Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3189 update || Chapter 6625 & 6626 || Chapter 3189 New Clues | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3189 New Clues

Although Howard had no idea who had kidnapped the unfortunate father and son of Hogwitz, he knew very well that the other party must be a tough guy.

When everyone thought that they must be hidden somewhere in China, the two of them suddenly appeared on the sea, and the other party asked for 1 billion US dollars. Although it was rare for kidnappers to dare to ask for such an amount, it was not uncommon. However, it was the first time that they dared to ask for so much money and told the family members directly that they would not release the kidnappers even if the money was paid.

Facing such kidnappers, if Jenny did not pay, the other party would definitely expose the matter and make her be labelled as cold-blooded and profit-seeking.

Before Jenny got married, her last name was Rothschild, so once Jenny became the target of public criticism, the Rothschild family would face an unwarranted disaster.

Therefore, Howard naturally hoped that she would pay the money honestly.

Moreover, he was not fooling Jenny. As long as the money was paid, he had countless ways to make Jenny famous all over the world. 

The only thing to worry about was that Jenny only had money in her eyes and was unwilling to pay the 1 billion US dollars, which would be troublesome.

However, Jenny did have her own difficulties.

The Hogwitz family was originally run by her husband. After his son disappeared, her husband went to China to save him, but he was also kidnapped. Although she manages all the family affairs herself, she cannot stand up to her husband's brothers who are eyeing her covetously. As a woman, she is no match for the brothers.

Therefore, once she is old in the future, the control of the family will naturally be gradually disintegrated. At that time, I am afraid that a woman with a different surname will be directly sidelined.

Now she urgently needs an opportunity to strengthen my control over the entire family.

If one billion US dollars can really help her create a perfect personality, coupled with Howard Rothschild's promise, no one in the Hogwitz family will be able to threaten her again.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and said to Howard, "Your Excellency Patriarch, I'll listen to you! Give them the money!"

"Very good." Howard breathed a sigh of relief and comforted her, "Don't worry, Jenny, this money will be worth it! You write back to the other party and tell them that you will raise 1 billion US dollars in cryptocurrency as soon as possible. I will arrange a team of reporters to go there now, and start tracking and filming you 24 hours a day from now on. These will be used as material for hype at that time."

Jenny didn't expect Howard to be so concerned. She immediately felt as if she had taken a reassurance pill, and said excitedly, "Then I will follow your instructions, Your Excellency Patriarch!"


Just as the reporter team began to track and film Jenny in all directions, Steve Rothschild, who was far away in Aurous Hill, received a call from his father, Howard.

Howard said on the phone, "Steve, it must be very hard in Aurous Hill during this period."

Steve hurriedly said, "Father, your son is here to share the worries of the family. It won't be hard no matter where we are."

"Very good!" Howard was very satisfied with his attitude and said with a smile, "You don't have to stay in Aurous Hill anymore. Today, the Hogwitz family received a message from the kidnappers. The father and son are not in Aurous Hill, but at sea. You can prepare and come back as soon as possible."

Steve had known Charlie's arrangement for a long time, so he was not surprised to hear this. However, he still pretended to be depressed and cursed, "Damn kidnappers! I thought they hid the people in Aurous Hill. I have almost dug up this three-feet land of Aurous Hill, but I didn't expect that they had already transferred the people out. They are so cunning!"

"It's okay." Howard said with a smile, "Letting you go is just to set an example for the collateral families and let them know that we care about them. As the designated heir of the family and the number two person in the entire family, you personally went to help them find someone. It's already a great honour. Now it's proved that it's not that you are incompetent, but that the received intelligence was wrong, so you can come back openly."

"Okay, father." Steve said, "Since Aurous Hill is fine, I will prepare to go back to see you as soon as possible."

"Okay." Howard said with satisfaction, "When you come back, we will hold a banquet to entertain those collateral families, and once again deepen their gratitude and dependence on us. This will also lay a good foundation for your future inheritance of the family."

Steve quickly said in a very grateful tone: "Thank you, father! Thank you for your hard work!"

