Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2876 update | Chapter 5999 & 6000 Chapter 2876 Go out and take a look | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2876 Go out and take a look

When Charlie and Lin Wan'er rushed to Yongzhou Airport, a private plane just took off from Yongzhou Airport and headed for Eastcliff.

Every day, many private jets and business jets from leasing companies fly to Eastcliff, the capital, from provincial capitals. Therefore, this plane did not attract any special attention.

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The Wade family's Gulfstream plane has also been waiting here for a long time. After Charlie and Lin Wan'er passed the security check and boarded the plane smoothly, the captain immediately applied to the tower to take off and headed for Aurous Hill.

When the plane took off, Charlie was still twirling the bracelet made of agarwood. After the silence during the takeoff and climb, Charlie suddenly asked Lin Wan'er, "Ms. Lin, is that teacher's wife you saw today?" , apart from persuading me to turn back, did she ever tell you when I can enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains again?"

Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "The master only said that the Hundred Thousand Mountains are too dangerous and the young master must never go there, but he She didn't say when the young master can go again. Perhaps, to be on the safe side, the young master will not be able to go there again."

"Why?" Charlie murmured, "She said there is danger there, but no matter how high the risk is, there is a limit. Now that I am not strong enough, that place is like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire to me. If I improve my strength in the future, it may be like walking on flat ground for me."

 Lin Wan'er said firmly, "Young master, I feel that the young master will be there for a long time in the future. Please don't even think about returning to the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Instead of wasting your attention on the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you should think carefully about how you can find opportunities to break through and completely open the Niwan Palace." 

Charlie asked her, "After the Niwan Palace is opened, can I go back to Shiwanda Mountain?"

Lin Wan'er shook her head, "The slave family thinks that even if the Niwan Palace is opened, I can't go back, because when the young master opens the Niwan Palace, he is only barely equipped to fight Wu Feiyan. Qualifications, and the chance of winning is extremely low. If you want to return to the Shiwanda  Mountains, you must at least surpass Wu Feiyan first."

In Lin Wan'er's view, although the master's wife was fake, what she said must be true. 

Charlie couldn't go to Shiwan Mountain. It was most likely that Meng Changsheng had some conspiracy that had been brewing for hundreds of years and was waiting for him.

Perhaps Meng Changsheng was really like the mother of Pucha, finding another way to escape the fate of death. Maybe he was just like the mother of Pucha, waiting for an opportunity.Will be reborn.

Or maybe, the key to his rebirth lies in Charlie.

However, unlike the Mother of Pucha, the rebirth of the Mother of Pucha requires the help of Charlie's Heavenly Thunder, and after its rebirth, it will also be used by Charlie.

But Meng Changsheng will never be as passive as the mother of Pucha. He has lived for a thousand years, and he deliberately leaves himself a chance to be reborn. He will never let himself become a tool or foil for others.

Although the false master was too vague, Lin Wan'er speculated that the most likely possibility was that Master Meng Changsheng was looking for an opportunity to turn against the guest and seize Charlie's body, as in the legend.

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Thinking back to what Charlie said before, his father had studied the Shenglongge back then, but Lin Wan'er herself only speculated about the existence of the Shenglongge, but did not understand the mystery, so she said to Charlie, "Sir, The slave family thinks that the Young Master and the slave family have several urgent matters when they return to Aurous Hill this time. I wonder if the Young Master is willing to listen to the slave family to elaborate?"

Charlie said, "Miss Lin, please tell me."

Lin Waner said eloquently, "Wu Feiyan has temporarily retreated. The Young Master's top priority is Find a way to open the Niwan Palace, and the top priority of the slave family is to find a way to deduce what the meaning of Shenglongge is, and why this word is always entangled with the young master. If we can figure out the whole story, maybe many things will make sense. "Explanation."

Charlie nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but sigh, "Opening the Niwan Palace is easy to say, but I don't know how to get started. I don't have any good way to improve my cultivation now.  There are many knowledge points and complicated contents in the Sutra of "The Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture", but there is no truly systematic method of cultivating Taoism. Although I have continued to improve my strength through elixir refining, the elixirs have also reached their bottleneck period at the moment. Although Peiyuan Pill s good, , but blindly taking Peiyuan Pill cannot systematically improve my cultivation and strength..."

