Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3063 update | Chapter 6373 & 6374 Chapter 3063: A distinguished guest has arrived! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3063 A distinguished guest has arrived!

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Steve, who was full of wine and food, felt dizzy.

It is true that he drinks a lot, but fortunately he has a good drinking capacity, and he talks a lot, so he is still relatively sober.

Charlie saw that Steve could only lean on the back of the chair with his belly after eating so much, so he smiled and asked him: "Steve, how do you feel? Do you need to order more dishes?"

Steve waved his hands quickly and said with a drunken smile: "No... no need, no need, Mr. Wade... Mr. Wade, I'm full. It's been a long time since I've eaten so much and drank... drank too much wine."

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: "Now that we have almost eaten, let's go and do some business. Tell your men that you are here to catch up with us and ask them to wait in the parking lot. We will take you through the back door to the place I said!”

Because Steve was a little drunk, his brain thinking was no longer as cautious as before. Otherwise, with his status, if Charlie wanted to leave his men and take him to a place he had never been before, he would definitely first Notify your own security advisor.

However, alcohol does affect people's judgment. He almost didn't think much, and immediately said cheerfully: "Okay! Okay, Mr. Wade! I'll tell them right now!"

After saying that, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

As soon as the call came through, without waiting for the other party to speak, he said directly: " all are waiting in the parking lot and don't wander around. I still...have to catch up with Mr. Wade!"

As soon as the other party heard that he was obviously drunk, he knew that he would definitely not be able to leave for a while, so he said respectfully: "Okay sir, we are always here. If anything happens, please inform us at any time."

Steve said OK and hung up the phone.

Then, he said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade... Mr. Wade, let's go?"

"Let's go!" Charlie nodded, stood up, and said to Orval Hong: "Orval Hong, give Steve a hand."

Orval Hong said hurriedly: "Okay, Master Wade, leave it to me!"

After saying that, she quickly came to Steve, picked up one of his arms, and led him out of the box.

At the back door of Classic Mansion, a commercial vehicle with all black second and third rows had started its engine and was waiting.

According to the normal routine of Steve's bodyguards, they must monitor all entrances and exits of Classic Mansion, but this time the situation is a bit special. Everyone was left in the parking lot in front, so they monitored what happened at the back door. Know nothing about any situation.

When Charlie and the four of them arrived at the business car, the electric sliding doors in the back two rows suddenly opened. Orval Hong took Steve directly into the car and went to the third row. Charlie and Issac followed the car closely.

When the door was closed, Steve discovered that all the windows in the commercial vehicle were opaque, and there were physical partitions between the rear two rows and the driver's cab. Sitting in the car meant that you could see everything in full view. There was no sign of anything going on outside.

He couldn't help but be a little surprised and asked Charlie: "Mr. Wade... this car... is too private?"

Charlie smiled and said: "The place I want to take you to is highly confidential. Naturally, you have to be more cautious, but don't worry, your people know that you have entered Classic Mansion. Naturally, I can't blatantly harm you, so I Wherever I take you, just follow me and I will bring you back unscathed."

The little worry in Steve's heart disappeared in an instant, and he pretended to be very indifferent and laughed loudly: "I have no worries about you, Mr. Wade. I won't blink wherever you take me.!"


The commercial vehicle left through the back door, and there was another road that led directly to a street behind Classic Mansion, so there was no encounter with Steve's men at all.

Vehicles leave the city and go straight to the outer suburbs. Due to noise and odor problems, places like dog farms are located a certain distance from residential areas to ensure adequate safety.

Orval's dog farm has been secretly upgraded since last year, and now it has been basically upgraded. After the upgrade, the area, facilities, safety and privacy of the upgraded dog farm have been greatly improved. Among them, the most important thing is safety. In the underground part, in Orval Hong's words, the law does not allow raising Tyrannosaurus rex. Otherwise, even if two were raised here, the outside world would not know any news.

On the way here, Steve's drunkenness eased slightly, but the fear in his heart was inversely proportional to his drunkenness. The less drunk he was, the more panicked he felt, wondering where Charlie was taking him.

After being anxious all the way, the vehicle finally slowed down.

