Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2967 update | Chapter 6181 & 6182 Chapter 2967 Reaching Cooperation | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2967 Reaching Cooperation

Charlie's words made Steve involuntarily startled.

Thinking about it carefully, Charlie's words made sense. Whoever takes it back will be the first heir. So what he was thinking about was to take the Sifang Baozhu back quickly to avoid being robbed of the opportunity by others.

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But think about it from another direction, what if no one can take the Sifang Baozhu back? He was originally the first heir, but if he cut off other people's promotion opportunities, wouldn't he still be the first heir?

Of course, the only difference is that in this case, although he is still the first heir, the Sifang Mansion no longer belongs to the Rothschild family.

However, I don’t have a choice now.

Right now, my life is in the hands of others, so I am grateful to God for surviving.

So, he subconsciously asked Charlie: "Sir, can you guarantee that this square treasure building will never fall into the hands of other Rothschild family members again?"

Charlie frowned slightly and asked in a cold voice: "You use the word guarantee a bit too much, right? What qualifications do you have for me to guarantee you?"

Steve hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, that's not what I meant, please don't misunderstand..."

Charlie asked aggressively: "Then what do you mean?"

Steve quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said hesitantly: "I...I just want to know...what do you plan to do with the Sifang Baozhuang..."

Charlie glanced at him and said calmly: "You robbed the Sifang Baozhu from China, so what I have to do is to return it to its original owner, return it intact to Zhao, and return to China."

Saying that, Charlie looked at Steve and said: "So you don't have to worry too much. As long as the Sifang Treasure Building returns to China, China will naturally protect it well and will never let this national treasure leave again China’s land.”

When Steve heard this, he felt relieved, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on his lips.

He kept rubbing his hands happily and murmured: "It's great, it's really great..."

Charlie asked him with a smile: "What's so good about it?"

Steve quickly said: "This Sifang Baozhu is originally from China, so it would be best if it could be returned to China..."

Charlie asked again: "Your father always dreamed that the Sifang Baozhuang could return to your Rothschild family. Why are you not of the same mind as him?"

Steve thought that Charlie was testing himself and asking him to express his attitude, so he immediately said in a righteous manner: "Sir, to tell you the truth, my father's mind is still full of great-power doctrine. He feels that How is it possible that something he snatched is his? We are in a civilized society now! This square treasure building had its origins back then, and now it is only natural for him to return it to its original owner. I, as a person, accept all these things. In modern legal education, there is still a sense of justice!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction and asked him: "So you are willing to help me bring the Sifang Baozhu back to China, even if you are the first heir of the Rothschild family, even if your father is the successor of the Rothschild family, The patriarch desperately hopes that the Sifang Baozhuan can return to the Rothschild family, and you are still willing to go against his wishes and help me facilitate this matter, right?"

Steve nodded heavily without hesitation, clenched his fists in the air and hammered them hard, and said loudly and forcefully: "Yes! I do!"

After saying that, Steve quickly whispered in a very humble tone: "But sir, I have a small request. I hope you can agree to it."

Charlie said calmly: "Tell me about it first."

Steve hurriedly said: "I hope that after Mr. brings the Sifang Baozhu back to China, he will not reveal our conversation tonight to the world..."

Charlie pretended to be enlightened and smiled: "Oh, I understand, you are afraid that your father will settle the score with you."

"Yes..." Steve said with an apologetic smile: "I will help you bring the Sifang Baozhu back to China, and you will help me keep the secret. Everyone will be happy, what do you think?"

Charlie smiled slightly: "If your father knew that you helped outsiders transport the Sifang Baozhu out of the United States in order to secure your position as the first heir, he would definitely be very angry, right?"

"More than just angry..." Steve sighed: "I'm afraid he will kill me! You don't know, he takes Sifang Baozhuang very seriously. In his eyes, the only thing in the world that is more beautiful than Sifang Baozhuang is The most important thing may be his own life, other than that, nothing else is more important than the Sifang Baozhu."

Charlie nodded: "In that case, let's talk about cooperation."

Steve quickly said: "Sir, please tell me! As long as it is within my ability, I will do my best!"

Charlie said: "I can spare you and your son's life, but you have to find a way to send me and the Sifang Baozhuang out of the United States. In return, I will bring the Sifang Baozhuang back to China and return it to China Government, in this way, you can continue to sit back and relax as your first heir."

Steve said without hesitation: "Sir, I definitely have no objection to the cooperation you mentioned. It's just that I'm worried that I won't be able to send you out of the United States in a short time. Now the whole family is trying every means to encircle New York." Bucket, if my helicopter can’t fly out tonight, I can only wait for other opportunities.”

At this moment, the roar of the helicopter came from far away. Charlie's eyes lit up and he said, "Your son is back."

Steve subconsciously said: "I hope they don't get into trouble!"

A few minutes later, Hank and Royce returned to the room where Charlie was.

As soon as the two entered the door, Steve couldn't wait to ask: "How was it? Did anyone stop you?"

"Yes..." Royce said bitterly: "The radar of the National Security Agency has locked the airspace in the blockade area. As soon as our helicopter arrived near the edge of the blockade area, they used radio to warn us that the airspace is currently closed due to homeland security issues. All non-government helicopters took off and required us to land in their designated area for inspection. I reported my identity and after the other party verified that it was correct, they did not force us to land for inspection, but asked us to stay away from the edge of the blockade area."

Hank on the side also said: "Such strict control has only been seen since 911."

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help but secretly sigh at the power of the Rothschild family.