Lin Wan'er asked in surprise, "The Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture is so powerful, but there is no cultivation method in it?"

" Yes..." Charlie sighed and said "The Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" is more like a primary instruction manual for those who are new to the world of monasticism. There are too many things recorded in it, but a large part of it has nothing to do with monasticism. It's not big, but it has a deep relationship with martial arts. There are dozens or hundreds of complete martial arts mental methods, but there is no complete cultivation method..."

Lin Wan'er heard this and couldn't help but said, "This is it. For example, the textbook knowledge and extracurricular knowledge of elementary and middle schools are written into one book, and then some first-year college content is added. For elementary and middle school students, this book is unparalleled, but for college students, it is very useful. It's not very big."

"Yes." Charlie nodded and continued, "The key is, I only know the first year of college, and my horizons only reach the first year of college. I don't know how many grades there are in the university, and I don't know what is behind the university. What, there may be masters, doctors, academicians, and even Nobel Prize winners behind the university, but I have no idea about these."

Lin Waner murmured, "It is absolutely impossible for someone to leave behind the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" It's only the first year of college, but he deliberately didn't write down the content after the first year of college. It's probably intentional." 


Charlie said, "Before the Po Qing Society appeared, I always thought that "Nine The content in "The Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" is all about spiritual energy. As for opening the Niwan Palace, it only gave a vague general idea. It gave me the feeling that if I opened the Niwan Palace, I could soar from the ground. But after the Po Qing Society appeared, I gradually understood that opening the Niwan Palace was just the first hurdle in cultivation. Just like Wu Feiyan, although she had opened the Niwan Palace, she still could not change her Lifespan from 500 to 1000. The years continue to rise. From this point alone, we can see that her strength is far behind Meng Changsheng back then."

Lin Wan'er thought for a moment and said, "It seems that if you want to go further, you need to take the initiative." Find other opportunities."

"Opportunities?" Charlie asked her, "You mean, we should go out and see more?"

"That's right." Lin Wan'er nodded and said calmly, "The slave family feels that Aurous Hill is just a shoal to the young master. Although the young master has overcome the dilemma of the dragon trapped in the shoal, the shoal is still a shoal, and the dragon is still in the shoal. , but he is not trapped here, but stay here voluntarilyComing here and staying in Aurous Hill will definitely not be a good thing for the young master's cultivation path. "

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help but think of Qiu Zhiyuan, Joseph Wan's master, and the story that Mrs. Jiang told him about the five hundred years before Meng Changsheng practiced Taoism. Qiu Zhiyuan was never able to break through the dark realm,

so Only then did he decide to join the world to look for opportunities, and Meng Changsheng also spent a long time looking for opportunities when his first five hundred years were approaching.

It seems that the bottleneck of cultivation is inevitable for both warriors and monks. The only way to go.

When you can't get a breakthrough in a fixed environment, you need to change the environment and find a breakthrough. 

At this time, Lin Wan'er on the side saw Charlie was silent for a long time, so she said, "Master, although the slave family doesn't have a  little cultivation, the slave family feels that the logic of finding a breakthrough is very similar to the gold rush in the United States. "

Charlie asked curiously, "Why is it so metaphorical? "

Lin Wan'er said, "A gold digger will always be migrating before he finds gold. He cannot restrain himself in an unchanging small environment, because sooner or later, he will know everything about this small environment. He knows it by heart. After he has panned every river and stream in this small environment and knows that there is no gold in his environment, he must leave here and go to a new environment to continue searching. "

Said, Lin Wan'er added, "Looking for opportunities. In fact, sometimes it's more like after all the uncertain factors around you have been gradually determined, you can only go to an unfamiliar environment to find some new uncertain factors, and then solve them one by one. , and see if you can get what you want;" "

It's like the blind boxes in one store have been disassembled, but if you haven't dismantled the style you want, you can only change to another store and continue to dismantle it until you have it. "

Charlie nodded in agreement and said, "I met Mrs. Jiang, got the Phoenix Bone Vine, met you, and got that ring. They were all opportunities I got after leaving Aurous Hill..." 

Lin Wan'er said, "Speaking of which, it is obvious that the young master needs to go out and take a look from time to time. "

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