Steve could hear the sound of the electric door opening. From the sound of the motor running and the low friction sound, he could tell that the door must be big and heavy, which made his bad premonition even stronger. .

As soon as the car entered the gate, it felt as if it had stabbed a doghouse. The surrounding area suddenly heard the barking of dogs one after another. The barking was loud and deep, and it sounded like a large breed of dog.

This made Steve even more panicked, thinking to himself: "Big iron gate, big dog, where did Charlie get me..."

While he was thinking about it, the car stopped.

Immediately, the electric sliding doors on both sides opened, and the sound insulation of the doors was lost, and the dog barked instantly became louder.

Steve quickly looked outside and found that he was under a huge factory shed, surrounded by iron cages with an area of ​​two to three square meters, and almost all of them were large fighting dogs.

Steve is indeed a person who understands dogs. After all, Americans are the most fond of raising dogs in the world. He is also a top rich man and knows all kinds of dogs very well, so he just glanced at the doors on both sides and recognized him. There are Tibetan Mastiffs, Pitbulls, Dogos, Tosa, Rottweilers, and various terrier dogs that look familiar but cannot be distinguished.

This made Steve look a little pale, because he found that the dogs here were, without exception, fierce dogs with strong fighting capabilities. Many breeds are also banned in the United States. If so many dogs were released together, there would be eight Stallones. Can't beat it either.

At this time, Charlie had already gotten out of the car first, waving to him outside the car: "Come on, Steve, we're here."

Steve walked down cautiously, looked around, and carefully asked Charlie: "Mr. Wade, what on earth is this place?"

Charlie said to Orval Hong who got off the car: "Come Orval Hong, introduce yourself to Steve."

Orval Hong smiled and said: "Mr. Rothschild, this is a dog farm run by me. It mainly breeds some more aggressive dog breeds. Before I was with Master Wade, I relied on this dog farm and participated in underground dog fighting competitions to earn money to support the family, and later joined Master Wade, and the purpose of this place is basically no longer for profit. "

When Steve heard this, he relaxed a little and asked curiously: "It's not for profit, but Mr. Hong still keeps so many dogs. It seems that he really likes dogs."

"Not at all." Orval Hong said casually: "The main purpose here is to deal with some disobedient b@stards. In order to cultivate the bloody nature of these dogs, I have always fed them raw meat here. As you know, dogs are generally not picky eaters. , as long as it’s meat, it doesn’t matter what kind of meat it is, it will eat it.”

"Hiss..." Just as Steve breathed a sigh of relief, Orval Hong asked Orval Hong to mention it again.

As the second-in-command of the Rothschild family, he has experienced many bloody things, but at this moment, he is on someone else's territory, and there is not even a bodyguard around him. Hearing what Orval Hong said again, he was naturally frightened.

Orval Hong became interested at this time, pointed at these vicious dogs, and said to Steve: "I tell you, these dogs are very useful."

As he said, he deliberately approached Steve and said with a smile: "Sometimes I get anxious when watching the gangster movies made by you Americans. When those people grab each other's men and ask for information, they just keep hitting them with their fists. While beating them, they ask, 'Will you tell me?' Don't tell me, the method is too low-end. In fact, you only need to get a few of these dogs, starve them for a day, and then strip the guy to be interrogated naked. Put an iron bucket on the upper body, wear a motorcycle helmet, and the lower body. He doesn't even wear any clothes and is locked up with these dogs. As long as he doesn't tell the truth, the dogs will bite everything off his legs and crotch, but he won't die for a while. Who do you think can survive this method? Go over there?"

"Hiss..." Steve tightened his crotch in fright and said nervously: "Mr. Hong is really good..."

Seeing that he was a little confused, Charlie said with a smile: "Steve Don't be afraid, I brought you here mainly for a visit. I won't pose any threat to you, so don't worry."

Steve took a deep breath and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Can you tell me earlier next time? , my sphincter almost made me relax..."

Orval Hong beside him chuckled, pointed to the factory not far away, and said with a smile: "Mr. Steve, this floor is mainly for outsiders to see, it's fun. In fact, they are all on the floor below."

"One floor below?" Steve pointed to his feet and asked curiously: "Is there any more below here?"

"Yes." Orval Hong nodded and said, "The ones below are all newly built. Yes."

