Charlie was unwilling to sweep her heart, so he hugged her and turned around twice,

and said with a smile: “You just entered the quarter-finals, and you’re so happy. If you

win the championship, you will not be excited. Crazy?”

Aoxue hugged Charlie’s neck and blushed and said: “I have never expected to win the

championship. I am already very happy to be able to advance to the top 8.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I remember you didn’t say that before, but you said before that

you were sure to get a good ranking.”

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “People are afraid that you will dislike me, Master, so I

deliberately boasted. Actually, I never thought about getting a medal…”

“Okay…” Charlie nodded and smiled: “Okay, don’t hold on me, everyone is watching,

your father and your brother are watching too.”

Aoxue realized that she was still hanging on Charlie’s body.

At this time, Charlie was also a little contemplative, after all, Aoxue’s figure was really too


Moreover, her skin is as smooth as jade!

More importantly, she now only wears a sports bra and flat-angle sports shorts, so

holding herself in this way, the touch is very clear.

Aoxue’s shy smile blushed, and hurriedly jumped off him.

At this time, Qin Gang, who was not far away, was looking at his precious daughter with

a smile on his face.

He had long expected his daughter to make some substantial progress with Master.

Today, it seems that his daughter and Master have finally made some substantial

progress, which is really gratifying, and he feels more gratified than his daughter won

the game.

Charlie said to Aoxue at this time: “Don’t forget to say hello to your father and your

younger brother, let’s go over.”

Aoxue just remembered that she patronized Charlie to celebrate, but she forgot that her

father and her younger brother were in the stands.

This made her feel even more embarrassed in her heart. She thought to herself: “It was

really shameful just now. There was only Master in her eyes. It is a sin to forget her

father and younger brother!”

So, she hurriedly came to Qin Gang and Steven with Charlie, blushing and said, “Dad,

brother, is what I did just now?”

Chapter 1320

Steven gave a thumbs up and praised: “Sister, you just made the jedi blow, it was great!

Seeing that you didn’t get the upper hand in the first two games, I thought you were

going to lose!”

Qin Gang also smiled and said, “Yes, Dad just squeezed a cold sweat for you!”

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “Thanks to Master’s reminder, otherwise I might really lose…”

With that, Aoxue embraced Charlie’s arm affectionately, and said softly, “Also, Master

will be my coach in the future!”

“Ah?” Qin Gang heard that Wade will be the coach of his daughter. Although he was

very excited, he still said with a nervous expression: “How? Are you kidding me? Master

manages so many important things every day. How can he accompany you to play this

kind of kid’s game, what if it delays a master’s business? Can you bear this


Aoxue was reprimanded by her father, and she immediately curled her lips a little


At the same time, she was also worried in her heart, would she let Charlie be her coach,

would it really delay Charlie’s serious affairs?

At this time, Charlie said with a smile: “I actually have nothing to do recently. Besides,

Aoxue is not a kid’s game. After all, she’s trying to win glory for the country. I hope she

can win a championship, so she can give it to us!”

Qin Gang heard this and finally heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Aoxue,

since Master trusts you so much, then you must train hard and actively prepare for the

subsequent competitions. You must reward Master with a good ranking. Trust in you!”

“I will definitely work hard!”

Aoxue clenched her fists and said with excitement: “I will definitely go all out in the

following competitions and strive to get the best result back!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You have to zoom in. From my point of view, you have to bring

a champion back for everything you say in this competition to be justified!”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “Master, the No. 1 seed, No. 2 seed, and No. 3 seed players in this

competition are all very strong, especially the No. 1 seed selection, Japan’s Nanako. She

is the top Japanese national treasure master Yamamoto. One of Kazuki’s personal

disciples, was judged by Yamamoto Kazuki as an unborn genius, and she has won two

international college Sanda competitions. This time she is going to attack for three

consecutive championships.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Whether it is Sanben Yiki or Yamamoto Erki’s disciple, don’t

worry, with me, she must not be your opponent!”

“Really?!” Aoxue knew Charlie’s magical powers and knew that he would never say

anything unsure, so she asked excitedly: “Master, can I really win over Nanako?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Don’t worry, since I say it, you can definitely do it!”

“Great!” Aoxue cheered, excited.

At this moment, the Coach just stepped forward and said with a smile: “Oh, Aoxue, I

really congratulate you. You have advanced to the top 8 without any precedent and has

tied the best result of a Chinese college student in this game. !”

“If you can win the next game and advance to the top 4 smoothly, then you can create a

new record for our Chinese college students in this game!”

Aoxue thought to herself, even though Coach had broken with herself just now, he came

to congratulate her at the moment. Of course she could not neglect it out of courtesy.

So she humbly said: “Coach, I passed the award, I will work hard for the game.”

Coach smiled and said seriously: “In the game just now, you won very thrilling, with a lot

of luck. If you want to win the next game, you must not rely on luck, but you must rely

on systematic training and practise. Professional guidance, why not let me continue to

guide you through the subsequent competition!”

Charlie listened, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, smiled and did not speak.

When Aoxue heard this, she immediately resolutely said: “I’m sorry Coach, I now have a

new coach.”

“That’s him?” Coach looked at Charlie contemptuously, and said with contempt: “This

kind of person is not professional at all. Just now he was just a blind cat and a dead

mouse. If you still hope in him, then you will be very next. It may stop in the top 8 and it

is impossible to go further!”

Aoxue said indignantly: “Huh! Don’t talk nonsense here! In my mind, Coach Wade is the

best coach in the world! No one can be compared to him! Including you!”

Chapter 1321

In Aoxue’s eyes, Charlie’s status is almost second only to her father Qin Gang.

But this Coach didn’t know.

He also felt that Charlie was just having a moment of luck, so Aoxue, who had just

fooled around, believed in him.

So he snorted and said disdainfully: “Aoxue, don’t be fooled by this kind of hairy boy.

This kind of person can only talk on paper and has no real ability at all. If you really let

him be your coach, Then you will definitely not have a chance to win the subsequent


Aoxue said with a bit of annoyance: “I forbid you to say that about Master! Master’s

strength is what you can imagine! If it weren’t for Master remind me today, if I listen to

your tactical arrangements, then I must have lost this game now, it is impossible to

advance to the quarterfinals, and there is no chance to play the subsequent games!”

Coach did not expect that Aoxue would not even buy his account.

This made him very angry.

Moreover, Aoxue mentioned that his tactical arrangements just now were not as good

as the young man named Wade, which made him even more unhappy.

Because for someone like him, even if Aoxue used Charlie’s tactical arrangement to

defeat the Thai player just now, he didn’t think that Charlie was better than himself.

He even felt that if Aoxue used the tactics he had just arranged, she would probably win

the same, and even win more beautifully and simply.

So he said in a weird manner: “Aoxue, I kindly give you a chance, don’t you know how to


“Professional players in Aurous Hill who want to practice Sanda with me line up and beg

me to accept them as apprentices. I chose you. This is your luck. If you miss me, then

your career will have come to an end! There will never be any real progress!”

“If you want to become a true national professional athlete in the future, without my

guidance, you can only be wishfully thinking.”

Qin Gang did not expect this Coach to speak so unceremoniously. He said in an angry

cold voice: “Coach, your tone is really loud. Why do you think my daughter chooses you

as the coach is my daughter’s Luck? Let me tell you that if my daughter can get Master’s

guidance, that is the luck of hers. As for you, it’s just rubbish!”

Because Aoxue is usually very low-key in school, many people don’t know her family

background at all, and they don’t know that she is Qin Gang’s daughter.

Qin Gang has always been a person who does not show up or leaks. He is not as

popular as other rich people in Aurous Hill, so although there are quite a few people

who know him, not many people know him.

Coach has trained Aoxue for more than a year. He has never seen Qin Gang. He doesn’t

know how good Aoxue’s family is. He thinks that Aoxue is just the daughter of an

ordinary family, and she might even count on practicing Sanda to get ahead. He

thought he was holding her.

But he didn’t expect that the other party would not put him in the eyes at all, and even

said that he was rubbish.

This is really intolerable.

So, he said coldly: “It’s true that I have some connections in Aurous Hill and even the

whole country’s Sanda circle. If I want to block someone, it’s just a matter of one

sentence. Therefore, before talking to me, you must weigh your mind. clear!”

Chapter 1322

Qin Gang said coldly: “It’s just a Sanda coach. Why is your tone so big? Although I am

not among the top ones, I still have some skills. You really don’t believe it. In a word,

you can kill the daughter of Qin Gang!”

“Qin Gang?!”

The Coach exclaimed and asked nervously, “Are you Qin Gang, the Patriarch of the Qin


Qin Gang said coldly: “It’s me, why? What’s your opinion?”

“Don’t dare!” The Coach hurriedly said with a smile: “I really embarrassed myself. I didn’t

expect you to be Aoxue’s father. I have been admiring your name for a long time. Our

Sanda Hall of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics is still functioning on your

Donated money..”

Qin Gang disgusted him and said coldly: “Well, you are no longer Aoxue’s coach. I have

nothing to say to you, please go back.”

The Coach was very upset in his heart. He did not expect that he had just forcibly

pretended to be a force in front of the famous Qin Gang just now. What made him even

more unacceptable was that he had actually lost the qualification to choose Aoxue as a


This loss is really too great. If he can lead Aoxue to achieve a good result, Qin Gang will

naturally not treat himself badly.

There are rumors that Qin Gang is very generous. Take the Sanda training hall of Aurous

Hill College of Finance and Economics, he donated to build it. It is obvious that 10

million can be built into a first-class Sanda training hall in China, but Qin Gang directly

donated 27 million and built one. The international top-level Sanda training hall.

He used to think that Qin Gang must be very rich, but today he figured out that Qin

Gang’s daughter is Aoxue.

It can be seen that in order for his daughter to practice Sanda well, Qin Gang can

donate 27 million to the Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics to build a

training hall. If he can bring his daughter to get a good result, he will give it to Aurous

Hill. A few million in bonuses?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly tried to make it back, and said sincerely: “Master, to tell

you, Aoxue is indeed a very talented Sanda player, but the most important thing for her

now is to have a truly professional coach. Train her systematically and guide her tactics.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Charlie disdainfully, and said: “President, like

this young man who can only talk about soldiers on paper, it is impossible to have any

real experience and strength. If you give Aoxue to him, it is only delaying Aoxue’s future!

A talented player like Aoxue should be given to a professional coach like me to

maximize her talent!”

When Qin Gang heard that he was disrespectful to Charlie over and over again, he

yelled angrily: “Coach, I think you have taught Aoxue for more than a year. I don’t want

to be familiar with you. But if you say anything rude to Master, then Don’t blame me for

being rude to you!”

The Coach’s heart was very angry, what kind of fascination was Qin Gang poured into?

He would believe in such a young pauper. If he persists in understanding it, wouldn’t he

have no chance at all?

Thinking of this, he was anxious to prove his strength in front of Qin Gang, so he sternly

said: “Master, Sanda is a boxing skill. You can’t put it on your mouth, but put it on your

fists and feet. Some people talk about it. But when they start, they are just a paper tiger!

Don’t be blinded by anyone!”

After speaking, he glanced at Charlie coldly, and then suddenly attacked, and quickly

punched Charlie in the face!

The Coach’s thinking was very simple. He had to prove his strength in front of Qin Gang,

and prove that he was much stronger than the smelly Wade. Only in this way could he

let Aoxue train with him again.

Only in this way can he get on the big boat of the Qin family!

Chapter 1323

When The Coach punched Charlie, he was full of disdain for him.

He used full strength with this punch, and he also believed that his punch would be able

to directly defeat Charlie in front of everyone.

I have to say that the Coach does have some strength.

After all, he has won the national Sanda championship, and the average person is really

not his opponent.

His punch was quick and hard, and even Aoxue, who had also practiced Sanda for many

years, did not respond, let alone Qin Gang and Steven.

However, the speed at which The Coach is proud of, in Charlie’s eyes, is like slow

motion, without threat.

Moreover, he really didn’t have much strength in this punch in his opinion.

Even if he stood still and sturdy enough to give him a punch, he couldn’t hurt him with

that punch.

However, even if there is no threat to him, It is absolutely impossible for this kind of

d*ck to hit Charlie.

Therefore, when The Coach was about to hit his door with a punch, he suddenly raised

his fist to meet the opponent’s fist and smashed it.

Charlie’s punch was as fast as a cannonball out of the chamber, and the Coach couldn’t

react to it at all.

Just when the Coach thought he could kill Charlie with a single blow, he suddenly felt

that his right fist was hit by an iron punch, and with a thud, there was severe pain and

the sound of broken bones.

In front of Charlie’s fist, his fist was not even squeezed, and after a crit, the entire fist was

completely destroyed.

The Coach held the shattered right fist, cried out in pain, and looked at Charlie with an

incredulous expression on his face.

He couldn’t understand how this young man could have such a terrifying, even

somewhat abnormal strength.

One punch can burst out such a strong strength, which is far beyond the scope of his

own recognition.

Charlie looked at him at this time, and said in a disdainful voice: “At a level like you, and

you are far from coaching a world champion. With this kind of hard work everywhere,

it’s better to practice your business skills. To avoid being embarrassing.

Although the Coach was full of resentment towards Charlie in his heart, he did not dare

to disobey him any more and could only flee the scene in a desperate manner.

At this time, Aoxue smiled and said to Charlie: “Master, you are now my coach. When

are you going to guide me to practice?”

Charlie smiled and asked her: “When is your next game?”

Aoxue hurriedly said, “The next game is in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow.”

Charlie asked again: “Who will you play in the next game?”

Aoxue thought for a while, and said nervously: “I am a qualifying player in Group 5. I have to play against the qualifying players in Group 6 in accordance with the regulations. The No. 3 seeded player in this game is in Group 6, so It is going to be the next game with her!”

Charlie asked: “Who is the No. 3 seed player?”

Aoxue said hurriedly: “The No. 3 seeded player is Joanna from Brazil…Oh my god, I

definitely can’t beat her…”

Chapter 1324

Charlie smiled and said: “You haven’t started fighting yet, how do you know that you

can’t beat her, I think you can definitely defeat this girl.”

Aoxue said with some shame: “Master, my strength, I myself know very well, this

opponent is very strong, she is a leader among young Brazilian female Sanda players,

and her strength is indeed much stronger than mine…”

Charlie smiled slightly in her ear: “Don’t forget the magic medicine I gave you last time.

Although your current physical fitness is very good, there is still a big gap between it

and the real master. However, if you take that magic drug, your physical strength,

reaction speed, will be greatly improved, then, I believe your strength will also improve a

lot, defeat that Brazilian Joanna, absolutely not Come on!”

Aoxue remembered the magic medicine that Charlie had given her before.

At that time, she was looking for Master to ask father for medicine. Originally she only

wanted one medicine and she was satisfied, but she didn’t expect Master to give her

two medicines, so her father gave her another magic medicine.

But that magical medicine has been properly kept by her, and have never thought of

eating it.

This was mainly because she didn’t know that this magical medicine could also

strengthen the body. At that time, she only thought that this magical medicine was the

healing medicine after injury, so she kept it in a safe place for emergency.

So Aoxue looked at Charlie and asked in surprise: “Master, can that magic medicine still

improve personal strength?”

“Of course.” Charlie nodded and said: “It can improve your physical fitness in many ways.

Although your physical fitness is already very strong, to be honest, compared with the

colored people in Latin America, it is indeed still gaps, genetic gaps, and sometimes it is

difficult to break through. It seems that black people are always good at sprinting. That’s

because black people are more explosive than other people.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “However, if you take the magic medicine I gave you,

you can fundamentally improve your physical function, and even make your body

function surpass those people.”

Aoxue hurriedly asked: “Master, if I take it, can the magic drug you give pass the doping

test? The doping test for sports games is very strict. If you are found to have taken a

doping drug, you will be Disqualified or even banned permanently…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, my magic medicine relies on wonderful

prescriptions and pure medicinal power, and has nothing to do with chemically purified

stimulants. There will never be any problems.”

Aoxue said excitedly: “Then I will take that magic medicine when I go back today!”

Charlie nodded: “I will come back when you play the next afternoon.”


Aoxue was extremely excited and cheered happily.

Qin Gang on the side hurriedly said respectfully: “Master, it’s almost noon now, or else I

would like to invite you to enjoy the noodles at noon and have a home-cooked meal at


Charlie wanted to decline, but he thought that if Aoxue was going to take the medicine

in the afternoon, he could pay close attention to her and at the same time help her

guide the absorption of medicine.

Besides, Claire recently worked overtime at the company at noon, and generally did not

go home to eat. The Old Master was also busy with the elderly college where Meiqing

was studying, so he would definitely not go back at noon.

Elaine, mother-in-law, is alone at home, and there is no need to go back and cook for


So he nodded and said, “If that’s the case, then I will go over and make some noise. By

the way, I will be at your house this afternoon to help Aoxue absorb the medicine.”

Qin Gang and Aoxue’s father and daughter raised their eyebrows with joy when they

saw Charlie promised to eat at home.

Charlie has never been a guest at their home, so the two of them are looking forward to

it, and hope that they can get closer with Charlie this time.

Especially Little Pepper Aoxue, she has been obsessed with Charlie for a day or two. She

has always wanted to find a chance to develop with Charlie. Today’s opportunity is really


Chapter 1325

Seeing that Charlie was going to be a guest at home at noon, Aoxue happily went to the

lounge to change clothes. Before leaving, she said to Charlie: “Master, wait for me, I

have to take a shower, but don’t worry, it will be back soon.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Don’t worry, get busy with your affairs.”

Qin Gang on the side said: “Master, it’s quite messy here, or let’s take a rest in the

stroller, I’ll let someone drive over in an RV today.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Okay, then go to the car and wait.”

Steven said in a hurry, “Master, please!”

When Charlie left the stadium with Qin Gang and Steven, The Coach, who had just been

smashed with his right fist by Charlie, came to an athletes’ lounge with a black face.

At the entrance of this lounge, there is a Japanese flag with the words “Japanese player:

Nanako” written on it.

The Coach hesitated for a moment at the door, but still knocked on the door of the


Soon, the door was opened, and a young man, looked at him suspiciously, and asked,

“Who are you?”

The Coach hurriedly smiled and said, “Hello, hello, I want to find Miss Nanako, and her

coach, Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki.”

The young man turned his head and said to the middle-aged man and young girl in the

lounge: “Mr. Yamamoto, Miss Ito, this gentleman is here to see you two.”

Yamamoto Kazuki’s eyebrows stood cold, and he asked, “Who are you? Do we know

each other?”

The Coach smiled and said humbly: “Mr. Yamamoto, I am a Sanda Coach. In the Sanda

competition for ten years, I participated in the battle on behalf of China, but I was

defeated by you at that time. Don’t you remember?”

Yamamoto Kazuki said arrogantly: “I can’t count the people who lost to me. How can I

remember them all?”

The Coach nodded awkwardly, and said, “Well, Mr. Yamamoto, I am coachign Aoxue for

this competition, the girl representing China. Oh no, the former coach, I have resigned


Yamamoto Kazuki frowned and said, “Aoxue? Why haven’t I heard of this player? In this

competition, among the top five seeded players, there shouldn’t be this one, right?”

The Coach nodded quickly: “No, she has not been selected as a seed player before, so

you may not pay attention to her.”

Yamamoto Kazuki asked coldly: “Then what do you mean by coming to me?”

The Coach hurriedly said: “I want to reveal a message to you. This Aoxue has found a

very sinister and venomous kid as a coach. If Ms. Nanako will meet Aoxue in the

subsequent games, she must Be careful of her coach!”

Yamamoto Kazuki disdainfully said: “I don’t believe that this kind of person would be

great. I am Yamamoto Kazuki, a national treasure-level fighter. The apprentice I taught is

also a national treasure-level Sanda fighter. Nanako’s strength, not to mention college

students from all over the world, even if the current athletes from all over the world

participate in the Olympic Games, Nanako has the strength to win the championship! I

will not hide it from you. Nanako’s participation in this competition is actually just

training. The real goal is to participate in the next Olympic Games and win the gold


The Coach nodded and complimented: “I know Mr. Yamamoto, your strength is

extraordinary, and the personal disciples you trained yourself are naturally very

powerful, but the young man I am talking about does have a few brushes. Look at my

right hand! “

With that said, The Coach immediately handed over his right hand.

Yamamoto Kazuki couldn’t help looking at the wound on his right hand.

Chapter 1326

He asked, “Your injury is very new, and the blood hasn’t scabled yet. It should have

happen within half an hour?”

“Yes.” The Coach said: “Look, the kid I was talking about just used his fist to abolish my

right hand. You can’t do this, Mr. Yamamoto, right?”

As soon as this word came out, Yamamoto Kazuki immediately became serious.

He is also a practitioner, but he knows that there are upper limits for human bodies and

physical bodies, and this upper limit is very low.

Human fists are composed of the four major elements of flesh, bones, muscles and skin.

They are all flesh and blood. They can hit the opponent’s abdomen, face and other soft

parts, so that they are not injured. However, use the fist to hit the opponent’s fist. , Then

this is the standard head-on.

However, whose fist is so strong that it can smash someone else’s fist with one punch?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: “That young man smashed your fist like this, is he

seriously injured?”

The Coach said angrily: “He has nothing to do! This is the strangest place. This guy’s

body seems to be very hard, like steel. I am worried that he has any inner family skills, in

case it is passed on to Aoxue. Ms. Nanako, I am afraid it will be difficult for her to win

this competition!”

Yamamoto Kazuki finally paid attention to this issue in his heart.

He nodded, and said gloomily, “Aoxue, right? I’ve taken it down.”

After all, he looked at The Coach and asked, “Why are you helping us?”

The Coach said hurriedly: “Mr. Yamamoto, let’s tell you, that kid robbed me of my job

and abolished my right hand. I hate him deeply in my heart! And he also said that he is

confident enough to let Aoxue win. The champion of this competition also said that

Miss Nanako is not Aoxue’s opponent at all. Therefore, I sincerely hope that Miss

Nanako can defeat this Aoxue and don’t let that guy succeed!”

Yamamoto Kazuki nodded and said, “Okay, I know, I will definitely pay attention to it. If

you don’t let the other party succeed, you can go back.”

The Coach nodded and bowed and said, “Mr. Yamamoto, I will leave first.”

At this moment, the girl in the room who put on a long-sleeved trousers and sportswear

said in a very gentle voice: “Tanaka, please give this gentleman a check for 100,000,

thank him for telling us so important information.”

This girl is extremely beautiful, with a Japanese hairstyle with bangs. If you only see her,

you will only think that she is the most quiet, elegant, and most standard Japanese

beauty, but she is absolutely unexpected. A master of Sanda fighting and karate.

The young man who opened the door to The Coach immediately nodded respectfully

and said: “Yes, Miss Ito!”

After speaking, he took out the checkbook from his pocket, wrote a check for 100,000

and handed it to The Coach.

“This is a little bit of our eldest lady’s appreciation, please accept it!”

The Coach came to look for Yamamoto Kazuki and Nanako, just trying to create some

trouble for Aoxue and Charlie, and try not to let her have a chance to win the

championship. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to spoil the other side’s good deeds,

harm, and disadvantage her.

However, he didn’t expect that Nanako was so generous, and gave him one hundred

thousand in benefits!

This made him instantly flattered, accepting the check, bowing and thanking him again

and again, and then left Nanako’s lounge with satisfaction…

Chapter 1327

After The Coach left, Nanako walked up to Yamamoto Kazuki and asked, “Master

although the Coach’s strength is far worse than you, it can be regarded as a middlelevel player in the field of Sanda. The young man he was talking about was able to hurt

him to such a degree, and he didn’t hurt him at all. It seems to be very powerful


Yamamoto Kazuki asked curiously, “Nanako, how do you know that the Coach is good

at strength?”

Nanako smiled and said: “Master I have watched all your game videos and studied each

of your games in depth, so I have also seen the whole process of the game between you

and this player just now. His strength, It should be about 70% of yours.”

“That’s it!”

Yamamoto Kazuki sighed, and said with approval: “Nanako, this is why I accepted you as

a direct disciple!”

“You are too easy to learn, and you worked too hard. Given your family background, you

don’t need to work so hard for a little ranking!”

“The strength of the Ito family is enough to make you the top rich second generation

envied by countless people in Japan, but you can sink your heart and concentrate on

studying martial arts. It’s the only thing I have seen in my life!”

“I believe that in time, you will be able to surpass being a teacher and become a top

master that Japan is proud of!”

Nanako said with a humble expression: “Master you have praised me. I just wants to do

my best to practice martial arts to the extreme, not to let you down, and the Ito family’s

high hopes for me!”

Yamamoto Kazuki nodded and said, “We are all eagerly expecting that you can win glory

for the country!”

Having said that, Yamamoto Kazuki sighed and said with emotion: “I have long been

optimistic that you can become the pride of all Japan, and I believe you can too!”

Nanako nodded earnestly: “Master rest assured, Iwill go all out!”

Yamamoto Kazuki hummed and said, “Next, I’m going to see that Aoxue and her coach.”


At this time, Aoxue had changed into her daily clothes and walked out of the gym with

her training bag on her back.

And Charlie was sitting in the spacious and luxurious RV of the Qin family, tasting the

Kung Fu tea that Steven had brewed for him.

Qin Gang’s luxury car is indeed extraordinary.

From the outside, it looked like an ordinary long-distance bus, and there was no clue to


But after he walked in, he realized that there was a whole different world inside.

Except for driving, the entire carriage has been completely remodeled.

There are not only a spacious and luxurious living room, a luxurious and rich lounge and

bar, but also two extremely comfortable bedrooms and a bathroom with shower.

According to Qin Gang, he bought this car specifically for his daughter’s competition.

Aoxue often travels to various parts of the country to participate in competitions,

whether by car, train or plane, there will be a lot of stress after getting there.

Playing sports itself has very high demands on physical strength and physical condition,

so he didn’t want the schedule to affect his daughter’s performance, so he bought this

car to take her across the country.

In Qin Gang’s words, riding in this car is comfortable, stable, and safer, just like a mobile

home. Even if you drive in the car for more than ten or twenty hours, you will not feel

the slightest fatigue. This ensure that his daughter always has an excellent competitive


Chapter 1328

Steven watched Charlie drink up the tea, and hurriedly refilled him respectfully, and

asked diligently: “Master, don’t know, are you satisfied with this tea?”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “Yes, Steven, you should have learned this posture

specifically? I didn’t expect that a person of your personality would be able to bear the

temper to study tea ceremony.”

The former Steven was a rich second generation who didn’t understand.

Not only don’t understand the sh!t, but also like to be arty, buy some sh!t stuff in the

antique street all day long, and take it as a baby no matter what garbage.

Even when the whole city came to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction, he slid and

slapped it against himself.

Unexpectedly, this kid hasn’t seen him for a while, his personality has really converged a

lot, and he has become more sensible.

Steven heard Charlie praise him, and hurriedly explained with a blushing face: “Master, I

used to be young and ignorant. I offended you. Please don’t take it to your heart. My

second uncle kept letting me be here. I honestly reflect on the family and let me learn

the tea ceremony and cultivate my sentiment. Now I am not as impetuous as before…”

Charlie nodded and said, “Yes, people, one is afraid of irritability and second is afraid of

drifting. If you can calm down and reflect on yourself, it proves that it is not as hopeless

as before.”

Qin Gang smiled and said: “I told this kid a long time ago that if he doesn’t change his

character to me and twists his around, then his dad and I will lock him in the house for

ten years. I won’t let him out for eight years, so that he won’t cause trouble for the Qin

family. Fortunately, this kid is still a little conscious and can know how to return when he

gets lost.”

While he was talking, Aoxue ran and jumped into the car, saw her father and younger

brother drinking tea with Master, and said with a smile: “Master, father, younger brother,

you have been waiting for a long time, let’s hurry up!”

Qin Gang pointed to Aoxue and smiled and said to Charlie: “Look, Master, when you are

in front of this little girl, even her own father has to go back.”

Aoxue said embarrassedly: “Oh, Dad, how can it be! People respect Master, and Master

is our distinguished guest, I should first greet Master!”

Qin Gang smiled and said, “Look at you, I just state it, and there is no other opinion.

What are you nervous about.”

Aoxue muttered, “How can I be nervous! Dad, you will talk nonsense!”

Qin Gang smiled with satisfaction: “Oh, well, dad is talking nonsense, come, come, sit

down next to Master, let the driver drive, let’s go home for dinner!”

Aoxue hurriedly blushed, and sat down next to Charlie.

At this time, the driver started the RV and drove slowly away from the stadium parking


The Qin’s villa is not in the city center, but in the outskirts, next to the Aurous Hill


Aurous Hill Reservoir is a large lake on the outskirts of Aurous Hill, and it is also the

main source of water for the entire city.

The Villa is built on the edge of Aurous Hill Reservoir. It can be said that Aurous Hill

Reservoir is regarded as a super large artificial lake in its own community, so the

environment is quite good, which is by no means comparable to the villa area in the city.

The Qin family’s villa here has been bought many years ago, and Qin Gang had a vision

at the beginning. When the city hadn’t issued a document management to restrict the

renovation and reconstruction of the villa area, he bought two villas directly, and then

transferred the two villas. and merged them together.

Moreover, his two villas are close to the lake, and when you open the door every day,

there are clear water and the green environment of birds and flowers. It is really a great


The courtyard of the Qin’s villa is huge, even this kind of RV can park seven or eight cars

without any problems.

After the car stopped in the yard, Aoxue hurriedly said to Charlie: “Master, I will take you

to the small pier by the lake. I have a speedboat, just to take you for a ride in the lake!”

Chapter 1329

Charlie didn’t expect Aoxue to have a speedboat here.

Seeing her eagerly, he smiled and said, “Okay, let’s take a look with you, but how about

your driving skills? You won’t throw me into the lake, right?”

Aoxue blushed and said shyly: “How come Master, my technique is very stable, don’t

worry! Even if you really fall into the lake, I can save you.”

Steven hurriedly said, “Sister, take me, I want to go…”

Steven is not Aoxue’s own brother, the two are just cousins , so he doesn’t usually live in

this villa, but occasionally comes as a guest.

So when he heard Aoxue say that she was going to go on a boat ride, he couldn’t help

but feel a little itchy.