When he said this, Steve cursed in his heart, and said depressedly: "You are so sanctimonious, do you want to fool me into being the so-called designated heir? If Charlie can let you live another 50 years, you will not be able to let me become the patriarch in the next 49 years. It is better to rely on Charlie than on my biological father."

After Steve exchanged some polite words with his father on the phone, he hung up the phone and called Charlie quickly.

At this time, Charlie was driving to Zijin Villa. Ten minutes ago, Lin Wan'er sent him a message saying that there were some new clues and asked him to come to Zijin Villa for an discussion. In addition, the thoughtful Lin Wan'er also prepared tea and dinner, and invited Charlie to boil tea around the stove. Charlie readily agreed.

As soon as the call was connected, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Wade, my father called and asked me to go back. It seems that I can't stay with you and share your worries."

Charlie smiled and said, "I don't have any worries for you to share. Since he asked you to go back, you should go back quickly."

Steve hurriedly said, "Mr. Wade, can I treat you to a meal before that?"

Charlie said, "No need for a meal, just give it in cash."

Steve was stunned, and chuckled twice, saying, "Mr. Wade, you are such a joker. I really want to treat you to a meal, and I hope you can do me the honor."

Charlie asked him, "When are you going back?"

Steve said, "If there is nothing important, I should go back tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to my father. In his impression, I must want to leave here all the time."

Charlie said, "Then let's do it at noon tomorrow, Classic Mansion?"

Steve said excitedly, "Great! Then let's do it at noon tomorrow at Classic Mansion."

"Okay." Charlie said, "See you tomorrow. I have something else, so I'll hang up first."

"Okay, Mr. Wade, see you tomorrow!"

The weather was getting colder, and there were few green leaves on Zijin Mountain. Except for some pine trees, most of the trees had lost their leaves, leaving only bare trunks and branches.

When Charlie came to Lin Wan'er's top-floor villa in Zijin Mountain Villa, he was shocked to find that the Pu'er Tea Mother that he had brought back from Dianchi Lake was still growing lushly, with many more leaves than before, and they were also much larger.

Lin Wan'er, who looked like a girl, was guarding the Pu'er Tea Mother at this time, boiling tea next to it over a low fire, and at the same time roasting some ginkgo nuts by the stove, which exuded a faint burnt aroma.

Seeing Charlie coming in, she smiled like a flower and said happily, "Young Master Wade, please take a seat. I have already made tea and am waiting for you."

Charlie nodded and sat down on the stool in front of her. Lin Wan'er carefully picked up a few roasted yellow ginkgo nuts from the iron net of the oven. The temperature of the ginkgo nuts was high, so she didn't dare to hold them all the time, so she hurriedly switched them between her two hands, as if she was juggling. 

After switching the ginkgo nuts back and forth between her hands several times, the temperature dropped a little, so she held the ginkgo nuts to her mouth, blew on them with her cherry lips, and then peeled one of them and handed it to Charlie's mouth, saying with expectation, "Young Master, try it. I just picked it up from the mountain at noon."

Charlie couldn't refuse her kindness, so he opened his mouth and ate one. It was bitter and fragrant, and quite chewy, which was a different taste.

Just after eating one, Lin Wan'er peeled a few more and handed them over, then poured Charlie a cup of tea. Her delicate hands had not been idle since Charlie entered the room.

Charlie took a sip of tea, then put down the teacup and asked her: "Miss Lin said there are new clues. What are they?"

Lin Wan'er said: "The shipping company in Singapore that the young master found out earlier has been sold to a French company. The French side seems to be very anxious. As soon as the company was changed, they couldn't wait to use the company's aircraft to start transportation."

Charlie frowned: "Hasn't the Po Qing Society entered a dormant period? Why did they suddenly sell the airline?"

Lin Wan'er said: "This is also what I can't figure out. Logically, the Po Qing Society is not short of money, so there is no need to sell the company. Moreover, this company is their core transportation capacity for global transportation. And now it is a dormant period, so they shouldn't make such a move. So I suspect that they have realised that the airline is no longer safe?"


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