Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2923 update | Chapter 6093 & 6094 Chapter 2923 The New King | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2923 The New King

At this moment, Dean did not dare to have any doubts about every word Charlie said.

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When he heard that Charlie would continue to destroy himself until he died, his heart felt as desperate as a person who grew up in a tropical rain forest and had never seen ice and snow in nature, and was suddenly thrown into a pool filled with liquid nitrogen. .

He knew that he was no match for Charlie, and he also knew that all the younger brothers outside him combined were certainly no match for Charlie. Therefore, he knew even more that there was no possibility for him to escape now.

If the younger brothers realized something was wrong and came in, they would probably all be subdued by Charlie, and he would still not be able to be saved.

And now, there are at least four hours until dinner time.

Now, he no longer thinks about how to take revenge, or even how to save his face and dignity. He just wants to beg Charlie to stop this inhumane torture and humiliation.

Who would have thought that the honor and self-esteem that he was willing to defend with his own death and that of others would be completely pierced and shattered by the old, dirty and smelly toilet brush in his mouth.

Kneeling on the ground, he could only nod desperately with the toilet brush in his mouth, and kept stroking his hands above his head, like a well-trained teddy dog, trying to use the best humble attitude to earn Charlie's forgiveness.

Charlie looked at the miserable state of him kneeling on the ground, sneered, and asked, "Has anyone begged you on their knees before, just like you begged me on their knees?" 

Dean's expression was stunned for a moment, and several pictures could not help but appear in his mind. Familiar and unfamiliar faces, those were all poor people who were tortured to death by his inhuman means, or tortured to the point of committing suicide.

In fact, in terms of cruelty, Dean is far more cruel than Charlie.

He can use the most cruel, violent, and humiliating methods on the most innocent, cowardly, and pitiful people, and he takes pleasure in doing so.

But Charlie, no matter how ruthless his methods were, would never hurt innocent people.

Seeing that Dean didn't dare to make any response, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "This is the first time you and I have met. I don't know much about your past, but it doesn't matter. Those people outside must know very well what you have done. Let them Come and tell me what evil you have done!"

After saying that, Charlie grabbed the end of the toilet brush and lifted it up, directly lifting Dean who was kneeling on the ground.

What followed was an even more severe pain in Dean's mouth. He felt that there was not even a piece of good skin the size of a needle tip in his mouth anymore, and it was all bloody and bloody ulcers. The pain was heartbreaking. .

As for Charlie, he never had any sympathy for such people.

Even though Dean had collapsed for several rounds, in Charlie's opinion, this was just a small appetizer.

After using the toilet brush to pick him up with one hand, Charlie walked to the bathroom door and gently turned the door handle.

At this time, there were fifteen manpower outside, and seven or eight people looked excited.

There was even a tall and lanky man who couldn't hold himself back any longer. As he unbuttoned his belt, he said to a few people around him, "Boss is done, it's my turn to feel good!" 

As he said that, he ran to the door in two or three steps. He waited expectantly for the bathroom door to open.

The moment the door opened, he looked around to see the situation inside, and said with a flattering look, "How do you feel, boss..." 

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that standing in front of him was Charlie, who had a cold face. .

He was stunned, but he didn't feel anything unusual. He just said with a lewd smile, "Oh, our Asian beauty, you can't help but want to find a second one?"

Charlie smiled and closed the door with one hand. Dean on the inside stood in front of him and said with a smile, "It seems you really want to be the second one."

The tall and thin man, at this momentIt was as if he had seen an evil ghost whose skin had been peeled off. He was so frightened that his mouth was wide open, but he could not say anything or even make any sound.

He never dared to imagine that the man in front of him who was more miserable than the clown was actually the boss Dean whom he had admired and followed for a long time.

When Dean saw him, he subconsciously wanted to call for help, but his mouth was still blocked by the toilet brush. He opened his mouth desperately, and the blood and saliva in his mouth surged out instantly, covering the scalp of the tall, thin man with fear tingling.

Others knew that Dean had a bad temper. Although they liked to watch the fun in this situation, except for the tall and lanky man, almost no one dared to come close to watch, so they still didn't know what was going on.

The tall and thin man collapsed in fear and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but as soon as he took a step back, Charlie raised his foot and kicked him hard in the chest.

