Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2877 update | Chapter 6001 & 6002 Chapter 2877 I don’t know where to go | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2877 I don’t know where to go

In Charlie’s heart, opening Niwan Palace has become his top priority.

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Not to mention what kind of savage beast was hiding in the Shiwan Mountains, Wu Feiyan alone already made him feel powerless.

Now, although Wu Feiyan has temporarily retreated, it does not mean that she will not make a comeback in the future.

What's more, she is his sworn enemy. Even if she never comes to China again, he will seek revenge on her. Therefore, he must find an opportunity as soon as possible and open Niwan Palace.

So, he said to Lin Waner beside him, "After I settle things in Aurous Hill, I will find opportunities to go out and take a look." 

Lin Waner asked, "Does the young master have a general direction?"

Charlie shook his head, "Since we are looking for Opportunities, logically speaking, should be more casual and go wherever you want."

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "But the more this happens, the less I know where to start. After all, I have a family and a career, and there are many tribesmen who follow me in Aurous Hill. , it is impossible to just let go and disappear from the world. The only reasonable and feasible plan is to only go to one place at a time, and then return to Aurous Hill to prepare for the next trip." 

Lin Waner couldn't help but sigh, "It's just that the master's destiny is too high.. The slave family cannot do divination for the young master, everything can only be decided by the young master himself." 

Charlie touched the bracelet in his hand, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said, "I want to go to Eastcliff first!”

Lin Wan’er asked him, “Young Master, are you planning to go to Eastcliff to look for opportunities?”

“Not really.” Charlie explained, “My parents took me to leave Eastcliff in a hurry, and I didn’t have time to take many personal belongings with me. Now, I want to go to the Wade family’s old house to sort out my parents’ belongings and see where they have traveled. If there are places I haven’t been to, I will go and take a look.”

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "I was confused when he suddenly mentioned looking for opportunities. But after I met my grandfather's family, I realized that my parents had long been involved in the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". If I could follow the The path my parents have walked, maybe their spirits in heaven can also give me some hints."

Lin Wan'er nodded in agreement, "The young master's parents must have had some experiences back then.A very legendary experience. If you follow their footsteps, you will definitely gain something. "

Charlie said, "Since my parents' accident, I haven't been back to the Wade family's old house for nearly twenty years. Later, although I went back to the Wade family during the Wade family's ancestor worship ceremony, the time was rushed that time, and the Wanlong Palace massacre... I have never had the opportunity to go to the old house to sort out my parents' belongings. At that time, I never thought about how my parents would be related to cultivation and the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". Now it seems that all this Maybe it all started with them. I'll go back and take a look, maybe I can gain something. "

The Wade family has been living in an old house near the imperial city decades ago.

It was a large courtyard house. Although it was hidden in a busy city, it also had a different kind of tranquility. 

The Gu family, a family friend of the Wade family , , the old house is also not far from the imperial city. When Charlie was young, the two families often communicated with each other because they lived close to each other. 

When Lin Wan'er heard this, she also felt that Charlie's decision made sense. Now he didn't know where to go. The spirits of his parents in heaven may be able to guide him.

Thinking back to the old house where he lived in his childhood, Charlie felt nostalgic in his heart. He couldn't help but said to Lin Wan'er with some excitement, "I will inform the captain that after I send you to Aurous Hill, I will fly directly to Eastcliff."

Eastcliff!! Lin Wan'er said quickly, "If you are anxious, Master, you can directly ask the captain to change the route and fly directly to Eastcliff." "

After that, she quickly added, "If the master feels that it is inconvenient for the slave family to go with the master, the slave family can arrive at Eastcliff and then return to Aurous Hill by herself. The master has important business, so there is no need to go to Aurous Hill to delay. "

Charlie asked her, "Is Miss Lin anxious to return to Aurous Hill?

 Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "The slave family is not in a hurry. The main thing that binds the slave family to Aurous Hill is the mother of Pucha. However, the slave family watered it before going out, and it rained in Aurous Hill yesterday, so I don't think it needs any extra care." "

Charlie said without thinking, "Then Miss Lin, please accompany me to Eastcliff. 

