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 Chapter 3195 Dad’s career depends on you

 Whenever Claire heard that Charlie was going out to work for a long time, she would feel distressed, especially when she heard that he was going to the remote northwestern border again, so she couldn't help but whispered to Charlie: "Husband, why should you go... We are not short of money now, so we don't have to work so hard..."

Before Charlie spoke, Orval Hong on the side piously pleaded: "Master Wade, you must help me with this matter! My big brother saved my life back then. It's not easy for me to do something for him. You must not refuse for the sake of our long-term friendship. As long as you help him solve the problem this time, you can tell me anything in Aurous Hill in the future. If I, Orval Hong, blink my eyes, will be struck by lightning!" 

When Jacob Wilson heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up!

He had always felt that President Pei kicked him out of the Calligraphy and Painting Association because he realised that the relationship between Orval Hong and himself was no longer as close as before. How polite was Orval Hong to him before? When President Pei went to eat, he could not get into the diamond box no matter how hard he tried. But Orval Hong actually took the initiative to take out the diamond box for him to use, and even gave him a free meal. Just that one time, President Pei was completely obedient.

Why did President Pei not obey later? I'm afraid it's because he felt that his influence in front of Orval Hong was not big enough.

And the reason why he was able to return to the Calligraphy and Painting Association this time was because his son-in-law Charlie had a good impression in front of Orval Hong. Orval Hong helped, and President Pei was forced to get him back under pressure.

Therefore, in Jacob Wilson's view, letting Orval Hong continue to owe his son-in-law Charlie a favour is the guarantee that he can stay in the Calligraphy and Painting Association and get better and better.

So, he took the initiative to say, "Claire, women should not ask about men's affairs. Mr. Hong has always treated our family well. When we need his help, he never says no. Now he needs our help, how can we be afraid of hardship and fatigue? What's more, Mr. Orval also said that the victim will pay a huge reward, so we should not refuse it!"

Claire saw his father's anxious face, and suddenly realized the fundamental reason why his father said so. This time he was able to return to the Calligraphy and Painting Association because of Orval Hong's help. Theoretically speaking, her husband Charlie owed Orval Hong a favour a few days ago. According to the basic logic of a society based on favours, it is time to repay the favour.

For a moment, Claire didn't know how to start.

It was Charlie who broke the silence and said directly: "Mr. Orval, I relied on your help to deal with my father-in-law's problem last time. This time you need my help, so I can't just stand by and watch. How about this? Give me two days to prepare, and I'll go there in two days."

Orval Hong said excitedly: "That's great, Master Wade! I feel completely relieved with your words. There is no Feng Shui problem in this world that Master Wade can't solve! I will call my big brother tonight and tell him the good news!"

Charlie nodded and said: "Since I agreed to go, I will naturally do my best to get things done."

Orval Hong looked like he had gotten what he wanted, and he stood up and said gratefully: "Thank you so much. "Master Wade, I won't bother you any more at this late hour. Goodbye first! Thank you very much!"

Jacob Wilson hurriedly said, "Hey, Mr. Orval, why don't we have a cup of tea together before we leave! You finally came to my house, you can't just leave without even a cup of tea."

Orval Hong hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm sorry to bother you so late at night."

Jacob Wilson had his own ideas at this time, so he pulled Orval Hong's sleeve with one hand and quickly took out a teacup with the other hand. Although the tea was a little cold, he still poured a cup for Orval Hong and handed it to Orval Hong, then quickly picked up his own teacup, freeing up one hand, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, unlocking it with one hand and turning on the camera.

With a series of smooth movements, the camera has already turned on the selfie mode of the front camera. Then, holding a teacup in his other hand, he said to Orval Hong, "Come on, Master Orval, let's clink glasses. I'll take a photo as a souvenir!"

Orval Hong naturally knew his thoughts, but after all, he was Charlie's father-in-law, so he could only nod his head and clink glasses with Jacob Wilson. In order to give him enough face, he put his other hand around his shoulders and smiled at the camera.


Jacob Wilson captured the moment when he and Orval Hong clinked glasses and smiled. The photo showed them arm in arm, toasting and exchanging cups, and it looked like a gathering of two old friends who had a close relationship.

So, Jacob Wilson put away his phone contentedly, and said to Orval Hong: "Uncle Orval, please come to my house often when you have nothing to do. I have plenty of good tea and wine here."

"Okay, okay, I'll come often in the future." Orval Hong nodded and agreed readily. Then he put down the teacup and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone, I won't bother you any more."

Jacob Wilson hurriedly said: "Come on, Uncle Orval, I'll take you out."

Jacob Wilson sent Orval Hong to the door. After Orval Hong left, he turned back to his yard and did not rush in. Instead, he quickly picked up his phone, opened WeChat, and edited a circle of friends.

He selected the photo he had taken with Orval Hong, and then edited a paragraph of text: It was a great pleasure to have friends come to my house to drink tea and chat!

Then, he pressed send.

At this time, President Pei was complaining to his wife at home.

After his self-defeating behaviour with Jacob Wilson, his own upward path was completely blocked. For this, he has always been resentful of his wife who gave him advice.