They usually remain secretive and rarely even appear in media reports. Although there are many rumors about them in the market, they have never come out to admit or deny it. Few people know how strong they really are. However, Today, Charlie finally saw it.

The Rothschild family is actually powerful enough to privately use the public assets of many U.S. government departments to serve themselves. The FBI, CIA, Food and Drug Administration, Anti-Smuggling Administration and even the National Security Agency. These departments are actually able to Everyone performed their own duties in this matter and helped the Rothschild family quietly and tightly blockade the entire New York and surrounding areas.

Moreover, these departments each have their own reasons and rhetoric. They all blockade the sea, land and air, and strictly inspect all people and means of transportation. This is enough to show that the Rothschild family has an unparalleled existence in the United States. 

This made Charlie hesitate for a moment.

Naturally, he wanted to take the Sifang Baozhu out of the United States as soon as possible. However, no matter how capable he was, he would not be able to fly to the sky and escape. If he wanted to leave the United States, he would either take a plane, a boat, or a car to Canada or Mexico.

However, the most difficult thing right now is that everyone who sets up the card wears a recorder that is constantly synchronized online, and uploads everything they see to the cloud server without any delay. It is very simple to get out on your own, but His identity will definitely be exposed.

Based on Rothschild's influence on the U.S. government departments, it is not difficult to guess that once his identity is exposed, the U.S. government will do its best to arrest him. By that time, he may be wanted by the U.S. Interpol worldwide.

From the moment Stephen Tomphson came to Charlie again, Charlie has been doing his best to hide his identity. Even Claire is still in the dark, and hidden enemies like Wu Feiyan are still in the dark for the time being. Not knowing his existence, if you are not careful at this time, it is very likely that all your previous efforts will be in vain, and even push yourself and the people around you into the abyss.

Therefore, Charlie also knew very well that he could not take chances or luck, he must find a 100% reliable method.

Moreover, simply leaving the blockade area is not enough. No one can guarantee whether Rothschild will secretly instruct these departments to expand the scope of the blockade. The best way is to find an opportunity and leave the United States directly.

Thinking of this, Charlie asked Steve: "Your Rothschild family should have many properties all over the world, and it should be very common for you to go abroad. If your family wants to go abroad at this time, can you? Avoid inspection?"

"This..." Steve said: "What my father means now is to use the strength of the whole family to go all out to find the Sifang Treasure Building. Other than that, other things can be put aside for the time being, so this kind of Under such circumstances, he should not let us leave the United States. Not only that, many core family members overseas have also begun to return to the United States. After all, the position of the heir of the family head is at stake, and no one wants to leave the United States at this time."

Charlie smacked his lips. It seemed that the possibility of taking advantage of the Rothschild family to leave the United States was slim.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Canada, which is only more than 300 kilometers away from here in a straight line, so he said to Steve: "If I remember correctly, the straight line distance from here to Montreal, Canada, should be less than 400 kilometers. Your helicopter You can definitely fly there in one go. Think about it, under what circumstances would your father ask you to leave the United States and go to Canada immediately?"

Steve frowned and thought for a long time, shook his head and said: "I can't think of it. Although we have some business in Montreal, it is not big after all, and the Canadian affairs are assigned to my third brother in the family, if something happens, my father will definitely let him go, not me."

At this time, Royce on the side suddenly said: "By the way, Dad, Queen Helena of the Nordics is going to visit Canada next week. Didn't grandpa remind me before that I hope I can develop some development with her? What if Helena waits until next week? When I get to Canada, I will take the opportunity to say that I want to go over and meet Helena, and he might agree."

Steve said hesitantly: "After all, we have to wait until next week, and the current situation is special. Whether he will let you go to Canada is still unknown."

Charlie asked curiously: "The Rothschild family is so powerful, why would Howard want his eldest grandson to develop with the Queen of Northern Europe?"

Steve explained: "Sir, you don't know. Although the Rothschild family has a strong influence in the United States, our reputation in Europe has never been very good. Although the European royal families basically have a close relationship with us. Cooperation, but they have never been willing to marry us. In the past one or two hundred years, we have made many requests for marriage to different European royal families, but they have all been rejected."

Having said this, Steve added: "However, Helena's situation is quite special. She was originally an abandoned child of the Nordic royal family. Unexpectedly, she turned around from a desperate situation some time ago and boarded a plane directly to become the queen. And looking at the whole of Europe, there are unmarried queens. There is only Helena, and for the Rothschild family, if they can marry a member of the European royal family, Helena will be the highest in terms of rank."

"In addition, our think tank analysis shows that Helena's character should be different from that of traditional European royal families, and her values ​​should also be very different. It is difficult for other royal families to accept marriage with the Rothschild family because of their traditional thinking, but Helena has abandoned many traditions, and the possibility of acceptance will be much greater."

"Intelligence shows that after Helena ascended the throne, members of the Nordic royal family had several discussions with her about future marriages. The Nordic royal members hoped that Helena could follow the royal tradition and look for her among the royal members of other European countries. A prince who is willing to marry into the Nordic royal family and change his nationality to Nordic will give the other person a prince title after the two get married, and their descendants can become the heirs to the Nordic throne."

"However, Helena seems to be a bit deviant. She has made it clear to the royal family that she will not marry other royal members. She also made it clear to the royal family that she prefers to pursue true love and marry her true love. If not, then She is willing to pursue the principle of celibacy for the rest of her life, and the think tank also judged based on this intelligence that for the Rothschild family, the success rate of marriage with Helena will be higher."

Charlie nodded thoughtfully and said, "If Helena leaves for Canada tonight, will your father take the initiative to ask Royce to go there immediately?"

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