Lin Wan'er felt happy when she saw Charlie inviting her to go with him, and she quickly said, "Everything in the slave family will obey the master's orders!" "

Ten minutes later, the plane that Charlie and Lin Wan'er were on received permission to change its route. 

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The plane shifted thirty degrees north in the air and flew towards Eastcliff.

Charlie also used the satellite phone on the plane to call Charlie Stephen Thompson, the housekeeper of the house,. 

The phone was connected and Stephen Thompson’s voice came: “Hello, who is this?

Charlie said, "Butler Stephen , it's me. " 

Stephen Thompson said respectfully, "Master, I think this phone is the satellite phone on the Wade family's plane. Are you on the plane?" "

Yes." Charlie said, "I'm on my way to Eastcliff. I'll land in about two hours. Could you please arrange a vehicle to pick me up at the airport?" 

Stephen Thompson said hurriedly, "Okay, young master, I will arrange a motorcade and pick you up at the airport in person. I will also inform the master and others."

Charlie said, "There is no need to mobilize troops. You are the big housekeeper of the Wade family. It would be too ostentatious for you to come to pick me up. There is no need to come here in person. Just arrange a car to park at the airport for my transportation. I want to go to the Wade family. " Stephen, just inform the old man, there is no need to inform others. 

Stephen Thompson said without hesitation, "Okay, young master, let me inform you, will you stay at the old house at night?" Or go back to live in the manor? 

Charlie hummed and said, "Let's live in the old house. Prepare two guest rooms. I have a friend with me."

Stephen Thompson said respectfully, "Okay! " Master, do you have any other instructions? "

Charlie said, "No more, that's all.

Stephen Thompson said, "Okay, young master, I'll wait for you at the old house. " "


at the same time.

The plane that took off earlier has landed at Eastcliff Airport.

The wheel has just touching the ground, the false teacher immediately reported to the middle-aged beautiful woman, "Madam, their plane changed direction in the air. According to the information from the air traffic control, they temporarily changed the route and diverted to Eastcliff. "

Flying to Eastcliff?" Madam frowned and murmured, "Why did they suddenly change their route in the air?" 

The fake master asked quickly, "Could it be that we were exposed?"

Madam pondered for a moment and said solemnly, "Exposed should be No, all surveillance on the return journey has been circumvented, and no one can trace our route from Qingzhao Temple to Yongzhou Airport." 

As she said, she suddenly remembered something and said, "I guess they are going to the Wade family's old house!"

After saying that, she quickly asked, "Is Stephen Thompson in Eastcliff?"

The fake teacher said, "I have not contacted Butler Stephen recently. Madam, wait a moment, I will confirm with him."

After saying that, she immediately took out her cell phone and called Stephen Thompson.

As soon as the phone call came through, Stephen Thompson's cautious voice came over. His voice was very low and he asked very respectfully, "Sister Sun, why did you call me suddenly?" The fake master said, "Steward Stephen, Madam asked me if you are in Eastcliff at the moment."

"your subordinate is here!" Stephen Thompson said hurriedly, "I wonder what Madam's orders are?" 

The fake master said, "Housekeeper Stephen, wait a moment."

After saying that, she looked at the middle-aged woman, She said, "Madam, Butler Stephen is in Eastcliff at the moment."

Madam nodded and said, "Okay, let's change the itinerary later. We won't go to Aurous Hill today. We will go to Yonghe Palace immediately after getting off the plane and give Butler Tang an hour. Meet me at Yonghe Palace later."

The false master said respectfully, "I obey!"

After saying that, she asked Stephen Thompson on the phone, "Has Butler Stephen heard it?"

Stephen Thompson said extremely respectfully, "Your subordinate listens.will arrive!"

After saying this, Stephen Thompson paused slightly and said in a low voice, "Sister Sun, could you please tell Madam that the young master is already on his way to Eastcliff!"

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