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 Chapter 3186 Sceptical

An Kaifeng's speech let the world know the ambition of Changying Automobile, and the decision of the two families to name the car brand after Wade Changying also showed everyone with practical actions that in this battle, the An and Wade families staked not only their lifelong glory and honour, but also Wade Changying's.

Then, He Yuanjiang and Han Meiqing took the stage one after another.

As the CEO and CLO of Changying Automobile, the two respectively expounded their views and determination on the future development of Changying Automobile from their own professional perspectives.

The appearance of Han Meiqing made everyone realise the determination of Changying Automobile.

Because no automobile company has focused on digging a former top lawyer to become the chief legal officer at the beginning of its business. Many companies do not even take legal affairs seriously. They always think that such a position as legal affairs will not be needed when nothing goes wrong, and it is useless when something goes wrong. As a result, many companies have only truly realised the importance of legal affairs after paying a lot of money and losses.

The automotive industry, like the Internet industry, is a disaster area for commercial legal disputes. If there is no absolutely strong legal team to support it, it will definitely fall into pits everywhere. Not only are the intellectual property issues related to patents very difficult, but even the car model may trigger trademark and patent disputes. Today you develop a car in China, and the model is set as 123. Tomorrow you plan to sell this car to the United States. Suddenly, a local American car company may come with a pile of documents and tell you, sorry, I have the right to name 123 in the car, you must change the name.

Therefore, Changying Automobile directly put the chief legal officer in a position second only to the CEO, and it is clear that it is well prepared.

However, in stark contrast to Han Meiqing who received a lot of praise, He Yuanjiang, who has a strong bookish air and looks very gentle and elegant, has become the object of public doubts.

Before the press conference was over, many people on the Internet began to criticise Changying Automobile's CEO selection as a failure.

Because He Yuanjiang had been on Wall Street, he was not well-known in China.

In the eyes of many Chinese people, he is just an amateur who appeared out of thin air. In addition, he taught at Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics in the past few years and seemed to have nothing to do with the new energy industry. This made everyone somewhat worried that there might be some problems with Changying Automobile's selection of a general manager.

After his resume was announced through a PPT at the press conference, it was not clear that this person's career had any connection with the automotive industry.

He worked in finance-related jobs on Wall Street, and became a finance professor in Aurous Hill. It seems that the only thing about this person related to the automotive industry is that he probably has a driver's licence.

As a result, some keyboard strategists and keyboard financiers immediately jumped out to criticise on the Internet, saying that two big families gambled everything for Changying Automobile, and finally pushed a novice to the table to complete the bet for them, which was destined to be difficult to succeed;

some people also took the Titanic as an example, saying that the ship was awesome and the people on the ship were awesome, but the captain was a mentally retarded man who loved to show off his achievements, but the destruction of this huge ship was caused by him.

However, only the parties involved know that He Yuanjiang's understanding of new energy vehicles cannot be judged simply by professional eyes.

Even Claire couldn't help but say to Charlie after watching the press conference: "Husband, that Professor He is a university professor. The An and Wade families asked him to be in charge of a 40 billion US dollar project. Can he really do it? I just took a look at the comments on the Internet, and it seems that everyone is sceptical about him..."

Chen Yining on the side also said seriously: "I think it's hanging. Sometimes doing things is not about how much money you invest, but whether you use the right method. Otherwise, even if you have more money, you may not be able to do it well. The An and Wade families are indeed a bit hasty in selecting coaches. In my opinion, you must poach people from the industry, and you must poach the best people. Go to Tesla, Toyota, and the three new energy brothers and use money to attract a group of top talents in various fields. How can this happen? It's all done."

At this point, Chen Yining said, "If the company's series of decisions and investments go down the drain because of a mistake in selecting a coach, then what will be left for Aurous Hill at that time may not be a $40 billion enterprise, but a $40 billion mess. Maybe the people of Aurous Hill are looking forward to Changying Automobile to boost the economic development of Aurous Hill, but they come here and find that it is unsuccessful, so they turn around and leave."

Charlie did not comment on Chen Yining's point of view. He knew that everyone has their own basic logic for judging things, and Chen Yining's judgement logic is the same as that of most people. They need to see more positive factors before they believe in the future of a project. If they don't see enough positive factors, or just see some key negative factors, they will think that this matter has no future.

So, Charlie smiled slightly and said firmly: "I personally think that people who understand cars may not be able to make good cars, and people who can make good cars may not be able to sell good cars. So sometimes, to do something, you don't necessarily have to get some people who look very professional. Look at the most popular car reviewers on the Internet today. Which one has studied car manufacturing? Which one has worked in a car company? Many of them don't even seem to have been to college, but it doesn't stop them from making tens of millions or even more a year by talking about cars."

