Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2884 update | Chapter 6015 & 6016 Chapter 2884: How did it fall? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2884: How did it fall?

Charlie felt that his brain was short-circuited at this moment.

Now it seems that Zhou Liangyun is most likely to appear in Aurous Hill because of arrangements, and the person who arranged him is probably his father who has been dead for twenty years.

This also made Charlie feel an inexplicable tension and oppression. What happened to his parents back then? Not only did they lead to death, but they even had to plan so far and so much for themselves before the accident happened.

Back then, when something happened to his parents, Stephen Thompson immediately protected himself in the orphanage. This was the arrangement that his father had made long ago. But unexpectedly, he actually arranged for this person named Zhou to stay in the orphanage for nearly twenty years. Then he went to Aurous Hill to set up a situation for himself...

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone again and called Warnia song. He had another question that he urgently needed to confirm with the Warnia song.

The call was connected, and Song Warnia asked respectfully on the other side of the phone, "Master Wade, have you read the information I just sent you? Are there any questions?" 

"Yes." Charlie said, "No problem, I just have something else. I want to confirm something with you."

Song Warnia said quickly, "Master Wade, please tell me."

Charlie said, "It's the jade pot spring bottle that my father-in-law accidentally broke. Do you still know how it got to Ji Qingtang?" Did Ji Qingtang take it back by itself, or did someone else put it on consignment in Ji Qingtang?"

Song Warnia said thoughtfully, "That jade pot and spring bottle... If I remember correctly, it should have been taken back by Manager Zhou, the month after he first joined the job. Here, he helped Ji Qingtang recover many antiques, but most of them were not very outstanding. Although they were not eye-catching, they were ordinary and did not have much profit margin. The jade pot and spring vase was considered the best he recovered. It’s an antique." 

Charlie murmured, "It turns out he took it back... Then did he say where he took it back from? ?”

Song Warnia thought for a while and said, "At that time, he said that a friend of his who used to make antiques changed hands because he was short of money, and the price was indeed quite suitable. The market price could be about four to five million, and there were even auctions. It has the potential to reach five or six million, but that person's offer at that time was not even four million. I thought it was still a sure profit, so I asked him to take it back." 

"I understand." Charlie nodded to himself. He nodded, this result was not beyond his expectation. From this point of view, Zhou Liangyun went to Aurous Hill specifically and applied for a job at Qingtang. He also introduced the jade pot spring vase to qingtang at a low price. All of this was for the sake of making people happy. I can get the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" by myself.

So the question is, was this "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" left to me by my father?

If my father had already obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" at that time,, then why didn’t he practice any of the techniques?

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn't help but feel trapped.

At this time, Song Warnia on the other end of the phone asked with concern, "Master Wade, why are you suddenly so interested in that jade pot and spring bottle? Is there any problem with it?" 

Charlie quickly said, "No problem. I just suddenly thought of this.

" I want to find out something."

After saying that, Charlie said again, "Warnia, I have some other things here, so I won't talk to you for now. We will talk about it after we return to Aurous Hill another day." 

Song Warnia guessed that Charlie must be seeking confirmation of something, but seeing that Charlie didn't want to explain it clearly, she was very sensible and did not ask further questions, but said respectfully, "Master Wade, if you have any needs or questions, please call Warnia at any time. "

No problem."

Charlie thanked Song Warnia and hung up the phone.

Seeing his confused face, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but ask, "Why is the young master troubled now?"

Charlie said calmly, "I suddenly thought of something else just now. At that time, the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" seemed to be a book, but in fact it was something different. It didn't look like a book, and after I picked it up, it quickly turned into powder, but all the contents were inexplicably printed in my mind..." 

After a pause, Charlie continued, " Does this mean that the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" itself is just a one-time thing, and it is destined that only one person can obtain its contents?" 

Lin Waner nodded without thinking and said, "This should be what the young master guessed."

Charlie added, "In that case, when I found it, the Jade Huchun Ping had just broken, and it had not turned into powder. Does that mean that no one else had seen it before I found it?" What's in it?"

Lin Wan'er thought for a while and said, "The slave family feels that it cannot be said that no one has read the contents. The slave family feels that it is more like other people who want to see it but can't."

After saying that, Lin Wan'er added, "It can be known from the mouth of the young master's uncle that when the young master's father got the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface", he felt as if he had found a treasure and spent all his sleep and food studying the mysteries, so the slave family thought that he had no reason. After studying the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra", He got a deeper level of the "Nine Mysteries Sutra" but refused to study it. Instead, he left it directly to the young master." 

Charlie agreed and said, "Yes, according to Normal people’s thinking. Since it is a book,  no matter how good or rare the book is, you can read it first and then pass it on to your son, or teach the contents to your son. There is absolutely no reason why you should not read it yourself. Just put it away and wait until more than 20 years later to show it to his son. 

