Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 1801 to 1900 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 1801

At this moment, the TMPD.

The chief of the TMPD finally breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Takehiko has been taken to the hospital and his life was not in danger.

He took out a cigarette and knocked on the cigarette case to make the tobacco tighter.

Then he took out the lighter and lit the cigarette and took a puff.

After a while, he sighed: “Oh, it seems that this strange day is finally coming to an end…”

The person next to him hurriedly said: “Director, the Su family brothers, and sisters have not been found…”

The director of the TMPD immediately said angrily: “Can‟t you add more traffic to me?

The Su brother and sister are still in a state of unclear life and death for the time being!”

With that said, he added: “Unknown life and death means that you don‟t know whether they are dead or alive. At least you can‟t be sure that you are dead. My request tonight is very simple. Don‟t tell me that someone has died, I‟m satisfied. , Wait until tomorrow!”

The person next to him nodded quickly and said, “Director, you have been working hard all day and night, you should go home and rest first.”

“Yeah.” The director of the TMPD took a breath and said, “I want to go back and take a good rest.”

Just as he was about to leave the TMPD, someone suddenly ran in in a panic and blurted out: “Director, Director! Something happened, Director!”

The chief of the TMPD was going crazy and blurted out: “What happened now?!”

The other party said breathlessly: “It‟s Matsu…Matsumoto…Something happened to the

Matsumoto‟s family!”

The chief of the TMPD was dumbfounded and said: “First it was Takahashi, then Takehiko, and now it‟s Matsumoto, why the h*ll did you breathe? You say! What happened to Matsumoto? He‟s still alive?”

In his opinion, as long as people are still alive, it doesn‟t matter if they are injured or disabled. Anyway, his only requirement is to stop death.

As a result, the other party said with a horrified expression: “Director, something has happened to the Matsumoto family! There are more than 30 people in the family, all…all dead…”


When the TMPD heard this, he threw away the cigarette in despair, grabbed his hair with both hands, and collapsed and said, “I‟m the fcking going to split!!! What the hll is going on?! Is this still the Tokyo I am familiar with?! Why is it so endless?!”

The other party was also very collapsed, blurting out: “Tonight, the Matsumoto house suddenly lit a fire. After the firefighters put out the fire, they found that everyone in the Matsumoto house was lying neatly in the living room and burned beyond recognition.

Arson, let‟s not mention how tragic the scene was. Many firefighters vomited into the hospital!”

Upon hearing this, the chief of the TMPD felt his blood pressure surge immediately, and murmured: “Oh… my f*cking… I…”

Before finishing speaking, the whole person‟s eyes went dark and he passed out completely.


At the same time the ancient city of Kyoto.

Charlie and Nanako strolled for a long time in the snow.

During the period, Nanako told Charlie that since she came to Kyoto to recuperate from her injury, she had stayed in the mansion and never went out, so she wanted to go out for a walk.

So Charlie took her and left the Ito mansion quietly over the wall, walking hand in hand through the streets of Kyoto.

Chapter 1802

Nanako wanted to say something to Charlie, but for a while she didn‟t know where to start, so she told Charlie about her childhood and past.

Although she was born in a rich family, Nanako‟s childhood was not a happy one.

Her mother died young, and although her father did not marry again, it could not make up for Nanako‟s childhood shortcomings


Moreover, Takehiko was busy with work all day, and the time that can be allocated to Nanako was very small. In addition, Takehiko‟s character has always been serious and unsmiling, so Nanako‟s childhood lacked a lot of care.

Nanako‟s mother was a pretty lady, so when she was alive, she always taught her in a very traditional way, and Nanako also followed her mother to learn tea ceremony, illustration, embroidery, and even read poetry and books. In her character, the side of Yamato Nadeshiko was given by her mother.

However, after the death of her mother, Nanako fell in love with martial arts because she felt that when she was practicing martial arts, she could temporarily forget the sadness and unhappiness in life.

In the beginning, she only practiced martial arts to escape reality, but over time, she completely fell in love with martial arts.

After she finished telling her story, she chased Charlie and asked him: “Master, can you tell me the story of your childhood?”

