Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3001 to 3100 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 3001

After speaking, she stepped back and sent Zhiyu in.

From the moment Zhiyu followed Emi into the room department, her heartbeat continued to accelerate.

Now, seeing Charlie sitting on the sofa, her heart rate has accelerated to the extreme.

She bowed to Charlie nervously and excitedly, shouting in her mouth: “Grace…”

Charlie smiled slightly, and after inviting her to sit down on the sofa, he asked her: “How are you feeling these past two days?”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Very good, thank you for your concern…”

Charlie nodded and asked her, “I heard that you brought the Ocean Shipping Group over from your grandfather?”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said: “You asked me to become the head of the Su family in three years.

I don’t know if I can do it, but nevertheless, I have to take the first step.”

Charlie agreed and said: “You have made this move very well. For you, it is already

considered as the maximum benefit.”

Zhiyu couldn’t hide her shyness and said, “Thank you for the compliment…”

Charlie asked her: “Then what are your plans next? The Su family’s ocean shipping group is currently completely banned.

If you don’t find a way out quickly, the stall business might fall out of your hands.”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said: “I originally wanted to meet with Grace and have a chat.

Unexpectedly, you would contact me first. In fact, I intend to sell the entire ocean shipping group directly for cash.

Use the realized funds to do other businesses…”

“But I thought about it later. If I sell the Su family’s ocean transportation group, then my grandfather would definitely hate me, and the entire Su family would treat me as an enemy.

In that case, I might never have a chance in my life to become Su Family Patriarch…”

Charlie nodded and said: “You are right. If you directly sell the entire ocean shipping group, it is equivalent to taking a huge amount of compensation and then breaking with the Su family.”

Zhiyu hurriedly asked, “Do you have any good suggestions for me Grace?”

Chapter 3002

Charlie said: “I am preparing to start the ocean shipping business. At present, I have enough funds in my hand.

What I lack are ready-made resources. If you are interested, we can set up a joint venture company together.

All the resources of the ocean shipping group will become shares.” 

Zhiyu asked with joy, “Do I have to work directly with you?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said:

“But I don’t want to announce my identity yet, so this ocean shipping company should be established in the form of a new shell company separately.

My personal information will not appear in this company.”

She knows that Charlie has always been low-key, so he said: “As long as Grace has a word.

I will immediately integrate all the resources that can be integrated and serve you wholeheartedly!”

Charlie said seriously: “I don’t want you to cooperate with me because I saved you.

Since this is a partnership business, you must get what you need, and I must not let the other party purely contribute.”

After speaking, Charlie said again:

“My terms of cooperation are that I invest 10 billion US dollars in cash and use all the resources that I can integrate as equity.

On your side, you will integrate the entire Su family ocean, transportation group. 

Bring it in and set up a new company, I account for 51%, and you account for 49%.

If you think that you are willing to cooperate with me, then I will start making the next arrangements now.”

Zhiyu said without hesitation: “I am willing!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “If this is the case, then I will help you win more resources and initiative in the future.”

With that said, he picked up his cell phone, called Issac, and said: “Mr. Issac, bring Dan’s cell phone here.”

Issac quickly rushed over with a turned-off mobile phone.

Charlie took the phone, turned on the power directly, found Chengfeng’s contact information, and said to Zhiyu: “I will call your grandpa now.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise: “Grace, you…why do you want to call him?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Didn’t he always want to find me, then I’m just fulfilling his wish.”

So, just when Chengfeng was scratching his head trying to understand the situation in front of him, Charlie directly pressed the dial button in front of Zhiyu and Issac.

Chengfeng, who was in distress, suddenly saw the call coming from Dan, and he was overjoyed!

He subconsciously said: “I think Dan shouldn’t have any trouble, as long as he smells a little dangerous smell, he will immediately run away!”

After speaking, he immediately picked up the phone and blurted out and asked, “Uncle Mai, where have you been? I have been looking for you and haven’t found you all morning!”

Charlie sneered on the other end of the phone, and said mockingly: “Don’t look for him, he has been controlled by me.”

Charlie’s words made Chengfeng’s heart stunned, and the phone almost fell to the ground slipping from his firm grip.

After a while, he forced himself to calm down and asked tentatively, “You…who are you?!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Master Su, you have spent so much effort and sent so many people to find my whereabouts.

I am really flattered, so I took the initiative to call and say hello to you.”

Chapter 3003

Chengfeng originally thought that Dan might have insight into the danger in advance, so he escaped from it beforehand, but he never dreamed that the person who called was the mysterious person who he had been searching for, for a long time!

It’s one thing to always want to find the other party and kill the other party, but suddenly to be known by the other party, and to get a call from them is another matter. 

At this moment, Chengfeng asked very nervously: “What do you…what do you intend?”

Charlie laughed and said, “What do I intend? How can I save your grandson and your granddaughter, and also save your daughter-in-law?

I can definitely be regarded as the benefactor of your Su family.

What bad thoughts can I have? It’s nothing more than long admiring the name of Old Man Su, and wanting to find a chance to talk over a glass of wine and cooking with Old Man Su.”

“You…” Chengfeng was panicked in his heart, and couldn’t help asking: “I have never met with you.

I have no grievances and no grudges. How are you going to give up?” 

Charlie smiled and said, “Master Su, it is impossible to give up.

I called, not to negotiate with you, but to tell you that before today, you have been taking the initiative to fight against me, deliberately trying to find me. To capture me.”

“But after today, the rules of the game have changed!”

“Now, it’s my turn to find you!”

“I hope you hide well in Suzhou, and don’t be found by me too easily, because in that case, the game is meaningless.”

After that, Charlie directly hung up the phone, and then turned off Dan’s cell phone. 

He just turned off the phone, and Zhiyu on the side was already shocked and speechless.

Chapter 3004

And Issac couldn’t help asking: “Master, are you planning to take the initiative and go to Chengfeng to settle the account?”

“How is it possible…” Charlie smiled and said playfully: “If I go to find Chengfeng to settle the account now.

Wouldn’t it be a waste of money for his remaining children and the Wade family?”

After speaking, Charlie said again:

“If I kill him now, instead of getting any substantial benefits, I will become a spectator, waiting for the separation of the Su family, and the Wade family by then, will take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.

If I have to do everything I must not act foolish to do this kind of thing.”

Issac asked a little puzzled: “Then why did you tell Chengfeng that just now?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Frighten him. This old dog manipulates the puppet behind his back all day long.

Something happened to the puppet. He thought that cutting the thread would shield the risk.

This kind of good thing has ceased to exist from now on. No more deals for him.”

After speaking, he smiled playfully: “Believe it or not, this old guy is probably scared now.”

“I believe it!” Issac smiled: “Cary and Dan are both missing, and you said that you want to take the initiative to attack him, he must be scared to death!”

Charlie smiled and said: “I called him just to beat him and give him a little pressure.”

Issac nodded and smiled: “I guess he will flee from Suzhou with his tail caught today.”

Charlie said calmly: “I think his biggest problem right now is that he doesn’t know where to escape.

If he stays in the country, he will be easily found no matter where he is.

Although it is safer to go abroad to avoid the limelight, he definitely does not dare to take this step.”

Issac asked puzzledly: “Why?”

Charlie asked him back: “If you were an ancient emperor, would you dare to leave your country?”

Issac immediately understood the meaning of Charlie’s words and said: “Master, I  understand what you mean, Chengfeng has the position of the Patriarch.

There must have a lot of people eyeing Chengfeng. In this situation, he absolutely dare not leave China.”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “He seems to have five sons, the eldest and the second are in my hands, and there are three left.

Each of these three people must be looking forward to inheriting the position.”

Chapter 3005

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Originally, these three people may not have thought of it, but as the boss and second child disappear one after another, it will definitely make each of them have a chance to have their own way.

Inheriting the illusion of this position, this is not yet considering Chengfeng’s grandchildren.

Those younger generations must also look forward to being able to take control of the family alone.”

“So, Chengfeng has no last resort and will never leave China, because once he leaves, he will probably not come back in this life.”

In the ancient royal family, many members of the royal family were permanently exiled.

The reason is that those in power did not want that person to come back and threaten their rule.

Even in modern times, there have been some attempts to usurp the throne in foreign countries.

Generally, the president went abroad for a visit, and the domestic coup was launched on his back.

At the same time, they must guard against death and never let the former president return to the country.

As a result, the former president can only live in exile.

Therefore, the day Chengfeng leaves China, it must be the beginning of his demise!

Zhiyu didn’t speak and looked at Charlie for a while, and then asked: “Do you want to make this call to my grandpa to force him to ask me for help?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Your grandfather must be particularly insecure now.

There is no strong expert protection around him, whether it is in Suzhou, Eastcliff, or other domestic counterparts.

It is very difficult for the city to guarantee his safety, and he has been holding the power of the family and is reluctant to let go, so he dare not go abroad. The only option is to make peace.”

After a pause, Charlie shook the phone that had been turned off in his hand, and smiled: “But I have already put the cruel words out just now.

This phone has also been turned off. He wanted to make peace, but he couldn’t find me at all.

He will look for any way of contacting me, and the only way is to find you.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “If he really asks you to make peace, then you readily promise him, but you must not say too badly.

You tell him that you will try your best, but you are not sure you can persuade me or not.”

Zhiyu hesitated for a moment, and asked him: “Are you worried that after we cooperate in ocean transportation, he will come forward to obstruct?”

“Yes.” Charlie said earnestly: “The market value of the Su family’s ocean transportation business under normal circumstances is at least RMB 300 billion to 400 billion.

Even if it is facing difficulties now, the actual total fixed assets are at least RMB 200 billion.

Your grandfather handed such a big piece of cake to your hand, he only hopes you will keep it for him, instead of just picking up the knife and fork and eating it.”

“Once you take the entire ocean shipping group to cooperate with me, in his eyes, it is equivalent to selling the cake.

This will absolutely touch his negative scales.

He will do his best to stop you at that time, even without hesitation. Oppose you again.”

Having said that, Charlie turned around and said with a smile: “But you can rest assured that after you agree that you will intercede for him, you don’t have to worry that he will turn his face.”

“Because I didn’t have time to take care of him for a while, and called and threatened him that I wanted to find him, but it is just a fake shot.

“So, he is safe in a short time, at least I won’t deal with him.”

“And he will definitely attribute this kind of safety to you, feeling that it is entirely your help.”

“At that time, he will see you as his amulet, how dare he then prevent you from taking out the Su family ocean transportation group and cooperating with me?”

Chapter 3006

Only then did Zhiyu understand that it turned out that Charlie called her grandpa a moment ago to just threaten him, in fact, to make him fear.

Charlie’s this move made her very moved.

She was originally worried that she could not hold such a large ocean transportation group.

She also worried that after the limelight passed, her grandfather would try the same trick again and find a way to snatch this big cake back.

However, with the phone call from Charlie just now, she believes that for a long time in the future, she would no longer have to worry about any danger.

So, she stood up, bowed slightly to Charlie, and said respectfully: “Benevolence…oh no, Mr. Wade… thank you so much…”

He waved his hand lightly, and said lightly:

“I am helping myself, and the ocean transportation group in your hand has very high assets, and my side is almost an empty shell.

Although I will inject capital as promised. 10 billion dollars, but in comparison, I am still taking advantage of you more or less.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “It’s not like this…I have a hard time revitalizing this ocean shipping group.

At most, I can sell it at a low price. If I cooperate with Mr. Wade, this asset will not only be revitalized, but it will also be more effective.

There is more room and possibility for development, so we can be regarded as mutually benefiting.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “You are right, doing business in partnership means mutual benefit.”

After he finished speaking, he said again: “It just so happens that you are calling today in the name of Takehiko.

Then the new company we established can claim to the outside that it is a cooperation between you and the Ito family.

Your grandfather always wanted to cooperate with the Ito family. Go online, then you might as well make him think that you have caught up with this line, so that it will also make him recognized your abilities.”

Zhiyu nodded and said gratefully: “I understand, everything is up to you!”

Charlie looked at the time and said with a smile: “I guess it won’t be long before your grandfather will call you. You have to think about your skills later.”

At the same time.

Su Family Villa.

Chengfeng was already pale in shock at this time.

Originally, he planned to let Cary and Dan find the mysterious man, and then kill him when he was not prepared.

Chapter 3007

But he never dreamed that the two of them are now cold, not to mention, they also sold their behind-the-scenes proprietor.

As a result, the other party called and said that he wanted to change the rules of the game. How could he not be afraid?

Especially the other party also accurately stated that he was in Suzhou.

Distance from Aurous Hill to Suzhou is very close, maybe when he goes to bed at night, and his neck will be wiped by the other party.

Anson was very worried and asked, “Master, what are your plans next?”

Chengfeng couldn’t hide his nervousness and said, “You heard it just now. Cary and Dan are both in the hands of that kid.

This guy really doesn’t speak morals at all, even the 100-year-old old man, he will not let go. After that, let alone me…”

With that said, Chengfeng sighed, and said: “And this guy now knows that I am in Suzhou, this is the most dangerous…”

Anson hurriedly said: “Master, based on my humble opinion, our top priority at the moment is to leave Suzhou as soon as possible!

Suzhou is too close to Aurous Hill… If he finds this, it will only take three or four hours to drive…”

Chengfeng nodded, sighed, and murmured: “Hey! It’s easy to leave Suzhou, but where would I go after leaving?”

Anson said quickly: “Master, let’s go back to Eastcliff!”

Chengfeng said depressedly: “It may not be really safe to return to Eastcliff.

After all, his strength is really unpredictable. He could abduct Shoude silently under Luther’s eyes. God knows he will or will not repeat the old tricks and tie me up?”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng said again:

“It may not be safe to go anywhere now. Even if I escape to the South China Sea, he will find a three-hour plane.”

At this time, Moby, who had not spoken for a long while, said: “Master, you should go to the Maldives to avoid the wind and relax for a few days by the way!

Suzhou has not really warmed up these days.

The weather in the Maldives is good, and it is far away and a separate island, so we can also arrange security work!”

He said, “In an archipelago country like the Maldives, the local government has sold everything that can be sold and rented everything that can be rented, except for the capital island and several large islands.

For the islands that are sold, the local government will not even send a police force, not to mention the local army, and basically let us toss with ourselves, and the operation space will be larger.”

“If you are willing to go there, I can ask my junior brother to help, hire some mercenaries from the Middle East and the West.

The Blackwater Company in the United States has a large number of mercenaries that have undergone rigorous training.

At that time, hundreds of them will be hired directly from the Blackwater Company. 

Soldiers with guns and live ammunition will guard the island so that no fly can get in.

Your safety can also be greatly guaranteed.”

Chapter 3008

Although Su’s family has not been able to do business all over the world, their homes are almost all over the world.

Basically, all developed countries have real estate in the name of Su family, so the family has a home wherever they go.

As for resorts such as Maldives, Phuket, Bali, and Tahiti, not to mention.

The Su family has long bought several islands in the Maldives, some of which have been developed into high-end luxury island hotels, and another island has been developed but not put into commercial use, but reserved for the Su family’s own vacation needs.

At this time, the weather in Suzhou during the first lunar month is still a bit cold and humid.

But the Maldives, which is on the edge of the equator, is very comfortable even now, and it is indeed very suitable for short- and medium-term vacations.

Moreover, as Moby said, in an island country like the Maldives, the government has no energy to control so many islands that walk around.

Basically, whoever it is sold to, is left to toss, even if there are some places that are not allowed by local laws, just sold and no interference.

Money can also be accommodating, and the operation space is huge.

Therefore, once they go to the Maldives, they can definitely build a very powerful defense system in a short time.

It is no exaggeration to say that once the high-end mercenaries are deployed from the Blackwater Company in the way Moby said, the defense of the island, and the ability to protect will be so strong that no one may be able to penetrate the local army.

However, although Moby is very considerate of security, he ignored Chengfeng’s character and his situation in the family.

Unless he is definitely sure that he will die if he doesn’t leave, he is absolutely unwilling to leave.

Going abroad to avoid the limelight is the last escape route for him, and he will only consider it as a last resort.

Because he knew very well that once he left China, the Su family would no longer be in his hands, and even the entire family might be torn apart.

Moreover, after this trip, he may never come back.

Even if the mysterious man stopped chasing him, once his children profited from it, they would never let him come back.

When the time comes, he will suffer from the enemy!

Thinking of this, Chengfeng gritted his teeth, and said to Anson and Moby: “Without a last resort, I will never leave China!”

Anson asked nervously: “Master, that guy is so strong, how do we deal with him next?”

Chengfeng thought for a moment and said seriously: “Now, only Zhiyu can save me!”

Chengfeng knew very well in his heart.

Chapter 3009

He knew that the only person who can stop the mysterious master right now is his granddaughter Zhiyu.

He said to Anson and Moby: “If Zhiyu is willing to say something good for me, she will definitely make that person give up or delay the idea of chasing me…”

Anson nodded repeatedly and said, “The mysterious person who wants to come must have deep feelings for the eldest lady, otherwise he will not chase her in Aurous Hill from Japan to protect her.

If she can really say something for you, maybe it will really make a big deal. Small and trivial…”

Chengfeng sighed and said: “If you can’t beat it and can’t hide, the only way is to beg for mercy…”

Moby couldn’t help asking: “Master, I know Miss Zhiyu’s character quite well. I am afraid that she’s not that easy to talk about this matter.”

“Indeed…” Chengfeng said depressed: “This girl has a big appetite.

About the previous press conference, I gave her the entire ocean shipping group to shut her up.

If I beg her again this time, I don’t know what she will ask for…”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng said with a cold expression:

“The reason why the Ocean Shipping Group I gave to her is to see if she can revitalize the business.

If it is not taken care of, it will die in her hands or my hands.

There is no difference, but if she can revitalize this business, sooner or later I will have to get it back with profit, but if she wants other business from me, I mean she can’t cut the meat anymore…”

Anson opened the mouth and said, “Master, why don’t you make a phone call to check the eldest lady’s tone?”

“Yeah!” Chengfeng nodded and said, “I’ll call her right now. Oh, by the way, Anson, I asked you to follow her recent actions secretly.

Do you know what she is doing these past two days?”

Anson hurriedly said: “Master, the eldest lady went to the Shangri-La Hotel today.”

“What?!” Chengfeng frowned and asked sharply: “What? Is she going to talk to the Wade family about cooperation?”

Anson explained: “It’s not about cooperation with the Wade family, but about cooperation with Ito family of Japan. You know, Ito is recently living in Shangri-La.”

Chengfeng heaved a sigh of relief and nodded and said, “I almost forgot about this matter. Zynn was just looking for a chance to see Mr. Ito when he disappeared at Shangri-La.

Zhiyu ran over to see him now. Will he take care of her?”

Anson nodded and said, “According to the news from my people, after the eldest lady went to Shangri-La, she was picked up by Emi Ito, the younger sister of Mr. Ito, in the hotel lobby.”

“What?!” Chengfeng asked in surprise: “He agrees with her?”

Anson said by the way: “My people followed, and the eldest lady did indeed enter his room.”

Chengfeng couldn’t help being a little bit astonished and immediately couldn’t help but sigh: “Since the fight between the three major families in Tokyo and the winner-takes-all of the Ito family.

Our ocean shipping group is unwilling to follow suit even without being punished.

We cooperated and Zynn, as the Su family’s son and the heir of the Su family in the eyes of outsiders, failed to get Mr. Ito to meet him.

I did not expect Zhiyu to do it!”

Chapter 3010

Anson nodded and said: “The eldest lady is talented and intelligent, and her eloquence is by no means comparable to that of ordinary young people.

Moreover, she now completely owns the ocean transportation group of the Su family.

Maybe Mr. Ito has been reached with her persuasion for cooperation.”

Chengfeng said with some joy: “If this is the case, the ocean shipping business might be able to survive. Zhiyu seems to be really a bit skilled.”

After that, he immediately picked up the phone and sent a message to her. The content of the message was: “Zhiyu, please call Grandpa when it is convenient.”

Zhiyu saw this message and immediately told Charlie, and at the same time asked him: “Mr. Wade, should I return one to him now?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Dial, see what he says.”

Zhiyu hurriedly dialed Chengfeng’s phone.

The call was quickly connected.

Chengfeng pretended to be concerned and asked on the other end of the phone:

“Zhiyu, how have you been in the past few days? Have you encountered any problems that you need help from grandpa?”

Zhiyu said in a lukewarm tone: “It’s okay recently. I’m trying to revitalize the ocean shipping business.

I appreciate your kindness, but you don’t need to help me.”

Chengfeng sighed and said guiltily: “For these two days, Grandpa has been unable to eat or sleep.

Not only am I full of guilt for you and your mother, but I have also been thinking about how to compensate your mothers.

It happened that Anson was with me today. Talking about the Maldives, I just thought, I will give you the island where the Su family stayed in the Maldives so that you and your mother can go to have a good rest and relax.”

Although the islands in the Maldives are expensive, they are not very valuable.

The island developed by the Su family, is taken on lease from the Maldivian government for 100-year use right, only spent tens of millions of dollars, but the real cost is the development and construction of the island.

An island must not only have a complete set of architectural solutions, but also a large number of luxurious decorations, but also a complete set of hardware facilities such as docks, helipads, and satellite communications, and even have the ability to generate independent power generation and desalination.

Therefore, the Su family has invested nearly 3 billion yuan in the construction of the complete set.

Originally, Chengfeng regarded that island as a paradise on earth where he would enjoy his old age in the future, so he did not hesitate to pay for it.

If he really wanted to give it to Zhiyu, he naturally couldn’t bear it.

But he just said that he wanted to win favor in his granddaughter’s heart first.

Chapter 3011

According to what he knew about Zhiyu, he felt that she couldn’t even want his island.

First of all, Zhiyu must now devote all her attention to the ocean transportation business.

She is definitely not interested in letting herself go to the Maldives.

Secondly, her mother may now hate him so how can she go to his island to relax on vacation. Liona will definitely not agree.


Zhiyu frowned when she heard what he said.

She is not stupid either.

She knows that there are at least nine points of hypocrisy in what Grandpa said.

But what to do with Maldives islands, she is not interested at all!

Zhiyu was about to refuse, when she saw Charlie winking, she signaled her to agree.

So, she hesitated for a moment, and said, “Thank you, grandpa. I will trouble Grandpa to let Mr. Anson bring the property rights of the island to Aurous Hill.

After the property rights are in my name, I will take time to take my mother and relax.”

When Chengfeng heard this, he immediately felt a strong pain.

He secretly thought: “I’m just being polite, why did you really agree? You are young, what do you want an island for retirement? You have to leave it for me, what will I do in the future? I can never develop one from scratch?”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: “Zhiyu, the property rights documents of the island are to be transferred from the Maldives. It is relatively troublesome, but you and your mother can go there to rest first.”

Zhiyu said smoothly: “That’s right, when I go there, the property rights will be transferred by the way.”

After that, she added: “Grandpa, you also know that my mother must have some opinions on you.

If that island is in your name, she will definitely not go, but if it is in my name. It’s different.”

Chengfeng could only say angrily: “You are right, grandpa owes it to you. In this case, if you have time to go, I will ask Anson to go there too and complete the formalities…”

With that, he hurriedly said again: “By the way, Zhiyu, Grandpa has to ask you for a favor this time…”

Zhiyu snorted: “You say it.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said: “That’s right, your benefactor, he called me just now. He may have misunderstood me.

He didn’t seem to be happy about what he said on the phone, so I would like to ask you to help me make peace with him.

In the future, everyone will keep the well water from the river water, do you think it will be doable for you?”

Chapter 3012

Zhiyu heard this and couldn’t help but look up at Charlie.

She found that he had a clear idea of the scheming of her grandfather.

He said that grandpa would definitely come to ask for her help, but she did not expect her grandpa to so predictable.

However, she didn’t know why Grandpa angered Charlie, nor did she know that he had sent a Gu art master to Aurous Hill to try to assassinate attempt on Charlie.

So, she did not immediately agree, but instead asked: “Grandpa, you said you had a misunderstanding with Grace. Can you tell me the specific misunderstanding?

Even if I promise you, I have to understand it before I can find him. I need an entry point to communicate with him.”

Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said:

“Hey…it’s not a misunderstanding, it’s mainly because I was confused for a while. I hired a metaphysical master from England.

I sent him to Aurous Hill to find for once the whereabouts of your benefactor.”

After that, Chengfeng excused himself again:

“Actually, I didn’t want to hurt the benefactor, I just wanted to find this man out and talk to him face to face, but the metaphysical master I invited may have tried hard.

He killed an innocent person in Aurous Hill, and tried to kill the benefactor, but it was all that guy’s own idea, but your benefactor didn’t know.

Now he thinks I sent that master to kill him, so he is mad at me……”

Zhiyu was dumbfounded.

She didn’t expect that grandpa would dare to engage in such small actions!

And this little action is no longer directed at her, but at the benefactor!

This immediately made her angry, and blurted out, “Why did you send someone to assassinate Grace?!”

Chengfeng realized that she must be very angry, and hurriedly explained: “This was not my intention, it’s all that guy he didn’t know what to do.

He must have tried to be competitive…”

Zhiyu asked back: “Do you think I will believe it? You can even kill my mother, let alone benevolent?”

Chengfeng knew that his sophistry was meaningless, so he had no choice but to say:

“Zhiyu, it is meaningless to say these now. I can guarantee that I will never make the same mistake again in the future, and I hope you will talk to the benefactor. to ease the situation……”

Chapter 3013

Although Zhiyu was very angry, remembering what Charlie had said, her tone eased a little, and she said:

“I’m currently in the Shangri-La meeting Ito Takehiko of the Ito family. The situation on my friend’s side is really not very good.

Clearly, but after I finish talking with Mr. Ito, I will try my best to intercede with Grace.”

After finishing speaking, Zhiyu warned solemnly: “Grandpa, I have to tell you something clearly. Grace has saved me twice, and also saved my mother and my brother.

He was kind to me and I revere that. In fact, in my heart, he is more important than you!”

Although Chengfeng was very upset, he did not dare to say anything at this time.

He knew that what she said was the truth. In her mind, he was not the grandfather who petted her, but a half enemy, so he was not surprised when she said this.

However, he was surprised by her clear-cut attitude. It seems that the acting style of his  granddaughter has become more simple and rude.

Although he felt unhappy, he was relieved when she said she was willing to intercede for him as much as possible.

Immediately, he achieved his goal and did not continue to struggle too much on this issue.

He directly changed the subject and said: “By the way, Zhiyu, how is your talk going with Takehiko?

This guy has always wanted to cooperate with us before.

We rushed out of Asia and to the world together, but since the incident in Tokyo, it seems that he doesn’t have a good image of us anymore.”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said: “Mr. Ito’s attitude has indeed undergone some changes, but his mentality is understandable.

At the moment we are talking pretty well. After all, now is not what it used to be, and I have also lowered my expectations.

In some gestures, I intend to use the entire ocean shipping group to establish a new company with the Ito family.

At that time, the Ito family will hold 51% of the shares and I will hold 49%. 

In this way, the fixed assets will be transferred to the new company name, and then the Su family assets will be transferred to the new company.

The cancellation of the ocean shipping group should be able to circumvent the previous restrictions and risks.”

Chengfeng was surprised when he heard this, but he did not feel very resistant.

He didn’t expect that she would really be able to reconnect with Ito Takehiko.