With a bang, the tall and thin man flew out directly from the bathroom door in a parabola shape, and then hit the opposite wall with a bang. He almost didn't even make a sound. He completely passed out.

The other people in the cell were startled by this sudden scene. Everyone subconsciously came over to take a look, and they saw the miserable Dean.

Everyone couldn't believe the scene in front of them and didn't know what to do for a moment, but Charlie pulled the toilet brush out of Dean's mouth with force, then sneered and said to Dean, "Come on, what do you want to say, say it now."

The moment the toilet plug was pulled out, what Dean wanted to say most was to yell, 'Kill him.'

However, when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them anyway.

He already knew very clearly in his heart that Charlie's combat power was an absolute dimensionality reduction blow in this cell.

If he lets these little brothers attack him, let alone whether these little brothers will be killed by him, Charlie will definitely not let him go just because of his rebellious behavior.

Seeing that Dean was silent, Charlie slapped him in the face and said coldly, "Weren't you pretty damn good at talking just now? As soon as I entered this cell, your mouth didn't stop talking. "Excuse me, why are you playing so hard now?"

Dean was slapped so hard that several of his teeth were knocked out, and the severe pain made his brain feel like it had been stabbed repeatedly by countless iron needles.

When the others saw Dean being beaten, they felt even more shocked.

They also know that Dean's fighting power is extremely powerful. Even Dean was mutilated into such a bird-like shape. I'm afraid that the combined strength of Dean is not enough.

So everyone subconsciously stepped back, not daring to come forward to provoke Charlie.

At this time, Charlie pulled up a plastic chair and sat directly in front of a dozen people. Then he picked up the toilet brush stained with blood and flicked it hard on the ground in front of him, and a line of blood appeared on the ground. the red line.

Then, Charlie said calmly, "It's good of you to give it to me. I'll give you three seconds to line up behind this line and stand in line. After I count to three, if there is anyone who hasn't stood still, I will interrupt his one leg."

After saying that, Charlie stretched out a finger and shouted "One!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dean struggled to stand behind the red line made of his own blood.

At this time, Charlie stretched out another finger and said "Two!"

Although the others were completely frightened into fools, seeing Dean, the victim, respond immediately, no one dared to delay any longer, so everyone lined up behind the red line.

Charlie nodded at this time and said the word "Three!"

At this time, everyone had already lined up, and the only one who didn't come to line up was the one who was kicked out by Charlie just now and hit the wall and reached the unconscious the tall lanky man.

Charlie stood up at this time, walked around the human wall, came to the back, looked at the tall and thin man who was unconscious, grabbed his slightly curly hair, and dragged him to the front of the human wall.

Afterwards, Charlie threw him to the ground and left him lying there motionless like a dead dog. He turned to the remaining dozen people and said, "I just said, if I count to three and no one comes to stand, Okay, this guy is lying there motionless like a dead dog, not taking my words seriously at all. If this is the case, how can I lead this team in the future? So, I will break one of his legs in front of you today. , let you know that I do what I say!" 

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and secretly thought in their hearts, the reason why this guy is as motionless as a dead dog is not because of you. ? How can you still blame him so confidently?

When he was confused, he saw Charlie lift his foot and step on the tall and thin man's right leg.

There was a click, and the bones broke.

Immediately afterwards, the man woke up from his coma in an instant, rolling around on the ground holding his residual leg, crying incessantly.

Everyone else was dumbfounded. Who would have expected that Charlie would not even spare an unconscious person? He was obviously unconscious, so how could he come to line up when he counted to three? This is not bullying Honesty... Oh no, isn't this just bullying others?

Just when everyone was too frightened to speak, in the crowd, a middle-aged white man in his fifties said tremblingly, "You... you can't treat a comatose person like this, it's not fair!" 

"Fair?" At this moment, Charlie said calmly, "As the saying goes, a gentleman's words are hard to follow. When I walk in the world, what I pay attention to is not fairness, but integrity! I will break a leg of anyone who doesn't come to line up. I will never break my promise." "

As he spoke, Charlie frowned and looked at him, and asked curiously, "Old man, who are you? Do you dare to speak for him at this time?"

The middle-aged and elderly white man mustered up the courage and said, "I am a priest! Yes. Servant of God! I speak for justice!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I'm an atheist and don't believe in God." "

You..." the priest said nervously, "Even if you don't believe in God, you can't blaspheme God! 

