Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2898 update | Chapter 6043 & 6044 Chapter 2898: It’s not too late to wake up now | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2898 It’s not too late to wake up now

Hearing Chen Zhaozhong’s instructions, Qiang Zai ran out quickly.

Although Chinatown is a very complicated small society, it is only such a big place after all, so after staying here for a long time, we are all very familiar with each other.

Just like its name, this is just a street, a street where Chinese people gather in large numbers.

The relationship between everyone here is like that of neighbors on the street. Although there are some shameless, sinister and cunning people in the neighborhood, they generally help and support each other.

In the early years, the Chinese who had just arrived in the United States were bullied. They could only live together in groups to keep warm. Chinese gangs also developed naturally in this environment.

At first, in order to protect themselves, the Chinese organized some young and strong laborers to jointly fight against foreign enemies. Over time, with the continuous development of society, various professions were constantly subdivided, and some people who occasionally united to stand up for other Chinese people, They gradually regarded this kind of thing as a profession, and the Chinese gang was officially established.

From the history of Huabang, we can see that from the moment of its birth, Huabang has not been a gangster gang that bullies the market and bullies men and women.

Most gangs in the United States are very different in nature from Chinese gangs. Most of the gangs with a long history in the United States developed during the Prohibition period. Their methods of making money are basically all against the U.S. government. Therefore, several gangs have a long history. Over a hundred years of development, they have developed an instinct, that is, the more the government does not allow them to do, the more they must do it, and they must do it bigger and stronger.

Take the example of collecting protection fees. Huabang collects protection fees in Chinatown, which is more like an unofficial property fee. It collects money from every household and serves every household. The fees are reasonable and the service is considerate. 

However, when gangs like the Burning Angel collect protection fees, they are outright bandits.

The robber only wants money, and he will spare your life if you hand over the money. If he insists on not giving it, he will give you a knife or a shot.

You can't expect that after being robbed, you can ask the robber to help look after your home. In that case, the robber may also rob your home.

A few minutes later, Qiang Zai rushed over with a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s.

As soon as the man entered the door and saw Chen Zhaozhong, he excitedly said, "Brother Zhong, you are back!"

This man was Ni Dawei, the boss of the Chinese gang in New York's Chinatown.

When Chen Zhaozhong saw that Ni Dawei's neck was wrapped with thick gauze, he quickly asked, "Dawei, what's wrong with your neck?" 

Ni Dawei sighed, "Forget it, he was shot when he came home, and the bullet grazed his neck. If I am more accurate, I will report to the Lord of Hell."

As he said that, he looked at the five miserable guys in the corner and asked in horror, "Ah Zhong, this... what on earth is going on?"

Chen Zhaozhong Asked him, "Did Qiang Zai tell you?"

Ni Dawei said, "Qiang Zai only said that you had something important to do with me, but didn't say what the specific situation was."

Chen Zhaozhong nodded and said to him, "These people came to the store to find Qiang Zai. The protection fee was taught a lesson by Mr. Wade."

After saying that, he said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, this is Ni Dawei, the boss of the Chinese Gang."

Ni Dawei looked at Charlie in shock, unable to imagine these few The vicious members of the Burning Angel were beaten into this state by the young man in front of them.

At this time, Chen Zhaozhong said to him again, "Dawei, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Wade. He also wants to see you this time."

Ni Dawei came back to his senses. Although he didn't know who Charlie was, he saw him Being able to torture these five people into inhuman form by himself meant that he could guess that Charlie's background was definitely unusual.

So, he quickly walked up to Charlie and said with some respect, "Hello, Mr. Wade, I'm Ni Dawei. Nice to meet you!"

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him, "How many people are there in the Chinese Gang?"

Ni Dawei Truthfully said, "There were almost a hundred people before, but now except for the dead and wounded brothers, the rest have basically run away."

Charlie frowned and said, "You have nearly a hundred people, how can you let these five bastards Eggs swaggering through Chinatown?"

Ni Dawei said with shame, "Mr. Wade... behind these five people are the Burning Angels. Behind the Burning Angels are the Italians. They actually control more than a dozen large and small gangs in New York, with at least several thousand people. We simply don't know." We are not their opponents..."

Charlie said coldly, "So what if there are thousands of people? I have never heard of beauty.