At this point, Charlie paused and continued: "It can be seen that in this world, once any academic discipline is separated from the academic itself and rises to the business field, it is definitely no longer a simple professional issue, because professionalism has no upper limit. If the world's top technology is concentrated on a car, not many people can afford it. Instead, it deviates from the basic logic of business itself. It's like growing vegetables. We all know that organic and pollution-free agricultural products are the best, but if the whole world only grows organic and pollution-free agricultural products, more than half of the world's people will starve to death."

Chen Yining frowned and said: "What you said is somewhat, It makes sense, but I just paid attention to the public opinion on the Internet. It seems that everyone is full of doubts about Professor He's choice of CEO. This may mean that although professionals may not be able to do business well, it will be even more difficult for non-professionals to do this business well. "

Charlie smiled and said, "It's just my personal opinion. I think if the opinions of netizens on the Internet represent the probability of business success, then the business model of this world would have collapsed long ago. On the Internet today, no less than one million people mock Japanese ordinary family cars for their thin skin and large fillings every day, but it does not prevent Toyota from selling more than 11 million cars worldwide in the past year. If someone can never figure out why Toyota can make so much money, then he will never be able to do well in the automobile industry. Being a spectator may be the best choice. "

After that, Charlie said, "There are still many brainless boasters who always think that Boss Jia's Faraday Future is the originator of new energy vehicles and hope that he can return as a king. However, this title of originator has been called for a full ten years. Today, ten years later, the total number of cars delivered by Faraday Future seems to be only twelve, and it is said that all of them have been recalled due to certain problems. If these boasters make cars, they may not be as good as Boss Jia. "

At this point, Charlie remembered the hot topic on the Internet some time ago and smiled. He said: "By the way, the boss of Remi Automobile did not announce the price when he launched the car, and many competitors cut their prices at that time to undermine him. At that time, the whole network was badmouthing the boss Lei, to the point that even the dogs in the village wanted to shout "Jun'er". At that time, most people thought that he was going to fight a big fight, but he didn't expect that the annual production of the car would be sold in one day. Those who called him "Jun'er" before immediately swallowed the name and continued to call him President Lei or even Lei Busi with a shameless face, as if the word "Jun'er" had never came out of his mouth in his life."

“So, just from this point, we can be sure that a person or thing that everyone is pessimistic about may not necessarily be doomed to failure.”

“Because in this world, the truth is always in the hands of only a few people.”

“If you want to do something, and people around you, whether you know them or not, say that it won’t work, you must not be discouraged. If you go all out, you may be able to achieve something;” “

But if everyone says that what you want to do will work, then you must be very careful and argue again and again, because if even the dogs in the village say that you can definitely make money by doing this, then it is very likely that you won’t get to earn that money.”

Charlie’s humor made Chen Yining laugh out loud. While laughing, she looked at Claire and said seriously, “Claire, your husband is really humorous.”

After that, she asked Charlie, “Mr. Wade, I need to write a report when I get back. Can I quote some of your opinions just now? "

Charlie nodded and said casually: "You can use it as you like, and you can also create secondary works, but don't reveal my personal information. I am also a network troll who can only talk but not do anything. Don't let people know that I said this, otherwise those netizens will definitely criticise me, thinking that I, a loser who has never studied or worked in the automotive industry, is also worthy of talking and speaking nonsense about the automotive industry. "

Chen Yining said with a smile: "You have brought both me and Claire into this. If you use your point of view just now to judge, the two of us simply questioned Professor He because he had never worked in the automotive industry, which also has some meaning of network trolls. "

Charlie waved his hand: "You are different from those real network trolls. In the case of Changying Automobile and Professor He, whether it is online or offline, everyone has the right to comment and express their own opinions. Whether it is bad or optimistic, as long as it is simply to express their own opinions, there is no problem, but network trolls not only have to express their own opinions, but also attack all those who disagree with their own opinions. Explanation and attack are real trolls. "

After that, Charlie said, "But these don't really matter. For Changying Automobile, doubts are a good thing. On the one hand, it can spur the team to work harder, and on the other hand, it can rely on doubts to maintain enough popularity. The Internet is like this. If everyone praises you, you can be popular for three days; if everyone scolds you, you can be popular for three years; if some people praise you and some scold you, and the two sides have to fight from time to time, then you can be popular for a lifetime!"


  1. Of course Charlie is ready to defend He because he was the one who appointed He in this industry and Charlie is the initiator.


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