Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2998 update | Chapter 6243 & 6244 Chapter 2998 When it’s time for them to die, just die! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2998 When it’s time for them to die, just die!

Wu Feiyan knows the background of the Sifang Baozhuang, and even knows that in the Tang Dynasty, the Sifang Baozhuang was an important national weapon that could protect the country and the country.

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    She is a master of Taoism. She knows very well that even if the magic power of the Sifang Baozhuan has declined after so many years, its remaining magic power will definitely be of great help to individuals or a small and medium-sized group.

    The Rothschild family that owns it does not understand spiritual energy, cultivation, or understanding of the core formation of the Sifang Baozhu. They have flourished for two to three hundred years just by quietly holding it. This is the best proof that Sifang Baozhuang's power still exists.

    Therefore, facing the Sifang Baozhu, Wu Feiyan felt that under the background that her pursuit of life extension was almost hopeless, what did the life and death of Po Qing Society mean?

    A hundred years later, if she died, would he still leave Po Qing Society to the descendants of the Wu family to be free and unrestrained? It’s simply a fool’s dream!

    If she is bound to die in a hundred years, what is the significance of Poqing's existence? It would be more satisfying to let them all be buried with her!

    So, what if after this operation, the Po Qing Society will provoke the United States and be surrounded and suppressed by the United States?

    With her own strength, although she cannot protect the entire Po Qing Society, it is still very easy to find a safe place to hide her name and live out the remaining one hundred years in a down-to-earth manner.

    And if this adventure can allow you to obtain the Sifang Baozhu, then your overall fortune will skyrocket, and your chances of obtaining the secret of immortality will be much higher!

    It is even possible that it will bring about a major breakthrough in cultivation!

    As long as you find the opportunity to extend your life to a thousand years, the Poqing Society will be gone, and you can build a new one!

    Moreover, what if it offends the United States?

    Tens or a hundred years later, all the current high-level officials in the United States will be buried, and everything about the Po Qing Society will be dusted by the years. Who will still miss Wu Feiyan a hundred years ago?

    When the time comes, I will change my appearance, create another Po Qing Society, and live another five hundred years!

    Those five hundred years are the five hundred years when your hands and eyes can reach the sky, the five hundred years when you can call the wind and rain!

    By that time, the Little Po Qing Society will no longer be able to catch my eye!

    However, if she hesitates at all and causes any changes to the Sifang Treasure Building, it will definitely become the biggest regret of her life!

    Thinking of this, Wu Feiyan strengthened her belief. She stood up and said coldly: "Let's go all the way north to the U.S.-Canada border first. After the exact information comes, we will go to the airport designated by the Department of Homeland Security to see what happens!"

    Wu Tianlin said hurriedly : "Master Ying, you want to go to the scene in person? Isn't it too dangerous? In the opinion of your subordinates, let Wu Yongzhen's people handle this matter, so that you won't be exposed for this..."

    Wu Tianlin is Wu Feiyan He is a junior and a loyal servant. He knows that Wu Feiyan's identity is extremely special, and she also holds the shocking secret of immortality for four hundred years. He must not risk herself unless absolutely necessary.

    Moreover, in his opinion, three of the four great earls have died, and Wu Feiyan did not personally intervene in the first three deaths. Naturally, Wu Feiyan did not have to risk her life for Uncle Zhongyong, a mere Chen Zhimin, and the unknown treasure. .

    Wu Feiyan no longer concealed herself at this time. She looked at Wu Tianlin and said in a stern and anxious tone: "Uncle Zhongyong's life or death is not important, nor is Chen Zhimin's life or death. What is important is the antique dealer and what he has in his hands." A unique treasure that can change the fate of the Po Qing Society! Finding it may be the biggest opportunity in the more than 300 years since the Po Qing Society was founded!" \


"The reason why I went to the United States in person is to get it! "

    "If you can get it, that would be the best!"

    "If you can't get it, you must find a way to destroy it!"

    "If it really falls into the hands of that mysterious opponent, it will be his first step to break the Po Qing Society. The biggest threat in three hundred years!"

    At this point, Wu Feiyan's expression became extremely gloomy, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You also know that over the years, whether An Chengqi is dead or not has been a big worry for me! I have invested so much energy in the An family, I have been laying it out for twenty years, just to find an opportunity to force her to show up, but the results are not what I want every time! I even have to deal with it and I will suffer heavy losses!" "

    I am not worried about anything else, I am only worried that An Chengqi is not dead. , if that mysterious man is hers, it is the worst result for us!" "

    If this is the case, An Chengqi will be the first enemy who has the ability to control the life and death of the Po Qing Society!" "

    And if this time If they get that peerless treasure again, the balance of victory may completely tilt in her favor!"

    Wu Tianlin looked horrified and subconsciously said: "Master Ying... the peerless treasure you mentioned, does it really have such a powerful effect?"

    Wu Feiyan said: " Whoever gets it will get the world."

    After saying that, Wu Feiyan looked at Wu Tianlin, her tone was majestic and arrogant, and she looked down on the world, and said coldly: "Tianlin, you don't have to worry about the life and death of Po Qing Society. There is no need to worry about the life and death of other Wu family members. Today I promise you a great opportunity. If one day I can find the method of refining the Hundred Turns and Thousands of Returns Pill and successfully extend my life for thousands of years, then I will naturally refine the Eternal Green Pill. By the way, at that time, I will give you an eternal elixir and give you a life span of five hundred years!"

    At this point, Wu Feiyan paused for a moment, looked at him, and said: "The Po Qing Association is gone, you and I can build another one. One is! The other Wu family members are dead, but you still have the blood of the Wu family. Five hundred years will be enough for you to spread the branches and leaves of the Wu family. When the time comes, you will be the ancestor of the Wu family. This will create a new one. The Wu family is like the Wu family. If I live as long as the heavens one day, the Wu family will also live forever. Isn't this wonderful?"

    Wu Tianlin's whole body felt like it was struck by lightning, and he felt numb from his scalp to his toes!

    A life span of five hundred years was something he didn't even dare to think about!

    After all, he knew that Wu Feiyan relied on Patriarch Meng's everlasting elixir to live up to five hundred years, so how could he have such an incredible opportunity?

    However, once Wu Feiyan truly masters the method of living to a thousand years, she will become a being like Patriarch Meng.

    By then, wouldn't he have become the same existence she was back then?

    If Patriarch Meng can give her the Eternal Eternal Life Pill, then she can naturally give himself the Eternal Eternal Life Pill!

    Patriarch Meng could give her five hundred years of life, so she could also give himself five hundred years of life!

    Thinking of this, Wu Tianlin could hardly control himself. He wanted to kneel in front of Wu Feiyan and knock his head to the ground one by one until his head was smashed.

    Wu Feiyan saw his excitement and ecstasy, and also saw that he wanted to kneel down.

    Wu Feiyan held up Wu Tianlin's body with a spiritual energy, preventing him from kneeling down. At the same time, she said: "Tianlin, remember, I will only say this to you, and I will also say it to the second person in the future, and you , we must also keep it in mind and not reveal anything to anyone, do you understand?"

    Wu Tianlin's excited voice trembled, and he said repeatedly: "Don't worry, Lord, I understand! I am willing to go all out to assist Lord Ying in this life, no matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is!"

    Wu Feiyan nodded with satisfaction, and said: "From today on Come on, you have to correct your mentality. As long as you and I can live forever, it will not be a pity to kill more than ten thousand people in the Po Qing Society! These people are the cannon fodder I have trained for more than three hundred years. When it is time for them to die, They just have to die!"

Wish you all Happy Pongal (Harvest festival of ancient Tamil Culture)....

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