Charlie smiled bitterly: “I was at two extremes when I was a kid. I lived well before I was eight years old. My parents were kind, wealthy, and worry-free. But when I was eight, my parents died unexpectedly. I fell into the street and became an orphan, and then I grew up in the orphanage…”

“Ah?!” When Nanako heard this, she was surprised, and said with a bit of distress: “I‟m sorry Master, I didn‟t mean it…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “It‟s okay, needless to say sorry.”

Nanako said with emotion: “In this way, my childhood is much happier than that of Master. Although my father is strict and unsmiling to me on weekdays, he still loves me very much in his heart, but his way of expression is not so soft in comparison. ……”

After all, Nanako looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Master, in fact, you have a conflict with my father. I heard Tian talk about it before. The reason why I pretended not to know was that I didn‟t want Master to feel embarrassed, but actually , Father‟s nature is not bad. If you have the opportunity, I still hope that you can let your previous suspicions go away and become friends…”

In fact, deep down in her heart, Nanako really wanted to say that she didn‟t want Charlie and her father to become enemies. 

In her heart, she dreamed that the two would cultivate a real relationship as husband and wife.

However, she knew that Charlie was already married, so she could only hide such words in the most secret place in her heart and would never say them.

Charlie didn‟t think much at this time, nodded slightly and said: “If there is a chance, I will.”

Nanako immediately became happy, and said seriously: “That‟s really great! But Master don‟t get me wrong. I hope you and my father will become friends, not for the 4.5 billion things. Master must keep it for himself, not give to my father!”

Charlie couldn‟t help laughing and asked her: “Why did you turn your elbow out? Four and a half billion is not a small sum!”

Nanako blushed and said softly, “It doesn‟t matter, Master saved my life and healed my injury. This money is regarded as a reward from my father to Master Wade!”

Charlie couldn‟t help laughing, and said happily: “If your dad knows, he will be pissed off by you.”

Nanako stuck out her tongue and was about to talk when her phone suddenly vibrated.

She was a little surprised: “It‟s so late, who will call me? Could it be the servant who found out that I escaped?”

With that, she quickly took out her mobile phone and said in surprise: “Oh, it‟s Father!”

Chapter 1803

Nanako didn‟t expect that her father would call her even so late.

So, she said to Charlie a little nervously: “Master, I want to answer the call from father…”

Charlie nodded, and smiled: “Come on.”

Nanako was so busy pressing the answer button, and asked carefully, “Father, what‟s the matter you called me so late?” 

On the other end of the phone, Takehiko‟s weak voice came: “Nanako, dad had an accident. I called to confirm your safety. Is everything okay in Kyoto?”

Nanako hurriedly asked: “Father, what happened to you?! Is it serious?!”

Takehiko said: “I was hunted down together with Tanaka. Fortunately, I escaped by chance, but I‟m afraid they will try to get you, so I called to confirm.”

At this moment, Takehiko Ito is lying in the intensive care unit of the Tokyo Hospital. The family‟s ninjas, bodyguards, and police officers from the TMPD have already tightly protected the third and outer floors of the hospital.

Lying on the hospital bed, Ito did not have any serious trauma at first glance, but his legs below the knees have disappeared, but the ends of the two thighs are wrapped in thick gauze.

After falling from the viaduct, Ito‟s brain and internal organs did not suffer much damage.

However, the legs that mainly bear the impact of the fall were seriously injured.

His soles, ankles, and calf bones were almost completely shattered, and his bloody appearance was really horrible.

In this case, the doctor also concluded that his legs are no longer able to recover.

Moreover, fragmented bones and severely damaged muscles have lost their vitality and face a huge risk of infection.

Therefore, only if the severely damaged part is amputated as soon as possible, the damage can be stopped in time and Takehiko‟s life can be saved.

For ordinary people, once the body tissues die in a large area, there is basically no possibility of restoration.

If the limb is severely injured, if the limb is not amputated, the infected area will rot, and the entire body will soon be affected, eventually leading to death.

At that time, when the doctor was seeking Ito‟s opinion, Ito had little hesitation.

He is also considered a courageous and knowledgeable hero, able to clearly judge the situation he is facing at a critical moment.

In his opinion, it is a blessing to be able to save his life. If he is unwilling to accept the amputation and continue to delay, he will probably die because of it. 

For him, except for his daughter, nothing is more important.

Tanaka‟s situation was almost exactly the same as Ito‟s. He also underwent amputation of both legs below the knee, and recovered his life. At this time, he is recovering in the next ward.

