
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3255 update || Chapter 6757 & 6758 || Chapter 3255 Everything is ready | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3255 Everything is ready Half an hour later, the first batch of dead warriors who were leaving here took the elevator to the ground one after another. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  ). Google pay upi id:  ueperumal@oksbi Since there were hundreds of kilometres of forced marches in one night, the elderly and women could not keep up with such a high intensity, so the dead warriors set out with children between the ages of two and ten. In order not to add trouble to the evacuation of the elderly and women behind, these dead warriors planned to carry these young children on their backs. After all, they were all well-trained warriors, and Charlie did not allow them to bring any luggage and valuables, so there was no pressure for them to bring a child. These dead warriors and children who had never walked out of the mine in a sober state, did not care to feel it well, and immediately began to

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3254 update || Chapter 6755 & 6756 || Chapter 3254 Evacuation Begins | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3254 Evacuation Begins As soon as Yin Xiaoyang said this, everyone was shocked. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  ). Google pay upi id:  ueperumal@oksbi They originally thought that Charlie must be a higher-up of the Po Qing Society. But who would have thought that Yin Xiaoyang would say that Charlie gave everyone a chance to get rid of the Po Qing Society. This huge psychological contrast made them completely at a loss as to how to deal with it. Seeing everyone stunned, Charlie said, "Everyone, I know that you have been imprisoned and enslaved by the Po Qing Society for generations, and have become killers of the Po Qing Society for generations. I have the ability to remove the poison in your body and provide you and your family with a safe place to stay, so that you will never be oppressed by the Po Qing Society again. I have only one condition, that is, you must unconditionally hel

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3253 update || Chapter 6753 & 6754 || Chapter 3253 Shared Fate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

    Chapter 3253: Shared Fate When all the Cavalry Guards immediately began to work overtime for mining and production, Charlie brought Song Ruyu, under the leadership of Yin Xiaoyang, to the underground mine where thousands of dead soldiers and their families were imprisoned. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  ). Google pay upi id:  ueperumal@oksbi This underground mine has three openings in total. The original design was that two were used to mine and transport phosphate ore to the surface, and the other was specifically used to ventilate the entire underground mine. Now, the ventilation openings of the mine have been completely blocked by iron fences as thick as arms to ensure that only ventilation can be used, and no one can escape from here. In addition, the two mine exits originally designed to transport phosphate ore are all firmly blocked with heavy iron doors. The Cavalry Guards of the Thir

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3252 update || Chapter 6751 & 6752 || Chapter 3252 United We Stand | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3252: United We Stand Charlie Wade's calm words immediately stirred up waves among the crowd. Yin Xiaoyang had just told them about the big blood exchange. At this moment, everyone hated the Poqing Association to the core. Suddenly, a stranger appeared and said that they would be given a chance to escape from the control of the Poqing Association. Except for Yin Xiaoyang, everyone else's faces were full of disbelief. After all, escaping from the control of Po Qing Society is more than just escaping from here. The most important thing is that the strange poison in everyone's body must be eliminated, otherwise, even if they successfully escape, they will inevitably die violently within a few days. At this time, Yin Xiaoyang said: "Gentlemen, the reason why I have called you all together is to discuss the big plan with this gentleman. He goes deep into this place regardless of the danger and wants to take all of us away from this place together with the dead sold

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 5001 to 5100 Charlie Wade Story

 Chinese Super hero  Novel Chapter 5001 Ito Takehiko and Tanaka Koichi, are walking on the trails of the park wearing masks. The two started at a normal speed of walking, But before they took a few steps, they unconsciously walked faster and faster, And in the end, it was like a race walk, leaving Charlie and Nanako behind. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  ). Google pay upi id:  ueperumal@oksbi Nanako, who was wearing a kimono, ignored the surprised eyes of passers-by, Walked beside Charlie unhurriedly, looked at the backs of her father and Tanaka, And said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, Oduosang, and Tanaka-san seem to be competing.” “Really?” Seeing the two of them walking further and further away, Charlie couldn’t help but laugh, “Could it be that they walked faster than anyone else?” “It should be.” Nanako pursed her lips and said, “You Looking at Oduosang, he can’t wait to jump one step at a time.”

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