Chapter 3014

Although this cooperation sounds a bit uncomfortable to lose controlling rights, it is a special situation now, and if you want to, you must make appropriate sacrifices.

In the long run, assets and business can be reborn from the shell, even at the expense of a part of the profit, and the entire business can be revitalized, so as not to lose more and more.

Thinking of this, he reminded her: “Zhiyu, it’s okay to cooperate with the Ito family to establish a new company, but you must keep a backhand and state in the contract that after you buy these assets and resources into shares.

We retain the power to withdraw all, so that once the restrictions on us are lifted, we can also withdraw all these assets and restart Su’s own ocean transportation group.”

Charlie listened to the side, and couldn’t help but wonder in his heart that this old guy is really good at calculating, and he didn’t forget to keep a backhand at this time.

Zhiyu felt in her heart that since she decided to cooperate with Charlie, naturally she couldn’t play this kind of mind with her benefactor.

Doing this kind of trick is equivalent to notarizing the dowry before you get married to your husband’s house.

In this way, once the marriage breaks up, or if you don’t want to spend time with your husband, you will leave with all your dowry.

Although there is no problem in the law, with this premise, the relationship between the couple cannot always be stable, and this behavior will naturally become a gap between the two.

Therefore, she said to Chengfeng: “In this matter, I still intend to show 100% sincerity to cooperate with the other party.

Only in this way can everyone cooperate perfectly without reservation and make the assets bigger and bigger together.

As soon as everyone came up, they kept each other’s minds, and this kind of cooperation will certainly not last long.”

Chengfeng said seriously: “Zhiyu, it is not that our family has never engaged in joint ventures with others.

The premise of the joint venture has always been that we have absolute controlling  shares.

This is actually very important. We must hold the initiative in our hands. Now that Ito Takehiko wants to take control, then we have to leave a way for ourselves.

Otherwise, if everything is led by others, it would be too passive!”

Zhiyu heard this and said in a serious tone: “This is not the same as yours. If I want to leave a complete divestment right now, the Ito family will definitely make the same request.

If the other party isn’t okay to do it, but if the other party sweeps us out before we solve the problem, what should we do? Not everyone has to do things in our mindset.”

Speaking of this, Zhiyu said again: “In addition, since you have paid me the Ocean Shipping Group as compensation, I also hope that you can abide by your promises and respect my operational decisions.”

Immediately, she changed the conversation and said, “Of course, I will honor my promise to you. After talking with Mr. Ito for a while, I will immediately communicate with Grace and try to persuade him.”

Chengfeng could only say angrily: “Okay! That being the case, I will never interfere with your operational decisions in the future!”

Before hanging up the phone, she reminded:

“By the way, things in the Maldives are easy to do. Or I will go there tomorrow.

It should only take seven hours to fly by. If it is more efficient, it will take one day. The transfer will be completed.”

Chapter 3015

Chengfeng on the other end of the phone rubbed his chest and said dejectedly: “Okay, tomorrow I will let Anson fly to the Maldives too!”

After hanging up the phone, he was relieved, but his expression was still very ugly. 

The islands of Maldives, he used it to be polite with her, but he didn’t expect her to accept all orders.

Now she couldn’t wait to complete the transfer, which made him feel very painful.

This is the old-age place he prepared for himself, and its significance is no less than the heavy coffin that the ancient old men prepared for themselves in advance.

The ancients said that the coffin was originally meant to be a set of expensive and heavy before death.

Many old people regard the coffin as more important than life, because after death, they have to sleep in the coffin, which is not the last resort. Give it a hand.

Although modern people don’t think so much about what’s going on after them, they still pay special attention to old-age care.

Everyone wants to be able to take care of themselves when they are old. That’s why so many people are desperately going to the South to buy properties and prepare for the future.

The same is true for Chengfeng. He had painstakingly developed an island in order to enjoy the most luxurious old-age life there in the future.

But right now, he hasn’t retired yet, and the island has already been handed over to Zhiyu.

Although distressed, he felt a little relieved when he thought that Zhiyu might be able to help make peace and let him escape for his life without worrying about it.

On the other hand, she was not excited about getting to the island.

For her, she just wanted to make Chengfeng hurt. As for the transfer of the island to herself, she didn’t bother to enjoy it.

And she knows very well that her mother is even less likely to go.

Mother herself doesn’t catch a cold for these luxurious enjoyments, so at the moment her biggest wish is not to go to some holiday resort to relax.

It is to renovate the old house where Changying lived as soon as possible, and then live in that small courtyard to see things. Thinking of him.

So she said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the island in the Maldives was built by my grandfather with great effort.

The environment is indeed very good, but my mother and I are not very interested, or I will borrow flowers to present the Buddha. I will give it to you.”

Charlie waved his hand and smiled: “You are not interested, and I am not interested either. For me, where I live, there is actually no essential difference.”

Chapter 3016

Zhiyu said against her will: “If you have time, you can also take your wife and family to relax, otherwise the island will be idle.”

Charlie smiled and said, “I understand your good intentions. As for going or not, let’s talk about it later.”

Zhiyu nodded, and said: “Then I will go to the Maldives tomorrow to complete the transfer of ownership.

Then I will complete the establishment of the joint venture company with you.”

Charlie said: “Okay, there is no hurry for these two days. After all, there is still a lot of preparatory work.

Looking back, I will ask the person in charge of this business on my side to contact you.

In the future, the two of you will cooperate and operate this together business.”

“Okay!” she hurriedly said, “I will let you arrange everything.”

After talking with Zhiyu, Charlie asked Emi Ito to send her out of Shangri-La, while Charlie himself and Issac went to his office.

Issac answered the phone at this time, then walked to the front, and said:

“Master, the brokerage team at Miss Gu’s side has sent a confirmation letter and has booked 85 rooms in Shangri-La with more than 150 people. They are heck in tomorrow.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Is it the concert? She is coming to Aurous Hill?”

“Yes.” Issac said: “Miss Gu’s concert will be in three days. Her team will come to the venue tomorrow, rehearse the day after tomorrow, and perform the day after tomorrow.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Looking for the stars and the moon, I finally looked forward to her, but why didn’t this girl say hello to me?”

Issac smiled and said, “Maybe she wants to give you a surprise.”

Charlie waved his hand: “If she really wants to give me a surprise, she won’t set the hotel in Shangri-La.”

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and said, “I’ll call her.”

Issac quit the office wittily, and Charlie got through Sara’s phone.

She answered the phone and asked with joy, “Charlie, why call me at this time?”

He smiled and said, “Is there anything wrong with calling you at this time?”

She smiled and said: “Of course there is no problem, but I am a little surprised to receive your call.

You don’t usually take the initiative to call me.”

Charlie said hurriedly, “Isn’t it because I heard Mr. Issac say that your team will come tomorrow? How about you? Will you come tomorrow?”

Chapter 3017

Sara explained: “I won’t go there tomorrow. My team will go over and check and accept the hardware of the venue, including lighting and sound, stage design, and on-site display materials.

The rehearsal will start at noon the day after tomorrow, so I will fly early the day after tomorrow to Aurous Hill.”

Charlie said, “I thought you would come over tomorrow.”

Sara said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Charlie, I won’t be able to make it tomorrow.

Tomorrow, here we have a very popular talent show to be recorded and it is in the finals.

I have long been invited to be a special guest and judge for the finals. So I have to go to the recording tomorrow, so I have to trouble you to wait for me for a day.”

Charlie said very understandingly: “It doesn’t matter, work is important, but you must take care of your body and don’t work too hard.”

Sara said: “Don’t worry, Charlie, I will tell you a little secret. I have already decided. I will withdraw from the entertainment circle indefinitely when the concert tour is over.”

Charlie asked puzzledly: “Isn’t it a good job? Why do you want to quit?”

“Because it’s boring.” Sara said seriously: “I entered the entertainment industry to have a chance to find you.

After I found you, naturally there is no reason to stay in this line.

If it weren’t for the fact that there are still many fans looking forward to this year I’ve long wanted to announce my withdrawal from the concert tour.

So this time I plan to officially quit after the concert tour is finished. This is also an explanation to the fans.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said softly: “No matter what you want to do, I will support your decision.”

Sara said happily, “I know that Charlie loves me the most!”

Then, she hurriedly reminded: “Charlie, I am going to quit the entertainment industry.

Please don’t disclose it to the outside world.

I plan to announce it at the Aurous Hill concert, OK?”

“Of course.” Charlie said seriously: “Don’t worry, I must be tight-lipped.”

Only then did she relax, and said with a grin: “I have spent a lot of thought on this concert. By that time, you, you must not miss the appointment!”

Charlie said confidently: “Don’t worry, even if the sky falls, I won’t miss the appointment.”

Sara was in a good mood and said softly, “Hee hee, that’s good! I hope you can have this unwavering attitude in dealing with our marriage contract!”

Charlie suddenly became ashamed, and hurriedly turned away from the subject and asked, “By the way, how are Uncle and Auntie doing?”

Sara smiled and said: “They are so good that they can’t be better.

This time they also said they are coming to Aurous Hill to watch my concert. Come and see you by the way!”

Chapter 3018

Charlie did not expect that Philip and Lenan would also come to Aurous Hill.

After hearing the words, he hurriedly asked: “How did Uncle Gu and Aunt Lenan arrange the itinerary? Do you want me to arrange accommodation in advance?”

Sara smiled and said: “They will arrive on the day of the concert only as they have a lot of things going on Eastcliff’s side.

They will come to the concert that day and returned by plane at night.”

After speaking, Sara said again: “In fact, my parents are not here to join us in the concert.

After all, the next stage of the concert will be in Eastcliff. They mainly want to see you and celebrate your birthday by the way.”

Charlie heard that Philip and Lenan were both coming to celebrate his birthday. He was moved and felt a little ashamed.

He said in a hurry, “Sara, as a junior, how can I let Uncle and Auntie run so far to celebrate my birthday…”

Sara smiled casually: “Oh, it doesn’t matter. Mom and dad treat you as their own children. What’s more, you saved my dad’s life and the destiny of our family as well.

With this kindness, even if you run away and go to the United States, my parents will definitely rush over to celebrate your birthday!”

After speaking, she said again:

“Charlie, do you remember that when you were young, every time you celebrate your birthday, or when I celebrate my birthday, our two families always took time to celebrate together.

At that time, because Dinner would be eaten at home with a large family, so we all went out to find a place for a meal with a family of six at noon.”

Charlie said confidently: “Of course I remember! Every time I celebrated my birthday, you always surround me to sing a birthday song.

When it would be your birthday, my mother would ask me to sing for you, but I was always embarrassed. …”

“Yeah!” Sara said with a smile: “You were an introvert back then. You didn’t speak much or play with me. I took the initiative to pester you every time…”

Charlie sighed, It was not because of introversion, but because of embarrassment and awkwardness!

Imagine that a child who is a few years old is not awkward when he is told that he will marry that little girl who is like a worm in the future as his wife.

However, Charlie did not say this, but smiled: “Maybe I was shy when I was too young.”

Sara smiled and said, “Charlie, how about you spend noon with our family this time on your birthday, okay? My parents will be very happy, what do you think?”

Charlie was thinking about the time, and Sara hurriedly added: “Charlie, I know that you will definitely have to stay with your wife at home for dinner on your birthday, so I set the start time of the concert to eight o’clock in the evening…”

“In this way, you can eat at home at six o’clock in the evening, celebrate your birthday with your wife and rest of the family, and then set off to the gym at seven o’clock.”

Chapter 3019

“Since you eat at home at night, you don’t have to eat at noon, right?”

Speaking of this, Sara’s voice said imploringly:

“Charlie, my parents came so far, you always have to give them a chance to eat with you and celebrate your birthday!

In addition, I too Imagine like when you were a child, when you blow candles and make a wish, sing a birthday song next to you. Would you not like to say good?”

When Charlie heard this, he was moved in his heart and knew that he would definitely not be able to refuse Sara’s request.

Therefore, he said without hesitation: “Okay! At noon on the birthday day, I will let Orvel vacate the entire Classical Mansion, then eat there!”

“Great!” Sara cheered, and said excitedly: “Then it’s a deal. I’ll prepare the birthday cake at that time!”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’ll just buy a cake myself, so don’t worry about it.”

“How do you do that!” Sara hurriedly said, “There is no reason for the big birthday star to buy the cake by himself!

Besides, for you, such a bland person, the cake you choose is definitely not good looking, or I will order it from Eastcliff first. Ask them to do it early in the morning and then airlift it over.”

Charlie said helplessly: “You don’t need such a lot of trouble, right?”

Sara said very seriously: “Of course I need to! This is the first time I am celebrating your birthday in nearly 20 years. I must choose the best cake. Even if I have a little regret, I can’t forgive myself!”

Charlie had no choice but to say: “Well then, I will leave the cake thing to you.”

Sara said again and again: “Hmm! Just leave it to me, Charlie, you don’t have to worry about anything!”

“Okay!” Charlie replied, and then asked: “Oh, yes, when will you come the day after tomorrow?”

Sara smiled and asked, “Why are you so clear? Are you going to pick me up at the airport?”

Charlie responded: “If time permits, I can pick you up.”

“That’s great!” Sara said hurriedly: “You can tell me, when you allow the day after tomorrow, I will fly there at the time you allow!

Anyway, I take my private jet, any time is fine.”

After speaking, she hurriedly added: “Oh yes, Charlie, I’m going to the venue for rehearsal at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, so I will get to Aurous Hill at 12 o’clock at the latest. Do you think your morning time is right?”

Charlie thought for a while, and said, “I will send your sister-in-law to the company at 8 o’clock in the morning. Other times should be fine.”

Sara muttered: “I don’t recognize her as my sister-in-law! I don’t recognize anyone as my sister-in-law except myself, I will be my own sister-in-law!”

Charlie was embarrassed and said helplessly: “Let’s just talk about business, I can do it any time after nine o’clock.”

Chapter 3020

Sara thought for a moment, and then said: “Well then, I will land at around ten o’clock, so that I can go to the hotel to put down my luggage first, is this time okay?” 

Charlie said readily: “No problem!”

She said happily: “Charlie, since I have said everything, you must not let me dove.”

Charlie hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

Sara smiled and said, “That’s good, Charlie, I have something to do now, so I won’t tell you, for now, you will wait for me in Aurous Hill!”

“It is good!”

On the other side of the phone, before hanging up, Sara k!ssed the phone: “Mua!

Charlie is the best!”

Charlie shook his head and hung up the phone helplessly.

After that, he called Orvel, the phone was connected, and Orvel on the other end asked, “Master Wade, what do you want?”

Charlie said: “Orvel, at noon on the day has Classical Mansion make many appointments?”

Orvel said without hesitation: “Master Wade, if you want to use it, I will arrange to cancel all appointments immediately.”

Charlie said: “This won’t make you embarrassed, will it?”

“No.” Orvel said with a smile: “Our Classical Mansion does not guarantee that the reservation will be 100% successful.

If the reservation fails due to our reasons, we will compensate a portion of the cash according to our regulations, so I am here. The side has absolute control.”

Charlie said: “Okay, then you can help me withdraw all other appointments. I will entertain guests at noon that day.”

Orvel said without hesitation: “Okay Master, I will arrange this.”

Charlie said again: “For the compensation for the pre-determined customer, you can ask your finances to calculate the total and tell me, I will pay the money.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “Master, what are you doing… You gave me this old life. Why are you polite to me if I take your money? Where to put this old face……”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Okay, then I won’t be polite to you, you can arrange it.”

Orvel smiled and said, “Master, I’m doing errands, don’t worry!”

At this moment, Zhiyu has left Shagri-La and came to the old house procured by her mother Liona.

She has contacted a local decoration company and plans to renovate this old house.

Chapter 3021

She is also looking forward to moving in for a few days after the renovation is completed as soon as possible, so she is very concerned about this matter.

When Zhiyu arrived in front of the old house, Liona was in the yard, happily telling a designer about her renovation plan.

Zhiyu separated the fence door, and saw her mother look happy, and she felt very relieved in her heart. 

She knew that now, her mother really wanted to live for herself.

It’s not just mom.

She felt that from now on, she should also live for herself, no longer suffer any fetters from the Su family, and strive to live the way she hopes.

Liona was explaining the design direction she wanted to the designer, and suddenly caught a glimpse of her daughter standing at the gate of the courtyard.

In a surprise, she hurriedly waved at her and said, “Zhiyu, come here!”

Zhiyu smiled and opened the door and asked Liona: “Mom, have you thought about how to decorate it?”

Liona nodded, pointed to the young female designer next to her, and said happily: “I have almost communicated with Kelly. The decoration idea is mainly nostalgic. Mom still hopes to have a sense of time.”

Zhiyu said with a smile: “Then use modern materials and techniques to construct in the style of twenty years ago.

Now the materials and techniques have been greatly improved, so that quality, environmental protection, and comfort can also be ensured. Include these.”

The female designer on the side nodded repeatedly and said: “You are right, our general idea now is to use modern materials and craftsmanship to make nostalgic and retro styles, and then try to make this old house more comfortable and livable.”

After speaking, the female designer said again: “By the way, Auntie, your specific design plan has to wait for our boss to produce a set of detailed design drawings, especially some functional parts, so we have to let our boss think about it.

The way to do concealment works, you want this retro style, so self-heating, central air conditioning, fresh air system, and wireless network, we have to make it as concealed as possible, otherwise, it will appear very abrupt.”

Liona smiled and said: “By the way, Kelly, your boss told me about it that day, saying that you can replace the current wooden beams with metal structures and then paint them with wood. This way, it looks like wood.

There is no difference between the house beams, and the metal structure can also be used to exit the air ducts, and then make the air outlets the same color as the house beams.

As for the fresh air system, the ground air supply is used, and the air outlets are hidden in the skirting. I think this plan is very reliable.

Please tell your boss and help me refine the specific plan. It is best to make a rendering for me.”

The female designer said without hesitation: “Okay Auntie, I will tell our boss when I go back, and try to make these projects concealed.”

After speaking, she asked again: “By the way, Auntie, are you really not going to harden the ground of the yard? Now, this kind of muddy ground is very difficult to take care of when it rains.”

Liona waved her hand: “Except for the path in and out, I still don’t want to harden it.

When the spring starts, I will sprinkle some grass seeds. When the lawn grows, it must be very beautiful.”

Chapter 3022

After that, she asked again: “By the way, Kelly, are you a native of Aurous Hill?”

The other party nodded and said, “Yes, Auntie, my home is only a few kilometers away.”

Liona pointed to the wall of the house and the withered creeper on the fence of the courtyard, and asked:

“Do you think these creepers can grow in spring? This house has been idle for a long time. I really don’t know about these creepers whether the roots are dead or alive.”

The female designer smiled and said: “Auntie, this one is very vigorous in our province.

Regardless of the cold weather, it seems to be a dead branch and rotten leaves, but new buds will grow in the spring. When the time comes, the front wall can be fully covered.

This kind of old red brick house with a green wall creeper is very beautiful!”

After a pause, the female designer said again: “Moreover, if there is a wall-climbing plant, the effect of heat insulation and sun protection is particularly good. In summer, the temperature in the house can drop a few degrees.”

At this time, Liona seemed to have seen the lush look of the wall-mounted creeper, and said with excitement,

“That’s great! By then, the grass in the yard will also be a large piece of green, matched with the red brick walls in the yard. Marble path and the wall of plants all over the wall, think about it, you know it must be very beautiful!”

The female designer nodded and said, “The bluestone road in your yard will grow moss after the rain in summer. That way, it will be more beautiful, but you must be careful when you walk and be careful of not slipping.”

After speaking, the female designer checked the time and said: “Auntie, I know all your needs. Otherwise, I will go back and communicate with our boss first, and give you the design plan as soon as possible. Strive to allow you to live in in the summer.”

“No problem.” Liona said with a smile: “That’s really hard work, Kelly. If you have any progress, please call me at any time.”

“Okay.” The female designer nodded and said: “Then I will leave first.”

“I will see you off!”

Liona sent the female designer to the door, and then turned back.

Seeing that Zhiyu was looking at the yard with a look of longing, she couldn’t help asking: “Zhiyu, what are you looking at?”

Zhiyu couldn’t hide her yearning and said, “Mom, you can also leave a room for me when the time comes. I want to live here with you too!”

Liona smiled and said, “It’s okay to stay in the room, but don’t forget, Harvard Business School will open in August. Didn’t you plan to leave in May before?”

Zhiyu’s expression suddenly hesitated.

She hesitated and struggled for a while, then gathered up the courage and said

seriously: “Mom, I have already considered carefully and don’t plan to go to Harvard.”

Liona didn’t seem surprised by her decision, and asked calmly, “Did you think about it?”

“Thought clearly!” Zhiyu nodded and said firmly: “I went to meet with Grace today and

have decided to cooperate with him in the ocean transportation business.

Then I will package and integrate the entire ocean transportation group. Hold 49% of

the shares and be the second shareholder.”

Liona slightly nodded and said, “Charlie’s character and ability can be trusted. You can

give him all the resources in your hands to operate, and you can finish your studies.”

Zhiyu shook her head and said: “My benevolence is also just beginning to work in this


It is when there is a shortage of people. If I go to school at this time, I wouldn’t be able

to help him? So I still want to stay and follow The person in charge over there worked

together to manage this business well.”

Liona looked at her daughter, smiled knowingly, and said, “After all this, you actually

want to stay because of Charlie?”

Zhiyu didn’t expect that after she had packed so much and explained so much, she

would still be seen through by her mother.

So, she didn’t hide it anymore, and nodded gently.

Liona sighed, touched her hand, and said seriously: “Mom has tasted regrets and

unwillingness, so no matter whether the result is good or bad, now that you have

decided, just let it go! Anyway, mom will support you!”

Chapter 3023

Zhiyu was in a good mood when she heard her mother’s words.

She took her arm and said with excitement:

“Mom, Grace called grandpa in front of me today and said on the phone that he was

going to find him to settling the accounts, scared him out of look…”

“Really?” Liona couldn’t help asking: “Charlie is really going to find your grandfather to

settle the accounts?”

“That’s not true.” Zhiyu explained:

“Grace thinks that going to grandpa to settle the accounts now will not do him any

practical benefit.

Instead, it will save my uncles, aunts, and the Wade family members.”

“Yes.” Liona said in agreement: “So many people in the Su family are looking forward to

your grandfather’s accident more than Charlie.

If Charlie really does anything to him, the other Su family members will wake up with

laughter if they are dreaming.”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “So Grace said that he just will give a fake shot, scare grandpa,

and then asked him to ask me for help.

He just hung up the phone, and grandpa called me. It was really unexpected. His things

are like gods.”

Liona nodded, and laughed softly: “In fact, this is not as expected, it is Charlie that

blocked the other roads, leaving him only your exit.

It is like a barrier lake, wherever you leave a hole, the water will naturally flow there.”

After that, Liona said again: “Charlie is helping you again. Your grandfather is so

threatened by him.

I am afraid that he can only ask you to help save his life, and he will not dare to think

badly about you in the future.”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said with a smile: “Moreover, in order to flatter me, he also offered to give

me the island of the Maldives, the one he kept for his retirement.”

“Huh!” Liona said in surprise: “That’s really good for him, don’t you really want it?”

Zhiyu said seriously: “He wants to give it to me, of course, I have to, I have told him that

I will fly to the Maldives tomorrow.

Anson will transfer the property rights to me in the Maldives.”

Liona couldn’t help sighing: “You want the island to be useless. It’s better to leave it to

him for retirement.

The older you are, the more you value the place for retirement. This is not a simple

matter of investing more than two billion yuan.

My dear, it was his thought. I guess he was polite to you, but he wouldn’t have expected

you to really want it.”

Chapter 3024

Zhiyu snorted and said with a bit of anger, “Then I don’t care, I will take it if he gives it to

me, so I don’t care if he is sincere or not.”

“You kid…” Liona sighed and said seriously: “You have to be forgiving, not to mention

that he is your grandfather after all.”

Zhiyu shook her head and said, “I am not as generous as you. I can at best hold him

accountable for what he did, but I will never forgive him.”

Liona shook her head helplessly, and asked her: “You want the island to be of no

practical use. Even if you go on vacation, it will be over for ten days a year.”

Zhiyu said: “I don’t want to go for a day, so let’s keep it, what’s the use in the future?”

“Okay.” Liona smiled and joked: “Or it can be reserved for your future dowry, or it can be

used as a wedding venue by the way.

Many celebrities and wealthy people are known to go to the Maldives to rent an island

for the wedding?”

Zhiyu blushed, and replied shyly: “I don’t know what year and month it is. Anyway, I

want this island.

Even if I don’t use it, I’m happy to leave it there.”

“OK, OK.” Liona nodded and said: “You have decided, Mom will not interfere.”

Zhiyu smiled sweetly and asked her: “Mom, then you will go to the Maldives with me

tomorrow? Let’s fly there early in the morning and we will be there in seven or eight


It is estimated that the formalities will take up to two hours, and then fly back. In this

way, we can arrive at night.”

After that, Zhiyu said again: “And we don’t take civil aviation, just arrange a business jet

to sleep all the way.”

Liona smiled slightly and said, “I won’t go anywhere. I don’t want to meet the Su family.

Even Anson I don’t want to see him. Would you like your brother to accompany you?”

“My brother?” Zhiyu curled her lips: “I am not looking for him. If you don’t want to go, I

will go by myself.”

“What’s wrong?” Liona asked curiously: “A conflict with your brother?”

Zhiyu hesitated for a moment and shook her head.

She didn’t want to tell her mother that her brother had already completely fallen to


After all, this was only her own speculation, and everyone had their own ambitions. It

was understandable that her brother had fallen to grandpa.

So, she explained: “Sara”s concert will start in a few days. Brother is busy these two


Chapter 3025

Liona nodded slightly, and said, “Your brother seems to have a real feeling for Sara.”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said: “He has liked her for a long time, and he has been looking for

opportunities to close his relationship and take the opportunity to confess.”

Liona sighed and said, “The girl from the Gu family is really good, but…”

Zhiyu asked curiously: “But what?”

Liona paused and said with emotion: “It’s just that the Gu family and the Su family have

not dealt with each other.

I think it is impossible for Mr. Philip to let his daughter marry the Su family.”

Zhiyu said: “If my elder brother is in love with her, and the two are happy, then Uncle Gu

should not be able to stop it?

After all, freedom of love and freedom of marriage are now advocated.”

Liona smiled bitterly: “The girl from the Gu family probably won’t like your brother.”

Zhiyu asked puzzledly: “Mom, in your eyes, is my brother’s competitiveness so poor?”

Liona explained: “It’s not that your brother’s competitiveness is poor, but that Charlie’s

competitiveness is too strong.”

“Charlie?!” Zhiyu asked in surprise: “What does this have to do with him?”

Liona said: “Charlie and Sara had a long-term marriage contract. Before Charlie had

gone missing for so long, the Gu family did not give up looking for him.

Now it has been confirmed that he is still alive and is still so good. How could Gu family let go? ?”

Zhiyu couldn’t help but blurt out: “But Grace has been married a long time ago! Don’t the Gu family know?

Liona looked at her and asked helplessly: “You also know that Charlie is married, but are

you willing to let it go?”

Zhiyu was speechless.

Liona continued: “Look, you are the daughter of Charlie’s enemy. Speaking of it, there is

a natural gap between you and Charlie, but even so, you are unwilling to let go.

