Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2944 update | Chapter 6135 & 6136 Chapter 2944 What is Shengelong? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2944 What is Shengelong? 

Zhou Liangyun's passion was like a man possessed, which made Charlie shocked and amazed.

It turned out that my father had already calculated everything and planned everything for himself.

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At this time, Zhou Liangyun's eyes were full of excitement. He continued with great excitement, "Since your parents' accident, I have been waiting for the day when you trapped the dragon and ascended to heaven. This wait has been twenty years!"

"Almost five years ago, Mr. Lai Qinghua and Mr. Lai went to East Cliff. At that time, Mr. Lai set off from the United States, and I was in the United States. When the Wade family's special plane took off from Los Angeles, I Outside the fence at the end of the airport runway,

I watched the plane fly into the sky!" "At that moment, I knew that the moment when you were trapped in the dragon and ascended to the sky was not far away!"

"After Mr. Lai arrived in Eastcliff, he spent several years and used what he had learned throughout his life to finally break your dilemma in the shoals in Waderest Mountain. The moment I heard the news, I stayed up all night. The next day, I also  flew to China with the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" and used the identity of 'Zhou Liangyun' to apply for the manager's position at Jiqingtang, waiting for the most suitable opportunity for you to get the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"!" 

Charlie didn't think that all these things are so connected.

So, he thought of something again and asked doubtfully, "Uncle Zhou, Mr. Lai said that I fell into the situation of Longquan Shoal because I got married and settled down in Aurous Hill, but my father was killed and died early. How did he figure out all this before I was eight years old?"

Zhou Liangyun said with a sad expression, "Young Master, Mr. Lai is a Feng Shui master, but he only figured out that you are trapped in the shallows after arriving in Eastcliff, and that At that time, he didn’t know how long you had been trapped in the shoal.”

After saying that, Zhou Liangyun continued, “Mr. Lai speculated that you were trapped in the shoal after you got married. That’s just because the Wade family happened to be they just found Mr. Lai at that time."

After that, Zhou Liangyun said in a surprising way, "Actually, the reason why your father knew that you were in the shoal was not because he knew things like a god, but because when you were eight years old, The moment you left the Wade family and Eastcliff with your parents, you were already a 'Dragon Sleeping Shoal'.

Charlie was even more surprised. "When I was eight years old, I was trapped in the shallows?"

"Yes!" Zhou Liangyun nodded heavily and said, "Your parents' decision to leave astcliff and go to Aurous Hill was a last resort. If Just like Guan Yu's defeat in Maicheng, the fate of your family of three has also changed from soaring to a sharp decline from that moment on. Therefore, from that moment on, you have been trapped in the shallows until Mr. Lai breaks the situation for you. ."

Charlie suddenly realized.

He himself misunderstood the timeline of Mr. Lai Qinghua and Mr. Lai.

Mr. Lai was invited to Eastcliff by his grandfather four or five years ago. At that time, it happened to be the time when he and Claire got married.

Mr. Lai thought that the Wade family had just been trapped in Longquan Shoal at that time. In fact, at that time, he had been trapped in Longquan Shoal for more than ten years.

He thought for a moment, remembered something important, and quickly asked Zhou Liangyun, "Uncle Zhou, do you know what Shenglongge is? I can always hear Shenglongge, but I don't know what Shenglongge means. ..."

Zhou Liangyun looked at Charlie and said seriously, "Master, the ascending dragon pattern is the unique destiny required for the ascending dragon path. Historical data says that only with the ascending dragon destiny pattern can one enter the ascending dragon path. Your father used to be a dragon like you, but he could only open the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface" and could not open the "Nine Mysteries Sutra" because it said in the "Nine Mysteries Sutra" that only the Shenglong destiny can be Only then can you open the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" and step into the path of ascending the dragon;"

Charlie was even more confused and asked him, "Uncle Zhou, my father is a dragon, but he cannot open the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", and I am also a dragon. why can I open it?"

Zhou Liangyun stared at Charlie with his eyes and said word by word, "Master, you are not dragon, you are the real ShengLong (ascending Dragon)!" 

