Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2902 update | Chapter 6051 & 6052 Chapter 2902: Waiting for an opportunity | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2902 Waiting for an opportunity

At the same time.

Charlie drove the inconspicuous Chevrolet, carrying the nervous and anxious Qiang Zai, to the outskirts of Zano Manor.

The two of them could see from the outside that Zano Manor was very busy at this time. The entire manor was brightly lit, and a large number of mafia members in black suits stood upright on both sides of the door, as if they were waiting for someone important.

Charlie saw this from afar and couldn't help but smile, "It seems that we are here today. The Zano family seems to have some major events."

Qiang Zai swallowed his saliva and asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, this is an eye-catching moment." Look, there are at least hundreds of people. Are the two of us really going to go in and cause trouble?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Didn't I say, I want to put on a play with them, and you will follow me later. What do I say to you? Do it, just look at my eyes." 

 Charlie added, "But if you are really worried, I can go by myself."

Qiang Zai said without hesitation, " Mr. Wade, I am indeed worried, but I am not afraid! As long as you tell me to do something, I will do it!" "

Okay." Charlie nodded and said, "Let's wait for a good time."

... ...

At this moment, in Zano Manor.

Antonio paced to the door of his daughter Julia's room. He paced at the door for a moment, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Julia, it's me, dad."

There was no response in the room.

Antonio had no choice but to patiently say outside the door, "Julia, you have to know that our Sicilian tradition is that everything is for the family. I am sitting in this position today not for my personal honor, disgrace and wealth, but for The future of our Zano family, and I hope you can, like me, always put the interests of the family first!"

In the room, a young girl angrily rebuked, "Everything for the family is just your personal thoughts and wishes. You can't impose your personal thoughts and wishes on me! In that case, I would rather leave this family!" 

Antonio said angrily, "Listen to what b@stards you are saying! Don't forget that you are a  girl with the blood of Xixi Islanders flowing in your bones! Girls from Xixi Island, even if they get married or change their surname, they must never forget their family! The imprint of the family is left in the blood and bones of every Xixi Islander And in the soul!"

"Fcuk your family brand!" the girl said angrily. "From today on, I will take my mother's surname! I am no longer Julia Zano! I am Julia Chiricella ! I have long been tired of the surname Zano!"

"How dare you!" Antonio banged the door furiously, furious.He shouted angrily, "Julia, if you insist on confronting me, then I will send you to Sicily overnight, to your cousin's farm, and let you shave wool there for the rest of your life!" 

in the room! The girl fell silent for a moment.

Antonio's mood was not calmed down at all. When he saw that his daughter did not respond, he continued to roar aggressively, "Julia, don't think that this matter can get over without talking! I will give you three seconds to think about it. If you are sure you want to If you go against me, then I will arrange for you to go to the airport now!"

After that, he raised his voice a little and shouted, "One! Two!"

The girl in the room shouted nervously, "Okay, okay! I listen to you! It's all up to you!"

Antonio then calmed down a little and said in a cold voice, "That's more or less the same! Remember! A Sicilian girl will serve her family all her life!" 

The girl inside said helplessly, "Okay, everything you said is right. Now please leave first, I need some time to dress up!"

Antonio said coldly, "I will give you ten minutes, and I will wait for you here for these ten minutes!"

The girl had to say, "Whatever you want, you have to be willing No one will stop you."

Antonio sneered and reminded, "Julia, I advise you not to try to escape by climbing through the window, because I have already arranged people to watch outside your window. If you climb out of the window, they will catch you and take you directly to the car to take you to the airport!"

The girl was immediately furious, "You b@stard!"

Antonio was not angry even after being scolded by his daughter, and said with a smile, "Remember Come on, Julia, a Sicilian girl who will serve the family all her life! You betray the family and bring shame on my face. I would rather let you shear sheep in Sicily for the rest of your life than let you become the shame of the family." 

The girl was hysterical. shouted "Antonio Zano! I hate you!"

Antonio said, "You can hate me, Julia, but remember..."

Before Antonio could speak, the girl inside shouted loudly, "A Sicilian girl, spend her whole life for Family! I already know! Don't say any more!"

Antonio smiled and said, "It's good that you know!"

Ten minutes later, the door opened, revealing a tall, brown-haired, green-eyed, beautiful woman in a white evening dress. The girl walked out of the room.

This girl is Antonio's daughter, Julia Zano.

Seeing his daughter dressed up, Antonio couldn't help but praise, "God, Julia, you are definitely the most beautiful girl in Sicily!"

