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 Chapter 2881 A Photo Album

An Chengqi was once very worried about the shaping of Charlie’s personality, character, and outlook on life during his growth.

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As a mother, she naturally hopes to always give Charlie the best education, the best environment, and the best guidance.

But the actual situation is that she can only watch silently as Charlie grows up with other children in the orphanage. She can only watch silently as Charlie drops out of school after graduating from high school and goes to work on a construction site, but she cannot intervene in any way.

Once upon a time, she was also worried about whether Charlie's views would be distorted in that kind of environment, whether he would be too philistine, and whether he would be too commercial. But fortunately, between Charlie's childhood as a rich young master and his later status as a poor orphan, he has found a good middle point for his three views.

This not only allowed him to maintain a normal outlook on life and a proper sense of justice, but also allowed him to avoid his father's overly harsh self-imposed moral standards.

in other words.

To a certain extent, this greatly makes up for Wade Changying's character shortcomings. 

Just like the position of the head of the Wade family, the normal succession process for the head of the family should wait until the old man Wade Zhongquan decides to retire, and then Wade Zhongquan personally names who will inherit. If other children have objections, they must Try to find a way to make the old man change his mind. If you are more cruel, you may also find a way to get rid of the original heir first, and then take the throne yourself.

Today's wealthy families are like this, and so are the princes and generals in ancient times.

But Charlie didn't follow the Wade family's example.

Not only did he not follow the traditional process, he didn't even say hello to the Wade family when helping himself to the position.

He just told Joseph Wan in an understatement in front of the Wade family that he had just taken over the affairs of the Wade family and was short of manpower. Since Joseph Wan wanted to submit to him, he must be loyal to him.

In one sentence, he not only conquered the entire Wanlong Palace, but also directly told everyone that he was already the head of the Wade family. He did not give the Wade family any chance to react or consider, and did not even bother to tell them his decision in person. Just tell the results directly to the third party and let them listen. 

But precisely because of such an unruly and uncompromising tough approach, Charlie directly took the position of the head of the Wade family without any hindrance. No matter how reluctant Wade Zhongquan was to give up that position, he could only get up obediently and Abdicate and give way to worthy people.

When An Chengqi heard about this from Stephen Thompson, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

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An Chengqi had never paid attention to the little assets of the Wade family, but the position of the head of the Wade family was a knot in her heart.

At that time, everyone knew that her husband was the most suitable for this position, but everyone in the Wade family was pretending to be stupid, so that until his death, the husband could not really become the leader of the Wade family.

An Chengqi has been complaining about this matter to her husband.

And this knot in her heart was finally opened easily by Charlie after twenty years, which made An Chengqi extremely happy.

At the same time, it also made her look forward to Charlie's future even more.


at the same time.

The old house of the Wade family.

After Charlie had eaten with the old man, he couldn't wait to say to the old man and Stephen Thompson, "Grandpa, Butler Stephen, you eat first. I'll go to my parents' room to take a look." 

Stephen Thompson asked respectfully, "Master, do you need help?

" Shall I accompany you?"

"No need." Charlie waved his hands and said, "Xiaowan and I will go together, you don't have to worry about us."

Lin Waner also stood up and said politely, "Grandpa Wade, Butler Stephen, you Eat first."

After saying that, she followed Charlie out of the restaurant and headed to the courtyard where Charlie's parents lived.

Due to the large size of this courtyard, Charlie's parents had four connected rooms here. In addition to a main hall and a bedroom, there were also other rooms has a study room and Charlie’s own room.

In layman's terms, it is a three-bedroom apartment with three bedrooms and one living room.

Charlie has lived here for several years and is quite familiar with the overall layout here. In addition, there are almost no obvious changes here, so it is easier to distinguish.

When he came to the main hall, the furniture and furnishings inside were still the same as when his parents took him away.

The picture of living here with his parents when he was young suddenly appeared in Charlie's mind, and he suddenly had mixed feelings. 

Then, he took Lin Wan'er to walk through the rooms first.

In addition to furniture, there are some prepared bedding and pillows in the main hall and bedroom, but it is obvious that they are new.

As a result, the main hall and bedroom will lose the value of finding clues.

So Charlie concentrated his energy on the study.

The study room converted from a courtyard wing is not very large, almost 30 square meters, but it has three walls of bookshelves and a large collection of books.

Even twenty years later, on the bookshelf in the study room, there are still many books left by Wade Changying and An Chengqi. These were the favorites of Wade Changying and An Chengqi who could not take away their glasses.

Charlie took a quick look and found that although there were many books in it, there were only three categories.

One of the categories is finance and management, most of which are related experiences written by some world-renowned economists and financial practitioners, while the other category is history and biographies, and the third category is the Book of Changes and Gossip.

Charlie didn't know much about it when he was young, so every time he came to his parents' study to look for books, he only stared at the interesting history books and basically ignored other books.

And it was only today that he finally realized that his parents had been studying the Book of Changes and Gossip a long time ago.

Lin Wan'er also took a rough look at the collection of books, and then sighed to Charlie, "Sir, your parents have collected almost the best books about the Yijing and Bagua (Book of Changes and Gossip) in the world. Some of them are even hundreds of years old." It is out of print before. It seems that they have very deep research and study on the Book of Changes and Gossip and Feng Shui secrets."

Charlie nodded absently. At this time, what he was thinking about was how to quickly convert these Read the entire book once.

So he searched carefully on the bookshelf to see if there were any clues left in these books, but there were so many books that even if he just took a quick look, it would be impossible to read them all in a short while.

While flipping through the books, he said to Lin Wan'er, "With so many books, it seems that it will take at least a few days to sort them out." 

Lin Wan'er smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter how many days it takes, just sort it out slowly. If the young master doesn't mind it, If so, the slave family will accompany the young master to collect it here."

Charlie said, "Then let's take a look at these books of the Book of Changes and Gossip first. My parents have been exposed to Taoism, so I think there should be some left by them in the books of the Book of Changes and Gossip. Notes."

Lin Wan'er nodded and asked him, "Master, the slave family also wants to share the worries for the master, but I don't know if the master is willing to accept the help of the slave family."

Charlie said, "Since Miss Lin has nothing else to do, please help me look through it together. Well, if you see something that seems suspicious, tell me as soon as possible.

"No problem! " Lin Wan'er agreed happily and readily, and then took a book from the bookshelf and carefully flipped through the pages in her hand to quickly look for things that might be caught in the book and notes left in the book.

However, after reading many books in succession, neither of them found anything that could make their eyes shine.

Just when Charlie didn't know where to start, Lin Waner suddenly took out a book about the same size as a book from the bookshelf. The black affairs, then she opened it and took a few glances, and said in surprise, "Sir, there is a photo album here! "

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