Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2924 update | Chapter 6095 & 6096 Chapter 2924 Cleaning up the Prison - Discipline | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2924 Cleaning up the Prison - Discipline

Dean originally thought that Charlie would continue to torture himself to death in the future, but he did not expect that Charlie would actually give him a chance to make meritorious deeds.

As a result, his desperate life seemed to feel a faint light.

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Excited, he nodded repeatedly without thinking, and expressed sincerely, "Please rest assured, sir, I will take good care of him and satisfy him!" 

At this moment, John Lawrence felt his eyes darken, and he almost fainted. I couldn't imagine how Dean would torture him if he fell into the hands of Dean in exchange for Charlie's appreciation.

Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and begged, "Sir, please forgive me this time. I'm old and I can't bear the trouble!"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, don't worry, you will never die."

After that, He looked at Dean on the ground again and said seriously, "Listen to me. No matter how hard you try, you must ensure the safety of Mr. Lawrence. Do you understand?" Dean didn't dare to hesitate at all and nodded like nothing

. He said, "Listen clearly, listen clearly!" ... "!"

When John Lawrence heard this, instead of feeling any comfort, he realized that his future would be dark.

He looked at Charlie, wanting to continue begging for mercy from Charlie, and choked with tears, "Sir, I..."

Charlie directly reached out and interrupted him, threatening in a cold voice, "This is the best I can give you. If you don't accept the conditions, then I will add another person in on the basis of this condition."

After that, he pointed at Dean on the ground and said with a smile, "I believe that there is that kind of hobby in this cell. He shouldn't be the only one, right? Isn't the guy with the broken leg also interested in this kind of thing?"

John Lawrence didn't expect that Charlie wouldn't give him a chance to beg for mercy. His whole body collapsed and he burst into tears. .

And Charlie reminded him with a smile but not a smile, "Crying? You have to cry too!"

As soon as John Lawrence heard this, even though his tears were already bursting, the rhythm of his sobbing started to run like a tractor. But he still held back his tears and held back his tears.

He knew that surrendering on the current conditions was the best choice, and stubborn resistance would only make his surrender conditions worse. It was like Japan in 1945. If they surrendered honestly, they would not be hit by two atomic bombs.

Seeing that he didn't dare to say anything anymore, Charlie ignored him and cleared his throat, saying coldly, "Now I'm going to announce something to you. From now on, I'll be in charge here. Everyone must obey me unconditionally 24 hours a day." You must not resist or disobey orders, let alone obey them, otherwise, I cannot guarantee that your fate will be better than any of them today."

 And what John Lawrence learned just now, no one in the group dares to say Not saying anything, they all nodded likeAn oil extraction machine with a speed of twenty times is average.

Seeing that these people were already in obvious awe, Charlie was quite satisfied. Then he cleared his throat and said in a cold voice, "Everyone listen to my command and stand at attention!"

 Upon hearing this, everyone stood as fast as possible. Even Dean stumbled up and stood at the end of the queue.

The boy with a broken leg struggled to get up, but as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground again due to pain.

Charlie glanced at him and said calmly, "You don't have to queue up."

The man was nervous and sweating profusely. When he heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, "Thank you, sir!"

Charlie ignored it. Instead, he continued to shout to the others, "Everyone, turn right!"

Everyone quickly followed suit, but at this time, a boy turned ninety degrees in the opposite direction.

Charlie had some impressions of this kid. After he came in, he was cheering and cheering. He should be one of Dean's younger brothers.

So, Charlie immediately pointed at him and asked, "What's the matter with you? Are you deliberately going against me?"

The man was so frightened that he shook his head desperately and said with a sad face, "I'm sorry, sir... I... I've been a bit indiscriminate since I was a child..."

"You don't distinguish between left and right?" Charlie smiled slightly, "It's okay, I can help you."

After saying that, Charlie grabbed his right hand, and with a little force of his thumb, he completely broke his right wrist like breaking a pencil with one hand. Break it off!

The man cried out in pain, but Charlie said to him with an indifferent expression, "Remember, this is the fcuking right! I believe you will never be indifferent in this life." Everyone was so scared that their scalps were numb. At this time, they heard Charlie shouting "Turn left!"

Everyone quickly turned back, for fear of making a mistake. The guy who had just broken his right wrist was able to distinguish left and right this time and did not make any mistakes again.

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the man on the far left, and said, "Come on, starting with you, introduce yourself: what is your name, where are you from, what crime have you committed, how long have you been here, and what kind of crime have you committed?" How long is the remaining sentence?"

The man said quickly, "Sir... I... my name is Ruan Ming, a Vietnamese. I have been here for a year for robbery, and I have six years left in my sentence..."

Charlie nodded, "Okay, next one !"

"Sir... My name is Hank, an American. I have been here for half a year for fraud, and I have three years left to serve..."

One by one, everyone began to introduce themselves.

Soon, it was the turn of the brown-skinned man to introduce himself. He said with an attentive look, "Hello, sir. My name is Haji. I am an Indian-American. I have been in prison for two and a half years for rape, and I still have twelve and a half years in prison... ..."

