Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2953 update | Chapter 6153 & 6154 Chapter 2953 Dignity is priceless | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2953 Dignity is priceless

Bruce in the past was not so brave.

However, Charlie's psychological hints are really strong, and more importantly, Bruce does have hatred for the Rothschild family in his heart.

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The reason why he could suppress all the hatred in hiss heart before was entirely because of the fear of the Rothschild family.

But now, the fear is gone.

Therefore, even if Howard Rothschild called him personally, he still would not give him any face.

At this moment, Howard really didn't expect that Bruce would dare to talk to him like this. But the more he did, the less he dared to anger Bruce, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and said patiently: "Bruce, I know you have been hurt." It's a huge insult. No one can accept this kind of thing calmly."

At this point, Howard added: "But I think we are all adults, and in the adult world, everything can be solved through business. Besides, as long as the price is right, there is no business in this world that cannot be negotiated, so you just have to offer a price that you think will allow you to put aside all hatred and be completely satisfied."

Bruce He asked disdainfully: "Do you think my dignity as a man can be bought with money?"

Howard smiled slightly and asked him: "If dignity really cannot be bought with money, then why have you been silent for so long? Exposed? Bruce, I don’t want to waste everyone’s time. Let’s do this. I’ll offer you a fixed price of 100 million U.S. dollars. As long as you stop here, take down all the videos and admit to the public that you instigated your wife to seduce Matt. At the same time, you deliberately locked Peter Zhou in that underground secret room. I will give you 100 million U.S. dollars, enough for you to go anywhere in the world and live the rest of your life comfortably." 

In Howard's view, no one can compete with money and Maintain principles before interests. If you can, then the money given is not enough.

    He feels that in this world, every principle has a price, but some principles are very cheap and some are very expensive.
Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

    So, he said to Bruce again: "Bruce, I absolutely understand how you feel now, but you also have to think about it. Going against us now will indeed make you feel happy, but what happens after you feel happy? Without the Rothschild family If I give you a job, your income of millions of dollars a year will be completely reduced to zero!" "

    And you have offended us. No one in Europe and the United States will dare to hire you, and even wait for you to end up on the streets and become a beggar. No one dares to give you a bowl of rice, and you don’t want to end up like that after taking revenge, right?" "

    So I sincerely hope that you can reach a reconciliation with us, take the money and leave the United States. In this big world, where can you go? They all have a place for you, and you can also find more, better and younger women, and get rid of these bad things completely, what do you think?"

One hundred million US dollars is definitely a big enough sum for a man like Bruce. He gave up all principles of wealth.

But now, he is like an idealistic warrior with firm beliefs. In his eyes, dignity trumps everything. Let alone 100 million US dollars, so what if it is 10 billion US dollars? He still won't take it seriously.

So, he said in a very firm and disdainful tone: "Howard, you Rothschild family are used to putting a price on everything, and you are also used to being able to buy everything, but this does not include my dignity! I can do without money, I can do without A woman can even live without a second brother, but I cannot live without dignity! So, just wait and see, I will definitely make you pay for trampling on my dignity!" 

Howard quickly added: "Bruce, do you think $100 million is enough? Isn’t it enough? It doesn’t matter, we can still discuss the amount. If it doesn’t work out, what do you think of US$500 million?” “

US$500 million?” Bruce said disdainfully: “Howard, it’s almost time for you to reach the end of your life. This US$500 million, it’s better to keep it and buy yourself a coffin!”

After saying that, he immediately hung up the phone and unplugged the phone line directly.

Only then did he realize that the cell phone in front of him had been recording videos. This made him feel happy, and another revenge plan came to his mind.


At the same time, Howard's mentality has begun to go crazy.

He angrily said to himself: "Damn it, since when did a pug that only knows how to wag its tail and beg for food start to value its dignity!" 

At this time, the eldest son reminded: "Father, take over. The team is almost here, and this b@stard Bruce is unwilling to reconcile. What should Peter Zhou do?"

Howard sighed helplessly: "I originally wanted to bribe him with money and let him take over the team while the Bureau of Prisons and FBI were taking advantage of it. It's not here yet, so hurry up and find a way to get Peter Zhou to talk, and then send him to an ordinary cell. Now it seems that it's too late."

The eldest son said helplessly: "Once the Bureau of Prisons and the FBI take over Peter Zhou, they will definitely they will strengthen the protection of Peter Zhou's personal safety, but Peter Zhou has never spoken about the Sifang Baozhuan matter. If he was protected, it would be even more impossible for us to ask him about the whereabouts of the Sifang Baozhuang... "
Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

Howard was extremely helpless and said with emotion: "Such bad things have been happening frequently in the family recently, and they must be related to the loss of the Sifang Pavilion. Our Rothschild family has been able to have such great fortune and soar into the sky in the past two hundred years. It depends on it. It’s that Sifang Baozhu! If we can’t get the Sifang Baozhu back, the fortune of the Rothschild family will definitely be damaged. If the luck starts to take a turn for the worse, it will definitely be the biggest crisis for us in the past two hundred years. !"

At this point, his expression gradually became grim, and he told his eldest son: "Notify the customs in all parts of the United States, notify the black and white departments, and all the docking personnel related to smuggling and shipping. As long as there are clues about the Sifang Baozhuang, we must be the first to do so. Time will tell us, if anyone provides the correct clues to help us find the Sifang Treasure Tower, I will reward you with a reward of 100 million US dollars! You have to remember, no matter what, we cannot let the Sifang Treasure Tower leave the United States!" 

The eldest son said quickly: "Okay father, I will notify you right away!"

Howard added: "In addition, we must prepare for public crisis relations. Once the Bureau of Prisons and the FBI arrive at the Brooklyn Prison, the first thing they will do is to check the secret passage, rescue Peter Zhou, and disclose it to the outside world. Hold a press conference to explain the situation. You must put Peter Zhou's files on the Internet in advance to let the people know that the reason why we want to imprison Peter Zhou is because he stole the archives of our Rothschild family that have been handed down for nearly two hundred years. Family heirloom, although our approach is a bit extreme, we are the real victims!"

The eldest son nodded and said: "Father, I will have people take out the files first, and then upload them all to the Internet. For the Sifang Baozhuang, Do we also want to publish the detailed description?"

Howard said hurriedly: "There is no need for that. If the public knows the origin of the Sifang Baozhuan, we will probably be even more disgraceful."

Just as he was talking, during the video call, a grandchild said: "Grandpa, that's bad! That damn Bruce Weinstein put the content of the phone call you just made to him online!"


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