Charlie smiled and said, "You are quite good at criticizing others. When have I ever blasphemed God? I just don't take his servants seriously."

As he said that, Charlie walked up to him and looked directly at him. With his eyes wide open, he asked, "Honestly, when did you enter this prison?"

The priest pursed his lips and said in a panic, "Three...three years ago..."

Charlie nodded and asked again. "Then how long have you lived in this cell?"

The priest replied nervously, "Two...two years and three months..."

Charlie nodded again, pointed to Dean on the ground, and asked again, "Are you here?" After living here for such a long time, you must have seen this guy torture a lot of your fellow inmates, right? I want to know, when he tortured those people, did you speak for those people?"

 "I..." The priest suddenly said Speechless.

He didn't actually want to speak for the tall and lanky man, nor did he really want to beg for mercy or seek justice for him. He just realized that a new era had begun in this cell. When Charlie picked up the toilet in Dean's mouth Brush, when he walked out of the bathroom, it meant that he had ascended the throne and became the new king here.

Therefore, he deliberately used this trick to gain a position in front of Charlie, and at the same time, he also used this behavior that seemed to have a sense of justice to clarify one thing to Charlie. He and Dean and the others were not a group of people. If you want to mess with them, it’s okay, but don’t mess with me.

And he also believes that since he is motivated by justice and has the blessing of a priest, there is a high probability that he will not be targeted or even retaliated by Charlie. In this way, he can be able to protect himself in this new era, and even Gain the favor and trust of the new king.

But he never thought that a chess game he carefully planned would be killed by Charlie with one move.

When Dean harmed anyone in the past, instead of saying a word to those people, he even told Dean that God would not blame Dean for punishing those guilty people.

After all, no one who can end up in prison is really clean. Stealing a wallet is also guilty, so his rhetoric is very popular with Dean. This is why he can protect himself here wisely and never will be affected in any way.

Now, Charlie suddenly asked him in front of everyone whether he had spoken for the victims. How should he answer? Isn't this murderous and heart-breaking?

Seeing that he remained silent for a long time, Charlie slapped him on the face, causing him to spin around in circles several times and losing two of his front teeth.

After a slap, the priest spun around and was about to fall down. Charlie grabbed his collar, looked at him and asked, "Weren't you pretty good at talking just now? You've already brought this out, why now?" Stop talking again?"

The priest was beaten to pieces, and his face hurt as if a firecracker had exploded his cheeks in his mouth. He covered his face and cried, "I am a priest, you can't beat me. Me! God will punish you!"

Charlie smiled and asked him, "Since you are a priest and a servant of God, let me ask you, how did you get in? How can you, a priest who serves God, be in Brooke? You became a prisoner in BrookeLin Prison, what kind of crime did you commit?"

The priest immediately panicked and did not dare to say another word.

Charlie turned to look at the brown-skinned boy next to the priest and asked, "Come on, tell me why this priest came in! If you don't tell me or lie to me, your end may be even worse than that muscular man." "

The brown-skinned boy was so frightened that he suddenly shouted, "Sexual assault! He came in because of sexual assault!"

Then he said, "His name is John Lawrence, a well-known pedophile in New York. ! Moreover, he is no longer a clergyman! Now he is still talking about his priest without shame, which is simply nonsense!"

John Lawrence suddenly felt like a deflated ball, curled up in front of Charlie, shaking like an axis drum broken washing machine.

"It turns out it was sexual assault..." Charlie curled his lips, looked at John Lawrence, shook his head and said, "John, John, you said that you are quite old, you can't control your body, and you still can't figure yourself out. How sad is the situation?"

As he spoke, Charlie changed the topic, "But I still admire your courage. I must make proper arrangements for people like you." 

 When John Lawrence heard this, his heart suddenly became desperate. A glimmer of hope arose.

But Charlie said, "Since you like to do that kind of thing so much, I definitely can't let you hold it in, so I'll arrange a good candidate for you." 

After that, he kicked Dean on the ground and said "Listen to me. From today on, you must use your best method every day to satisfy Mr. Lawrence. Otherwise, on behalf of Mr. Lawrence, I will convict you of incompetence and ask for your dog life!"


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