Charlie pointed and pointed.

The two people on the left and right sides of Ji said, "Both of you, give him ten slaps each!"

Haji's face suddenly changed, and he blurted out, "Sir... why do you want to slap me? ..."

Charlie said coldly, "All sexual criminals will be beaten."

After that, he looked at the two people and shouted angrily, "Why don't you do it? If you don't do it, I will let the people around you two , give you a hundred slaps each! If you don’t slap hard enough, I’ll let someone else slap you both a hundred times.” 

When the two heard this, they couldn’t care less about their usual friendship with Haji.

Now is the time when disaster strikes and everyone flies away. No one dares to offend Charlie, the evil star, so no matter what he orders, they have no brains to follow it in order to protect themselves. 

So, the two people exchanged a look and slapped Haji ten times on the face, one left and one right.

Haji's cheeks were soon swollen from being slapped, and his whole face was swollen into a pig's head.

His tears kept falling on the ground, and he felt a million grievances and anger in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it at the moment.

Seeing Haji being beaten into a pig's head, the most nervous person was John Lawrence. He knew that if Haji was going to be beaten, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Soon, it was John Lawrence's turn to introduce himself. He said with great fear, "Sir... I... my name is John... John Lawrence... I... I... I am... because of... sexual assault and Rape, sentenced to life imprisonment...without parole..."

As soon as John Lawrence finished speaking, a young man beside him blurted out and asked, "Sir, how many slaps should I slap him?"

Charlie waved his hand, "One hundred. "

After that, he added, "One hundred per day!"

"Okay!" The man raised his hand and whipped Lawrence without thinking. The prisoner on the other side did not dare to delay, and hurriedly stepped forward and fired his bow left and right with the man.

Before the hundred slaps were finished, the two of them were already too tired to lift their arms, and Lawrence was even worse. His face was completely swollen. If you didn't look carefully, it looked like a body that had been soaked in water for half a month. The corpse floated up on its own.

By the time the slaps were over, Lawrence had completely fallen into a coma. One of the people responsible for the slaps respectfully said to Charlie, "Sir, a hundred slaps have been given. What should I do if this old guy is unconscious now?" 

Charlie said Waving his hand, "Throw him into the bathroom and leave him alone."

"Yes! Sir!" The man shouted, and together with his partner, he carried the unconscious Lawrence into the bathroom.

The self-introduction continues.

Most of the remaining people were arrested for murder and injury, and almost all of them were gang members in New York. Some were even Dean's younger brothers.

After these people had finished introducing themselves, Charlie looked at the man whose leg had been kicked off.

He  said, "Come on, tell me."

The man said tremblingly, " name is Mark...Mark Bob...I have been in prison for two years for second-degree murder...the sentence is 40 years, minimum Twenty years in prison..."

Charlie looked at Dean again and said calmly, "Come on, boss, it's your turn."

Dean said in fear, "Sir... you... you are the boss..."

Charlie smiled "I'm sorry, I accidentally took your place."

Dean said quickly, "Sir, please don't say that. In front of you, I can only be a little brother who works hard..."

Charlie chuckled and spoke. "Okay, introduce yourself."

Dean said humbly, "Boss, my name is Dean, an American. I was imprisoned for drug trafficking and murder and sentenced to life imprisonment."

Charlie nodded and said loudly "Now that everyone has finished introducing themselves, let me tell you a few rules in this cell starting today. Please listen carefully. If anyone breaks my rules, I will never Take it easy!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly cheered up and looked at Charlie without blinking, for fear of missing the important content he wanted to say.

Charlie stretched out a finger at this moment and said, "First, from now on, no one is allowed to fight or have sex in this cell without my permission, otherwise I will break his hands and feet, understand." "?"

Everyone said in unison, "I understand!"

Charlie stretched out another finger and said coldly, "Secondly, from now on, you people are strictly prohibited from talking to others about anything related to me outside this cell. Anything, otherwise I will make his life worse than death, do you understand?"

Everyone quickly said, "I understand!"

Charlie nodded, stretched out three fingers, and continued, "Third, starting from today, you Everyone must brush their teeth and take a shower every morning and evening, and all sheets and bedding must be kept clean, fresh and smell-free!" "

In addition, everyone must take turns mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet once a day!" "

Listen, I am saying that everyone must do this every day. Mop the floor once and clean the toilet once!"

"There are fifteen of you in total. That means cleaning fifteen times a day. Excluding the time for eating and relaxing, the remaining time is divided by fifteen and distributed evenly. When any one of you is working, The other people are responsible for supervision. If they find that the cleaning is not done properly, each person will give the cleaner two slaps and urge him to make corrections. If I discover the problem, let everyone will strip off and sleep in the toilet at night!" "

More One, if I find someone with a peculiar smell on their body or bedding, this person will stay in the toilet for the next three days except for eating and relaxing time, and will not be allowed to come out. Others will go in to use the toilet. , he has to stay in there; when others go in to have sex, he also has to stay in there, until he can clean himself up!"

I know nobody is watching my videos... i request everyone to play videos when you read... you can mute the audio if you dont understand the language...


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