Nanako didn‟t know that her father had undergone amputation, and asked impatiently, “Father, are you okay? Is there any injury or danger?”

Takehiko Ito sighed lightly and said, “I and Tanaka‟s legs were injured a little, and we are now being treated in the hospital, but fortunately, there is no danger to our lives, so you can rest assured.”

While talking, Takehiko said again: “The world has been very uneasy in the past few days. You must be careful in Kyoto. I am going to send a few ninjas to protect you!”

Nanako blurted out: “Father, I want to return to Tokyo to see you!”

Chapter 1804

Takehiko hurriedly said, “Don‟t come. Tokyo is very chaotic now. In just one or two days, too many people have died. Besides, you are ill, you should rest in Kyoto!”

Nanako hurriedly said: “My father, my injuries are all healed. Don‟t worry, I will rush to Tokyo to take care of you as soon as possible!”

Naturally, Takehiko didn‟t believe that his daughter‟s injuries would heal, and naturally thought that Nanako was just comforting him.

Therefore, he said to Nanako in a serious tone: “Nanako, you have to listen to me, stay in Kyoto honestly, don‟t go anywhere, let alone coming to Tokyo!”

What else Nanako wanted to say, Takehiko angrily said: “If you let me know that you dare to come to Tokyo secretly, I don‟t have you as my daughter!”

After that, he hung up the phone.

Nanako burst into tears immediately. She was extremely worried about her father‟s safety. Although she was basically sure that the father on the phone did not look like life-threatening, she felt that her father‟s injury was not as bad as he said on the phone.

Such an understatement.

Charlie on the side asked her: “Nanako, is there something wrong with your father?”

“Um…” Nanako nodded tearfully, and said, “My father called and said that he was hunted down and he is now in the hospital…”

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and choked up: “Master, I‟m so worried…”

Charlie couldn‟t help but be comforted: “Your father shouldn‟t be life-threatening, so you don‟t have to worry too much.”

Nanako shook her head and said, “I‟m afraid that my father is hiding something from me…”

After that, she looked at Charlie eagerly and asked: “Master, I want to go back to Tokyo, you…can you help me?”

Charlie asked her: “How do you think I can help you?”

Nanako said: “My father won‟t let me go back. If I tell the servants of the family, they will definitely not agree to it, and may even ban me. Since we have slipped out now, I don‟t want to go back again. Hope Master can lend me some money, and I will take the first Shinkansen back to Tokyo after dawn!”

Seeing her look very urgent, Charlie sighed and said, “It‟s just twelve o‟clock in the night, and the Shinkansen will have to wait until the morning at least, or I will drive you back, we will be there in just over three hours. .”


Nanako looked at Charlie excitedly, and blurted out, “Will Master really want to drive me to Tokyo?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I‟ve said everything, can I lie to you?”

Nanako said, “But…but isn‟t Master having business affairs in Osaka? If you take me to Tokyo, will it not delay your affairs in Osaka?”

“It‟s okay.” Charlie smiled indifferently and comforted: “You don‟t have to worry about me. Someone is helping me deal with things in Osaka. The top priority now is to send you back to Tokyo to see your father, lest you keep worrying about him.”

Nanako grabbed Charlie‟s hands and said in grateful words: “Master, thank you so much…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Okay, don‟t say anything polite. My car happened to be parked nearby. Let‟s set off now.”

“Okay!” Nanako nodded repeatedly, and the eyes were full of gratitude and obsession.

Charlie at this moment, in her eyes, is the world-famous hero sent by heaven to save her…

Chapter 1805

In the middle of the night, Charlie drove the car, carrying Nanako, and galloping back to Tokyo.

In the middle of the journey, Issac called Charlie and asked him if he had finished the work and when he would return to Osaka.

Charlie told him that he would not be able to return for a while, and that he would not be able to return until tomorrow.

Issac didn‟t know what was wrong with Charlie, but he knew that Charlie was extremely strong, and no one in Japan could threaten him, so he was relieved.

Nanako, who was sitting in the co-pilot, seemed nervous all the way. Although Takehiko Ito said on the phone that he was not in danger, Nanako was still a little worried.

After more than three hours, Charlie drove the car back to Tokyo and stopped in front of Tokyo‟s best hospital, Tokyo University Affiliated Hospital.

