Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3003 update | Chapter 6253 & 6254 Chapter 3003 You have to thank me properly! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3003 You have to thank me properly!

Charlie has never known about AI models before, but after hearing Lin Wan'er's introduction, he was already a little moved.

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The power of AI is that it not only has certain basic intelligence and logical thinking ability, but more importantly, it relies on powerful computers and super computing power and storage. It also has a massive knowledge base and powerful computing power.

Before AI, if you wanted a computer to help you calculate the flight trajectory of a comet, you needed to first know how to calculate the flight trajectory yourself, and then use a computer language that the computer can understand to write a set of instructions to teach the computer how to calculate the comet's flight trajectory. software, and then rely on a supercomputer to run the software, and then input all the relevant data about the comet, and then the supercomputer can complete the calculation.

But the AI ​​model, through continuous learning and updating of the human knowledge base, has already learned how to calculate the flight trajectory of comets. It can even calculate the trajectory of mortars, ballistic missiles, intercontinental missiles and even the flight trajectories of mere badmintons.

Therefore, you don’t need to teach it how to calculate bit by bit in a language that the computer can understand. You only need to tell it, I want to know the flight trajectory of this comet. As long as its knowledge base has data about this comet, it will tell you the results itself, simple and direct.

Charlie did not expect that the best AI model today is actually an industry of the Rothschild family. When Lin Waner reminded him, he was indeed a little tempted. Although this can be regarded as one of the most cutting-edge technologies in the Internet field, but As long as you can grasp the needs of the Rothschild family, you can definitely buy it from them.

So, Charlie smiled and said to Lin Wan'er: "Thank you, Miss Lin, for reminding me. After the news of Sifang Baozhuang's return to China is announced, I will wait to see if the old man of the Rothschild family will be greatly affected. When the time comes, let Helena Help me sell him a blood-dispersing and heart-saving pill. If it doesn't work, I'll change it to a rejuvenating pill. I'll definitely be able to get this set of AI models by then."

After saying that, Charlie said again: "If you can get it, let Helena help set up a shell company in Northern Europe and built the AI ​​server in Northern Europe. On the one hand, it can avoid the US ban on sales, and on the other hand, it can also avoid the secret supervision of the United States."

Lin Waner smiled and said: "Speaking of Quartet Baozhuang, before the slave family had time to tell the young master, Lao Sun just called the slave family and said that the appraisal process at Eastcliff has been completed and the relevant materials have been sent to the TV station. It is estimated that it will be ready in about twenty minutes. After it is broadcasted, the Rothschild family invested so much energy in New York to contain it. They thought that the Sifang Baozhuang must be in New York. When the news comes out, it is estimated that they and Wu Feiyan will collapse."

Charlie said: "Not yet. she knew her current situation, but she definitely couldn't figure it out now. One was that she couldn't figure out whether Chen Zhimin was dead or alive, and the other was that she couldn't figure out what was going on with the plane Chen Zhimin had bagged, let alone the Sifang Baozhuang. Where is it?"

    Lin Wan'er said: "The Slave family feels that Wu Feiyan's top priority now should be to find out the situation of the plane. The reason why the National Security Agency of the United States made a big effort to get the plane back to the United States is because it A reliable tip said that there may be national defense secrets on the plane. This must have been instructed by Wu Feiyan, which proves that she is most anxious to verify the situation of the plane."

    Charlie asked her: "Where will the plane land on its return trip?"

    Lin Waner said: "Specified Landing at a small airport near the US-Canada border, about four hundred kilometers away from New York."

    "Four hundred kilometers..." Charlie repeated, looked at the time again, and said, "If this is the case, then Wu Feiyan probably wants to be in If you want to get there before the plane lands, you have to take a helicopter."

    "Yes." Lin Wan'er said: "Except for helicopters, there is no other way to get there."

    Charlie smiled and said: "She can't get through that helicopter, just queuing up for inspection. It's enough for her to drink a pot."

    As he said, he added: "I guess she hasn't left New York until the news is released."

    Lin Wan'er asked: "Sir, do you want to release the news later? Let Wu Feiyan go through all the trouble first. After working so hard to get there, let her really feel what it means to fetch water from a bamboo basket but in vain."

    Charlie sighed: "Of course I have thought about it, but I don't know if the time can be just right. If the plane arrives early, before Wu Feiyan has flown to the place, are you sure there is nothing abnormal there?"