Gu’s family and Charlie’s parents are family friends. He has a marriage contract and

already has such a close foundation, it is even more impossible for others to let go.”

Zhiyu was silent for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed: “I understand! I finally


Liona asked curiously: “What do you understand?”

Zhiyu said with a face full of enlightenment: “I finally understand why Sara is such a big

star, the first concert of this year’s tour is scheduled to be in the second-tier city of

Aurous Hill!”

“Before my brother and I were very surprised. According to common sense, she must

first start in a few first-tier cities and then go to second-tier cities when a big star like

her is on tour!”

“Moreover, she is a native of Eastcliff. It is the best choice to start her first concert

directly at the biggest Olympic venue in front of her house. There is absolutely no

reason to stay close, zoom in, and run thousands of kilometers to open the first concert

in Aurous Hill…”

“The reason why she chose to come to this city must be because of Charlie!”

Chapter 3026

Liona heard this and said thoughtfully:

“According to your analysis, it is estimated that ninety-nine percent of the chance is that

this girl from the Gu family is in Aurous Hill only for Charlie.”

Zhiyu suddenly felt panic.

“I originally thought that my benefactor’s wife was my biggest competitor, but I didn’t

expect that there would be Sara who is popular all over the world…”

“Moreover, Sara’s advantage is much greater than mine…”

“What’s more, the Gu family and the Wade family are family friends. Sara and Charlie

have long been engaged. In comparison, I really have no advantage at all…”

Seeing Zhiyu’s expression lost, Liona uttered comforting words: “Zhiyu, don’t think too

much in your heart.

Feelings are not measured by their advantages. Some people may not win with a good

hand, but there are people who have a bad hand who can win to the end.”

Zhiyu nodded gently.

She also expected that a man like Charlie would be very popular with women, so after

thinking about it, she didn’t think Sara was really a big problem.

At this time, Liona on the side remembered something and asked her: “Zhiyu, when is

the concert of the girl from the Gu family?”

Zhiyu said: “The day after tomorrow.”

Liona thought for a while and blurted out: “The day after tomorrow is the second month

of the lunar calendar, right?”

Zhiyu shook her head: “I don’t know, I don’t usually remember the lunar calendar.”

Liona took out her mobile phone to check it out, and said with certainty: “Yes, Charlie

was born in February, no wonder she chose this day to hold a concert in Aurous Hill.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise: “Mom, is there anything special about the second month of the

lunar calendar?”

Liona said earnestly: “Charlie’s birthday is in the second month of the second lunar


Zhiyu was even more puzzled: “Mom, how did you know Grace’s birthday?”

Liona smiled bitterly and said: “When you really love someone, you will unconsciously

pay attention to everything about him, and even all the information related to him.

I have loved Changying for so many years, how could I not know his son’s birthday.”

Zhiyu saw her mother’s expression with a little bit of sorrow, and hurriedly embraced her

gently, and said with a smile:

“Mom, it is an honor for Uncle Wade to have a woman like you who loves him so much.”

Liona smiled and said, “Stop talking about this, Mom will show you in and see which

room you like.”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “I want the room that my benefactor lived in!”

Chapter 3027

At this moment, Shangri-La.

After Charlie saw off Zhiyu and talked with Sara on the phone, he did not leave in a


Instead, out of politeness, he called went to Takehiko back and met him.

Zhiyu came to see him this time. After all, she came here under the name of seeing

Takehiko, and she worked hard to pick up and drop off Ito Emi all the way, so her size is

also a personal affection.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ito Emi pushed him back to the presidential suite he reserved.

When he saw Charlie, he smiled and said, “Mr. Wade, how are you doing these days?”

Seeing that he looked good, Charlie smiled slightly: “Excuse me, Mr. Ito, I’ve been pretty

good lately.”

After speaking, he saw Koichi Tanaka sitting in another wheelchair behind Takehiko, and

smiled and said to him: “Mr. Tanaka, long time no see.”

As Ito’s most loyal and trustworthy subordinate, Tanaka is still Ito’s confidant even

though his legs have been amputated.

Ito is grateful for his life-saving grace, so even if Tanaka is disabled, he still has to come.

Wherever he goes, it feels like a master and servant have become brothers for many


When Koichi saw Charlie take the initiative to greet him, he was flattered and said:

“Hello, Mr. Wade! It’s been a long time, I didn’t expect you to remember me…”

Charlie smiled and said: “My memory is not so bad, how can I not remember you.”

After speaking, he asked Takehiko again: “I don’t know how the two of you have been in

China for the past few days?”

“Very good!” Takehiko Ito said earnestly: “Tanaka and I, according to Chinese’s terms,

are physically disabled.

These days we have been participating in various sports everywhere, playing golf,

bowling, and going to the swimming pool when we are okay.

Swimming, the doctor said that in our situation, we exercise more.

Not only can we improve our physical fitness, but more importantly, it can speed up the

running-in with the prosthesis.”

Koichi Tanaka also nodded again and again: “The doctor said that if the physical fitness

is good enough and the prosthesis is also well run-in, it will soon be possible to walk

with the prosthesis.”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “The mentality of the two is really admirable.”

“Where?” Ito said with a humble smile:

“If it weren’t for Mr. Wade’s magic medicine, we wouldn’t be able to return to where we

are today.

I’m afraid we would have been filled with tubes long ago, waiting to die in the intensive

care unit of the hospital.”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help sighing: “I can live to this day thanks to Mr. Wade and


Immediately, he looked at Koichi Tanaka and said seriously:

“Tanaka, if you hadn’t pushed me off the bridge that day, I would have been in a

different place! Thanks to you for saving my life!”

Koichi Tanaka said with a red eye: “My President! It is my job to be loyal to you. It is

already great malfeasance to fail to protect you on that day.

How can I afford to say that…”

Chapter 3028

After speaking, he choked up again:

“I have become a useless person. Not only did you not dislike it, but you also spent a lot

of money to treat me and help me recover. This kindness is unforgettable for me!”

Takehiko sighed softly and said: “You and I broke through the ghost gate together. At

this time, I naturally can’t leave you behind.”

Speaking of this, he looked at Charlie and said with emotion:

“Mr. Wade, since Tanaka has been amputated, he has been in a depressed mood, and

his fiancee has also abandoned him.

He once wanted to give up on himself, and asked Mr. Wade to help him enlighten and

enlighten him…

You are the person Tanaka admires most. You speak more usefully than me.”

Koichi Tanaka hurriedly said: “President, you are the person I respect the most.

If you say, I have always regarded it as a standard and dare not disobey, but that change

has changed my life a little bit.

Give me a little more time and I will definitely be able to move from it.”

Charlie smiled slightly at this time and said, “Tanaka, your future life is still very long.

You must settle down, recover well, and wait for the miracle to happen.”

Koichi Tanaka knew in his heart that he could not encounter any miracles.

His greatest hope is that in the future, medical science will be developed and there will

be greater breakthroughs in the research and development of prostheses.

This will at least make up for the inconvenience in life.

As for the lack of two legs, it is impossible to make up for it in this life.

However, Charlie looked at Ito at this time, with a deep smile on his face: “Mr. Ito, you

have to cheer up, and the miracle will eventually come.”

Takehiko’s heart sighed, his whole body looked at Charlie like an electric shock, and he

blurted out, “Mr. Wade, do you… do you have a way?!”

Charlie smiled: “Although it is still unclear at the moment, there will be a chance in the


In the records of “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”, there is a kind of pill that can

regenerate broken limbs.

But the level of this pill is much higher than the rejuvenation pill, and even better than

the pill of cultivation that he will refine next, it’s much much higher.

In the past, Charlie felt that he basically had no chance to refine this high-level pill,

because whether it was the medicinal materials required for the pill or the aura needed

to refine it, he was afraid that he could not handle it.

The higher the level of pill, the greater the consumption of spiritual energy.

He has used up a lot of spiritual energy before, and he has not been able to make up for


However, since the last time he accidentally obtained the fossil of old Ambergris, it has

given him great confidence.

As long as he uses the Ambergris fossils to refine the pill, his aura can be fully

supplemented or even improved.

In that case, he can not only improve his strength by a lot, but he can also try a higherlevel pill.

Maybe, the pill for rebirth from severed limbs can be refined.

If that is the case, not only would it be possible to heal Takehiko and Tanaka Koichi, but

also Ruoli’s mother, Roma.

Chapter 3029

Charlie said that there must be a chance in the future, which made Takehiko excited.

Although he knows that the modern medicine is already very advanced, it is impossible

to achieve rebirth from a severed limb.

Moreover, modern technology is still unable to break through 100% cell recovery at all.

This is why the wound will grow scars and cannot grow back to the way it was before

the injury.

A lightly cut is made on the wrist, and the healing scar will linger for a lifetime. How can

the amputated legs grow back?

Not to mention that the legs grow out, just after the amputation of the legs, the two big

scars at the base of the thighs cannot make them consistent with the skin of other parts

of the body.

Every night after taking off the prosthesis, Ito looked at the two huge crimson scars at

the roots of his thighs, and he felt extremely disgusted and sick.

But he knows very well that this is already the ceiling of modern medicine.

Even if he searches for famous doctors all over the world, they cannot make his

condition better.

Therefore, if anyone dared to say in front of him that he could regenerate a severed

limb, he would be scolded.

However, only Charlie was different.

These words came out of Charlie’s mouth, even if he only said that there is a chance in

the future, Takehiko also feels that this thing will definitely come true!

So, how could he not be excited?

At this moment he looked at Charlie, his eyes were full of tears, and he tremblingly said:

“Mr. Wade, if you really have a way to make me recover as before, I would like to be a

cow and a horse for you throughout this life, and you will be the only one I will be

looking forward to!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I will naturally do my best. After all, the 4.5 billion US dollars is

not for nothing, but Mr. Ito just don’t blame me.”

After listening to it, Ito laughed loudly and said: “I was still resenting Mr. Wade because

of the 4.5 billion U.S. dollars, but now it seems that the money is really worth it!”

Chapter 3030

Frankly speaking, Ito Takehiko has always been worried about the 4.5 billion US dollars.

He had a deep resentment before, and when Charlie came back to save him, and his

daughter made it clear that he fell in love with this guy, Takehiko’s mentality really eased

a lot.

But this is the same as when he accepts the amputation of his legs. Although he did his

best to accept it, whenever he thinks about it, it is the same as seeing the scar on the leg

amputation, and he is uncomfortable.

Now when he heard that Charlie might be able to restore him to a condition same as

before, he was completely relieved of the 4.5 billion US dollars.

Koichi Tanaka on the side also had a strong yearning deep in his heart.

However, he felt a little inferior in his heart, and he felt that such a good thing, if it was

true, he was afraid that it would not be his turn.

On the contrary, Takehiko kept thinking about his heartfelt subordinate, and asked

Charlie: “Mr. Wade, if you really have a solution in the future, can you give Tanaka a

chance? If you need money, I will come out!”

When Tanaka heard this, tears burst into his eyes, his hands clinging to the corners of

his clothes, his nose already began to violently move involuntarily.

Charlie glanced at Tanaka and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, you two, if the time is

right, I will let both of you stand up again.”

Takehiko breathed a sigh of relief immediately, but Koichi Tanaka, who could no longer

control his emotions, cried silently, covering his face.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Nanako, dressed in casual clothes,

swiped the card and walked in.

She came to the living room and was about to call her father, but suddenly saw Charlie

sitting on the sofa in the living room at this time, and suddenly blurted out in surprise:

“Master! Why are you here?”

Seeing Nanako walk in, Charlie said with a smile, “I am here to see Mr. Ito, and let him

do me a favor by the way.”

Nanako Ito asked hurriedly, “How is the matter with Master resolved? Do you need my


Charlie smiled and said: “It has been resolved, and I am recounting the old with Mr. Ito.”

Takehiko hurriedly waved to his daughter, and said excitedly: “Nanako, Mr. Wade just

told me that in the future he might have the opportunity to restore my legs!”

“Really?!” Nanako’s eyes widened, she looked at Charlie in shock and excitement, and

blurted out, “Master, do you really have a way to restore Father to the original?”

Charlie smiled and said: “There must be a chance, but the timing is not yet ripe.”

Chapter 3031

When Nanako Ito heard this, she said happily: “That’s great! Since Master said there is a

chance, then there must be a chance!”

Takehiko was in a good mood, so he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, let’s have

lunch together later, I’ll be the host, let’s have two drinks!”

Charlie felt that there was no other arrangement at noon, so he nodded and smiled: “If

this is the case, then it is better to be respectful than fate.”

Nanako Ito was even more happy, and hurriedly said, “Then I will call the food and

beverage department and book a box.”

As he was talking, there was a rush of clapping at the door.

Nanako’s aunt Emi couldn’t help frowning and said, “There is a doorbell, so why do you

want to shoot the door? It’s really rude.”

As she said, she stood up, bowed slightly, and said, “I’ll take a look.”

Emi Ito walked to the door, and there was a loud noise at the door. Charlie heard

someone shouting unceremoniously: “Our young master is willing to pay double the

price to compensate you. Don’t be ignorant!”

Emi Ito exclaimed: “You are so unreasonable! If you don’t leave, I will call the police!”

The other party immediately yelled: “Don’t be ignorant. Our young master is very wellknown in China. If you really want to call the police, you won’t be able to eat!”

When Nanako Ito heard this, she couldn’t help standing up and walking over.

Seeing that she had gone, Charlie hurriedly followed.

At this time, Emi Ito was standing inside the door, and outside the door stood four or

five young people.

These four or five people were stylishly dressed, there were men and women. The one

who was talking was a young man in his twenties who stayed. With medium-length hair

and a shoulder-length duck tail on the back of his head, he is covered with various

trendy accessories, which look quite exaggerated.

Charlie dared to walk to the door before Nanako and asked the young people: “What do

you want?”

Hearing Charlie, the young man snorted and said disdainfully: “You should be the

translator for this Japanese girl? It’s too hard to communicate with this girl.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Charlie and said: “Our young master has come to

Aurous Hill to live for a few days. We want to rent this presidential suite. If you know

each other, we can compensate you twice at the rack rate.

I saw this. The suite is one hundred and eighty thousand a day. If you give us the house

for four days, you can earn nearly 600,000. Why not?”

Chapter 3032

Charlie sneered: “I don’t care where you came from, hurry up and get away before I get


“Grass!” The other party scolded immediately: “Damn, what is an interpreter doing here?

I tell you, our young master will be in Aurous Hill soon. If you don’t vacate the room

quickly and delay our young master’s move in. Don’t blame us for being polite!”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Who is your young master?”

The other party said with an arrogant look: “Our young master is the eldest young

master of the Zhong Group, and is now the most famous new-generation top-tier male

singer in the country!

The reason why our young master came to a small place like Aurous Hill this time is

mainly as a special guest. He is coming here to participate in Miss Sara’s first concert

tour this year!”

“Zhong Group?”

When Charlie heard these four words, he couldn’t help but sneered: “I have heard of the

Wade family, the Su family, and the Gu family, but I really haven’t heard of the Zhong


The other party suddenly yelled: “The Zhong Group and you have never heard of it. I

think your brain is for the dog to eat! The Zhong Group is the country’s largest building

materials group with hundreds of billions of assets!

Our young master Kim Zhong is in China. The popularity is not squeezed by Sara at all.

He is now the hottest male singer in China!”

Charlie nodded, and deliberately said in a complementary tone: “Awesome! So, your

young master is the male version of Sara?”

The other party raised an eyebrow and blurted out: “Of course! Miss Gu is a top-class

female singer, and our young master is a top-level male singer. Miss Gu’s family is

strong, and our young master’s family power is not too much, who doesn’t know. Are

they two golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry?”

Charlie said regretfully: “I’m so sorry, I don’t know about it, why is it a golden girl? Kim, I

haven’t even heard the name.”

The other party said contemptuously: “Boy, what to pretend? How could you have never

heard of Kim Zhong? Do you live abroad all year round?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I live in Aurous Hill all the year round, but I really haven’t heard

of Kim. I have heard about Yi Zhongtian of the Three Kingdoms.”

The other party was stomped on the tail, and he blurted out: “Grass! I think you are

looking for the difference on purpose!”

Charlie was about to speak, and Issac ran over quickly. Seeing this guy choked with

Charlie, he suddenly rebuked, “What are you doing? Who made you come here?”

The boy turned around, saw Issac, frowned, and asked, “Who are you?”

Chapter 3033

Issac said, “I’m the general manager here!” Issac said coldly: “Who made you come here

to make trouble?”

The man immediately said: “Introduce yourself. I am the agent of Kim, the young master

of the Zhong family. My name is George. I am not here to make trouble.

I am here to talk to them about the transfer of the room. Since you are the manager

here. Then you can tell them quickly, our young master is coming to Aurous Hill soon,

and he named the presidential suite of your hotel.

We are willing to give them double the room rate as compensation, but we did not

expect them it turned out not to be praised.”

As soon as Issac heard that this guy was so unkind, he knew that he must have collided

with his young master, and was immediately annoyed to call the security guard to beat

these people out.

However, at this moment, Charlie first asked, “Mr. Issac what is the origin of Kim?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, Kim is the only son of Harvey Zhong, the owner of the

Zhong Group. I don’t know which pheasant university he studied in music for a few


A few hundred million yuan, it hasn’t made him popular for four or five years in a row. It

was only after going to South Korea two years ago and undergoing cosmetic surgery.

When George heard Issac’s words, he burst into anger and blurted out: “You don’t talk

about it here!

Our young master has never had plastic surgery! The last media that spread rumors

about our young master’s plastic surgery has been sued by us! You are the manager of

this hotel, if you say this kind of irresponsibility again, we will even sue your hotel!”

Issac curled his lips and sneered: “What did your young master look like before? You

didn’t know how to count it?

The generous face used to be black and ugly, but now not only does his face look white

like the scratch on the wall. Plastic surgery, is it because the whole face is full of vitiligo?”

“Also, as for his sharp chin now, he lowered his head for fear that he could pierce his

own throat. If it wasn’t for plastic surgery, could it be done by someone using a grinding


George said angrily: “You…you…you are responsible for what you just said! Wait to

receive the lawyer’s letter! I will definitely go to court with your hotel!”

Issac snorted coldly, “I want to sue the hotel? Do you know the name of this hotel?”

“I fcuking care about your surname.” George curled his lips and said disdainfully:

“Isn’t it just a five-star hotel? Our young master also has more than a dozen in his

house! And they are all first-tier cities, so I don’t even bother to come here. Kind of

second-tier city development!”

Issac laughed angrily at him, and said: “Go, give your young master a call and say that

Issac personally said that he had plastic surgery.

If he is not convinced, I will be here waiting for him to sue me. Take a look. What did

your young master say.”

Chapter 3034

George said angrily: “You fcuking bluff me? Wait, I’ll call our young master!”

Having said that, he immediately took out his cell phone, walked to the side, and made

a call.

Charlie looked at his back, frowning, and asked: “He looks like this bird. It seems that

Kim is not a good bird. How can you invite such a person to be a guest at the concert?”

Issac laughed and said, “Mr. Wade, you don’t know anything about this. The Zhong

Group was founded by Kim’s grandfather Hobert Zhong. When Hobert was very young,

he went to Nanyang with his parents. He returned to China to start a business in 49

years. They are the first batch of overseas Chinese who returned to China for


“When he returned that year, the country was still in the stage of waiting for prosperity.

At that time, he cultivated the old man of the Gu family, and had a good understanding

of the old man of the Gu family.”

“Later, Hobert also provided a lot of help in the development of the Gu family, but after

Hobert’s death, Harvey took over, and the Zhong Group went downhill and was caught

up by many domestic families.”

Speaking of this, Issac smiled and said: “However, the Gu family has always given the

Zhong family face.

This Kim has always wanted to pursue Miss Gu. It seems that it is also because of this

that he entered the entertainment industry and became a singer, because of both


Therefore, Miss Gu has always taken care of him in terms of resources. She often takes

him to some shows. It is reasonable to invite him as a guest at the concert.”

Charlie nodded suddenly with enlightenment.

Originally, he didn’t intend to save face for Kim’s subordinates, but when he heard about

this relationship, he whispered to Issac:

“Since we have such a deep relationship with the Gu family, we can just drive them out

later. Don’t do it, lest you look back and make the nanny look unsightly.”

Issac nodded very seriously and said, “Don’t worry, Master, I know.”

On the other side, George called his young master Kim.

On the other side of the phone, Kim asked, “Have you done what I asked you to do?”

George hurriedly said: “Master, I am communicating with the current residents here, but

they seem to be toasting and not eating fine wine!

I have already doubled the price for them, but they still don’t want to vacate the room!”

Kim said annoyedly: “If you don’t double it, give it triple! Anyway, before Sara comes to

Aurous Hill, you must take this room down to me!”

George quickly complained: “Master, don’t you know that the attitude of the people

over there is too bad, not only does not give any room for negotiation but also satirizes

you without shame.

One of them keeps talking about your plastic surgery, he also said that your chin can

pierce your throat when you lower your head. Listen, it’s what the hell is saying!”

“Damn it!” When Kim heard that he had plastic surgery, he suddenly seemed to be

trampled on his tail, and roared extremely angry:

“Who the hell is such a cheap mouth, dare to say that I have plastic surgery?

I think he is tired and crooked. Now! See if I don’t sue him for bankruptcy. I don’t know

how many mines in his house can afford him? You will turn on the speaker for me, and I

will ask him myself!”

Chapter 3035

When George heard the master speak so confidently, his waist straightened suddenly.

He stepped back, raised the phone in his hand high, and said to Issac: “Our young

master has something to ask you personally!”

Issac frowned in disgust, and said coldly: “Something to say, some sh!t!”

“Grass!” A young man shouted immediately on the other end of the phone: “Who the

hell are you? You don’t know how to praise me? Do you know who I am?”

Issac sneered: “I know, aren’t you just a singer? I heard that your family has spent money

to support you for several years and you just can’t still do it on your own.

In the end, you just went abroad to change your head and barely became popular,

didn’t you?”

“Grass!” Kim on the other end of the phone gritted his teeth angrily: “You’re so fcuking

looking for death! There is a way to tell me what your name is, if you don’t die, then my

fcuking name is not Zhong!”

Issac said indifferently: “My name is Issac, the general manager of Aurous Hill ShangriLa. You will come directly if you want to die, and I am waiting for you.”

Kim was stunned, and then sneered: “I was wondering who could be so pretending, it

turns out to be the general manager of Shangri-La, so you are from the Wade family?”


Kim gritted his teeth and said, “What about the Wade family? You don’t have the

surname Wade. To put it bluntly, you are a dog from the Wade family, who is also

worthy to bark in front of me?”

As he said, Kim threatened: “Don’t blame me for not giving you a chance to redeem

your merits. You will immediately drive away the people who occupy the presidential

suite, clean the room and leave it to me.

If you do it wisely, I will just forgive you this time, otherwise, when I arrive in Aurous Hill,

you will definitely be unable to eat!”

Issac smiled and said, “Then you’d better come quickly, I can’t wait.”

“Grass!” Kim scolded angrily: “Is your fcuking brain pitted? You can’t get down the stairs,

and you have to wait for the disaster to be satisfied?

I’ll give you one last chance to save me the presidential suite. When I get to Aurous Hill,

you will kneel in front of me and apologize, otherwise, I will kill you!”

Charlie listened to the side and couldn’t help frowning and saying, “Mr. Issac, don’t talk

nonsense with such idiots, hang up the phone and drive these silly dogs out, so as not

to upset the guests here.”

Chapter 3036

Issac nodded, and directly grabbed George’s mobile phone. With a strong break with

both hands, he broke his Apple mobile phone into a 90-degree angle, and the mobile

phone was instantly powered off.

George was startled, and blurted out: “You…what are you doing?”

Issac said coldly: “What am I going to do? I want to beat you!”

After finishing speaking, a slap hit George’s face fiercely, George turned around in the

same place, dizzy, and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, several other companions stepped forward and threatened: “Do you not

want to do be in Shangri-La? Even you dare to fight our Manager!”

George, who came back to his senses, also said angrily: “Aren’t you fcuking looking for

death?! Believe it or not, I will let our young master kill you?”

Without hesitation, Issac raised his hand again with a slap in the face, and directly

knocked George to the ground, and said with contempt: “You bird man, you don’t have

a long memory if you don’t fight hard.”

Having said that, he immediately ordered the security incharge on the side: “Drag these

people out for me, and find a place where no one is there to beat them up good!”

The security incharge said immediately: “OK President!”

After speaking, he immediately took out the walkie-talkie and ordered: “A team of all

personnel come to the presidential suite!”

Seeing that Issac was really moving, George immediately persuaded him and pleaded:

“Mr. Issac, don’t be familiar with me. I also serve the master. The master said that he

wants this presidential suite, so I am a servant.

I hurried up to implement it. I was so impatient and clashing just now. I’m really

embarrassed. I would also like to ask you to have raise your hands high…”

Issac sneered: “You want to beg for mercy now? It’s too late!”

At this time, a dozen security guards ran over quickly.

When George and his entourage saw this scene, their legs became frightened.

George hurriedly pleaded, “Mr. Issac, it’s all our fault. Can we still get out of your way?

The concert will begin in a few days. I can’t go ahead and busy with my injuries…”

Charlie said at this moment: “Mr. Issac, I have an idea. You take all the communication

equipment of all of them, and then give them some hiking equipment and throw them

into the old forest behind Phoenix Mountain by helicopter.

Aren’t there always fellow travelers sneaking in to explore, and then being

trapped and unable to ask for help from the rescue team? Just throw them into

the deepest valley and let

Chapter 3037

Issac smiled and said, “Mr. Wade, a well-trained person will not be able to climb out for

two or three days.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Charlie said with a smile: “Just let them evaporate from the world,

and taste the suffering of the world by the way.”

Issac understood Charlie’s intentions. He probably wanted these guys to miss the

concert perfectly.

So, he instructed the security incharge: “Tie up all these people for me, take away all the

communication equipment from them, and then put them on the helicopter.”

When George heard this, he knelt on the ground with a thud, and several other people

knelt down after seeing this.

George knelt at the front, crying, and said: “Mr. Issac, you have a large number of them,

don’t play with us…our body, it’s impossible to get out of the old forest in the deep


Charlie said: “It doesn’t matter if you can’t get out. I’ll give you enough food and water.

If it doesn’t work, you can live in the mountains for a few days and experience the

beauty of nature.”

With that said, Charlie asked Issac: “Does Shangri-La have the relevant qualifications and

permits to operate tourism business?”

“Of course.” Issac said hurriedly: “The various tourist qualifications of Shangri-La are very


Charlie smiled and said: “That’s really great. Now we will launch a “survival in the

wilderness: deep mountain adventure” experience activity for these people.

The feature of the activity is to experience survival in the wilderness. The organizer is

Shangri-La, and these few people come from afar. The guests are the first lucky

customers in this wilderness survival experience. They got a free experience.

Issac immediately smiled knowingly: “Master Wade, then I have to ask the lawyers to

quickly issue a travel contract, and then have them all sign the words.”

“Yeah!” Charlie said with a smile: “Be sure to indicate that they are participating

voluntarily and that if any accidents they will bear all the consequences, and then ask

them to sign and slap, and then stamp their hands.”

