Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2972 update | Chapter 6191 & 6192 Chapter 2972 Smooth exit | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2972 ​​Smooth exit

The moment his consciousness returned to his body, Charlie also woke up instantly.

    Although the out-of-body feeling just now was very long, in reality it seemed to only last a moment.

    Charlie, who was frightened, took out the wooden box without having time to think about it. After confirming that there was nothing else in the secret compartment, he immediately dropped the stone lion back and covered it safely in the secret compartment.

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    At this time, there was still a lot of excitement in the Zhou family manor.

    Then, he immediately turned back, jumped downstairs, and climbed in through the window of the room where Hank and the three of them were.

    Steve and Royce, father and son, were dumbfounded.

    They didn't think it was anything special when Charlie jumped out of the window, but jumping in from the window really subverted their views.

    When Charlie returned to the room, he saw Steve and Royce's father and son looking horrified, and said to Hank: "Ask them to turn around, and you turn around and stare at them. Whoever dares to look back secretly will be killed." The shot collapsed."

    Hank immediately said: "Okay sir!"

    Steve almost collapsed and said solemnly: "Mr. Wade... we are already partners, you don't have to be so distrustful of us... I know that what you brought back must be a square treasure building, but I will definitely not leak a word to the outside world, and you don’t always have to let Hank put a gun to our heads..."

    Charlie asked him: "You… Are you teaching me how to do something?"

    Steve was so frightened that he waved his hands and said, "Don't I dare, I don't dare..."

    After that, he quickly turned his face away, not daring to look again.

    Charlie opened the wooden box and looked at the four-sided treasure building inside. He couldn't help but marvel in his heart: "This treasure building is exactly the same as the one he saw with my consciousness just now. Could it be that this is where my consciousness entered just now?

    " Thinking like this, Charlie reached out and gently lifted out the Sifang Baozhu.

    The main body of this treasure pillar is made of gold. It is not as luxurious as those specially used to hold relics, but it exudes an indescribable majesty everywhere.

    Having had the out-of-body experience just now, Charlie knew that the four-sided treasure pillar in his hand was more than just a magical weapon. It incorporated the spiritual energy and hard work of countless cultivators and could protect the world, the country, and the country. Although it can achieve the greatest effect only by complementing the original Big Wild Goose Pagoda and even the layout of the entire Chang'an City, it is still a rare Feng Shui treasure.

    The Rothschild family has been prosperous for two hundred years, and it must be inextricably linked to the Sifang Baozhu.

    At a certain moment, Charlie also thought about whether to keep this square treasure pillar with him. After all, it was refined with the painstaking efforts of many sages. Maybe he can discover many more profound secrets of cultivation from it.

    But the next second, he gave up the idea.

    The Sifang Baozhuang was originally built by the sages for China. Not just one person can take it as his own, and he must not have such an idea.

    So, he gently put the Sifang Baozhu back. As for the photocopied version of "The Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" below, he did not take it out. After all, now was not a good time to read.

    After getting the things, Charlie began to figure out his next plan.

    If Howard lets Royce go directly to Canada, he can take the Sifang Baozhu out of the United States. Once in Canada, it will be much easier to transport it back to China; 

  After the Sifang Baozhu returns to China, he can use the help of Lin Waner's adopted son Sun Zhidong hand it back to the Chinese official, in that case, his mission will be considered completed.

    However, Charlie did not plan to leave the United States just like that.

    After all, Zhou Liangyun is still being treated in the hospital. After he is discharged from the hospital, it is still unknown what the US government and the Rothschild family will do to him. Charlie does not want to leave him alone to fend for himself. If possible, he should try his best to save him. He was released from prison and at least free.

    at the same time.

    Hank directed a group of people to rush into the Zhou Manor and turned the Zhou Manor upside down, but could not find any trace of the intrusion.

    But what puzzled them was that there was a lot of commotion inside the Zhou family villa just now, and a lot of furniture and decorations were indeed broken. It seemed that someone had been here, otherwise how could a villa with closed doors and windows suddenly be disturbed? Something fell on the floor with a clang?

    But here's the weird thing. These things really look like someone violently threw everything to the ground, but not to mention the presence of people, not even a single footprint was found at the scene.

    Some of Howard's informants immediately reported this matter to Howard.

    When Howard heard the news, he suddenly became nervous and trembled all over.

