Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3004 update | Chapter 6255 & 6256 Chapter 3004 is ready to be broadcast | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3004 is ready to be broadcast

When Steve saw that Charlie said it seriously, he was shocked and did not dare to have the slightest doubt.

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     He did hear some time ago that the AI ​​company invested by his fourth brother's son had a huge breakthrough and became a new star in the Internet industry.

     However, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, the Rothschild family was more involved in the financial and energy industries. The Internet bubble was big and profits were difficult to make, so it had never been to their liking.

     However, he really didn't expect that the adaptability of AI would be so strong. In the blink of an eye, it would show its dazzling abilities in the process of searching for Sifang Baozhuang. From this point of view, if Sifang Baozhuang is still in New York, Then the possibility of AI being involved in finding it is naturally greater.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

I thought, I still have to eat it inside and out!

Only by eating inside and outside can we ensure that the things on the plate are not snatched away.

If he hadn't secretly cooperated with Charlie and the seller was seeking glory, wouldn't he be completely doomed if the Sifang Baozhuang really fell into the hands of other people in the family?

     As soon as he thought about this, he couldn't help but hold Charlie's hand, and said gratefully and happily: "Mr. Wade... I'm lucky to have you!"

     Charlie nodded matter-of-factly: "It's right to cooperate with me after all, right? Not only does it eliminate all risks, it may even help you inherit the family as soon as possible."

     "That's right!" Steve nodded heavily without thinking, and then said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade said that the Sifang Baozhuang has arrived in China, so I'm relieved! I'll just wait for the news to come out, and then my father will definitely be called back as soon as possible, and I hope everything will develop as you said, Mr. Wade."

     Charlie smiled slightly and said immediately: "By the way, I need your help with something. I need you to come forward and ask your fourth brother for all the helicopter-related imaging data that has been inspected. The sooner the better."

     Steve couldn't figure it out. Charlie had already brought Sifang Baozhuang back to China, and Peter Zhou had been brought safely to Canada. He himself was not trapped in New York. He was completely free. Why should he still pay attention to things in New York? .

     However, he did not dare to ask any more questions, and he did not dare to waste time, so he said: "Mr. Wade, wait a moment, I will communicate with them right now."

     At present, although other members of the Rothschild family are holding back their energy to find the Sifang Palace and become the heir of the family, no one dares to neglect Steve until clear progress is made. The original choice of successor.

     Therefore, when Steve asked for relevant imaging data, his fourth brother and his family did not refuse. They immediately asked AI to sort out the high-definition pictures, and then packaged them and sent them to Steve.

     After Steve handed the information to Charlie, Charlie quickly found Wu Feiyan from the face photos taken by the high-definition camera, and then determined the registration number of the plane she took - n77dt.

     At this time, on the New York air traffic control radar, N77DT had not yet taken off.

     Charlie estimated that Wu Feiyan was still undergoing examination, or waiting for examination.

     And Wu Feiyan is indeed still waiting for the examination.

     Time passed by, but the speed of the inspection did not improve, which made her mentality even more broken.

     The most painful thing is this feeling of being cut with a slow knife. Every second that passes, your mentality will collapse to an unprecedented new level.

     The first scouts from outside New York to the target airport had already arrived one after another, but they quickly sent forward intelligence to the Left Army Governor's Mansion. The Department of Homeland Security invested a large number of manpower and weapons and equipment at the target airport, and even deployed six aircraft from the National Guard. Apaches were on guard duty at the scene, and there were also F35s flying with them. Their firepower configuration meant that even if all the scouts from the Left Army Governor's Mansion were sent over, there would only be a dead end.

     Wu Feiyan knew that a strong attack was already a fantasy. The best way now was to hurry up and rush over to confirm whether the Sifang Baozhuang was on the plane. If it was, she would use her spiritual energy to keep an eye on the Sifang Baozhuang. When the time was right, she would personally take the Sifang Baozhuang. Get it.

