Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2946 update | Chapter 6139 & 6140 Chapter 2946 The Man in the Game | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2946 The Man in the Game

Seeing Charlie’s firm attitude, Zhou Liangyun couldn’t help but tell him, “Master, you must not have any head-on conflict with the Rothschild family because of me. I can’t bear it. It will mess up the big plan..."

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Charlie nodded, "Uncle Zhou, don't worry, now the enemy is open and we are hidden, it can be said that it is easy to make the Rothschild family look bad and make them uncomfortable." 

As he said, Charlie looked at Zhou Liangyun, and said, "Uncle Zhou, I still have some questions that I would like you to answer for me."

Zhou Liangyun said hurriedly, "Young master, just say it."

Charlie quickly asked, "I also want to know how my father touched the Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface" and "Nine Mysterious Scriptures"? In addition, how did my father get involved with the Po Qing Society?"

Zhou Liangyun sighed, "Your father has a similar experience to you. He obtained the "Preface to the Nine Mysterious Scriptures" "The process is very similar to the process you used to get the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"." 

Charlie thought of some information that his uncle once said, and asked in surprise, "Is it possible? My father also got the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" from an antique?"

"Yes." Zhou Liangyun nodded heavily.

Charlie quickly asked, "What exactly happened?"

Zhou Liangyun said, "You got the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". Your father entrusted me to bring the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" to you, but your father got the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures Preface" was a complete accident."

Then, he explained in detail, "Back then, your father, like me, also liked to study the Book of Changes and all kinds of Chinese antiques, so he often went to stores in Queens to look for them. We also often study some antique cultural relics together;" "

At that time, I had not started to recover the cultural relics lost overseas for China. I was just doing antique business. However, your father had been doing this, so I later Influenced by him, we began to work with him to help those precious Chinese cultural relics return to China;" "

Because we have common hobbies and common ambitions, your father and I became very good friends. During that time, our family's antique shops opened one after another. We encountered a lot of troubles and were plotted by many people. We relied on your father's help to get through the difficulties. He is the benefactor of our family." 

Speaking of this, Zhou Liangyun sighed, recalled for a moment, and said: "Twenty One years ago, a down-and-out British aristocrat came to our family's store in London. Because he encountered a major change, he had many antiques in his house that he was anxious to liquidate. A large part of the antiques came from China. He knew that our family was in quite professional in Chinese antiques, so he came to us hoping to pack up and sell all the Chinese cultural relics in his home to us;" "

At that time, I flew to London to participate in the appraisal of the house of a down-and-out nobleman., there are a total of 487 Chinese cultural relics, and there are indeed many good things among them. There are more than a dozen blue and white porcelains from the Yuan and Ming dynasties alone. In addition, there are two very precious pastels, and other Ming and Ming dynasties. There are countless porcelains from the official kilns of the Qing Dynasty;"

"In the antique market, blue and white porcelain and pastel are the ceiling of porcelain, and the price has always been very high. The official kilns are also synonymous with quality and high prices, and the prices are also very strong;" "

Except In addition, there are several palace collections that have been clearly recorded by the Qing court, and the prices are even higher." 

"For such a large number of ceiling-level cultural relics, even if they are packaged at a discounted price, the other party's lowest price was more than 20 years ago, also reached 200 million U.S. dollars;” “

Although our family’s business scale was relatively large back then, the antique industry is a very capital-intensive project after all. If we calculate the family property, it may be over a billion or even several billion U.S. dollars, but a large part of it is inventory in stores around the world. It is really powerless to spend 200 million US dollars;" "

Moreover, in the antique industry, the inventory cannot be liquidated too quickly. The more inventory, the more heavy it must be stay calm;"

"Because the antique industry, like the stock market, is most afraid of concentrated selling and smashing the market. I can buy ten Yuan blue and white porcelain from all over the world in one breath. The more I buy, the price of blue and white porcelain on the market will be The higher it is, but I definitely can’t sell ten Yuan blue and white flowers at one go. In that case, other Yuan blue and white collectors may panic, and then sell accordingly, smashing the price of Yuan blue and white to the ground;” 

“So, at that time, we were It is unrealistic to sell things to raise funds. Otherwise, the profit from this order may be lost invisibly due to our own behavior of selling. In addition, the mortgage loan period is also relatively long, so we almost couldn't afford it at that time.