    Lin Wan'er smiled and said: "The plane will land in more than an hour, but since the Department of Homeland Security has launched such a big battle, it will definitely have to deal with it. Only a thorough inspection of the aircraft can completely rule out the abnormality. I took a look and found that the aircraft Chen Zhimin rented was a Gulfstream G650. Although it was not very big, it was more than thirty meters long. After a little troubleshooting, within a few hours there was no problem at all. Maybe you can check it. If you include this time, it will definitely be enough for Wu Feiyan to fly over from New York. "

    Said, Lin Wan'er added: "It would be better if there is any way to bring Wu Feiyan into conflict with the Homeland Security Bureau. "

    Charlie smiled and said: "Wu Feiyan's strength is far superior to mine. If she really sneaks into the vicinity of the airport, she will definitely use her spiritual energy to confirm that the Sifang Baozhuang is on that plane before taking action, otherwise she will definitely not Will take action rashly. "

    That's true. " Lin Wan'er said with a smile: "Young master should think more comprehensively, but if he can force her to run an extra 400 kilometers, it will definitely make her mentality collapse more completely." "

    That's true. " Charlie smiled and said: "I'll first ask Steve from the Rothschild family for the helicopter imaging data currently being inspected to see if Wu Feiyan is among them. If she is, it will be easier. When will she be released?" I'll know it like the back of my hand, and when the time comes, including the time it takes her to fly all the way there, I'll almost be able to grasp the best time to release the news.

    Lin Wan'er said happily: "That's great! " It is up to the young master to control this opportunity. The slave family will be waiting for news about the young master in Auroushill. Once the young master says yes, the slave family will tell Lao Sun that the news will be sent out within a minute or two at the latest! "

    Speaking, Lin Wan'er said happily: "When I think that Wu Feiyan will collapse soon, the slave family is so happy! "

    Charlie smiled and said: "Don't worry, when she knows that Sifang Baozhuang has returned to China and realizes that Chen Zhimin and Uncle Zhongyong are probably dead, she will definitely doubt her life. I guess she has never been so aggrieved in her life.. "

    Lin Wan'er said with a smile as bright as a flower: "Wu Feiyan has been pursuing the slave family for so many years, and has made the slave family feel aggrieved for so many years. It is finally her turn to taste the aggrievedness! "

    As she said that, she said again: "Sir, the slave family can wait here for the news of the master with peace of mind! "

    "good! "

    Charlie agreed readily. After hanging up the phone, he immediately left Helena's room and went to the room where Steve and Zhou Liangyun were.

    Steve was already a little impatient at this time.

    He planned to leave Sifang Baozhuang Time in the United States, it felt like the Sifang Baozhu should have arrived in China a long time ago, but for some reason there has been no news yet.

    He was also hoping that after the news came back from China, the bad news about his family would come from New York.

    But he just waited and waited. There was no movement, and Steve could not help but feel anxious and angry.

    Just when Charlie knocked on the door and came in, he couldn't wait to step forward and asked: "Mr. Wade, has Sifang Baozhuang returned to China? Why hasn't the news come out yet?"

    Charlie smiled and said: "Don't be anxious, although the things have arrived in China , but it needs to be appraised by experts organized by the official government. After all, it is a major event that needs to be announced to the outside world, and it must be ensured to be foolproof. Furthermore, although the things have been returned, the material still needs to be processed briefly, and the TV station will not be able to insert news. It will take time to edit, arrange, post-process, and check everything before it is broadcast."

    Steve nodded quickly and said, "You are right, these do take time, but do you think it's probably When will the exact news come out?"

    Charlie thought for a while: "I guess it will be about two or three hours."

    "Okay." Steve looked at the time and subconsciously said: "Two or three hours. Three hours is okay, not too long..."

    Charlie asked him at this time: "By the way, Steve, can you help me get the relevant image data of your helicopter inspection site today?"

    Steve Nodding: "No problem, my fourth brother's family seems to be in charge of the helicopter checkpoint. I'll contact them and ask for it."

    Charlie asked him: "Does your fourth brother know the Internet well?"

    Steve said: "He know nothing, his son knows better."

    As he said that, he suddenly thought of something and said quickly: "By the way, his son is your mother's junior student. He also imitated your mother and invested in many companies in Silicon Valley, but it seems that He didn't invest in a particularly powerful company."

    Charlie said: "He should have invested in a company that develops AI. Have you heard of it?"

    "No." Steve shook his head and said casually: "I don't know much about the concepts of the Internet. Interested, some time ago, Mark created a metaverse. He came excitedly and introduced it to us for a long time. It felt like it was not as good as a video game played by children. Later, someone told me about AI, and I didn’t even bother to understand it. ."

    Charlie smiled slightly: "It's the AI ​​you are too lazy to understand that almost took away your position as heir. They are now integrating AI with the monitoring system and are helping to screen all helicopters that need to be inspected. This is very important to them. It is a very successful attempt and has opened up new ideas for their AI applications. I estimate that they will soon combine AI with more traditional fields to achieve greater effectiveness." 

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Steve and said very seriously: "Steve, you have to thank me! If I hadn't taken great risks and sent the Sifang Baozhuang out of New York and back to China, who would have found it in the end? , it’s definitely not you, but your fourth brother’s son! By that time, you will no longer be the heir of the family, you can only become the uncle of the heir !”

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