This hospital is the highest-ranked hospital in Japan, and represents the highest level of treatment.

After the car stopped steadily, Nanako couldn‟t wait to push the door to get out of the car, but before getting of the car, she looked at Charlie and asked, “Master, are you going to go up with me?”

Charlie said slightly embarrassed: “Your father may not want to see me, right?”

Nanako said earnestly: “Master, you saved my life, no matter how big a misunderstanding, I believe my father will never care about it again!”

Charlie thought for a moment, and said: “Okay, then I will go with you.”

In fact, what Charlie thought was very simple. After all, Takehiko is Nanako‟s father. If his physical condition really has any major problems, he might be able to help.

The two came to the floor of the intensive care unit and found that starting from the elevator entrance to the lounge and corridor, they were all full of people.

Among them, most of them are members of the Ito family, and a small part is members of special operations teams sent by the TMPD.

As soon as the elevator door opened, everyone outside looked at the elevator car vigilantly, and found that it was Nanako and a strange man. Everyone was surprised.

At this time, a middle-aged woman rushed over and asked in surprise: “Nanako, why are you here?!”

The speaker is Emi Ito, the younger sister of Takehiko and the aunt of Nanako.

When Nanako saw her, she hurriedly bowed, “Auntie, how is my father?”

A trace of melancholy flashed in Emi‟s expression, and she sighed: “Brother, his vital signs are very stable. The doctor said that he is out of danger, but…”

Nanako blurted out and asked, “But what?!”

“Hey…” Emi sighed and said seriously: “My brother‟s legs are seriously injured. The doctor has already amputated his legs below the knees in order to save his life. For the rest of his life, he will have to sit on a wheelchair or use artificial limb…”

“Ah?!” Nanako‟s tears burst into her eyes.

Hearing that her father had both legs amputated, she naturally felt distressed deep in her heart.

She knows her father‟s character very well. He must be strong and tenacious throughout his life. It is indeed a very heavy blow for people like him to use a wheelchair for the rest of life.

It‟s like her mentor, Kazuki Yamamoto, who has studied martial arts all his life, but never thought that he was beaten as a waste because he underestimated Charlie‟s strength.

The original martial arts master could only lie in bed and live his life. This kind of blow can be called fatal.

Charlie couldn‟t help frowning at this moment.

Takehiko‟s luck didn‟t know whether it was good or bad.

To say that he was in bad luck, but he still got his life back, otherwise, he has been separated from Nanako long ago.

Chapter 1806

To say that he is lucky, in fact, he only needs to amputate a few hours later, as long as his leg is still on his body, his own rejuvenation pill can heal it.

But if the limb has been amputated, the Rejuvenation Pill will be helpless.

Although Rejuvenating Pill is strong, it does not have the effect of regenerating a broken limb.

Moreover, Takehiko was injured just now tonight, and amputation a few hours later will not have much impact.

After all, it takes time for damaged limb tissues to rot and spread infection. Doctors assist in certain anti-inflammatory treatments. A few hours‟ window can still be won.

If Takehiko Ito hesitated and thought about it a little bit, he might be able to drag him and Nanako over.

However, what he didn‟t expect was that he would be so straightforward and had his limbs amputated directly.

Charlie estimated that it was the hospital who felt that Ito‟s affected limb had no value for preservation, so they simply performed the amputation.

This can only be said that Ito‟s luck is not so good.

At this moment, Nanako next to Charlie cried and asked, “Auntie, father, he… is he in good condition? Is he particularly angry or depressed?”

Emi gently took Nanako‟s hand and smiled and said, “Your father looked very open this time. He personally told me that survival is already the greatest gift, even if he becomes a disabled person in the future. It‟s okay.”

As she said, Emi sighed again: “In fact, what your father fears most is not injury or disability, nor loss of life, but in the future journey of life, unable to accompany and walk with you, this time he could have died. Escaped, you don‟t know how happy he is! This is like a mountain of father‟s love!”

Nanako couldn‟t control her emotions anymore, and she hugged Emi and cried loudly.

Emi patted her back gently, remembering something, and blurted out in surprise:

“Nanako, why…how can you stand up?! The doctor said that you will always depend on wheelchair in the future?”

Nanako looked at Charlie and said to Emi truthfully, “Auntie, thanks to Master Wade, he cured me…”

“Master Wade?!” Emi was shocked, and blurted out: “That‟s it…Is that Charlie Wade, who owed our Ito family‟s 4.5 billion USD?!”