Aoxue glared at him, and said, “Where are you going? Why are you everywhere?”

Steven curled his lips aggrievedly and wanted to say something. Qin Gang on the side

said to him: “Steven, you come with me, I have something to tell you.”

When Steven saw that his second uncle said this, he did not dare to say anything more,

at least honestly nodded and said, “OK, second uncle.”

Here, Aoxue took Charlie’s arm affectionately, and said: “Master, let’s go and enjoy the

scene for a while, otherwise it’s time to eat after a while.”

Charlie nodded and went to the lake with her.

At this time, Qin Gang whispered to Steven, “You kid, you’ve been honest during this

period of time. Why don’t you have any vision?”

Steven asked aggrieved: “Second Uncle, what happened to me? Am I not quite honest?”

Qin Gang whispered: “Are you stupid? Can’t see that I am deliberately matching your

sister and Master? You are still rushing to make a light bulb. Isn’t this a good thing for

your sister?”

“I…” Steven hesitated for a moment, then whispered: “Second Uncle, Master is


Qin Gang snorted and asked, “If you get married, you can’t divorce? Who made it? As

long as Master divorces and then marries your sister, isn’t Master the son-in-law of our

Qin family?”

Steven was dumbfounded, before nodding helplessly after a while: “Okay…Second

Uncle, you are right…”

After speaking, he thought about it, and said with a wistful smile: “Second Uncle, you

said, if Master becomes my future brother-in-law, then I will be awesome. Who else is

there in Aurous Hill? Dare to mess with me?”

Qin Gang smiled faintly, and said, “Once Master wants to be your brother-in-law, I think

if you look at the whole country, no one would dare to provoke you!”

Steven was so excited, he clapped his hands and smiled: “Haha, that’s great!”

At this time, Aoxue brought Charlie to a small dock by the lake.

Here, there is a light steel structure small dock with an imported small speedboat

parked inside.

This kind of speedboat has only 6 seats in total, which is not big, but the stern is

equipped with 4 400-horsepower Yamaha marine engines.

Charlie was almost confused, and blurted out: “A ship of this size is equipped with a

200-horsepower boat, and it runs very fast with engines. This boat is equipped with 4

400-horsepower engines. Is this going to fly?”

Aoxue stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: “This reservoir is usually closed for

management, and there are no other boats on it, so naturally it’s fun to drive fast!”

Then, she jumped into the boat and said cheerfully: “When I was on vacation abroad, I

found that people abroad like to play super-powered speedboats. Ferrari also produced

a rivaferrari speedboat, which I drove abroad. Once, it was quite exciting, but the power

was still a little bit low, so I specially customized this speedboat, the power configuration

is twice that of the Ferrari speedboat!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Let me say this, I am a little nervous.”

Chapter 1330

Aoxue smiled and said, “Master, please trust Aoxue’s technology!”

Charlie nodded, stepped onto the speedboat and sat beside Aoxue.

At this time, Aoxue pressed the start button, and the four side-by-side v8 marine

engines rang out loudly. The low idling sound was much more powerful than the feeling

of a supercar.

Aoxue slowly drove the speedboat out of the dock, and then smiled mischievously at

Charlie, and said, “Master, sit down!”

After that, she suddenly increased the accelerator to the end!

The entire speedboat quickly burst out with great power and rushed forward.

Although Charlie had prepared, he was still shocked by the huge power of this


The lake is very wide, so you don’t have to pay attention to the road conditions like

driving a speedboat on land.

On the surface of the lake, it was okay to close your eyes and open them. The entire

surface of the lake suddenly became Aoxue’s reckless venue.

Her character is a combination of rigidity and softness. The character of the little pepper

is destined to prefer this kind of intense extreme sports.

But what Aoxue didn’t expect was that Charlie had an extremely calm expression from

start to finish, which made her feel a little disappointed.

The reason why she invited Charlie to take the boat was to see his nervousness. After all,

everyone who had been on their own boat was nervous and afraid.

She felt that even if Charlie was not afraid, at least he would show tension on his face, so

that she could have a little prank success mentality.

However, Charlie really did not change at all.

Even if she had already exerted the power of this ship to its extreme, making this ship

seem to be flying close to the surface of the water, Charlie by her side still looked


In fact, Charlie felt a little nervous in his heart.

It’s just that he felt that he definitely couldn’t express this tension in front of Aoxue,

otherwise, wouldn’t he be pinched by this little girl?

Aoxue continued to accelerate, and finally accelerated to the point when she felt a little

guilty in her own heart. She finally gave up trying and gradually slowed down the speed

of the boat, stopping the boat in the middle of the lake, and said to Charlie with her

mouth pouting. Master don’t you usually be nervous and afraid?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Sometimes I get nervous, but I never fear.”

Aoxue hurriedly asked: “Then Master, under what circumstances are you nervous? Can

you give me a few specific examples? Come on! I really want to know, what can you do?

Master, you are nervous…”

Charlie thought for a while and smiled: “Miss Song, she gave me a check for 100 million.

Do you know this?”

“I know!” Aoxue said with a smile, “Did it mean that Sister Warnia honored you that

check when you gave medicine to all of us at Orvel’s Classic Mansion?”

Charlie nodded.

Aoxue hurriedly asked, “Master, you shouldn’t put a hundred million in your eyes. Why

are you still nervous about this check?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I put this one hundred million check into my pocket and

treated it as another one check and gave it to my mother-in-law.”

Aoxue asked incomprehensibly: “Then why are you nervous? Anyway, one hundred

million is nothing to you.”

Charlie smiled indifferently, and said: “I don’t feel sorry for losing that one hundred

million check, but if it falls into the hands of my mother-in-law, I would feel distressed

and unable to sleep for a month.”

Chapter 1331

At this moment, Aurous Hill International Hotel.

After Nanako left the gymnasium, she returned to the hotel room with her assistant and

several servants who had been assigned to herself from home.

For her visit to Aurous Hill this time, Ito’s family has contracted the only two presidential

suites in Aurous Hill International Hotel a long time in advance.

Among them, Nanako lives in a suite by herself, and her coach, assistants and

subordinates live in another presidential suite.

And half a month ago, the Ito family sent someone to Aurous Hill to transform one of

the bedrooms in the presidential suite where Nanako lived, into her exclusive practice


It is said that the renovation alone cost millions. If the price of two presidential suites for

the long-term contract is included, Nanako will play in Aurous Hill this time. The money

spent on housing alone will be at least three or four million.

The main reason for such a lot of trouble and extravagance is that the Ito family is too


The Ito family is one of the top five big families in Japan. The industry covers almost all

imaginable fields. Even the Yamaguchi Group, a well-known underground organization

in Japan, has shares in the Ito family.

In addition, although Nanako is young and beautiful, and intellectual and quiet, but in

her bones is a girl who is extremely obsessed with martial arts. She has extremely strict

requirements for her training. She never interrupts her training regardless of cold or

heat throughout the year.

She had just finished the game in the morning. After she returned to the hotel, she

skipped lunch and immediately went into her practice room again.

Just as she was sweating like rain in the practice room, the phone suddenly vibrated.

The call was made by her assistant Hiroshi Tanaka.

She stopped practicing, connected to the phone, and asked, “Tanaka, what’s the


The other party respectfully said: “Miss, the chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd., Mr. Jiro is here. He wants to see you. I wonder if you have time?”

“Jiro?” Nanako said puzzledly: “I have never met him, nor any friendship, why did he

come to see me?”

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly said: “Miss, you don’t know that Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals

sponsored the finals of this competition, and also won the title at a high price. This

seems to be a bold attempt by them to enter the Chinese market, so he himself has also

arrived in Aurous Hill, knowing that you live here, so I want to come and see you.”

Nanako said: “Tell him that I’m training and I don’t have time to see him. Please ask him

to forgive me.”

Nanako has a relatively introverted personality, and she doesn’t like to socialize with

people usually. Coupled with the key to formally preparing for the semi-finals, she does

not want to be distracted by a stranger.

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly said: “Miss, Mr. Kobayashi has just inherited Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. some time ago, and their flagship product, Kobayashi Weisan, is

now actively expanding its sales worldwide…”

Nanako, who has always been good-tempered, asked angrily at this time: “Tanaka, what

are you going to say? I don’t have any friendship with Jiro, and I don’t care about

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s situation? These have nothing to do with me.”

Hiroshi Tanaka said embarrassingly: “Miss, the president has been in close

communication with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, because the president is very optimistic

about the future of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, so he is ready to communicate with Jiro

about the investment and shareholding. Kobayashi also hopes for Ito very much. The

family was able to invest in him, so he invested a lot of money to sponsor this

competition, in fact, to show his favor to you and the Ito family!”

“Oh…” Nanako knew that the president of Tanaka Hiroshi’s mouth was his father, Ito

Yuhiko, the current patriarch of the Ito family.

However, Nanako is still a little cold and said: “I don’t want to get involved too much in

the matter of my father. If my father and this Jiro cooperate, then let them meet and


Chapter 1332

Koichi Tanaka said embarrassedly: “Miss, the president still attaches great importance to

this cooperation with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. Don’t be so willful…”

Nanako Ito said lightly: “I’m sorry Tanaka, I want to continue training.”

After that, she hung up the phone directly.

Nanako, 22 years old this year, is a senior at the best Tokyo University in Japan. She is

simple, and her quiet temperament also brings a bit of inherent indifference.

She is the University of Tokyo’s four-year-old school flower, and is also the best

daughter-in-law candidate for the top big families in Japan, but she herself is just a

simple, unworldly, and dedicated martial artist.

Therefore, she doesn’t understand the relationship between men and women, nor the


Neither Jiro nor Obayashi Taro has anything to do with her.

Even if it is her father’s best friend and closest partner, as long as he has no blood

relationship with her or her elder relatives, she will not buy it.

Her current life goal is very simple. First, she must win this year’s World College Sanda

Competition, and then successfully graduate from the University of Tokyo, and then

start preparing for the next Olympic Games.

At the last Olympics, she was too young and she was tight in school, so she was not able

to participate, but the next Olympics has become the stage she desires most in her


She is eager to win the Olympic champion, and she is eager to win more than one

Olympic champion.

To get this Olympic champion title, and then defend the next Olympic championship,

this has become the biggest pursuit in her life.

Koichi Tanaka was holding the phone at this time, facing the expectant Jiro, unavoidably


Unexpectedly, the lady was so unkind, and she said it all for this reason, she still didn’t

want to see Jiro.

Koichi Tanaka could only lie to Jiro: “Mr. Kobayashi, please wait a moment, our lady is

still training, and she should see you later!”

Wearing a top-level suit and glasses, Jiro, the gentleman smiled incomparably, and said

seriously: “It doesn’t matter, if Miss Ito is busy, then please ask her to do her first and

leave me alone. , I can wait here.”

Hiroshi Tanaka nodded and said, “Mr. Kobayashi, please sit down for a while, and I will

pour a cup of tea for you.”

After speaking, he went to the kitchen, took out his mobile phone and called the head

of the Ito family, Takehiko Ito.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ito Yuhiko’s low and strong voice came: “Tanaka,

what can I do for you?”

Hiroshi Tanaka said in a hurry: “Mr. Chairman, Mr. Jiro, Chairman of Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is here. He wants to see Missy.”

Ito Yuihiko hummed, and said, “I know that Jiro has a great affection for Nanako. He

came to beg me the other day and hoped that he would marry Nanako.”

Hiroshi Tanaka asked: “So what do you mean, Lord President?”

Yuhiko Ito did not answer Koichi Tanaka’s question, but said in a strong tone: “Tanaka,

you are my confidant, so I will tell you the following things, but you must remember that

you must not disclose it to anyone. Otherwise, I will definitely send you to see


Chapter 1333

As soon as Tanaka heard this, he immediately blurted out: “President, please rest

assured, Tanaka will never reveal your words!”

Ito Yuhiko said with satisfaction: “Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals now has a stomach powder

with excellent efficacy and very good sales. It is actively expanding the global market.

Modern people will encounter some stomach upsets. The market space is also very

broad. Once this drug is launched globally, the annual profit can reach at least tens of


Hiroshi Tanaka exclaimed: “It’s just a stomach medicine, so there is such a large market


Ito Yuhiko said: “This is just my preliminary estimate. I have asked the pharmaceutical

laboratory of the University of Tokyo to analyze and compare the stomach powder of

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals and the stomach medicines of several other companies on

the market, and the conclusion is , Kobayashi Weisan is the best!”

“Therefore, it is only a matter of time for Kobayashi Weisan to stand on top of the world.

If you want to catch this golden egg hen, you must get as soon as possible. The best

way is to marry the Kobayashi family and invest in Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.”

“If Nanako and Jiro get married, then I will aquire at least 20%, or even 30% of the

shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, which will bring our family billions in profits a year!”

Hiroshi Tanaka suddenly realized: “Mr. President, I understand your intentions!”

Ito Yuihiko gave a hum, and said, “So, if you are in China and by Nanako’s side, you

must find a way to persuade her more, and to be by her side, say more good things

about Jiro. If she can agree, this summer After graduating from university, she must

immediately married Jiro, then even if you have done a great job, I will reward you with

5 millions at that time!”

Hiroshi Tanaka was overjoyed and said quickly: “Chairman, Tanaka will definitely go all

out and will never disappoint your hopes of me!”

Ito said with satisfaction: “Very well, I will call Nanako first, so that she must meet Jiro

today. After they meet, you must be in front of Nanako.”

Hiroshi Tanaka said in a hurry: “OK, Chariman!”

At this time, Nanako had just put down her phone and resumed her rigorous training.

But the phone buzzed and vibrated again. She picked up the phone and found that it

turned out to be the call from the father, so she hurriedly connected and said

respectfully: “Father, I wonder for what you are calling me at this time. What’s the


In large Japanese families, the hierarchy is very strict. Children in ordinary families call

their parents Odosan and Okasan, just like Chinese children call parents.

However, in Japan’s large hierarchical families, all children must call their parents father

and mother.

Moreover, you should not be too verbal in communicating with your parents on

weekdays. You must always use honorific titles, especially for girls. One of the most

important homework since childhood is to learn tedious aristocratic etiquette.

Although Nanako grew up holding the golden key, she has been strictly following the

various cumbersome rules of the big family from her birth to the present, and she dare

not go beyond half a point.

On the other side of the phone, Ito Yuhiko asked her: “Nanako, I heard that you won the

game today, congratulations.”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Father, today’s game is only 16-in-8. My goal is to win the

championship! Please father, wait for me to win the championship, then congratulations


Chapter 1334

“Very good!” Ito Yuihiko said approvingly: “As expected to be the daughter of the Ito

family, she is not arrogant or rash, and she still remembers her original intentions!”

Even though Nanako was holding the phone, she subconsciously bowed slightly to the

east, and said respectfully: “Thank you Father for your praise, I will continue to work


Yuihiko Ito gave a hum, and then said, “By the way, Nanako, the chairman of Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical, did Jiro beseech you in the past?”

“Yes, father.”

Ito Yuihiko said: “You, you are not too young anymore. Don’t always keep away from the

opposite s3x. I have been in contact with this young man Jiro. He is only two years older

than you, and he is young and promising. You might as well get in touch with him


Nanako hurriedly said: “My father, I don’t have any ideas about men’s and women’s

affairs now, and I will not focus on this in the next few years. Then I will participate in

next Olympic Games and the next. In the next Olympics, talking about love will only

affect my training and competition, and I hope my father can understand.”

Ito Takehiko said: “You are still too young. Many things are not the relationship between fish and bear’s paw, but the relationship between fish and water. Love and marriage will not affect your future life plan.”

Nanako said seriously: “Father, Nanako I agree with what you said. Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you want to become the world’s top master, you must spend all the time you can spend on training.

In terms of training, if I don’t train hard at this time, but instead waste precious time on

love and marriage, then I will not be able to become a martial arts master in my life.”

Ito Yuihiko said with a bit of reprimand in his voice: “Budo was originally meant to be a

hobby for you to practice. I didn’t want you to devote all your time and energy to it.”

“Knowing that you are the eldest lady of the Ito family after all, the eldest lady must look

like a eldest lady, and fight with others in the ring every day. What’s the point?”

Nanako firmly said: “Father, martial arts is the home of my lifelong pursuit! If necessary, I

am willing to give up love and marriage for martial arts!”


Ito Yuhiko suddenly furious: “You are my daughter, with the blood of the Ito family

flowing through you. How can you give up the inheritance of blood for the sake of the

martial arts? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Ito family?”

“I…” Nanako was speechless.

When she heard her father’s words, she did feel a little guilty in her heart, so she

hurriedly said: “My father, I know that I was wrong. I am not really not thinking about

marriage, but at this stage I don’t want to think about it too early. Please my father.


Ito Yuihiko said coldly: “I can’t understand, it’s impossible to understand, but I don’t

want to tell you more about life on the phone. When you come back from the game, we

father and daughter can help our knees grow and talk.”

“But now, Jiro has come to visit you. As the eldest lady of the Ito family, you represent

the face and image of the Ito family. How can you avoid it? If it spreads out, outsiders

will definitely say that the Ito family doesn’t understand etiquette!”

When Nanako heard this, she had no choice but to say, “It was my misconsideration,

and I asked my father to forgive me. I will change clothes and go to see Jiro…”

Chapter 1335

Seeing Nanako’s promise, Ito Takehiko’s voice eased a little. He asked, “Nanako, have

you had lunch?”

She replied truthfully: “Return to my father, I was training when I came back from the

gym, and I haven’t had lunch yet.”

Ito Yuihiko hummed, and said, “It’s so good. I think it’s noon now. You simply take Jiro

to have lunch with you, which can be regarded as a way of hospitality for your father.”

“Take him for lunch?”

Nanako was somewhat reluctant.

She herself is a girl with a relatively cold personality, and when her family was teaching

her feminine etiquette, she kept a sufficient distance from outside men. In addition, she

had been obsessed with martial arts for many years, so she had nothing to do with men

and the contact.

Except for her family, she grew up so old that she had never eaten privately with a

young man. Even her assistant Koichi Tanaka never had a chance to eat with her.

However, she could also hear the toughness of her father’s tone, knowing that it might

be useless to oppose him, so she said, “OK, father, Nanako understands…”

Ito Yuhiko said with satisfaction: “Nanako, the family has a very important cooperation

with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical now in progress, so you must not neglect the other

party, understand?”

Nanako hurriedly said, “I see, my father.”

After hanging up the phone, Nanako sighed helplessly. She called Hiroshi Tanaka and

said to him: “Tanaka, please help me entertain Mr. Kobayashi first. I was sweating during

my practice and I need to take a shower.”

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly agreed, then turned to Jiro and said, “Mr. Kobayashi, please

wait a moment. Our eldest lady needs a shower. She will arrive soon.”

When Jiro heard that Nanako would like to see him, he was deeply excited, but on the

surface he said calmly, “Okay Mr. Tanaka, I am waiting for Miss Ito here.”

Ten minutes later, Nanako, who took the shower, changed into a simple and plain

Japanese home clothes.

At this time, she can no longer see the traces of years of martial arts practice. She is

completely a gentle traditional Japanese woman.

Tanaka took Jiro to Nanako’s presidential suite. When Jiro saw Nanako, he was shocked!

He couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, my God! Why is this woman so beautiful? So

pure? !

Her eyes are clear and lustrous, like a work of art carefully carved from the sky, the face

like a goose egg is white and flawless, the exquisite nose is like a treasure of the world,

and the thin lips like cherry blossoms are delicate and fascinating. .

In the eyes of Jiro, she is like the crystal clear water of Tianchi on the top of a snowcapped mountain, dignified, quiet, gentle, and a little cold.

Only on this side, Jiro fell in love with this woman deeply, and secretly vowed in his

heart: “I must marry her as my wife anyway! Even if it is to let me join the Ito family, I will

not hesitate. Because besides her, There is no such perfect woman in this world!”

Jiro desperately suppressed his deep desire for Nanako, but Nanako still found a touch

of desire that could not be suppressed in his eyes.

This made her feel a little disgusted in her heart, feeling that Jiro’s eyes were like a drop

of meaty lard dripping into a cup of fine tea.

However, she was not good at expressing her disgust, so she could only say very

politely: “Mr. Kobayashi, sorry, I just made you wait a long time.”

Jiro hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, no, no, Miss Ito don’t need to be so polite.

You took the liberty to come to the door. Actually I was abrupt. Please don’t mind Miss


Chapter 1336

As he said, Jiro sighed again with a deep annoyance, and said regretfully: “I just arrived

in Aurous Hill this morning. After completing the immigration procedures, I came here

directly. I didn’t have time to go to the gym to watch Miss Ito’s game today. I heard Miss

Ito defeated her opponent in just one round, and it’s a shame that I couldn’t see her


Nanako said, “Mr. Kobayashi is too kind.”

“From now on, in every game of Miss Ito, I will definitely be there to cheer you up!”

“Actually, the next Kobayashi Pharmaceutical sponsored the finals of this competition.

By then, I will personally present the trophy to the champion of the competition. I can’t

wait. Looking forward to the day of the final, I will give the trophy to Miss Ito!”

Nanako said humbly: “Mr. Kobayashi, before the game is over, no one knows who will

win the championship. Although I have the confidence to win, I dare not say that I will

win the championship.”

Jiro quickly said, “I believe Miss Ito must be fine!”

Nanako smiled, remembering his father’s order, and said: “Mr. Kobayashi, it’s noon now.

Why don’t you stay and have lunch together.”

As soon as Jiro heard this, his whole heart was trembling with excitement, and he said

excitedly: “It is a great honor to have lunch with Miss Ito!”

Nanako said to Koichi Tanaka: “Tanaka, please follow us to the restaurant in this suite,

and serve lunch for me and Mr. Kobayashi by the way.”

In fact, although Nanako is the eldest lady of a top big family in Japan, she has always

been independent, and rarely needs a lot of people to wait for her like other rich second


Therefore, she would never allow Tanaka to serve by her side at ordinary times, but

today she really does not want to be alone with Jiro, so she is prepared to keep Tanaka

by her side, which is also a buffer.

When Hiroshi Tanaka heard the order from the eldest lady, he naturally nodded without

hesitation. Jiro thought that Nanako was used to being served during meals, so he

didn’t take it to heart. After all, even if he went out to eat in a restaurant, it was There

are waiters around to serve.

When they came to the restaurant, Nanako sat across from Jiro.

Because of the large area of the presidential suite, the restaurant is also very spacious

and luxurious. One of the rectangular western dining tables can accommodate at least

12 people for dining together.

So the two sat opposite at the western table, and the distance was guaranteed to a

certain extent, which made Nanako feel a little more at ease.

After sitting down, Jiro took the initiative to find a topic to chat with Nanako, and said:

“Miss Ito has been here for a long time, right?”

Nanako nodded and said, “It’s been twenty days since I came.”

Jiro asked again: “Then I wonder if you have had a good time in Aurous Hill? This city is

still very beautiful.”

Nanako asked faintly, “Mr. Kobayashi has been to Aurous Hill before?”

“Oh, the first time.” Jiro sighed and said, “Actually, Aurous Hill is not an interesting place

for me, it has worst memoires in fact. If it weren’t for Miss Ito, you are here to participate

in the competition. No matter how beautiful the city is, I will definitely won’t come.”

Nanako asked in surprise, “Mr. Kobayashi, what do you say that for?”

Jiro pretended to be sad and said: “There is a big rebellious elder brother, who is so

obsessed with his heart and poisoned our common father with poison…”

“Our Kobayashi family issued a killing order in order to clear the door. My brother was

killed by a bounty hunter in Aurous Hill some time ago. I don’t even know where his

body is buried now… “

Chapter 1337

Nanako didn’t expect that Jiro’s elder brother died in Aurous Hill. She said with some

embarrassment: “I’m sorry, Mr. Kobayashi, accidentally provoked your sadness.”

Jiro quickly waved his hand and said seriously: “It doesn’t matter, although this matter is

sad, but Ms. Ito is not an outsider after all, I can also relieve my sadness by listening to


Thinking of his elder brother Ichiro, Jiro didn’t feel sad at all. On the contrary, he was

very happy.

The idea of Japanese eldest son inheriting family business is deeply ingrained.

Regardless of the big family, the eldest son will eventually inherit the family business.

Even if the eldest son’s ability is not as good as the second or other sons, he will still be

the head of the family, and then let other capable younger brothers assist him.

Originally, after the death of his father, Jiro’s fate was to assist his brother, Ichiro, to

carry forward Kobayashi Pharmaceutical and the Kobayashi family.

Even if his ability is stronger than his brother, even if his credit is greater than his

brother, he must follow the Japanese rules of growing up.

If he dares to snatch the inheritance of the family from his elder brother, then it will

become a rebellious existence in the eyes of the entire Japanese society.

Unexpectedly, one of his elder brother Ichiro’s sorrow operations actually gave himself

the position of heir to the family.

More perfect, the magical medicine he sent back killed the two common fathers. Not

only did it directly solve the father of the two people at the time, but also caused him to

bear the crime of paternicide, and finally returned it. Gave himself a reason to kill him.

Speaking of it, this is simply a gift of thousands of miles, and it also gave the whole

family to himself.

The cost of killing this big brother was too high.

The b@stard surnamed Wade asked him for 10 billion as soon as he spoke.

And these 10 billion are not Japanese Yen, but RMB!

This money really hurt him for a while.

But fortunately, he does have extraordinary abilities. Some time ago, he led the

development of Kobayashi Weisan from ancient Chinese prescriptions, and now it has

become the best stomach medicine in Japan.

The global marketing of this stomach medicine is just around the corner. At that time,

let alone RMB 10 billion, even RMB 10 billion or RMB 100 billion is nothing in his eyes.

Moreover, if he can marry Nanako and become the son-in-law of the Ito family, then

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will be able to get greater assistance and achieve faster


It won’t take long for Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to surpass JNJ in the United States and

become the largest pharmaceutical group in the world!

On that day, he will be able to stand on top of the world.

Thinking of this, he looked at Nanako eagerly, and asked with a smile: “Miss Ito will soon

graduate this year, right?”

“Yes.” Nanako nodded and said, “Graduated in the summer.”

Jiro smiled and said, “Oh, the senior year is really like a flower. Many girls choose to get

married after graduating from college. I wonder if Miss Ito has any ideas in this regard?”

Nanako shook her head: “My mind is on martial arts, and I haven’t thought of falling in

love in a short time.”

Jiro was not discouraged, and asked, “Then what kind of men does Miss Ito like more?”

Nanako said: “I haven’t considered this issue because I haven’t liked any man.”

Chapter 1338

Jiro did not give up, and continued to ask: “Then think about it now, what kind of man

can meet your criteria for mate selection?”

Nanako thought about it, and then said: “First of all, he must be stronger than me!”

“Better than you? In what way? In career? In education? Or achievement?”

Nanako said very seriously: “It is the strength of martial arts! I don’t want to find a man

who can’t beat me in the future.”

Jiro coughed awkwardly, and thought to himself: “This Nanako

It doesn’t seem to be quiet, but he didn’t expect to be so competitive in his bones.

She likes martial arts and pursues martial arts. Why do you want to find a man who is

stronger than yourself when you fall in love?

That is to say, a person who has no power to bind a chicken, doesn’t it mean that he has

already lost some opportunities when he comes up?

Thinking of this, Jiro said hurriedly: “Miss Ito, is your condition not a bit harsh? There are

so many good men in the world, but they may not all practice martial arts, and many

martial arts masters are very old. Just like your coach Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki, Ms. Ito

would not want to find such a boyfriend, right?”

Nanako shook her head and said: “Of course not. The strength is stronger than me. It is

only the first requirement. I also have the second requirement. He must conform to my

aesthetics and values. In addition, his age must not be older. Over three years old, not

more than that old, and he must be upright and kind.”

Jiro asked again: “What about the assets? What are the requirements?”

Nanako said: “There are no requirements for assets.”

Jiro felt a little depressed.

My biggest advantage is my assets. I am the chairman of a family business at a young

age. This is rare in Japan. After all, the older generation of entrepreneurs who are

normally as old as my father have not retired, and their children are also Haven’t even

begun to inherit the family business.

However, he did not expect that Nanako would not care about the other party’s assets

at all.

Could it be that even a pauper, as long as he meets other conditions, she is willing to


Depressed, Jiro couldn’t help saying: “Miss Ito, President Ito should have certain

requirements for your future spouse selection? After all, you are the eldest lady of the

Ito family. At this point, you should also consider the opinion of Chairman Ito.”

Nanako shook his head: “Everything else can be considered father’s opinion, but I will

not consider the matter of choosing a spouse. This is not only about a person’s freedom,

but also about the happiness of a person’s life. Don’t point fingers.”

Jiro frowned involuntarily.

It seems that this super-rich second-generation beauty and super rich in front of her is

very difficult to chew!

Just when Jiro didn’t know how to cut in, how to pursue Nanako, Charlie had already

galloped back and forth on the lake with Aoxue.

Aoxue had enough fun, and the chef of the Qin family had prepared a sumptuous meal

and banquet, so she drove the boat back to the dock.

Later, she returned to the villa with Charlie, and Qin Gang warmly invited Charlie to sit in

the luxurious Chinese restaurant in his villa.

When Qin Gang arranged the seats, he specifically asked Aoxue to sit next to Charlie. At

the same time, he opened a bottle of top-quality Moutai that had been kept for many

years and handed it to Aoxue. Don’t let Master’s cup empty.”

Aoxue took the wine bottle and said softly: “I know Dad, don’t worry.”

Qin Gang smiled again and said, “By the way, Aoxue, the first time Master comes back to

our house for dinner, you also accompany Master for a drink.”

Chapter 1339

Aoxue smiled shyly, and said obediently: “I know Dad, then I will drink a little with


Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Aoxue, after eating, I will help you absorb the power of

the magic drug, so you are not suitable for drinking. If you really want to drink with me,

just wait for you to win the championship.”

Aoxue bit her lower lip lightly, and said unconfidently, “Master, to be honest, if I were to

fight Nanako, I wouldn’t even be 20% sure…This Nanako really is very powerful, there is

no rival among people of the same age.”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Is Nanako really so amazing?”

