Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2955 update | Chapter 6157 & 6158 Chapter 2955 Another trump card | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2955 Another trump card

Late at night, a video suddenly made the front page of all media except short video platforms.

The title of the video is "A sincere apology from Howard, the current patriarch of the Rothschild family."

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

In the video, Howard deliberately dressed himself up to look very old, looking very decadent and sick, which made people feel as if he was dying soon.

The reason why Howard dressed up like this was because of the advice given to him by the think tank.

The think tank believes that selling one's old age and one's misery can help people to sympathize and subconsciously reduce their hatred and blame for a person.

It's like stealing something. A twenty-year-old young man with good hands and feet steals someone else's wallet. It's the same as an eighty-year-old terminally ill person who is about to die steals someone else's wallet. Although the things are the same. There is no difference in nature, but the latter can get more tolerance from society.

Although letting Howard live in old age and live in misery will damage his image, it will definitely help soften the public's hostility towards the Rothschild family in the first place.

And the think tank's judgment was indeed correct. When Howard appeared in front of the camera with difficulty as if he was about to die, people felt more or less sympathetic.

As soon as Howard opened his mouth, he went straight to the topic and said with endless regret, "I believe everyone already knows that Matt Rothschild, a descendant of the Rothschild family, has committed unforgivable mistakes and crimes. Although Matt Rothschild  did was entirely his personal behavior, but as the patriarch of the Rothschild family, I still have an unshirkable responsibility for oversight!" "

And I, as the patriarch of the Rothschild family, did not I stood up and apologized to the public all of a sudden, but instead tried to use money to solve his problem and interfered with judicial justice for his sake. I did something very stupid and very wrong. Here, I must express my gratitude to the parties involved and People across the United States, I sincerely apologize!"

Howard's think tank knows very well what it means to evade the important and take advantage of the guest.

If they put all the blame on Matt right from the start, it would definitely arouse the public's resentment, so they asked Howard to take the initiative to put a so-called unshirkable responsibility for negligence on himself while passing the blame to Matt.

In this way, it will not only alleviate the hostility of the audience, but also subconsciously think that Matt is the one who did all the bad things, while Howard is the parent who cannot control his children, but has to stand up and take responsibility for his children. .

Moreover, Howard also admitted that he tried to bribe Bruce Weinstein, which can be regarded as bold to a certain extent.

What’s even more subtle is that what was exposed about Howard was only his phone call to Bruce. It would be difficult to convict him of a crime based on the content of that phone call alone, so even if he confessed voluntarily, he would not need to bear any legal consequences. However, it has won a certain amount of favor among the people, so this move can be regarded as sophisticated.

At this time, Howard continued with a sad face, "Although Matt is my most beloved grandson, he has committed many mistakes and even violated the laws of the United States of America. Therefore, as the patriarch of the Rothschild family, I , as well as citizens of the United States of America, hereby assure all fellow Americans that they will not shield Matt, let alone seek leniency for him. No matter what crime or sentence the court sentences him to, the Rothschild family will always regard it as a century-old family. "As a promise, I will never intervene in any way!" "

In addition, I am also willing to ask the police to investigate me. If my behavior is suspected of violating the laws of the United States of America, I am willing to bear all legal responsibilities;"

“Finally, here, on behalf of the entire Rothschild family, I would like to express my most sincere apologies to Mr. Bruce Weinstein and Mr. Peter Zhou. We will continue to communicate with them and will do our best to make up for Matt’s misfortune. Their harm!"

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

After saying this, the elderly Howard stood up and bowed deeply to the camera with some difficulty.

After such an apology, Howard has indeed won back some reputation for the Rothschild family. In addition, they themselves control most of the news media in the United States. Under the deliberate guidance and fueling of the media, the Rothschilds The image of the family suddenly changed a lot.

Many people accepted Howard's statement and felt that the things Bruce revealed should be the actions of Matt alone and had nothing to do with the entire Rothschild family. As for Howard's attempt to buy Bruce with money, in the eyes of the public, It has also become a matter of course for a parent to protect his children.

If this trend continues, as long as Matt receives a fair trial and pays the legal price for Peter Zhou's matter, the whole matter will come to an end, and as long as the Rothschild family ensures that Matt, the cancer cell, is removed, they will be able to prevent future troubles.

At this moment, Charlie was also in his cell, watching the Rothschild family's desperate counterattack on his mobile phone.

