Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3194 update || Chapter 6635 & 6636 || Chapter 3194 It’s time for a big job! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3194 It’s time for a big job! 

After a meal, Steve reluctantly said goodbye to Charlie and set off on his journey back to the United States.

Charlie sent Zhou Liangyun back to the Antique Street, and then ordered Orval Hong to place a secret sentry in the Antique Street to keep an eye on Zhou Liangyun's Zhen Baoxuan at all times to prevent anyone from causing trouble for him.

Afterwards, Charlie called Helena to confirm the time to go to Northern Europe with her.

On the phone, Helena told Charlie that according to the AI ​​team's estimate, the entire model will be officially tested for comprehensive operation tomorrow morning. Since the entire model is copied from their Silicon Valley model, the operation test will not take too long. It will take about two days to sort out all the details, and it can be officially delivered in three days.

As Party A, Helena will personally attend this non-existent delivery ceremony in three days, and Howard will also secretly go to the scene as a representative of Party B.

Helena knew that Charlie would definitely come to Northern Europe in person, so after reporting the specific time arrangements, she couldn't help but ask Charlie on the phone: "Mr. Wade, will you attend the delivery ceremony in person?"

Charlie smiled and said, "I won't attend the delivery ceremony. You can just connect with Howard. In the future, we will each connect with one person from the Rothschild father and son. You will connect with Howard and I will connect with Steve."

After that, Charlie said, "But I will bring Howard's elixir in advance. If there is no other arrangement, I can also join the technical team of the recipient to witness it on the spot."

Helena asked hurriedly, "Mr. Wade, when will your technical team arrive?"

Charlie replied, "A friend and I will leave from Aurous Hill the day after tomorrow morning. Let's go. The friend who is traveling with us has a special status. When entering the country, we need your help to greet the customs. The technical team will come from the United States, and I will meet them in Northern Europe. "

Helena said with some excitement: "Okay, Mr. Wade, I will make arrangements in advance and meet Mr. Wade at the airport in advance!"

Charlie smiled and said: "Your status is sensitive now, so don't go to places like the airport casually. You can arrange a royal vehicle to pick us up from the airport."

Helena said respectfully: "Okay, Mr. Wade, everything is in accordance with your instructions."

Lin Wan'er has the help of her adopted son Sun Zhidong, so she can leave the country without leaving any records. Charlie really didn't have this ability before, but now he can be regarded as following Lin Wan'er. 

As long as Helena asks the Northern European Customs to exempt the two people from the normal entry procedures, the two people will not leave any official records when they go to Northern Europe this time.

In addition to not leaving any records of entry and exit, Charlie also plans to stay in Northern Europe for a few more days this time, because once the AI ​​model is activated, it will begin to analyze the locations of the Poqing Society from companies all over the world. If the results can be obtained quickly, he may directly follow the clues of the AI ​​analysis to investigate, and he may not be able to come back in a short time.

Therefore, for his family, Charlie did not want them to know that he was going abroad this time, and on the other hand, he also wanted to give them a shot of prevention, saying that he might be away for a long time this time.

No. Therefore, in order to make everything seem more real, Charlie asked Orval Hong to act out a play for him.

In the evening, Charlie's family just finished dinner and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch TV. Since Jacob Wilson returned to work at the Calligraphy and Painting Association, his mental state has recovered a lot, and his smile has gradually returned. Although he lost the position of executive vice president, being able to go back is a very satisfactory result for Jacob Wilson.

At this time, Jacob Wilson was making tea while a news program was playing on TV. After the male host finished reporting a piece of news, the female host next to him said, "This morning, the leaders of our city organized relevant departments to hold a special meeting to actively implement various support for the construction of Changying Automobile's super factory in the city. The heads of the power, water supply, gas supply, transportation and other departments have signed a military order for the Changying Automobile Super Factory to be completed and put into production within one year;"

Jacob Wilson frowned and muttered in dissatisfaction: "It's Changying Automobile again. Why do they keep reporting it?"

Elaine said casually: "Didn't they say it on TV? This is the largest single investment since the establishment of Aurous Hill City. Such a big thing must be reported in the news for a while."

Jacob Wilson was even more upset after hearing what Elaine said. He said depressedly: "I really can't understand it. Are the two families behind Changying Automobile blind? Why not find someone else to be the CEO, find He Yuanjiang? He is a lousy professor. How can he manage such a big thing?"

Elaine came to her senses and asked him quickly: "This He Yuanjiang is Han Meiqing's husband, right?!"

"Yes..." Jacob Wilson became even more annoyed and said angrily: "I don't know what these rich people are thinking. They even invited the couple to the company. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, don't big companies even forbid romance? How can they let the couple work in the same company? I think they are so unprofessional, this will definitely not work."

As he was speaking, the TV switched to a male announcer to report the next news. He said slowly: "Reporters learned today that the scientific research and education cooperation between Changying Automobile and major universities in Aurous Hill has been launched. Today, the CEO of Changying Automobile signed a talent training and special technology scientific research exploration cooperation agreement with Aurous Hill University. In the first phase, Changying Automobile will invest 30 million US dollars to jointly build a silicon carbide motor laboratory with Aurous Hill University. Please see the report sent back by reporters from Aurous Hill University this afternoon."

As the host finished speaking, the picture immediately switched to the conference room inside Aurous Hill University. On the podium of the conference room, He Yuanjiang sat in the middle C position, and next to him was the president of Aurous Hill University.