Aoxue said: “Nanako started martial arts when she was 5 years old, and she has been

learning from Japan’s top masters. What’s more, she practiced a variety of martial arts

since childhood, including Sanda, fighting, karate, and even Jeet Kune. A talented


“And I, I only started practicing Sanda fighting when I was ten years old. I have five years

less skill than Nanako. The gap is too big. Even if your magical medicine can improve my

physical function, I may not be able to beat her, because Sanda Fighting games are not

only about physical strength, agility and speed, but also experience and tactics.

Experience and tactics are accumulated over time and little by little. It is also the biggest

gap between me and Nanako.”

Speaking of this, Aoxue continued with a little sullenly: “It’s like your men’s favorite

football, whether it is Messi or Ronaldo, what they are really good at is their skills and

consciousness, and experience, not their bodies. How strong they are, or how strong

their stamina is. Messi is so short and there are too many football players who are

stronger than him, but there are basically no active football players with experience and

skills comparable to him. , This is the key point.”

Charlie nodded and said, “You are right. Experience and tactics do require years of

actual combat. However, don’t worry too much about this. I will definitely help you

analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents carefully. Help you develop


Aoxue nodded excitedly: “Great Master! Then I will rely on you!”

After eating, Aoxue took Charlie to her special practice room.

Aoxue’s exercise room is much larger than the living room of an average person’s home.

It has all kinds of training equipment and a standard arena.

Aoxue invited Charlie to do it in the rest area of the practice room, and then said to him

shyly: “Master you sit first, and I will change into training clothes.”

Charlie: “Okay.”

Seeing Charlie nodded, Aoxue turned and went to the next room first.

A few minutes later, she walked out wearing brave sportswear.

Said it is sportswear, it is actually a sports underwear.

Sports underwear can cover very little skin, nothing more than the key part.

So Aoxue’s pink neck, slender arms and long legs, and flat belly with two vest lines were

all fully exposed to the air.

Unlike when he saw Aoxue on the field today, Charlie saw her now in a closed and

private environment. In this environment, there was no other person besides the two of

them, so this made him feel a little bit unnatural.

Aoxue also kept answering in shame, always feeling that in private, she dressed like this

for Charlie to look at, feeling a little shy and unbearable in her heart.

However, she didn’t panic at all, because she was very confident in her figure, and deep

in her heart hoped Charlie can see more of her shining light.

Charlie tried his best to look at Aoxue’s eyes without any impurities, and said seriously:

“Aoxue, where is the medicine I gave you before?”

Aoxue immediately opened her palms and exposed a pill in a transparent plastic shell,

and said, “Master, the magic medicine is here…”

Chapter 1340

Charlie nodded and said: “Okay, you take the medicine now, and I will guide you to

absorb the medicine quickly.”

This medicine itself is a good medicine for the treatment of physical injuries. Because of

its aura, the effect of the medicine has been qualitatively sublimated.

Middle-aged and elderly people have many embarrassments in their bodies, and their

organs and bodies also have a certain degree of regression. Therefore, when taking the

medicine, the effect of the medicine will directly act on these patients for repair, and

there is no need to guide them by themselves.

However, young people’s bodies are strong, and their organs and bodies are generally

at their peak. At this time, blindly taking medicines will cause powerful medicine effects

and nowhere to absorb them.

If the human body is compared to a sponge, the body of the middle-aged and elderly

people is a sponge that has lost a lot of water and is even about to dry up.

At this time, giving them enough water will quickly replenish the water they lost and

regain their youthful state.

But if the young man’s body is not injured, it is a sponge filled with water. In this case, if

he is blindly hydrated, it is basically impossible for him to absorb it.

Even, maybe there is a strong but unabsorbable medicinal effect, which in turn damages

the body.

When Charlie gave Aoxue the medicine, his intention was to leave her as an insurance,

so that she could use this medicine to save her life when she was injured or seriously ill.

But now he want to use this medicine to help her improve, so he must help her guide

the absorption of the medicine.

Aoxue immediately took the medicine out of the box after hearing what he said, then

looked at Charlie, and asked with a cunning face, “Master, can I just take the medicine?”

Charlie nodded: “Sit down cross-legged, and then take the medicine directly.”

Aoxue obediently followed suit, sat cross-legged on the soft training mat, and then put

the pill into her mouth.

The power of this medicine is very pure, so as soon as Aoxue put it in her mouth, the pill

immediately turned into a strong warm current and entered her internal organs.

Immediately afterwards, Aoxue felt extremely hot all over her body, and every pore

seemed to be sweating desperately.

The key is that this kind of sweating is completely different from what she usually does

after exercising.

She felt her sweat, like being squeezed out of her body by a powerful force.

Moreover, the sweat that flows out is much denser than usual, and it feels sticky as if it

was just soaked in a bucket full of glue.

Charlie immediately used the spiritual energy in his body to help Aoxue guide and

absorb these medicinal powers.

The powerful medicinal power was melted into Aoxue’s body by Charlie, causing her

body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Aoxue felt a bit painful and unbearable at first, but in the later stage, she felt

indescribable and comfortable all over her body, and she felt like she was completely


The most bizarre thing is that she can still feel an unprecedented sense of comfort, like

being held tightly in her arms by Charlie, warm and comfortable, and she can’t help but

feel ripples in her heart…

Chapter 1341

When Charlie was guiding Aoxue’s medicinal power, he deliberately used some spiritual

energy to make these spiritual energy quietly moisturize Aoxue’s whole body like a

silent spring rain.

The effect of it is more powerful than the medicines previously refined by him. It can not

only greatly improve Aoxue’s physical fitness, but also her muscles, tendons, bones, and

internal organs. .

Although Aoxue has practiced martial arts for many years, she is still an ordinary person

after all. For ordinary people, aura is far more powerful than a panacea.

Aoxue’s physical strength is far from comparable.

When Charlie said to Aoxue that he was done, Aoxue let out a long sigh, then hurriedly

stood up and walked to the sandbag to make several sets of beating movements.

However, because she didn’t know how much Charlie had improved her physical fitness,

she still used all her strength when hitting the sandbag.

However, after this punch went out, the sandbag banged and exploded directly!

What Aoxue uses is a top-notch boxing sandbag. This kind of sandbag is made of whole

buffalo leather. It is smooth and tough. It will not be deformed even if it is used for a

long time, and it will not be damaged due to the strong hitting force.

However, Aoxue at this time is no longer the same.

Compared with ordinary people, her physical fitness has already made a qualitative leap.

The strength of a punch is at least several times better than before!

Seeing that the sandbag was punched with a big hole by herself, and the fine sand

inside spurted out and spilled all over the ground, Aoxue was surprised and speechless!

After a while, she recovered, turned her head to look at Charlie, and exclaimed:

“Master…I…how can I have so much power with this punch?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Of course it is because of taking the magic medicine. It can not

only save the dead and heal the wound, but also strengthen the body and

fundamentally increase the strength of your body.”

Aoxue said in surprise: “Gosh! I feel that this medicine is even more effective than my

five years of hard training! This medicine is too amazing!”

Charlie nodded: “Your physical strength now far exceeds that of your opponents at the

same level, so I believe that in the next games, you will surely be able to win the

championship all the way.”

Aoxue ran to Charlie excitedly, holding his arm, and said with red eyes: “Master, thank

you so much… Aoxue never expected to have such strength… …”

As she said, she suddenly raised her toes and k!ssed Charlie’s face.

With Charlie’s reaction speed, he could have easily avoided this k!ss, but for some

reason, his legs just seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn’t move at all.

Or maybe it’s deep in his heart that he doesn’t want to move at all.

Aoxue’s face was blushing at this time. She did not dare to look at Charlie, but said in a

low voice, “Master, don’t get me wrong, I am… I just want… Thank you……”

Aoxue’s voice became smaller and smaller, and it was already inaudible to the back.

Charlie touched the spot where Aoxue had k!ssed his face, and said: “If you continue to

train hard, I think you might even play for the country or even win glory for the country

in the next Olympics.”

“Really?” Aoxue was overjoyed and asked him, “Master, do you think my strength is

really possible to participate in the Olympics?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Your current physical fitness is already at the top of your peers.

As long as your skills, awareness, and tactics can be improved, there is absolutely no

problem in competing in the Olympics.”

Aoxue nodded and said earnestly: “If I can beat Nanako this time, then I will be sure to

hit the Olympics!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I believe you can!”

Chapter 1342

Aoxue hurriedly said, “Master, you must come for my game the day after tomorrow!”

“Don’t worry, I will be there!”


At this moment, Eastcliff CBD.

The country’s largest entertainment company, PerfectMotion Entertainment Group.

Sara, the top female artist under PerfectMotion, is in the studio, shooting a cover for a

fashion magazine.

This time, it was her fourth time to be on the cover of a fashion magazine. For her, it was

already commonplace.

Sara in the studio, wearing a black and white contrast dress tailored specifically for her

by Chanel, looks a little lonely and arrogant in her glamour, and she looks like a strong

woman who can be seen from afar but not playful.

After the photographer took a number of blockbusters, Sara finally completed the task,

and the assistant next to her immediately stepped forward and handed over a cup of

warm water and a packet of Kobayashi’s Weisan.

Sara frowned slightly and seemed to be a little bit painful. After taking the stomach

powder with warm water immediately, it relieved a little bit.

At this time, PerfectMotion’s boss Leland Hunt came over with a smile on his face, and

said in admiration: “Miss Sara, your look is really amazing today! It’s really an alluring

look! If this issue of the magazine goes on sale, It will definitely be snatched by fans

again, and will even follow the previous issue, and the price will be more than ten times


Sara said lightly: “Mr. Hunt, don’t let me be on the cover of a magazine in a short time. I

don’t like this feeling very much.”

When Leland heard this, he hurriedly said flatly: “Oh, my Miss Sara, the magazine has

been eagerly inviting you to be the cover character. This is not my decision!”

Sara said, “Can you decline it? Every time I get on the cover, you have to join the

magazine publisher to increase the price of the magazine. A magazine for 20 will have

to be fired up to 200 or more by you. For fans it’s a big injury, I don’t want my fans to

spend so much wronged money.”

“What’s this?” Leland said with a smile, “Fans are willing to spend high prices because

they like you. There was a period drama some time ago, and two male protagonists

were on fire. Their magazine was sold for 20 each. For 300, more than 300,000 copies

have been sold across the country, and the company behind it has made tens of


Sara said in a disgusting tone: “Mr. Hunt, I just said that I don’t want to hurt my fans so

much. Therefore, after this time, I will not be on the cover of any magazines in the next


Leland’s expression was a little depressed, but he did not dare to say one more word.

Don’t think he is the owner of PerfectMotion Entertainment, but in front of Sara, he can

only nod and bow.

The total assets of PerfectMotion Entertainment are only 20 billion. There are many

shareholders behind this. Leland owns only 30% of the shares.

However, Sara’s family is the entire Eastcliff family, second only to the Su family and the

Wade family.

With the strength of Gu’s family, she can also buy PerfectMotion Entertainment with any


Sara’s reason for entering the entertainment industry is not to make money, but entirely

out of personal preference.

She likes filming and singing, and she is also Gu’s eldest lady, so naturally she has the

full support of her family.

However, since joining the entertainment circle, she must operate according to the

mode of the entertainment circle. Sara also needs an economic company to help her

coordinate various tasks and various publicity.

Therefore, she joined Leland’s PerfectMotion Entertainment.

As for why she chose to join PerfectMotion Entertainment, it is actually because Leland

was the classmate and attendant of Sara’s father when Sara was studying overseas.

Leland can have today’s achievements. The greatest noble person in life is Sara’s father.

Therefore, Sara has a transcendent position in PerfectMotion Entertainment, and she is

the only one among the countless artists of PerfectMotion Entertainment who can make

the boss Leland bend his knees.

Chapter 1343

After finishing the filming work, Sara said to Leland: “Mr. Hunt, I’ll go back if you’re okay.

I’m not feeling well today.”

Leland hurriedly asked with concern: “Miss Sara, haven’t the stomach discomfort been


Sara shook her head and said, “I was filming in the United States some time ago, and I

was a bit uncomfortable with food and water and soil. In addition, I have been shooting

for a long time, so I hurt my spleen and stomach. Don’t arrange a job for me next


Leland, how dare to disobey, and hurriedly said: “Miss Sara, don’t worry, this month you

will take a rest at home. I will definitely go to your house and apologize to your dad

another day. During the time you go to the United States to film, I should give you two

A-class chefs, take good care of your diet and daily life, it’s all because of my


Sara waved her hand slightly: “This has nothing to do with you, and you don’t have to

take it too seriously, I will go back first.”

Leland asked earnestly: “Miss Sara, do you want me to send you a car?”

Sara shook her head: “No, my Sara car is downstairs in the company.”

At this time, Sara’s agent, a beauty with a temperament similar to her age, stepped in.

Seeing that Sara was about to leave, she asked, “Sara, is the filming finished?”

Sara nodded: “It’s all over. I won’t work in the next month. If I have a job, you will hang

up for me first, and then I will talk about it when I recover.”

As soon as the agent heard this, she immediately said: “That’s OK, then I will put all the

work to the next month.”

As she said, she shook a document in her hand and said: “There is a company in the

pharmaceutical industry in Aurous Hill. They want to ask you to endorse their stomach

medicine. I wanted you to take a look at their information. If that’s the case, wait a

month before talking.”

Sara gave a hum, and was about to go outside, and suddenly asked a little curiously:

“You said endorsing a stomach medicine?”

“Yes.” The economic man said with a smile: “Their medicine is called JX Weisan. The

name is mysterious. It doesn’t feel very reliable. I just rejected it.”

Sara nodded, but then subconsciously said, “By the way, let me see the information on

their stomach medicine.”

During this time, Sara herself has been suffering from stomach problems.

Her gastric disease is not actually a pathological lesion or injury, but a disorder of the

spleen and stomach caused by long-term inadequacy of water and poor diet.

She went to the hospital several times and took some western medicine, but basically it

didn’t work.

The only effective one is Kobayashi Weisan.

However, although Kobayashi Weisan is effective, it also has its embarrassment.

That is, this medicine treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

When the stomach discomfort is strong, take a packet of Kobayashi Weisan, the

stomach discomfort can be relieved immediately, but this link is time-effective.

When can it last for five or six hours, but in bad times it may only last for one or two


Sara has been taking Kobayashi Weisan for a whole week. She has been using more and

more dosages for a long time. However, once the effect of the medicine has passed, she

still has a strong sense of discomfort. In other words, in essence, her spleen and

stomach disorders have not received any treatment.

Therefore, she is planning to find a top traditional medicine doctor in Eastcliff to help

her take a look. In the next month, she will take a few pieces of traditional medicine

home and treat it well.

But seeing such a coincidence, there is a pharmaceutical company that wants her to

endorse their stomach medicine, which makes her suddenly interested.

So she asked for the information of JX weisan from her agent, and probably looked at

the introduction about this Weisan.

According to the introduction, JX Weisan is an ancient prescription for nourishing the

stomach extracted from the ancient Chinese medical classics, and then supplemented by

modern pharmaceutical technology, the second development of innovative traditional

medicines, which can treat stomach discomfort and various stomach diseases. Disorders

of the spleen and stomach have good relieving and healing effects.

Chapter 1344

This made Sara very curious.

She knew that Kobayashi Weisan, which had good results, good sales, and good

reputation, was actually developed based on ancient Chinese prescriptions. To put it

bluntly, it was plagiarizing the medical results of Chinese tradition.

However, she has to admit that Kobayashi Weisan is indeed much more effective than

the same type of proprietary traditional medicines produced by many domestic

pharmaceutical companies.

Therefore, she also didn’t know that this JX Weisan had the strength of Tailain Weisan.

However, she likes the name of JX Weisan very much.

The meaning of JX is short form from nine heavens above. This is a term evolved from

ancient Chinese myths and stories.

In ancient China, the number nine is the largest number, so it has the meaning of

reaching its peak.

These nine days represent the highest existence.

So Sara asked her agent: “Did they give samples?”

“Yes.” The agent hurriedly took out a small packet of JX Weisan from the envelope of a

delivery document and handed it over.

Sara was stunned, and blurted out: “What the h*ll? Just gave such a small bag?”

“Yes…” the agent said awkwardly: “There is also a small note in the envelope.”

“What’s in the note?”

The agent said: “It says on the note: Spleen and stomach discomfort, one pack is

enough; good or bad, just try it…”

Sara was dumbfounded at hearing, and blurted out: “This group of people…should just

tell me, what a packet is enough, I don’t believe it, this Kobayashi Weisan, I have eaten

more than a dozen packets a day these days. Is this package all right?”

The agent said embarrassingly: “Who knows what they are doing, it might be a


Sara said angrily: “I still don’t believe in this evil, I have to try it, how amazing this

medicine is!”

With that, she was about to tear open this little package.

“Don’t Sara!” The agent hurriedly stopped her and said: “We don’t know anything about

this now. In case this is a product with no products, if you eat it, you will suffer some

damage or heavy metal dosage. What to do if you are poisoned by overdose?”

Sara asked her: “Is there any approval for this medicine?”

“Let me take a look.” The agent looked through the mailed information, nodded and

said: “It says that there is an approval document, but the approval document is just

coming down.”

Sara said: “Don’t care how long it has been in use. As long as there is an approval, it will

definitely be a regular product. Even if it has no effect, it will definitely not be a poison. I

will try it.”

The agent said: “Don’t try Sara. Kobayashi Weisan can’t regulate your spleen and

stomach. The effects produced by a small pharmaceutical company in Aurous Hill will

definitely be worse.”

Sara said with a serious face: “A lot, I have to criticize you. How can you be so fond of

foreigners? Why do you think that the domestic pharmaceutical companies produce

Weisan worse than others?”

Her agent August murmured: “I am not a fan of foreigners, something will come out of

your stomach after eating.”

Sara smiled and said, “Then I will try now. If there is any problem, you can call 120 for


Chapter 1345

Sara opened the package of JX Weisan, which contained only 1.3 grams of powder. The

moment the package was torn open, she smelled a very strong scent of medicine.

Although similar medicines such as Kobayashi Weisan and Otian Weisan also have a

relatively strong medicinal fragrance, Sara felt that the other two flavors were far less

pleasant than those of JX Weisan.

August on the side also smelled the smell, and said nervously, “Sara, this medicine

smells so good, won’t you add any flavor?”

Sara gave her a white look: “Don’t talk nonsense, this is obviously an authentic herbal

scent, which proves that this is all the best medicinal materials.”

With that, she raised her head and poured the powder in the bag into her mouth.

In an instant, a refreshing scent quickly dissipated in her mouth.

Sara hurriedly took a sip of warm water and took the powder into her abdomen.

In the next moment, she felt her stomach become warm, just as it was three or nine days

in winter. After walking outside for a long time, she came home and soaked her cold

feet in warm water. It felt very comfortable.

She couldn’t help but exclaimed: “The effect of this medicine is amazing! My stomach

feels a lot more comfortable!”

“Really?” August asked in surprise, “Is it so magical? Is it really better than Kobayashi


Sara said decisively: “Of course it is! This one is much more comfortable than

Kobayashi’s stomach powder! God! The warm current in my stomach is still there, and it

seems to be flowing in my stomach. This feels great… In the past month, my stomach

has never been so relaxed! It’s almost like returning to normal!”

“I have taken so much medicine, every time I take it, it can only relieve the pain to a

certain extent, but it has never been so complete. The effect of this medicine is really


As Sara’s agent, August stays with her every day. Naturally, she knows that Sara has

suffered from spleen and stomach disorders in the recent months.

She also know how much Sara has tried and worked hard to cure the stomach


Unexpectedly, what really gave Sara a lot of relief was a new domestic drug that was


Sara couldn’t help saying: “I have to observe carefully to see how long this medicine


August said: “Then what do you plan to do now? Go home or?”

“Go home.” Sara said, “I have been taking pictures for several hours. I am really tired. I

want to go home and rest first.”

August nodded, “That’s all right, I will let the driver drive to the elevator right now!”

Sara asked her to pack her things. Go downstairs and take the car back to villa.

Along the way, she had been worried that her stomach discomfort would reappear, but

she did not expect that her stomach seemed to be back to normal, and she never

repeated it.

She got home and rested for an afternoon.

The disorder of the spleen and stomach didn’t make trouble for her.

This made Sara very happy, and the whole person was finally relieved.

Until the night before going to bed, Sara’s spleen and stomach irregularities did not


Chapter 1346

During this period of time, she has been very painful every night, because at night, the

feeling of stomach discomfort will come, more intense and more frequent.

So it’s impossible to get a good night’s sleep at night. Generally speaking, she will wake

up with pain in one or two hours, and then take a pack of Kobayashi Weisan and then

sleep. After sleeping for one or two hours, she will wake up again, and so on.

After such a night, it is almost no different from just after a battle, which consumes a lot

of physical strength and energy.

However, this night, she finally realized the happiness of waking up naturally after


From going to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening to 8:30 in the morning the next morning,

Sara didn’t feel any discomfort.

At half past eight, after she woke up, she got up from the bed, only then did she feel a little discomfort in her stomach again.

She couldn’t help but marvel, but she didn’t expect that a small packet of JX Weisan could have such a good effect. The effect lasted for almost twenty hours!

You know, the same small packet of Kobayashi Weisan can only last about two hours.

Moreover, the two-hour medicinal effect of Kobayashi’s Weisan can only be relieved to a

certain extent, not completely, but the 20-hour medicinal effect of JX Weisan is

completely relieved!

In this comparison, Kobayashi’s Weisan is too far behind JX’s Weisan!

Sara was shocked, but also looking forward to it. She could seize the time to get a bit of

JX Weisan, and take advantage of her stomach not feeling uncomfortable, so she rushed

to take it first!

However, she only remembered at this time that JX Pharmaceutical only sent a packet of

samples to August!

Sara couldn’t help but mutter to herself: “What kind of stingy company is this JX


“They wanted to find me for the endorsement of their medicines, but only gave a small

package of samples? Excessive!”

“Give me a box anyway!”

“It’s really annoying!”

After speaking, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called August: “August,

that JX Weisan, is it on the market now? Where can I buy it???”

August said: “The information they gave me said that they have now obtained the

approval to start mass production, but they did not go on sale immediately, saying that

they will not promote the listing until the endorsement is finalized.”

“Oh, it’s so annoying!” Sara said: “You call them and say that I am willing to endorse this

medicine, but the premise is that they must immediately find a way to send me some


August exclaimed: “Sara, are you really going to endorse this medicine? To be honest,

this medicine does not fit your image positioning!”

Sara asked: “Why doesn’t it meet? Can’t I endorse stomach medicine?”

August hurriedly said: “You can endorse, but not endorsement… Listen to the name, JX

Weisan, it needs more ground, and someone like you, a big star who goes

internationally. Being together, it’s completely soiled and sc*m, it doesn’t match your


Sara said angrily: “Don’t understand nonsense! This name is so downgrading! Didn’t I

tell you? JX means nine days, do you know that it is written in the poem of a great man,

but it can go to nine days? To capture the moon, you can go to the five oceans to catch

turtles. The name JX can be said to have the essence of our culture!”

“Also! The effect of this medicine is so good. It is the best stomach medicine I have

personally experienced. It is such a good thing. Of course, I am willing to endorse and

recommend such good things to the people of the whole country and the world. Little

contribution from me!”

August said: “Okay, okay…I will contact this pharmaceutical company and ask them to

prepare more samples, and then I will talk to them about the endorsement contract.”

Chapter 1347

When August called Liang, he was supervising the production of JX Weisan at JX


Now, the entire production experience of JX Pharmaceutical is concentrated on one

medicine of JX Weisan.

Because the efficacy of the drug is so good, Liang is convinced that after the drug is

marketed, it will quickly spread all over the country, and even the world.

Therefore, in accordance with Charlie’s requirements, he started production at full

capacity to prepare for the official listing.

After receiving August’s call, Liang smiled and asked, “Ms. August, don’t know how Ms.

Sara is thinking about endorsement?”

August said: “That’s the case, Mr. Liang, we, Sara, have never endorsed any medicine

before. The reason why we agreed to endorse your stomach powder is really because

she took this medicine personally. I feel that the effect of this medicine is very good.

Okay, so, our Miss Sara decided to endorse your products. The call is to tell you the

details of the specific cooperation.”

Liang was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Ms. August, please say.”

August said: “Ms. Sara’s endorsement fee is 80 million, and the endorsement is valid for

three years. During these three years, she can shoot two commercials for your company,

a print commercial and one TV commercial every year, and at the same time, she can

attended an event for the company.”

Liang exclaimed, “80 million? Is this not a bit too expensive…”

August said: “Expensive? This price is already on the market last year. Some time ago, an

automobile company gave Sara 130 million in endorsement fees, but Sara did not

accept it.”

Liang was secretly speechless, but he also knew that Sara was an international star and

had a great reputation. She was definitely a leader in China, so the price was more

expensive and it should be normal.

Although 80 million is a lot, it is really nothing to the current JX Pharmaceutical.

So he opened his mouth and said: “80 million is not a problem, but we hope that Miss

Sara can come to Aurous Hill to sign a contract with us as soon as possible. In addition,

our advertising shooting is best done in Aurous Hill.”

“It’s no problem.” August said, “But I have an unrelenting request. I wonder if I can

trouble Mr. Liang and let you send us the sample by the fastest express delivery?”

Liang hurriedly said: “I’m sorry Ms. August, our stomach powder has not been officially

listed yet, so according to the regulations, we cannot leak the goods in advance. The

small package that was mailed to you before is an exception.”

August said in dissatisfaction: “Mr. Liang, we are going to cooperate in depth soon. Why

are you still so rigid? Miss Sara was filming in the United States some time ago. There

was a spleen and stomach disorder. Recently, there has been no improvement. After the

stomach was loosened, it really changed a lot, so she entrusted me to negotiate with

you some more medicines to help her recover as soon as possible…”

Liang said helplessly: “I’m so sorry, Ms. August, this matter was stipulated by our boss.

At the beginning, we encountered other pharmaceutical companies trying to snatch our

prescriptions. So we were also very cautious about this, and also it is not impossible to

disobey our boss, otherwise I won’t have to do it as the general manager.”

“Since Ms. Sara has promised to endorse our JX Weisan, and she really needs this

medicine, we can ask her to come to Aurous Hill as soon as possible, so that we can

provide her with enough while we cooperate.”

“By the way, please tell Miss Sara, our stomach powder is very effective. If Miss Sara only

has an imbalance in the stomach, I believe it will be completely cured after three days of

taking the medicine.”


When Liang sent the intention of cooperation to Sara’s agent, he didn’t know the true

details of Sara.

Like all ordinary people on the market, he thought that Sara was a popular star, but he

didn’t know that Sara was from a famous family.

Chapter 1348

There is a very interesting phenomenon in the entertainment industry. The more the

people with strong background, the more they like to pack themselves into a very

ordinary grassroots background, and those with no background, on the contrary, like to

pack themselves in various ways and render themselves as big players. He came from a

family, as if it could make people look up high.

In fact, Sara is the one with the strongest background in the entire domestic

entertainment industry.

Therefore, Sara is also very self-disciplined in the industry, never spreading any scandals,

let alone doing anything that would damage her reputation.

Other celebrities usually take over jobs and endorsements everywhere, and no matter

what they are asked to endorse, they can sign immediately as long as they give money.

However, Sara is a stranger, she rarely accepts advertising endorsements.

The reason why she rarely picks up is that she is not short of money on the one hand,

and on the other hand, because celebrity endorsement products often have rollover

accidents, she is very cautious about this.

The products she endorsed are very few, and most of them are virtual products of large

companies. For example, some time ago, she signed a spokesperson for YouTube and a

promotion ambassador for WeChat. However, some companies that produce and sell

physical products pay a lot of money. She is offerred an endorsement, she generally will

not accept it.

The reason for not accepting it is because she doesn’t want fans to blindly buy the

products they endorse because they like her. Otherwise, if there is something wrong

with the product, it is their own responsibility.

Once, a famous cross talk actor endorsed a weight-loss product, which was later defined

as counterfeit;

There is also a famous martial arts actor who endorsed a shampoo for preventing hair

loss. As a result, the media broke the news that this shampoo contains carcinogens.

Such things are emerging in the entertainment industry endlessly, so Sara is also very

cautious, and she does not lack money, so she is not very interested in endorsements.

But this time, JX Weisan gave her a very different feeling.

First of all, it is really effective! The effect is much stronger than any stomach medicine

she has ever taken. Compared with it, the online celebrity product Kobayashi Weisan is

nothing short of it. The difference is more than 10 times.

Secondly, JX Weisan is an ancient Chinese prescription excavated from China, which is

very respected by Sara.

In recent years, most people are deliberately discrediting traditional medicine, and there

are also many people who bluff and deceive under the banner of traditional medicine,

who are truly willing to respect traditional medicine and promote traditional medicine.

In addition, Sara herself is also a very patriotic female star. She knows that many

Japanese and Korean pharmaceutical companies are madly digging out ancient Chinese

prescriptions. She is also quite indignant about this, and she has a hatred of domestic

pharmaceutical companies. The feeling of steal.

But now, she appreciates JX Pharmaceutical, the parent company of JX Weisan, and even

regards this company as a hope for the development of traditional medicine.

For these reasons, she had the decision to endorse JX Weisan in her heart.

In addition, there is a very key reason, because she urgently needs more JX Weisan now.

In her eyes, the only medicine that can cure her spleen and stomach irregularities now is

JX Weisan!

Therefore, after hearing August’s feedback, she immediately made a decision and went

to Aurous Hill early next morning!

Chapter 1349

When Sara set off to Aurous Hill, Charlie happened to ride a battery car to the gym.

Today is Aoxue’s quarter-final battle.

She will face Brazil’s Joanna, the third seed of this competition.

The two will determine a player who can stand up to the top 4 in today’s game.

If Aoxue is able to break through all the way, then after she wins today’s game, she will

have to play another 4-in-2.

If 4 wins and 2 wins, then she can go to the finals.

With full play, there are only three games left from the championship.

Therefore, Charlie decided not to miss Aoxue’s every game in the future, and must see

her win the championship with his own eyes.