He had already expected that the Rothschild family would be a strong man, so he didn't care about this video.

I am surprised. If such a huge family does not have the ability to handle crisis public relations, it is not worthy of being the number one family in the world.

But Charlie is not worried at the moment, because he still has a trump card in his hand.

At this time, Gustavo, the big drug lord on the side, was also holding his mobile phone and eating melon. After watching Howard's video, he cursed with some annoyance, "Damn, Howard, this old fox, I thought this guy was going to do it this time." His head is so big, I didn't expect him to get through so easily."

Charlie glanced at him and said calmly, "Gustavo, do you want to live?" 

Gustavo suddenly became excited and quickly rolled off the bed, ran to Charlie's bedside, and said humbly and nervously, "Mr. Wade, of course I want to live! You said before that there is a way for me to live, but what the hell is that?" What can we do?"

Charlie pointed to his mobile phone and smiled, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave prison in this life, but if you want to live a prosperous life here, you have to learn to be with your son and Rothschild Families keep each other in check;"

Gustavo hurriedly asked, "Mr. Wade, could you please be more clear about how I can keep each other in check?"

Charlie asked him, "Gustavo, let me ask you a question, do you want to have your face, or do you want to live?"

Gustavo said without thinking, "Of course I want to live! What's the use of wanting face at this time!"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, "Now go to the bathroom to record a video and talk about it. Tell me how you reached an agreement with the Rothschild family, why you were imprisoned here, and how the Rothschild family used the power of your Sanchez family in Mexico to achieve their ulterior motives."

When Gustavo heard this, he blurted out, "Mr. Wade, if I say this, can the Rothschild family still keep my life?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Listen to me first."

Gustavo quickly closed his mouth and nodded vigorously.

Charlie said again, "Look, you were almost killed by Joseph's men during the day yesterday. You can ask your son for help in the video and tell him the truth that you almost died in prison today, and then tell him, Someone deliberately framed him, saying that he wanted to kill you, but you didn’t believe anything he said;” “

Then, you state your own inference, and you say that you think the Rothschild family wants to kill you, and the reason is They feel that you are no longer of use, and you know too many of their secrets, so they want your life and deliberately frame you for death .It's your son's fault;"

"So in the video, you have to accuse the Rothschild family of breaking bridges and betraying their trust, and at the same time remind your son to be wary of the Rothschild family. Finally, remember, you must cry. Please ask your son to find a way to protect your safety;"

Gustavo asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Then didn't I offend both parties? My son already wants to kill me, but as soon as this video is released, the Rothschild family also wants to kill me. How will I live my life from now on..." 

Charlie smiled and said, "After your video is released, the last thing you have to do is, The Rothschild family is the one who asked you to die. If you die and die in a prison arranged by them, they will have absolutely no excuse, so they will definitely do their best to ensure your safety in this prison."

"As for your son, he will definitely not dare to kill you again by then. On the one hand, you have the protection of the Rothschild family, and on the other hand, your son must be afraid that the Rothschild family will find out what happened. At that time, he will definitely become the target of the entire Sanchez family;" "

And I believe that the Rothschild family, facing the heavy pressure of public opinion, will definitely find a way to find out the truth of the matter. Once they find out that this matter was secretly caused by your son, will inevitably announce the result as soon as possible to relieve himself from the pressure of public opinion;" "

By that time, your son's situation will be even more passive. He will only try his best to please you and eliminate you and other Sanchez family members and People doubt him;"

"As for the Rothschild family, they will only work harder to save your life, because as long as you live, they will never have to take the blame for killing you;" 

"In this way, your life and death will become a bond between them. As long as the truth of the matter is not found out, no one will dare to let you die.

At this point, Charlie added, "Oh, by the way, if the Rothschild family finds out the truth, you don't have to worry. Your son will only deny it, and the more he denies it, the less likely he is to touch you again. " , when the conflict becomes a conflict between the Rothschild family and your son, you will be able to survive peacefully in the cracks.

Gustavo asked excitedly, "Mr. Wade, can this really work? " "

Charlie nodded and said calmly, "You have to know that your son has murderous intentions towards you, and once the Rothschild family knows that you have lost value, they will abandon you, so your only way to survive is, Just to make your son afraid to kill you, and to make the Rothschild family afraid of your death. Only in this way can you live! "


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