“I understand!” Issac nodded in excitement. Seeing George’s wailing in fright, he

immediately ordered the security incharge:

“It takes time for a lawyer to draw up a contract. Don’t be stunned here. Hurry up. Bring

people to the top floor and beat them up.

After the fight, they will wait by the helicopter. After a while, the lawyer will make the

contract up, then sent them away as soon as they sign it!”

Behind the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery is a mountain range winding for nearly a

hundred kilometers.

Chapter 3038

Although the process of urbanization has become faster and faster in recent years, this

kind of deep mountain and old forest has never been developed.

Moreover, in that kind of place, no one would usually go except a bunch of travel


In the deep mountains there, it is really not easy to get out on both legs. It is said that if

the donkeys are trapped in them every three to five.

In the end, they can only be taken out one by one by the rescue team. Over time, even

the donkeys dare not go again.

Because it was not easy to come out, Charlie planned to throw George and these people


Anyway, Aurous Hill is located in the Central Plains, and there are no beasts that can eat

people in the deep mountains and old forests. Even if they don’t have the ability to

survive, they won’t die in there.

When that time comes, Issac can prepare them with water and dry food, so that they can

be steadfast. Suffer for a few days in it.

At that time, they will not be left with any communication tools, so that they can fully

experience what it means to stay away cut off from the world.

By the way, it can be regarded as a reminder to Kim. Since he is going to be the guest of

Sara’s concert, he must be here in these two days.

If George’s experience cannot make him vigilant, then he will be also thrown over.

Only then did George realize that Charlie, who he once thought was a translator, was

probably the real boss behind the scenes.

Issac was very respectful to him, a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his heart, and he

knelt in front of Charlie with a plop, and then kept kowtow, begging: “Mr. Wade, Please

go around me, I won’t dare anymore…”

Charlie said blankly: “I don’t hold you accountable very much. Instead, I provided you

with free travel items. Isn’t this forgiveness? If you are not even satisfied with this, then

you are really making it hard for me to do it.”

After speaking, he looked at Issac and said: “Or else take them to the dog farm first, let

them stay there for two days, look back and see if there are any people who don’t have

long eyes, and join them together.

Get them together and send a wave to Syria to experience an outbound travel


Issac said without hesitation: “No problem! If Kim is shameless when he comes, he will

be sent to Syria together at that time.”

When George heard this, he was shocked immediately.

Chapter 3039

George became firmer and firmer in his guess just now.

The young man surnamed Wade in front of him must be from the Wade family!

No wonder he didn’t put himself in the eyes at all, and even didn’t take his own master


This time he really provoked a big man…

Thinking of this, George cried and said, “Mr. Wade, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any


Charlie smiled and asked him: “Are you sure? We always believe customer comes first. If

you are dissatisfied, please tell me, don’t hold back.”

George’s liver trembled with fright, and he thought to himself: “What the hell is the

customer comes first, this is fishing law enforcement!

If I tell him the truth, I am afraid it will end up worse!”

So, he choked and shook his head again and again: “No! There is absolutely no


Charlie nodded and said coldly: “Since there is nothing dissatisfied with the plan, you

will sign the contract obediently and wait for the departure. If you perform well, I will let you out a few days earlier.

If your performance is not good, you have to crawl out by yourself, and I will let people

throw you back again!”

With that said, he instructed Issac: “Before sending them away, install GPS positioning

for each of them.”

Issac hurriedly said: “Don’t worry master, I must make arrangements!”

Charlie gave a hum, and then asked: “When signing the contract, you will take a video

for them to make it clear that they are voluntarily participating in the travel experience

and voluntarily abide by our travel rules.

Remember to let them behave more truthfully and leave a message at backhand.”

Issac nodded and said, “Okay, I’ve written everything down.”

Charlie asked again: “By the way, you just said that they will be beaten up. This must be

played after the contract is signed and the video is filmed. Do you understand?”


Chapter 3040

Immediately afterwards, George and several people were escorted by the security

guards and were taken to the rooftop crying and wailing.

Soon, Aurous Hill Shangri-La Hotel immediately launched a special wilderness survival

experience project.

Under the careful care of the security guards, George and others signed a fair and just

tourism service contract voluntarily and became the first adventurers of this new project.

Lots of free lucky customers.

As soon as the contract was signed, these people were repaired by the security guards

and were directly thrown into the helicopter.

The back kitchen of the catering department sent a bunch of food that was to be

eliminated and expired, and a bunch of tap water temporarily canned. These are all the

supplies for George and the others in the next few days.

After all, it’s a big hotel. The food and tap water provided by the catering department

are large enough. With the appetite of these young people, the food is enough for them

to eat for half a month.

While Charlie was having dinner with the Ito family, a helicopter flew to the center of the

deep mountain and old forest on the outskirts of Aurous Hill.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter descended and threw these people into the

deepest valley along with the food and water prepared for them.

George and the others officially started the wilderness survival arrangement that Charlie

arranged for them.

At the same time, Kim, who is currently one of the most popular male singers in China,

has been unable to get through the phone calls of several of his subordinates, and is as

anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He couldn’t get in touch with his subordinates, and he immediately realized that they

must have been cleaned up by the people at Shangri-La, or they might have detained


The detention of these people is not a big deal for him, but his performance after the

day after tomorrow is the most important thing.

As for the matters related to his performance, George is in the process of matching

everything from his itinerary, accommodation, and performance. If George disappears at

this time, then he will arrive in Aurous Hill. It could be a black eye.

This time Sara’s concert tour, after he asked his father to plead, his father saved his face

to beg Philip, and Sara nodded and agreed.

This time he not only wants to take advantage of Sara’s popularity to raise his traffic and

influence to another level, but also hopes to show more performance in front of her

through the cooperation of this concert tour.

He has a crush on her for many years, and dreams of wanting to marry her. Moreover,

the Gu family is now getting stronger and stronger.

After Philip has recovered from a serious illness, the influence of the family is also

growing. With Sara, he can really fight for decades less.

Although the strength of the Zhong family is also very good, it is still a bit worse than

that of the Gu family.

What’s more troublesome is that the grandfather of Zhong’s family, that is, Kim’s

grandfather, came back from Nanyang and was not a Chinese citizen. He was so

romantic all his life. Just his wife and he married four other women, plus the original

match. Five wives.

Five wives gave him 21 children. Kim’s father is just one of these 21 people. Even if he

has been favored, the real estate that he can control is still diluted a lot, and he has

nothing to do with Sara.

After all, Sara’s father, Philip, holds half of the Gu family’s assets, and this half of the

assets will undoubtedly belong to Sara in the future.

Therefore, Kim also looks forward to catching her.

It can even be said that he has long regarded her as the end of his life goal. As long as

he can marry Sara, he will no longer have to struggle in his life.

Based on these reasons, what he is most afraid of now is any flaws in the concert.

Right now George has completely lost contact. The only thing he can do is to rush to

Aurous Hill himself and put all the work before the concert in place.

Moreover, he has to find that Issac to vent his anger.

After all, when did the young master of the Zhong family let a subordinate insult


In this place, he said he had to find everything and make a show!

Chapter 3041

Kim, known as the “top-tier young male singer”, was having lunch when he received the

call from George.

This situation was the first experience of its kind.

In a rage he didn’t care about lunch, so he hurried to the airport with several assistants

and bodyguards.

He wants to fly to Aurous Hill as soon as possible, and he can’t delay any longer.

Unfortunately, once he is in Aurous Hill, basically no one is available there to receive


Because he had arranged several people in advance to fight for selfies and handshakes

with him none of them could be contacted without exception.

So now he needs to go there in advance, but there is not even a local person who can

pick him up from the plane at the airport.

Although the Zhong family’s business is quite large, almost all of their business is

concentrated in North China.

Aurous Hill has nothing to do with their business activity, and there is no branch or

office in that part.

So after arriving in Aurous Hill, he will be like a foreign tourist touching the ground for

the first time. Once in the city, he is like a blind man in the middle of the night.

On the way, his life assistant, a young girl in her twenties couldn’t help but ask him:

“Master, we are going so hastily this time, the airport pick-up ceremony that was

arranged before is not scheduled for this time slot…”

The current entertainment industry pays attention to traffic in everything.

If the celebrity goes out, if there is no fan to pick up the plane, it will definitely be

regarded as a dead thread.

Therefore, many of the celebrities beyond actual popularity do not have many fans.

If they want to create the illusion of their extreme popularity, they must buy a bunch of

group performances in advance and let them gather at the airport to act as fans who are

there for the pick-up of their favorite star.

In addition, airport photos are also an important channel for celebrities to appear on hot


Generally speaking, male and female celebrities will dress up brightly in advance, and

then arrange for highly skilled photographers to take photos at the airport, and then let

the top photo editing experts tinker the photos to perfection.

After that, the photos will be posted online, and by spending time and Public relations

and advertising fees these materials can be posted on hot search on major online

platforms in an instant.

Chapter 3042

Nowadays, the hot search for this thing is like a star’s life-saving pill.

The bigger the star, the more often you must get a hot search every once in a while.

Those who can’t get the spot often will die;

Those who can only last for a year and a half are half dead;

Only frequent, regular, or all-time hot searches will be recognized as the industry’s top


Once you are labeled as top-notch, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

For example, the top-tier star can be paid more than 100 million yuan for a TV series,

and they can endorse a product at random, and the endorsement fee will have to be

tens of millions.

Kim’s so-called top-notch male singer title actually works like this all the way.

Every time he goes out of town, he has to take care of at least a few hundred fake fans

to pick him up from the plane at the airport, and he spends money to hire a group of

so-called “crazy fans” to follow him frantically.

His all-time favorite drama is to send out press releases to condemn these fans who

seem to be crazy, and then spend money to promote his words as well.

In this way his words can get a hot search, probably with the title: “Kim is troubled by

crazy fans in a certain place, and he publishes condemnation.”

He will also use such hot searches to include the lively passersby and netizens, and then

use a lot of photos of retouching pictures, rebranded songs, etc.

Then combining his various talented, hardworking, and rich second-generation personal

settings. These unaware passers-by become his fan.

This kind of gameplay has long become a standard operating procedure in the

entertainment industry.

If a celebrity arrives at a certain place where no one picks up the plane and does not

have a beautiful and handsome airport photo, they will definitely become the laughing

stock of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, after Kim heard that the pick-up and shooting couldn’t keep up, he was

furious and asked angrily:

“What’s the matter? I am going to Aurous Hill. Is there not even a pick-up


Chapter 3043

The female assistant hurriedly said: “Master, you originally planned to fly to Aurous Hill

tomorrow morning, so all the things are arranged by George for tomorrow!”

With that, the female assistant hurriedly took out a notepad, flipped through it, and said:

“George has already booked it with the local group leader in Aurous Hill.

At nine o’clock tomorrow morning, 500 people will arrive at the Airport for the group

performance. In the lobby, these are all acting like fans.

This pick-up is very big, and then we will first buy you a hot search for your arrival in

Aurous Hill and pick up a large number of fans;”

“In addition, there are ten groups of photographers who will arrive at the airport at 9

o’clock tomorrow.

They will be ready to capture you at various locations in the airport, and then send the

original photos to their editing team.

The edited pictures will be sent to me as soon as possible, and then you will personally

select the ones you are satisfied with.

Then we will follow up and purchase the second hot search, which is your fashionable

outfit at the airport.”

“In addition, there are more than 20 senior actors who will act as your crazy fans. Then

they will drive you all the way from the airport to the hotel, and you will stop halfway to

their car.

Condemn them, and then we will buy another hot search where you condemn the

fanatical attitude of these fans;”

“According to the original plan, these crazy fans will knock on the door of your room at

night, and even trick you into opening the door in the name of a waiter, and then rush

in desperately to take a photo with you;”

“According to George’s arrangement, you will call the police directly when the time


After the police come out, the secretly arranged reporter will film the whole process and

post it directly to the Internet that evening.

We will follow up on your fourth hot search on the day. This is a hot search where you

are severely harassed by crazy fans and eventually had to report to the police for help;”

“Four hot searches a day will definitely make you the king of topics in these two days!”

Kim said coldly: “You tell me, these are useful for a sh!t now? I am fcuking going today,

not tomorrow!

I want you to advance all these arrangements for today! Advance to two hours later!”

The female assistant said helplessly, “Master, the problem now is that I can’t reach

George, and the materials, such as banners, pennants, and light signs, will arrive in

Aurous Hill tonight.

So if we pass now, these will not be able to keep up with us.”

“Grass!” Kim said angrily: “How can I say I am the hottest male singer now.”

“If I go to Aurous Hill without a fan to pick me up from the plane, if I pass it out, I won’t

be laughed at by others?”

After that, he said undoubtedly: “Hurry up and make arrangements for me!”

“You call the group leader directly and say that I will double the cost. After an hour, he

must bring three hundred people to the airport to wait for me.”

If you can’t get the aid materials within an hour, find a few young women, ask them to

bite their fingers, and write blood notes on the white T-shirts.”

“Welcome to Aurous Hill. As long as they are willing to write blood notes, one person

will be given an extra 5,000!”

The female assistant said helplessly: “Master, the group leader in Aurous Hill was

contacted by George, and I don’t have his contact information either!”

“Grass!” Kim slapped her face and yelled: “If you don’t have any contact information, you

can think of a solution.”

“I don’t care what the hell you do. If you can’t figure it out, I’m asking you only once!”

The female assistant was slapped in the face, and the aggrieved girl almost cried, and

choked up:

“Master, otherwise, you can wait a few hours, let me go there in advance and arrange

things over there before you fly from here… …”

Kim cursed: “Why will I have to wait until you fcuking go there? Now George is missing.”

“If I can’t find the fans, many things will have to be repeated. Now there are only three

days left before the concert. It is all too late?!”

Chapter 3044

The female assistant at this time, clutching her flushed face, cried and said, “Master,

these are George’s work mistakes. You can’t vent all your anger on me. It’s not fair to

blame me…”

“Fair to your sister!” Kim said with disgust: “I fcuking want you to solve the problem for

me now, instead of letting you throw the pot here!

I don’t want to care if George is dead or alive. You must arrange things for me!

Otherwise, I will fcuking kill you!”

The female assistant was frightened by Kim’s fierce appearance. She didn’t dare to find

any reason for herself, so she nodded and said aggrieved:

“OK, master, I will find a way to contact the local public relations resources…”

Kim said: “Remember, I only want female fans at the scene, not male fans! Don’t give me

a bunch of big bosses yelling at the airport, I can’t afford to d@mn that person!”

Last year, when Kim’s plastic surgery was finally regarded as small and effective, in order

to highlight his personality of the top singer, he began to hire a large group of actors to

play fanatic fans everywhere.

Although he himself has a certain real fan group, because his level is indeed relatively

average, even if the fans are brainwashed and like him, they are still far from being


Therefore, every time you want to frantically hype your own popularity, you have to

spend money to hire a group of actors to act as fanatic fans. Only in this way can you

achieve an eye-catching effect.

But once, because the matchmaker didn’t confirm in advance, he made a big joke.

On that day, in order to save trouble, the person in charge of taking the opportunity

directly summoned more than two hundred group performances of the war films that

had just finished filming from the film and television city.

Because they were shooting war films, these group performances were almost all male.

And all of them are five big three thick and gray-headed.

It turned out that such a group of people arrived at the airport and shouted slogans like

“Kim, I love you”, which made Kim disgusting enough.

What’s more fcuking embarrassing was that there are still many group performances in

it, and they came here wearing the military shoes of the Eighth Route Army on TV, which

was regarded as ironclad proof.

What makes Kim unbearable most is that the people who saw this, shot the live video,

and post it to the short video platform to mock him.

There are even short video bloggers who specialize in publishing gossip in the

entertainment industry, using all kinds of obscure pronouns to mock Kim, saying that he

can even buy fake fans to who can overturned cars, and sooner or later they will be

confused enough to crash one to him.

Chapter 3045

The incident that time rushed directly to the hot search list. In the end, the Zhong family

spent tens of millions looking for relationships and requesting deletion of posts before

finally smoothing the matter.

Therefore, Kim will never allow such a thing to happen even once!

The female assistant didn’t dare to delay, and on the way to the airport, she began to

ask people to inquire about Aurous Hill’s local resources, especially female resources,

through various relationships.

You know, people who can find hundreds of young girls in a short period of time are

very rare even in a big metropolis.

The group leader among the extras does not have so many resources in his hands.

Because the general group leader also docks a large number of group performances,

not only young girls, but all kinds of men, women, and children.

To put it harder, even if it is a woman boss in a nightclub, there can be as many as

hundreds of girls under her control.

Just when the female assistant thought she was desperate and could do nothing, one of

her old classmates in Aurous Hill pushed her a WeChat business card, and then sent a

voice message saying:

“Maggie, the person I pushed for you, You hurry up and contact her, her name is Wendy

Willson, the general manager of Aurous Hill Shangmei etiquette company.”

“This woman is not easy. She has at least 500 or 600 local courtesy ladies in Aurous Hill.

Now more than half of the full-time courtesy ladies in Aurous Hill have signed her

company, and there are also many part-time courtesy ladies.”

“If you take the job from her, you can probably solve your needs if you find her. If she

can’t solve them, then I guess no one in Aurous Hill can solve them. After all, there are

two or three hundred young and beautiful girls are required in a short time. It’s hard to


After listening to this voice, the female assistant was so excited that she was about to

cry, and quickly replied: “Oh my dear sister, you saved my life! When I get to Aurous Hill,

I will definitely take time to treat you to a big meal!”

The other party smiled and said, “What are you doing so politely with me? I just asked

you about this person. You should contact her as soon as possible.

When to have dinner, I will wait for you to finish your work. I’m here to invite you!

You have come to Aurous Hill all the way, and I, the host, should do my best. How can I

let you invite me to dinner? Our old classmates will laugh at me if it spreads.

The female assistant hurriedly said: “We have been in a relationship for so many years,

so I won’t be polite to you anymore. I will come to you when I finish my business first!”

After that, she quickly added Wendy’s WeChat.

Wendy’s WeChat nickname has now been changed to “Shangmei etiquette Wendy”, and

her profile picture has also been changed to a professional photo of herself wearing a

professional suit and smiling.

Chapter 3046

Wendy has done a very good job during the recent period.

Because she changed the etiquette company, which misappropriated and even

oppressed the etiquette ladies, and devoted herself to the welfare of the etiquette ladies

group, so now the ladies in this business of the Aurous Hill trust her very much.

Moreover, with Charlie’s face, Orvel and several of his capable officers, including Abner,

usually help her to introduce various resources, so she not only does a big business, but

also in Aurous Hill, The competitors do not dare to provoke her.

Shangmei etiquette company has more and more business, and there are more and

more etiquette ladies. The company has not only changed to a larger venue, but also

successively bought several minibusses and buses to pick up etiquettes in the city and

for various activities around.

In addition, Wendy also specially invested in the acquisition of a closed dance training

studio, used the dance classroom as a training venue for etiquette ladies, and also hung

up a huge sign and named it Shangmei etiquette training base.

In order to set up this training base, she specially invited ladies of etiquette who have

participated in world-class events such as the Olympics and Asian Games to be teachers,

which immediately improved the overall quality of the ladies working under her.

In the past, Aurous Hill, and even most of the courtesy ladies across the country, actually

didn’t have any professional skills.

The industry does not have high requirements for them. It is just that they have to be

beautiful, good-looking, and well-built.

If it is an ordinary business activity, let them be responsible for welcoming guests; if it is

a large-scale exhibition, let them make a guest appearance.

Car models; sometimes some press conferences, political and business activities, they

will also be used as a showcase, as long as they wear similar uniforms and stand on the

scene with a smile, the whole event can be more perfect.

However, there is often a demand for high-end etiquette ladies in the market, such as

various large-scale competitions and various official activities. At this time, some

professionally trained etiquette ladies are needed.

Wendy has grasped this quality now, and the rank of Shangmei etiquette company has

been improved a lot. Some large-scale official events in the city will find them to

cooperate, so the popularity is also relatively high.

At this time, she happened to take the staff to class at the training center and saw

someone adding her as a friend. The remark was: “Hello, my name is Maggie Chen, and

a friend introduced a business to ask you for cooperation!”

Wendy didn’t think much about it, so she directly clicked through.

As soon as the other party’s friend applied, that woman immediately sent a voice: “Hello,

Mr. Willson, because of business reasons, my side urgently needs 200 to 300 young

girls. I will come to Aurous Hill Airport in two hours. We need fans to pick up from the

plane, I wonder if you can help here?”

After hearing this voice, Wendy was a little surprised for a while.

She has been a courtesy lady for a long time, and the time to run Shangmei is not too

short. She has taken a lot of all kinds of activities, but she has never taken up the job of

pretending to be a fan and picking up the plane at the airport.

So, she replied a little apologetically: “I’m sorry, Miss Chen, we have not done this

business before and are not very good at it. In order not to affect your business

development, I suggest you find some professional companies to do this.”

Chapter 3047

Maggie became anxious when she heard this.

Looking for a company that specializes in this area?

Professional companies are not absent, but they all have to prepare resources in


She can’t say that she can’t find the group leader George docked with. Even if she can

find him, it is even more impossible for the other party to temporarily adjust the

schedule for tomorrow morning to two hours later from now.

Because these people are not focusing on this project all the time. Those group

performances are like taxi drivers. They are either running the single job or the work is in

another place.

If you make an appointment, you will use the car at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. He can

only make sure that no other work will be held at this time tomorrow.

Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to want to temporarily change the appointment time,

and to change two to three hundred people in one go.

Because of this, Maggie felt that in Aurous Hill now, only Wendy could do this.

Because she is different from the group head, the group head is only an intermediary

and has no absolute control over the following group performances, but Wendy is


She has her own company, and her own company directly signed hundreds of etiquette


The young ladies are all her employees, and she must have absolute control over her

own employees.

Therefore, she hurriedly pleaded, “Mr. Willson, I really have no other choice now, so I

can only ask you for help. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done this kind of business.

In fact, this is very simple. It only requires you to coordinate. Well, when the time comes,

let them appear at the designated place at the designated time, and then call out the

slogans which we will share with you.”

After Wendy listened, she still didn’t want to take on such a job.

Under her management, the company has already embarked on the fast lane, all aspects

of the operation are very smooth, the cash flow is also very abundant, and the profit

margin is relatively high.

In this case, she really didn’t want to take on this kind of weird job.

Therefore, she was still very sorry and said: “I’m really sorry Miss Chen, this business

does not match our company’s business, to be honest, I am not very interested in it, so

please forgive me.”

Chapter 3048

When Kim on the side heard this, he immediately yelled at Maggie in anger, “D@mn! A

company of etiquette, what the hell it has to do with me she says?! Tell her! 300 people,

I will give 300,000, 1,000 per person!

This price is much higher than the normal price of the courtesy lady, as long as she is

not a fool, she will definitely not refuse!”

Maggie had to continue to send voice messages to Wendy: “Mr. Willson, do you think

this is okay? You will give us three hundred courtesy ladies. We only need them to

pretend to be fans at the airport for about half an hour. As long as you agree, We can

pay you 300,000 here!”

Three hundred thousand is indeed not a small amount.

Generally speaking, an ordinary extra actor, who works hard for a day, earns between

150 and 200.

The salary of a lady of manners is slightly higher, but it is basically in the range of 500 to

1,000 throughout the day.

There are not many courtesy ladies who can exceed 1,000 a day, unless you go to the

auto show to make a guest car model, it is possible to get such a price.

However, Wendy carefully weighed it and decided to refuse, because she had never

done anything like this, and she was worried that it might cause any trouble.

So she replied: “I’m really sorry Miss Chen, we really can’t pick this up.”

Maggie’s heart suddenly became extremely helpless.

She looked at Kim on the side and asked subconsciously, “Master, what do you think of


Kim’s expression was very gloomy, he really didn’t expect that the other party would

refuse to open up at this price.

Therefore, he subconsciously regarded Wendy’s decision as a way of holding back.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and said coldly: “D@mn! It’s nothing more than asking

for more money! Tell her, we won’t talk nonsense with her, a price of 600,000!”

Maggie hurriedly sent a voice message to Wendy: “Mr. Willson, then we will increase the

remuneration to 600,000. Is this always okay?”

Wendy was indeed a little moved.

Chapter 3049

Today is a working day, and it is still Tuesday. Most of the work of a company like them

that specializes in etiquette is concentrated on the weekend.

Because most business events are held on weekends.

In addition to the two busiest days on weekends, there are more things to do on

Monday and Friday.

Because Monday and Friday are the first and last days of the working day, many

companies and institutions will choose these two days for any major activities.

From Tuesday to Thursday, there is really not much work to do. Most of the etiquette

ladies are resting these days, so the company also chooses to train them in batches

during these days.

Today, there are hundreds of full-time courtesy ladies in her company who are resting.

Except for one hundred and fifty people who are receiving training, the rest are taking a


Therefore, as long as she decides to take over this business, she can make sure that

within ten minutes, she can sort out a specific list of three hundred people.

Just one trip to the airport, two or three hours before and after, can create 600,000 of

income for employees and the company, which is indeed a bargain in Wendy’s view.

Although she had never dealt with this business herself, she thought she could try it out

for pay of 600,000.

Since the cooperation agreement of Shangmei etiquette company is that the lady of

etiquette will take the big head and the company will take the small head, so as long as

these three hundred people go to the airport, everyone can have an income of more

than 1,500. For them, It is also a rare and good opportunity.

Thinking of this, Wendy couldn’t help thinking: “Maggie is giving such a refreshing price.

It seems that she is really anxious. According to market rules, the more urgent work, the

more rewards you can get.

After all, in the industry, this can be regarded as an emergency. Rescue is like fire

fighting. As long as you find someone to help in the industry, the price will be higher.

This is also the industry rule that everyone knows well, so even if I ask her for more, It is

also natural and understandable.”

Immediately, Wendy said, “Well, Miss Chen, everyone is doing business here, so I won’t

hide it anymore.”

“To be honest, you are really putting me in a stubborn situation. You will need people in

two hours. Time is too tight; and if you want to have 300 people, the number is too big.”

“Many of my employees are now at work, and some are on vacation. If we coordinate

300 people, they will definitely have to put off a lot of work, which will have to pay Party

A a lot of liquidated damages;”

“Even if employees who are on vacation are called to work, they have to double their

salary according to the holidays.”

“And if we are in a hurry, everyone may not be able to use public transportation. Most

people have to take a taxi. The airport is so far away, and the cost increases a lot…”

“So if you really want to do it here, I have a minimum of 1 million. If you think it’s ok, I

will coordinate. If you think the price is too high, it doesn’t matter. You can look for

other companies!”

Chapter 3050

Wendy herself is not a silly and sweet thing. Although she hasn’t done much business

before, she has suffered from the sadness of the world in the past two years.

Therefore, she now knows the basic law of survival in society, which is to do her best to

fight for her own interests.

Moreover, now she is not alone, and there are hundreds of young girls eating with her

behind her.

Naturally, she wants to fight for more benefits for everyone.

When Maggie Chen heard that Wendy was asking for one million, she immediately

looked at Kim on the side.

She is just Kim’s assistant. Whether the money should be spent depends entirely on his


Kim’s expression was extremely ugly at this time.

He gritted his teeth and said: “This woman’s appetite is really not small! She dares to ask

for a million from me for such a small matter.