Charlie also smiled and said: "Yes, Steve, the lower level is more fun. Let's go and see it together."

"Okay, okay." Seeing that Charlie didn't hurt him, Steve was so scared before. Although he didn't understand why Charlie took him to visit a dog farm, as long as there was no threat to him, he would just keep it in his heart and let the guests follow him as they pleased. .

So, under the leadership of Orval Hong, a group of four people walked towards the house at the end of the factory shed.


The despicable and insidious Hogwitz father and son have been living here for a long time.

His son Walter has been relying on dialysis to maintain his life due to kidney failure. While the old man is imprisoned, he also has to act as his son's caregiver. The father and son can say that it is quite miserable.

When they first came in, the father and son were still hoping that people from Hogwitz or even the Rothschild family would come to rescue them.

But after waiting and waiting, the magic weapon did not come from the sky. Instead, Orval Hong's dog farm became more hidden and stronger as it was upgraded. They gradually gave up on this unrealistic fantasy and just wanted to survive here. Go down.

At this time, Walter had just finished dialysis and was lying weakly on the hospital bed, eating the white porridge his father fed him.

Jiro Kobayashi, the second young master of the Kobayashi family who was working here, was pushing a small cart over and asked: "Hey, Mr. Hogwitz, please bring the tableware after you finish your meal!"

Walter's old father quickly took the tableware to the iron fence. After Jiro Kobayashi came over, he threw the tableware into a plastic recycling bin.

Just as Jiro Kobayashi was about to leave, Walter's father quickly said: "Mr. Kobayashi, wait a minute!"

Jiro Kobayashi asked him: "Is something wrong?"

Walter's father said pleadingly: "Mr. Kobayashi, tomorrow is my son's birthday, no. Do you know if you can ask the manager to order a cake for him?"

After saying that, he quickly added: "It doesn't have to be a big one, just an ordinary cupcake. He hasn't eaten cake for a long time."

Walter on the hospital bed He also looked at Jiro Kobayashi expectantly, hoping to get his consent.

Jiro Kobayashi chuckled: "For a cunning, vicious and nasty b@stard like Walter, it's already good to be alive, but he still wants to eat cake? It's easier to eat shit than this."

Walter's father said with a very embarrassed expression: "Mr. Kobayashi...Walter...has already paid the price for his wrong behavior, so don't humiliate him with this attack again..."

Jiro Kobayashi curled his lips: "If you don't make unreasonable demands, how can I do it?" Humiliate him?"

Walter's father argued with a red face: "But aren't you locked up here because you made a mistake? Last time Mr. Wade came, not only did he give you beer, but he also allowed others to prepare astringent for you. Porn magazine, my son only wants a cupcake worth a few dollars for his birthday. Is this too much to ask for?"

Jiro Kobayashi sneered: "I can get beer and magazines because I have a good attitude towards admitting my mistakes and have been working hard. Work, what about you? Have you made any contribution? Not only has there been no contribution, your useless son also consumes dialysis equipment and medicines. Master Wade has already given you a face without asking you for medical expenses, and you are still not embarrassed. You want to eat cake?!"

Walter's father was speechless for a moment and had to say: "I'm sorry, Mr. Kobayashi, just pretend that I didn't say anything about what happened just now."

Jiro Kobayashi snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense like this in the future. Say it again!"

After saying this, he started to leave.

At the same time, Charlie, Steve and a group of four people had arrived at the house on the ground.

As soon as they entered the hall, an open secret passage appeared on the side of the room against the wall.

The entire secret passage is designed with an electrically flipped upper cover. The upper cover is the same floor tiles as in the room and can be completely aligned with the gaps. There is also a three-seater sofa about the same size as the cover. As long as the floor tiles are covered, If you move the sofa above, it will be hidden.

The four of them came to the stairs of the secret passage. Orval Hong, who was leading the way, was not in a hurry to go down, but shouted down: "Jiro! Master Wade is here! Get ready to welcome him!"

Jiro Kobayashi, who had just looked coldly at Walter's father, Upon hearing this, his face was full of excitement and he shouted loudly: "Master Wade, Fifth Master, wait a moment, Jiro is coming!"

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