Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2956 update | Chapter 6159 & 6160 Chapter 2956 Use the remaining heat | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2956 Use the remaining heat

For Charlie, Gustavo has lost its use value after he successfully approached Bruce Weinstein. 

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A Mexican drug lord who has lost his power is imprisoned by the Americans, and his son is still thinking about killing him as soon as possible. Such a person really has no practical value.

Unless you take him out of prison, take him back to Mexico, and help him regain control of the Sanchez family.

But this is not cost-effective for Charlie.

First of all, Gustavo is a notorious drug dealer. From the bottom of his heart, Charlie does not want to have too much involvement with such a person, especially in terms of interests;

secondly, Gustavo is a person who the US government spent a lot of money from Mexico. The effort to extradite a major drug lord is also a major achievement of the U.S. government's anti-drug campaign. For the sake of its own face, the U.S. government must ensure that he remains in a U.S. prison. Once he escapes from prison, it will be a defeat for U.S. justice. 

The face of the system; when the time comes, the U.S. government will only become more frantic in trying to capture him. In this case, even if Sanchez returns to Mexico to regain power, he may not be able to survive for a few days, and he will still return to this place when the time comes. .

Therefore, the best way for Charlie now is to let Gustavo use his remaining energy. As long as he is willing to kill himself and sell the Rothschild family, he can give the Rothschild family what they just got. That little bit of initiative was lost in an instant.

Moreover, Charlie is not simply using Gustavo.

As long as Gustavo succeeds in finding a survival gap between the Rothschild family and his son according to what he said, then he can live with peace of mind.

In this case, he would not only hit the Rothschild family, but also save his life, and he would also be grateful to Charlie, killing three birds with one stone.

At this time, Gustavo also understood the basic logic of Charlie's plan. In the past, as a major drug lord who acted as a private arm, he didn't like to make such twists and turns when doing things, whether it was dealing with colleagues or with others. When dealing with the government, he basically has two tricks that are used all over the world. One is to take it for his own use, and if he can't take it away, he will kill him directly, so he can't think of such a psychological attack strategy in his mind.

After sorting out Charlie's logic, he was filled with admiration and praised quickly: "Mr. Wade, this method of yours is so wonderful! I never thought of it... Someone once recommended your Huaxia's "Sun Tzu" to me. "The Art of War", I haven't taken it seriously yet, but now look, I still have to study these profound Eastern wisdoms."

Charlie looked at him and smiled slightly: "You don't need to learn these now, anyway, You will never be able to get out of this prison in your life. As long as you do as I say, you will be able to live forever and lie down in this prison from now on."

Gustavo laughed sarcastically and nodded in agreement . : "Mr. Wade, you are right. I can only spend my remaining years in this prison."

Charlie nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, hurry up and record the video. Let me take a look after it is done." there will be no problem and you can upload it to the Internet."

"Okay!" Gustavo said hurriedly: "I'll record it right away!"


The online video conference of the Rothschild family finally came to an end.

An investigation team led by the FBI has also arrived at the Brooklyn Prison and found the secret passage in the video in the warden's office.

The secret passage was found, and Zhou Liangyun, who was imprisoned below, was naturally rescued by them.

However, Zhou Liangyun was a criminal who had committed theft after all. After the FBI brought him in, they had no time to question him too much and hurriedly sent him to Manhattan Hospital.

After all, Zhou Liangyun suffered an inhumane lynching to extract a confession. Out of humanitarian considerations, the FBI must first let the hospital conduct a detailed examination of his body, and then determine whether he can continue to serve his normal sentence in prison based on his physical condition. .

And because he is a victim in this scandal, in order to ensure that he does not sue the judiciary, after his physical examination, the judiciary will come to discuss with him behind closed doors. At that time, they will need to pay compensation, and Or reduce the sentence to satisfy Zhou Liangyun.

From this moment on, Zhou Liangjuan completely took back the initiative.

As for Bruce Weinstein, who was psychologically suggested by Charlie, he was temporarily detained by the FBI for abusing his power. After that, the investigation team will prosecute him after the entire investigation is completed.

Matt Rothschild had also surrendered to the police under pressure from his family.

He is a core member of the Rothschild family, his personal interests are completely worthless in the face of family interests, not to mention that the whole thing is his fault. Having exposed Lou Zi, he could only stand up and take the blame at this time.