    He immediately called Hank, and when Hank saw his call, he quickly looked at Charlie and asked for instructions: "Mr. Wade, it's Howard's call, should I answer it?"

    Charlie nodded: "Yes, please. He probably wants to ask you about the details of your actions just now, so tell him that you did hear the noise inside, but no one was arrested. If he asks about the power outage, exaggerate and remind him in as subtle a way as possible. He, there may be a mole within the Rothschild family."

    Hank said without thinking: "Okay Mr. Wade, let me tell him!"

    Then he answered the phone and said respectfully: "Hello, sir! Just as we were about to report to you, we just noticed that there was a sudden loud noise in the Zhou family manor. I was afraid that someone would enter through a secret passage that we did not control, so before I had time to ask you for instructions, I immediately arranged for my men to rush in and return the message. Please forgive me..."

    Howard hummed and said, "You did a good job on this. In a pinch, you act according to your instincts and don't need to ask for my opinion."

    After saying that, Howard asked tentatively: "What's the situation at the scene? Like? Have you caught anyone?"

    Hank said: "Not yet. Almost all our people have gone in, but no valuable clues have been found."

    Howard asked with a very worried voice: "There are signs of someone entering, but We can't find any clues. If this happens, there is a high probability that someone sneaked into the Zhou family through a secret passage that we don't know about, and then quietly left the Zhou family..."

    At this point, Howard asked again: "That's right. Hank, I heard that your place suddenly lost power tonight?"

    "Yes." Hank explained: "Both circuits were damaged tonight, and repairs are very difficult. It is estimated that there will be no calls before noon. 

Howard's mood became even more heavy, and he said anxiously: "The power outage is probably not an accident, right?"

    "Definitely not." Hank did not leave any chance for Howard, and said in a serious tone: "Sir, I think all our actions are under the surveillance of the other party. The other party has long known that we are secretly monitoring here. They even knew that we had deployed a large number of surveillance equipment here, so they destroyed the power supply lines and paralyzed all our surveillance equipment."

    Howard's heart sank and he asked: "Is it because we didn't do a good job of keeping secrets? Or are we? Someone inside leaked the news?"

    Hank said: "Both are possible, but the latter is more likely."

    Howard asked him: "If someone leaked the news, who do you think it would be?"

    Hank He said: "I don't dare to talk nonsense now. I need to investigate before I can judge."

    Howard asked again: "Then do you think the people who sneaked into Zhou's house tonight came to get the Sifang Baozhu?" "

    It must be so. ." Hank said decisively: "The other party took such a big risk, the only possibility was to take the Sifang Baozhu."

    Howard's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

    He murmured: "If this is the case, it means that the other party must have taken away the Sifang Baozhuang..."

    After that, he yelled at the butler beside him at the top of his lungs: "Notify everyone and all departments immediately, Strictly block all entrances and exits in New York and surrounding areas, and at the same time begin to conduct platoons within the blockade, and we must find the Sifang Treasure Building at all costs!"

    At this moment, a man next to Howard suddenly said: "Sir, we just collected The news from Canada is that Queen Helena of Northern Europe will visit Canada in advance."

    Howard frowned: "Early? When?" "

    Today, it is said that the special plane will take off in about two or three hours, and the first stop will be Ottawa. Then there is nearby Montreal."

    Howard asked doubtfully: "Why did she suddenly change the schedule?"

    The person said: "It is said that the Queen has some minor health problems and has made an appointment for treatment next week, so we can only move forward."

    Howard He said: "Okay, I understand."

    Hank on the other side of the phone seized the opportunity and asked quickly: "Sir, what should I do next?"

    Howard gritted his teeth and said: "Even if you dig three feet into the ground, You also need to find out the secret passage for them to enter and exit!"

    After that, he added: "By the way, tell Steve that Helena will leave for Canada immediately, and ask him to arrange for Royce to hurry up and prepare. , I also arranged for someone to rush over to help with the connection. Our reputation has plummeted recently. We must seize this opportunity to establish a good relationship with the Nordic royal family. It may be of great use in the future!"

    Hank said quickly: "Okay sir, I'll do it right now. Tell the young master!"

    Howard said coldly: "Hank, this time they entered and exited the Zhou Manor under your nose as if they were in no one's land! I will definitely hold you accountable for this matter! Before I even thought about it, Before I punish you, you'd better be able to redeem yourself and find some useful clues for me. Otherwise, you  won't ask for my mercy! Do you understand?!"