 "One order;" "At that time, I knew that your father was also very interested in antiques, so I wanted to get him into a partnership. Firstly, it could solve the problem of funds on hand for me, and secondly, we could make a lot of money together, because I had estimated it at the time. "If you bring in that batch of antiques and bring them back to Hong Kong Island to be auctioned off to domestic collectors one after another, it will be absolutely no problem to clear out and recover US$350 million in two years;" "So, I propose that to your father each contribute half of the capital

. Then the profits are also divided in half, but what your father means is that he can pay 100 million US dollars, but he hopes that I can divide the batch of antiques into two, and I will handle my own half, and his half, He wants to donate back to China through the Chinese Embassy in the United States;"

"I really admired his decision at the time, so after we jointly captured these antiques, I secretly transported them to New York, and then asked him to come over and select them personally. ;"

"My idea at that time was that no matter what your father chooses or how much it is worth, as long as he chooses it, he will take it and hand it over to the embassy. Even if our Zhou family ends up losing money, I will accept this deal."

Speaking of this, Zhou Liangyun said with emotion, "The majority of the antiques at that time were porcelains. Together with your father, I began to check and count the porcelains one by one. The verification was very simple, just open the individual packaging of each piece of porcelain and compare it." Go through the list and find the specific details on the list. After checking, take it out and check it. If there is no problem, put it back and continue to check the next one." "

When your father took out a Yue kiln celadon ewer from the packaging box, that piece The pot fell directly to the ground and cracked. Like your father-in-law, your father also clearly felt the vibration of the pot. Then both of us saw that after the pot cracked, there was an ancient book the size of a palm inside; "

" At that time, we thought that the book recorded some important unknown history. The two of us sat on the ground together and I watched your father open the book with my own eyes. But then, the book turned into ashes out of thin air. Disappeared..."

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that the hidden logic and triggering logic of the "Nine Mysterious Sutra Preface" and the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Sutra" are the same." 

"Yes." Zhou Liangyun nodded, "I just thought it was a little weird at the time, but your father told me that the contents of the book had completely entered his mind. Of course I didn't believe it at the time. I thought your father was joking, but I didn't expect that he actually used the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the book, he wrote out the contents of the book word for word, and he couldn't stop writing."

I noticed something was wrong and quickly informed your mother to come to the store, so the two of us accompanied your father. He kept writing, and your mother and I sorted and bound the pages he wrote. It took two days and two nights to sort out all the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra"." 

Charlie quickly asked, "Uncle Zhou, are you also? Have you read the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra"? What is recorded in it?"

Zhou Liangyun said, "The contents recorded in the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" are all-encompassing, but its real core is actually a piece of text that needs to be read from the text. A little bit of deciphered map. At that time, your parents were very interested in studying and deciphering the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface". Thanks to your father's blessing, I also studied it briefly, but I was born and raised in the United States and speak Chinese. I didn’t have a good foundation. I found the content really obscure and difficult to understand, and I quickly lost track of it.I lost my interest in research;"

"Later, your parents left the United States and returned to China. It is said that they spent a lot of effort to find the places mentioned in the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface", and finally went through a lot of hardships before they succeeded. The Bible was brought from that place by your father.

Charlie hurriedly asked, "Is that place called the Secret of Immortality? " "

I don't know..." Zhou Liangyun said, "Your father didn't tell me in detail. He just told me that I'd better not know too much about these things. I believe it must be because he didn't want to say more." Because of my consideration, I didn’t ask in detail. "

Charlie asked him, "Uncle Zhou, do you still have the content of "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra"?

 Zhou Liangyun hesitated for a moment and said seriously, "Master, your father once gave me a set of photocopies of his handwritten version of the Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra. Although I did not study it in detail, I have always kept that set of photocopies." "

Charlie said excitedly, "Great! I wanted to study the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" before, but I never knew where to find the contents of this book. Since you have a photocopy, I may be able to find some clues from it. "

Zhou Liangyun said with an expression of embarrassment, "It's just that, young master, when your father handed me the jade pot spring vase containing the "Nine Mysteries Sutra", he once told me that he had obtained the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface" and said to him, It was a disaster for your mother, and a blessing and a disaster for you. He also regretted studying this book very much, and said that if he was given a chance to choose again, he would rather he never got it. I have never studied the content recorded in this book..." "

So, are you sure you really want to read this book? "

Charlie laughed at himself and said seriously, "Uncle Zhou, the reason why my father regrets it is because he was originally an outsider. He could have lived his life in peace, but because of this book, he was involved and became a trap. "

But he still had a choice back then, but I didn't! "

"When I was born, or when my father gave me his destiny when I was eight years old, I was already a person in the game. " "

"I am not qualified to choose whether to join this game. I am not qualified to choose whether to get the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" because my father has already made the decision for me, and my father must be helpless. He knows I was born in this game, and the only thing I can do is to survive in this game as much as possible. "

So, do you think that when things have reached this point, do I still need to hesitate to read "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra"?" "


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