Nanako was a little embarrassed and said, “Auntie, don‟t worry about money too much. 

Master Wade not only healed my injury, but also saved my life!”

“Save your life?!” Emi blurted out, “Nanako, are you in any danger?”

Nanako nodded and said, “Earlier tonight, Machi Takahashi sent six Tenglin ninjas to Kyoto to murder me. Thanks to Master Wade, I was spared…”

Emi widened her eyes and blurted out: “I didn‟t expect Takahashi to be so vicious! Even he won‟t let you go!”

After that, she looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, I am not overly qualified for the grievances between you and my brother, but for the thing that you saved Nanako, I want to thank you on behalf of my brother and the entire Ito family!”

As soon as the voice fell, she immediately bowed to Ninety degrees and held it for about three to five seconds.

Charlie said indifferently: “You are polite. I and Nanako are friends, and these are what friends should do.”

At this time, a doctor ran over and said to Emi: “The patient is awake and wants to see his family. Ms. Ito, please come with me.”

Emi hurriedly said to Nanako, “Nanako, let‟s go see your father together.”

Nanako nodded heavily, and immediately asked Charlie: “Master, are you coming?”

Charlie smiled slightly, thinking that since Takehiko has been amputated, he can‟t help much, so he said: “Nanako, I will not go there, lest Mr. Ito will be emotional and affect recovery after seeing me.”

Chapter 1807

The reason why Charlie came was because of Nanako‟s face, so he could help if he wanted to.

But since Takehiko has been amputated and his life is not in danger, there is no need for his help here, and he does not want to go in and meet Takehiko to avoid embarrassment.

Nanako didn‟t insist upon seeing this, and said softly: “Master, then please wait here for a while, I‟ll go in and see my father!”

Charlie nodded: “Go, I‟ll be here.”

Nanako nodded lightly, and then went to the ward with her aunt Emi.

In the ward, Takehiko Ito just woke up.

After both legs were amputated, the doctor used an analgesic pump for him, so he basically didn‟t feel the pain, but he was always worried about Nanako in Kyoto, so he couldn‟t sleep well.

He just dreamed that Nanako had an accident in Kyoto, and Takehiko immediately woke up and wanted to order his sister Emi to send someone to bring Nanako back to Tokyo as soon as possible.

However, what he didn‟t even dream of was that after the ward door was opened, his sister Emi came in with his beloved baby daughter, Nanako!

“Nanako?!” Takehiko Ito blurted out in surprise: “Why are you here?”

Nanako saw her father lying on the hospital bed pale and bloodless, with thick gauze wrapped around his legs and knees, and disappeared without a trace from below the knees. She burst into tears and cried out, “Odosan!”

After speaking, she ran to the hospital bed, grabbed Takehiko‟s hand and cried bitterly.

Only then did Ito recover his senses. Seeing his daughter appear in front of him safely, he was relieved, and he was even more relieved. He rejoiced and said, “Nanako, Oudosan really didn‟t expect to see you alive. , At this moment, seeing you in front of me is really worth everything…”

Nanako cried and said, “Odosan, you have suffered…”

Takehiko smiled and said, “No, no no, Nanako, O‟Duo Sang knew in his heart that being able to survive is already the greatest fortune. I am already very satisfied!”

As he said, he suddenly remembered a detail just now and exclaimed: “Nanako, what about your legs…how can you walk?”

Nanako choked and said, “Odusan, I almost died by the sword of Tenglin Ninjas tonight…”

“What?!” Takehiko Ito was shocked and blurted out: “Tenglin Ninja came to assassinate you?”

“Yeah!” Nanako nodded and said, “The Tenglin family sent six ninjas to Kyoto to assassinate me…”

“Six ninjas?!” Takehiko Ito was even more horrified, and said nervously: “I didn‟t give ninjas to protect you, how did you escape?!”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Thanks to Master Charlie Wade… he saved me…”

“Charlie?!” Takehiko‟s eyes widened.

“Yes!” Nanako hurriedly said, “It is Master Wade from China. He not only killed six Tenglin ninjas and saved my life, but he also cured my injury with a magical medicine.

 I am now completely fine, healthy as before, and I even feel better than before!”

