Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2969 update | Chapter 6185 & 6186 Chapter 2969 Helped a lot | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2969 Helped a lot

Steve has his own little plan in his heart.

If he can successfully inherit the position of head of the family in the future, he will never take a second-rate family like the Wade family seriously.

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Although he is regarded as Charlie's prisoner now, once he gets through this difficulty and becomes the patriarch of the family, he will be something that even Charlie can't reach even if he sharpens his head.

By then, will the Wade family be nothing?

However, he naturally only dared to hide this kind of thoughts in his heart and did not dare to say them out casually.

So, he smiled and said to Charlie: "With your words, Mr. Wade, our two families will definitely become each other's most important partners in the future!"

Charlie also knew that Steve was just acting for the occasion, and as for himself, he even acted like him. The phone is still recording. The more pious he behaves, the greater the deterrent effect this video will have on him in the future.

Therefore, Charlie couldn't help but sigh: "I heard that your father Howard is also over eighty years old this year, right?"

Steve nodded and said, "My father is eighty-four years old this year."

 "Eighty-four?" Charlie couldn't help but sigh: "Eighty-four is a good age!"

Steve asked curiously: "Why did Mr. Wade say that?"

Charlie laughed casually and said: "Oh, haha, there is a saying in China that seventy-three and eighty-four are the two hurdles for the elderly, which means that these two years will be relatively difficult, and various disasters will occur. It's more common and easier to die. It's already the fourth quarter of this year. If you're lucky, your father might die this year."

"Oh, really?" Steve's first reaction was that he was obviously interested. He couldn't hide his smile and asked curiously: "Mr. Wade, is there any scientific basis for this statement?"

Charlie waved his hand: "It's just folk custom, there is no scientific basis, but for you, or for us, it is at least worth admiring for a while, don't you think so?"

Steve felt that he and Charlie had said everything they should and shouldn't say, and there was no need to hide it anymore. In a big family like his, the crown prince would always look forward to his father. Those who died early would certainly be no exception to this, Steve.

Coupled with the fact that the old man has recently created a conspiracy about who will find it first and who will be the heir to the family because of the Sifang Baozhu incident, Steve naturally hopes that he will die as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.

Charlie's words just hit his heart, so he felt a little embarrassed and said with excitement: "Then let's borrow Mr. Wade's good words!"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: "Let's wish together, wish together!"

After saying that, the two of them laughed out loud in unison.

Charlie said with some regret: "Oh, it would be great if we could have a glass of champagne to celebrate at this time."

 Royce on the side said quickly: "Yes! There is champagne! It's in the wine cabinet, I'll get it!"

With that said, he hurried to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of champagne and a few glasses through the hazy moonlight outside the window.

 With a bang, the champagne was opened, followed by the crisp sound of three glasses clinking together.

After a glass of wine, Steve obviously felt much more relaxed and happy.

So, he began to take the initiative to care about Sifang Baozhuan's affairs, and asked Charlie: "Mr. Wade, you just said that it would be great if Helena came to Canada tonight. Is this possible?"

 Charlie smiled and said: "Of course it's possible, I'll make arrangements."

After that, Charlie finished the video shooting and called Helena directly.

There is a six-hour time difference between Northern Europe and New York.

 We are in Northern Europe, which is further east, six hours earlier than New York. Although it is not yet dawn in New York, it is already morning in Northern Europe.

Helena was sorting out her itinerary for the next few days with the royal family's butler when she suddenly received a call from Charlie, and she was immediately shaken up.

She couldn't wait to push the housekeeper away, and then happily answered Charlie's call. Her voice was as exciting as a girl's first love, and she said excitedly: "Hello, Mr. Wade!"

 Charlie couldn't help but feel a ripple deep in his heart when he heard Helena's somewhat excited voice. He smiled and asked, "Helena, how are you doing recently?"

"It's pretty good." Helena said without hesitation: "Everything is fine, except that the royal family is a bit annoying when they nag every day, but these are all small things."

Charlie asked curiously: "You are already a queen, who among them dares to nag you nonsense?"

Helena sighed and said helplessly: "Mr. Wade, you don't know something. Even if I am already the Queen, many things must follow royal traditions. They are like members of Congress, asking all kinds of trivial questions every day. "They don't care what I wear, what I eat, who I see or what I say, and the most annoying thing is that they care about my marriage. They keep nagging me every day, and it's really annoying to death."

Charlie asked curiously: "The queen will also be forced to marry by the royal family?"

"It's more than just a forced marriage..." Helena complained: "Now they all want to kidnap a royal prince from another country to marry me. What they are most worried about is that the royal blood cannot be passed on, but I don't care, there is really no one to inherit. If I am in power, just let the Nordic parliaments of the upper and lower houses directly cancel the constitutional monarchy after my death."

Charlie smiled and said: "It's best not to tell other people about your idea, otherwise they will be said to be deviant."

Helena said delicately: "I know Mr. Wade, I will only tell you this kind of thing."

Charlie smiled and asked her: "By the way, I heard that you are going to visit Canada next week?"

"Yes." Helena said: "It is a state visit arranged by the Nordic government. In fact, there is nothing practical to talk about. The main thing is to show up and strengthen the interaction between the two countries at the level of people and public opinion."