There has been a gang fight involving thousands of people in China. Can he still lead thousands of people into Chinatown? "

Ni Dawei said awkwardly, "Mr. Wade, you don't know something... These people are extremely ruthless. They killed several core members of our Chinese gang overtly and covertly. The brothers were scared and all of them backed down..."

Charlie asked him “How many of you have the Burning Angel killed?

Ni Dawei blurted out, "They killed eleven of our brothers! " "

Charlie frowned and asked again, "How many of them have you killed?" "

Ni Dawei shook his head dejectedly, "Not one..."

As he said that, Ni Dawei quickly explained, "After all, we are a foreign minority gang in New York. We can't fight against local snakes like them, so we didn't want to fight with them in the first place. They fight fiercely, and they also let go. If we dare to touch one of their people, they will kill us ten times..."

Charlie frowned and said, "What happened to the ethnic minority gangs? Gangs in South Korea, Vietnam, and Algeria are also gangs composed of ethnic minorities. Are they like you, beaten by the Burning Angels and running away? "

This..." Ni Dawei dodged Charlie's aggressive eyes and said hesitantly, "I haven't heard of any conflict between them and the Burning Angel yet..." 

Charlie pointed at the five people and asked Ni Dawei, "What about you?" Have you ever thought about it? Why do these people dare not bully Korean gangs or Vietnamese gangs, but come to bully you instead? "

Ni Dawei pursed his lips and lowered his head in shame.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Charlie turned to ask Will Johnson, "Come on, Will, tell me, why don't you go to Koreatown to grab territory? Want to come to Chinatown instead? 

Will Johnson said tremblingly, "Because... because the Koreans have too much firepower... Since 1992, we have rarely had direct conflicts with the Koreans..."

Charlie nodded, then asked Ni Dawei, "Do you know why they didn't dare to provoke Koreans since 1992?"

Ni Dawei said shamefully, "I... I know... Koreans did spell it out in the United States back then. Some fame..."

Charlie said coldly, "You also know that they have earned their fame through hard work, so as the Chinese Gang Boss, why don't you dare to take your brothers and fight them to the end? Don’t forget that standing behind you are not only your nearly a hundred brothers, but also all the compatriots in Chinatown who rely on your protection. They have paid you protection fees. If something happens and you run away, what will they do? "

Ni Dawei was blushing at this time and wanted to bury his head in the ground.

But Charlie continued to ask, "Have you ever thought about it, if you back down, the vendors in Chinatown will have no choice but to be slaughtered by them. From now on, everyone will know that the vendors in Chinatown are good. Bullied, everyone will treat them as a piece of cake! Today the Burning Angel wants to come and cut off a piece, and tomorrow there might be the Frozen Demon coming to take a piece of the pie. In a few days, even those cats and dogs that no one looks down on might come over with their bowls and grab some chopsticks!

"What's more, what if you shrink back? " Will they let you go if you shrink back? If that's the case, why do you, a dignified man and the boss of a Chinese gang, hide in a woman's hair salon? "

Ni Dawei's spirit almost collapsed due to Charlie's series of questioning.

In the past two days, Ni Dawei's heart has been tortured. Brothers have had troubles one after another. Even he himself almost died, but as the boss, he has never been able to muster up the courage. Courage to fight the Burning Angel to the end. Just because he was timid from the beginning, the Burning Angel became more and more rampant, killing many backbones of the Chinese Gang one after another, directly destroying the mentality of the entire Chinese Gang. 

And in the past two days, Ni Dawei, I also regret very much. I regret that I didn’t risk my life to fight the Burning Angels immediately. If I had fought them with all my life at that time, maybe they would have given up and retreated, and so many brothers would not have lost their lives later... 

Thinking of this , The shame and self-blame made Ni Dawei unable to hold back any longer. He choked with red eyes and said, "It's all my fault. I'm too weak. I just thought that if I couldn't offend them, I'd better take a step back to open up the world. Unexpectedly, I retreated." With just one step, they forced me to retreat all the way to the edge of the cliff and refused to stop. But now it's too late to wake up, and it's impossible for my dead brother to come back..." 

Charlie looked at him and said calmly, " It's not too late to wake up now. "

As he spoke, Charlie stuffed the magazine in his hand into the pistol, then handed the pistol to him and said, "There are still five bullets in it. If you really wake up, think about what happened to Ah Chong." Damn it, think about how to avenge him again!"


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