“Really?!” Takehiko asked in surprise: “Nanako, you don‟t lie to Odusan?”

Emi smiled and said, “Brother, didn‟t you see that Nanako ran over from the door just now?”

Chapter 1808

“Oh yes!” Ito was overjoyed, and nodded and said excitedly: “It‟s great! It‟s great! I dream of wishing Nanako can heal and stand up again. This is even more important than my own life! I didn‟t expect it to happen!”

As he said, Takehiko asked Nanako again: “According to this, you came to Tokyo. Charlie should have sent you here?”

Nanako said truthfully: “Yes, Oudosan, it‟s Master Wade, who drove me all the way from Kyoto to here.”

After that, Nanako said again: “By the way, Odosan, the corpses of the six Tenglin ninjas are still in the storage room of courtyard. I have to trouble you to order the housekeeper to send someone to deal with it!”

“Okay…” Ito sighed, sighing as if he was talking to himself: “I have been hating Charlie for the past few days, but I didn‟t expect him to save my beloved daughter and heal her too. In contrast to my daughter‟s injury, I am really a villain‟s heart to save a gentleman‟s belly…”

After that, he hurriedly asked, “Nanako, where is Mr. Charlie?”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Odusan, Master Wade is outside.”

Takehiko hurriedly tried to sit upright with both hands, and said seriously: “Hurry up and invite him in, I want to thank him face to face!”

Nanako hesitated for a moment, and said, “Odusan, Master Wade said, you will be angry if you see him…”

“How come!” Ito said seriously: “My contradiction with him is nothing more than the 4.5 billion, but he saved your life! In the eyes of Odosan, your life , Don‟t say 4.5 billion USD, even 45 billion USD, it can‟t be exchanged! Therefore, Mr. Charlie is my great benefactor, and I want to thank him in person…”

Nanako hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: “Odusan, I will ask Master Wade, if he wants, I will bring him in.”

Takehiko said immediately: “Okay! Go ahead!”

Nanako came out of the ward and walked to Charlie.

Charlie asked in surprise, “Why did you come out so soon?”

Nanako stammered and said, “Master Wade… Father, he… he… he wants to see you…”

Charlie smiled a little awkwardly: “He has just finished the amputation, even if it is not life-threatening, his body should be relatively weak. It‟s not appropriate to see him at this time?”

Nanako hurriedly waved her hand and said, “That‟s not the case! Father wants to thank Master in person! Thank Master for saving my life and healing my injury.”

Charlie asked a little surprised: “Your father really said that?”

“Yes.” Nanako solemnly nodded and said, “I use my personality to assure Master Wade!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said generously: “If this is the case, then I will go and meet Mr. Ito.”

After that, he followed Nanako to Ito‟s ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, Takehiko sat up with the help of Emi, clasped his fists to Charlie, and said piously: “Mr. Charlie, thank you for saving the little girl‟s life and curing her. For this great grace, the Ito family is unforgettable!”

Charlie really didn‟t expect that Takehiko‟s attitude was so good, so at this moment he was a little stunned.

Immediately, he smiled and said, “Mr. Ito is polite. Nanako and I are friends. I should do all these things.”

Chapter 1809

Takehiko sighed and said apologetically: “There have been many things that have offended you before, and I hope you don‟t mind!”

Charlie was also generous, smiled slightly, and said, “Mr. Ito is polite. I‟ve turned over the previous misunderstandings and you don‟t need to mention it again.”

The subtext of Charlie‟s words is actually, the misunderstanding will not be mentioned anymore, and the 4.5 billion USD matter will not be mentioned again.

Although he was not short of money, he didn‟t want to spit out the money in his pocket easily.

It wasn‟t that he wanted to misuse Takehiko‟s money. The point was that even if the money was thrown out, he couldn‟t just spit it out in a few words.

At least, the money will have to be taken out by Nanako when she needs it in the future, and it will be given to her only.

But this may have to wait for Nanako to inherit the Ito family.

Takehiko is also a good person. Hearing this, he knows what Charlie means.

Four and a half billion USD is indeed a huge sum of money, but since Charlie didn‟t want  to give it, he couldn‟t chase him for it.

After all, Charlie saved his daughter‟s life and made her completely healed. This is really a great kindness.

Otherwise, even if the daughter was not in danger, she will not be able to live without the torture of wheelchair and illness for the rest of her life.

