Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3062 update | Chapter 6371 & 6372 Chapter 3062: Blood debt paid with blood! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3062: Blood debt paid with blood

"Looking for someone?"


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After hearing Steve's explanation, Charlie raised his eyebrows and asked curiously with a half-smile: "Who are you looking for? Do you need a rich and powerful prince like you to come to China in person? Are you looking for someone? Is the young master of your Rothschild family lost outside?"

Steve said with a smile: "Mr. Wade, you are joking. Our Rothschild family values ​​bloodline more than anything else. How can there be any lost young master? Bloodline."

As he spoke, he deliberately lowered his voice and said seriously: "Mr. Wade should have heard that when the President of the United States goes out, even a hair lost and a mouthful of spit must be taken away by special personnel. Our Rothschild family The same goes for male tadpoles. Where they have been used and with whom they have been used, they must be made clear. Those left in the rubber cases must also be taken away. Anyone who dares to have an illegitimate child outside will be the public enemy of the entire family. Once discovered, he will never be able to stand up again."

Orval Hong on the side asked in surprise: "Isn't it, such an exaggeration?"

Steve said seriously: "It's not an exaggeration at all. Men of the Rothschild family, especially men who are direct members, Once the seed is left outside, you may have to pay a price of tens of billions of dollars. If this situation is not prohibited, there are countless women in the world racking their brains to give birth to a child for the Rothschild family. She only needs to give birth to it. , that is a lifelong golden job, so our family is particularly concerned about this. Anyone who dares to mess around will get out."

Charlie did not doubt the importance that such a super family attached to blood, especially when it involved a huge amount of asset inheritance. Naturally, Be absolutely cautious.

So, he pretended to be curious and asked: "Then since you are not looking for an illegitimate child, who else is worthy of you looking for yourself?"

Steve sighed softly and said: "To be honest, Mr. Wade, you must also know, Our family is very old, and the collateral families have more hair than ordinary people. Among our Rothschild family relatives, there is a collateral family named Hogwitz, who is not very close to us, and is considered a collateral blood relative. It's more ordinary;"

"Two days ago, my father held a family meeting, and the heads of all the collateral families were also there. The old man may have wanted to take the opportunity to win over the hearts of the collateral families, so he made a "Speak up if you have anything to say" ', as a result, this person from the Hogwitz family complained to my father in public, saying that a father and son from his family disappeared in Aurous Hill last year."

Speaking of this, Steve said helplessly: "I am The eldest son is also the father's confirmed heir to the clan leader, so he asked me to come in person to find out the specific situation here."

"Oh..." Charlie looked like he suddenly understood, nodded slightly, and said: "Since they disappeared last year, it's hard to be sure whether they are dead or alive!"

Steve said: "Hey, I'm too lazy to care about their life and death. Anyway, the old man wants to see people alive or see the corpses."

Charlie asked again: "Then if these two people were killed, wouldn't you stay and avenge them?"

"What revenge..." Steve waved his hand: "I'll do it. Even if we are looking for clues about these two people, I don’t need to take revenge. The family will send people over to find out the real culprit and take revenge at the same time."

Charlie asked again: "Then how do you usually take revenge when you encounter such a thing? ?"

Steve snorted coldly and said without hesitation: "Of course it will be paid with blood. Let alone anyone who dares to provoke a Rothschild family, even if we dare to provoke a dog of the Rothschild family, we will never let him go. Overtake each other! There is no one in the world who can bully the Rothschild family and make the Rothschild family swallow their anger. So far, no one has been born!"

After saying that, Steve raised his head and looked at Charlie, his eyes instantly a little uncomfortable. Too comfortable, he quickly said: "Mr. Wade, don't get me wrong. What I said has nothing to do with those of us sitting here, especially you."

Charlie curled his lips: "There is something in your words, does it mean that I bullied you?"

Steve quickly said: "No! Absolutely not!"

As he said that, Steve took advantage of the fact that he was already drunk, so he simply filled a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, and said with an aggrieved look on his face while the wine was still strong: "Mr. Wade, there are no outsiders here. Let me say this from the bottom of my heart. You really hurt me by asking Helena to go to New York to fight back! It's useless for me to go and pick Helena up personally. That's not what you told me at the beginning. In this way, you said that as long as I help you, after my father is stimulated, I will inherit the position of patriarch. I never expected that you asked Helena to give him medicine. This does not mean you are cheating. ..."

Charlie said calmly: "Yes, I am just lying to you."

Steve looked at him in astonishment and murmured: "You...why are you..."

Charlie said: "It's very simple, Steve, because you can't be trusted. From the way I look at people, you definitely can't keep your word.