On the way Charlie took a taxi to the gymnasium, Liang called him and said, “Master, I

just received a call. The popular actress Sara and her agent are ready to take off to

Aurous Hill. The plane will land in Aurous Hill in an hour and 40 minutes. I have arranged

a convoy to pick up the plane from the airport. First, I invite them to visit JX

Pharmaceutical. Do you want to come?”

Charlie said: “I won’t come there anymore. Now I’m going to watch Aoxue’s game.

Entertain them yourself.”

Liang asked again: “I plan to arrange for them to eat in Shangri-La at night, and then

arrange them to stay in Shangri-La Hotel. Do you think there is a problem? If there is no

problem, I will call Mr. Issac.”

Charlie said: “I have no problem, let Issac arrange this matter.”

“Then Master, are you coming back tonight?”

Charlie suddenly thought of his wife Claire, so he said: “By the way, my wife is a big fan

of Sara, I will take her with me tonight, but you should not reveal my identity to Sara. I

met at the dinner table. Just say that I am one of your medical consultants, so that my

wife will not be suspicious.”

“Okay Master, I see!”

After Charlie hung up the phone, he called his wife Claire again.

Claire was busy working in the company at this time. When she received a call from

Charlie, she smiled and asked, “Husband, what can I do if you call me during working


Charlie rarely hears Claire calling her husband, but since the day they k!ssed, her

relationship has indeed improved a lot, and she has become more intimate with him.

Therefore, Charlie’s mood is particularly special when he hears this husband word.

He smiled and said to Claire: “Wife, don’t you have any plans tonight?”

“no, what happened?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. A friend who runs a pharmaceutical factory just happened to treat me

to dinner in the evening and said that I wanted to take you with me.”

“A friend who runs a pharmaceutical factory? Why would he invite you to dinner?”

Charlie smiled and said: “He asked me to be a consultant, you forgot, I can order

traditional medicine somehow, dad was injured before, and the head has blood stasis, I

treated him with medicine.”

Claire remembered this, and said with a smile: “If you don’t tell me, I’m really forgetting

it. Is it appropriate for you two to eat together?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s appropriate, of course it’s appropriate! I’ll tell you that he

has also invited other distinguished guests, and he can introduce you to them at that


Claire said: “Okay, I have nothing to do tonight anyway, I will let you arrange.”

“Okay, I’ll call you again in the afternoon.”

Claire said: “Okay, then I’ll hang up first, there is still work to be done.”

Charlie hurriedly said: “Good wife, just k!ss and hang up!”

“Don’t…” Claire said embarrassedly: “You are becoming more and more adept now.”

Charlie smiled hippiely and said: “Hey, my wife, we both k!ssed each other. What are you

afraid of when you k!ss on the phone? Come on. Husband first k!ss you!”

Chapter 1350

As he said, a k!ssing sound came from his mouth.

Claire was ashamed and unbearable on the phone, and said in a shameful voice, “You really convinced me. You can be a hooligan on the phone!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You are my wife, how can I be called a hooligan?”

As he said, he lied: “Good wife, just give me a k!ss, okay? I beg you!”

In the upper-class society of Aurous Hill, almost everyone knows that Master is a real

dragon on earth. When ordinary people see him, they are all servile. How can they ever

see him begging for others?

That is, his wife Claire could make him beg for nothing.

Although Claire was ashamed, she felt a little sweet in her heart, so she said softly:

“Okay, I’m afraid of you, just a moment, don’t get any more inches!”

“Okay, just k!ss, and I will hang up.”

Only then did Claire let out a k!ssing sound shyly.

With this k!ss, Charlie’s bones were almost crisp.

So he said with a sullen face: “Good wife, the voice was too small just now, I didn’t hear

clearly, let’s have another one!”

Claire said in a three-pointed angrily: “You bad guy, you know you are not goodnatured, you are dead!”

After speaking, shyly hung up the phone.

Charlie listened to the beep from the phone, he smiled, and then he put the phone in

his pocket contentedly, and continued to ride his small e-donkey, driving towards the


In the gymnasium at this time, the previous eight arenas have become four.

The venue was suddenly empty, but a lot of auditoriums were added accordingly.

After all, the games have reached the quarterfinals. As the game progresses, the players

will become stronger and more enjoyable.

In this game, Charlie is no longer a pure spectator, but Aoxue’s current coach.

So after he got to the gym, he went directly to the backstage player lounge.

At this time, Aoxue had just changed into the competition uniform, and then in order to

keep warm, another blanket was approved outside.

Seeing Charlie’s arrival, she was extremely happy, and asked him softly, “Master, what

tactical arrangements did you make for me today?”

Charlie smiled and said: “There is no tactical arrangement today. Your physical fitness

has improved so much now. I believe this game is more than enough for you. You can

just go all out to play.”

Aoxue asked embarrassedly: “Master, are you so confident in me? Are you afraid that I

will lose this game?”

Charlie said with a serious face: “I believe that the little pepper Aoxue in my eyes will

never let me down.”

Aoxue’s pretty face immediately blushed, and she replied with shame: “Master can rest

assured, Aoxue will definitely go all out!”

Only one wall separated from her lounge is Nanako’s room.

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki also said to her the same thing as Charlie: “Nanako, in

today’s game, the opponent is far less powerful than you, so I won’t make any tactical

arrangements with you. I believe you can easily win. “

Nanako nodded and said seriously: “Master rest assured, I will get this victory!”

As they were talking, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Hiroshi Tanaka, who had been standing at the door hurriedly opened the door, and saw

Jiro, dressed in a blue suit and a little handsome, standing at the door, holding a

bouquet of roses in his hand.

As soon as the door opened, he stepped in and said to Nanako with a smile: “Miss Ito,

came here specially to wish you a victory!”

Chapter 1351

Seeing Jiro come in, Nanako frowned slightly.

Since the last lunch with Jiro, he has come to harass five times, and Nanako is troubled.

In fact, when Nanako ate dinner that day, she deliberately stated her view of choosing a

spouse, saying that when it is about the other half, the most important thing is to be

stronger than herself, in order to let Jiro retreat.

However, Jiro seemed to filter out her words instinctively.

What’s more, this guy returned the Shangri-La room, moved to the Aurous Hill

International Hotel, and simply lived opposite Nanako, which made her very dissatisfied.

However, her father Ito Yuhiko kept asking her to make her more friendly to Jiro, which

made Nanako even more depressed.

I feel disgusted, but I can’t get angry or drive him away, just like a big fly buzzing around

my ears, which is annoying.

Although Koichi Tanaka knew very well that his eldest lady hated this Jiro, but because

the president had given orders, he reached out and took the flowers that Jiro had

handed over, and said respectfully: “Mr. Kobayashi, That is so nice of you. , I thank you

for our eldest lady!”

Jiro nodded and walked to Nanako. The gentleman smiled and said, “Miss Nanako, I will

cheer for you in the audience later.”

Nanako said blankly: “Mr. Kobayashi, I prefer to be quiet before the game, so please go

out first.”

Jiro smiled and said, “I don’t have to say anything, just watch Miss Nanako silently!”

Nanako didn’t expect Jiro to have such a thick face, so she said lightly: “Mr. Kobayashi,

let me go, I will close my eyes and rest for a while.”

Jiro nodded, and simply sat down diagonally across from Nanako.

Seeing Nanako whose beautiful eyes were slightly closed and her face full of calmness,

he couldn’t help but get up again.

Secretly: This woman is really quiet like a virgin, moving like a rabbit, so heroic on stage,

but quiet, soft as water, and her face is so beautiful and moving, she is simply a

Japanese man’s dream girl or say Yamato Nadeshiko!

The so-called Yamato Nadeshiko is not a person’s name, but a vocabulary unique to

Japanese culture. It refers to those excellent women who have a quiet and reserved

personality, gentle and considerate, mature and stable, and also possess noble virtues

and excellent temperament.

It can be said that the Yamato Nadeshiko type woman, in Japan, is the goddess that all

Japanese men dream of.

It is also usually regarded by Japanese men as the representatives of the most ideal

women, and it is worth pursuing with all their energy.

Therefore, Jiro has also regarded Nanako as his best life partner. In any case, he must go

all out to pursue her!

A man who can get such a perfect woman is truly worthy of life!


Ten minutes later, the staff of the competition organizing committee knocked on the

door and said, “Ms. Nanako, please prepare to enter the arena. Your competition venue

is in the second ring.”

Nanako stood up, bowed slightly, and said, “Thank you!”

Yamamoto Kazuki on the side had a cold expression on his face, and asked, “Which ring

is for player Aoxue?”

The staff member said: “Number four.”

Chapter 1352

Yamamoto Kazuki said to Nanako: “Nanako, I believe you will be able to directly knock

the opponent in the first round of this game, so I won’t go to the scene to guide you in

the game.”

Nanako asked curiously: “Master are you going to watch that Aoxue’s match?”

“Yes.” Yamamoto Kazuki said: “I’m going to see how powerful her coach is, and he was

able to destroy that Coach in one blow. If he has real talent, it will definitely be a huge

info for us in the future. Threatening, besides, I also see if Aoxue has made any progress

under his guidance.”

Jiro hurried over and said with a serious face: “Mr. Yamamoto, please go ahead, Ms.

Nanako, I will accompany her throughout the game!”

Yamamoto Kazuki shook his head helplessly.

He was also a little disgusted with Jiro, thinking that such a man who had no power to

bind a chicken was not worthy of his outstanding disciple, and buzzing like a fly here

would only make people disgusting.

However, although he is considered a national treasure-level master in Japan, he must

also give enough respect to the Ito family and Ito Yuhiko. Therefore, it is not good to

express his disgust and disdain to Jiro directly. Simply treat him as air and ignore.

Jiro didn’t expect Yamamoto Kazuki to ignore him, and was a little annoyed, but he

knew that Yamamoto Kazuki was Nanako’s teacher and a person whom Nanako very

respected, so he could only suppress his irritation.

Not only did he choose to swallow his breath, he also took the opportunity to take

pictures of Yamamoto’s horses, and said with a smile: “Mr. Yamamoto, you are a famous

top Japanese master. You don’t have to put a second-rate player’s coach in your eyes,

no matter if he’s are a coach , Still a contestant, certainly not as good as you and Miss

Nanako! In my eyes, under your leadership, Nanako will surely be able to win two

consecutive Olympic championships! At that time, both of you will become the worldfamous!”

As the saying goes, he wears thousands of things, and he doesn’t wear flattery.

Yamamoto Kazuki was very proud to hear this compliment.

When he was young, his fortune was not good. Although he is the strongest in Japan, he

has been held down by several senior Chinese players and has never won a world


Later, when he got older and couldn’t compete the Olympics, the Olympics became his

great regret.

Now, his biggest goal is to bring out an apprentice who can win the Olympic champion.

When his apprentice represents him on the Olympic champion podium, his lifelong

regrets can be made up for.

Immediately, Nanako and Kazuki Yamamoto left the lounge together, and Jiro and

Koichi Tanaka followed them.

As soon as he left the house, Charlie walked out side by side with Aoxue in the next


When Aoxue saw Kazuki Yamamoto and Nanako, she exclaimed and said in a low voice:

“Master, that girl is Nanako! Next to her is the Japanese national treasure master, Kazuki


Charlie looked up, and was shocked by Nanako’s appearance.

He had seen many beautiful women, but it was the first time he saw a woman who could

give people such a clear feeling.

Yamamoto Kazuki also recognized Aoxue, and immediately focused his attention on


He thought to himself, could this young man be Aoxue’s new coach? It seems that there

is nothing remarkable.

At this time, Jiro saw Charlie as if he saw a ghost immediately!

He knew Charlie!

Because Charlie indirectly poisoned his father at the beginning, and was entrusted by

him to kill his brother, and by the way, he blackmailed his family for 10 billion!

At that time, he found someone to investigate Charlie’s information and got Charlie’s


Unexpectedly, he would encounter this evil star here!

Chapter 1353

When Charlie looked at Nanako, he found a strange look behind her, looking at him.

He frowned subconsciously and looked at it, but he saw a wretched man who was

somewhat familiar, looking at him with horror.

Don’t look at this kid who looks like five people and six people, but under Charlie’s

golden eyes, you can tell at a glance that this kid is not a good bird, he must be the kind

of sc*m with benevolence and morality and full of male thieves and women.

Charlie glanced over, then watched Jiro shaking all over!

He couldn’t help but tremble, because this Charlie really left him an extremely deep


He has seen ruthless people. It is said that in Hong Kong a few years ago, a big brother

kidnapped the son of the richest man, walked into the villa of the richest man with

bombs all over his body, and then blackmailed one billion.

He has also heard of a money-carrying robbery in Europe that shocked the world. The

robbers robbed the money-carrying car of over 100 million euros.

But he has never heard of that b@stard who poisoned others to death with poison and

cheated the other party’s family with 10 billion.

Charlie is such an incredible and unheard astupidl.

According to his investigation, Charlie’s methods are extremely harsh. At the beginning,

his brother, Ichiro, brought several outstanding bodyguards from Aurous Hill. It is said

that they were all chopped up by his men and fed to the dogs. When he thought of this,

he was terrified. .

This time he came to Aurous Hill, he was also very afraid of meeting Charlie, so he was

very low-key. After arriving in Aurous Hill, he only stayed in the hotel and rarely went


But he didn’t expect that he would actually see this evil star at the college Sanda


Therefore, he was extremely nervous.

Charlie also saw that he was nervous, and he couldn’t help but feel a little curious. He

hadn’t seen this man before, and he should have never known him before. Then why did

he look at him with such horrified eyes?

After a while, Charlie suddenly wanted to understand why he looked a little familiar with

this guy!

This guy’s appearance was so similar to that of Ichiro who was feeding the dog at the

Orvel’s Kennel Farm.

While Charlie was looking at Jiro, Nanako’s coach Yamamoto Kazuki was also looking at


Also looking at Charlie, and Nanako beside Kazuki Yamamoto.

Because he heard the Coach talk about Charlie before, both of them tried to see

Charlie’s approximate cultivation level through their eyes.

Charlie looked at Jiro at this time, and smiled enthusiastically: “Oh! If I admit it, this is

Mr. Jiro from the Kobayashi family, right?”

Jiro looked at Charlie with a warm smile on his face and couldn’t help fighting a cold


But he knew that he was on Charlie’s territory now, and he couldn’t provoke or neglect

what he said to such evil stars.

As a result, Jiro could only force a smile, and said tremblingly: “Ge…Your Excellency must

be Wade…Master, right?”

When Charlie heard Jiro say his name, he laughed and said, “Mr. Kobayashi is really

smart. We two had never met before today, and you recognized me.”

Jiro looked at Charlie, his heart was bleeding, and at the same time he cursed in his

heart: “You b@stard, how can I not recognize you? You cheated our Kobayashi family

with 10 billion and killed us. The culprits of the two immediate family members of the

Kobayashi family!”

“Although I hired you to kill my brother, he died in your hands.”

Although Jiro was very angry, he didn’t dare to be disobedient. He hurriedly said with a

smile: “Mr. Charlie, I didn’t expect you to be so handsome, tall, and chic!”

Chapter 1354

Charlie smiled and said, “Mr. Kobayashi is not bad, you can see that what you have

cleaned up is a spirited guy, but just a little bit shorter.”

Jiro was depressed for a while.

He is less than 1.7 meters tall. Although he is a normal height among Asian men, he is

still far from the standard of being rich and handsome.

Jiro dreamed of growing to 1.8 meters, but after trying many ways, he still failed.

Therefore, the problem of height has always been a pain in his heart.

Right now, in front of Nanako, being teased by Charlie, who is 1.5 meters tall, made his

face somewhat uncontrollable.

Charlie said at this time: “Hey, Mr. Kobayashi, I didn’t expect your Mandarin to speak

very standard, but it is much better than your brother!”

Jiro hurriedly said: “My brother was lazy during his lifetime, so he has not studied

Chinese very seriously.”

“Oh…” Charlie nodded lightly and smiled: “I heard that Mr. Kobayashi’s company

sponsored this Sanda competition. Is this the reason you came to Aurous Hill?”

“Yes, yes…” Jiro wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said hurriedly: “We are the

sponsor of this competition, and I will personally be awarding the trophy of this

competition at the finals.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said to Aoxue next to him: “Aoxue, have you seen this

short one? Waiting for you to win the championship, he will give you the prize.


Hearing this, Jiro felt very depressed!

He is not short in Japan, why does Charlie call himself short?

Moreover, he looked down upon himself too much when he spoke. At any rate, he was

also a big living person of a meter and six meters standing here, and he even asked that

Aoxue, did he see himself as a little one?

Is it that he is too short to make Aoxue invisible?

Jiro was extremely depressed, but he knew that he was on someone else’s territory, so

he didn’t dare to show his depression and anger.

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki looked a little ugly.

He looked at Charlie and said coldly: “This gentleman’s tone is a bit too arrogant, right?”

Charlie frowned, pointed to Jiro, and asked Yamamoto Kazuki: “Mister look for yourself,

is it wrong that I said he is short?”

Jiro suffered a crit once again, and almost a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat,

almost about to vomit out.

Nanako on the side suddenly chuckled.

She heard that Charlie was deliberately taking the opportunity to ridicule Jiro, but she

didn’t expect this man to be so humorous.

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki said with a black face: “I was talking arrogantly, not this

short man, but what you just said to Aoxue. The champion of this competition must be

the Nanako next to me. She is the youngest and most promising Sanda master! Among

her peers, no one can match!”

Hearing this, Nanako hurriedly lowered her head and said humbly: “Master you are

serious. There is an old Chinese saying that there is a sky outside the sky and there are

people outside the world. I dare not pretend that no one can match…”

Yamamoto Kazuki said coldly: “Nanako! A warrior must have the faith and confidence to

win at all times!”

Chapter 1355

Charlie looked at Kazuki Yamamoto with interest at this time.

In fact, he himself didn’t know much about the Sanda fight circle. If it weren’t for Aoxue

to participate in this competition, he would not pay attention to the people in this circle

at all.

Because in his opinion, even if the Sanda fight is practiced to the extreme, it is nothing

more than a foreigner in traditional martial arts.

Everyone knows that only practicing muscles and bones and fighting skills are the most

basic external disciples. Those who are good at using qi, are good at using internal

energy, and use internal energy to drive the whole body are the real internal disciples.

However, there are countless people practicing martial arts all over the world. Even a

three-year-old kid who is learning Taekwondo is a martial artist. But among so many

people, there are really hard-working people.

Yamamoto Kazuki is a master at a foreigner at first glance. Even though he is about the

same age as his old man, his physical fitness is very strong, and his musculoskeletal and

overall body explosive power are far above ordinary people.

But in front of the real master of the inner family, Yamamoto Kazuki was almost


The key reason why such foreign masters can win medals in international competitions

is that domestic masters simply disdain to participate in such competitions.

If you compare this kind of competition to a talent show like a good voice, then the

inner master is the world’s top super-powered singer, just like the late tenor Pavarotti.

At the height of Pavarotti, let alone let him participate in the competition with a good

voice, let him be a mentor with a good voice, it would insult his identity and status in

the music industry.

It’s a pity that many foreign masters don’t understand this truth. They think that apart

from participating in the competition, they are all top players from all over the world,

but they don’t know. The real masters disdain to participate in this kind of pediatric


So let alone a top master like Charlie.

Because of this, Master-like Yamamoto Kazuki in front of him looked like an ant in

Charlie’s eyes.

Charlie looked at him and asked with a smile: “This gentleman, why do you think so

confidently that Nanako is the champion?”

Yamamoto Kazuki said with a full face: “I have been in the Sanda fighting world for

many years, and my experience in Sanda fighting far exceeds ordinary people. From my

professional point of view, Nanako is a super genius who has been rare in decades. If I

have taught her, she will win the championship!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Mr. Yamamoto is a bit too confident. Why do you think you

have a better experience of Sanshou fighting than ordinary people? And why do you

feel that you have a little bit of ability to teach you everything? Can you create a world

champion? If you have all the experience and skills, you can only be regarded as

second-rate and third-rate on the way of martial arts, then how can Nanako learn from

you, how can she win the world championship?”

Yamamoto Kazuki sternly said: “Boy, I know you have a bit of strength, but you are too

defiant to speak like this!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Is it arrogance? I believe you will know it shortly.”

Chapter 1356

After he finished speaking, he looked at Nanako, who was surprised, and said with a

smile: “Miss Nanako, your roots and meridians are indeed very good. From the

perspective of our traditional martial arts, your Ren and Du two veins have been

opened. Nearly half of the time, if the two channels of Ren and Du are fully opened,

then you have the opportunity to become a disciple of the inner family.”

“Ren Du veins?!” Nanako asked in surprise: “Is this the Ren Du veins mentioned in

martial arts novels? In addition, what is the inner disciple?!”

Charlie said solemnly: “The martial arts novels are also based on traditional martial arts,

just like the two lines of Ren Du mentioned in it. This concept was not proposed by the

author of martial arts novels, but was an old traditional medicine practitioner thousands

of years ago. The ancestor proposed it.”

“As for the inner disciple you asked, let me tell you this, you practice the way you are

now, even if you practice for another forty to fifty years, when you are as old as this

uncle Yamamoto, you still haven’t really entered into martial arts. Only by opening up

the two channels of Ren and Du, and assisting them with the teaching of internal

strength techniques by masters of the internal family, can you become a disciple of the

internal family.”

Nanako asked again: “Then…Is the inner disciple very strong?”

Yamamoto Kazuki sneered: “Nanako, don’t listen to this kid talking about it. The socalled “internal family and external family” is just a method of deceiving people in

ancient martial arts. Do you remember that I have shown you some of them who are

called too high-handed old ladies?”

Nanako: “I remember…”

Yamamoto Kazuki sneered and said: “Some old ladies wore a white Tai Chi suit and

could hit more than a dozen strong men with a single wave. What’s even more

outrageous was that they lined up a dozen or two dozen people in a row. An Old Lady

slapped a hand in front of her, and she could knock the entire row of dozens of people

down to the ground. It seemed so mysterious, but it was just a scene arranged by the


Charlie smiled slightly: “It is undeniable that there are indeed many people who bluff

and deceive under the banner of the inner disciples, but this is just the personal

behavior of some liars. You can’t deny the existence of this thing just because someone

relies on this deception.”

“By the way, some time ago I met a few guys in Aurous Hill who are known as Japanese

karate masters. They are the bodyguards of big men. They brag about themselves as if

their world is invincible. But in the end, these people were all caught by my friends. Fed

to the dog, is it because these people are weak, I will deny your karate?”

Yamamoto Kazuki was speechless for a while, he didn’t know whether the story Charlie

told was true.

The expression on the side of Jiro became very frightened.

He knows what Charlie said, who those karate masters are.

His brother Ichiro has always had a team of bodyguards, all of whom are Japanese

karate masters.

But their subsequent fate, he already knew.

Yamamoto Kazuki didn’t know this. He sneered and said, “Boy, what do you call Tai Chi

and internal strength, dare you compare it with karate? Tell you, karate is the most

powerful fighting technique in the world. One! It is a thousand miles stronger than your

kind of Tai Chi magical skill that is performed by actors!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Mr. Yamamoto, I’m not talented. I have learned a little bit of Tai

Chi and internal strength. If you don’t believe me, dare you stand here and stretch out

your hands to take me with one palm?”

Yamamoto Kazuki said arrogantly: “Why don’t I dare? But if I hold you in the palm, I

want you to kneel and say that Kung Fu is all rubbish, and you are the sick man of East


Chapter 1357

“Sick man of East Asia?”

Hearing these five words, Charlie had a playful smile on his face.

It seems that this Yamamoto Kazuki is really arrogant.

However, he seems to have some misunderstanding about his own strength.

With his kind of rubbish outsider, even if he has practiced his flesh skills to the extreme,

he cannot be his opponent.

Originally, it would be fine to despise the two, but he didn’t expect this b@stard to have

no sportsmanship.

It would be a bit hateful to even move out the words for the sick man of East Asia!

So Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Since Mr. Yamamoto wants to play a little bit bigger,

then we might as well put the bet even higher.

Yamamoto Kazuki sneered and said, “No matter how much you play, I will stay with you

to the end.”

For Yamamoto Kazuki, no matter how strong Charlie was, it was absolutely impossible to

defeat himself with a single palm.

So he made this bet with him, no matter how he bet, he will win? So he doesn’t care

about increasing the bet.

Charlie smiled and said, “In this way, I am the most fair and principled person in doing

things. Since you mentioned the words sick man in East Asia, I am the most disgusted

with these words. Then we might as well make a bet. Whoever loses the bet, whoever

wins, use a knife to engrave these characters on the forehead of the loser.”

Yamamoto Kazuki laughed loudly after hearing this: “Boy, I didn’t want to have fun like

this, but I didn’t expect you to find death by yourself.

Charlie smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter whether you can find someone to die or not.

Everyone comes out and mixes. Since I dare to say it, I can naturally afford it. Just tell

me, dare you play!”

Yamamoto Kazuki didn’t expect Charlie to be so stubborn. He immediately sneered and

said: “What can I not dare? So many people have witnessed that whoever is afraid is the

real sick man of East Asia, come on!”

Nanako hurriedly persuaded: “Second, a little thing, why bother so unpleasantly.”

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Gentleman, my master has a

bad temper. I apologize for him. He shouldn’t mention those four words in front of you

and hurt your emotions. I hope you don’t mind!”

Yamamoto Kazuki shouted sternly: “Nanako! Although you are the eldest lady of the Ito

family, you do not need to intervene or allow you to intervene in the affairs of a


Nanako was so scolded by him, and immediately bowed apologetically and said,

“Master I’m sorry!”

Yamamoto Kazuki ignored her. Instead, he looked at Charlie and said lightly: “Before we

start, we have to make it clear how to win or lose.”

Charlie nodded: “It’s very simple. I’ll slap you. After that, as long as you can stand up, I


Yamamoto Kazuki thought to himself: “There are too many loopholes to take advantage

of here!”

“First of all, even if he hurts one leg with one palm, he can still stand on the other leg.”

“Secondly, even if he hurt his two legs with one palm, he can stand up with his hands

and climb other things.”

“So, no matter how you play, you are a winner!”

So he said arrogantly: “If that’s the case, then do what you said, let’s do it!”

The corners of Charlie’s mouth rose slightly.

He didn’t even need to make any preparations, he just slapped a soft palm at Kazuki


If you just look at the strength of his palm, people who don’t know think he is going to

give a friendly high-five to Yamamoto Kazuki.

Chapter 1358

However, no one knew that Charlie’s palm contained powerful inner strength and

spiritual energy.

Yamamoto Kazuki laughed almost immediately when he looked at Charlie’s useless


He said with disdain: “Just a palm like yours is not as good as a three-year-old child. The

Old Master can take it with just one hand…”

Yamamoto Kazuki wanted to say that it can be resolved with just one hand, but the

word “resolve” has not been said yet. Charlie’s palm just touched his skin, and he was

like being hit head-on by a high-speed train. On, followed by a sharp pain.

Yamamoto Kazuki made a sound, and the whole person flew out at high speed.

This flight drew a parabola more than 20 meters long in the air!

Before he landed, his veins and muscles were already in the air by Charlie’s spiritual

energy, and they were all broken!

In other words, during the time he was flying in the air, he had gone from a martial arts

master recognized well to a useless man without the power of a chicken.

Immediately after Yamamoto Kazuki banged, he hit the ground heavily!

At the moment when Yamamoto Kazuki fell to the ground, a stream of atomized blood

spouted from his mouth!

He saw a cloud of blood rising into the air. Yamamoto Kazuki tried to stand up with pain

and horror on his face, but he found that his hands and feet couldn’t exert any strength

at all.

He does not understand traditional martial arts.

Otherwise, he must be able to judge his current state immediately.

If you use four words to describe it, it means that the meridians are all broken.

In traditional Chinese martial arts, once a person’s meridians are cut, it is no longer

possible to get rid of the word waste.

The difference from high paraplegia is that if you compare a person’s nerves to an

intricate road network, then the main road from the brain to the entire body is now a

person’s cervical spine.

High paraplegia is equivalent to completely destroying the main road at the cervical

spine, so that the brain and the body cannot communicate effectively.

And if the meridians are completely broken, it is equivalent to destroying all the nerves

and the road network, whether it is the main line or the branch line!

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki was the latter!

Seeing her master, Nanako was lying on the ground unable to move, her face full of

extreme pain, hurriedly ran to him, and asked nervously: “Master how are you? Are you

okay? “

Yamamoto Kazuki’s lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of horror: “I…I…I can’t

feel my limbs, my torso, and everything about me… …. I… I’m scrapped…”

After saying this, Yamamoto Kazuki’s eyes flowed out two lines of muddy old tears.

He really did not expect that he had been in the martial arts world for many years, and in the end, he would end up so tragically!

When Nanako heard this, she was frightened for a while, then hurriedly looked at Charlie, blurted out and pleaded: “Master please save my master! I’m kneeling for you!”

Charlie said blankly: “His whole body meridians have been completely broken, and he can only ask for more blessings for the rest of his life!”

After finishing speaking, he stepped up to Yamamoto Kazuki, lowered his head, looked down at him, and said lightly: “Yamamoto Kazuki, there is a buzzword on the Internet, “I don’t want to waste you, but you If you want to send it to the door and beg me to abolish you, then I can’t help it.”

“In addition, don’t think that this is over. Our bet has just begun. I will give you one

minute to stand up. If you can’t stand up, then I won our bet.”

“As I win, then I will engrave the words Sick Man of East Asia on your forehead!”

Chapter 1359

At this moment, Yamamoto Kazuki trembled with fright.

This was the first time in his life that he felt terrified from the depths of his soul.

He has never seen such a master, and even this has far exceeded his knowledge of


What kind of master would have such terrifying strength, a soft palm turned him into a

completely useless person.

The key is that even if he completely beats himself into a waste with one palm, he is still

not satisfied, and he has to engrave the extremely humiliating four words on his


Thinking of this, he begged in a panic: “Sir, I are not as good as a human being in

playing skills, and it is my own responsibility to be abolished by you, but please leave

the last face for me, don’t engrave those four words on the forehead, please!”

Nanako also bowed to Charlie in tears, and said in an urgent and pleading voice: “Sir,

please see my master’s seniority, give him a chance!”