It is clear that she is going to knock me off! Do you really not think I’m being taken

advantage of?”

Seeing Kim’s anger again, Maggie said hurriedly: “Master, then I reject her now?”

Kim glared at Maggie, and cursed: “Do you have any brains? Now refuse her, what

should I do if no one is found later, when I arrive in Aurous Hill?

How do you send today’s press release? How do you buy hot search?”

After that, Kim said with a cold face: “You tell her that one million is one million, but I

will pay 500,000 first, and the remaining 500,000 will be paid after the work is over.”

Kim’s thinking is very simple. For such a hasty matter, there is no time to sign the

contract. Everything is verbally agreed upon. First, pay 500,000, and then it will be

impossible to pay the remaining 500,000.

Regardless of Kim’s big family, he is also a first-line star, but the sunk cost he invested in the early stage was too large.

In order to maintain his “top-tier” label, he needs to continue spending money, so he

pays special attention to cost.

What makes him even more annoying is that in order to pursue Sara, he chose the

music line to cut in. In recent years, the singer’s ability to attract money is far worse than

that of actors.

Regardless of how various performances, variety shows, and announcements can make

tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year in revenue, the cost of promotion

and marketing behind each year is basically equal to the income.

If the huge gold mine of Sara cannot be settled soon, Kim even has the idea of quitting

the entertainment industry.

Chapter 3051

Maggie also understood what he meant, and paid 500,000 first, and the next 500,000

would definitely be a bad debt for Wendy.

Although she didn’t want to do something without business ethics, since the boss has

spoken, how dare she disobeys.

So she had to say to Wendy: “Ma’am, our boss agreed. One million is no problem, but

the money has to be paid in installments. The first half in advance and pay the other half

after it’s done.”

Wendy didn’t know how many times she was scammed. She was no longer the stupid

woman at the time. She understood the other party’s intentions instantly, so she said:

“Ms. Chen, if your company is willing to cooperate, only after you pay the full amount in

one go, I’ll start making arrangements here.

If you don’t want to, let’s forget it. I don’t accept any form of bargaining, even if you pay

99% first and then 1% later, please forgive me.”

After Kim listened, his face was green, and said: “This woman is really cruel, and he

choked me out of all of the bargaining room!”

Maggie asked helplessly: “Master, what should I do now?”

Kim cursed: “What the hell can you do, promise her! Let her quickly arrange for

someone to go there! If I get off the plane and can’t see more than 300 female fans, I

fcuking kill her!”

Maggie asked tentatively: “Then let the finance transfer money now?”

“Okay!” Kim gritted his teeth: “You need to check the other party’s account number, and

then notify the financial transfer, I will directly approve the mobile phone.”


Maggie finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although this matter is not her own pot, if it is

not resolved in the end, Kim will definitely make trouble for her.

Fortunately, it is finally resolved.

Although a lot of money was spent, this account must be recorded on George’s head,

and it has nothing to do with her.

So, she hurriedly confirmed cooperation with Wendy, asked her for the collection

account, and then immediately arranged the finance to be responsible for the payment.

When Kim boarded the private jet and was waiting for take-off, the financial side

finished the transfer process.

After Kim used the mobile phone to approve, Wendy immediately received financial

feedback and received the transfer from Kim’s actor agency studio the amount of one


She was very happy. In her opinion, this business was simply to improve everyone’s lives,

so she immediately sent a voice message to the company’s employee group, and said to

all the members: “Sisters, I just received a big deal!”

Many people in the group hurriedly asked what the big deal was.

Wendy said: “It’s a temporary job as a female fan at the airport. The other party needs

300 people.

They will arrive at Aurous Hill Airport in two hours. The pick-up process takes half an

hour. This time, Party A is a local celebrity and rewards one person with two thousand

five hundred!”

Chapter 3052

Wendy received one million this time. According to the process, she left a profit of

250,000 to the company, and all the remaining 750,000 is used to give back to the

employees. It was just two thousand five hundred per person.

As soon as the message was sent, the group suddenly exploded!

Who dares to imagine that a trip to the airport, the total amount of back and forth does

not exceed three hours, you can make two thousand five hundred?

In such a short period of work, it is impossible to spend more than five hundred at most.

Therefore, hundreds of people in the group responded immediately, and everyone’s

response was similar: “Sister Wendy, I will go! Count me!”

After all, the income of this event has increased several times, and no one wants to miss

this good opportunity.

However, the activity requires 300 people, and there are more than 1,000 full-time and

part-time people in the group.

There are too many monks and less porridge, so how to distribute has become a more

difficult problem.

Wendy thought over and over again, and said: “This time because the number of people

needed is only three hundred, we have the following conditions for selecting people.”

“First, give priority to the full-time contracted employees of the Company;”

“Secondly, among the full-time contracted employees, the attendance rate of the last

month is selected from high to low, and the 300 people with the highest attendance

rate can get this opportunity;”

“Third, if the selected person does not have time to go, the quota will be postponed!”

As soon as these conditions came out, the workers in the group were happy and


The happy ones are naturally full-time contracted employees, and those with a relatively

high attendance rate;

The worry is those part-time employees.

They thought that if they didn’t sign a full-time contract, they would be able to

cooperate with multiple companies so that they would have more resources and


But they didn’t expect that when something good happened, the company would give

priority to the contracted employees of this company.

Although these part-time jobs are very depressed, they have nothing to say. This is the

price of freedom for not signing a contract.

Just like the difference between regular workers and temporary workers, the benefits will

naturally vary.

In addition, the full-time contracted employees are also convinced of the way in which

this rule is sorted by attendance.

After all, the most important assessment criteria for their manners to generate revenue

for the company is attendance.

The price difference is not too much. The more attendance, the higher the income

generated for the company.

When encountering such a good thing, naturally, the more important it is to give

priority to these employees who have made outstanding contributions.

Seeing that everyone had no objection to her decision, Wendy immediately said:

“Let Sister Liya send out the attendance rate of last month to the group.

All employees who are in the top 300 and have no problem with time will please register

with Sister Liya in ten minutes, and the 100 sisters from the next 300 will also pay more


If the first 300 people can’t go, or if they don’t register within ten minutes, they will all

be regarded as giving up, and you will all have a chance. Get a chance you people on

the waiting list. Good luck!”

Chapter 3053

Wendy’s movements are very quick.

Through further confirmation and screening of the list of personnel, she identified three

hundred employees in ten minutes.

Later, she and Maggie decided on some details, including the slogans to be shouted,

the banners to be displayed, and the physical movements and the time.

Kim himself was very dissatisfied with Wendy, but after seeing that she was very efficient

and professional at work, his mood eased a little.

When Kim’s plane took off towards Aurous Hill, Wendy had already deployed her staff.

Three hundred courtesy ladies were preparing to leave for the airport from various

places in the city.

After she arranged the work, she felt as happy as if she had won a battle.

She recalled that when her brother-in-law Charlie handed over the Shangmei etiquette

company to her.

This company was still in the nascent stage, but in a short time, she ran this company in

a decent way.

Not the company’s performance was getting better and better and the scale was getting

bigger and bigger as well.

Of course, she is also very clear that the reason why she has achieved such rapid

development and success is mainly due to Charlie’s face.

Now many businesses are introduced by Orvel and his men. If it were not for them.

It is impossible to get on the right track so quickly for the company.

Thinking of Charlie, the girl in her heart can’t help but burst.

She now has a deep affection for him. Although she also knows that the gap between

herself and Charlie is too great, once she has such a thing, it is difficult to disappear,

even if she knows that it is impossible Lingering.

So, she picked up the phone, after thinking about it, hesitating again and again, but still

called Charlie.

At this moment, he was in Shangri-La, suddenly received a call from Wendy, and

couldn’t help being a little surprised.

These days, he almost forgot about her.

Originally, the lady Willson still scolded Horiyah who stole her money, and left Aurous

Hill on the balcony every day. By the way, she choked with Elaine.

But these days, the old lady seems to have constrained a lot and he hasn’t heard much

from her. She and Elaine are choked.

Chapter 3054

What Charlie didn’t know was that Wendy’s status in the Willson family was very high

now, and she could be regarded as one of the best in the family.

This is mainly because the old lady, as well as the bedridden Noah and Harold the father

and son, now rely on Wendy to make money.

Although Mrs. Willson was used to being in power all her life, she thought about forcing

Wendy to hand over the money to her, but after Wendy became a company owner, her

character was much tougher and her own ideas became more determined.

So she immediately made it clear to Mrs. Willson the current division of powers of the


Since she is responsible for making money and supporting the family, she must have the

final say in this family, and other people must follow her words.

Although the old lady is not convinced, she can only agree to feed her family.

After Wendy determined the dominance of the family, the first request made was to

stop the old lady from having any friction with Charlie’s family.

Mrs. Willson had no choice but to stop. Charlie didn’t know the details. He only knew

that Mrs. Willson hadn’t been moving recently.

As soon as she stopped moving, the family faded out of his vision.

However, even though he was surprised, he still connected the phone and asked in a

lukewarm tone: “Wendy, are you looking for something to do with me?”

Wendy was a little nervous, and somewhat excitedly as well, she finally gathered

courage and said, “Brother-in-law, what are you up to?”

Charlie said casually, “I’m not busy, what’s the matter? I am with a friend outside?”

Wendy hurriedly said: “Oh…this way…actually…I don’t have anything much, just wanted

to report to you about Shangmei’s recent situation.

Charlie smiled and asked her: “Is the company doing well nowadays?”

Wendy hurriedly said: “Brother-in-law, the company has been running very well recently!

Thanks to Orvel and the others, the business is relatively large, the income is relatively

high, and the number of employees is increasing.”

Charlie smiled and said: “That’s not bad, I hope you can make persistent efforts to take

the company to the next level.”

Wendy promised: “Brother-in-law, rest assured, I will do my best to make Shangmei

Company bigger and stronger.

It will become the largest etiquette company in the city and the province, and will never

disappoint my brother-in-law’s expectations of me!”

Charlie gave a hum and reminded: “You must always remember how you were bullied

and squeezed by the unscrupulous boss.

Remember these, you must take a warning, don’t become like them, forever. Don’t

exploit those employees who are working for you, understand?”

Chapter 3055

Wendy hurriedly said seriously: “Brother-in-law, don’t worry! I was really ignorant before.

No matter how I behave, I was a lot worse.

But now I’ve really changed my mind. I understand that life is not easy, so I have always

been open and honest with the employees of the company, and I think about them


With that, Wendy said hurriedly: “For example, today, I took a large order of one million,

and the other party asked 300 people to go to the airport to pretend to be fans.

In fact, it’s just a few hours before and after the arrival of the plane. A person getting

five hundred is a lot. In that case, only a cost of 150,000 is needed, and the remaining

850,000 is profit.

As for the company’s income, I could have kept it and not let them know. Then naturally

everyone won’t have any opinions.”

“But, I finally decided to give the bulk to the employees, so for these three hundred

people, I gave each of them 2,500!”

“The reason for doing this, on the one hand, as your brother-in-law said, I don’t want to

use the money to exploit them;”

“On the other hand, I also want to use this event as a reward to motivate those

employees who perform better and make them work harder in the future.

At the same time, it can also stimulate those employees who have not got the

opportunity and let them see hard work. The benefits! In this way, I can be more active

in the future.”

Charlie couldn’t help but praised: “You can do this, it really makes me admire you.”

After speaking, Charlie paused slightly, and then said: “If you just calculate economic

accounts, you seem to have lost hundreds of thousands of profits, but if you look at it in

the long run, you may have gained hundreds of more dedicated and high-quality


“The profits these people can create for the company in the future will certainly be far

more than these hundreds of thousands.”

“But if you lied to them today and concealed the actual income, it would be equivalent

to buying a time bomb. If one day they find out, they will be resistant to you and the


This will actually make your road towards progress in the future narrower and narrower.”

Wendy said happily: “Thank you brother-in-law for the compliment! I will definitely find

a way to make the future road wider and wider!”

Charlie gave a hum, and just wanted to hang up the phone after saying a few words, but

suddenly, he recalled a detail that Wendy had just said on the phone.

So he asked: “By the way, Wendy, you just said that someone gave you one million, so

you are going to send three hundred courtesy ladies to pick up the plane acting as fans

at the airport?!”

“Yes!” Wendy said with a smile: “It’s the first time I have received such a job, but it seems

that there are quite a few celebrities who buy fans.

Not only celebrities, but many marketing and Internet celebrities spend money to hire

people as well. In the scene, it is said that if you package yourself very popular, you can

cheat others to join and earn a high initial fee.”

Charlie asked hurriedly: “Do you know who is the one who bought the fans to pick up

the plane?”

Chapter 3056

Wendy didn’t conceal anything from Charlie, and said directly: “It’s a new-generation

singer named Kim Zhong. It is said that he has been quite popular recently.”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing: “Oh, it’s him!”

Although he has never met Kim, he has no good feelings for him because of his

assistant’s attitude at the presidential suite.

What’s more, this guy wants to pursue Sara, which makes him even more unhappy.

Thinking of Kim’s harsh words to Issac on the phone earlier, Charlie planned to make the

best of his landlord’s friendship and let Kim feel the enthusiasm of the people of Aurous

Hill from the moment he got off the plane.

Doesn’t he want to hire female fans to pick him up? Then he will now arrange a little

surprise for Kim.

At this time, Wendy on the other end of the phone asked curiously: “Brother-in-law, do

you know Kim?”

Charlie said, “I don’t know, but we should know each other soon.”

After speaking, he said: “By the way, Wendy, I still have something to deal with. Let’s talk


When Wendy heard this, although she didn’t want to hang up, she was too embarrassed

to entangle him.

She hurriedly said: “Okay, brother-in-law, you should be busy, and I have to organize a

pick-up for a while.”

Charlie hung up the phone and immediately said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, call Orvel to come


Issac nodded, hurriedly called Orvel first, and then said to Charlie: “Master, Orvel is

having a meal. He will be moving right away will be here in 10 minutes.”

“Okay.” Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “You have something to do at the airport. Let

them pay attention to whether there is a private plane from Eastcliff landing in Aurous

Hill this afternoon. If so, ask about the landing time and the place after landing for the

pick up arrangements.”

Issac asked curiously: “Master, what are you going to do?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Kim is coming to Aurous Hill, I will prepare a surprise for him.”

Soon, Issac received a message from the airport.

There is a private jet that has applied for a route permit to fly from Eastcliff to Aurous

Hill in 20 minutes. The plane will land two hours later.

After landing, the plane will park in the hangar. Aurous Hill Airport has arranged VIP

transfers in the airport. After the plane stops, it will pick up people as soon as possible.

Issac explained to Charlie: “Master, generally speaking, private jets can be arranged to

take the business jet terminal to the airport, and they use the VIP channel.

Chapter 3057

The business jet terminal is generally a separate building, and there will be a certain

distance from the main terminal.

Passengers of private jets will basically not be with ordinary passengers when entering

or leaving the airport.

However, Kim specifically asked the airport not to send him to the business jet terminal

Building, but to the main terminal building, I don’t know what the intention is.”

Charlie listened and said with a smile: “His intention is very simple. The official terminal

is so small and the entry and exit audits are so strict. If you leave the airport directly

from there, you won’t be able to enjoy the ritual sense of the fans picking up the plane.


After speaking, Charlie said again: “I just heard that he hired three hundred courtesy

ladies to pick up the plane by posing as fans at the airport.

The main terminal building is big and there are many people, so the battle will be bigger

then. Maybe it will be a hot search.”

“That’s it.” Issac nodded lightly and smiled: “This group of people in the entertainment

industry are too fake. Even spend money to buy fans. No wonder people say that the

star Kim is losing money. Money in exchange for fame.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Since he attaches so much importance to pomp, then I will

arrange for him a special fan pick-up show today!”

Issac asked hurriedly, “Master, what are your plans?”

Charlie snorted: “When Orvel arrives, I will tell you together.”

Ten minutes later, Orvel hurried over.

As soon as he entered Issac’s office, he couldn’t wait to ask: “Master, what is your


Charlie smiled slightly and said, “There is something, I want you to work with Mr. Chen

to do it for me.”

Orvel said hurriedly, “Master, please give your orders!”

Charlie said: “Orvel, you have a lot of boys, now you can mobilize a group of people.”

Orvel asked, “Master, how many people do you want? What are your requirements?”

Charlie said: “Well, it’s all men, and I want the kind of burly guy who often practices

fitness and has full tendons.

It would be great to have scars on the face and neck. As for the number of people, 200

or 300 are the lowest. The more the better.”

Orvel asked with a look of surprise: “Master, are you trying to lead my men to fight with


Chapter 3058

“No.” Charlie waved his hand and said, “I want them to pick up the plane at the airport.”

“Pick up?!” Orvel was confused, and didn’t know what medicine Charlie sold in his


However, Issac on the side immediately understood, and he couldn’t help but smile and

said, “Master, are you planning to help the gangster on the road to pick up Kim as a


“Yes!” Charlie said with a smile: “Does he not like pomp? Then make this pomp a bigger

one for him!”

With that, Charlie informed the two of his detailed plans.

After listening to Issac, he was shocked and said with a smirk: “Master, your way of

doing things is too bad. If you do this, I think Kim will definitely have to retreat… …”

Charlie smiled and said: “He had better leave the circle obediently, otherwise even if he

doesn’t take the initiative to leave the circle, I will find a way to get him out of the circle.”

With that said, Charlie said with a somewhat contemptuous expression: “I will never

allow this kind of rubbish to appear at Sara’s concert on the day of my birthday.”

Two hours later, a private jet landed at Aurous Hill Airport.

As soon as the plane landed, it was taken directly to the hangar by the guided vehicle.

Kim’s makeup artist just helped him with his makeup.

At this time, there was a Toyota Coaster parked next to the plane, which was a shuttle

bus specially used to pick up and drop off VIPs at the airport.

However, Kim was not in a hurry to get off the plane, but while looking in the mirror and

checking his makeup, he asked Maggie: “Check with that Wendy to see if the fans are in


Maggie hurriedly nodded, and then made a video call to Wendy.

Wendy quickly connected, and when she saw Maggie, she smiled and asked, “Miss

Chen, has Mr. Zhong landed?”

Maggie nodded and said, “We have landed, but we are still in the hangar and haven’t

left. I want to ask if you are ready there?”

Wendy hurriedly switched the camera for the video call and used the rear camera to

take pictures of the three hundred courtesy ladies at the exit of the airport arrival hall,

and said,

“Look, Miss Chen, our people are already in place, and I specially asked them to

temporarily prepare banners, and the slogans have been aligned with them, and they

will definitely build up the momentum at that time.”

Kim leaned over and took a look, and found that there were indeed a large number of

young and beautiful girls who were clustered near the arrival gate of the airport.

So, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with satisfaction: “Since everything is ready, we

will pass now and arrive in about ten minutes.”

Chapter 3059

Wendy blurted out: “Okay Mr. Zhong, we are waiting for you in the arrival hall.”

Maggie hurriedly asked: “Ms. Willson, are you in the arrival hall of the main terminal?

Don’t make a mistake!”

Wendy pointed the camera at the sign of the airport and said seriously: “The main

terminal arrival hall. It’s just after the luggage carousel. Don’t worry, we can’t go wrong!”

“That’s good.” Maggie was completely relieved.

After hanging up the video, she said to Kim: “Sir, we can get off the plane!”

Kim was in a bad mood along the way.

However, just after seeing the hundreds of ceremonial ladies in the video, his mood

instantly improved a lot.

To be honest, he has never done anything less to buy fans to pick up the phone before,

but he has never been able to buy so many high-quality fans once.

In the past, this kind of thing was done in cooperation with the group leader.

The group leader had the resources of some extras. The women who were recruited

were all kinds, but after all, there were only a few women who looked good and had

good figures.

But this time is different. This time they are all those slender and beautiful temperament

girls who are over 1.68 meters tall.

One or two such girls are inconspicuous, but one or two hundred, two, or three hundred

are put together. The visual effects are definitely exploding!

Therefore, he happily adjusted the collar and said to Maggie: “At today’s pick-up site, we

must take more photos, and then invest more resources to get the top spot in the hot


Maggie hurriedly said: “You can rest assured, sir, I will arrange it.”

“Yeah!” Kim nodded in satisfaction, stood up, and said: “Okay, let’s go!”

After speaking, he got off the plane first.

Since when the private jet applied for the route, he also purchased the VIP service at the

airport, so an airport account manager was standing outside the cabin at this time.

After Kim walked down, he immediately greeted him and said respectfully : “Mr. Zhong,

you have worked hard all the way, welcome to Aurous Hill!”

Kim nodded arrogantly, and the account manager asked diligently: “Mr. Zhong, is this

your first time in Aurous Hill?”

Chapter 3060

“Yes.” Kim faintly replied, pointing to the Toyota Coaster in front of him, and asked: “Is

this the car prepared for me?”

“Yes, yes!” The account manager hurriedly made an inviting gesture and said: “Mr.

Zhong, please get in the car, we will go to the terminal now!”

Kim stepped into the car without even looking at him.

As a result, after getting in the car, he found out that in this minibus, all the windows

were covered with a completely opaque glass film, and even the driving position was

sealed by a tight partition. He couldn’t see anything outside, so he asked in surprise,

“Why are the windows of your car stuck?”

The account manager hurriedly said: “Mr. Zhong, you don’t know anything about this


This car is dedicated to your super VIP service, so we must make sure that you will not

reveal any of your whereabouts or let you be captured by any camera equipment. To,

protect your privacy 100%.”

Kim nodded suddenly and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect that your Aurous Hill area is

not big, but you are very particular about doing things.”

After speaking, he directly found the most comfortable seat and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, his assistant, make-up artist, and four bodyguards also got on

the car one after another, Coaster’s door closed and quickly drove out of the hangar.

At this time, Kim couldn’t see any scene outside at all, so he didn’t know that he was

going there. It was not the main terminal at all, but the business jet terminal next to the


The car drove directly into a small passage inside the business jet terminal, and the car

door just stopped in front of a glass door with the arrival hall written on it.

After Kim got out of the car, he entered the glass door directly. He had no chance to see

the outside of the terminal building, so he didn’t realize any abnormality.

Unlike most passengers who get off the plane directly from the covered bridge, private

jets cannot directly connect to the covered bridge because the fuselage is relatively

small and short.

Therefore, passengers taking private jets basically rely on this kind of shuttle bus directly

after getting off the plane.

When they were sent to the ground entrance of the terminal, no one was suspicious.

Under the leadership of the account manager, they walked in all the way.

However, after entering, Kim was a little surprised. He looked at the almost empty

passage and said in a puzzled manner:

“How come you have so few people in this airport? I think there are no other passengers

besides us. Yet?”

The account manager scratched his head and smiled, and said: “This…may have

something to do with today’s traffic control. We don’t have many planes arriving today,

and many flights are delayed or canceled.”

Kim thinks something is wrong. Generally speaking, even if the airports in second-tier

cities are not so busy, they will not be so empty, right?

Just wondering, the account manager pointed to a frosted glass door in front and said:

“Mr. Zhong, there is an exit in front. There are many of your fans outside. If you find it

inconvenient, I can ask the security to escort you away quickly, or Let the security guard

drive the fans away before you go out.”

Chapter 3061

“Don’t!” The doubts in Kim’s mind instantly disappeared, and he blurted out: “I have

always regarded my fans as family. They come to meet me from far away, so I naturally

want to say hello to them!”

After that, he walked a few steps quickly and came to the glass door. He couldn’t wait to

go out and say hello to the three hundred beautiful “fans” he bought.

At this moment, the door of induction opened. When the scene outside the passage was

mapped into Kim’s pupils, he felt that his brain was instantly energized with high

voltage, and the whole person was shocked!

Because, outside the exit at this time, although a lot of people gathered around, it was

not the lot of beauties he had imagined at all.

Quite the opposite!

In front of him are a lot of big men with long hair and thick faces covered with scars and

healed wounds!

Just when he was stunned, and extremely vicious man with two scars on his face

shouted: “Kim! I love you! I fcuking want to give you a baby!”

There was a whistle from the crowd.

Another man yelled: “Fcuk! Kim, I love you too! I fcuking want you to give birth to a

baby for me!”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a man wearing a sports vest on a cold day, waving

two big flowered arms full of tattoos, and exclaimed in excitement: “Eastcliff Kim!, my

baby! “

Kim was frightened by this, his legs softened, and he wanted to move back quickly, and

he was nervously secretly thinking:

“This, this…what the hell is going on?! What about the beauties? What about the Miss

Etiquette? How do you change it? How they became a bunch of stinky hooligans?!”

What he didn’t expect was that these fanatical lords did not give him a chance to

retreat. A large crowd swarmed up, shouting:

“Kim, I love you, Kim, I want to sle3p with you tonight!” “Wait and so on slogans like this

directly surrounded Kim.

Before the four bodyguards of Kim could react, they were squeezed out of the crowd by

two or three hundred people. Seeing so many brawny men, they simply could not do


And Kim was surrounded by so many brawny men like stinky ra5cals, his whole person

was scared, he asked in a panic: “You…what are you doing?”

Someone shouted: “Grass! Need to ask? I am your loyal fan! You come to Aurous Hill, of

course, I will come to pick you up!”

Kim was about to cry, thinking how the hell could he have such a fan? Did someone

intentionally cause them to come?

So he blurted out: “You must have made a mistake! Let me go out quickly, otherwise,

don’t blame me for being rude!”

As soon as he finished speaking, someone suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped

him, cursing: “Grass! I rode a motorcycle all the way to pick up your machine. You

fcuking dare to talk to me like this and not give me a face?”

“Yeah!” don’t know who raised his hand and slapped him again, and then pinched the

flesh on his face, and shouted angrily while pinching: “Damn, do you talk to fans like

this? Say it again to me!”

Chapter 3062

Kim was buzzed by this slap in the face.

The brutal force just now in the direct slap took his attitude out of the sky by the two

consecutive blows.

He was born with a golden spoon. He has never been beaten since he was a child.

He was slapped in the face as soon as he got off the plane today, and he was choked on

his face. This feeling made him feel like he was dead.

At this time, he was like a rooster surrounded by wolves.

In the face of such a large number of fierce and strong men, he was already shocked.

The bodyguard has long been useless, and now he is completely reduced to the

opponent’s plaything, so he can only tentatively ask: “Brothers, is there any

misunderstanding in this…”

After all, I clearly saw hundreds of beauties waiting to pick me up on the video just now,

but after I came out, I found that there was no one beauty, and there were hundreds of

ra5cals. This look is not quite right!

“No misunderstanding!” The man pinching his face said coldly: “We are all your fans,

and love you so much.

We heard that you are coming to Aurous Hill, so we rushed over to greet you, how

about it? Is this pick-up lineup still satisfactory?”

Kim said with a sad face, “Big brother, don’t be joking…I am such a person, how can I be

liked by my elder brothers?

If there is something wrong with your younger brother, please say, I will change it, but it

really didn’t. You don’t have to play with me like this…”

The man smiled and said, “Oh, brother smelly said that is too far-fetched. We came all

the way to greet you, of course, because we adore your musical talent.

In addition, we also prepared a rich reception banquet for you, and the time is almost

the same. Come, hurry over!”