Although his wife later redeemed herself in the stage of mending the fold after the sheep had been lost, judging from the results, the faults were naturally greater than the merits.

Therefore, President Pei would complain to his wife almost every day to relieve his depression and unhappiness. His wife also knew that she had given him a bad idea at the beginning, which caused irreparable losses, so whenever President Pei complained, she could only bear it silently.

Chairman Pei kept mumbling about the past while scrolling through his Moments idly. Suddenly, he saw a Moments post that Jacob Wilson had just posted. When he saw that Orval Hong had actually gone to Jacob Wilson's house and taken a photo with Jacob Wilson, he immediately became furious. He threw his phone on the coffee table, pointed at his wife and started scolding her, "You spendthrift woman, you always said that Jacob Wilson was no good and that Orval Hong didn't care whether he lived or died. Look at you now. Orval Hong took the initiative to go to Jacob Wilson's house for tea. The two of them are as close as if they were born from the same mother! You are really blind!"

The wife was naturally upset when she was suddenly scolded, but she didn't mind. Guan retorted, and quickly picked up President Pei's mobile phone to check it. After reading it, he really regretted it and couldn't help sighing: "I am still naive. I thought that only men and women would occasionally have cold wars and sulks. Today is good, tomorrow is bad. I didn't expect that men and men are the same. At that time, Orval Hong told you not to care about Jacob Wilson's affairs. I guess he was angry and said it in anger. I thought they must have broken up completely, but I never expected that they were like lovers, quarrelling at the head of the bed and making up at the foot of the bed. Once they make up, we will be in trouble..."

President Pei saw that she took the initiative to frankly say her mistakes, and his anger was also reduced a lot.

Sometimes people are like this. Although they have a lot of dissatisfaction or even grievances in their hearts, as long as the other party can take the initiative to admit their mistakes and reflect on them, most of the anger can be eliminated.

I am afraid of the kind of people who know that they have made mistakes but are still stubborn. They say that I am not wrong, why am I wrong, it is others who are wrong, and it is the world that is wrong. Once you encounter this kind of thing, a spark will be angered into a volcanic eruption.

President Pei, who had calmed down, looked at his wife and said seriously, "You are right. We were misled by this assumption at the time. We all thought that since Master Orval Hong was angry, we didn't need to work hard to protect Jacob Wilson. But we ignored that his anger was only temporary. In fact, even if Master Orval Hong was dissatisfied with Jacob Wilson at that time, I would still try my best to protect Jacob Wilson. Now, in addition to the gratitude I deserve, Jacob Wilson and Master Orval Hong might look at me more highly."

The wife nodded and sighed, "It has been like this since ancient times. It is easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake, but seldom to send charcoal in the snow. We have learned a lesson this time. In the future, we must try our best to win over Jacob Wilson. Sincerity can move mountains and open up new horizons. Sooner or later, he will let go of his alienation towards us. At that time, maybe he can ask Master Orval Hong for help to help you move up to the next level!"

"You are right!" President Pei nodded heavily and said seriously, "Whether I can move up to the next level depends entirely on Jacob Wilson!"


At the same time, Tomson villa.

Claire knew that since Charlie agreed to Orval Hong's request, it meant that Charlie would be away from home for at least ten days or half a month, so she said to Charlie: "Husband, let's go shopping tomorrow. I'll buy you some new clothes. It's already very cold here, and it's probably even colder in the northwest. I have to buy you two thick down jackets."

Charlie smiled and said, "My dear wife, you don't have to buy me thick clothes. When I get there, I'll just get a green labour protection coat. There must be a lot of them in their mines. No matter which country the down jackets are imported from, they are not as warm and solid as those that are made from it."

Claire said, "When you go to the mountains to read Feng Shui for others, you can't avoid climbing mountains and wading through water. That place is already very cold, and it will be even colder on the mountain. And the more this is the case, the lighter the equipment you wear should be!"

Charlie waved his hand: "Wife, you can control my physical fitness. Don't worry, you won't be too tired to freeze. Besides, I have to prepare some things for Feng Shui and Feng Shui tomorrow. After all, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, and I'm afraid it's too late to go shopping for clothes. "

Claire said, "It doesn't matter, you do your thing, I'll buy it for you."

Jacob Wilson, who was standing aside, was excited to see his circle of friends being liked by a large number of friends. Seeing that President Pei not only liked his post, but also sent more than a dozen thumbs-up expressions, he was even more overjoyed in his heart, and quickly echoed Claire and said to Charlie, "That's right, good son-in-law, you do your thing, let Claire buy it for you."

As he said, he said with great emotion, "Good son-in-law, it seems that Master Orval Hong still gives you face. If you get along well with Master Orval Hong, my chances of returning to the position of executive vice president in the future will be much greater. Dad's career depends on you!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I deleted my comment because I was not contented. I really hate this chapter and the author. He's making Charlie this time so dumb and it makes the story boring. Charlie and Claire very rarely appear in this novel together. At least there should be bad and good times about them to make it more thrilling, stirring.


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