Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2900 update | Chapter 6047 & 6048 Chapter 2900: Put on a show | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2900 Put on a show

When Ni Dawei heard this, he felt ashamed.

He really doesn't think highly of Qiang Zai, what's more, Charlie is also a new face who appeared from nowhere. He doesn't believe that Charlie has the strength to help him, or to help Qiang Zai, put under the pressure of Burning Angel, return to power of the Chinese Gang.

However, he had to admit one thing, that is, Qiang Zai, a young man who was inexperienced in the world, was indeed more courageous than himself.

Although he didn't really believe in Charlie's ability, Ni Dawei also had his own worries. If he rejected Charlie, he would have no choice but to continue hiding in Tibet, and he would never be able to turn around again in this life.

However, if he cooperates with Charlie, there may be a chance to turn around.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Chen Zhaozhong aside. 

In his opinion, Chen Zhaozhong is an amazing person.

Although he has been bored in this shop cooking roast goose for so many years, he is definitely the smartest person in Chinatown. Since even he believes in Charlie, it proves that Charlie must be more powerful than he imagined.

So, he made up his mind and said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I am willing to cooperate with you. Just ask me for anything you need me to do!"

Charlie said lightly, "Tell me about the Burning Angel, including the Italians behind them. What are their origins?"

Ni Dawei quickly said, "The Burning Angel is a gang that was just established in the past few years. However, its predecessor was formed by the merger of several small gangs in New York. The main reason for the merger was the Italian Mafia behind it. The Italians are deeply rooted in the United States. After gradually whitening them over the years, they have left the dirty work to the new gangs they support. At least 50% of the profits of these new gangs must be handed over to the Italians." 

As he spoke, Ni Dawei added, "Most Italian mafia in the United States are dominated by families. In the past, the five major families were more famous, but now the strongest one is actually the Zano family outside the five major families. The Burning Angel is loyal to the Zano family."

Charlie said, "They have the endorsement of the Zano family, and then divide more than half of the money they earn to the Zano family. Strictly speaking, they specialize in sub-brands for the low-end market, and the Zano family still holds the absolute majority." The major shareholder."

Ni Dawei nodded and said, "Mr. Wade is right to understand this. In fact, there are many such gangs under the Zano family. Most of the members of the Burning Angel are African Americans with relatively low education levels, so their main business is to grab land and collect protection fees. There are also several organizations that are engaged in some slightly higher-end industries, such as those highly profitable contraband." 

Chen Zhaozhong on the side introduced to Charlie, "This generation of the Zano family is responsible for People are very smart. They have divided the business that was originally one-stop into multiple links in detail, and then handed over different links to different organizations, and then the organizations cooperated with each other, checked and balanced each other, and guarded against each other. "

Charlie raised his eyebrows and said, "Uncle Zhong, please give me a detailed introduction."

Chen Zhaozhong explained, "My point of view is also based on some information circulated by the outside world and what I have seen and heard when I was here before. The result may not be accurate, but it should not be too biased."

After speaking, Chen Zhaozhong said seriously, "Actually, the Zano family's biggest source of income has always been the smuggling and sales of drug gangs.They have a gang dedicated to smuggling, a gang dedicated to sales, and many low-level gangs like the Burning Angels that compete for territory across the United States. "

The basic structure of this organization is to first send out a large number of low-level gangs to continuously expand their sphere of influence across the country. After they choose a neighborhood, they will settle in this neighborhood, and then use violent means to quickly gain absolute occupation rights in this neighborhood. After they complete the occupation, the team specializing in drug sales will expand their business to the newly occupied territory of the low-level gangs and directly monopolize the drug trade in this area. The low-level gangs that first occupied the sphere of influence will also provide Cover for these drug dealers as well as security. "

Charlie nodded, smacked his lips and said, "I understand, it is to send robbers to rob a car first. After the robbers ransacked the people and finances in the car, they then drove the car and carried another person. Bo people and drug addicts go to their destinations to sell them to make greater profits. "

Yes." "Chen Zhaozhong said, "However, it's not just drug dealers who are hitching a ride on this. In addition to monopolizing drug dealers, they also monopolize casinos and flesh and blood businesses within their sphere of influence. Within their monopoly, others are not allowed to open underground casinos. As well as loan sharking; and they will also import a group of prostitutes to monopolize the skin and flesh business in this area. Other skin and flesh organizations or individual practitioners must stop accepting customers. "

Charlie couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "This kind of gameplay can indeed maximize the utilization of resources, and each link can check and balance each other. It is much more stable than leaving all these businesses to a gang to operate. It seems that this is a complicated business. The Zano family really has two skills. "

Chen Zhaozhong nodded and said, "The most powerful thing about the Zano family is that they almost never do anything illegal and criminal. On the surface, they have almost no involvement in these illegal and criminal businesses. This is completely different from the previous Italian mafia. "

In the past, when the Italian Mafia killed someone, they would jump out, beat their chests and tell everyone that I killed this person. However, the Zano family's method was to order the murderer to dump the body in their own house. He then called the police immediately and told the police that someone had died at his door. He also took the initiative to hand over all surveillance records to the police. It seemed that he wanted to solve the case as soon as possible than the police. "

Charlie asked curiously, "Uncle Zhong, are you talking about a real thing, or are you using a metaphor?" 

"It's really true Mr. Wade." Chen Zhaozhong said, "Last year, the patriarch of another Italian mafia family was killed while waiting at a red light. Four gunmen used submachine guns from two directions to create a hornet's nest. Then one of the gunmen actually transported the body of the patriarch to the gate of the Zano family's manor. The Zano family immediately called the police and not only took the initiative to expose the gunman's death to the outside world. 

Surveillance video of the corpse even claimed that the Zano family had been framed and offered a reward of one million dollars to help the police catch the murderer;" "

But in fact, that family was the biggest competitor of the Zano family, and the two sides were competing for money from Colombia at the time. The supply of cocaine and the distribution agency rights in New York and even the entire East Coast. If anyone successfully obtains the agency rights, they will make at least hundreds of millions of dollars in profits a year. Therefore, everyone knows that the person must be killed by the Zano family, but they did not expect it. , people from the Zano family would, after killing someone, drag the body to the gate of their manor and sing a play with the other person's body."

Charlie nodded with a smile, and said lightly, "Since this The Zano family loves singing opera so much, so let’s put on a show for them too!”


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