After speaking, he winked at the other strong man beside him, the two of them looked

at each other and smiled, and immediately bent down, one of them carried Kim on one

leg, and directly carried him up.

Afterwards, a large number of strong men walked out surrounded by Kim who was lifted

up, and a group of people followed and shouted, and the scene was very spectacular.

The assistants and bodyguards accompanying Kim were all frightened. Seeing that this

young master was kidnapped in this way, he didn’t know for a moment whether he

should follow up or stand still.

After all, there were a large number of them, and one by one. They don’t seem like good

people. If this really provokes the opponent, wouldn’t it be a pebble hitting a rock?

Just when this group of people hesitated, the remaining dozens of strong men directly

surrounded these people and pushed them out of the airport’s business jet terminal.

Chapter 3063

When Kim was carried out, it was discovered that something was wrong!

Because there are no passengers at the gate of the terminal, the terminal itself is also

very small, not as large as a railway station in a small city.

Immediately afterwards, he found the magnificent main terminal building not far away.

The main terminal building is not only large in scale, but also has surging traffic at the

door, and there are many passengers coming in and out.

At this moment, he immediately realized that from the moment he got off the plane, he

was completely calculated by others!

He couldn’t help but wonder in his heart: “Could it be that Wendy shaved me up? Dmn,

this woman is so courageous, even she dare to play?!”

“No! It should not be Wendy, because I originally planned to leave the airport from the

main terminal, and the three hundred female fans who are waiting to greet are also waiting for me to appear in the main terminal…”

“But the people at the airport brought me to the business jet terminal…”

“Damn it! No wonder the windows of that shuttle bus were all sealed, just didn’t want

me to see that it was pulled to the corporate jet building! It’s clear that they are trying to

trick me!”

“Who is so bold that even dare to play?! Could it be the dog that the Wade family

placed in Aurous Hill?! He is just a subordinate of the Wade family, how dare he do it

directly on me?!”

When Kim was puzzled, a group of strong men had already stuffed him into a bus.

The most damn thing is that in the bus with more than 40 seats, they didn’t reserve his

place at all.

All the seats were filled by those fierce and brawny men, and he was thrown into the bus

along with his assistant and bodyguard. In the long narrow aisle.

As soon as they got in the car, the attitude of the evil guys changed immediately.

One of them immediately said to several people: “Oh, please hand over your phone, or

don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Kim was nervous and asked subconsciously: “Are you sent by President Issac from


The strong man who had slapped him before said coldly, “Why do you have so many

problems? Where’s the phone? Get it out for me!”

While trembling, Kim handed the phone over, and bit his head, and said: “You…you are

kidnapping me!

Even Mr. Issac can’t do this in broad daylight?! What’s more, I am Zhong. Your master,

have you considered the consequences of doing this?”

The brawny man took the phone and said contemptuously: “To tell you the truth, we

don’t bother to care who you are.

As long as you come to Aurous Hill, even if it’s a tiger, it has to lie on its stomach, and a

dragon, it has to hold it! Why are you so arrogant?”

When Kim saw him say this, he guessed that the other party must have been sent by

Issac, and blurted out:

“My father is still very familiar with your Wade family. Cynthia from your Wade family is

an old classmate with my father for many years.

No, let me call my dad and ask him to communicate with her. If there is any

misunderstanding, it would be better to just talk about it.”

Chapter 3064

The brawny man didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and said coldly:

“You’d better not talk until you get to the place, otherwise I will take off my socks and

put them in your mouth.

I will remind you in advance that my socks have not been changed for a week.”

Kim immediately closed his mouth with embarrassment.

This is the end for this haughty man, and it seems that he can only wait until after seeing

that Issac.

At this time, what Kim couldn’t imagine was that a video titled “Kim met three hundred

hunk fans picking up the plane in Aurous Hill” was posted to the short video platform.

This video captured three hundred fierce hunks who rushed to the airport to pick him

up and confessed to him frantically.

At the same time, Kim was surrounded by a group of hunks, and he was even taken out

of the airport with his legs raised by two hunks.

Immediately afterwards, the person shooting the video deliberately asked one of the

hunks who came to the pick-up from the perspective of a sneak shot: “My buddy, may I

ask, are you all Kim’s fans?”

The hunk curled his lips in disdain and whispered: “Brother, to be honest with you, I

don’t even know what the hell is going on.”

The video shooter asked in surprise: “Then why did you come to pick up the plane?”

The hunk said with a smile: “F@rt! this man is giving money! Just to come over and pick

up the plane and give two thousand slogans. Isn’t it better than going to work?”

After speaking, the macho smiled and said: “I won’t tell you, I will go up and shout two

slogans, and I will almost be able to finish work and go home!”

Immediately afterwards, the hunk ran away quickly, and the video ended here.

As soon as this video was uploaded to the short video platform, it was immediately

pushed to all users quietly.

The push of the short video platform is relatively concealed.

Instead of sending a message directly and letting the user click to watch, it directly uses

the recommendation algorithm of the server.

This way, everyone who is using the short video platform can refresh the next video next

time. Seemingly accidentally brushed this one.

As a result, tens of millions of people across the country saw this video instantly.

The exaggerated scene in the video made many people laugh. When they learned that

these hunk fans were hired by Kim himself with money, netizens immediately launched

an overwhelming barge of ridicule on him.

Chapter 3065

When he faced three hundred evil men at the airport, his stunned and bewildered

expression was also made into an emoticon package by countless netizens, and the

whole network instantly became popular…

As soon as Kim’s video was exposed, it was immediately searched on major websites.

Netizens thought that Kim did another stupid thing, similar to the last time he hired a

group to play in the war movie, but this time it was even weirder.

However, the Zhong family smacked out an extraordinary meaning.

So they immediately contacted Kim, but they didn’t expect that several people alongside

Kim and his party were almost lost.

This made them realize that he must be in danger.

Afterwards, the Zhong family immediately initiated the relationship and inquired

everywhere, even including the relationship to people in Aurous Hill City, hoping to find

his whereabouts.

At this time, Kim had been sent directly to Shangri-La by bus.

Kim did not expect that he originally wanted to book the presidential suite in ShangriLa, and then he could get close to the water tower and have a good relationship with


But now, the presidential suite is not booked, but he is taken by a group of people just

like the prisoners. Grabbed him and gone.

He was angry and scared in his heart, but before he had time to think about it, Issac’s

men took him over from several strong men, and then took him directly to Issac’s office.

In the office at this time, Charlie, Orvel, and Issac were drinking tea.

As soon as the door opened, Kim, with a flustered expression, was brought in with an

erect collar of his shirt.

As soon as he entered the door, he began to look at the three people in the office, but it

was the first time for him to see the three people, including Charlie, so he couldn’t

recognize who the spokesperson of the Wade family was.

So he asked tentatively: “Dare to ask who is Manager Issac from Shangri-La?”

Issac said lightly: “I am.”

Kim hurriedly said: “Manager Issac, is there any misunderstanding in this matter today?”

“Misunderstanding?” Issac sneered: “I don’t think there is any misunderstanding, weren’t

you arrogant on the phone? So I have to invite you over whatever I say and talk to you

in person.”

Chapter 3066

Kim plucked up the courage to blurt out: “Manager Issac, I know that you are from the

Wade family.

The relationship between our Zhong family and your Wade family has always been very

good, especially Aunt Cynthia from the Wade family is a good friend.

So I believe that today’s incident can never be her meaning, let alone the Wade family’s,

if you just use Wade Family Fox’s pretense to retaliate for the little conflict that I had on

the phone with you.

Then you have to weigh it in advance, if an incident happens, can you cover it!”

When Issac heard this, he couldn’t help laughing: “You have moved out our eldest lady

from the Wade family. Naturally, I can’t cover it.”

When Kim heard this, he instantly gained confidence and said in a cold voice: “Since you

can’t cover it, let me go quickly, otherwise, you won’t be able to eat it!”

Issac smiled and said, “Don’t interrupt me in a hurry. As for me, my ability is limited and I

really can’t cover it, but the one next to me can definitely do it.”

As he said, he pointed his finger at Charlie next to him, and said to Kim: “If you are not

convinced, you can talk to the one next to me.”

Kim looked at Charlie and quickly compared his face in his brain memory.

However, after thinking about it, he couldn’t find any memory points related to this face.

So, he couldn’t help but wonder:

“If this guy is great, why do I have no memory of him? Whether it’s the Wade family, the

Su family, or the Gu family, I remember the young men from their families who are very

familiar with me.

I know some of the more powerful families, but this kid is really not one of them. Is he a

big man?”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but ask: “You friend, are there any misunderstandings

between us?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “It’s not like that, I just want to see you upset.”


When Kim heard Charlie’s voice, he immediately confronted the unknown man on the

phone, blurted out a word, and then said angrily:

“So it’s you! You fcuking ba5tard did you dare to do against me? Believe it or not, the

first thing I do after I leave this place is to kill you?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Are you asking me where I came from? My name is Charlie

Wade, I wonder if you have heard of it?”

“Charlie Wade?!” When Kim heard these two words, the first reaction in his mind was: “I

wipe, this guy’s surname is Wade, then does he belong to the Wade family?!”

However, he carefully reviewed all the younger generations of the Wade family, and

after confirming that there was no one named Charlie, he said with a vigilant look:

“I know people about the same age as me in the Wade family, but just I’ve never seen

you before, are you a relative of the Wade family?”

The Wade family does have many branches of relatives, who are all over the country and

even around the world.

Although their surnames are also Wade, their economic strength is far worse than that

of the Eastcliff Wade family.

Therefore, if it is a member of the Wade family, Kim will definitely not be able to

provoke him, but if it is a relative of the Wade family, then he is really not having stage


Chapter 3067

After all, the Zhong family is also a family with a face and power, and the relationship

between his family and the Wade family is pretty good.

How can he allow a foreigner to sit on his neck and sh!t?

At this moment, Charlie smiled playfully and asked him: “You just said that you know

Cynthia Wade, are you familiar with her?”

“Of course!” Kim blurted out: “Aunt Wade and my father have a very good relationship.

We had dinner together a few days ago!”

Charlie asked with interest: “Since you are so familiar with Cynthia Wade, hasn’t she

mentioned me in front of you?”

Kim curled his lips and said disdainfully, “You are just a relative of the Wade family.

As far as I know, there are many young people like you in the Wade family’s relatives.

More than 800 young people like you. How could she mention it in front of me?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Why don’t you let me get your cell phone, you call her and ask


Seeing Charlie’s playful look, Kim couldn’t help panicking, and wondered, “Is this guy

really a big man with a lot of background?”

But think about it, it’s not bad to be able to call Cynthia, at least there is a chance to

send out a signal to move rescue soldiers!

So, he immediately nodded and said, “Okay! You return the phone to me, and I called to

ask Auntie what exactly came from you!”

Charlie winked at Issac and said, “Mr. Issac, let someone send him his mobile phone.”

At the same time, the Zhong family also asked someone to inquire about the news.

According to the feedback, Kim was escorted directly to Shangri-La by the brawny guys

at the airport!

The Zhong family suddenly lost their color. Everyone knew that Shangri-La was the

property of the Wade family.

Now that Kim was arrested and moved to Shangri-La, could it not be done by the Wade family?

However, not only did they and the Wade family have no grievances and no grudges, their relationship is quite subtle. Why would the Wade family tie-up Kim?

So, his father Harvy took out his mobile phone without hesitation and called Cynthia.

In Harvey’s mobile phone, Cynthia’s name only saved the word “Cynthia”, which shows

that the relationship between the two is very unusual.

Sure enough, once the phone was connected, Harvy felt anxious and asked in a gentle

tone: “Cynthia, what are you doing?”

She seemed very happy to receive his call, and said cheerfully, “I, I’m doing body care.”

Harvey asked in surprise: “Why are you doing it again? Didn’t you do it yesterday?”

Cynthia smiled and said, “Hmm, this is, because of a business trip some time ago. I

didn’t have time to take care of my skin, so I should hurry up and remedy it during this


As she said, she stretched out lazily and yawned, and smiled, and asked, “What are you

calling to find me? Did you miss me?”

Harvey hurriedly said: “Of course I miss you, I don’t want to do it all the time, but the

main reason I call is to ask you about something.”

Cynthia giggled and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Harvey blurted out: “Kim was taken away when he got off the plane to prepare for a


“Really?” Cynthia said in surprise: “Kim is a public figure. In broad daylight, who would

dare to kidnap him?”

Harvey sighed: “Don’t mention it, there is news that he was taken to the Shangri-La

Hotel in Aurous Hill.

I wonder if it has anything to do with your Wade family?”

Cynthia was shocked, and blurted out, “What did you say?! Aurous Hill?!”

Chapter 3068

Since Cynthia left Aurous Hill, as long as she heard the word “Aurous Hill”, she

immediately felt hairy all over his body.

She has always regarded this city as her life’s Waterloo, and it may be the Waterloo that

she will never be able to come out again in this life, psychologically there has long been

a shadow like a black hole.

Harvey heard that her voice was a little unnatural, and hurriedly asked: “Cynthia, what’s

wrong with Aurous Hill? Is there any problem?”

She asked subconsciously: “You just said that Kim is tied up in Shangri-La?”

“Yeah!” Harvey said quickly: “The feedback came back, indeed, he was taken to ShangriLa.

I don’t know if this matter has anything to do with the Wade family, but isn’t Shangri-La

a wholly-owned property of your family?

I just want to ask you for help and find out what’s going on…”

When Cynthia heard this, she almost immediately concluded that the incident of Kim

being tied must have something to do with Charlie.

Otherwise, as Issac, himself would never dare to attack Kim.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help asking Harvey: “Did Kim offend someone?”

“Offending somoone?” Harvey said embarrassingly: “This kid offends people all day

long, and he is unobtrusive all day long, but he still has a sense of measure in his heart.

If he can’t afford to offend people, he must not dare to provoke them casually.”

As he said, he continued: “I’m afraid that he will provoke the kind of stunner who

doesn’t care about anything.

In case the other party gets angry, regardless of his identity or the background of the

Zhong family, he simply wants to punish him, then but it’s not easy.”

Immediately, Harvey said imploringly: “Could you please call the person in charge of

your Wade family in Aurous Hill?”

Cynthia hesitated for a moment and said without a bottom: “Okay…Then I first inquire

about the specific situation.”

“Okay!” Harvey heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “By the way, Cynthia, don’t you

like jade?

I asked someone to buy a bracelet of emperor green from a Burmese, and it has been

sent to me. Have a look at it. When you have time, come to my house to have a try?”

Cynthia was a little happy at once, and deliberately smiled and asked, “Then your

intention is to let me try the bracelet, or do you want to trick me into coming to your


Harvey smiled and said: “How can you use the word trick? It just happened that Kim is

not here today.

If I can be sure that this child is safe, then in the next few days he will be in Aurous Hill,

and the two of us will be able to stay here. I want to stay with you for few days


Chapter 3069

Cynthia smiled and said, “Okay! I’ll call and ask, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Harvey said with joy: “That’s really great! I’m waiting for your good news!”

She said: “Okay, hang up first, I’ll call and ask.”

Cynthia, when hung up, felt a little unsure in her heart.

She thought to herself: “If Kim really offends Charlie, then I am afraid there is really no

good way…”

“After all, Charlie dared to detain even his aunt, let alone a second generation lad with

no blood relationship?”

However, she changed her mind and thought: “Regardless of whether there is a way, I

should call first to find out what’s going on.

After all, Mr. Zhong has called me, and I will do my best.”

In recent years, Cynthia and Harvey have maintained an improper relationship between


Harvey’s wife passed away early, and he has been traveling through the flowers for

many years, and he has often contaminated women.

As for Cynthia, he also disliked that her husband’s strength was getting worse and her

husband was becoming less and less capable, so she had lost love for her husband a

long time ago.

Originally, she wanted to get a divorce, but the old man of the Wade family felt that his

daughter is now in her forties and.

Now the divorce is really insulting, so he didn’t agree to it.

Cynthia had always been wholeheartedly trying to please the old man to agree to her,

seeing that he didn’t want her to divorce him, he didn’t mention it again.

However, since the relationship broke down, Cynthia has separated from her husband

directly, and the two of them rarely see each other now, they are basically strangers, but

the relationship as husband and wife still exists.

As for Cynthia and Harvey, they were originally old classmates, and they had no

improper relationship at first.

But at a class reunion a few years ago, Cynthia drank some wine. After drinking,

everyone talked about the status quo.

She complained to her classmates about the breakdown of her relationship with her

husband, but she couldn’t get a divorce because of her father’s disagreement.

Harvey, who had long been widowed, was thinking about it.

For him, who travels through the flowers, he must not look down upon a half-aged

mistress like Cynthia.

Chapter 3070

Although Cynthia still has the charm, after all, her age is here, no matter how much

attention he pays to appearance, he can’t compare with the young girls of eighteen,

nineteen, or twenties.

And Harvey, an old hooligan who has already let go of himself, has always had a good

taste in choosing women.

Even he is over 50 years old, he basically won’t even look at a woman over 25 years old.

However, Cynthia’s situation is relatively special.

In any case, she is the eldest lady of the Wade family, let alone how much property she

can inherit from the Wade family in the future, her identity and resources in the family

alone contain powerful energy and benefits.

Therefore, since the class meeting, he began to show great hospitality to her.

Although Cynthia is already a half-old m!lf, she is still a woman after all.

Moreover, just like people say that a woman is a teenager until he dies, no matter how

old a woman is, she also has a girlish heart.

In himself, Harvey is dignified, personable, and the head of the Zhong family.

Although the grandfather of the Zhong family has many heirs, the overall strength of

the Zhong family is still considerable, much stronger than Cynthia’s defeated husband’s

family, so The whole is more in line with Cynthia’s requirements for the other half.

Under Harvey’s meticulous all-round attack by a veteran of the love scene, Cynthia

quickly fell into it, feeling that the whole person was glowing like a second spring.

As a result, the two people quietly hooked up together.

Harvey tried his best to make her feel the feeling of love again, and she did give him a

lot of feedback on resources.

For her, she was really affectionate for Harvey, and wanted to be with him openly when

she was divorced.

Although Harvey didn’t really like her, but based on her identity and background, he

also very much hoped to be able to Marry her into his house.

The reason why the two did not dare to take this step was mainly because Old Wade did

not let Cynthia divorce.

Therefore, she also had her own set of plans.

She was thinking, anyway, the old man can live for a few years, and she will not be

divorced, married or not, and she is not in a hurry for the past few years.

After all, although the two can’t make it public, they have been looking for various

opportunities to secretly pass the song.

Since they can eat by stealing food, they don’t care when the seats will start.

Moreover, if you don’t get married first, you can still cater to the father’s requirements

and make him happy, so you will have a greater chance of inheriting the property in the


Maybe when the old man is happy, he can allocate more to her.

Chapter 3071

In this way, after getting the inheritance and then divorcing the original spouse and

marrying Harvey openly, wouldn’t she be completely perfect for the rest of his life?

It was precisely because Cynthia really had a real feeling for Harvey that she decided to

call Issac when she was obviously afraid of Charlie.

Coincidentally, Kim at this time just took back his mobile phone.

After Charlie asked him to pass the phone to him, he threatened coldly: “Remember, you

can only call Cynthia.

If you dare to call the second person, I will cut your hand!”

Kim was resentful in his heart, but how dare he pretend to be forceful on his face.

He can only honestly nod and say: “Don’t worry, I will call Aunt Wade!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t forget to turn on the speaker!”

Kim nodded angrily. As soon as he turned on his phone’s screen, he immediately found

that there were multiple APP pushes on his phone.

And with so many posts, the titles are all related to him!

Some are “Kim made a mistake in buying fans again, and the scene of hilarious scenes


There is also “Kim met three hundred warriors to pick up the plane in Aurous Hill. The

scene is chaotic and comparable to a blockbuster!”

There are even a few that wrote: “Kim: I’m serious about buying fans!”, “Kim: Buying fans

professionally for a hundred years!”, “Kim: I don’t make fans, I’m just fake fans porter!”

Seeing these push notifications, he didn’t need to click to view the details, and knew

that this group of people must have posted the ugly accident at the airport on the


Moreover, he was so embarrassed at the airport, this kind of video may become popular

once it comes online…

Needless to think about it, the netizens on the Internet are definitely launching a barge

of mockery at him.

Maybe his fame will be completely finished this time.

In the entertainment industry, there are occasional scandals that can be justified, but if

the scandal becomes too big, it may be difficult to have a chance to come back in this


Seeing him staring at the phone with a pale face, Charlie murmured, “What are you still

doing in a daze? Call now!”

Chapter 3072

Kim’s aggrieved eyes blushed and he almost shed tears, but he managed to endure it,

immediately dialed Cynthia’s phone, and then pressed the speaker again.

In his opinion, whether he can make a comeback and kill this extremely arrogant guy is

all dependent on this phone call!

At this moment, Cynthia was about to call Issac. She suddenly received a call from Kim.

She was a little astonished and shocked.

Then she hurriedly pressed the access button and blurted out: “Kim, what’s the matter

with you?”

Your dad called me just now and said that you were taken away in Aurous Hill, and he

was anxious.”

Kim seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and cried, “Auntie, you have to save

me, Auntie!”

Cynthia hurriedly said: “Kim, don’t worry, and tell your aunt slowly, what is going on?”

Kim’s grievances full of stomach could no longer be suppressed, and he choked and

said, “Auntie, a guy named Charlie asked Issac from the Wade family to tie me to


They also found hundreds of brawny men.

When I came to the airport they humiliated me, I suspect that this guy is a relative of the

Wade family. You must help me to get justice!”

Speaking of this, Kim suddenly started to cry.

When Cynthia heard this, her heart suddenly became cold.

She murmured in her heart: “In all of Aurous Hill, I can help you deal with anyone you

provoke, but Charlie can’t be provoked, but you still provoke Charlie…

You also asked me to help you be fair, you know that when Charlie detained me in

Aurous Hill, no one could help me get justice…”

Seeing that Cynthia on the other end of the phone stopped talking, Kim immediately

asked in a hurry: “Auntie, are you listening?”

Cynthia suddenly came back to her senses: “Huh? Uh…I…I’m listening…”

Kim lost control of his emotions, crying in disintegration, and said, “Auntie…you…you

must help me…I…I grew up so much, I never…never ever suffered this…such a grievance.


“And… and they not only humiliated me, but… they fcuking beat me!”

“Now my… my face is pumped… it’s swollen…”

“But I will be attending Sara’s concert in a few days, and be her special guest…”

“The face… the face is swollen like this, how come I… how can I face people!”

“I…I can’t do that…I will wear a mask and pretend…I will pretend to be the King of

Masked Singer…”

Chapter 3073

Cynthia heard him cry like this on the other end of the phone, but her heart was very


She sighed, and asked, “Kim… why did you provoke Charlie?”

Kim cried and said, “I…I just quarreled with him on the phone, but I didn’t think I was

caught by his people when I got off the plane…”

Cynthia said helplessly: “Kim, anyone you provoke in Aurous Hill your aunt can help you

solve it, but when it comes to Charlie, your auntie is also powerless!”

“Ah?!” Kim blurted out subconsciously: “Why Auntie! You are the eldest lady of the

Wade family, and he is just a relative of the Wade family. Why can’t you afford to offend


Cynthia said in embarrassment: “Kim, he is not a relative of the Wade family, he is the

son of my second brother Changying!”

As soon as she said this, Kim’s mind buzzed.

He has heard of Changying’s name since he was a child.

As for Charlie, he didn’t quite understand it.

He only knew that Changying had died early, and that a son had also disappeared long


But he never thought that Changying’s son turned out to be the cold-faced young man

in front of him!

He exclaimed in his heart:

“No wonder he is not afraid of me at all! It turns out that he is not a relative of the Wade

family, but a descendant of the Wade family!

He is the grandson of Zhongquan, the elder of the Wade family!”

Thinking of this, his legs became soft for a while, so soft that they started swinging back

and forth.

However, he suddenly thought of something and cried and said: “Auntie, according to

you, Charlie is your nephew and you are his aunt.

Please help me with a few good things. Plead ask him to have mercy and beg him to let

me go…”

Kim is not a fool. He knows the kind of relationship between Cynthia and his father.

Although he didn’t want to be in his twenties and have multiple stepmothers, if this

stepmother is rich and powerful, he would also raise his hands in agreement, so he felt

fine with this situation.

Since Cynthia has feelings for his father, she has to help him with anything about this


Moreover, he didn’t find it difficult.

After all, Cynthia is Charlie’s aunt!

If his aunt asked him to let him go, he could never refuse, right?

If you are yourself, if your aunt helps others to intercede, you will definitely save her


However, just when he felt that Cynthia would definitely be able to handle this matter

for him, she on the other end of the phone said embarrassedly:

“Kim…Auntie is all powerless in this matter…”

Kim was dumbfounded, and blurted out with a face full of disbelief: “Auntie, why is


Cynthia said awkwardly: “Although Charlie is my nephew, if I intercede for you, I think he

will probably not give me this face… Maybe… maybe even… …”

Kim hurriedly asked: “Auntie, what will happen?”

Cynthia said helplessly: “If I come forward to help you intercede, maybe it will hurt you


Chapter 3074

When Kim heard this, his whole body was dumbfounded.

He thought to himself: “Is this the fcuking human? How could there be such a thing?!

This stinky lady with the surname Wade is not a guardian, knowing that I have offended

her nephew, so she deliberately doesn’t want to intercede and help me?!”

When he was angry, Cynthia said apologetically: “Kim, Auntie really didn’t lie to you.

If I open this mouth, Charlie’s punishment to you can only be aggravated, and there is

no possibility to lessen it…”

Kim found Cynthia’s voice very sincere, and he was even more puzzled.

He blurted out, “This…why is this Auntie…I…I can’t figure it out…Are you not his aunt?

Isn’t he even from Wade family? Is he unwilling to give you face?”

Cynthia laughed mockingly, and said, “Hehe…he giving me face? His men dared to beat

me! And after his men beat me, he didn’t turn towards me, but instead turned towards

his men.

And he detained me in Aurous Hill for the New Year’s Eve, and I begged him, but he

ignored me at all, and it was useless for my dad to intercede for me…”

Speaking of this, Cynthia felt sour when she thought of her experience when she was

imprisoned in a slum in Aurous Hill, and she couldn’t help sobbing.

Later, she said again: “You say, auntie can’t even intercede for herself, how can intercede for you?”

Kim was dumbfounded, as if ten thousand people were slashing the glass with a blade at the same time, the brain was almost out.

He blurted out subconsciously: “This…this is a brute! Who would treat his aunt like this!”

Cynthia felt the same way, and sighed: “Kim, you are right…”

Charlie, who had not spoken, suddenly asked: “Cynthia Wade, have you forgotten why I

imprisoned you in Aurous Hill?”

Cynthia suddenly heard Charlie’s voice, and her heart was shocked.

She didn’t even bother to think about it, and blurted out: “Kim, you… have you turned

on the speakerphone?!”

Kim said awkwardly: “It’s… Charlie asked me to…”

Chapter 3075

Cynthia changed her words when she was very eager to survive, and said, “I didn’t finish

what I said just now!

The reason why Charlie imprisoned me is entirely because I did the wrong thing, and I

take the blame for it!”

After speaking, she said hurriedly and flatteringly: “Charlie, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t

finish my words just now, but I didn’t mean anything else…”

Kim’s worldview has collapsed!