"Why?" Charlie asked in confusion. My father is far better than me, and he is not promoted to Longge. Why am I, an eight-year-old orphan who lost my parents, one Will the son-in-law who was once ridiculed by Aurous Hill people be promoted to Longge? I...I don't understand..."

Zhou Liangyun sighed, and said with a little choked up emotion, " still don't know what Shenglongge is. Shenglongge is not a destiny that people are born with, it is acquired. When it comes to changing one’s destiny, people say that a dragon begets a dragon, and a phoenix begets a phoenix. Your father is a dragon, and your highest destiny is a dragon. To ascend to a dragon, you need the two dragons to merge into one..." 

At this point, Zhou Liangyun said with red eyes, "Master, the reason why you are Shenglongge is because your father took away his destiny and gave it to you! "

"Your father's dragon pattern, plus your own dragon pattern, the two dragons are blessing you, and you are the rising dragon pattern!"

"Uncle did you just say?!"

At this moment, Charlie's whole body seemed to be struck by thunder, and his heart was filled with turmoil!

He burst into tears unconsciously and asked incomprehensibly, " father...why did he want to strip off his life and give it to me?!"

Zhou Liangyun said with emotion, "Because your father knows, even if he is a dragon, he cannot be the opponent of the PoQing Society, let alone the opponent of the British master, and the British master will definitely kill him, kill your mother, and kill you, so your father knows that he will definitely die, so he separated out his fate and gave it to you, and arranged all the escape routes for you. I hope that after you achieve Ascension to the Dragon Rank and escape from the Dragon Trapped Shoals, you can obtain the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" and have the opportunity to fight with that heroic master in the future. Fight! Either die or leave you a chance to survive. He will naturally choose the latter without hesitation!" 

At this moment, Charlie's eyes could no longer control the tears rolling down his face.

He never imagined that everything behind him getting the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" and soaring into the sky would be so cruel! 

Charlie felt extremely heavy. For a moment, he was already in a trance. Everything about that year was like a slideshow, switching rapidly in his brain. His parents, relatives, and everything about Aurous Hill kept flying in front of his eyes..

At this time, Zhou Liangyun then said in an extremely serious tone, "Master, after your father separated his fate from him, he took you and your mother to Aurous Hill. He and your mother had already made up their minds to die. He knew that he did not have Longge's blessing. There is no way to avoid PoQing Society’s pursuit. He hopes to use his own death in exchange for PoQing Society's abandonment and to gain a chance for you to grow up safely."

 "So, since your parents took you away from Aurous Hill , A moment ago, you were already destined to be Sheng Long."

Charlie thought of Lin Wan'er's words and murmured, "No wonder Wan'er said that my father should not be Longe, otherwise he would not have been killed by Chang Shengbo. It turned out to be because, He peeled off his dragon's destiny and gave it to me..."

Zhou Liangyun said, "If you peel off your destiny, you will have a narrow escape. And in that life, the person who can successfully separate the destiny and successfully bless it to another person is even more rare. Fortunately, your father did it."

Speaking of this, Zhou Liangyun added, "It was not really your father-in-law who accidentally broke the Yuhuchun vase in Jiqingtang, but because of the Yuhuchun vase. The "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" in the bottle sensed your destiny of ascending the dragon, and struggled to get out of the jade pot spring bottle to recognize its master!"

 "That day in the VIP room, when I put the box of the jade pot spring bottle When I opened it, it started to vibrate. I asked your father-in-law to take it out. Your father-in-law probably didn't expect that the bottle would vibrate. He panicked and dropped the bottle on the ground..." 

"So, It's not that Master, you got the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" by chance, but you are the only one in the world who can make the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" come out of the bottle! I arranged this process in Jiqingtang, so that all this can be seen by you It will appear natural and will not be discovered by interested people."

Charlie listened silently, his tears already bursting into tears. After a long time, he suddenly asked, "Uncle Zhou, is it painful to strip away your destiny?"

Zhou Liangyun raised his head and looked at the ceiling, with mist in his eyes. It has condensed into tears, making the light seen by the pupils blurred and mottled.

After a long time, he murmured, "Separating one's own destiny... is the most painful thing I have ever seen in my life..."


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