Lin Wan'er nodded and said, "So, the slave family thinks that there is only one possibility, and that is that although the young master's father obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" at that time, he was unable to obtain the contents. It was like a puzzle that he could not solve. It was a puzzle, so I thought of a way and left it to the young master to solve. "

Charlie said, "You mean that the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" itself has certain restrictions, so that even if my father gets it, he can't see its contents. Only I can get the contents.? "

Yes." Lin Wan'er said firmly, "The slave family thinks this must be the case!" Perhaps it was because the young master had a stronger destiny that he was recognized by the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". "

Charlie asked back, "Everyone says that I am dragon, so I want to ask, is dragon born? "

Of course!" Lin Wan'er said without thinking, "Fate is determined the moment you are born. The young master will naturally be a dragon when you born." "

Charlie asked again, "Then since I was born as a dragon, why did my father arrange for me to wait until I was twenty-seven to obtain the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture"? 

Lin Wan'er thought for a while and said, "Didn't the young master say that he was trapped in the shallows before?" Thanks to the heirs of the Lai family for helping you resolve this predicament, maybe, just because you were in the process of being trapped in the dragon shoal, your father has been waiting for you to resolve this predicament? " 

Charlie murmured, "But Zhou Liangyun didn't stay in Aurous Hill all the time waiting for me to break the predicament. He came to Aurous Hill more than a month before the incident, so that's it. It means that when he came to Aurous Hill, he knew what would happen next..."

"But, my father has been dead for twenty years... He is not a fortune teller like you. How could he know twenty years ago that I would not be able to break through that dilemma until I was twenty-seven? "

Lin Wan'er couldn't help but frown.

She thought for a long time and then said, "What the young master just said is true. Although I don't mean to offend the slave family, it is impossible for your father to be so accurate about what will happen twenty years ago." 

Charlie added, "When I was in Aurous hill When Lingshan met Mr. Lai, he said that he came to Eastcliff to choose a geomantic treasure land for the Wade family, at the request of my grandfather. I also verified this matter with my grandfather and many parties. The family was in bad luck, and my grandfather was really asking for help everywhere, and finally he asked for help from Mr. Lai.Therefore, my ability to break the Dragon Trapped Shoal situation should not have been arranged by my father in advance. 

Lin Wan'er asked, "Have the heirs of the Lai family told the young master when exactly the situation of the young master's trapped dragon and submerged beach came into being?" "

Charlie thought about it for a moment and said, "According to him, it should have been formed when I got married.

Lin Wan'er said doubtfully, "I couldn't understand it even more then. " The young master is twenty-eight years old this year. From the time he was born until he was twenty-three years old, he was a dragon and was never trapped. So why didn’t Zhou Liangyun give the young master the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures before he turned twenty-three? "

Charlie sighed, "Yeah, I can't understand it either. What's more, what I can't understand is that Zhou Liangyun didn't show up before I was twenty-three years old. Then I got married and fell into the dilemma of Longquan Shoal. It was only four years before Mr. Lai broke the news. Why was Zhou Liangyun able to seize the opportunity so accurately? "

From the time point Mr. Lai told me, it can be confirmed that after he completely solved the dilemma in Longcheng Shoal, I obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" immediately. This also means that Zhou Liangyun knew when He could solve the dilemma, so he came to Aurous Hill to prepare a month before I solved the dilemma. 

Lin Wan'er exclaimed, "It seems that he has been paying attention to the Wade family, the young master, and even Mr. Lai's every move." "

Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "Now it seems that if you want to know what all this is going on, you must find this Zhou Liangyun. He must know what all this is going on. 

Lin Wan'er said in agreement, "Finding him is the key, but there is one more thing. The slave family wants the young master to confirm with the young master's father-in-law."

Charlie asked her, "My father-in-law? " What do I need to confirm with him?

 Lin Wan'er said seriously, "You need to confirm with him how the jade pot spring bottle was broken when you were in Ji Qingtang." "

Charlie said, "He slipped and broke it.

Lin Wan'er asked back, "But the young master never saw his hands slipping with his own eyes at that time, right? " "

Charlie nodded, "Indeed, this is what he told me. "

Lin Wan'er said, "Now it seems that the broken jade pot and spring vase was the key for the young master to obtain the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" later. It was like the only fuse to detonate explosives. Therefore, the slave family thought that such an important triggering condition should not be hoped that the young master’s father-in-law’s hands were slippery.”

“So, how exactly the jade pot spring bottle slipped from the hands of the young master’s father-in-law and broke into pieces is also very important. Was it Zhou Liangyun’s deliberate trick, or was it the jade pot spring bottle himself? How did it fall?"


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