    Hank blurted out: "I understand, sir, don't worry. , I will try my best!"

    Howard immediately hung up the phone.

    Hank said to Charlie respectfully: "Mr. Wade, Howard asked me to tell the eldest young master that he wants the young master to prepare to go to Canada!"

    Charlie nodded: "I heard it all."

    After saying that, Charlie looked at Steve and his son Royce and  said, "You two, turn around and talk."

    They quickly turned around and looked at Charlie respectfully, waiting for his next words.

    Charlie said at this time: "Royce, I will take a helicopter with you to Canada later. Is your pilot trustworthy?"

    "Absolutely trustworthy!" Steve said quickly: "My pilot is mine. Direct descendant!"

    "Okay." Charlie nodded and said to him: "After we set off in a while, you will stay here and wait for further instructions from your father."

    Steve agreed without hesitation.

    In his heart, he only hoped that Charlie would quickly take Sifang Baozhu out of the United States. Once this thing left the United States, his threat would be gone.

    What he cares about is only the position of the heir. As for this square treasure building, he has nothing to miss. If it is lost, it is lost. As for whether the loss of this thing will affect the fortune of the Rothschild family for a hundred years, He didn't take it to heart at all. In his opinion, the Rothschild family had a lot of money. As long as he could succeed to the throne, it didn't matter even a 50% discount.


    Charlie and Royce left New York by helicopter before dawn.

    Because of Howard's special approval, the helicopter was not subject to any inspection.

    Even when entering Canada, no one asked about it.

    Taking a helicopter across the border between the two countries in a grand manner. Although the bilateral relationship between the United States and Canada is not as open as the EU countries have completely opened the border, after all, there is a quasi-master-servant relationship that everyone understands, so bilateral entry and exit management is They were very lax, and the Rothschild family also had great influence in Canada, so when their helicopters crossed the border, Canada turned a blind eye.

    When the helicopter successfully passed the US-Canada border, Charlie was relieved. He sent a message to Chen Zhaozhong, asking him to hurry up and buy the earliest ticket to fly to Montreal.

    Although these two cities are very close to each other, flights are very frequent. They start at around six o'clock every day and continue with a frequency of two or three times an hour until 9:30 at night.

    When Chen Zhaozhong saw Charlie's message asking him to go to Montreal, he knew that he must have successfully left the United States, so he quickly booked the earliest ticket and waited to rush to the airport.

    Immediately afterwards, Charlie contacted Joseph Wan and asked him to urgently transfer several Wanlong Palace agents stationed here from Canada and ask them to wait for his dispatch in Montreal.

    Later, he contacted Nanako Ito, who was far away in China, and asked Nanako Ito to help charter a transoceanic business jet from Montreal in the name of the Ito family. The business jet would fly directly from Montreal to Aurous Hill.

    After making these arrangements, the helicopter he took also arrived in the southern suburbs of Ottawa, the capital of Canada.

    For safety reasons, he did not let the helicopter take him to Montreal to land. After all, although this helicopter did not require border inspection or entry registration, it was always on the Canadian air traffic control radar screen from the moment it entered Canada. The height and speed of the helicopter are clearly visible on the radar. If it lands in the middle, a record will be left. Once the Rothschild family checks this line, they will definitely notice anomalies.

    Therefore, when the helicopter was still dozens of kilometers away from Ottawa, Charlie jumped from the sky above the farm area south of Ottawa.

    Royce Rothschild watched Charlie jump from a height of 100 meters, and everyone was stunned. But when Charlie, who became the size of a sesame seed, landed and started running wildly, he began to doubt his life.

    After Charlie landed, he ran wildly, took out his cell phone, and called Lin Wan'er in China.

    It was late at night in China at this time.

    However, Lin Wan'er did not go back to her room to sleep. Instead, she drank tea in the yard and by the hot spring pool, watching the delicate branches and leaves of the mother of Pucha tea.

    Drinking tea here and taking care of the mother of Pucha, all she could think about was Charlie.

    At this moment, she suddenly received a call from Charlie, and her pretty face suddenly turned red. She immediately answered the call shyly, and asked him shyly but unable to hide her excitement: "Where did Mr. Wade call the slave family?""

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