Julia said with disgust, "I am not a girl from Sicily. I was born in New York, and I've only spent less than half a year in Sicily in my life! I don't want to have anything to do with that shabby place anymore!" 

Antonio raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled. Then he said, "Julia, you are still young. Sooner or later, you will be like me, deeply proud of the Sicilian blood flowing in your body!" 

Julia said with a disgusted face, "Then I would rather go to the hospital. Replace all the blood on my body!"

Antonio shook his head and sighed, "Your rebellious period will take longer than I expected, but it doesn't matter, as long as you obey my arrangements, I won't argue with you."

Julia said no more and followed Antonio to the main hall of the manor, her eyes always looking around for something. 


Time passed by one minute and one second.

A few minutes later, in the darkness outside the manor, Qiang Zai couldn't help but ask Charlie, "Mr. Wade, what are we waiting for?"

Charlie smiled and said, "We are waiting for an opportunity."

Qiang Zai asked in surprise, "What opportunity?"

Charlie on the side suddenly had a glimmer of light in his eyes. He pointed at a black car that drove out of the Zano Manor and said with a smile, "That's the opportunity!" After that, he turned on the car lights and kicked the accelerator

. Drive out.

In the black car, Julia, who was wearing a white evening gown, drove the car out in a hurry.

She just deliberately found an opportunity to damage the hem of her skirt, and then used the excuse of dealing with the hem of her skirt to escape from the main hall, and then found this black car without the key in the yard.

At this time, she had no idea where she should go. She just wanted to seize the opportunity to escape from this place before anyone reacted.

However, at the moment when she drove the car out of the manor in a panic, a Chevrolet car suddenly drove up on the road in front of the manor.

She subconsciously wanted to step on the brakes, but for some reason, she tried her best with her right foot and couldn't push the brake pedal down even half a minute.

Julia didn't know that she, or rather, the car she drove, was the opportunity that Charlie had been waiting for for a long time.

Therefore, regardless of who was driving, he directly blocked the brake pedal and steering column with his spiritual energy, making it impossible for the car to slow down at all, and at the same time, it was completely unable to slow down.Unable to turn.

At this time, Julia tried her best and was unable to control the car to slow down or turn. She could only watch the car rush out of the manor and land on the side of the trunk of the Chevrolet with a bang.

The Chevrolet was hit and spun in a circle on the road, and she was also shaken by the impact of the explosion and the impact of the exploding airbag.

At this time, the mafia members standing guard had rushed over to check.

Everyone recognized the car as belonging to a member of the Zano family, so they quickly stepped forward, opened the cab door, and pulled the driver out.

When everyone saw that the eldest lady, Julia, was driving, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, "Miss?! Why is it you?!"

Julia threw away their hands and sat on the ground slumped, feeling extremely desperate for a moment.

Seeing that she was about to escape, who would have thought that there would be a car accident just as he arrived at the door! I'm afraid there's no chance to escape now! What if my father gets the news and sees that she was trying to escape, and she still doesn’t know how to punish herself. As long as she doesn’t succeed this time, he will definitely take strict precautions against herself. If she tries to escape in the future, she will never have a chance!

Just when Julia was panicked and helpless, not knowing what to do, the cab of the Chevrolet car suddenly opened, and a man with an oriental face got out of the car, pointed at her angrily and said, "Hey, can you drive?" ! I was driving fine, but you just hit it. Don’t you know how to apply the brakes?"

Faced with the accusation, Julia could only bite the bullet and said, "I'm sorry, there seems to be something wrong with my car. I can't stop it. ..."

"Can't stop?" Charlie said aggressively, "This is a Maybach! I don't believe that a Maybach can't stop a car! If you don't have good skills, just say so, there's no shame in it." 

Julia nodded repeatedly and said dejectedly "You're right... Don't worry, I will compensate you for your losses..."

Charlie said, "I rely on this car to support my family. If you hit me like this, I will definitely not be able to work for several days. You No matter what, you have to compensate me for ten days of lost work, at least 100,000 US dollars! I see that you live in such a nice house, and you must not be short of money. 100,000 US dollars is nothing to you, so quickly give me the money. I still have things to do!"

All the Sicilian mafias in suits and ties around him were stunned.

Are you afraid that you are dead?

This guy actually dared to blackmail the daughter of the Mafia family boss at the door of the Mafia family manor?

For $100,000, just this crappy Chevrolet, $100,000 can buy a lot!

So, one of them immediately shouted angrily, "As$hole! How dare you fcuking blackmail our eldest lady, are you tired of living?"


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