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 Chapter 3154 You're Finished

Although the ringing and vibration rhythm of the phone now did not change from usual, Jimmy felt that the phone was ringing more and more urgently, and it seemed to be getting more and more urgent and anxious.

At this moment, the anxious ringing of the phone finally stopped, leaving a missed call on his phone screen.

Then, he received a text message from his boss, which read: "Connect your damn phone! Immediately! Right now!"

Seeing this message, Jimmy swallowed hard subconsciously, even though his mouth was dry. He had said too much before, and his throat was dry and tearing.

But he could not care about these things at the moment, because the boss called again.

Because of the text message, Jimmy didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He could only answer the phone in panic. Looking at Steve who was full of pride, he said to the phone tremblingly: "Boss..."

Immediately, there was a hysterical roar from the other end of the phone: "Smith, what on earth did you do outside? Why did the Rothschild family call and say that the eldest master was very dissatisfied with you? I have worked hard for the Rothschild family for so many years, but I have never had the opportunity to meet the eldest master. How did you offend the eldest master?!"

Jimmy's heart finally fell heavily.

He was still hoping that the boss's call at this time was just a coincidence, and had nothing to do with the man in front of him who claimed to be a core member of the Rothschild family.

But as soon as the boss said this, he knew that he had really offended a big shot today.

He looked at Steve with eyes that were instantly filled with despair and pleading, and he could only say in a crying voice: "Boss, this... this is a misunderstanding, I will explain it to Mr. Rothschild in person..."

"You explain your ass!" The other party shouted angrily: "Is it your fcuking turn to explain? I tell you, you have been fired by the Ellis Law Firm! You don't need to come to handle the resignation procedures, I will have someone send your things to your home. From now on, I don't want to see you again, and you don't let me see you!"

 When Jimmy heard that his boss wanted to fire him, he subconsciously said: "Boss, you have no right to do this! I have always done an excellent job, and I can get an A+ in every annual assessment. I also have options for the firm and I am a senior partner of the firm. You are not qualified to fire me directly! If you want to forcibly fire me, I will sue the law firm and demand a huge amount of compensation from you!"

"I'm not qualified?" The other party sneered, "Jimmy, let me remind you that in all these years at the law firm, you have won over five clients who bypassed our company. Let's not talk about other things, but in the patent dispute between Mel Goodman and IBM last year, if I remember correctly, our law firm offered him a 20% risk agency. He felt that the share was too high, so he privately reached a 10% risk agency cooperation through you and a small law firm opened by your college classmate. You were secretly responsible for all the work outside the trial, and your college classmate came forward to participate in the trial. In the end, Later, you helped him get 45 million US dollars in patent royalties from IBM and got 4.5 million US dollars in return. I didn't wrong you in this matter, did I? But just this case can send you to jail!"

Jimmy was shocked and sweating, and subconsciously argued: "How is this possible! What you said is complete nonsense! At that time, Mel Goodman felt that his chances of winning were very high and he was unwilling to give up 20% of the profits to Ellis, so he chose to cooperate with other law firms. As for who he cooperated with, I didn't know at all, let alone participate in it. You Don't spit blood here!"

The other party laughed: "Jimmy, come on, we are all adults, there are some things that I don't need to explain too clearly. Mel Goodman has met you and your college classmates privately many times, and you have also held many closed-door meetings to discuss the litigation direction and breakthrough points of the entire case. Mel Goodman has recorded all of these, and I have all these recordings. "

Jimmy was terrified and blurted out: "You... You must be lying! How is this possible!"

The other party said: "Jimmy, be mature. All partners who want to be promoted to senior partners must have enough handles in my hands. Otherwise, no matter how strong their business capabilities are, I will not give him this opportunity. What I want to prevent is which senior partner to grab my resources at a critical moment, or want to bite me back when I kick him away! Think carefully about when you became a senior partner? Was the time point after Mel Goodman?"

Jimmy murmured in amazement: "I was promoted to senior partner the second month after Mel Goodman's case ended... Could it be... Could it be that you arranged all this? ! "

The other party laughed and said, "You are finally a little smarter."

Jimmy gritted his teeth and said, "Ellis, you b@stard! We work diligently for the law firm, and you deliberately framed us!"

"It's not a frame-up." The other party said, "I just want more security. You have a handle in my hand, but I won't do anything to you casually. It's your fault that you offended the eldest son of the Rothschild family. I can't let you get involved no matter what, understand?"