Charlie looked at Nanako and asked, “If it is me who loses, based on your understanding

of him, do you think he will give me a chance?”

Nanako was speechless.

She knows what kind of person her master is.

It can’t be said to be a heinous bad guy, but he is definitely a ruthless person who says


With the character of this master, if he had won Charlie, then he would definitely not

give Charlie any chance to beg for mercy.

Thinking of this, Nanako didn’t know what to do.

She wanted to continue to intercede, but she felt that it wouldn’t have any real meaning.

Although she doesn’t know the man in front of her, she knows the history of the two


Therefore, she also understand that the words sick man in East Asia are the existence

that every Chinese young, old and child hates.

Over the years, the Chinese have been constantly striving for self-improvement. From

the feudal society where others were bullied, they have become the world’s second

largest and powerful country with more than one billion people. The efforts of several

dozens of hundreds of years are to get rid of this sick men of East Asia, and let the

Chinese nation rise again on top of the world.

Under such circumstances, Master even had to make a bet with him with the words “Sick

Man of East Asia”. Doesn’t this mean that he has touched his negative scale?

Thinking of this, Nanako cried and said, “Sir, my master is old and he should have

enjoyed his old age. It was for me he had to come out again. He has lost his ability to

move. The next half of his life is bound to be very hard. He has been severely punished,

so please raise your hands high and don’t humiliate him anymore.”

Charlie glared at Nanako, and then asked, “When he mentioned the sick man of East

Asia to me, why didn’t you think about it. He thought I was a Chinese. Is it still bullying

like that a hundred years ago?”

Nanako shook her heart.

It seems that Master really offended this young Chinese to the extreme this time.

The other party will definitely not give up.

At this time, the so called master himself was also very worried.

If he was allowed to lie on the bed for the rest of his life, he could barely accept it, but if

he had a sick East Asian man with a knife on his forehead, it would really be better to


Chapter 1360

So he cried bitterly: “Sir, I am willing to give you money! A lot of money! Give you all my

life savings, just beg you to let me go this time!”

Charlie smiled: “No matter how much money you have, how much money can I have?”

Yamamoto Kazuki said hurriedly: “There are nearly 100 million USD in savings. If you are

willing to let me go, sir, I can give you all the money, which is equivalent to at least five

or six billion!”

Nanako also said hurriedly: “Sir, if it’s about money, then I can give you a relatively

generous figure. Why don’t I give you 100 millions as well, what do you think…”

Charlie looked at Kazuki Yamamoto, then at Nanako, and then pointed to the frightened

Jiro on the side, and said, “You two ask this Brother here, how much money do I have.”

Jiro’s legs kept trembling, and he stammered: “Wade…Mr. Charlie, I really don’t know

how much money you have…”.

“don’t know?” Charlie said with a smile: “Then you can tell them directly, just your

Kobayashi family, how much did it honor me?”

Jiro hurriedly said: “Um…Mr. Yamamoto, Miss Ito, honored our Kobayashi family to Mr.

Charlie by 10 billion…”

“How much?” Charlie frowned: “How come it has become 10 billion?”

Jiro was terrified.

In fact, the entire Kobayashi family honored Charlie with 11 billion, of which 10 billion

was given to him by his father Masao Kobayashi when he was alive and used to

purchase drug patents.

The remaining 1 billion was given to him in private to murder his own brother.

Therefore, he dared not collect the 1 billion, so he said a 10 billion.

Seeing that Charlie was very dissatisfied, he could only bite the bullet and said: “I’m

sorry, sorry…I was a little nervous for a while, and my mind was a little confused. In fact,

our Kobayashi family honored Master with a total of 11 billion… …. Nearly 2 billion


Yamamoto Kazuki was stunned by the number.

The Kobayashi family alone contributed 11 billion RMB to this young man?

What is this because of? Isn’t he just a coach? There are more than 10 billion, why does

he want to coach Aoxue? !

Nanako was also shocked.

Although the Ito family is very rich, Nanako is still studying after all. The money she has

saved through various channels since she was a child is only 50 million USD. He

promised to give Charlie 100 million, and the rest 50 million, he has to find a way to ask

the family for it.

But she didn’t expect Charlie to be so rich!

In this way, spending money will not make him hold his hands high…

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki was desperate.

He looked at Charlie, his eyes were red and swollen, and he choked up: “Mr. Charlie, I

really know that I was wrong. I just ask you to raise your hand, don’t take away the last

bit of dignity as a warrior… you and me As a warrior, I believe you will be able to

empathize with me…”

Charlie laughed and said, “Don’t be arrogant and cry for mercy when you can’t hold it.

It’s useless. I hate others for insulting our country and nation. It’s your ancestor who has

accumulated virtue, otherwise, I can send you to see Amaterasu with that palm.”

After all, Charlie took out his mobile phone, called Mr. Orvel, and ordered: “Mr. Orvel,

come to Aurous Hill Stadium, it’s time to show off your human calligraphy!”

Chapter 1361

When Yamamoto Kazuki heard the content of Charlie’s call, he asked nervously: “Could

it be…isn’t it that you are here to engrave?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “What do you want? Let me engrave you? You deserve it too?”

After speaking, Charlie laughed playfully and continued: “I am looking for a friend of

mine this time. Although he has not gone to much school and has no elementary school

education level, he can still write the words sick man in East Asia. At that time, I will let

him try to engrave on your forehead as big as possible, so that you are satisfied!”

Yamamoto Kazuki was in a panic, what else he wanted to say. At this time, the staff of

the organizing committee ran over and said to Nanako and Aoxue: “Two contestants,

the competition has already started, and your two opponents are already there. Waiting

on the ring, please hurry up and go to the ring to participate in the competition. If you

don’t arrive at the match within 10 minutes, we will consider it as an automatic


Aoxue recovered from the shock, looked at Charlie, and asked him, “Master Wade, do I

go by myself, or are you with me?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I came here today to watch your game. Of course I will go with


Aoxue looked at Kazuki Yamamoto lying on the ground, and asked him in a low voice,

“Master Kazuki, what should I do about the things here?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry about him, let him lie down here, forgive him for

not being able to escape from my palm.”

After speaking, Charlie stretched out his hand and patted Aoxue’s back gently, and

exhorted: “You must play well in the game later, don’t let me down.”

Aoxue hurriedly nodded: “Teacher Wade, don’t worry, I will definitely work hard!”

Charlie was not there either, Yamamoto Kazuki lying on the ground, and the crying redeyed Nanako beside him, turned around and walked out of the rest area with Aoxue to

the competition arena.

Nanako was guarding Kazuki Yamamoto at this time, and asked with concern: “Master.. I

will contact an ambulance to take you to the hospital now!”

Yamamoto Kazuki waved his hand hurriedly: “The game is about to start, you hurry up

to participate in the game, don’t worry about me, don’t delay your game because of


Jiro hurriedly said: “Yes, Nanako, if you don’t go to the competition, you may be

considered abstaining. In that case, you will lose the chance to win the championship.”

Nanako said eagerly: “But I can’t leave Master here alone, he can’t move all over now!”.

Yamamoto Kazuki blurted out: “Nanako, don’t worry about me, this game is very

important to you, you must win the championship!”

“But what do you do, Master….”

Just when Nanako didn’t know what to do, Jiro hurriedly said: “Miss Nanako, you go to

the game tonight. Leave Mr. Yamamoto to me. I will take him to the hospital to make

sure he gets the best treatment!”

Nanako asked imploringly: “Mr. Kobayashi, can you please take Master back to Japan

now! Don’t let Master Wade engrave on the forehead just now!”

“What?!” When he heard this, Jiro turned pale with fright: “Miss Nanako, do you want

me to sneak Mr. Yamamoto back to Japan?”

“Yes!” Nanako gritted her teeth and said, “In any case, I can’t let Master suffer such

insults. Even if it is a name that cannot be defeated on the back, I can’t let them write on

Master’s forehead!”

After speaking, she looked at Jiro and asked earnestly: “Mr. Kobayashi, please!”

When Yamamoto Kazuki heard this, he immediately had a strong impulse in his heart!

Taking advantage of Charlie’s absence, run quickly to avoid being humiliated!

Even if he will never come to Aurous Hill again, not come to China, or be a man in Japan,

it is much better than returning to Japan with the words sick man of East Asia engraved

on his forehead for the rest of my life!

Chapter 1362

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Jiro with eyes full of expectation and

pleading, and said: “Mr. Kobayashi… this time I ask you to help the Old Master…”

Jiro looked very embarrassed.

If Nanako is asking him to do things, he will certainly go all out to win her favor.

However, he even let himself secretly send Yamamoto Kazuki back to Japan from under

Charlie’s nose!

This… isn’t this killing own self!

They don’t know how terrifying Charlie is, or how cruel Charlie’s style is, but they know it


Back then, his eldest brother fell into Charlie’s hands in Aurous Hill!

At that time, the private jet of the Kobayashi family was at Aurous Hill Airport. As long as

the older brother got on the plane, he could escape Aurous Hill and return to Tokyo.

But the result?

The plane did return to Tokyo, but his elder brother never returned.

Not only that, the Kobayashi family also lost nearly 2 billion USD on Charlie.

The Kobayashi family has been in Japan for decades. When have they encountered such

a evil star?

Therefore, even if he killed himself now, he would never dare to offend Charlie!

Seeing Jiro’s face full of embarrassment, Nanako kept silent and couldn’t help but ask

him: “Mr. Kobayashi, do you have anything unspeakable?”

Jiro sighed, and said frankly: “Miss Nanako, let me tell you, Mr. Charlie’s real name is

Charlie, I…I…I… “

Nanako asked, “Mr. Kobayashi, don’t always be ambiguous, tell me what’s going on!”

Jiro’s face blushed, and he lowered his head and muttered: “I can’t afford it…”


Nanako and Kazuki Yamamoto were surprised!

The two of them never dreamed that Jiro, who loves face so much, would frankly admit

that he couldn’t offend that Charlie in front of them…

Looking at his expression, it seemed that Charlie was very jealous and frightened!

Jiro can’t take care of face at this time. He continued: “You two, the whole of China and

even the whole world, the thing I dare not mess with is this Charlie. I have investigated

some of the glorious deeds of this guy and to be honest, this person is simply a devil!”

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and hurriedly turned on YouTube to find the

original cross talk between Liu Guang and Liu Ming, and blurted out: “Look, this is not

the first time he has engraved on someone’s forehead! This father and son were also

instructed by him to engrave these words on the foreheads of the father and son.”

Nanako and Kazuki Yamamoto were both staring dumbfounded at the father and son

who talked about cross talk in the video. They looked at the two people’s foreheads, one

with the poor hanging and the other with the poor hanging’s father, that looked,

absolutely tragic!

Jiro introduced with lingering fear on the side: “According to my investigation, this

father and son angered Charlie one after another. That’s why Charlie engraved these

words. In addition, Charlie has done a lot of evil. His crimes are simply overwhelming. If I

really help Mr. Yamamoto escape from China today, let’s not say whether the two of us

can escape. Even if we escape, he will definitely get us back.. ….”

Chapter 1363

Seeing the cross talk between Liu Guang and Liu Ming, Nanako and Yamamoto Kazumu

face were ashes.

Nanako finally understood, what exactly did Jiro mean when he said he could not

provoke Charlie.

This kind of evil star, most people are afraid that they can’t afford to provoke him, and

more importantly, it is still on their territory.

At this time, Nanako burst into tears, and blurted out: “Or I call my father, let him find a


Jiro kindly persuaded: “Ms. Nanako, even if you call Mr. Ito, Mr. Ito can’t do anything

about it. Even if Mr. Ito set off immediately, flying from Tokyo to Aurous Hill, the journey

will take at least two or three hours, but at most. In half an hour, Charlie’s people may

be here, and he has no choice at all…”

Although the Ito family is very powerful in Japan, their influence in Aurous Hill is not

worth mentioning.

Not to mention Nanako, even if her father Ito Yuhiko came, he would be hacked to

death by Orvel’s young brothers.

This is the reason why the strong dragon does not crush the ground snake.

Even if he has tens of thousands of younger brothers in Japan, how many can be sent to

Aurous Hill?

Once the plane is ready, two or three hundred people would be seated. Once these two

or three hundred people land, Charlie doesn’t even need to take action at all. Mr. Orvel’s

younger brother could chop them into meat sauce.

While talking, the staff came to reminder: “Miss Ito, there are still three minutes left. If

you don’t appear yet, the referee will announce that you have abstained.”

Yamamoto Kazuki sighed and said, “It’s nothing, this may be my fate, Nanako, you don’t

have to worry about me anymore, go to the competition.”

Nanako cried and said, “Master you are like this, how can I participate in the


Yamamoto Kazuki said, “It’s useless for you to guard me here. You can’t make me stand

up again, and you can’t stop Charlie from letting people engrave on my forehead. On

the contrary, if you stay here, it will cause You are my favorite to get out of the game

early, and I don’t want you to retire without a fight!”

Jiro also persuaded her: “Miss Ito, you should go to the competition as soon as possible.

If you win the competition, Mr. Yamamoto can still get some comfort.”

“Yes!” Yamamoto Kazuki sternly said: “If you abstain from voting like this, then I will

assume that I have never accepted you as an apprentice in my life!”

After hearing this, Nanako clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said, “Master rest

assured, I will definitely win!”

Having said that, she immediately stood up, walked quickly out of the rest area, and

went straight to her ring.

At this moment, Aoxue’s game had already started.

She played against Joanna from Brazil, the No. 3 seed of the entire game.

This Joanna is a tall woman with strong muscles. Although she is the third seed in this

competition, the outside world is generally optimistic that she can beat the second seed

in this competition and get the runner-up title.

Therefore, no one believes that Aoxue can beat this runner-up hot candidate.

However, the shocking scene appeared soon!

On the ring, as soon as Joanna came up, she launched a fierce attack on Aoxue!

She felt that Aoxue’s strength was not to be feared at all. If she wanted to ensure

enough physical strength and energy to cope with the subsequent matches, the best

way was to defeat Aoxue in the shortest time!

Only in this way can she retain her physical strength to the greatest extent.

However, she never dreamed that Aoxue’s physical agility was unexpectedly high.

She quickly punched her and counted her legs in a short period of time, but all these

fierce and fast attacks were easily avoided by her.

When she didn’t know why, Aoxue suddenly shot a vicious whip!

Because her body had just absorbed the magical medicine given by Charlie, and Charlie

used the spirit energy to strengthen and reform it a bit.

Chapter 1364

Therefore, her whip is extremely fast and powerful!

Joanna didn’t put Aoxue’s whip leg in her eyes at all, because she knew Aoxue’s strength

and knew that Aoxue could not pose too much threat to her, so she subconsciously

stretched out her hands to block it!

At the same time, she had already made a tactical plan deep in her heart.

After blocking Aoxue’s leg with both hands, she immediately went straight out of her

right foot, pedaling and attacking her right knee, as long as one hit succeeded, followed

by a dragon swinging her left leg, should be able to knock Aoxue down!

However, what made her dream crash was that Aoxue’s whip leg was wrapped in a

terrifying power that Joanna had never seen before!

Joanna’s palms and arms instantly felt a huge force hit, and immediately after a bang,

the whole person flew out directly, directly out of the ring!

The audience was stunned!

No one thought that the little-known Aoxue would knock the No. 3 seed out of the ring

with a single blow!

Moreover, Joanna was seriously injured at this time, lying on the ground outside the

ring, tried several times but failed to get up.

Her coach hurriedly stepped forward, exchanged a few words with her, and then

immediately said to the referee: “We give up!”

“Give up?!”

The scene was even more shocking!

This…Is this to admit defeat? !

No one had never seen such a fast fighting match before, Aoxue only made one move

and the match was over.

Qin Gang was a little dazed.

His daughter has a few kilograms and a few taels. He, who is a father, knows nothing

better. He thought that even if his daughter had Master’s guidance today, it would be

very difficult for her to win over this Joanna.

But he didn’t expect her to win so easily.

Charlie looked at her with a smile on his face, his expression didn’t have any surprise or


Because he had known for a long time that Aoxue was no longer the same.

Her current strength can completely crush Joanna, even the No. 1 seed, the favorite to

win the championship, Nanako!

When he saw Nanako just now, Charlie had probably seen her strength, there was

nothing really powerful, just that the outside disciple had practiced to the extreme.

The former Aoxue is naturally far from her opponent, but now she is far from Aoxue’s


At this moment, in another arena, Nanako has just begun her fierce battle!

Her luck is very good. The opponent who was assigned this time, not even the top five

seeded players, is much weaker than her.

However, because she was thinking about the injury of her master, Yamamoto Kazuki,

she was a little absent-minded, and her combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.

Moreover, Charlie’s figure appeared in her heart from time to time.

Although Charlie injured her master and had to engrave on his forehead, which made

her feel very angry, she still couldn’t help thinking of Charlie’s crushing master’s palm!

What exactly is it? !

Why is there such a powerful perverted strength? !

Chapter 1365

Just because she was thinking about things in her mind, Nanako was forced to retreat

by her opponent.

At this moment, she has no previous pursuit of this game.

Because she has realized that she has been practicing martial arts for so many years, and

in front of a real master, she can’t even beat the opponent with a single palm.

This caused a devastating blow to her self-confidence.

In fact, whoever encounters this kind of thing will suffer a huge blow.

It was not only her own self-confidence but also her long-standing beliefs that were


For a long time, Nanako felt that she was at most 20 years away from the pinnacle of

martial arts.

Twenty years later, she will definitely grow into the world’s top martial arts master, and

even become a martial arts master like her master Yamamoto Kazuki.

However, Charlie just made her realize that the martial arts master in her mind is

nothing more than an ant in front of a real master.

It turns out that for so many years, she has been sitting in a well and watching the sky.

Now, she realized that the real world of martial arts is far beyond her own.

Before, she thought that the world is nothing more than this world, and the farthest

distance is just from this end of the earth to the other end of the earth.

But today she knew that there was actually a solar system, a galaxy, and even the entire

vast universe outside of this earth.

At this moment, she couldn’t help thinking about another question: how many years

would it take for her to grow into a true top master like Charlie.

Recalling the palm that Charlie slapped, although her mentor was beaten into a waste,

the impact of that palm on him at the level of martial arts was like the brilliance of a

bright moon!

Thinking about it this way, her concentration became even more dispersed.

But her opponent took advantage of the situation and scored offensively.

In the first game, Nanako was upset and lost, and the audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that the number one seed player Nanako of this competition would

actually lose to a little-known player in the first round of eight-to-four.

When the referee announced the end of the first game, the opponents cheered


She never dreamed that she unexpectedly won the first game of the game she thought

she would lose.

It seems that Nanako’s state has some problems today, but this is her great opportunity!

When Nanako came to the rest area by the ring, her brain was still in a trance.

Winning or losing the game is no longer important because her beliefs have collapsed.

At this time, her assistant Koichi Tanaka said anxiously: “Miss, you can’t be so negative!

Now you have entered the knockout stage. If you lose this game, then this game will

end here. That’s it!”

Nanako smiled bitterly and murmured: “Tanaka, you have also seen the terrifying power

of Mr. Charlie. The gap between me and him is simply Firefly and the Sun. Do you know

that there is an old saying, Firefly How can your light compete with Sun for glory.”

As she said, she sighed slightly: “His strength is like a bright Sun in the sky, and I am just

a firefly in the grass in the wild…”

Koichi Tanaka’s expression was also very emotional.

Chapter 1366

He didn’t know how he should persuade this eldest lady.

Because he can understand Missy’s mood at this time.

The strength of the young man surnamed Wade is really terrifying. Kazuno Yamamoto is

a Japanese national treasure master, but under his hands, he can’t even hold a hand. If

he was in place of the eldest lady, I am afraid at this moment he would have lost all

fighting spirit.

Not to mention the small game in front of him, even the Olympics, it seems to have

become bleak.

Even the so-called martial arts has become a joke.

He served Nanako for many years. At this time, he couldn’t help but feel heartache for

her. He couldn’t help but said: “Miss, if you really lose faith in this game, then let’s go

back to Japan!”

Nanako hurriedly asked, “Tanaka, where is my master? How is he now?”

Hiroshi Tanaka stammered and said: “A few wicked men came just now. The man used a

knife to carve the words Sick Man of East Asia on Mr. Yamamoto’s forehead. Then Mr.

Yamamoto wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself, but he failed. , Was taken to the

hospital by Mr. Kobayashi.”

“What?!” Nanako was shocked, tears burst into her eyes, and she blurted out: “I’m going

to the hospital to see Master! Take me now!”

Hiroshi Tanaka nodded and said: “Then I will tell the referee team now, we will give up

the game.”

“Okay! Go!” Nanako was already impatient.

In her eyes, Yamamoto Kazuki was her mentor, and if he had any shortcomings, she

would not be able to forgive herself in this life.

After all, he came to China with her for the game. If it were not for her, he would not

meet Charlie, let alone encounter these hardships.

Just as she was about to give up the game and rush to the hospital to take a look at her

teacher, a calm voice suddenly sounded:

“Since you have participated in the competition, you must take it seriously. How can you

give up halfway?”

Nanako followed the prestige and saw that Charlie, who possessed terrifying power, was

standing under the stage and looking at her expressionlessly.

Her heart suddenly panicked, she didn’t expect Charlie to watch her game, and she

didn’t understand why he would watch her game.

In fact, Aoxue had already won the game with one move, so she had already gone to the

locker room to take a shower and change clothes.

Charlie had nothing to do, so he planned to come to watch Nanako’s game, but he

didn’t expect that Nanako would lose the first set.

However, he could also see that Nanako lost the first set because she was worried and

could not concentrate on the game.

Originally, he also thought that Nanako could quickly adjust the state, and then start to

get back from the second game.

But he didn’t expect that Nanako was about to abandon the game.

Nanako looked at him, thinking of her mentor who was trying to bite his tongue and

commit suicide, there was a burst of indignation, a burst of strong indignation in her


She glared at Charlie, and shouted: “You bad guy! Why do you want to force my mentor

step by step? Do you really want him to die?”

Charlie said blankly: “Miss, I see your face and temperament. You should be a lady who

has been well-educated since childhood, not like an unreasonable person. Just now,

between your master Yamamoto Kazuki and me. I see the conflict in your eyes all the

way, I hope you ask yourself, was I forcing him in this whole thing?”

“If he wasn’t so proud and confident, not so arrogant, didn’t take the initiative to use the

words sick man of East Asia to insult me, how can I be as angry as now?”

“We in China have an old saying that the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life!

Is it true that in the eyes of you, a lady, the feeling of master and apprentice is more

important than the right way in the world?”

Chapter 1367

Facing Charlie’s question, Nanako was speechless.

First, staring at Charlie speechless, then she blushed and was ashamed.

In terms of emotion and reason, what Charlie said was right, the whole thing, in the final

analysis, was her master begging to be hammered, and Charlie was not wrong.

The ashamed Nanako can only bow to Charlie respectfully: “Mr. Charlie, I am impulsive.

Please forgive me. At the same time, please don’t be insightful with me.”

Charlie nodded lightly.

To a certain extent, he also understands Nanako.

After all, everyone can be objective and fair when it’s not about themselves, but once

they have personal interests, it is difficult to be absolutely objective.

It’s like when someone else’s child makes a mistake, I always hope that he can learn

enough lessons, but when my child makes a mistake, I always hope that everyone can

forgive him and give him another chance.

Yamamoto Kazuki is the mentor of Nanako. The traditional culture of Japan and China is

separated by a strip of water. The people of both countries pay attention to respect for

teachers. Therefore, Nanako’s respect and maintenance of Yamamoto Kazuki are also

acceptable and understandable.

But this is only understandable.

Charlie can understand her feelings, but she will never change any opinions or decisions

because of her.

Therefore, he said in a flat tone: “Miss Ito, since he is also a participant in this

competition, we must respect this competition. Don’t pass the competition or withdraw

halfway. Otherwise, it will be disrespect for martial arts.”

Nanako said desperately: “Mr. Charlie, your strength has made me truly aware of what

real martial arts is. Compared with yours, the martial arts skills of mine are only at the

level of beginners, even beginners. They are far from as good as they are even more

shameless to continue participating in the competition in front of your Excellency…”

Charlie shook his head: “Martial arts does not necessarily have to compete with others. It

is not only a sport, but also a culture and spirit. Isn’t it true that people with poor

strength are not qualified to learn martial arts? Because your admission level is much

lower than mine, can you give up this game with peace of mind?”

Charlie paused slightly, then said in a more serious tone, word by word: “If this is the

case, then I can only say that you don’t love martial arts at all. What you love is nothing

more than a ranking. When you think you are ranked high, you love martial arts; when

you think you rank very low, you betrayed martial arts! After all, you are not a loyal

martial artist at all!”

Nanako blurted out with a hasty expression: “No, it’s not like that! I love martial arts! I

am also a loyal warrior! I’m just…I’m just…”

Charlie asked sharply: “What are you just?!”

Nanako was so nervous by his question, and immediately lowered her head in ashamed

manner, gave up and continued to defend herself, and whispered: “Mr. Charlie, you are

right…I was wrong… …I shouldn’t give up the game at this time! I shouldn’t betray

martial arts at this time!”

Charlie said: “Have a good match, I also hope that Aoxue can meet you in the final.”

Nanako’s eyes suddenly became extremely determined, and she nodded earnestly and

said: “I know Mr. Charlie! Don’t worry, I will definitely fight to the final next! Discuss with

your master!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Aoxue is not my apprentice, she is my friend, or in a strict

sense, she is my friend’s daughter. I am just temporarily serving as her instructor these

few days to give her some advice.”

Nanako asked in surprise: “Mr. Charlie, aren’t you a professional coach?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Of course not, I’m just an unemployed vagrant without any



Nanako’s face was filled with shock and incredibility.

Chapter 1368

Charlie, who is incredibly powerful, turned out to be an unemployed vagrant with no


Just when she wanted to continue to ask for more information, the referee stepped up

to the ring and said: “The countdown for the second game is 30 seconds!”

Charlie said to Nanako: “You can concentrate on the game, I’m leaving now.”

“Mr. Charlie you want to go?”

Nanako suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart.

Charlie said at this time: “Oh, yes, Yamamoto Kazuki’s bet has ended. After he is

discharged from the hospital, he can leave Aurous Hill freely.”

After all, Charlie didn’t stay on the scene anymore, turned around and left without

looking back.

Nanako observed him a little lost, Tanaka Hiroshi hurriedly urged her: “Miss, we are

going to play! Are you still playing?”

“Compare! Of course it is better!”

Nanako suddenly wanted to regain all her fighting spirit. She said with firm eyes and a

firm tone: “I will definitely advance to the finals and compete with Aoxue face to face! I

will never let Mr. Charlie look down on me!”


When Charlie arrived outside the gymnasium, Qin Gang and Aoxue were already waiting


Seeing Charlie coming out, Qin Gang hurried forward and said respectfully: “Master, I

didn’t expect Aoxue to make such a huge improvement under your guidance. I am really


Charlie said lightly: “Mr. Qin, you and me don’t have to be so polite. Aoxue is not only

your daughter, but also my friend. This little thing is something that friends should do.”

Qin Gang couldn’t help but look at Aoxue, and said with a sigh, “Aoxue! See how Master

loves you! You must hear Master’s words in the future and serve him wholeheartedly,


Aoxue said loudly without hesitation: “Don’t worry, dad! I am willing to follow Master in

this life, obey his instructions, and repay him his kindness wholeheartedly!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You and me don’t have to be so polite, practice hard, winning

this competition and winning the championship is the best reward for me.”

Aoxue said very seriously: “Master, I was not sure to win the championship, but now I

am fully confident! Aoxue’s current strength is more than several times stronger than

before. All of this Relying on the magical medicine you gave Master, and your help to

guide my power!”

Charlie smiled: “If you talk to me so politely in the future, then I will consider staying

away from you.”

“Ah, don’t master Wade!”

Aoxue suddenly became anxious and said with red eyes, “Isn’t it OK if Aoxue won’t be so

polite to you in the future? You must not alienate me…”

Charlie nodded: “Remember what you said, don’t be so polite to me in the future.”

“Aoxue must remember!”

Aoxue hurriedly agreed, and Qin Gang on the side said, “Master, why don’t you come to

the house for a light meal?”

Charlie waved his hand: “It won’t be over today. There is still something going on at the

pharma factory. I asked Liang to invite a spokesperson over to see him.”

Chapter 1369

In order to endorse JX Weisan, Sara took her assistant and bodyguard to Aurous Hill by


Since Gu’s family is the third largest family in Eastcliff, the overall strength is very strong,

so Sara has always taken her own private jet when she goes out.

On the one hand, it is easy and convenient, and the more important aspect is privacy.

A big star like her will cause a huge sensation no matter whether it appears in any city in

the country.

If you want to keep a low profile, you must avoid the eyes and ears of the media

paparazzi and fans.

So taking a private jet became her first choice when going out.

After the plane arrived in Aurous Hill, Liang personally went to greet and took Sara and

her party to JX Pharmaceutical.

Originally, Liang planned to arrange for them to stay at the Shangri-La Hotel, take a

break, and talk about work tomorrow.

However, Sara insisted on going directly to the JX Pharmaceutical.

This is the first time that Sara has endorsed drugs. She herself takes this seriously and is

also very cautious.

Therefore, her first thought was to visit the production factory of this pharmaceutical

company to see if it was a sufficiently formal company.

When Charlie went to JX Pharmaceutical, Sara had already started to inspect the

production line of JX Pharmaceutical under the leadership of Liang.

The predecessor of JX Pharmaceutical is Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, which is a large-scale

pharmaceutical company with a market value of several billions. Both the production

line and the production process have reached the domestic first-class standards.

Coupled with the medicinal effects of JX Weisan, Sara had experienced it personally, so

there was nothing to worry about.

Therefore, she should have made up her mind and was willing to be the image

spokesperson for JX Weisan.

At this time, the discomfort caused by her spleen and stomach disorders has become

more and more intense, and seeing the production line next to her, packs of JX Weisan

were quickly packaged, so she asked Liang: “Mr. Liang, Can you give me some JX Weisan

first? My spleen and stomach have not been very good for a while. After taking a pack

of JX Weisan, it has changed significantly, but the effect of the medicine has passed, so…


Liang said earnestly: “Miss Sara, let’s not tell you that our boss has strict requirements.

