Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3215 update || Chapter 6677 & 6678 || Chapter 3215 Eaten?! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3215 Eaten?!

Hearing Helena speak directly out what was in her mind, Howard hesitated for a moment, then stopped hiding and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, to be honest, I'm old, but the reason why I'm still working so hard and coming to Northern Europe in person to keep an eye on the delivery of the entire AI model is because I really hope to get that half of the magic pill as soon as possible."

He paused slightly and continued, "Now the AI ​​model has been delivered, and this AI model uses NVIDIA's latest and best chips, which is much stronger than the one in Silicon Valley. Take the video processing demonstrated that day, for example, compared with the AI ​​processing that is popular on the Internet, it is a world of difference. Although those AI videos on the Internet look very realistic, just like movie special effects, you can see many flaws if you look closely, but the videos processed by this AI model are almost the same as the real ones. I feel that as long as the content processed is not too outrageous or too inconsistent, even if it is analysed by professionals, they will not be able to analyse the problem."

Helena nodded slightly.

Howard was not wrong. There are many AI models that can process videos online, but most of them are just for entertainment purposes. Everyone can see the lack of realism at a glance. However, the AI ​​model in Silicon Valley is really good at processing and rendering videos. It is definitely a very high level that can deceive the world.

If this is used as the evaluation standard for Howard's completion of this mission, then it can definitely be considered a successful completion.

So Helena didn't beat around the bush and took out a pair of disposable gloves from her pocket. She took out the Blood-Dispersing and Heart-Saving Pill that Ye Chen had just given her and said to Howard, "Mr. Howard, this is the pill you've always dreamed of. According to our agreement, you can now buy half of it for 50 billion US dollars."

When Howard saw the pill, he became even more excited and said repeatedly, "Your Majesty, please rest assured. The money has been prepared and can be paid to you at any time. I just don't know if there is any difference between your payment information this time and before?"

Helena smiled and said, "There is no difference. Just pay according to the last account information. After the money arrives, I will give you the pill."

Howard was extremely excited and said quickly, "Okay, okay! Your Majesty, please wait a moment. I will notify my chief financial officer now and ask him to complete the payment immediately!"

As he said that, Howard quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call as quickly as possible.

As soon as the call was connected, he could not wait to tell the other party: "Immediately pay the 50 billion US dollars to the previous account of the Nordic royal family, the sooner the better!"

The other party had been on standby in the United States for 24 hours, just waiting for Howard's payment order. Now that the order was given, he naturally did not dare to slack off and quickly started the remittance process.

After all, it was something Howard had already told him to do. Important matters were handled specially, and the payment was completed immediately in a very short time.

Soon Helena received a reminder of the cash arrival.

50 billion US dollars is indeed a huge sum of money. For many top companies and families, if they want to take out so much cash, they may have to sell their property to achieve it.

But for the Rothschild family, 50 billion US dollars is very easy. Even if such a huge amount of cash is paid in one go, it will not have any negative impact on them. It's nothing more than a few less numbers in the account. 

Since the money was received, Helena did not wait for Howard to urge her, and immediately took out a thumb-length folding knife, carefully found the centre of the pill, and cut it in half.

Then, Helena pointed to two pills on the table that looked similar in size and said to Howard, "Mr. Howard, you can pick one."

Howard was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I'll feel it and see which one is more suitable."

After that, he was about to weigh the two pills to see which one was bigger.

Helena stopped him, took out a pair of disposable gloves and handed them to him, smiling, "Mr. Howard, after all, it's something you're going to eat, so you still have to pay attention to hygiene."

Howard quickly took the gloves and put them on, then carefully placed the two pills in the palms of his hands.

A pill weighs only a few grams, and the weight of half a pill is even more negligible. Moreover, Helena's cut is very centred, so the weight difference between the two is even more difficult to estimate. If you want to know which one is lighter or heavier, you can only use a high-precision device like a scale.

Howard weighed the pills for a long time, but he really couldn't feel the difference between the two pills. He couldn't help but regret: "If I had known this, I would have brought a small scale..."

Helena smiled and said, "Mr. Rothschild, the difference between these two pills is not much, don't be so serious."

Howard couldn't help but sigh: "Your Majesty, this pill is about 10 grams, and half of it weighs about 5 grams, and its price is 50 billion US dollars, which means that every gram is worth 10 billion US dollars. This may be the most expensive substance known in the world. Even if the difference between the two is only 0.1 grams, it is still 1 billion US dollars."

Helena smiled and nodded. He nodded and said, "What Mr. Rothschild said makes sense, but sometimes people can't calculate everything. Sometimes they just have to give it a try. To be honest, not long ago, a person I admire very much told me that I must be decisive and resolute. Instead of hesitating here, wavering, and worrying about gains and losses, it is better to take this step and have no regrets."

Howard sighed, "Your Majesty is right. It's me who was too entangled."

After that, he put down half of the pill in his left hand, held up the half in his right hand and said, "I'll choose this half."

Helena asked him, "Are you sure? If you are sure, you can't regret it."

"Sure, sure! Absolutely sure!" Howard knew very well that there was no point in hesitating here. The weight difference between the two pills might really be only 0.1 grams or even less. It was impossible to find professional equipment to determine which one was heavier. Instead of hesitating here and making Helena, a young girl, laugh at him, it would be better to be decisive.

Helena nodded and said, "In that case, Mr. Rothschild can take the half pill you chose."

Howard subconsciously wanted to put the pill into his mouth, but then he thought that his son Steve was waiting for him in the banquet hall not far away. If he took the pill and looked radiant, he would definitely be able to see the clues after he went out.

Although he was very obedient and sensible, he should not stimulate him too much, otherwise he had no intention of rebelling. He was always getting younger and better, which might stimulate him and force him to rebel.

So he carefully kept it close to his body, and then said to Helena, "Your Majesty, I plan to keep this single pill here first and take it after returning to the United States."

Helena also guessed what he was thinking, and smiled slightly, "Our transaction has been completed. The thing is now yours, and you have 100% autonomy to decide."

After that, she reached out and took the other half of the pill back.

Howard saw her take the half pill away, and his heartbeat accelerated instantly. He hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I have another request. I wonder if Your Majesty can agree to it!"

At this time, Howard was thinking that there was obviously only half of the pill left. Could he talk to Helena and buy the other half with money?

50 billion US dollars, or even more expensive, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have made enough money. Now it's time to use the money to buy myself a long life.

Helena heard him begging and guessed what she was going to say, so she smiled and said, "Mr. Rothschild, don't be so polite. If you have any ideas, just say it directly. I will consider it as appropriate."

After that, she casually took the half pill in front of him, and under Howard's gaze, she put the pill directly into her mouth like eating a piece of chocolate.

Howard was still organising his words in his mind, thinking about how to talk to Helena, and then he saw the scene of his cerebellar atrophy.

Helena didn't even wait for him to finish his words before she ate... the half pill he had always dreamed of!


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