However, Hector Sanchez, the son of Gustavo Sanchez, who was far away in Mexico, was a little upset at this time. He did not expect that Joseph's people did not succeed in killing his father today.

Originally, he didn't care too much. After all, just because he didn't have a chance today didn't mean he wouldn't have a chance in the future. Maybe he could get his wish tomorrow.

However, the sudden series of big scandals in the United States instantly made him feel worried. In his opinion, if there was such a big scandal in Brooklyn Prison, the relevant departments in the United States would immediately tighten the management of this prison. Now, if Joseph wants to take action again, it may not be so easy.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed. If Joseph had taken action one day earlier, or if Joseph had seized the opportunity today, wouldn't he have solved all the problems in advance?

However, the current situation is that no matter how upset he is, he can't solve the problem at hand, so he can only hope that Joseph can find a breakthrough point. If that doesn't work, he will send a killer to Brooklyn Prison to look for opportunities to kill his father. .

As for the United States, with the arrest of Bruce Weinstein and the surrender of Matt Rothschild, this matter has seemingly come to an end.

The Rothschild family can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially Howard Rothschild, who was very old and still stayed up so late anxiously. He persisted until he was exhausted both physically and mentally. After seeing the dust settle, he was finally able to relax and lay down in bed to rest.

At this time, another video was uploaded to major online platforms.

The protagonist of the video is Gustavo Sanchez, a well-known drug lord in the United States.

When Gustavo was extradited by the United States and put on trial, the U.S. government did a lot of publicity, so almost all Americans knew about Gustavo's deeds. He is definitely one of the most famous prisoners in the United States.

As far as everyone knows, Gustavo has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This person will be imprisoned in a U.S. prison for the rest of his life until he dies of illness or old age. 

But who would have thought that suddenly in the middle of the night after the noise, he would see his own selfie video on the Internet.

A prisoner serving his sentence in prison suddenly posted a self-portrait video online. This illustrates two incredible things. One is that this guy can use a mobile phone in prison, and the other is that this guy can still use a mobile phone in prison. Can access the Internet.

This made American melon-eating netizens extremely interested.

The content in Gustavo's video is even more explosive.

At the beginning of the video, he said to the camera angrily: "Hello everyone, I am Gustavo Sanchez from Mexico. I am currently in Brooklyn Prison in New York, USA. I want to accuse the Rothschild family here. It was because the shameless Rothschild family broke their word and stabbed me in the back that I almost died in a Brooklyn jail at noon today!"

When the video reached this point, all the viewers felt their heads explode. Surprise and pleasure!

Unexpectedly, another big melon came in the middle of the night! And it’s still a super big melon!

One of the most powerful drug lords in the world once tore apart the world's largest family in prison. This kind of drama cannot be called annual, and it may not be his turn to experience it in three to five years.

It is precisely because of the identity of the person involved in the explosion that the viscosity and retention rate of this video have been astonishingly high from the moment Gustavo showed his face. Almost no one will close this video at this time. Everyone is on the computer. Or in front of the mobile phone screen, watching without blinking.

At this moment, Gustavo said angrily: "When the U.S. government wanted to extradite me from Mexico to the U.S. for trial, I was extremely unwilling and even tried to escape from prison in Mexico and seek refuge in other countries several times. It was Rothschild. People from the this family found me and promised me that as long as I was successfully extradited to the United States by the U.S. government, they would definitely put me in a prison they could fully control and let me enjoy the same living conditions as outside the prison. They even promised me In a few years, they will help me operate, modify the non-parole sentence, and let me return to Mexico for retirement..." "

It was because of this that I was sent to Brooklyn Prison by the Rothschild family. At the beginning, Rothschild family did fulfill their promise and gave me relatively favorable conditions, but I never dreamed that the famous Rothschild family would betray their trust so quickly! They hired killers from prison to launch a death attack on me. I almost died in their hands!"

Speaking of this, Gustavo said with great sadness: "Hector, my good son! You must not fall into the trap of the Americans! If Dad is dead, you must do everything you can to avenge your father! And you must remember that from now on, the Sanchez family must never cooperate in any form with the Rothschild family. They are a bunch of treacherous people. Shameless person!"

Then, Gustavo added: "Also! All Sanchez family members must remember that unity and loyalty are the keys to the survival of the Sanchez family! So anyone, under any circumstances, absolutely You can't betray the family, this is our family's high-voltage line! As long as anyone dares to touch this high-voltage line, no matter who he is, the entire Sanchez family will not let him go!"

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