“Is this the fcuking Cynthia?!”

“Is this the fcuking young lady who is famous in Eastcliff?!”

“Do everyone in Eastcliff not know that she has always been arrogant and domineering,

always doing whatever she wants, and never putting anyone in her eyes!”

“But, she is now shocked by the Charlie in front of me? Knowing that he is listening, it

feels like a mouse has met a cat in an instant?! This full desire to survive is too terrible!”

“Is Cynthia too weak or Charlie too strong?!”

Just when Kim was shocked, Charlie asked Cynthia, “So, in fact, you don’t want to plead

for this kid, right?”

Cynthia awkwardly got goosebumps all over her body.

She found that Charlie was really bad.

She couldn’t help but slander in her heart: “If you don’t want to let Kim go, just say that

you can’t forgive him, and it’s useless for anyone to intercede?”

“But you have to be in front of Kim and force me to admit that I didn’t come to

intercede with him.

Didn’t you trap me in injustice? Maybe I will be his stepmother in the future.

If you have your say and I do nothing, will this kid be against me in the future?”

Therefore, Cynthia could only bite the bullet and pleaded:

“Charlie, Kim, this child is actually quite good, but sometimes he gets a little irritated,

and I hope you can look at your aunt’s face and spare him once.”

Charlie smiled and said word by word: “Sorry, aunt, with me, you really don’t have such a

big face!”

After that, Charlie’s voice became cold and stern: “If you didn’t come to Aurous Hill so

arrogantly at the beginning, I would think you are the face of my elders, and I must give

you enough face and respect.”

“But you are too self-righteous to be wrong!”

“You are always arrogant, and it feels like the whole world has to obey your command!”

“But, I don’t care about your domineering ways, it won’t work in Aurous Hill!”

Cynthia was extremely depressed by Charlie’s remarks, but she did not dare to express

any dissatisfaction.

Chapter 3076

Cynthia could only improvise and said: “Charlie, I did not do many things right before.

After this time of reflection, I have been deeply impressed. Realized my mistakes…”

She said, “As for Kim, I believe he should have been confused for a while. Give him a

chance to rehabilitate.

He will definitely be able to realize where he went wrong, and he will definitely be able


Charlie interrupted her directly and said indifferently: “Okay, you don’t need to intercede

for him anymore.

An arrogant second generation lad like him can’t really realize where he is wrong.”

Kim cried and said, “Mr. Wade, I know I was wrong. I didn’t know you and offended you.

I will never do this again in the future. Please forgive me this time…”

Charlie sneered: “Look, you think you have eyes but don’t know the reality, which proves

that you don’t realize where your real mistake is!

What does it mean to have eyes but don’t know the reality? It’s just that, if I am stronger

than you, you kneel down and lick;

If I am weaker than you, you jump up and step on me, just garbage like you, can’t be

released into society before you are completely reformed!”

As he said, he took his cell phone from Kim and said to Cynthia on the other end of the


“I heard that you have a good relationship with Kim’s father, so please help me to send

him a message.”

Cynthia hurriedly said, “Speak up, I must convey it to him!”

Charlie said: “It’s not impossible to let Kim become a horse. I give him two options.

One is to stay in Aurous Hill temporarily, and when my shipping company starts, go

directly to my ship as a seaman for two years.

No disembarkation is allowed during the year, and when the time is up for two years, I

will let him leave!”

Cynthia’s eyelids twitched!

Be a seaman for two years? ! How much sin would he have to suffer?

When Kim heard this, his whole body collapsed completely.

He didn’t expect Charlie to be so cruel!

He is a member of the entertainment industry, and he will continue to work in the

industry in the future.

If he lets himself be a sailor on a ship for two years, isn’t his career in the entertainment

industry completely over?

What’s more, he can’t get off the ship for two years. What’s the difference between this

and two years in jail? !

Thinking of this, he blurted out and asked: “What is the second choice?!”

Charlie glanced at him and said lightly: “The second option is, I interrupt your two legs

and you crawl all the way back to Eastcliff!”

Chapter 3077

When Kim heard that Charlie was about to break his legs and let him crawl to Eastcliff,

he was full of anxiety.

He has been in the second-generation circle of the city for more than 20 years.

Based on his understanding of this circle, the people in this class, although arrogant and

ruthless, are basically dealing with outsiders.

Only when it comes to insiders, most people tend to converge a little.

For example, he himself has bullied others and interrupted other people’s legs for so

many years. He has done it more than once, but it was aimed at some poor people

whose backgrounds are far less powerful than his.

Really want to treat someone in the same circle. Yes, everyone will save some face to the

other party.

After all, they all have money and power, and businesses will overlap every three to five,

so they all know that they have to stay in line with each other for everything.

This has long become an unspoken rule for everyone in the second-generation circle.

But Kim found that Charlie in front of him didn’t seem to care about this established


So, he blurted out: “Charlie, if you really interrupt my legs, my family will not let you go,

and you will be rejected and isolated by everyone in the circle.

Or I will yield to you. If I kowtow to admit my mistakes and pay you a little bit more, you

can let me go!”

Charlie said blankly: “I have told you about the two choices. Now you choose one by

yourself. Within minutes, if you haven’t told me, your final choice will be in the first two

years. It becomes three years, and the second option remains the same.”

Seeing that Charlie’s oil and salt were not entering, Kim hurriedly yelled into the phone:

“Auntie, you can help me say something nice, Auntie…”

Cynthia sighed and said, “Kim, your aunt advises you to choose the first one as soon as


If you drag on, it will change from two years to three years. I’m afraid you can’t stand


After speaking, Cynthia added: “You can’t choose the second one. Don’t think Charlie is

just talking about it and won’t do it.

If he says that he’s doing the same, he will definitely not change his mind.

Delong from the Kevin family, because he offended Charlie, went to Aurous Hill from

Eastcliff on a bicycle and lived in the dirtiest and worst shanty town of the city. Life is not

as good as a beggar…”

Chapter 3078

Since being educated by Charlie, Cynthia has been investigating his actions secretly. The

more investigations, the more she fears him. Therefore, as a person who came by, she

immediately helped Kim to make the best choice.

In her opinion, the best situation for him right now is to quickly agree to the first choice

Charlie gave him, otherwise, the following conditions will only get worse and worse.

When Kim heard Cynthia talk about Delong, he was shocked to speak.

He and Delong have a pretty good relationship. The two have been together before.

Then one day, Delong suddenly became neurotic, wearing a green helmet and riding a

two-eight bar and left Eastcliff.

Everyone in the circle said that there was a problem with his brain, but he didn’t expect

that it was also a gift from Charlie…

This made him feel a little more jealous of Charlie in his heart.

However, if he really wants to choose to be a seaman for two years, he will never be


After all, for a rich second generation like him, a life of spending time and wine every

day is a paradise on earth, but once you get on a boat and become a seaman, what you

have to face every day is the vast sea. What kind of boring life it will be?

And Charlie also prevented him from disembarking for two years. What’s the difference

between this and imprisonment?

Just when he didn’t know what to do, Charlie reminded him: “It will be a minute soon!”

Kim suddenly panicked.

He didn’t know whether he should choose the first one. After all, he was not willing to

play with Charlie like this. He also hoped that his father could rescue him after learning

about it.

Just when he was hesitant, Cynthia on the other end of the phone said anxiously: “Kim,

first get the best conditions in his hands before talking!

Otherwise, if there is no room for mediation, then you will not at least get the worst


Chapter 3079

This sentence of Cynthia awakened Kim in an instant.

Cynthia is right. Even if she still hopes to have the opportunity to mediate, he should

first grasp the best conditions now.

Otherwise, two years will be three years, and when he has to accept it, it will be a loss of

one year time in vain!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “I choose the first one!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “But one minute has passed. Now the first option

is to go to sea as a seaman for three years. During these three years, you are not

allowed to disembark.”

Kim suddenly weakened his legs and cried, “Charlie, I beg you to stop playing with me. I

will choose the first one. Isn’t it enough for two years?”

Charlie said helplessly: “Sorry, the rules of the game cannot be broken. Now the first

choice is three years. I will give you one more minute. After you think about it carefully,

tell me if you want to accept it.

In the end, if you haven’t made a choice after one minute, the first choice will become

four years!”

Kim suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, he has already regretted his intestines.

If he knew it was the current situation, and he wouldn’t come to Aurous Hill even if he

was killed.

Taking a step back, he knew that two years would really become three years, and he had

already made the choice in the first place.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

In order not to continue to expand the loss, he had no choice but to choke his head and

said: “Okay! I choose the first one!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Okay, in that case, you will have to stay in Aurous Hill

for a few days first.

When my ocean shipping company opens, I will arrange for you a route that suits you as

soon as possible. Then you can get on the boat.”

Kim cried and pleaded: “Charlie, can you please let me attend Sara’s concert as usual. I

am her special guest. Fans all over the country are waiting to see me at the concert… “

Charlie sneered: “Still thinking about the concert? I tell you, from now on, to the

expiration of the three-year period, you will not have any chance to appear in the public

eye again.

Even if you board the ship, I will arrange people to observe you and will not let you

show up or let you have any opportunity to communicate with the outside world!”

Chapter 3080

Kim collapsed instantly.

For this concert, he carefully planned for a long time, and also made a lot of

preparations, including a live song to confess to Sara.

Originally, he felt that he had a great opportunity to win her heart through this concert,

but if Charlie didn’t let him participate in the concert, wouldn’t all his preparations be

lost? !

If he doesn’t see Sara and come back three years later, she might already be married…

He knelt and crawled in front of Charlie, just about to open his mouth to plead with him.

At this moment, Charlie’s mobile phone rang suddenly, and someone sent him a request

for a WeChat video call.

Charlie unlocked the phone and saw the video call, and it turned out to be Sara.

So, he accepted it. Soon, Sara’s exquisite and beautiful face appeared in the video. She

smiled happily and asked, “Charlie, I just saw Kim hire a fan in Aurous Hill on the

Internet. The video is so funny, shouldn’t you do this thing?!”

Kim heard Sara’s voice all at once.

At this moment, his whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and his whole

person was frozen in there, unable to move.

He really didn’t know that Charlie actually knew Sara.

After all, he had never heard of the marriage contract between Sara and Charlie at a very

early age.

At this moment, Charlie looked at Sara in the video and asked with a smile: “Why do you

think I did this thing?”

Sara said with a grin: “Although Kim is indeed stupid, I don’t think he should be so


Besides, you can only do things like this kind of evil and fun, I think you can only do

things like this. No other person can’t think of such a detrimental trick!”

When Kim heard this, there was a sorrow in his heart, and at the same time he couldn’t

help crying in his heart: “Am I a fool in Sara’s mind?”

Charlie smiled calmly at this time: “You guessed it, I really did it.”

Sara smiled and asked, “Charlie, have you had any encounters with Kim before?”

Chapter 3081

“No encounters.” Charlie said: “I haven’t seen him before.”

Sara asked curiously: “Then why do you want to fix Kim?”

Charlie smiled and said: “This guy is a bit too arrogant, he will take a lesson if he can’t

see it.”

Sara nodded and asked, “Charlie, is Kim controlled by your people now?”

Charlie said: “Yes, he has been detained by my people now, what’s wrong?”

Sara hurriedly said, “Charlie, but can I beg you for something?”

Charlie said: “What are you doing so politely with me? Let’s talk, as long as I can do it, I

will promise you!”

When Kim heard this, he became excited deep in his heart, and he thought to himself:

“Could it be… Sara going to intercede for me?! So, in her mind, although I am a bit

stupid, I am still very important!”

“And… Charlie actually said that as long as it can be done, he will definitely promise

Sara. If Sara really asks him to let me go, won’t I be able to be free again?!”

Just when he was excited about seeing hope and finding warmth in his heart, Sara said,

“Charlie, I want you to help me detain him for a few more days.

It is best to deduct until the end of my concert. I really don’t want him to be my concert

guest at all! If he can’t come, then I’m really thankful!”

When Kim heard this, the fire of hope that just gushed out from deep in his heart was

completely extinguished in an instant!

He never dreamed that the reversal of this matter would be so big!

He never dreamed that when Sara could let Charlie spare him with a single word, she

actually wanted him to shut him for a few more days!

“Couldn’t she just look down on me like this?!”

“Could it be that she doesn’t want me to appear in her concert so much?!”

Charlie heard Sara’s request and said with a little embarrassment: “Sara, I forgot to tell

you that Kim is right in front of me.”

With that, he switched the camera and took Kim in the frame, who was kneeling on the


Chapter 3082

Sara was really surprised when she saw Kim, before she said: “Kim, since you are here,

then I will open the skylight to speak up.

This concert in Aurous Hill is specially prepared for Charlie! It was Charlie’s birthday on

the day of the concert.

I can’t allow any flaws in this concert, so I can’t accept your presence.

You found various relationships before, which made it difficult for me to speak very well.

Understand, now that I’ve said it, then I won’t hide it, I’m really embarrassed.”

Kim suddenly collapsed and muttered in his heart: “So I am fcuking filth in Sara’s eyes, a

fcuking blemish!”

So he couldn’t help asking: “Why…why is this?”

Sara said without hesitation: “Because Charlie is the fiancé I have identified since I was a

child, and this is the first time for me to perform in front of him on his birthday, in the

city where he lives. It is very important to me. , So I can’t let you on stage.”

Speaking of this, she said apologetically: “However, for concerts in other cities, I will still

abide by the agreement, and I will not stop you from appearing on stage.”

Kim realized what a stupid mistake he had made.

Sara had chosen her unmarried life for a long time, and she even took the initiative to

run so far to perform for her fiancé, but he ran over to pursue her like a fool, but ended

up in jealousy because of offending her fiancé.

“This… isn’t this fcuking joke?!”

Thinking of this, Kim was emotionally out of control and cried and shouted: “You don’t

want me to participate, why the hell didn’t you say it earlier!

If you had said it earlier, would I still come to Aurous Hill this ghost place? If I won’t

come to Aurous Hill, Will I still suffer so many crimes in this ghost place?! You fcuking

killed me!”

Charlie immediately scolded: “Who allowed you to talk to Sara in this tone? I’ll give you

a chance to repeat it. There is one more word that I don’t want to hear. It will be

changed from three years to four years!”

Kim shuddered immediately, and immediately put away the angry attitude just now, and

said with an urn voice: “Sara…I was too impulsive just now, I…I didn’t mean anything, I’m


Sara said earnestly: “I’m sorry Kim, I actually rejected you long ago, but you have found

so many relationships everywhere, and it makes me difficult to refuse, so I can only

reluctantly agree temporarily, but I already had planned in your heart.

When the concert starts, I will tell all the audience directly and publicly at the concert

that you can’t be there because of a temporary accident, and then let the on-site

security guards stop you and not let you come on stage, this is also a helpless move

from me, sorry.”

Kim finally realized at this moment that he originally thought he had the opportunity to

pursue Sara, but he didn’t expect that he was just a self-conscious licking dog.

Moreover, the licking dog did not lick his beloved woman, but blindly licked an iron

railing of minus forty degrees, destined to be torn off by this iron railing.

This is really nothing to the last lick…

At this point, Kim was emotionally broken, lying on the ground and crying bitterly.

Charlie switched the camera back and said to Sara: “Sara, don’t worry, this thing will not

appear at any of your concerts.”

Sara nodded, and said unbearably: “Charlie, don’t embarrass him too much, this is

indeed inappropriate for me.”

Charlie waved his hand: “There is nothing inappropriate about what you did. It is that he

himself is shameless and stalked you, and what you just said was just your plan, and you

didn’t actually implement it. There is no need to feel any guilt for him!”

Chapter 3083

Cynthia, who was far away in Eastcliff, had been silently listening to the movement on

the phone. The more he listened, the more he felt sorry for Kim.

Cynthia couldn’t understand why Kim failed so much. After all, all he did was to pursue

Sara, but in the end, he was disgusted by Sara to this point.

It would be fine if only she was disgusted, but because this offended Charlie, it was

really too much of a gain.

Cynthia didn’t know how to explain to Harvey at this time. He was banking on her to

rescue his son, but his son was directly detained by her nephew, who wanted him to be

seen at least three years later.

Just when Cynthia was worried, her cell phone suddenly prompted Harvey’s call on the


In desperation, she could only hang up Kim’s phone and connected to the talk with


As soon as the call was made, Harvey asked impatiently: “Cynthia, how is it? Is Kim

kidnapped by your Wade family?”

Cynthia said helplessly: “Harvey, Kim called me just now. He is indeed in Shangri-La.”

Harvey hurriedly asked: “What the hell is going on? Did your Wade family’s servant over

there kidnap him on his own initiative?”

Cynthia coughed awkwardly, and said, “That… the person who kidnapped him is not a

servant of the Wade family, but my nephew.”

“Your nephew?!” Harvey said stupefiedly: “How could Kim have a conflict with your

nephew? Is it Hawade or Morgan?”

“Neither.” Cynthia whispered: “It’s Charlie!”

“Charlie?!” Harvey was even more puzzled, and blurted out: “Why don’t I know you have

a nephew named Charlie? I have never heard of him.”

Cynthia sighed, “Charlie is the son of my second brother Changying.”

Harvey exclaimed: “Changying’s son?! Didn’t he go missing a long time ago?!”

Chapter 3084

Cynthia said: “I haven’t told you about this. Charlie was found some time ago, and there

are many things you don’t know about it. That’s just a long story.”

Harvey said anxiously: “I don’t want to know what’s hidden in your family, I just want to

know, why did he tie up my son? Did my son have a feast with him?”

Cynthia said: “As far as I know, the two people should have choked on the phone. My

nephew is in Aurous Hill, so Kim was taken away by his people when he got off the


Harvey said dejectedly: “Your nephew is too awkward to do things. People in the circle

bow their heads and look up. Is it necessary to make it so ugly?

Kim is taken away by him, and the airport pick-up matter, he must have planned it


Kim will not be so messed up in the entertainment circle in the future. When he comes

back, how to settle this account with him?”

“How…” Cynthia murmured and said, “Harvey, the situation of this matter is more

complicated than you think. Kim won’t be able to come back for a while.”

“What do you mean?!” Harvey immediately asked angrily: “Isn’t your nephew ready to

let him go after such a big deal?”

“Yes.” Cynthia said helplessly: “I tried my best to persuade him, but it’s useless. He

doesn’t put me in his eyes at all.”

Harvey gritted his teeth and asked: “Then how can he release my son?”

Cynthia hesitated for a moment, and said in embarrassment: “Charlie said that he wants

Kim to be a seaman on his ship for three years.

For these three years, Kim cannot leave the ship, let alone go to the ground, and will be

able to regain freedom after three years.

“Grass!” Harvey immediately roared in anger: “What the hell is this? An international

joke?! Let my son be a seaman for three years. What does he think he is?! If he doesn’t

let my son come back today , I absolutely want him to not look good!”

Cynthia persuaded: “Harvey, listen to my advice, Charlie is not something you can afford

to provoke, even if I can’t provoke him.

You will be dealt with arbitrarily by him if you offend, not even my dad will face me.

This time Kim fell into his hands, and no one can save him, including you and me.”

“What?!” Harvey gritted his teeth and asked: “You mean that I Harvey has lived for 50

years, and I still can’t be compared to a stinky younger from your Wade family?!”

Chapter 3085

Cynthia wanted to tell him, let alone you, even the two males of the Su family who were

about your age could not escape Charlie’s claws.

But she didn’t dare to tell him this because she knew very well in her heart that if she

betrayed Charlie, he would definitely not let her go.

Therefore, she persuaded him heartily: “Harvey, I advise you to accept this matter calmly.

As for Kim, although the next three years will be more difficult, this is the best solution

right now.”

Harvey said coldly: “Cynthia, your family is really deceiving too much! Don’t you just

want to protect your nephew?

Then there is no need to use my son’s future as a price?! Besides, you put me to become

a three-year-old kid?

You thought I would be willing to let my son go wandering at sea for three years if you

persuade me? I tell you, this is daydreaming of you!”

Cynthia was anxious and blurted out: “Harvey! Don’t you understand good words? My

nephew can’t wait to ride on my neck and sh!t. Even if I try to protect a dog, I won’t

protect it if he comes after it!

The reason for advising you is complete because I am thinking about you and Kim. I and

you are in the same camp. I want to do my best to protect both of you.

If you listen to my advice, please bear with me and let this When it comes to Kim, it will

be completely over; but if you don’t listen to my persuasion and go to trouble with

Charlie, then I bet that you will have to go on board with him in the end!”

Harvey was skeptical, and said: “I’ll call Elder Wade and let him be fair! I don’t believe he

can allow his grandson to bully people like this!”

Cynthia said weakly: “Okay, as long as you don’t bother to trouble Charlie, just call my

dad. You can see what he says.”

Harvey directly hung up the phone and immediately called Zhongquan, the elder of the

Wade family.

Zhongquan knows Harvey, and his father was also a good friend with him as well.

At this moment, when he received the call from Harvey, he smiled and asked: “Little

Zhong, why do you think of calling me?”

Harvey hurriedly said: “Uncle, there is something, I have to ask you to call the shots for

my Zhong family!”

After speaking, he quickly told the whole story over the phone.

After Zhongquan listened, he was slightly stunned for a moment, and he was

immediately relieved.

He thought to himself: “Charlie can’t even care about Su family, let alone a Zhong


“Even Zynn, Su’s son, was thrown to Syria by Charlie. In his eyes, your son, Harvey, I am

afraid that he is not as good as a dog.

With such a third-rate level, he dared to take the initiative to go to Aurous Hill and

jumping in front of Charlie, isn’t this trying to kill himself?”

Thinking of this, Zhongquan chuckled and said seriously: “Little Zhong, I had a good

relationship with your father back then, so I have to tell you the truth.”

Harvey hurriedly said, “Uncle, say it!”

Zhongquan said seriously: “Don’t provoke Charlie, you can’t provoke him at all!”

Chapter 3086

Zhongquan’s words made Harvey very upset deep in his heart.

In his opinion, Zhongquan’s remarks clearly meant protecting the calf.

He asked him by himself, hoping that he would be able to save face and have a good

word with Charlie to see if this matter could be reduced from a major to a minor issue.

But he never dreamed that Zhongquan would directly tell him that he couldn’t offend

his grandson?

This is too deceiving!

Zhongquan seemed to guess what he was thinking, and said seriously: “Little Zhong, I

know you must think that I am protecting Charlie in disguise.

But I tell you the truth, although he is my grandson, even if you and the whole Wade

Family intervene in this matter, we are not his opponent at all.”

Harvey naturally didn’t believe it. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but feel angry. The tone

of his speech was also a bit rushed, and he said coldly:

“I’m not a fearful man, let alone a casual ride on the neck. I owe him sh!t!

If Uncle and the whole Wade Family can really not interfere at all, I would like to weigh

with that little boy to see who has the harder wrist!”

Zhongquan sighed and said, “If you really want to break your wrist, I won’t stop you, and

I can promise you never to interfere, but if you break with Charlie and lose.

In the next few years, there is a high probability that it will be impossible to regain

personal freedom.

With so many brothers and sisters in your Zhong family, if something happens to you,

the control of the Zhong Group will be in the hands of others.”

Harvey was at a loss for words.

He listened to Zhongquan’s tone, and suddenly felt that he didn’t seem to be protecting

the calf.

However, he really made his son so unclearly detained and worked as a seaman for

three years. He couldn’t accept this kind of result in any way.

However, he also felt that if he really went to Charlie and broke his wrist, in case he lost,

as Zhongquan said, other half-brothers and sisters would rush to fight for his Resources.

Combining what Cynthia said just now, he gradually felt that she and Zhongquan didn’t

seem to lie to him.

At this moment, a hint of retreat emerged in his heart.

Chapter 3087

Immediately, he called Cynthia again, and as soon as the phone was connected, he

asked in a deep voice:

“Cynthia, tell me something, how difficult is your nephew to deal with?”

She pondered for a moment and sighed: “I haven’t been in Eastcliff for more than half a

month during the Chinese New Year, do you remember?”

“Remember.” Harvey said: “At that time, I always wondered if you had someone else out


If I asked you to meet, you would say you are not in Eastcliff, if I asked where you are,

you didn’t say anything, and you never pick up a video call with me.”

Cynthia said depressedly: “I didn’t plan to tell you about this, because it’s too

embarrassing, but since we are here, I won’t hide it from you.”

Speaking of this, Cynthia paused, took a deep breath, and said calmly: “In fact, I was in

Aurous Hill during that time.”

“Were you in Aurous Hill at that time?” Harvey hurriedly asked: “With your nephew?”

Cynthia said quietly, “I was imprisoned in a slum by him…”

“What?!” Harvey asked in amazement: “You were imprisoned by him?! Why?! You are his


Cynthia said angrily: “His aunt is in his eyes, I’m afraid it’s not as good as a sh!t.”

With that said, she remembered the original suffering, and couldn’t help but choked up,

and said:

“That time I went to Aurous Hill, and even Charlie’s subordinates could slap me


When have I suffered this kind of grievance in my life?

Over half a month during the period of time, I could only live in a shantytown with a

rent of a few hundred yuan a month, with a dedicated person looking at me.

I was unable to go out, unable to shop online, and eating in accordance with the local

minimum living standards, it was simply a purgatory on earth…”

Harvey was completely shocked.

He knew exactly what kind of person Cynthia was.

If she had suffered such a big loss under Charlie’s hands, it was enough to prove that

this man was definitely not a good crop, and he would definitely not be able to chew

the hard bones!

If even Cynthia can’t chew, then he must be choking.

Chapter 3088

He heard her cry on the other end of the phone and hurriedly said, “Cynthia, why didn’t

you tell me these things earlier?”

Cynthia sighed and said helplessly, “What’s the use of telling you this? Even I can’t

provoke him. Can I still let you go find him and let you die?”

Harvey said with some embarrassment: “You…you can be regarded as my woman.

If you say something, I will definitely be willing to go through fire and water for you!”

Cynthia smiled and said, “I will be satisfied if you have this kind of heart, but I am so old,

I can still understand who can and cannot be provoked.”

After speaking, Cynthia paused slightly and continued:

“I was just like you before. I felt that Charlie is just a Wade family member who has been

living outside for many years.

Once you come to a small place like Aurous Hill, you can’t have much power;

When I went to him as the Wade family member who had fallen outside all the yearround, seeing me, an aunt who has never left the Wade family, he must have been


But who knows that he doesn’t put anyone in his eyes at all.”

Immediately afterward, Cynthia said again: “Furthermore, not only does Charlie have

strong strength, he is deeply rooted in Aurous Hill, but more importantly, the supporters

behind him are not only the Wade family, but the entire Gu family!

It can even be said that the Gu family supports him and due to which his attitude, much

more determined than my father.”

“Gu family?!” Harvey blurted out: “Why does the Gu family support him so much?”

Cynthia asked in turn: “Philip and my second elder brother were worshiping brothers.

The two children had a marriage contract in the early years. Don’t you know about this?”

Harvey said awkwardly: “It happened more than 20 years ago, how can I remember it so


Cynthia said helplessly: “Some time ago, Philip was dying of pancreatic cancer in the late

stage, should you not know?”

“I know.” Harvey said: “I heard that it is inexplicable and better? It’s damn incredible!”

Cynthia gave a hum, and said lightly: “Charlie cured him.”