Steve said aggrievedly: "Mr. Wade! " You've got me wrong! I'm really not that kind of person! "

Charlie smiled and said: "I know exactly what you are planning later. If you are really allowed to successfully inherit the position of clan leader, the first thing you do is to weaken the brothers who threaten you to the greatest extent, and then wait. After you take full control of the family, drive them out one by one to consolidate your position as the patriarch. The second thing you have to do is to destroy the covenant between us, because at that time you have completely Stand firm and don't care if I expose the inside story of Sifang Baozhuang, right?"

Steve was stunned, then silently filled a glass of wine and drank it down.

Charlie's words made him completely lose his intention to defend himself.

Charlie continued at this time: "I always act as a villain first and then a gentleman. If I didn't have to control your father's health, how could you be willing to be shorter than me in front of me today?"

Steve I was speechless for a moment.

Charlie said again at this time: "Steve, I think you and I should be more sincere in the future. There is no point in pretending to be confused or innocent because we know better."

Steve nodded with some shame: "Mr. Wade, you are right. ..."

Charlie smiled and continued: "Steve, actually, you have an advantage over your father here with me."

When Steve heard this, his eyes regained their luster, and he hurriedly asked: "Charlie Sir, I wonder what kind of advantages you are talking about?"

Charlie said lightly: "You and I have a direct connection, but your father does not. Whether it is theoretically or physically, you are closer to me. If it weren't for your lack of sincerity, why would I sacrifice the near and far and ask Helena to establish an indirect connection with your father for me that requires a middleman?"

After saying that, Charlie said again: "Look, if you are the owner of a supermarket, and You find that the person living opposite you did not choose to come to your house to buy something, but instead went to a farther block to buy something. You cannot find fault with the buyer, but you have to find the problem within yourself, or someone else has it. You don’t; either everyone agrees that your price is higher; or the price is the same but your service is too poor. If you don’t find the problem yourself, you can’t stop the customer and ask him why he doesn’t come to buy from you, right?”

Steve nodded repeatedly in shame: "Mr. Wade, you are right... I will be 100% sincere to you in the future and will never hide anything!"

Charlie smiled and said, "You can observe it."

After that, Charlie said again Bringing the topic back to the direction of finding someone, asked him: "By the way, you just said that you want the other party to pay with blood, but this is China, not the United States. If you, the Rothschild family, really want others to pay with blood, you can't directly Send someone here to run wild?"

Steve was warned by Charlie. Although he was still frightened, he also wanted to get close to Charlie, so he said without any cover: "Mr. Wade, this kind of dirty work is tiring. We definitely won’t do it ourselves, otherwise it might lead to diplomatic disputes or public opinion crises. We usually like to ask Mexicans to do this kind of thing for us. You see, those members of Mexican criminal groups are not afraid of anything all day long. In fact, they are the most Afraid of Americans."

"Mexicans..." Charlie thought of the criminal groups he had wiped out in Mexico before, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your Rothschild family would also cooperate with Mexican criminal groups."

Steve said hurriedly: "It's not really a cooperation, it's just a simple use. This is not a secret in the United States. After all, every criminal group in Mexico makes money from Americans by selling drugs to the United States. Don't look at them. In Mexico, they can kill innocent people and act arrogantly, but in their eyes, the United States is their god of wealth. In order to ensure that goods and money enter and exit the United States without causing trouble, they will be willing to do things for the Americans."

Charlie nodded, He smiled and said: "It seems that the Rothschild family is indeed very skillful."

After that, Charlie asked him: "Since the person you are looking for disappeared in Aurous Hill, do you want me to help you find clues?

"When Steve heard this, he said happily: "It would be great if Mr. Wade is willing to help! Your connections in Aurous Hill are definitely incomparable to us. As long as we have your help, I believe we will be able to find valuable people soon."Thank you so much Mr. Wade! 

Charlie smiled and said to Steve: "Don't be so polite. Eat first. After eating, I will take you to a place. Maybe there will be the clues you want to find there." "

As he said that, Charlie deliberately asked Orval Hong: "Orval Hong, do you think so? "

"Yeah! Orval Hong smiled and nodded repeatedly, and then asked Steve: "Mr. Rothschild, are you afraid of dogs?" "

"dog? " Steve didn't know why Orval Hong asked himself this, but he still answered very firmly: "To be honest with Mr. Hong, my favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are such loyal animals that few people don't like. 

Orval said with a smile: "That's good, that's good. Let's eat quickly and set off after eating!" "

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  1. Looking at the flow of the story, I hope Claire's trip back to Aurous hill will not take months before it happens. With the almost 2 years of reading this novel, a single meeting of the characters almost always or usually take many days, weeks or months before it is done or finished. I understand now why the previous links where I used to read this has stopped publishing the novel. However, I am still reading novels from that link. There is a novel that is already more than 6300 plus chapters in that link but they started it just a few months ago. They upload many chapters a day. I hope it would be the same as this novel. By the way, please double check the statements. Many are conflicting like the part about "revenge." Steve said, " I'll do it." but in the next statement it says ..... I don't need to take revenge." Thank you for the upload anyway.


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