Before Weisan is officially listed, we must strictly supervise and control it. So I can’t do

this. Or wait for him to come and see what he suggests.”

August said dissatisfiedly: “I think your boss is too picky, right? Just a few packets of

medicine. Is it necessary to be so petty?”

Liang hurriedly explained: “Ms. August, you have misunderstood. Our boss is not

picking, but cautious. Before our drugs are officially launched, we must strictly guard

against any leakage of confidential drugs. Now, Japan, South Korea and Asia’s other

pharmaceutical companies have been imitating and plagiarizing our ancient

prescriptions, which invisibly brought great losses to traditional medicine.”

Chapter 1370

August frowned and asked: “Does your boss have persecution delusions? It is now in the

21st century. The law on patents is very strict. As long as your medicines have been

patented, there is no need to worry that others will steal your formula.”

Liang shook his head and said: “Ms. August still doesn’t know something. In the current

pharmaceutical industry, only chemically synthesized drugs are truly protected by

patents and can be implemented.”

August asked: “Chemical synthesis drugs? What do you mean?”

Liang said: “Chemically synthesized drugs have strict and clear chemical molecular

equations, and their chemical structure is also very stable. For example, the special drug

for leukemia, Glenin, is chemically imatinated. Ni, this is one of the world’s best-selling

tumor specific drugs produced by Swiss Novartis. As long as Novartis has applied for a

patent for this chemical equation, any other company will be regarded as long as it

produces chemical products with the same composition as a committor of


After a pause, Liang said again: “However, traditional medicine itself is not a chemical

product. It is a lot of different proprietary Chinese medicinal materials that are matched

in specific proportions to achieve a cure effect. This formula is very effective. It is difficult

to apply for a patent, and it is also difficult to be effectively protected by the patent law,

and it is even difficult to sue others for infringement.”

“For example, everyone knows Banlangen granules? Its main ingredients are Banlangen

and sucrose. How do you apply for a patent for this formula? As long as the formula

leaks, ordinary people can make it at home as long as they get the formula. ,

Pharmaceutical companies can’t take these ordinary people to court, right?”

August said: “Even if ordinary people cannot sue for infringement, at least pharmaceutical companies can always sue for infringement, right?”

Liang shook his head and said, “Ms. August, what you think is too simple. First of all, it is difficult to apply for a patent for this kind of thing that exists in nature. For example, almost all of Asia uses rice as the staple food. Rice can be used to treat certain diseases, and then a pharmaceutical company will use the rice to apply for a patent. It is impossible for the International Patent Organization to pass it.”

“Furthermore, even if it is a complex formula, although it can be patented, the chances

of being cracked by competitors are also very high. Take the antidampness prescription,

as long as you make some adjustments on the original basis, such as the dosage ratio

With a slight change, replacing individual medicines with other similar medicinal

materials can perfectly avoid patents without affecting the efficacy of the medicine.”

“So, in the final analysis, the patent protection of Chinese patent medicines is very weak.

If you want to avoid being infringed by others, the best way is to win people first and let

consumers recognize our brand and medicines. In this way, even if competitors imitate

and follow us With similar drugs, we can also seize the opportunity at the consumer


“This is like Yunnan Baiyao. There are actually many kinds of medicines on the market

that have similar effects to Yunnan Baiyao. Their ingredients and formulas are basically

the same. But because Yunnan Baiyao was well-known earlier, and among the common

people, there it has a very good mass base, so the foundation of Yunnan Baiyao will not

be hurt by those imitation drugs.”

August curled her lips: “You said so much, I just want to ask you one question, is your

prescription also obtained from ancient Chinese prescriptions? Does this mean that you

are also plagiarizing the fruits of your ancestors?”

Liang shook his head: “I really don’t know this.”

“You don’t know?” August was even more puzzled, and asked him: “The medicine you

produced yourself, where did the prescription come from, don’t you know it yourself?”

Liang said seriously, “Our boss made the prescription.”

“Your boss?” August asked in surprise, “Is the boss a doctor?”

With infinite reverence on Liang’s face, he said with emotion: “Our boss is a true dragon

in the world!”

“Cut!” August said disdainfully: “Don’t brag about it, what kind of real dragon in the

world, do anyone dares to call these titles now?”

Chapter 1371

Seeing August’s disdain for his boss, Liang said righteously: “Ms. August, you can look

down on me, but you must never look down on my boss. If you have been in contact

with my boss for some time, you will know what I said. Everything is not a lie.”

When August curled her lips and wanted to say something, Sara beside her grabbed her

and said, “August, don’t be so rude when you go out. I believe what Mr. Liang said, if

you can study it alone. It’s okay to say that he is the dragon the current generation

based on this magical stomach medicine like JX Weisan.”

August stuck his tongue out: “Well, since you have said so, then I won’t be arrogant to

him. I wanted to tease him.”

Liang was speechless for a while, but he didn’t expect that this girl would deliberately

hold back with him.

He was also a big man anyway, and found that he was being played with by a woman,

and he was somewhat depressed, but when he thought that this woman was Sara’s

agent, he could only hide his depression deeply in his heart.

At this time, the factory director ran over quickly and said to him, “Mr. Liang, President

Wade is here!”

As soon as the voice fell, Charlie had already put on a clean suit and stepped into the


The moment he came in, Sara was a little dumbfounded when she saw his face.

She whispered to Liang next to her: “This man is your boss?!”

Liang nodded: “Yes.”

“what is his name?!”

Liang said, “Mr. Charlie Wade, what’s wrong?”

Sara was struck by lightning, but August on the side rolled her lips and said something

under her breath.

Sara suddenly scolded: “A lot! Don’t be rude!”

August was surprised.

She had never seen Sara angry with her before.

But now Sara is obviously angry.

In fact, August is not only Sara’s agent, but also Sara’s cousin.

She is the child of Sara’s aunt. The two get along very closely. After Sara entered the

entertainment industry, August volunteered to be her agent.

This is why August has always dared to play any jokes with her, and has never regarded

her as the boss.

At this moment, Sara looked at Charlie getting closer, and was so nervous that the

rhythm of breathing was completely messed up.

Charlie stepped forward to the three of them. Looking at Sara and August, he couldn’t

help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

What happened in these two days? You will always see such an eye-catching, even

horrifying beauty.

Nanako is one, and Sara is another.

Unlike Nanako’s gentleness, Sara seemed to be born with a cold air.

In the cold, with full noble temperament, she looked like a woman of extraordinary


In fact, there are two kinds of noble temperament in a person, one is cultivated since

childhood, and the other is cultivated half way.

The vast majority of wealthy people carry a bit of extravagance on their bodies, but it

can be seen from that extravagance that it has not been there since childhood.

Because many wealthy people are born out of hard work, and don’t have the

temperament that has been cultivated by large families in the past.

Even the rich second generation may not have enough precipitation.

Chapter 1372

The real precipitation must be at least three generations or even more than four


Only after several generations of precipitation can the family cultivate true aristocratic


In Aurous Hill, there is only one woman with such a temperament, Warnia.

And the temperament of Sara was even better than Warnia.

Charlie put away his surprise, looked at the two women with a slight smile, and said a

little apologetically: “I’m sorry you two, something has delayed me today. You two have

been waiting for a long time.”

Sara plucked up the courage to ask him: “You…your name is Charlie?”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, what’s the matter? What’s wrong with Miss Sara?”

Sara pointed at herself, staring at him with beautiful eyes and asked, “Do you remember


When these words came out, the other three people including Charlie were all stunned.

Liang and August were a little surprised. Could it be that Sara knew Charlie?

Charlie was also very surprised. It is said that this Sara is a big star from Eastcliff, does

she know him?

However, it seems something is not right.

I had already left Eastcliff when I was eight years old. Looking at Sara, I feel that I should

be one or two years younger than her, which means that when I left Eastcliff, Sara was at

most two three years old

How could she know him?

He has no impression of her, how could she know him?

However, from the look in Sara’s eyes, Charlie could guess that she must have

recognized him.

Moreover, she is from Eastcliff and he has never been back to Eastcliff for so many years.

From this, it can be guessed that she knew him in Eastcliff.

In other words, Sara knew that he was the Wade Family man.

At this moment, Charlie couldn’t help but frowned, took a deep look at Sara, and smiled:

“Miss Sara should be taking me for the wrong person.”

“how could be!”

Sara blurted out: “It’s impossible to admit your mistakes, you still have a temperament in

your facial features, and I can still see how you felt when you were a child!”

Charlie was even more surprised, but he resolutely said: “It’s impossible. I’ve been an

orphan since I was a child. I grew up in an orphanage. How could you know me?”

Sara wanted to say something, but seeing Charlie’s eyes seemed to warn herself, she

sighed and said: “Maybe I really am makinga a mistake. He looks so much like a

childhood friend of mine. He has been missing for a many years.”

Charlie nodded, and said with a smile: “The world is so big, the two look a bit like each

other, so normal.”

Sara followed his words and nodded and said, “Mr. Charlie is right.”

Liang and August on the side didn’t think much about it.

Liang made an introduction to Charlie: “Master, let me introduce you. The person in

front of you is the big star from Eastcliff, Miss Sara Gu, and next to her is Miss Sara’s

agent Ms. August.”

Charlie nodded, and said politely: “Miss Sara, Ms. August, the two of them have come to

Aurous Hill for a long time. The arrival of the two makes JX Pharmaceutical’s brilliance.”

August snorted: “Wade always, right? You are a bit too fake to say this. Since we are

here and make you feel bright, why are you unwilling to give us a bit of JX Weisan?

Sara’s spleen and stomach have always been discomforted. If we want a few packs of

medicine to take, you are not willing to give it. You are still telling me about patents. Is it


Chapter 1373

When Charlie heard August’s words, he couldn’t help but smile indifferently: “Because JX

Weisan has not yet been listed, we will have some security measures more or less. This is

basically the case in the pharmaceutical industry practices.”

Sara said apologetically: “I’m really sorry, Mr. Charlie, I shouldn’t make such an

unreasonable request, it’s just because I went abroad to film a movie some time ago,

hurt my spleen and stomach, took a lot of medicine, but it failed to cure until I took your

Powder. I have made a significant improvement, but the effect of the medicine has

passed, so I am a little bit eager for medicine now.”

Charlie nodded, took a pack of JX Weisan from the production line that had just been

packaged, handed it to Sara, and said with a smile: “Since Miss Sara has this need, then

we naturally have to meet it. Take this package.”

“Thank you.” Sara said, reaching out to take the stomach powder that was waiting, and

she couldn’t wait to take it down on the spot.

Almost immediately after taking the medicine, she felt her stomach feel better.

At this time, Charlie asked her: “Miss Sara, I wonder what your impression of our JX

Pharmaceutical is?”

Sara nodded and said, “I think it’s pretty good. It is indeed the look and style that a large

company should have.”

Charlie asked: “There is basically no problem with the endorsement matter?”

Sara gave a hum, nodded lightly, and said, “There is no problem with endorsements.

You can sign a contract at any time. After the contract is signed, you can start


Charlie smiled and said, “That’s great. In that case, let’s finish the contract process


“Okay Mr. Charlie.”

Sara said to the agent August on the side: “August, you can leave the contract with Mr.

Liang. You can sign the contract on my behalf.”

August nodded: “Okay, Sara, leave the contract to me. You should take a rest first. Your

spleen and stomach are not feeling well, so today you have been running around all


“Okay.” Sara looked at Charlie, smiled, and said: “Mr. Charlie, let August and Mr. Liang

sort out the contract process. How about finding a place to sit and have a cup of tea?”

Charlie knew that Sara definitely wanted to chat with him in private.

I also look forward to her being able to solve the puzzle about whether the two have

known each other before.

Liang on the side said, “Master, why don’t you take Miss Sara to chairman’s office for a

cup of tea and have a chat. I will have someone decorate your office specially for you,

and there will be good tea inside and tea set.”

Charlie nodded and made a please gesture to Sara: “Miss Sara, then please move to the

office to talk.”

Sara’s cold expression suddenly burst into a girlish smile, nodded slightly, and walked to

office with Charlie.

In fact, Charlie rarely came to JX Pharmaceutical, especially in the newly renovated

chairman’s office. He never came.

Although he is now the major shareholder of this company, he doesn’t really want to

care about JX Pharmaceutical.

This is mainly because he feels that professional things should be done by professional

people. He has never operated a pharmaceutical company, nor has he operated a

business related to drug production and sales.

And Liang is just one of these good players.

Then his best choice is naturally to leave all of this to him. What he has to do is to

provide him with good enough prescriptions for him to make good production and


Only in this way can they best cooperate and win-win.

After Charlie brought Sara to the office, Sara took the initiative to close the door.

Chapter 1374

At the moment when the door was closed, this goddess who made countless men

crazily infatuated, but with red eyes, choked and asked Charlie: “Charlie, don’t you

remember me?”

Charlie shook his head slightly and said seriously: “Sorry, I left Eastcliff when I was 8

years old, and I haven’t been back for so many years, so I don’t remember many people

and things in Eastcliff too deeply.”

Sara’s eyes were filled with tears for a moment, and she whispered softly: “Charlie, I am

Sara, don’t you remember me? Sara!”

“Sara?” Charlie frowned slightly and asked, “Which Sara?”

Sara hurriedly said: “A word of mouth outside, a girl’s female character inside.”

However, Charlie immediately got the impression that it was this girl.

In his mind, he immediately thought of the appearance of a baby girl.

Sara Gu, the daughter of the Gu family of Eastcliff, whose mother is a lady of Zhonghai,

gave her a nickname with a mouth on the outside and a girl on the inside, because in

the dialects of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, this name means a baby girl. .

And Sara’s father, named Philip, is the third oldest among the descendants of the Gu


Back then, Philip and Charlie’s father were the best brothers, and they could be said to

be having a deadly friendship.

At that time, the Gu family was not ranked in the top three in Eastcliff. Specifically, it

should be out of ten.

Charlie’s father helped Philip a lot back then, helping him counterattack as the first heir

of the Gu family, helping him become the head of the Gu family, and even supporting

the Gu family, making the Gu family stronger and stronger.

At that time, Philip was extremely grateful to Charlie’s father. Moreover, the two were as

close as brothers of the same milk compatriots, plus the children of the two families

happened to be a boy and a girl, and Sara, also Sara Gu, was only younger than Charlie.

It was a little over one year old, so Philip proposed to arrange a baby k!ss for the two


In large families, dating dolls is also very common today, but most of them are not as

romantic and innocent as described in movies and TV dramas.

In fact, most of the baby relatives of large families are carrying out exchanges of

interests. Like the Wade family and the Gu family, those who are completely emotional

are rare.

At that time, Charlie’s father didn’t take it too seriously. He just thought that he really

liked the cute little girl Sara Gu, who was the daughter of a good brother, so he verbally


However, because the two were still young at the time, this matter only remained at the

level of verbal promises from both parents.

Charlie still remembered that when this matter was settled, he was only four or five

years old, and he was somewhat resistant to this matter.

Because, whenever the two parties have a family gathering and they see Sara Gu, Sara

will follow his a** all the time like a follower, and he can’t shake it off, which was very


And in his impression, this girl loved to cry very much, every time he wants to get rid of

her, she will cry violently, making the young and playful Charlie very annoying.

and also.

Whenever she cried, Charlie’s mother would tell him seriously: “Charlie, Sara will be our

daughter-in-law from now on. You are not allowed to bully her, you know?”

Charlie felt uncomfortable as soon as he heard these words. At that time, he was playing

with all kinds of toy guns every day. How could he ever think about marrying a wife?

And the thought of marrying a crying follower made him even more resistant.

But that was after all a small Chapter of childhood. After leaving Eastcliff and falling into

Aurous Hill, he was thinking about how to survive every day, and he never thought

about Sara, which himself made him a little annoying.

However, he never dreamed that the little girl who used to cry in the past has now

turned into a glamorous and beautiful star. If she hadn’t said about herself, he would

not be able to connect these two people together!

Chapter 1375

Since Charlie came to Aurous Hill, he has only seen one person from past after so many

years, and this one is the steward of the Wade family, Stephen.

It was Stephen who suddenly appeared in front of him and gave him the Emgrand

Group and 10 billion in cash on behalf of the Wade Family.

However, after that, he never returned to Eastcliff.

It is very interesting. Although the Wade family gave money and the company, when

they heard that he was not willing to go back, no Wade family had come to Aurous Hill

to find him.

In this regard, Charlie was also very happy.

After all, he himself is very repulsive of the grievances between the rich and powerful,

and he does not want himself and his wife Claire to be involved, so that he can live in

Aurous Hill as stable as he is now, without being disturbed, than let him return to

Eastcliff, It is much stronger to fight secretly with Wade family for trillions of wealth.

And now, he has met a second one, the daughter of the deceased father’s good brother,

and his so-called baby girlfriend, Sara.

Therefore, at this moment, Charlie couldn’t help feeling sighed. The memories of

childhood came up deep in his mind, and it reminded him of his parents who had

passed away.

Perhaps it was because of too much suffering in these years. When Charlie thought of

his late father and mother, he was no longer so sad. He just sighed from the bottom of

his heart that if he were not born in a rich family, his parents would not have died

young, and he would not have experienced the ups and downs of life when he was eight

years old.

If a family of three could live a life of ordinary people, then his childhood would

definitely be much happier, right?

Seeing Charlie fell into silence, Sara hurriedly asked: “Charlie, why are you not talking?

Do you really have no impression of me?”

Charlie came back to his senses at this time, smiled slightly bitterly, and said, “I

remember you.”

“Really? Do you really remember me? Do you admit that you are Charlie?”

Charlie nodded and said: “I am Charlie Wade, from the Wade Family in Eastcliff, I didn’t

admit it just now, I just don’t want to expose this identity in front of others.”

Sara grabbed Charlie’s arm, clenched her hands tightly, and said with red eyes: “Charlie,

my dad has been looking for you for so many years. Since Uncle Wade and Aunt An

were buried in Eastcliff, my father has been looking every year. Take me to sweep their

graves, and confess to uncle and aunt every time. The confession failed to get you


Charlie sighed, “What else is Uncle Gu looking for?”

Sara said with tears: “Dad said, “I’m afraid that you will be wandering out and suffer. I’m

afraid you have some shortcomings. He can’t explain to Uncle Wade and Auntie…”

After speaking, Sara said again: “My dad has searched the whole country for so many

years, but has not found your whereabouts. Back then, the Wade family was keeping the

whereabouts and circumstances of you, Uncle Wade and Aunt An highly confidential.

When they returned to Eastcliff for burial, my father didn’t know where they died or why

they died…”

Charlie couldn’t help frowning: “You mean, the Wade family has been concealing this


“That’s right.” Sara nodded and said: “After you left Eastcliff with Uncle Wade and Aunt

An, all your whereabouts were erased by the Wade family. My father had been

investigating and taking Without finding any clues, he was so angry that he yelled at

home several times, saying that the Wade family simply followed your family to

eliminate all footprints, messages, and even the smell in the air…”

As she said, Sara cried with rain, and said: “My dad always wanted to find you after he

learned that Uncle and Aunt An had passed away, but all the household registration files

of Charlie in the country were in disorder. Your identity information couldn’t be found in

the household registration system at all, and we have no idea where you have been for

so many years…”

Charlie said indifferently: “I have been in Aurous Hill for so many years.”

“Ah?!” Sara blurted out in exclamation: “Charlie, you… have you been in Aurous Hill?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded, seeing her expression so surprised, frowned and asked: “I have

been in Aurous Hill, is it strange to you?”

Chapter 1376

Sara said indignantly: “Aurous Hill has always been the key suspect of my father. My dad

has been here several times. He used his relationship to check all the boys in Aurous Hill

who were about your age. And he checked it several times. He checked every rescue

station, welfare home, and non-governmental welfare organization in China, and there

was no information about you at all.”

“It’s impossible!” Charlie blurted out: “I have lived in the Aurous Hill Orphanage from the

age of 8 to 18, and I have not changed my name since the day I entered the orphanage.

My parents gave me this name, and the personal information I filled out in the

orphanage was also Charlie. If Uncle Gu has been here, he will definitely find me.”

Sara confidently said: “Impossible! In the past ten years, my dad has come to Aurous Hill

personally, and he has been here no less than five times! The number of people sent is

even more! All kinds of relationships have been used, but he never found any of yours


“I still remember the last time my dad came to Aurous Hill. It was during the summer

vacation that year when I was 18 years old when I was going to study in the UK. Because

at my strong request, dad brought me here. We were in Aurous Hill. After staying for

two weeks, I used hundreds of subordinates, informants and private investigators to sort

out various clues, but still did not find any information about you.”

Charlie listened to Sara’s words and looked at her very serious and excited expression,

and a panic surged in his heart.

Since the death of his parents, Charlie has been in a mess, but at this moment, he

suddenly felt a sense of tension on his back.

He began to suspect that his sad childhood seemed to hide a terrifying scam.

He has been in the welfare home for ten years, and Philip has done this several times

and tried to find him. It is impossible to ignore the Aurous Hill welfare home.

So what is it that made him not find or unable to find him who has been living in Aurous

Hill Welfare Institute?

Is there something wrong with the orphanage?

Could it be that the orphanage deliberately concealed his personal information?

So who instructed the orphanage to do it?

So what is the motivation of the person who instructed the orphanage?

It suddenly occurred to him that the Wade Family had so many hands and eyes that

they shouldn’t have let him fall in Aurous Hill for so many years.

Moreover, they were able to take the remains of his parents and return to Eastcliff for

burial, which proves that they know the trajectories of his parents and family of three.

In other words, the Wade family must have known that they were in the Aurous Hill

Welfare Institute.

It is even very possible that for so many years, he has never escaped Wade Family’s


This also explained why Stephen could easily find him in the hospital.

The real reason behind this seems to be getting more and more complicated…

Seeing Charlie fell silent again, Sara asked with great concern: “Charlie, are you

wondering, what is the conspiracy behind this?”

Charlie nodded: “I think some problems seem to be wrong, but I haven’t sorted them

out yet.”

Sara hurriedly said, “Why don’t I call my dad and ask him to come over!”

With that, she would reach out for her phone.

“Don’t, don’t!” Charlie hurriedly stopped her: “Don’t tell anyone about what you saw and

know about me, including your dad!”

Chapter 1377

Sara was puzzled.

She felt that her father had been looking for Charlie for so long these years. He had

always felt trouble sleeping and eating because he could not find Charlie, and felt guilty

in his heart.

Now that she has met Charlie by accident, she should naturally tell father the good

news, which is a wish for him for many years.

So she was too busy to ask: “Charlie, why can’t I tell others about seeing you?”

Charlie sighed softly and said, “Hey, no matter what happened more than ten years ago,

what’s the secret? At least I am very happy living in Aurous Hill right now, so I don’t

want to have too much relationship with Eastcliff.”

Sara said emotionally, “Charlie, you are the young master of the Wade family. Why do

you choose to stay in a place like Aurous Hill? If you choose to return to Eastcliff, the

Wade family’s trillions of assets will at least have a 20-30% share for you?”

Charlie waved his hand: “I am not short of money now, and I am not very interested in

the assets of the Wade Family. I just want to live a stable and simple life in Aurous Hill

with my wife.”

“Wife?” Sara exclaimed: “Charlie, you…are you married??”

“Yes.” Charlie said casually: “I have been married for more than three years…”

Sara was stunned, she blurted out: “Charlie! Did you forget that you had a marriage


“Marriage contract?” Charlie was a little embarrassed, chuckled, and said: “The marriage

contract was just a joke between our parents when we were young, and at that time you

and I were just ignorant children. How can such a thing be counted? Are you counting?”

Sara asked indignantly: “Why can’t this kind of thing count? You know, for so many

years since you disappeared, my dad will remind me every day and tell me that I am

already a married girl, tell me that I must never fall in love with other boys outside, even

I have always told myself this way!”

Charlie was dumbfounded.

When he left Eastcliff, he was just eight years old, and Sara was only six years or less

than seven years old. He had forgotten about this incident a long time ago, but she and

her family would still remember it.

This made him feel a little bit embarrassed. After all, he had long been thrown out of the

sky for things that others valued so much, which really made him feel a little guilty.

Therefore, he could only apologize and say: “Sara, to be honest, I have had a miserable

life for so many years. I lived in a welfare institution for the first 10 years, and then

worked in various construction sites for the next few years. I met my wife.”

Sara was angry and distressed, and asked with red eyes: “Did you not think about the

marriage contract between the two of us when you married her?”

“Sorry.” Charlie said frankly: “I haven’t really thought about this, mainly because I was

trapped at the time, and many things were involuntary.”

Sara asked again: “Then what does your current wife do? Which big family daughter is


“It’s not a big family.” Charlie smiled and said, “She is an ordinary girl.”

“Ordinary girl?!” Sara was dumbfounded, and soon her pretty face was full of anger, and

she blurted out: “You are the dignified young master of the Wade family, you are Sara’s

fiancé. My father and I have been looking for you for so many years, how can you even

talk to other women? Let alone getting married?!”

Chapter 1378

Having said that, Sara shed tears again.

Charlie hurriedly handed her a tissue, and softly persuaded, “Sara, don’t cry. Many things

are not as simple as having a house when we were young. Of course I also admit that I

really ignored this matter myself. I thought you were like me, and you would have

laughed at things like this when you were a kid, but I didn’t expect you and Uncle Gu to

have been looking for me for so many years.”

Sara said angrily: “Playing a house? A laugh? My dad made an oath to Uncle Wade and

Aunt An back then!”

“Also, you have lived in Eastcliff for eight years. You should also know that what the

Eastcliff family dislikes most is to let their children enter the entertainment industry.

Even the children of the large family are not allowed to marry female stars in the

entertainment industry. , Because in their eyes, no matter how famous the celebrities in

the entertainment industry are, they are just actors and inferior!”

“But you know, why should I enter the entertainment industry?”

Charlie shook his head and asked subconsciously: “Why?”

“Not to find you! I want to make myself a star and be followed by the people of the

whole country and even the people all over the world. In this way, you may see me, then

recognize me, find me…”

Charlie said awkwardly: “You have changed quite a bit from when you were young. If

you didn’t tell me the details, I might not recognize you at all…”

Sara asked in return: “Have you not seen any of my interviews? Every time I receive an

interview, I will tell the media reporters that my name is Sara Gu. I also deliberately said

that the reason why I don’t have a boyfriend is because I’m looking for the true fate of

my youth. This incident has been posted several times on hot searches. Haven’t you

seen it once?”

Charlie smiled helplessly: “I am a person who rarely pays attention to the news of the

entertainment industry or chasing stars, so I have never followed it.”

Sara pursed her mouth in anger and asked, “Then why are you looking for me to speak

for JX Weisan?!”

Charlie shrugged: “I didn’t decide this matter, it was Liang’s decision. He told me that

you are now one of the most famous celebrities, so he recommended that you come to

endorse JX Weisan.”

Sara’s self-esteem was hit, and tears of anger fell: “Then my hard work for so many years

is in vain? I have said so many times in front of the people of the whole country, but you

have not seen it once!”

As she said, she wiped her tears and choked up: “Just on the plane I came this time, I

was still thinking, I can wait for you to be 35, or even for you to be 40. Anyway, enter the

entertainment industry. People get married very late, and I don’t have to be urged to

marry by someone who doesn’t know the inside story. I didn’t expect you bad guy to be

so unconscionable! Not only did you not recognize me, but you broke the engagement

and got married with another woman!”

For so many years, in Sara’s heart, she has always remembered her marriage contract

with Charlie.

This is not only because she had a natural affection for Charlie when she was a child, and

always liked to follow him.

It was even more because, for so many years, her father had been looking for him, so

she had never forgotten Charlie.

Moreover, she has been looking forward to finding him for so many years.

In addition, Sara’s father has been reminding her in her ears for so many years, so that

she should not forget that she has a marriage contract.

Moreover, after she was 20 years old, her father often said that as long as she found

Charlie, she must marry Charlie, because this was her father’s promise to friends,

benefactors, and brothers many years ago.

Sara accepted this arrangement imperceptibly. She herself has felt for so many years

that she will find him, but she did not expect that he was already married!

Chapter 1379

Charlie was criticized by Sara, and he felt a little uncomfortable on his face, and felt a

little uncomfortable in his heart.

So, he gave a dry cough and said apologetically: “Sara, I am indeed responsible for this

matter. I want to say sorry to you and Uncle Gu…”

“Sorry?” Sara said angrily, “Since you want to apologize, even if you don’t think that my

dad is your elder, it is because my dad has been looking for you for so many years, you

should also apologize to my dad! No! Let me tell my dad that I have found you. What

does it mean?”

Charlie looked at her angry expression and said seriously: “Sara, think about it for

yourself, I have lived in Aurous Hill Welfare Institute for 10 years, but Uncle Gu came to

Aurous Hill to look for me several times, but failed to find my whereabouts. Why?

Someone must not want Uncle Gu to find me. The other party can make Uncle Gu not

find me. This proves that he is very strong and don’t know whether it is a friend or an

enemy. If you tell Uncle Gu now, it will only cause trouble for him.”

Seeing that Sara’s expression eased, Charlie continued: “Also, why my parents were

forced to leave Eastcliff back then, why they died unexpectedly when they arrived in

Aurous Hill, these are still unknown, plus someone hiding my information back then.

There might be a huge hidden secret behind this, so I must first find out what happened

in the past, find out who is watching me behind, who intends to bring danger to me and

the people around me, and Not going to meet with Uncle Gu.”

Sara cried and said, “But my dad has really missed you for so many years. He has only

two biggest wishes now, one is to find you and the other is to watch me get married…”

Charlie solemnly promised: “Sara, don’t worry, when I find out everything one day, I will

personally come to Eastcliff and visit Uncle Gu!”

When Charlie said this, Sara’s expression became even more painful.

She burst into tears and said: “My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years

ago. He has been treated for several courses in China, the United States and Japan, but

there has been no cure. Top doctors all over the world say that this disease is impossible

to cure. Yes, no matter how much money is spent, it is impossible, just like Apple’s Jobs,

maybe one day his condition suddenly deteriorates and he will die…”

Charlie exclaimed: “Pancreatic cancer? How is Uncle Gu now?”