     So she said to Wu Tianlin: "Send the order. The arriving scouts must keep an eye on this airport. Once the target plane lands, anyone leaving this airport must be recorded. No omissions are allowed."

     Wu Feiyan knew that she could not get out before the plane landed, so she could only use this method as an insurance. If the Sifang Baozhuang was really on the plane, and she did not find the Sifang Baozhuang when she arrived, then everyone from Everyone leaving the airport deserves to be checked.

     And the more anxious she was, the less efficient the queue in front of her was.

     After she waited in line for an hour, it was finally her turn to inspect the helicopter she was riding in.

     At the request of the soldiers, Wu Feiyan, Wu Tianlin and the pilots all got off the plane and underwent body searches. In addition, many people carried professional testing equipment and carefully checked up and down the helicopter. Even the fuel tank of the helicopter was not released. However, you need to use professional equipment to detect the internal structure and see if the Sifang Treasure Building is hidden in it.

     After all inspections were correct, Wu Feiyan's helicopter was finally allowed to take off.

     The helicopter climbed to the designated altitude in accordance with the requirements of air traffic control, and then, under Wu Feiyan's almost hysterical urging, flew in the direction of the target airport at extremely high speed.

     Half an hour later, the pilot of the Gulfstream G650, accompanied by two F35s at close range, nervously completed the approach.

     The moment the plane aimed at the runway, both of them were extremely panicked.

     Both of them have been flying civil aviation for more than ten years, but this was the first time they were accompanied by a fighter jet.

     The anxious two people landed the plane on the runway. As soon as the speed slowed down, the two armed helicopters immediately took off and followed the plane at a height of about ten meters above the plane to leave the runway as required.

     At this time, the Department of Homeland Security is facing a formidable enemy. When the plane flies back, they are no longer worried about the leakage of national defense secrets, but are worried that the pilot of the plane will take extreme actions.

     Fortunately, the pilots themselves were innocent. They obeyed the requirements and slowly parked the plane into the hangar. As soon as the engine was turned off, someone immediately used professional equipment to lock the tires of the plane. In this case, even if the pilot wanted to escape, the plane would not be able to push out smoothly with its engines.

     Subsequently, dozens of special forces armed with live ammunition had completely surrounded the aircraft. The person in charge radioed the crew: "On behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, I require all personnel on board to wait at the hatch immediately. After the hatch is opened, everyone must Raise your hands behind your head and line up to get off the plane in an orderly manner, otherwise we will take extreme measures."

     The crew members didn't dare to delay. They quickly opened the door and walked out of the plane one by one with their heads in their hands.

     The special forces, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately controlled them all, and then thousands of dedicated personnel conducted detailed body searches. More agents boarded the plane immediately and began to conduct extremely detailed inspections of the aircraft.

     Since the report was relatively general and only mentioned national defense secrets, but did not reveal what the items were or whether they were large or small, the person in charge was already prepared for a protracted war. He asked people to immediately start interrogating several crew members. personnel, while preparing their agents, using professional testing equipment, with the help of the maintenance staff and referring to the blueprint of the aircraft, to find out everything that does not belong to the factory configuration of the aircraft.

     This work is expected to take at least three days to complete.

     When Wu Feiyan finally rushed to the designated location, which was only three kilometers away from the airport, the agents at the airport had just inspected half of the cockpit.

     After Wu Feiyan arrived, she immediately asked Wu Tianlin to ask the scouts if they had seen anyone or vehicles leaving the small airport. The answer was no.

     This made Wu Feiyan breathe a sigh of relief.

     No one left the airport, which proved that as long as Sifang Baozhuang was on that plane, it must still be in this airport.

     So, she released more than half of the spiritual energy in her body, and the spiritual energy spread to all corners of the airport, in order to search for movements related to the magic weapon.

     What Wu Feiyan didn't know was that Charlie already knew about it as soon as the helicopter she was riding in landed.

     So, he immediately sent a message to inform Lin Wan'er. The content of the message was: "It's ready to be broadcast!"

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