“Charlie?!” Harvey’s jaw was almost taken off, and he blurted out: “Isn’t pancreatic

cancer known as the king of cancer?

Even Steve Jobs in the United States could not be cured, how did Charlie cure him? This

is a bit of a damn against common sense. what? I can’t believe it!”

Cynthia chuckled twice: “Hehe, I don’t know how he was cured, but he was cured, so he

is not only Philip’s lifesaver, but also the only son-in-law candidate in Philip’s heart.

Philip has only one daughter. Who marries his daughter, who is the heir of Philip’s future

wealth, so think about it for yourself, can you provoke Charlie?”

Harvey really took it this time.

He finally knew that the Charlie that his son provoked is a complex of three forces.

Charlie himself is a faction of his own, with the support of the Wade family and the Gu

family behind him.

Under this circumstance, if the whole country can provoke him, Charlie might still be at


Thinking of this, his heart was desperate.

In this way, his own son can’t be saved.

After thinking about it, he went from struggling and tangled in his heart to giving up

naturally. Then he asked Cynthia, “Cynthia, can you help me?”

Cynthia said: “You say it.”

Harvey opened the mouth and said: “Request your nephew, and let me talk to Kim on

the phone…”

Chapter 3089

Hearing Harvey’s plea, Cynthia naturally couldn’t refuse, so she said:

“Wait a moment, I’ll call Charlie and ask him.”

Harvey sighed softly, and said dejectedly: “Okay, then I will trouble you, Cynthia.”

“It’s okay.” Cynthia comforted: “Harvey, don’t be too sad. I think Kim’s character is really

not mature.

It would be a good thing to hone him for three years, and if he continues to stay in the

entertainment circle like this.

I’m afraid it will be more difficult to achieve something for him in the future.”

Harvey said earnestly:

“Hey, you are right! I told him not to engage in these vain things, but this kid just

wouldn’t listen to me.

If he didn’t join this circle, he would naturally not provoke Charlie today. Such a


Cynthia said:

“Three years is not short, and long is not too long. Presumably, Charlie is just out of

punishing him, so naturally, he will protect him well. You don’t have to worry about him

too much.”

While speaking, Cynthia said again: “Also, to be honest, in fact, this matter has

developed to the present, and the result is not bad.

As long as you cover this matter and don’t reveal it to the outside, the Zhong family’s

face will not be affected.

But you have to communicate with Kim’s brokerage company.

After all, he is now a public figure. He suddenly disappeared from the public’s field of


It will definitely attract a lot of speculation.

It is better to have a more reasonable statement and inform the public in advance.”

Harvey thought for a while, and said helplessly:

“Then declare that he is going to leave the circle and go to school. This kid is not

learning and skillless all day long.

I really plan to send him abroad to study for a few years. It would take only three years

for a master’s degree.

As a result, he was reluctant to go. Now it’s okay. What’s the difference between going

on board for three years and the three-year maritime technical school?”

Cynthia comforted: “Okay, you don’t need to be too angry. I think the method you just

mentioned is quite good.

When I look back, I will ask Kim’s brokerage company to make an announcement, saying

that Kim realizes that school is important and officially announced his withdrawal from

the entertainment industry.

It can also leave a good impression that academics are important to him over other


Having said that, Cynthia continued: “If Kim can let go of those problems in the next

three years, it would be a blessing in disguise.”

Harvey gave a hum, and said: “Listening to you, I feel more comfortable.”

Cynthia giggled and said, “Feel more comfortable, right? I made you feel more

comfortable that n!ght too!”

Chapter 3090

Harvey’s heart was itchy, and he quickly asked: “Are you doing anything right now? If it’s

all right, how about coming to my house? Kim is not at home.”

Cynthia thought for a while and smiled: “Why are you so anxious?”

After finishing speaking, she didn’t wait for Harvey to speak, she continued with a bit of


“But I’m almost done here, you wait for me, I should be able to reach your home in 20


Harvey was overjoyed and said hurriedly:

“Then hurry up, I’ll be waiting for you at home, and I happen to have dinner at my place.

Don’t go back if there is nothing to do in the evening.”

“Okay.” Cynthia didn’t think much, and said: “In this way, I will call Charlie first and see if

I can let you talk to Kim.”

“It is good!”

Cynthia hung up the phone, and while letting the maid to prepare the dress, she called

Charlie, and said with a somewhat flattering tone:

“Charlie, I have already told Kim’s dad, he learned that Kim’s attitude caused an

embarrassment by offending you, when he rushed into the collision.

So Harvey doesn’t have any opinion on Kim’s punishment. After all, this kid has been

stubborn since he was a child.

Charlie didn’t expect that the aunt who was still begging Kim on the phone just now had

a big change in her attitude.

However, he was too lazy to talk to her, so he said: “Do you have anything else? I’ll hang

up if there is nothing else.”

Cynthia hurriedly said:

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, Auntie has something else I want to trouble you, the thing is

Kim’s dad wants to talk to him on the phone, don’t you think it is convenient?”

“Talking on the phone?”

Charlie frowned, glanced at Kim, who was kneeling on the ground in fear, then turned

on the speaker of the phone and said:

“Well, tell his dad that he can talk on the phone, but you can only say things at most for

two minutes.”

Seeing Charlie’s agreement, Cynthia quickly said, “Okay, okay, I’ll tell his dad, let his dad

call him directly, okay?”

“He can.”

Chapter 3091

Soon, Harvey who received the reply put the call on Kim’s cell phone.

After Charlie answered the phone, he turned on the speaker and handed the phone to


On the phone, Harvey asked tentatively: “Kim, are you there?”

When Kim heard his father’s voice, he suddenly broke down and cried,

“Dad! Dad, save me, dad! Someone here wants to send me to the ship as a crew

member for three years.

I am not allowed to disembark in the middle, Dad. Hurry up and find a way to save me


Harvey said embarrassingly: “Kim, Dad may not be able to help you with this matter.”

“What?!” Kim collapsed and blurted out, “Dad! I still have to attend Sara’s concert.

I have to prepare for my personal concert next season. You can’t leave me alone, Dad!”

“You are still thinking about that rubbish concert!”

Harvey angrily reprimanded: “When will you mature and grow up a little bit? Don’t you

think you have caused enough trouble?

Don’t think that I can rescue you every time you make a mistake. Wiping your, I’ll

tell you the truth.

I can’t help you when you are in trouble this time. You can wipe your by yourself! If

you can’t wipe it, just don’t hold it to me!”

Kim suddenly cried, and sobbed: “Dad! You can’t be so cruel, I will die if you don’t save

me, Dad!”

Harvey resented iron and steel and reprimanded: “Kim! When will you grow up? Dad is

talking about you.

Haven’t you realized that in this matter I am powerless?

You are now What we have to do is not to ask me to save you, nor to scold me for being

cruel, but to learn from the pain, reflect on your own problems, and then perform well in

the next three years!”

Kim couldn’t help raising his head to look at Charlie, thinking desperately: “It seems that

Charlie’s strength is indeed much stronger than I thought.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Cynthia to plead uselessly, and even the father cannot do


It seems that my next three years will be spent living at sea…I really can’t get away…”

At this moment, Charlie said: “Okay, time is almost up, just stay here.”

Harvey on the other end of the phone hurriedly pleaded: “Master Wade, my naughty

son is really causing you trouble. Please take care of him in the future…”

Charlie smiled and asked him: “You seem to know my aunt very well?”

Harvey hurriedly said: “It’s… an old classmate and friend for many years.”

Charlie snorted, as if he had already seen everything, and said indifferently:

“I can let my aunt who is selfish to the utmost and loves her face to her bones, put down

her body, put down the hatred of me, and humbled to help intercede.

I see you two’s relationship should be more than just old classmates and old friends.

Will you become my uncle someday?”

Chapter 3092

When Harvey heard this, he was so embarrassed that he got goosebumps all over his

body on the other side of the phone.

Immediately, he quickly denied: “Master Wade, you have misunderstood.

Your aunt and I are really just old classmates and good friends. There is absolutely

nothing improper…”

Cynthia hasn’t divorced her original partner yet. Harvey naturally dare not expose the

relationship between the two.

Otherwise, if it spreads out. Not only will he and Cynthia be discredited, but the Wade

family will also definitely force her to cut off all contacts with him for the sake of face.

Even if Cynthia really loves him and insists on marrying him, the Wade family cannot

agree, because they can’t afford to lose that person.

In that way, he and Cynthia would never want to come together in an open manner in

their entire lives.

If he insists, I’m afraid Cynthia will offend the old man and come with him, maybe in this

case she won’t get the last bit of inheritance.

Therefore, Harvey knew very well in his heart that he had to keep this secret, at least

after the old man Wade drove the crane west, and Cynthia and her original partner

formally divorced.

This thing could not be released to the public

Seeing him hurriedly denied it, Charlie has long since confirmed the relationship

between him and Cynthia. For him, he had developed the ability to analyze things


If something looks abnormal, there must be something deep in it. When Cynthia, was

detained by Charlie in Aurous Hill at the beginning, she was not reluctant to say

anything, and clamored in the rental house all day long.

So that Orvel had to pay attention and let all the neighbors living around her move out


With her dissatisfied personality, how could she be willing to put aside her face and

intercede for the son of an old classmate?

She didn’t even go out and intercede for herself.

Therefore, on the surface, her behavior this time was very abnormal, and it seemed that

it was extremely inconsistent with her personality.

But the more this happens, the more representative Harvey holds a high status in

Cynthia’s mind and is very important to her.

A woman who is nearly fifty years old had been separated from her husband for several

years, and at the same time took another man very seriously.

No matter how to solve this question, the final result is two words: “extramarital affairs.”

Chapter 3093

However, Charlie didn’t say much, but smiled indifferently: “It seems that I think too


After speaking, he checked the time and said, “Okay, let’s not say much. I will have

someone arrange a fishing boat for offshore operations in a while.

Then let the son go onboard and experience it, and wait for the ocean freighter on my

side to be ready. He can come back and board the ship.”

Harvey felt distressed for a while, but he could only sigh: “Then please take care of him,

Master Wade…”

At this time, Kim was completely ashes in his heart.

He couldn’t imagine that he was still a top star in the music industry a few hours ago,

and after a few hours, he would become a prisoner of Charlie.

Moreover, according to Charlie’s statement, he couldn’t even stay in Aurous Hill for a

few days, and he was about to be sent to a fishing boat to experience life.

The conditions of the fishing boat were definitely much worse than that of a large


Apart from other things, the fishing boats are small in tonnage, and they must be

swaying more severely in the sea.

In addition, there must be fish smell everywhere, and the conditions must be difficult.

However, he was alone and helpless in Aurous Hill at this time. He really did not dare to

yell at Charlie anymore, but he could only shed tears and bear it silently.

As a local snake, Orvel quickly found suitable fishing boat resources for Kim.

After Orvel made a phone call, he ran back to Charlie eagerly and said, “Master, to tell

you, this Kim is really lucky.”

As soon as Kim heard this, a good expectation suddenly appeared in his heart, and he


“Could it be that they can’t find suitable fishing boat resources, so I don’t have to go on

a fishing boat to experience life?”

At this time, Charlie also curiously asked Orvel: “Why so?”

Orvel smiled and said: “I have a fishery company in Feng County, which is about 200

kilometers away from Aurous Hill.

My younger brothers have been in charge of it. I just called and asked. They happened

to have two fishing boats.

To work in the South China Sea, the several boats in the fishery company’s hands are all

medium-sized fishing boats.

This type of vessel has limited tonnage, so you can’t go too far. Generally, you are

working near the South China Sea.

Return, about a month or so. They are loading supplies now and will set sail on time at 8

o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Charlie estimated that with the resources in Zhiyu’s hands, one month later, the ocean

transportation business he and her joint venture should also be able to run, and then

transfer Kim to the freighter.

But if he can’t get up within a month, just ask him to follow the fishing boat a few more


So he nodded: “Okay, choose this one!”

Chapter 3094

When Kim heard this, his eyes suddenly went dark.

“It will sail early tomorrow morning?! This is too sudden, right?”

As soon as he thought of this, he heard Charlie say:

“It’s a bit late to set sail tomorrow morning. Since it’s your company, then tell your

brothers, work hard to speed up, and strive to install before 8 o’clock this evening.

Get supplies, and then set off early. It doesn’t matter if the road can be slower. The

important thing is to let Mr. Zhong board the ship early.”

Kim’s desire to live is gone.

Orvel smiled and said, “It’s fine, Master, I’ll make a phone call!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, then you arrange a

helicopter and send him over directly, and you can send him aboard as soon as he

lands, don’t delay.”

Issac said immediately: “Okay young master!”

Afterwards, Issac immediately asked Orvel for the address. After Orvel communicated

with his subordinates over there, he directly let several of his subordinates take a

helicopter and sent the crying Kim to Feng County along the coast.

After Kim was taken away, Charlie looked at Orvel and asked with a smile: “Orvel, why

do you have a fishery company in your hand? I haven’t heard you mention it before!”

Orvel said hurriedly: “Hmm, Master Wade, you don’t know that we are the people who

take part in the game. Basically, we can do everything. I haven’t studied much, and I

don’t know too much about business, so I like investing is such a simple and direct


After that, he explained: “In most of my business, I use some resources on the road,

open up a channel, register a company, and then arrange a few brothers to start directly.

The same is true for fishery companies. I have friends and acquaintances over there. The

local maritime department has a good relationship with me.

So I registered a company, leased five or six fishing boats, and sent a few younger brothers to manage it.

Basically, I can make a net profit of one or two million yuan a year. I open a few more

businesses and earn income.”

For Orvel, he does not have a business that can grow bigger and stronger.

After all, there is no core competitiveness, so he can only earn one or two million here,

and one or two million there.

After accumulating less and more, not only can he feed more people, but he also earns

more profits. The little bit of rolling gets bigger and bigger.

Charlie nodded his head with understanding, and also intends to make five handfuls of

business, so he smiled and said:

“If you are interested, after the ocean shipping business starts, the supporting supplies

procurement business will be handed over to you to do it.”

“As far as I know, every ocean-going cargo tanker must prepare a large amount of

various materials before setting off.

Rather than handing out this business to outsiders, it is better to hand it over to

someone who is familiar and trusted.”

When Orvel heard this, the whole person was already very excited, but still a little

worried and said: “Master, I’m afraid that I am not capable enough to fulfill the


Charlie waved his hand and said, “As long as you work hard, you won’t be dragged


Then you go to Haicheng to register a company, complete the relevant qualifications,

and arrange for a strong and reliable subordinate to look at it.

When my business is running, with the conservative estimate you can make tens of

millions a year.”

Chapter 3095

Orvel was very grateful when he heard this.

In the early years, it was relatively easy for him to make money.

Relying on his special attributes and various relationships, he could make a lot of money

every year by playing side ball.

However, in recent years, he has gradually washed out.

Many things that were very profitable in the past are now no longer touched, so the

income has dropped sharply.

However, he has many disciples. The cost of keeping them and feeding these people has

not been reduced despite the decline in income.

On the contrary, as prices continue to rise and per capita income continues to rise, their

costs are also rising.

Therefore, although he had a glamorous appearance in the past few years, he has been

in a state of being stretched.

Charlie suddenly took the initiative to hand over all the supply business of the Ocean

Shipping Group to him in the future.

And the huge profits contained in it are nothing short of help for him.

Moved, Orvel couldn’t help but bowed and said, “Thank you, Master, for your support!”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “You don’t have to be so polite between you and me.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “I will give you Melba’s contact information later, and

you can talk to her directly about the business connection in the future.”

Immediately, Charlie remembered something, and said, “Oh, yes, in the future, I believe

it will be indispensable to deal with some local people.

There must be countless local snakes in this place, and you will have to arrange some

younger brothers here to help Melba solve some things that she is not good at.

I will treat this business as a security business outsourced to you at that time. The profit

margin should also be considerable.

Then, from the masters of the He family, I will arrange one or two for you.”

Orvel quickly said, “Master can rest assured, I will go all out to ensure the normal

operation of the terminal!”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded with satisfaction, and said:

“If this is the case, then you should hurry up to plan when you go back, and consult with

Melba to see what you need to prepare and do your homework in advance.”

After speaking, Charlie looked at the time, stretched his waist, and said to Orvel and


“Okay, let’s be here today. You two have worked hard too. Two days later, it will be the

concert of Sara.

Pay more attention to the situation in Aurous Hill, if there is any evil moth coming over,

please tell me in time.”

Chapter 3096

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, Zhifei from the Su family has been busy with Miss Gu’s

concert recently.

He is very courteous, and he specifically came to me and wanted to buy the biggest

billboard here.

I ignored him. I think this guy might be planning to make some monsters on the day of

the concert.

Do you want to do it in advance?”

Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Zhifei must be interesting in Sara. As the so-called fair

ladies and gentlemen are so charming, it is not wrong to like her.

As long as he doesn’t act like Kim, don’t care about him. “

Issac said earnestly: “Master, I think that he will definitely be a scourge in the future.

Instead of letting him develop like this, it is better to start early to avoid future troubles.”

After speaking, he suddenly remembered something and couldn’t help but said


“Master, or send him to Syria too, and be a company with his father over there.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Are you addicted to sending someone to Syria?”

Issac laughed and said, “It’s not true. The main reason is that the kid has impure motives

for Miss Gu and I want to get him to Syria once and for all.”

Charlie waved his hand:

“I want to cooperate with Zhiyu now. This cooperation hasn’t officially started yet. I

turned around and send her brother to Syria. How can I cooperate in the future?”

Issac said: “Master, you sent her dad to Syria, didn’t she say nothing?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “That’s different. Zhiyu’s concept of right and wrong is

very strong.

I sent her dad to Syria for several reasons that cannot be refuted.

The first is that Zynn did organize an anti-Wade alliance, there were hatreds and

grudges with my father; second, he is inferior to his beasty father, and helped him to

abuse, which indirectly caused his wife and daughter to be in danger;

Third, Zynn, as a father, not only watches his daughter indifferently in danger, He even

wandered around Chengfeng like a dog, begging for mercy. I sent him to Syria, and

Zhiyu knew he deserved it.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “However, if I also throw Zhifei into Syria now, she will

definitely not be able to accept it, and there is no reasonable reason for me to do this,

and this act can’t stand for reason.”

“Okay.” Issac said in a daze: “Actually, I just think this guy really follows Miss Gu with bad

intentions, but you can rest assured, Master, I will definitely keep an eye on him.

If he dares to fix any monsters, as long as you give a word, I will immediately control


Charlie smiled, and said, “Tomorrow the team from the Sara’s will be here. If they need

your help, you must be more dedicated.”

Issac immediately stated: “Master, don’t worry, in my heart, Miss Gu’s priority is second

only to you!”

Chapter 3097

In the early morning of the next day, the two business jets landed at Aurous Hill Airport

15 minutes apart.

There are planes landing early in the morning, which is very rare in Aurous Hill.

Because most of the first flights on duty are from the airport early in the morning, so

there are a lot of planes departing from the airport in the early morning, and there are

almost no incoming planes.

Of the two business jets, one flew from the north, and the other flew all night from the

far southwestern Indian Ocean.

This business jet flying from the north is full of Sara’s management team.

They will begin the inspection and final adjustment of the concert venue and stage

sound equipment this morning to prepare for her rehearsal tomorrow.

In the business jet flying from the Indian Ocean, apart from the flight attendant, there is

only one passenger, and this passenger is Zhiyu.

She left for the Maldives yesterday and handled the ownership change of the island with

Anson. After the formalities were completed, she flew back non-stop.

When her business jet stopped at the stand, dozens of Sara’s team members in the

business jet in front had already left in the airport shuttle bus.

She got into an off-road vehicle prepared at the airport and headed to the business jet


When she finished the entry formalities and walked out of the passage, she happened to

meet Sara’s team members picking up luggage in the luggage area.

Seeing this group of people’s large bags and small bags, as well as various professional

flight cases, Zhiyu glanced more subconsciously, and then guessed the origin of this

group, knowing that they must be Sara’s team.

However, she didn’t think much, so she planned to bypass them directly to the exit, and

then go to the parking building to pick up the car and go home.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a familiar man appeared in her field of vision. This man was

her brother Zhifei.

At this moment, he rushed in from the outside and came directly to a female leader of

Sara’s team, and smiled diligently:

“Oh, a lot of people! But I was looking forward to it. You had to board the plane so early.

Have you worked hard all the way?”

Tasha smiled awkwardly, and asked in surprise, “Why did Master Su arrive at the airport

so early?”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “I’m was afraid that you will be struggling too hard, so I wanted to

bring the convoy to pick you up.

The convoy is waiting outside and can take you to the hotel at any time!”

Chapter 3098

Seeing Zhifei, Zhiyu hurriedly stopped and turned sideways silently so as not to be

recognized by him.

At the same time, she quietly looked at him twenty or thirty meters away from her


Seeing her brother’s courageous and flattering look in front of Tasha, she suddenly felt a

little sick in her heart.

She suddenly felt that the men of the Su family had a very strong purpose in doing


Take her father as an example. The two women almost died at the hands of her

grandfather, but when her grandfather needed him to act as a facade, he was still able

to put everything down and return to his father to play the role of a filial son.

In the final analysis, he wanted to strive for the seat of the Su family heir.

In the face of this purpose, the daughter is not that important at all.

As for the older brother, the same is true.

A few days ago, he had just sat down, the fact that he still stood in line with his

grandfather after she and her mother were almost killed by grandfather.

From this alone, it can be seen that his pursuit of utilitarianism is comparable to that of

his father.

The same is true for Sara.

Even with so many things happening at home, his pursuit of Sara has not been affected

in any way, and there has never been a momentary pause.

At the moment, only Sara’s brokerage team is coming to the airport, but even so, her

brother has personally come forward to greet them, from this we can see how diligent

he is.

Zhifei came to pick up Tasha and coworkers’ entourage early in the morning, just to

please the people around Sara first.

He felt that as long as these people feel that he is a good man with good intentions,

these people will definitely say good things for him in front of Sara.

In his opinion, most women seem to be assertive, but in fact, there is not much

assertiveness and persistence in their bones.

Many girls don’t like a man at first, but once people around her are blowing air in her

ears, brainwashing her, and constantly saying good things about the man, her heart will

change little by little.

And many boys will use this as a tactic after pursuing girls to no avail, and there are countless successful cases in the market.

Therefore, Zhifei made a special trip to the airport to show his courtesy to Tasha and

other Sara’s team members.

Chapter 3099

In order to pursue Sara, Zhifei did not bother much during this time.

During this period of time in Aurous Hill, he has been carrying Sara’s team on his back,

paying for them with his own money, and secretly upgrading the hardware for the

concert this time.

Originally, Sara’s various equipment configurations for this concert have reached the

upper limit of commercial performances, and the cost was so high that it was almost

close to the revenue balance line.

And this level of equipment is already the limit of global commercial concerts. Even top

singers such as Michael Jackson and Beyoncé would not be higher than this.

But Zhifei felt that he must let Sara feel his own good intentions.

Therefore, he spent money to buy the team responsible for the sound and lighting of

the concert and the stage art.

With Sara’s team on his back, he replaced the hardware and equipment such as the

sound and lighting of the concert with the top level of the Olympic opening ceremony.

The freight for these equipments from overseas by air alone cost millions, plus the

equipment leasing and commissioning costs, the overall cost has exceeded 30 million.

You must know that only tens of thousands of people will participate in a concert, and

the face price of the performance ranges from one to two thousand to two to three

hundred. If you take the median, the per capita ticket price is only one thousand. The

box office revenue is only a mere tens of millions.

For any team, it is impossible to spend 30 million to build on-site equipment, because in

this way, even if all the concert tickets are sold out, they will lose at least 15 million.

But Zhifei didn’t care.

What he wanted was to use this almost stupid generosity in exchange for Sara’s favor.

Throwing thirty million, just to make the concert of his sweetheart reach the top

international level, Zhifei himself is happy with his arrangements, and he felt that this

move would definitely win Sara’s favor.

Moreover, he even thought that if his confession at the concert is unsuccessful, he

would look for a public relations company to bring the rhythm to the whole network.

By then, as long as the media exposes the fact that he is spending 30 million, and then

puts himself in an “infatuated man” persona, it will invisibly bring strong psychological

pressure to Sara.

Sometimes, moral kidnapping is also a good way to pursue the other party.

Tasha, who is like any other human being, naturally knows why Zhifei is so diligent.

She hurriedly said to Zhifei: “Mr. Su you don’t have to be so polite. I have communicated

with the execution company that cooperated with us before in Aurous Hill. They have

arranged a pick-up vehicle, so we won’t bother you.”

Chapter 3100

Zhifei heard this and knew that the other party was deliberately keeping a distance from

him, but he was not angry.

Instead, he smiled and said: “Tasha, you may not know that the bus driver that the

executive company arranged for you, had a sudden illness this morning, and he went to

the emergency department of the hospital.

The executive company was unable to find an alternative immediately, so I hurried over

to prevent you from waiting at the airport.

After all, you are not only crowded, but also so with more baggage equipment, the need

for taxis will definitely be endless.”

When Tasha heard this, she guessed that whether it was true or false, she could not

refuse Zhifei, because they were relatively short on time.

So they have to hurry to the hotel to check-in, put down their luggage, and immediately

follow the schedule.

They have to take all kinds of equipment to the venue. If they don’t take the vehicles

arranged by Zhifei, it might be a delay of two or three hours.

So she had no choice but to say thankfully: “Mr. Su, thank you so much…”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “What are you doing so politely with me.”

After speaking, he quickly reached out and took Tasha’s suitcase, and said: “The convoy

is right outside the door, let’s set off quickly.”

“Okay.” Tasha nodded and hurriedly said to the staff around her: “Everyone quickly pick

up the luggage, and then take the car to the hotel. Time is tight, everyone move faster.”

The group hurriedly sorted their luggage and items, and together with Tasha, headed to

the exit under the leadership of Zhifei.

At this time, outside the exit of the corporate jet building, more than ten black Rolls Royce cars and two vans were parked neatly.

Such a grand stage shocked the young people in the team. 

Because Sara was low-key and never used top luxury cars like Rolls-Royce, most of her

staff had never had the opportunity to ride in a Rolls-Royce as well.

Now they see more than a dozen Rolls-Royce picking up the plane, one by one. There

are some uncontrollable joys.

As Zhifei put Tasha’s luggage into the trunk of the lead car, he said to everyone: “Look

for a car nearby and get in. We have many cars and are spacious. One car can seat two

or three people.”

“Some of the luggage that needs to be carried to the hotel is hard for everyone to carry

by themselves. As for the equipment that needs to be sent to the venue, it will just stay


I have arranged two trucks behind me and professional transport personnel. It will help

send the equipment directly to the venue, so that it can save a little trouble too!”

Most of the team brought by Tasha were girls, and Zhifei’s thoughtful and careful

arrangement immediately won him a lot of favor.

So, the girls cheered, and after thanking Zhifei, they got into the car nearby.

Zhifei put the suitcase in, and said to Tasha, “Tasha, you can take this car with me. It just

so happens that I have something to communicate with you on the road.”

“Okay.” she nodded and was about to open the car door. Zhifei hurriedly stepped

forward, opened the door in front of her, and said with a smile: “Come on, please get in

the car.”

Tasha thanked him and got into the car.


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