Sara said: “He just came back from the United States and was recuperating at home. The

reason why I was willing to take the American film is because my dad is going to the U.S.

for treatment. After the filming of the film, his treatment was over, so I returned to China

for a while.”

Afterwards, she sighed and said quietly: “The results of the treatment in the United

States this time are not good. I feel that his body is getting worse and worse. don’t

know which day…”

Charlie couldn’t help but feel sad when he heard this.

After so many years of drifting away, he has no feelings for Sara’s father or even Sara’s


If he hadn’t met Sara, he might not think of this family again for the rest of his life.

After all, they were too young back then, and they didn’t leave a deep feeling and

impression on him.

But when he heard that Sara said that after she and her father had put so much effort to

find him, he couldn’t help being moved.

Since becoming an orphan at the age of eight, Charlie has encountered too few good

people in the past ten years.

He met people who really cared about him, even fewer.

There is one Aunt Lena from the orphanage, one from Willson’s father, and one in the

from of his wife, Claire.

Elder Willson also passed away. In this world, Aunt Lena and Claire are the only ones

who really care about him and love him.

But now, there are two more people who care about him, one is Sara and the other is

her father Philip.

Philip was unable to find himself day by day for so many years, which he had never

thought of before.

Chapter 1380

Therefore, after hearing that Philip was suffering from pancreatic cancer and his physical

condition was deteriorating, he immediately made a decision to save his life!

So he immediately said to Sara: “Well, after we finish talking about cooperation, you will

return to Eastcliff first, and in a few days I will quietly go to Eastcliff to meet Uncle Gu.

Then, I will have my own panacea that can cure his illness!”

Sara was dumbfounded and asked, “What panacea do you have that can cure this

terminal illness? Doctors all over the world have told me that this terminal illness cannot

be cured…”

Charlie said seriously: “It is not convenient for me to disclose this to you for the time

being, but you can rest assured that since I have said it, I will definitely honor my


Charlie has a panacea in his hand.

The elixir he refined for the first time was able to cure high paraplegia, which is almost

impossible to cure medically.

If he takes one to Philip, there is a high probability that his pancreatic cancer can be


Taking a step back, if his elixir can’t cure him, he still has rejuvenation pills to use.

At the beginning, he refined a batch of Rejuvenating Pills. He ate a few of them and

gave some to his friends. Now there are still a lot of them. This medicine can almost

make the dead trees come in spring and resurrect people who are dying. It will definitely

heal Philip.

Take a step back and say, that rejuvenating pill will not cure, and it doesn’t matter to

him, he still has aura!

Reiki is the purest and most supreme energy of all things in the world. There does not

exist a disease in this world, which cannot be cured by it.

There was always a word, no matter what, Charlie couldn’t let Philip die like this.

Because he is not only the brother of his dead father, his elder, but also the benefactor

he should be grateful to!

However, Charlie didn’t plan to give the medicine to Sara directly, because the medicine

he refined at the time caused a trouble, and was missed by Ichiro of Kobayashi


Tianqi is still a master of Chinese studies and martial arts, so there is no need to worry

about comfort, but Sara is an ordinary girl. He must not let her take this medicine by

herself. It is safer to take it to Philip in a few days!

At this time, Sara still had some doubts about Charlie’s words.

After all, since her father fell ill, she has studied too many relevant documents and

materials, knowing that this disease is indeed very pessimistic and a cure does not exist

in the world. There is a special medicine that can cure this disease.

However, Charlie was so eloquent that she still had some expectation in her heart.

Moreover, she believed that even if Charlie couldn’t cure her father, but he was willing

to go to Eastcliff to meet her father, the old man would be very happy to see him.

If you are seriously ill, and there is no way to treat it, it is the best comfort to make the

patient happy!

So she asked tentatively: “Charlie, will you really come to Eastcliff to see my father in a

few days?”

Charlie nodded firmly: “Definitely!”

Chapter 1381

Hearing Charlie’s affirmative reply, Sara’s mood only improved slightly.

She stopped the tears, carefully wiped away the remaining tears in the corners of her

eyes with her fingers, and laughed at herself: “Hey, Charlie laughed. Actually, I haven’t

cried for many years, but it turned out that my dad fell ill. Now, it’s as if I’m back when I

was a child, and my tears flowed as soon as they talked.

Charlie smiled slightly and said comfortingly: “Don’t think so, people have seven

emotions and six desires, can laugh and cry, can be happy and sad, there is nothing to

be done.”

Sara nodded softly and asked: “Charlie, are you still crying now?”

Charlie smiled bitterly: “When I was 8 years old, there were too many tears, and it

seemed to have shed tears for a lifetime.”

Sara clutched his arm with both hands, and said with red eyes: “Charlie, you have

suffered for so many years…”

Charlie smiled indifferently: “People say that hardship is blessing. I didn’t believe it

before, but I believed it later.”

Charlie felt that the biggest situation in his life was not to be found by Stephen again,

but to accidentally obtain the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures.

If there is no Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures, even if he is Wade Family, he may not be

able to possess the top strength of today.

And all the respect that he has won now is not based on the title and power of Wade

Family but based on his own strength. This is very important!

Throughout the country, there are even more powerful families and the wealthy secondgeneration generations who have aloof status. However, among these rich secondgenerations, there are a few people who can rely on their own strength to win

Respect of everyone?

The son of a real estate developer packaged himself into an internet celebrity and a

national hero. In those years when the economic situation was good, he made some

investments and achieved good results, so he was regarded as an investment genius by

the whole people.

However, when the economic situation took a turn for the worse, his company

immediately went bankrupt and owed hundreds of millions or even billions of foreign

debts, which once became the laughing stock of the whole people.

The reason is so. It is because of his original lack of strength, leaving the halo, he will

immediately expose a lot of shortcomings.

However, now Charlie, even if he paid back all the 10 billion given to him by the

Emgrand Group and the Wade Family, he is still the real Dragon who is respected by


Among other things, he can win tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of wealth

with just a few rejuvenating pills, and make countless top families bow to himself.

And all of these are opportunities given to him by the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures.

If he didn’t have the sufferings that he had in his childhood, how could he have that

coincidence in Warnia’s Jiqingtang, and get the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures?

Therefore, Charlie believes that God is fair.

Just like Mencius said, when the heavens will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, they

must first suffer their minds, muscles, and skin.

At this time, Liang sent a WeChat message to Charlie, which read: “Master, Ms. August

and I have finished the contract. When do you think we will go to Shangri-La for


Charlie replied: “You and Ms. August will wait a moment.”

Afterwards, he put away his cell phone and said to Sara, “Sara, Liang and Ms. August are

basically finished. Let’s go to Shangri-La for dinner, but I have one more thing. I want to

ask you for help.”

Sara hurriedly said, “Charlie, why are you so polite with me?”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “My wife is a fan of you and has always liked you very

much. For dinner at night, I am going to call her together. Are you okay?”

Chapter 1382

Sara was in a mixed mood. She looked into his eyes and asked angrily: “You are not

afraid of me telling her that I am your fiancee, and is she a third party to intervene?”

Charlie was embarrassed: “So I have an additional request.”

Sara snorted and said angrily: “You want me to hide this relationship between me and

you from your wife, right?”

Charlie said: “She thought I was an orphan and didn’t know my identity and family

background, and I don’t want her to know.”

Sara asked incomprehensibly: “She is your wife, are you not even going to tell her your

true identity, do you intend to keep hiding from her?”

Charlie said: “If you don’t tell her, it’s not that you want to keep concealing it, but the

time is not mature enough. Let’s talk about it when the time comes.”

Sara wrinkled her nose and said, “I want to know, when you see my dad, how can I tell

him that you are already married!”

Charlie said earnestly: “At that time, I will come to the door personally, and I will beg

him to get my point!”

Sara had a bit of resentment in her heart, and deliberately stopped talking to him.

Charlie said again: “By the way, Sara, when you meet my wife, don’t reveal that I am the boss of this company. I usually tell her that I’m looking at Feng Shui for others, and you will be there. Tell her at the dinner table that your Feng Shui is not very good, and want me to come over and take a look, so that I will agree on the spot in front of my wife at the dinner table, and then I can prepare to go to Eastcliff.”

Sara asked back: “Do you have feelings with your wife?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“If you have feelings, then why are you hiding everything from her? There is no truth, isn’t it just that you have no feelings?”

Charlie shook his head: “You don’t understand. It is because of feelings that many things have to be done step by step. This is the greatest protection for her. Otherwise, think about it. When she married me, she thought I was a an orphan with no father and no mother, three years later, I suddenly tell her that I am the young master of Wade family.

Can she accept it?”

“Why can’t she accept it? Which woman doesn’t want her husband to have status and

ability? Does she even want you to be a poor pauper?”

Charlie said, “You don’t understand my wife, she is different from other women.”

Sara said dissatisfiedly: “Wife, wife, wife all tht time, when you say these things, do you

consider my feelings? Do you know that since I was a child, I always felt that I must

marry you in my life, even if it is You have been missing for more than ten years. I also

have this hunch, but now I have finally found you. You have your wife when you open

your mouth. Do you know how I feel?”

Charlie said ashamed: “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”

Sara saw that he was really apologetic, and when he thought of the pain he had suffered

for so many years, his heart suddenly softened again.

So, she sighed and said softly: “I’m sorry, Charlie, I didn’t mean to be unreasonable, but I

couldn’t control my emotions for a while, don’t mind.”

Charlie said hurriedly, “Why? I won’t mind.”

“That’s good.”

Sara paused slightly, and then asked him: “Charlie, do you have any children now?”

“Uh…” Charlie said awkwardly: “Not yet…”

Sara breathed a sigh of relief: “Very good, after all I am still a somewhat famous

celebrity. Marrying a divorced man in the future would be a bit embarrassing. If I were

to be a stepmother to someone else, I wouldn’t be the gang in Eastcliff. b@stard laughs

to death!”

Chapter 1383

Charlie was taken aback by Sara’s words.

Marrying a divorced man, does this mean him?

Is this Gu’s girl too stupid? It’s just a verbal agreement between the parents in

childhood. When was it too serious? Who cares about it?

Seeing that she is young, beautiful, cold and arrogant, she is definitely the kind of girl

with a special idea, why is her thinking so conservative?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but said: “I said that, that little thing about us when we

were young, really can’t be taken seriously, you shouldn’t miss it and delay your own


Sara said earnestly: “Charlie! You unscrupulous bad man, I have been waiting for more

than ten years. You tell me now that it’s not true? Believe it or not, I’ll hold a press

conference tomorrow, and we’ll just take our marriage contract and Announce it?”

As she said, Sara wrinkled her nose at him threateningly: “Tell you, this lady has a lot of

fans, and don’t blame me for inciting fans to target you at that time! Make you the

world’s No. 1 loser and let you be blamed by thousands of people!”

Charlie was defeated.

He knew that Sara must be serious, otherwise she would not have been looking for him

with her father for so many years.

If you continue to say that you don’t have to take it seriously, it is to obliterate and deny

the other party’s persistence and efforts for more than ten years.

Therefore, out of respect for Sara, he said seriously: “Sara, you and I have just reunited

after so many years of separation. Many things should be considered for a long time.

You should give your brother a face. Today, let’s take the matter of cooperation with my

wife, Deal with the matter of your sister-in-law eating together!”

“As for the rest, the two of us can talk slowly and slowly. Besides, I promised you that I

will come to Eastcliff and visit Uncle Gu in a few days?”

Sara’s expression eased a bit, and she muttered: “Okay! I’ll give you this face! You are

getting married, waiting for you to go to Eastcliff, and explain to my dad yourself! At

that time, my dad will not beat you, I hope!”

After that, she gave Charlie a vicious look, and then said: “Let’s go, you have to arrange

for a meal, and I feel hungry.”

In fact, Sara didn’t feel hungry. The reason why she wanted to eat quickly was actually

because she wanted to see Charlie’s current wife earlier.

Unexpectedly, Charlie’s wife is still her own fan, this incident is really good luck.

Charlie was busy reminding her: “What time is it? It’s not five o’clock, do you have to


Sara hummed, “Can’t I be hungry?”

Charlie said: “I have something to deal with later, and then I will pick up your sister-inlaw. If you are hungry, I will let Liang take you to Shangri-La first. Your sister-in-law and I

will come to find you together, but you must remember what I told you, and when you

see your sister-in-law, don’t miss it.”

“Oh, I know!” Sara’s expression was somewhat impatient, she didn’t want to admit that

Charlie’s wife was her sister-in-law, she should be a rival in love!

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Charlie said to come in. Liang opened

the door and said respectfully: “Master, I have finished the contract with Ms. August.”

Charlie nodded: “Liang, you arrange a car to accompany the two to Shangri-La, and

President Issac will arrange it. You sit there for a while, wait for me, I have something to

deal with.”

Liang respectfully said: “OK, Master!”


After letting Liang take Sara and August to Shangri-La first, Charlie rode an electric bike

by himself and went to Aurous Hill Welfare Institute alone.

At this moment, deep in his heart, there are too many questions to clarify.

He felt that the first person he was looking for was Aunt Lena from the orphanage.

Since someone in the orphanage deliberately concealed his identity, Aunt Lena should

know some of the details.

When he came to the orphanage, Charlie went directly to her office.

Chapter 1384

As soon as he arrived at the office door, he just ran into his childhood friend Xiaofen

coming out of the office. When she saw Charlie, she said happily, “Brother Charlie, why

are you here?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “I have something to find Aunt Lena for, is she there?”

“She here.” Xiaofen smiled, and hugged Charlie’s arm when he came up, and said

affectionately: “Brother, you haven’t come here these days, people miss you!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Do you think you won’t call me?”

“I’m afraid you are busy!” Xiaofen said delicately, “I don’t want to delay your business.”

Charlie said: “Okay, I will invite you to dinner the next day, and you can go ahead if you

have anything to do. I will go in and find Aunt Lena.”

Xiaofen said: “Okay, brother, you go to Aunt Lena first, I will go to the back kitchen to

see if the children’s dinner has started, don’t rush away later, I will come to you when I’m



After Xiaofen left, Charlie just knocked on the door, and Aunt Lena’s kind voice came

from inside: “It’s Charlie, right? Come in!”

Charlie opened the door and saw Aunt Lena sitting at a simple desk, looking through a

pile of documents.

Aunt Lena raised her head to look at him, pushed her glasses, and asked with a smile,

“Why are you here? You didn’t say a word before you came.”

Charlie smiled unnaturally: “Aunt Lena, I am looking for you, I want to ask you


Aunt Lena nodded and said with a smile: “What are you polite to Auntie, just say it.”

Charlie walked to Aunt Lena, sat down on the chair opposite her desk, looked at her,

hesitated for a moment, then asked: “Aunt Lena, I came to you to ask you back then

Some details that took me into the orphanage.”

Aunt Lena’s expression flashed with a slight astonishment, but she quickly returned to

business as usual. She smiled and said, “It’s been more than ten years, and auntie may

not remember many details, but you can just ask if I know I will tell you.”

Charlie is not a fool, and the subtle changes in Aunt Lena’s expression have not been

ignored by him.

On the contrary, he saw some problems from the slight changes.

If Aunt Lena had nothing to hide from him, she shouldn’t have that expression at all.

She must have something in her heart, so that it would appear unnatural on the surface.

So he looked at Aunt Lena and asked seriously: “In fact, I want to know, after I came to

the orphanage, has anyone come to the orphanage to look for me in the ten years

before I left?”

Aunt Lena said without hesitation: “No, never.”

Charlie frowned and asked: “Really no one?”

Aunt Lena said confidently: “Really none.”

“That’s not right.” Charlie looked at Aunt Lena, couldn’t help but sighed, and said with

emotion: “Aunt Lena, I am the one you saw when you were a child. I will always

remember this kindness, so in front of you, I too am not going to lie, I’ll tell you what I


When Charlie said this, Aunt Lena’s expression became a little flustered.

She realized that Charlie should have known something this time.

However, she didn’t dare to say anything, so she was extremely nervous.

Charlie continued to say at this time: “Auntie, I heard that the best friend of my father

had come to Aurous Hill many times to find me, and he also came to our Aurous Hill

Welfare Institute more than once?!”

Chapter 1385

Charlie’s question caused Aunt Lena’s expression to change suddenly!

All of a sudden she panicked!

Never dreamt that Charlie would ask her this question.

So she panicked and said: “This…this…I have never heard of this. If someone was really

looking for you, we would definitely not hide it. Is there something in it?


Charlie shook his head: “This can’t be a misunderstanding. From my heart, I can’t accept

the explanation of misunderstanding.”

As he said, he said with a pious face: “Aunt Lena, I’m not here to pursue you. Anyway,

you saved my life and raised me for ten years, even if there is something in it, Charlie

will never hate you.”

When Aunt Lena heard this, her expression became extremely ashamed.

Charlie continued: “I just want to know, when he came here, why did the orphanage tell

him that there is no one like me here? If I remember correctly, what our orphanage has

always been looking forward to most is the child’s Relatives can come to the door to

pick up the child. My dad’s best friend comes to me. Why can’t even he get my

information? Who was hiding my information from him?”

Aunt Lena pursed her mouth, looking flustered around.

She dared not look into Charlie’s eyes, let alone answer Charlie’s questions.

Charlie had a panoramic view of her performance.

He knew that Aunt Lena must know the secret.

So he looked at her and asked seriously: “Auntie, if I guessed correctly, then you should

know that I am the young master of the Eastcliff family, right?”

As soon as he said this, the pen in Aunt Lena’s hand snapped to the ground.

Charlie thought she got up and was going to pick up the pen, but unexpectedly, she

bowed her waist and walked around behind the table, and then knelt in front of him

with a plop.

Charlie exclaimed: “Auntie, what are you…”

Aunt Lena knocked her head on the ground and said bitterly, “Master I am… I am sorry


One word, Master made Charlie’s whole person struck by lightning!

At this moment, he felt as if he was slammed into the heart by a huge force, and the

whole person subconsciously took two steps back, and asked in shock: “Auntie…you…”

Aunt Lena cried and said, “Master I have always known your identity. I am actually a

member of the Wade family. It’s just that I have a humble status. I didn’t have the

chance to serve the Wade family in Eastcliff. The branch of Wade’s family is

miscellaneous, so you had never seen me before you were eight years old…”

Charlie forced himself to hold his breath and asked, “Auntie, did the Wade family ask

you to bring me here?”

Aunt Lena raised her head, choked with tears on her face: “Back to Master it was

Stephen steward who let me down…”

Charlie was shocked and blurted out: “Is it Stephen?!”

Chapter 1386

“Yes!” Aunt Lena nodded, crying and said: “Back then, I was not permanently stationed

in Aurous Hill, but was arranged to work in Zhonghai. One night, steward Stephen sent

someone to urgently take me from Zhonghai to Aurous Hill, and then together with

another member of the Wade family, I took over this orphanage. After a few days, we

replaced all the staff in the entire orphanage with members of the Wade family. After all

arrangements were made, I found you only under Stephen steward’s instruction and

brought you to the orphanage…”

Charlie was extremely shocked!

This is simply the thing he has heard since he was a child, and it makes him feel


He entered this orphanage at the age of eight and lived here for ten years. Only now he

know that all the staff in this orphanage were from the Wade family? !

Could it be that he spent the entire childhood and adolescence ignorantly under the

supervision of the Wade family? !

He cannot accept this reality.

But he knew very well that Aunt Lena had never lied to him!

what is this……

He suppressed his anger and asked her: “Auntie Lena, I want to know, why did you

bother to do this? And also do everything possible to hide my information? What was

your purpose?”

Aunt Lena cried and said, “Master! The death of your parents was not an accident, but a

gangster intended to murder your family of three!”

“What?!” Charlie blurted out, “My parents, were they killed?”

Aunt Lena said with a red eye: “Do you remember the details of the year? Your parents

rented an old house in Aurous Hill incognito, and then they changed your name so that

you could study in Aurous Hill’s No. 1 Primary School… .”

Charlie nodded: “I remember that my parents died in a car accident when I was in

school, so you mean, my parents were killed by others, right?”

“Yes!” Aunt Lena nodded her head: “The group of people who killed your parents in the

past faked the scene of the car accident. They immediately prepared to find your

whereabouts at Aurous Hill No. 1 Elementary School and kill you too. It was the steward

Stephen who brought you. He arrived in time and arrested all the people at a small gate

in Aurous Hill. Originally, he planned to keep them alive, but the other party all took

poison and committed suicide. Later, he went through the vine and checked it and

found that the other party was all from overseas, but the clue is interrupted there.”

Charlie asked, “Does he know who killed my parents?”

Aunt Lena said, “It’s just because they have not been able to find out who the gang was

instigated by. So, steward Stephen was afraid that Master mind behind the scenes would

still want to disadvantage you, so he decided to hide your name in Aurous Hill, so he

sent us to come and take charge of the Aurous Hill Welfare Institute. While protecting

and taking care of you, we also conceal all information about you from the outside

world. The only thing we fear is that the other party is not willing to let you go!”

“Was Stephen instructed by the Wade family to do this?”

“No…” Aunt Lena shook her head and said, “steward Stephen has always suspected that

the Wade family may be the ones who secretly harmed your family, so he has kept these

things from everyone in the Wade family.”

Charlie asked: “Then why did he come to me suddenly some time ago?”

Aunt Lena replied: “The master has sent someone to look for you for a long time, but he

didn’t found it, he thought you are missing. Last year, Master planned to make a formal

will to make arrangements for the inheritance of the Wade family’s property. The butler

did not want you to be excluded, so he told him about your whereabouts. The master

hopes that you can return to Eastcliff and compete with the other descendants of the

Wade family to inherit the family business, but he also knows that you may not agree to

it. So he gave you 10 billion as a gift…”

Charlie couldn’t help asking, “Auntie, then you needed a kidney transplant for uremia.

Was that true or not?”

When Aunt Lena heard this, she shook her head again and again, confessing in her

mouth, “Going back to the young master, it’s a fake to be sick next…because you grew

up with me, and I understood your temperament. If I didn’t force you, you would not

have accepted the Wade family’s funds. That’s why I decided to use that as an excuse to

force you to accept Wade family’s money. I would deceive the young master and sin.

Death is what I deserve, please master punish me!”

Chapter 1387

What Aunt Lena said is actually correct.

Charlie has undergone tremendous changes since he was a child. He has experienced

the best days in the world, and he has also experienced the hardest days. He has already

witnessed everything.

Even if he didn’t marry Claire back then, even if he is still was working on the

construction site now, there is nothing that he’d be dissatisfied with himself.

Because in his opinion, after the death of his parents, working hard to live is the greatest

comfort to them.

As for money and status, he had already forgotten it.

During the years he married Claire, he suffered humiliation, but he never thought of

going back to Wade’s house for help.

Even if his dignity was rubbed repeatedly by the Willson family on the ground, he could

accept it calmly.

Three years of incomparable humiliation passed, but even though he himself was in the

center of this vortex, he was the most peaceful one.

But his calmness was completely changed because of Aunt Lena’s “serious illness”.

At that time, he was too afraid of Aunt Lena’s death.

Because, in his eyes, she was his savior, his reborn parent, and his biological parents

were already dead, so he must never watch her die.

He once went to the hospital and wanted to do a match with her, to see if his kidneys

was compatible.

If the matching was successful, he would simply donate a kidney to her.

However, the hospital told him at the time that the matching failed.

So, he could only do everything possible to get money to find the source of the kidney

for her and perform a kidney transplant.

Because of this, he mustered up the courage to borrow money from Mrs. Willson during

her birthday party.

But unexpectedly, the Old Mrs. Willson not only rejected him mercilessly, but also took

the entire Willson family to ridicule him there!

At that time, Charlie was frustrated.

It was also at that time that Stephen suddenly appeared in front of him.

The moment he saw him, his heart was very angry.

Although he did not know that his parents were harmed by others, he always felt that

the Wade family could not shirk the blame for his parents’ death.

And Stephen, as the housekeeper of the Wade family, can be said to be the one who

made him hate the family.

Therefore, when Stephen asked him to go home and inherit the family property, he


When Stephen gave him the Emgrand Group and gave him 10 billion, he also refused.

However, when Stephen told him that Aunt Lena’s illness still needed two million to save

her life, he compromised.

He knew that he had no other way to save Aunt Lena apart from accepting the Wade

family’s money.

Therefore, he accepted the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash given by the family.

Since then, Charlie’s life trajectory has undergone a major reversal.

However, he never thought that all of this was actually a bitter trick by Stephen and

Aunt Lena.

A battle forced him to accept Wade Family’s “gift” or “compensation” tricks.

At this moment, he had been deceived and even betrayed in his heart.

Chapter 1388

But the indignation in his heart was fleeting.

Because he knew that Stephen and Aunt Lena did it for his own good.

If it weren’t for them to protect him as deliberately here, he might have died ten years


In order to protect him, Stephen did not hesitate to replace the entire Aurous Hill

Welfare Institute with his subordinates. This is enough to show that he took a

painstaking care to ensure the safety.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to support Aunt Lena, and said

gratefully: “Auntie, you don’t have to apologize to me, let alone ask me for your crimes.

You and steward Stephen are my lifesavers. I should thank you. You risked your life to

protect my safety.”

Aunt Lena waved her hands in a hurry: “Master you are too polite. These are all things

we should do.”

Charlie sighed and said, “Auntie, I am a little confused now, so I have to call butler

Stephen and sort out these clues. After I figure it out, I will come to you again.”

Aunt Lena said quickly: “OK, Young Master!”

Charlie was uncertain, and said in a panic: “I’ll leave now Aunt Lena.”

Aunt Lena hurriedly said, “Master I will see you off!”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, I’ll go by myself.”

After that, Charlie gave a fist to Aunt Lena, bowed slightly, and turned and left the office.

Pushing the electric bike, Charlie walked out of the orphanage in despair.

At this time, in the office of the dean on the fourth floor of the orphanage, behind a

curtain gap, a middle-aged man in his fifties turned back and looked at the gray-haired

Old Master sitting at the desk, and said respectfully: “steward Stephen , Master is gone.”

It was the dean of Aurous Hill Welfare Institute.

And the gray-haired Old Master in the desk was Stephen, the housekeeper of the Wade


Hearing that Charlie was gone, Stephen nodded lightly and sighed: “I have a thousand

fortunes, and I didn’t even know that the young master would invite Gu’s girl to speak

for him. Upon hearing the news, I immediately rushed over from Eastcliff. , But it’s too


The dean asked him: “steward Stephen, there is something unclear below.”

“Say it.”

The dean said in confusion: “Lina doesn’t know this at all. Why do you want him to

speak these lines of lies to the young master?”

After speaking, he said again: “At the beginning I did propose to choose a suitable

woman from reliable servants to take care of the young master, but you disagreed, I

must hire someone from the society who knows nothing. Volunteer, I just recruited Lina.

She is the only staff member in the entire orphanage, but why do you have to tell her to

lie now? Would you like to tell her this, what is she? don’t know. No matter how much

the young master questioned her, it would be impossible to get any information. She

didn’t know anything, and naturally, the young master would not see any clues!”

Stephen said with emotion: “The reason why I didn’t agree to use Wade’s servants to

take care of the young master was because I was afraid that he would see the flaws

when he gets along with the young master day and night.”

“Think about it. This person has to take care of the young master for ten years. What if

he accidentally misses his mouth at any time and calls out the young master? What if he

takes a nap one day and says something that shouldn’t be said in a dream What should

I do? The young master was only eight years old. I definitely can’t let him know that

everything around him was arranged!”

“Because of this, I wanted someone who doesn’t know him to take care of him

personally. Only in this way could he live in it and live the life of an ordinary orphan;

because of this, he has not eaten well and dressed well these years. It’s not good, it’s not

used well, even though I’m terribly upset, I don’t dare to give him any more care;

because of this, he was excluded, isolated, and humiliated by other children in the

orphanage, and I dare not let you intervene. ……”

Speaking of this, Stephen sighed: “If it weren’t for seeing him wanting to treat that Lina,

I really don’t know how to persuade the young master to accept the gift from the Old


“What about now?” The dean said nervously, “Young Master knows about Lina. He will

contact you immediately and find a way to find out who killed his parents. He might

even return to Eastcliff, if someone in the Wade family is unfavorable to him, can the

young master resist it?”

Stephen said indifferently: “The young master has a title in Aurous Hill, called the real

dragon on earth. This was not created by the young master himself. It was

spontaneously sent to him by figures from Aurous Hill who have a head and face. This

proves that the young master is by no means a thing in the pool, not an ordinary

person. If he wants to deal with it, he can deal with it!”

After that, he said in a deep voice, “Although the Old Master’s body is not very good, he

can still carry it for a few more years. I originally didn’t want the young master to return

to Eastcliff so early, but I never dreamed that he will meet Gu’s girl…”

“Gu’s father and daughter have been looking for him for so many years. Once they

come across, they will inevitably tell him what happened. By then, the young master will

naturally know that there is some manipulation behind all this, and the facts have

proved that I guessed right. So, instead of this, why bother hiding from the young

master? Moreover, in this orphanage, he has been the closest to Lina since he was a

child. These words are spoken from her mouth, and the effect is much better than that

from mine. Only this way In order to encourage the young master to return to Eastcliff

and go to Wade’s house to stir it upside down!”

Speaking of this, Stephen was already in tears. He trembled and said: “Old and

incompetent, he can’t repay the second son’s blood. Now, let the young master

personally repay the second son and the second wife for this hatred! In that case, The

Old Master is dead, and he can look down!”

Chapter 1389

As soon as Stephen’s voice fell, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated on the desktop.

The call was from Charlie.

He hurriedly wiped away his tears, pretending to be a normal call, and respectfully said:


Charlie pushed out of the orphanage at this time. On the side of the road at the

entrance of the orphanage, holding the phone in his hand, he said, “steward Stephen,

thank you for all these years.”

Stephen hurriedly said, “Master what are you talking about? Why don’t you say that to


Charlie said: “I just came out of Aurous Hill Welfare Institute.”

Stephen smiled and said, “It turns out that you have returned to the orphanage, Master

After all, it is the place where you lived, you must be very affectionate.”