When Jacob Wilson saw He Yuanjiang's high-spirited look on TV, he was disgusted, so he simply picked up the remote control to turn off the TV, picked up the purple clay teapot he used to make tea, and said, "The more I watch this TV, the more boring it is. Come on, drink tea, drink tea!"

As he said that, he poured four cups of tea in front of him.

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang, Jacob Wilson picked up one of the cups of tea and took a sip, then stood up and said to the other three, "You drink first, I'll go see who it is."

After that, he quickly walked out of the living room.

Recently, although Jacob Wilson was in a good mood overall, he could not read any news related to He Yuanjiang. In his subconscious, he was defeated by He Yuanjiang, and he was defeated miserably by him. Now he even lost his position as the executive vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, but he became the CEO of Changying Automobile. This was like he accidentally fell halfway up the hill before he reached the top of the small dirt slope, while He Yuanjiang stood directly on the top of Mount Everest with a thunderbolt. The gap was simply a world of difference.

When the depressed Jacob Wilson came to the gate, he couldn't help cursing in his mouth: "Damn it, wait until you make Changying Automobile go bankrupt, and see how I laugh at you! I'll buy a hundred firecrackers and set them off at the gate of Changying Automobile!" 

As he said that, he came to the gate, took a look at the surveillance camera, and was surprised to find that it was Orval Hong standing at his door.

Overwhelmed, he quickly opened the door and walked outside the yard. He could not wait to open the iron gate, looked at Orval Hong outside the door, and said flatteringly: "Hey, Master Orval, what brings you here? You want to come home, why didn't you call me in advance so that I can prepare at home and don't neglect you..."

Orval Hong smiled and asked carefully: "Mr. Wilson, is Master Wade at home? I have something to talk to him about!"

"He's at home, at home!" Jacob Wilson said with a smile: "We just finished dinner, Charlie is drinking tea now, come in!"

After that, he invited Orval Hong in. 

When Orval Hong entered the house, Jacob Wilson took two quick steps in front and said excitedly to his family: "Master Orval is here, welcome him quickly!"

Charlie naturally knew the intention of Orval Hong's coming, which was arranged by him, but Claire Wilson and Elaine were a little surprised, not knowing what Orval Hong was going to do in their home.

However, Elaine knew how important Orval Hong was in Aurous Hill, so she quickly stood up and said with a flattering smile: "Oh, it's Master Orval! Please take a seat!"

Orval Hong nodded to her and said politely: "Hello, Ms. Elaine."

After that, he looked at Charlie and Claire Wilson and said politely: "Hello, Master Wade, Hello, Madam Wade!"

Claire Wilson smiled and nodded, and Charlie pretended to be curious and asked him: "What's the matter with Mr. Orval?"

Orval Hong hurriedly said: "Master Wade, I came here to ask you for an urgent favour, you must agree!"

When Jacob Wilson heard this, he knew that Orval Hong had something to ask of Charlie. Since he could return to the Calligraphy and Painting Association this time, it was all thanks to Charlie to find Orval Hong. Help, and he would have to rely on Orval Hong in the future, so he quickly said to Charlie: "Good son-in-law, Uncle Orval has helped our family a lot, you must not refuse Uncle Orval this time!"

Charlie said: "Then Mr. Orval should tell me what it is and whether it is within my ability."

Orval Hong quickly said: "It's like this, Mr. Wade, an elder brother of mine, developed a coal mine in the northwest frontier and invested more than 1 billion yuan. It has just started to produce, but I didn't expect that the mine would have accidents every few days. Today, the tunnel is flooded, tomorrow there is a landslide, and there has even been a gas leak. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

At this point, Orval Hong looked at Charlie and said, "Master Wade, my elder brother, suspects that there may be some problems with the Feng Shui of the mine, which is of great importance, so he asked me to ask a Feng Shui master to take a look. I thought that you are the one who understands Feng Shui best around me, so I hurried to ask you for help..." 

When Claire Wilson heard this, he subconsciously said, "It's too dangerous. Accidents happen all day long. Husband, let's not get involved in this muddy water. It's too dangerous."

Charlie hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, wife, you don't have to worry about me. I'm checking the Feng Shui of the coal mine. I'm looking at the overall situation. I don't need to go under mine."

Orval Hong also echoed, "Yes, Madam Wade, my elder brother's mine is among the mountains and ridges. I think it may be the big dragon-hunting point." Feng Shui is not done well, let's see if Master Wade can break it. "

Charlie smacked his lips and said, "If the Feng Shui is really not done well, it will be troublesome to move it. It's a big job..."

Orval Hong immediately said, "Master Wade, don't worry, my big brother said that if you do this job well, he  will give you 10 million!"

Elaine on the side blurted out, "Give... how much?"

Orval Hong repeated, "Give 10 million!"

After speaking, Orval Hong said, "But this money is not easy to earn. The conditions in the northwest mountainous area of ​​​​Big Brother are bad. Sometimes there is no signal. It may take at least ten days and a half months to go there. It's very hard." 

Elaine subconsciously said, "Give 10 million, let alone ten days and a half months in the northwest mountainous area, it's worth it to go to the primitive tribes in Africa for ten days and a half months!"


  1. My Goodness! Getting more complicated for the couple.

  2. Elaine should be called Monica is this story. She likes money too much 🤣


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