Charlie asked: "Is it possible to advance the time?"

"In advance?" Helena asked curiously: "Why do you ask, Mr. Wade? Are you going to Canada soon?

Charlie didn't hide anything from her, and said directly: "I encountered a little trouble in the United States and need to return to China via Canada. If you can come to Canada as soon as possible, I can get out of here."

When Helena heard this, she said without hesitation without asking about the specific situation: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely try my best to leave for Canada as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

As she said that, she looked at the time and said, "Mr. Wade, please wait a moment. I'll go confirm with them."

Generally speaking, visits at the diplomatic level are strictly scheduled. After all, it involves issues such as time schedules and security preparations for both parties. It is not easy to change the time.

But Helena's current situation is rather special.

Although she is treated as a national monarch in terms of treatment, in fact she is mainly the first mascot in Northern Europe.

In addition, we are not here to talk about anything important. We are mainly here to show our faces, take a walk among the people, and win some goodwill for both parties. Therefore, it will not take up too much time and energy from the Canadian senior officials, and the deployment will be simple. It won't be that troublesome.

Moreover, this time Helena came to Canada, she was invited by Canada. Even the itinerary and route were very respectful of her personal wishes, so she had much greater initiative in this matter.

The reason why Helena has such great initiative is mainly because she has several great advantages.

The first advantage is that she is so good-looking. Looking at the entire European royal family, no one can match her. Even the most beautiful goddess in Hollywood in the past, she is not inferior to anyone;

The second advantage is that she is young, full of positive energy, and has a healthy and sunny temperament.

Looking at the circles of European and American celebrities, who doesn’t have a little dark history?

Those who have taken drugs, had affairs, been promiscuous, beaten others, been in jail, and even been involved in the underworld. I dare not say that the entire upper class in Europe and America is a nest of snakes and rats, but at least they are also five types of poisonous people. Everything.

But Helena was different.

She was born into a royal family and received an aristocratic education when she was young. When others reached the age of rebelliousness and began to abuse her, her parents passed away one after another, so she had to be cautious in order to win a limited position in the cruel royal family. living space.

This also means that she has never even gone through the rebellious stage.

When the other princesses were in their rebellious phase, they were all dating, going to nightclubs, smoking cigarettes or even having some marijuana, but Helena was the only one who didn't get into any habits of pregnancy, and she was still perfect even to this day.

 Such an impeccable image of positive energy can even withstand the scrutiny of those pedantic defenders.

 Such girls are very rare not to mention in the royal family, even in the upper class society in Europe and America, so Helena is deeply loved by fans of all ages.

Needless to say, young people like her, middle-aged and elderly people also like her. They think that if they have a daughter, they should be as generous, flawless and self-improving as she is. And it goes without saying that those children like her. Every child has a prince. The fairy tale dream of a princess is much more realistic to like Helena than to like Princess Elsa. Moreover, if children like Helena, they will be greatly recognized by their parents. They feel that this is the most positive and most worthy of liking idol in today's society. .

It can be said that Helena's ability to stack buffs is no less influential than a gay transvestite in the United States who is a minority of color, has gender cognitive impairment, is extremely passionate about environmental protection, and advocates vegetarianism.

 And it is precisely because these buffs on her body are constantly superimposed that Helena is extremely popular in the minds of ordinary people.

In today's online world, eight of the top ten internet celebrities with the highest traffic are demons, ghosts, ghosts and monsters. To have Helena as a clear stream among the clean streams is simply a blessing to the whole world.

Therefore, Helena has long been a top celebrity globally, so European and American countries are eager to invite her to interact with her in their own countries.

To put it bluntly, it’s just to take advantage of her traffic and popularity.

Her visit to Canada this time was only due to several invitations and schedules from the Canadian government.

In order to allow Helena to come to Canada, the Canadian government even quietly came up with preferential trade policies for Northern Europe, which can be regarded as full of sincerity.

Since Canada is rushing to invite, Helena will have more initiative in temporarily adjusting the time.

Even though it was dark in Canada at this time, the officials who were specifically responsible for Helena's visit to Canada urgently reported the matter to the highest level after receiving the short notice from the royal family.

Helena did not explicitly say that she wanted to come to Canada early. She just told Canada that she had some minor problems in her physical examination. The royal doctor arranged for her to receive treatment next week, and then gave Canada a choice, she could come early. Or we have to postpone it until next year.

The Canadian side was naturally unwilling to miss this good opportunity to gain traffic and goodwill, so after a short discussion, they immediately agreed to Helena's request to change the time.

So, Helena immediately called Charlie back. As soon as the call came through, she excitedly said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, I have communicated with the Canadian government, and they agreed to my request to visit in advance. In three hours, at 7 a.m. local time in Canada, the Nordic royal family and the Canadian government will announce it to the outside world at the same time!"

Charlie was overjoyed and asked her quickly: "Then when will you leave for Canada?"

Helena said excitedly: "I have already asked the crew to prepare. The royal family and diplomats are still making relevant preparations. We can take off in four hours at the fastest!"

Charlie immediately breathed a sigh of relief and thanked: "Thank you Helena, you really helped me a lot this time!"

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