Charlie said calmly: “Okay, don’t pretend, Aunt Lena has already told me that you asked

her to rescue me, and you arranged the entire Aurous Hill Welfare Institute to protect

my safety. I will always remember it.”

Stephen sighed softly, “Master do you know everything?”

“Well, I know, so I called to thank you.”

Charlie didn’t know that there was a little secret in it.

But at this moment, he did thank Stephen very much.

Stephen said hurriedly, “Master you are serious. Your father was kind. I failed to save

your father and mother. In this life, I cannot forgive myself, let alone accepting the thank


Charlie said: “I called, besides thank you, there is one more thing, that is, I want to know

who killed my parents in those years. Do you have any clues?”

Stephen sighed, “I have been looking for clues for so many years, but I haven’t been

able to find any…”

“Moreover, when the group of dead men killed your parents, they all had soft capsules

made of potassium cyanide in their mouths…”

“This kind of cyanide is a highly toxic substance specially used by agents since the First

World War. 0.1 gram can kill people, and there is no cure…”

“Back then, I saw them die in front of me, but there was nothing I could do. I wanted to

check their fingerprints, but I found that their ten fingers had been artificially erased,

and there was no clue from them. Let alone find out the identity, even the nationality

could not be judged.”

Charlie asked: “Then do you have any suspects?”

Stephen said, “This…I think there is a 50% possibility that someone from the Wade

family did it.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked coldly, “Why do you say that?”

Stephen said: “Your father, who was extraordinary and heroic in Eastcliff back then, was

the rising star of the entire Wade family. He led the Wade family to open up the

frontiers and expand the land, slash to the top, and lead the Wade family to the peak.

But because of this, he was hated by others. Later, he had some frictions with top

Western families, and then he was framed by others. Later, he had a disagreement with

Master Wade and left the family in a rage…”

“At the beginning, Master Wade thought your father was just impulsive, so he wanted

him to take the opportunity to calm down, but he did not think that your father and

your mother would die unexpectedly in Aurous Hill…”

“Since then, Master Wade has been deeply saddened, and he wanted to find your

whereabouts and bring you back to cultivate. He even hoped to train you into the next

generation because of the guilt of your father.”

Chapter 1390

“However, in the next life, someone in the Wade family will be disadvantaged by you.

After all, the Old Master is too old. If he takes you back to the Wade family and exposes

you to the family members, he may not be able to protect you comprehensively, so

made a private opinion. , Settled you in Aurous Hill, and then completely concealed your

information. When Philip from the Gu family came to see you, I did not let him know

that you were here.”

Charlie asked again: “Then why did you find me back some time ago?”

Stephen said earnestly: “Master let me tell you that Old Master health has been getting

worse and worse in the past two years. However, he is quite dissatisfied with the status

quo of the Wade family’s sons not seeking to make progress, and is not willing to hand

over the Wade family to them. I told him that you are still alive. The master is naturally

very excited. So I want to train you as an heir. The Emgrand Group and RMB 10 billion

are just for you to practice. In the future, when you are willing to go back, the Wade

family’s trillions of wealth may be handed over to you making you responsible to

manage it!”

Charlie said lightly: “I know steward Stephen, for so many years, I have troubled you.”

Stephen said hurriedly, “Master I am ashamed to be too shameful! Your father was so

kind to me, not to say that this little thing is to make him feel bad, and I will never


Charlie said with emotion: “I am not interested in the assets of the Wade family, but

when the time is right, I will definitely investigate the hidden circumstances of my

parents who were killed in the past. At that time, the liquidation should be liquidated,

and the life should be paid.”

Stephen was very excited, and said with a trembling: “Master! With your words, I will die

for you next! You are now the supreme man, the true dragon on earth. I believe that

with your strength, you can definitely be the second son and Revenge the second wife!”

At this point, Stephen was already crying.

At that time, Stephen had not yet become a housekeeper in Wade’s house. He was an

assistant to Charlie’s father. He was worried by friends because of his rich income. He

deceived him to Macau and lost his fortune at the gambling table.

Stephen then degenerates into a bad gambler, borrowing from loan sharks everywhere

to go to Macau casinos in vain to make a comeback, and the resultantly he got deeper

and deeper into the trap.

In the end, Stephen not only lost everything, but was also chased by loan sharks. When

he was desperate, he pressed his hands in the casino, but he didn’t expect that his

hands were also lost.

According to the rules of the arena of Macau, in the casino, no matter what you lose,

you must be willing to bet. And because of this, in the corner of the casino near the

casino, don’t know how many gambling ghosts live by begging.

But even so, these gamblers are still frugal, and want to save a little money and then

enter the casino to play, their lives have been completely abolished.

Stephen at that time almost fell to this point.

Later, it was Charlie’s father who threw tens of millions to redeem him from the casino

intact, and then forced him to take an oath to never bet.

In order to ensure that he completely quit gambling and landed ashore, Charlie’s father

specially promoted him and made him his personal butler, bringing him by his side at all

times, and would never allow him to touch any more gambling games.

Since then, Stephen has come to his senses and wholeheartedly assisted Charlie’s father.

Not only did he do his best to help Charlie’s father, he also learned a lot of valuable

management and development experience from him. He grew up in a few years. For the

most capable servant of the Wade Family.

Then, he was appreciated by Charlie’s grandfather. The Old Master had the intention to

make him the steward of the entire family, but he didn’t agree with it, and in the end

Charlie’s father forced him to agree to the job.

In the words of Charlie’s father, Stephen has reached his abilities, he should no longer

be limited to being his own little personal butler, and should have a broader

development space.

In his opinion, the housekeeper of the entire family can be said to be the highest

position that the upper class can give to outsiders. Stephen can sit in this position, and

he can protect his glory and wealth in this life. He does not want Stephen to do it for

him. Give up this godsend opportunity.

Although Stephen was no longer Charlie’s father’s personal butler, he became more and

more loyal to Charlie’s father, and even regarded him as the object of his life looking up

and assisting him.

It’s a pity that Charlie’s father left too early, which is also Stephen’s greatest guilt in this


He always felt that if he was still Charlie’s father’s personal butler, then maybe Charlie’s

parents would not die.

Even if he could block a few shots for them in a critical moment, they could still had one

more chance of survival…

Chapter 1391

Thinking of the old things, Stephen couldn’t cry.

Charlie’s heart throbbed as he heard his crying.

Although many years have passed, Charlie’s heart is also extremely painful and resentful

when he thinks that his parents died not by accident but by fate.

As a son of man, the hatred of parents is not shared!

Don’t need Stephen to say this hatred, he will definitely do his best to repay it!

Otherwise, it is really a waste of man!

So, his voice said indifferently: “steward Stephen, don’t worry about this. Charlie swears

to God that I will avenge my parents by myself! All those who participated in the murder

of my parents back then counted as one. I won’t let them go!”

“That’s good!” Stephen was very excited, but he said seriously: “Master you must not be

impulsive about this matter. There are many clues behind this that I haven’t sorted out

yet, so I still think about it for a long time. Don’t expose them early…”

Charlie said, “I know, don’t worry.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “I have another question, I hope you answer it


Stephen said immediately, “Master just ask!”

Charlie pondered for a moment and asked, “My wife, Claire, did you arrange it?”

Stephen hurriedly said: “This is really not…I also know your wife’s grandfather. I really

didn’t expect that he could meet you at the construction site where you work, knowing

that he wanted to marry your to his granddaughter. At that time, although I knew that

his granddaughter was not worthy of you, I did not stop him at that time, because I just

wanted to protect your safety and did not want to interfere with your life.”

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that his childhood in the orphanage was Stephen’s arrangement, so he was

afraid that he would meet Claire and it was his arrangement.

So he said to Stephen: “steward Stephen, come here first. I have an appointment

tonight. You can help me sort out the clues you have these days. If I have the

opportunity, I will talk to you in person.”

“OK Master!”

Charlie hung up the phone, only then realized that two lines of tears flowed

unconsciously on his cheeks.

He only learned today that it turned out that more than ten years ago, his parents were

murdered by bad men.

He only learned today that it turned out that more than ten years ago, the orphanage

he lived in was completely arranged by Stephen, in order to completely hide all his


The world today has undergone earth-shaking changes in his eyes, as if the whole world

has become unfamiliar.

The last time he felt this way, it was the moment when he accidentally got the Nine

Profound Heaven Scriptures;

And the last time he felt this way was when he was eight years old, when he learned of

parents’ death.

Just when he was lost, Liang called and said, “Master, when will you come? Do you want

me to pick you up by car?”

“No need.” Charlie said: “I will pick up my wife now, and then I will pass. You will wait for

me for a while.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone and rode the small electric bike to Claire’s studio.


Chapter 1392

At the same time, the office of the dean of the Aurous Hill Welfare Institute.

Seeing Stephen finished the call, the dean respectfully asked, “steward Stephen, what

should I do now?”

Stephen sighed, and said, “Since the young master already knows, you don’t need to

stay in the orphanage anymore. In the future, you should return to the post of the Wade

family. I will settle down for you. Over the years, thanks for your hard work!”

The dean immediately bowed and said: “steward Stephen, the second son has been

waiting for me as a mountain before his death. I will wait to serve Young Master, and I

will die!”

Stephen nodded and said, “You are all the people who have worked so hard to cultivate for many years. For more than ten years, condescending to be in a small orphanage has not only worked hard for you, but also felt wronged. Take a good rest during this time.”

“When the young master inherits the Wade family one day, you will all be the servants

of the young master, and then you will be loyal to the him!”

“You guys grew up watching the young master. He is kind, upright, and honest. If one

day he can control the Wade family, I believe he will never treat you badly.”

The dean immediately nodded and said: “This is also because the young master has

suffered a lot since childhood, so he has this precious quality. This quality in him is

something I can’t see in all the rich second generations.”

Stephen smiled slightly: “Therefore, it may not be a bad thing to let the young master

suffer in the orphanage back then. The young master is the only son of the second son

after all. Not less than the second son!”

After all, Stephen waved his hand and said happily: “Okay, I’m going back to Eastcliff,

You have a meeting these few days, and then hand over the orphanage to the relevant

departments in Aurous Hill. I will meet tomorrow. I’ll give you a sum of money. You will

go back to meet your family first, and then find a comfortable resort to rest and rest.”

The dean bowed again: “Thank Stephen butler!”

After speaking, he asked again: “By the way, steward Stephen, what should Lina do? She

didn’t know anything before, but now she already knows a lot of inside information.”

Stephen said: “She has taken care of young master for so many years, and she is not too

young. It is time to retire and take care of her life. I have a manor in Canada, so I will

give it to her for retirement. Don’t let her in the future and wait until Mr. successfully

inherits the Wade family.”

The dean said: “Lina also has an adopted daughter who also works in the orphanage.

She is an orphan who grew up with the young master. She still doesn’t know anything

about this. I’m afraid Lina will not let her go.”

Stephen sighed and said, “Talk to the girl, tell her something selectively, and then let her

accompany her mother to Canada. There are many Chinese people there, and the

language requirements are not high. The mother and daughter can start a new life

quickly over there. I have investigated the girl’s background, she is very clean, and she

likes the young master and will never do anything against him.”


This night, the Aurous Hill Welfare Institute suddenly completed a major exchange of


Everyone was muffled, packing their luggage and things, and the city staff also rushed

over to take over with the original team.

No one knows why the management team of a welfare institution suddenly had to

replace all the staff from the dean to the chef. Could it be that these people made any

big mistakes?

But they couldn’t imagine that these people were like a disciplined army. They had

already fought this protracted war, and now it was time to exit the battlefield in an

orderly manner.

Although Aunt Lena was very reluctant to give up, she also knew very well that before,

she was the same as Charlie and didn’t know these things, but now she already knows

some inside stories and knows that Charlie’s true identity belongs to the Wade family.

Therefore, she also knew that she couldn’t stay here anymore.

Now that she know this information, she can’t say she been dragged into the water, but

at least she can’t be alone.

Now that she has been brought into this group, she must obey the instructions of the

Wade family.

As a result, she also made a decision to listen to the dean’s order and go to Canada to

recuperate temporarily.

As for Xiaofen, Aunt Lena did not tell her the truth, but only told her that the great

benevolent who had funded her medical treatment before, had also funded for her to

go abroad for a period of recuperation, she had no relatives, so she hoped that Xiaofen

could be with her.

Xiaofen treated Aunt Lena as her biological mother, and naturally agreed without

hesitation, so she also started packing up and preparing to go abroad with her.

Aunt Lena thought, after she arrived in Canada, she would tell Xiaofen these things.

Chapter 1393

Charlie rode his electric bike to his wife’s studio. As soon as he walked in, Claire asked in

surprise: “My husband, why are your eyes red?”

“Are they?”

Charlie said, stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes, and said with a smile: “The

wind and sand on the road just now blew hard.”

Claire said distressedly: “Don’t always go out on an electric bike. You bought two cars

for the family, but you ride an electric bike every day. I feel so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Charlie smiled and said casually: “I like riding an electric bike, which is

convenient, fast, simple, and environmentally friendly.”

Claire smiled helplessly: “You, what you say from your mouth seems to be indifferent.”

With that, she turned off her computer, stood up and said, “I just finished a case of the

Emgrand Group today. Ms. Doris, is very happy to let the finances pay, or I’ll buy you a

car. This way you will also have mobility tools in the future.”

“No need, if I really want to drive, I would have taken the two supercars from President

White and Qin Gang long ago.”

Seeing that he was not joking, Claire had no choice but to say: “Okay, let me know when

you have enough of that electric bikes.”

Charlie said, “My wife, we have to go quickly. I have an appointment for a dinner


Claire asked in astonishment: “Who will you date tonight? You don’t say anything, it’s


Charlie smiled and said, “I have an appointment with a distinguished guest. You’ll know

when you arrive.”

“Guest?” Claire asked puzzlingly, “Is it one of your feng shui customers again?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Well, it needs to be kept secret for the time being. You will

know when you follow me.”

“Okay.” Claire nodded and said, “Then I will follow you to eat dinner at night.”

Afterwards, the couple left the studio and came to the parking lot. Charlie put his

foldable e-bike into the trunk of Claire’s BMW car, and then the two drove to Shangri-La


At this moment, Liang is accompanying Sara and August to sit down and chat in the top

luxury box.

Issac heard that Liang said that Master would be hosting a banquet here today, and he

had already made perfect preparations. He heard that the guests had arrived, so he

came to the box himself.

After buckling the door and entering the box, Issac was stunned.

He never dreamed that the person sitting in the box turned out to be Miss Sara from

Eastcliff, the most popular female star in China, Sara Gu.

After all, Issac is the spokesperson of the Wade family in Aurous Hill, and can be

regarded as the middle and high level of the Wade family’s subordinates, so he knows

the Eastcliff family very well and naturally knows the background of Sara.

Seeing that she was actually here, Issac felt a thud in his heart.

Is she the one that the young master will entertain tonight?

Everyone in Eastcliff knows that Sara is the baby relative of his young master, and he

also knows that Sara’s family has been looking for the young master’s whereabouts.

Looking at this posture, he should have found the young master.

However, the young master is obviously already married. Isn’t this a bit embarrassing?

Chapter 1394

Being embarrassed, Sara looked at him with a dark face, and blurted out: “Mr. Issac! Did

you know that Charlie was in Aurous Hill?”

“Ah? Uh…this…” Issac suddenly didn’t know how to answer, he couldn’t tell why.

Sara bit her little white teeth and said angrily: “You guy are too unreliable. I asked you

about the whereabouts of Charlie so many times, and you haven’t had a word of truth!”

Issac said embarrassingly: “Miss Sara, you really misunderstood me. I just learned not

long ago that the young master was in Aurous Hill. I have been in Aurous Hill for so long

on behalf of the Wade family. I never heard of it before.”

August asked in surprise: “What the h*ll?! Sara, you said that Charlie, President Wade, is

the Charlie Wade you’ve been looking for?”

Sara nodded, and said seriously: “That’s right! This bad guy made me find it hard to find


August said in surprise: “Oh! That’s great! You finally found him, wouldn’t you be able to

get married soon? I remember you always said that as long as you find your Charlie, you

will immediately quit the entertainment industry, then marry him and have children.”

Sara’s face turned red immediately, and she said shyly: “I…I thought…but…but that bad

guy is married…”

“dmn!” August immediately exploded and blurted out: “What the hll is going on with this

deflated calf named Wade? Didn’t he know he had a marriage contract? Didn’t he know

that he had a beautiful fiancee, Have you not been looking for him? How dare he marry

another woman, when he comes, you see, I won’t scold him! What a shameful man!”

Liang and Issac looked at each other, their expressions were very embarrassing.

It was at this time that Liang learned about the relationship between Sara and his

Master, and he was naturally shocked.

At this time, he just listened to Sara saying: “A lot, Charlie’s wife will also come later, I

promised that Charlie will not reveal the relationship between the two of us at the

dinner table, so you must not mess around then. speak carefully.”

Chapter 1395

“How can it be done!” August said indignantly: “When that b@stard wife is also here,

you should seize the opportunity and directly expose the matter in front of his wife, so

that his wife can realize it. I don’t believe it anymore. Which woman would dare to steal

the husband from you, Sara!”

“Oh no!”

Sara said very solemnly: “I have promised Charlie about this matter. If you dare to make

me break my promise, I will not forgive you back!”

August blurted out: “Hey, Sara, are you stupid? This meal is the best opportunity for you

to drive away his original partner. You must take it well, or you will regret it in the


“You don’t come here!” Sara said seriously: “I am a person who always promises and

speaks for words. You are not allowed to make trouble for me.”

“Okay, okay.” August said helplessly: “You have decided. Don’t regret it in the future.”

At this time, Charlie and Claire had also arrived outside the box.

Before entering the door, Claire still asked him: “Who is the guest I want to meet? It’s so


Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it is definitely one of the people you want to see


“The person I want to meet the most?” Claire frowned slightly, “I can’t think of who I

want to see the most now.”

Charlie smiled: “You’ll know if you go in.”

With that, he knocked gently on the door, and then pushed the box door inward.

Claire saw at a glance, Sara, who was sitting facing the door of the luxurious box, was

stunned at this moment!

“God! is it Sara? Is it really Sara?”

Chapter 1396

At this time, Claire had no intention of guarding against Sara, who was like a fairy.

In her eyes, Sara is the perfect display of contemporary women. A woman like her who is

extremely good in all aspects has no mundane smoke and fire smell on her body.

Therefore, she had never thought that such a woman would be her potential rival in


Charlie was also relieved at this time. He planned to quietly go to Eastcliff after Aoxue

finished the finals, and quietly see Sara’s father Philip.

Seeing that Philip was not the goal, it was his real goal to cure his advanced pancreatic


He is a good brother of his father. For so many years, he has not only paid homage to

his parents every New Year’s Day, but also has not relaxed for a moment, and has not

given up on finding his whereabouts. This kindness must be repaid by himself.

It just so happened that he could also take this opportunity to meet Stephen in Eastcliff

and find him for more clues and information.

Therefore, it will take at least three to five days to go to Eastcliff.

To be away from home for three or five days, you can’t make your wife suspicious. The

best excuse is to be invited by Sara to go to Eastcliff to show her feng shui at home.

Sara spoke out the invitation in front of his wife, so that the wife would no longer doubt.

Seeing Claire’s willingness to agree, Sara nodded happily, and said with a smile: “I didn’t

expect Mrs. Wade to be so refreshing. I was worried that you will disagree.”

Claire hurriedly said: “Ms. Sara, you can recognize my husband’s ability. I am too happy

to have time. How could I disagree. Just in case my husband is not doing well enough,

please bear with me.”

“How come!” Sara said with a smile: “I recognize Mr. Charlie’s abilities very much, and I

believe that my father and my family are the same, so I would like to thank Mrs. Wade

for fulfilling this matter!”

Claire was a little flattered, and hurriedly said, “Miss Sara, you are so polite.”

Seeing that Sara kept using such ulterior motives to release some kind of signal in

secret, Charlie couldn’t help feeling helpless and depressed.

Chapter 1397

He knew that this was what Sara said to him, and at the same time it was told to Claire

cryptically, and it could even be understood that this was a demonstration of her to

Claire in front of her.

However, he just couldn’t do anything about it.

After all, all this is because he owe Sara, and also betrayed the marriage contract made

by both parents in the past. I have no face to accuse her anyway.

Moreover, what made Charlie even more depressed was that he could not simply refuse

Sara like he refused Elsa.

Although Elsa liked him, he did not owe Elsa any love, but saved her life many times, so

even if he rejected her straightforwardly every time, Charlie would not have any

psychological burden.

But Sara is different after all.

She is his baby relative. She has been looking for him, waiting for him and looking

forward to him for so many years, but he has failed her. This kind of thing is his fault.

At this time, Claire, who was in the dark, mustered up the courage to say to Sara: “Miss

Sara, I… can I take a photo with you?”

Sara readily agreed, and smiled and said, “Okay! Shoot now?”

Claire nodded busy: “If it is convenient for you, then shoot now!”

Sara nodded, took the initiative to move her chair, leaned closer to Claire, and said with

a smile: “Mrs. Wade is so beautiful, it is still very stressful to take a photo with you.”

“How come…” Claire said awkwardly: “I am under pressure. Miss Sara is not only

beautiful, but also a top star. In front of you, I will inevitably feel embarrassed… .”

Chapter 1398

Sara smiled slightly: “Come on, I’ll be a little bit ahead, so that you can make your face

smaller and better.”

The two women took a selfie together like sisters.

After the filming, Claire held the phone and asked excitedly: “Miss Sara, I… can I post this

photo to Moments?”

Claire herself is a woman without any vanity.

When Charlie bought her a BMW car, she never posted it to Moments;

Charlie organized her wedding in the Hanging Garden of Shangri-La, and she never

posted it to Moments;

Charlie took her to experience tens of millions of super sports cars, but she still hasn’t

posted to Moments;

Even if she lives in a top-notch mansion like Tomson, she still hasn’t posted to Moments.

The only “show off” in the circle of friends was the vegetable garden built by her

husband Charlie overnight.

But this time, she really couldn’t hold back.

After all, Sara is her favorite female celebrity and her idol. She can eat with her idols, and

even take photos with her idols. How many times can she encounter this kind of thing in

a lifetime?

Sara also nodded and smiled generously: “Of course, Mrs. Wade, please.”

Claire got Sara’s consent and immediately thanked her happily. Then she opened her

WeChat account and posted the photo to her circle of friends.

The words she wrote to Moments is: “I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity

to meet my idol and take a photo with her!”

This photo has been sent out, and it has received numerous likes and comments.

Claire’s social circle has never left Aurous Hill. For Aurous Hill, a second-tier city, there

are not many opportunities to meet first-tier stars.

Especially the super first-line top stars like Sara are extremely difficult to see.

Therefore, Claire’s circle of friends has aroused the amazement and envy of countless


Many people even chatted with her privately, asking about the details of her meeting

with Sara, such as where she is now, whether Sara is in Aurous Hill, and can she help ask

for a signed photo of Sara, etc.

Sara on the side smiled and said, “Mrs. Wade, this time I came to Aurous Hill and didn’t

let the outside world know, so if someone asks, you must not say that I am in Aurous


Claire nodded hurriedly: “I know Miss Sara, don’t worry, I will never reveal it!”

Sara nodded and said with a smile: “By the way, Mrs. Wade, or let’s add a WeChat friend

as well. You can contact us directly on WeChat if you have anything in the future.”

“Add friends?!” Claire exclaimed: “You want to add my WeChat friends?”

Claire dared to believe her idol and took the initiative to add her WeChat friend. She

hadn’t had this idea before. If she could add Sara as a friend, even if she had no time to

take care of herself, she could often see her circle of friends and see her latest


However, she later thought that after all, she and Sara are in a disparity in status. It is

already a great fortune to have a meal together. How embarrassed to add someone else

to WeChat friends?

But she never expected that Sara would take the initiative to add her as a friend, and be

able to become a WeChat friend with an idol. This is something she would never dream


Chapter 1399

After Sara and Claire added their WeChat friends, they looked at Charlie and said with a

smile: “By the way, Master, let’s add a friend too.”

After that, she handed her WeChat QR code to Charlie.

Charlie had to take out his mobile phone, scan it, and added her as a friend.

Sara winked at him with a successful face, and then asked him sternly, “Master, when will

you be able to leave for Eastcliff? Can you tell me about the time so I can prepare.”

Charlie said: “Next week, but I still can’t decide the exact time.”

Sara nodded and smiled and said, “Master, then my father and I will be waiting for you

in Eastcliff!”

Charlie suddenly thought of what Sara had said before, saying that after arriving in

Eastcliff and seeing her father, she watched her father not beat him up.

Hey, the more I think about it, the more shameless I am to see her father Philip.

Just when Charlie was having headaches for Gu’s father and daughter, in the intensive

care unit of Aurous Hill First People’s Hospital, Nanako and her assistant Koichi Tanaka,

as well as Jiro of the Kobayashi family, stood motionless and stood by Nanako. Both

sides of the hospital bed of the coach and Kazuki Yamamoto.

Yamamoto Kazuki on the hospital bed looked extremely haggard.

The doctor had just performed a third full-body examination on him, and once again

confirmed that his nervous system was severely injured and there was almost no

possibility of recovery.

As for the bloody East Asian sick man on his forehead, the big characters. Still eyecatching.

Nanako hopes that the doctor can use gauze to cover Kazuki Yamamoto’s forehead, so

as not to further stimulate her teacher.

However, Yamamoto Kazuki firmly rejected the proposal.

The ugly characters that Mr. Orvel left on his forehead can be said to be the greatest

shame in his life, but they are also the most profound lesson in his life.

Before Charlie defeated him with a palm, Yamamoto Kazuki still felt that he was a worldclass martial arts master.

It wasn’t until Charlie’s palm that he realized that he was just a tiny ant on the way to

martial arts.

But everyone who is dedicated to martial arts has a sense of integrity. Even if they lose,

most people are willing to gamble and surrender. What’s more, even if they are missed

to death in a competition, they can be calm before dying.

Although Yamamoto Kazuki’s mind was not so broad, he was convinced at the bottom

of his heart when he thought of Charlie’s terrifying strength.

At this time, Nanako looked at him sadly, and said: “Master I have communicated with

my father. He will contact the best hospitals and doctors in Tokyo to help you treat and

recover, and there will be a special plane to pick you up tomorrow. You go back to


Chapter 1400

“No, I won’t go!” Yamamoto Kazuki couldn’t move, but he could gently shake his head.

At this time, he said hoarsely: “My injury cannot be cured by a doctor, and I cannot be

better than here when I return to Japan. As your master, I cannot leave you here alone. I

want to see you participating in the competitionu, I will return to Japan with you.”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Master I may not be able to win the championship in this

competition. I watched the video of Aoxue’s competition after today’s competition. Her

strength is much stronger than the last time. To a talented player like Joanna, it may

take a long battle to win the battle, but Aoxue faced Joanna and defeated her with just

one move. This kind of strength is far beyond me…”

Yamamoto Kazuki sighed: “I watched the live broadcast of Aoxue’s match at the hospital

and also on the mobile phone video network. Her current strength is indeed very strong.

It is more than several times stronger than when she was in the last match! I really can’t

imagine that a person can make such huge progress in such a short period of time! This

has simply subverted my perception!”

Nanako said seriously: “I think this should be related to her coach Charlie. Charlie only

started to be her coach during the last match.”

Yamamoto Kazuki thought of Charlie, and couldn’t help feeling: “This Charlie is really the

martial arts master of the world! It seems that he is the legendary inner disciple who can

practice internal strength in Chinese martial arts! I used to think that those were all lie.

Yes, I really understand today!”

On the side, Jiro said: “I have studied ancient Chinese medical books and ancient books.

The earliest “Huang Di Nei” in China contains a description of internal qi. There is also a

special article about how to carry out internal qi in the body. It can be seen from this

that they have been practicing internal strength for thousands of years.”

Yamamoto Kazuki said with a fascinating look: “I really didn’t expect that there is such a

thing as internal power in the world. If I could know this 10 or 20 years earlier, then I

must come to China and visit all of China. The famous Sichuan Dashan, worship a real

master as a teacher, concentrate on learning internal power…”

Having said this, Yamamoto Kazuki sighed again: “It’s a pity that I learned too late…”

After a pause, two lines of tears rolled down the deeply wrinkled face.

Nanako couldn’t help crying when she saw the miserable end of her mentor.

At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki looked at her with a bit of enthusiasm in his eyes and

said: “Nanako! To this day, I am no longer qualified to be your teacher, if you wish to

have a greater career in martial arts. For the breakthrough and progress of the world,

then you must find a way to worship Charlie as your teacher!”

“What?!” Nanako blurted out exclaimed: “Worship him as a teacher?! I…I shouldn’t!

Nanako has only one mentor in this life, and that’s you! Besides you, Nanako will never

again Worship other people as teachers!”

“Stupid!” Yamamoto Kazuki shouted angrily, “What can I teach you like this? Don’t say

that I am a cripple now. Even if I am not a cripple, what I can teach you has already been

taught to you. The rest is nothing more than some so-called actual combat experience.”

“But if you look at my current fate, you will know the actual combat experience. In front

of real masters, in front of absolute power, it has no meaning at all. An ant, even if it has

experience in biting and fighting, is just It is effective against other ants, but in front of a

human, it still can’t resist a finger of the opponent!”

“And Charlie made me realize that when I was in the martial arts, I was a complete ant.

As the apprentice I taught, you haven’t been able to come out of the blue. This proves

that you are just like me, but just martial arts. The ants on the way!”

Speaking of this, Yamamoto Kazuki excitedly asked Nanako with a hot eye: “Nanako,

you have been obsessed with martial arts for nearly 20 years. Are you willing to be an

ant on the way to martial arts?”

When Nanako heard this, she bit her lower lip and said word by word: “Master Nanako is not willing to be an ant!”

Yamamoto Kazuki immediately said loudly: “Then go to worship Charlie as a teacher! Let him teach you the real martial arts, only in this way can you have the opportunity to grow into a real strong, otherwise, I advise you to give up the so-called craze for martial arts now Forget about it, because the so-called martial arts we pursue, compared with Charlie, is simply rubbish among rubbish!”

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