After that, the other party continued, "Jimmy, what you should pay attention to now is not that I fire you. This is just the smallest punishment you will receive. If you offend the Rothschild family, they will not let you off easily."

At this point, the other party continued, "Oh, by the way, I have handed over all the evidence of the Mel Goodman incident to the Rothschild family's butler. If they are still not satisfied with the way I handled it, they may put you in jail. In that case, I advise you not to return to the United States. For such a large amount of money, you will not be able to escape life imprisonment. You are already fifty years old. Even if you have the opportunity to be released on parole in the future, it will probably be over seventy-five years old. Although you and I are colleagues, I can't help you much. You'd better take care of yourself."

Jimmy broke out in cold sweat and his legs were shaking like sieves. He wanted to say something else, but the boss on the other end of the phone had already hung up.

Jimmy was in a state of panic at this time. He never dreamed that he would actually offend the second-in-command of the Rothschild family in the Chinese city of Aurous Hill. Looking around the world, there are only a handful of people whose status and position can be compared with Steve Rothschild. The probability of provoking him in such a place is probably lower than the probability of winning the Powerball lottery in China and the United States.

At this moment, his rogue aura just now disappeared, and he said to Steve in fear and trepidation: "Mr. Rothschild... I'm really sorry, I didn't expect it was really you... Just... It was all a misunderstanding just now. Please don't take it to heart with me."

Steve had been a grandson in Aurous Hill for many days. He finally used his identity as the heir of the Rothschild family to show off, but was ridiculed by Jimmy. He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent. Seeing that this grandson still wanted to beg for mercy from him, he immediately became furious and cursed with gritted teeth: "You are the first person who dares to shout at me since I was a child!"

After saying that, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his eyes involuntarily glanced at Charlie, and Charlie also looked at him with a puzzled look on his face, with a little surprise and ridicule on his face.

Steve coughed and changed his words, "There are people who dare to challenge me, but they are all people I respect and admire. You are just a small lawyer, and you dare to challenge me. Who do you think you are?"

As he was talking, Steve's cell phone rang. It was the butler who called.

He answered the phone immediately. The person on the other end of the phone said respectfully, "Master, I have already talked to Ellis's boss. He said that he would immediately fire Jimmy Smith and completely ban him from the American legal profession, so that he would never be able to be a lawyer in the future."

Steve asked, "Anything else?"

The butler said, "Ellis's boss just sent me some documents. These are all evidence of Jimmy Smith's suspected economic crimes. If necessary, the materials can be transferred to the FBI at any time. He said that at least Jimmy Smith can stay in prison until he is 75 years old!"

"Okay!" Steve said with satisfaction: "Let's do it this way. Hand all the information to the head of the FBI. Tell him what I said and ask him to personally supervise this matter for me. I will not let this guy go back to the United States."

The housekeeper immediately said: "Okay, young master, I'll arrange it right away."

Steve hung up the phone, looked at Jimmy with a sneer on his face and said: "After today, you will be a wanted person by the FBI. If you go back to the United States, you will be arrested as soon as you get off the plane. You will be sentenced to at least 20 to 30 years in prison. So I advise you not to go back. Find a job here itself. After all, there is no extradition agreement between China and the United States. As long as you have not been deported, you don't have to go back to jail."

Jimmy was so scared that tears came to his eyes. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground and begged: "Mr. Rothschild, please let me go "sir, you can hit me or scold me, but please don't give the information to the FBI, otherwise, my life will be over!"

Steve shrugged and sneered, "All I want is for you to be finished! If you don't finish, where will my face be?"

Seeing that Steve didn't give him any face at all, Jimmy quickly looked at Han Meiqing on the side and cried and begged, "Sister-in-law, please help me say something, sister-in-law."

Han Meiqing was still a little dazed. Seeing that Jimmy, who was arrogant and rogue just now, suddenly begged her, she didn't know what to do for a while, but just said awkwardly, "Jimmy, I don't know this Mr. Rothschild. It's not easy for me to comment on the conflict between you two..."

Han Meiqing didn't deliberately fight back against Jimmy, but because she knew in her heart that a big man like Steve was not someone they could make friends with. He must have come for Charlie's face. He Yuanjiang might not really know him, let alone herself.

Jimmy had completely lost his lifeline at this point, so he could only pin all his hopes on Han Meiqing. He knelt down in front of her and cried, "Sister-in-law, please help me plead with Professor He. I will never covet the shares of Smith Law Firm again. I just ask that you let me return to the United States safely to reunite with my family. I really don't want to go to jail, and I don't want to stay in China forever, sister-in-law!"

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