Therefore, Takehiko also consciously did not mention the 4.5 billion USD, but asked very curiously: “Mr. Charlie, how did you save the little girl, by chance?”

Charlie said truthfully: “I originally took over the production line of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Osaka. I heard that Ms. Nanako is in Kyoto, and it‟s only a 40-minute drive from Osaka to Kyoto. I wanted to meet her. I didn‟t expect it to happen. I met the ninja of the Tenglin family who came there to attack her, so I did it.”

Charlie couldn‟t help but sigh: “It‟s also a coincidence. If I arrive later, I might be helpless.”

Takehiko also nodded in fear, and exclaimed, “Thanks to Mr. Charlie!”

After finishing speaking, he couldn‟t restrain the angry cold voice: “?? The ninjas of the Tenglin family are loyal to Machi Takahashi. I don‟t understand why Machi Takahashi has acted on me! Everyone is competing with me. The Su family‟s cooperation, even if there are some holidays and misunderstandings on weekdays, there is no need to kill my daughter like this, right?!”

Charlie frowned immediately: “What did you say? The Su family? Which Su family?!”

Takehiko explained: “It‟s the Su family, the top big family in China. They want to engage in ocean shipping and they have taken a fancy to a few ports in Japan, so they want to cooperate with Japanese families. Both the Ito family and the Takahashi family In their shortlist.”

After speaking, Takehiko said again: “For our two families, whoever can cooperate with the Su family will have the opportunity to surpass each other and become the first family in Japan. Therefore, both of us attach great importance to this cooperation. , But I didn‟t expect that Machi Takahashishi would actually act like this!”

Charlie suddenly remembered that he was in Kyoto, following the two Chinese people saved from the Iga family ninja.

Are they from the Su family? !

Thinking of this, Charlie hurriedly asked again: “Mr. Ito, who did the Su family send to discuss cooperation with you this time?”

Takehiko said: “They sent their eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter, one named Zhifei and the other named Zhiyu.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Aren‟t these two very young? Woman is only in her early twenties, and man is only twenty-five or six?”

“Yes!” Ito said: “Zhifei is almost twenty-five or -six, Zhiyu and Nanako should be about the same age, both 22 years old.”

As he said, Ito sighed and said, “But, who would have thought that the Su family‟s siblings were bizarrely kidnapped after they came to Japan! The kidnappers also killed more than a dozen of Su‟s entourage? It turned Tokyo upside down, and Machi Takahashi and I were both listed as suspects by the TMPD!”

Hearing this, Charlie was basically sure that the siblings that he accidentally saved and let go in Kyoto were the eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter of the Su family!

Thinking of this, Charlie‟s expression suddenly became very ugly!

Su family!

Chapter 1810

D*mn the Su family!

In the beginning, it was the Su family who took the lead and united countless other families in Eastcliff to form an “anti-wade alliance” that was an enemy of his father!

Although not sure whether the death of his parents is the result of the Su family and the Anti-Wade Alliance.

However, at least he can be sure!

In this matter, the Su family is absolutely unclear about the relationship!

Unexpectedly, he saved the eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter of the enemy‟s family!

At this moment, Charlie regretted it!

The hatred of parents is shared!

Even if he didn‟t take the initiative to make the descendants of the Su family pay the price, he shouldn‟t have saved their lives!

Thinking of this, Charlie really wanted to slap himself a hundred times!

Seeing his ugly expression, Takehiko hurriedly asked him: “Mr. Charlie, do you know someone from the Su family?”

Charlie sighed, shook his head and said, “I don‟t know, but I accidentally saved them in Kyoto…”

“What?!” Takehiko Ito exclaimed: “The Su brothers and sisters were taken to Kyoto?

Could it be that Tenglin Ninja did it?”

“No.” Charlie shook his head and said: “Iga Ninja did it. At that time, after I solved Tenglin Ninja, I found Iga Ninja went to Ito‟s mansion to step on something. I was afraid that someone wanted to harm Nanako, so I followed along all the way. It was discovered that another group of ninjas had kidnapped the Su family girl and boy, and wanted to kill them before hiding their bodies in the Ito mansion to blame the Ito family.”

Takehiko blurted out in amazement, “Who is instigated by those ninjas?! It is so vicious!

This is to push my Ito family into the fire pit!”

Charlie said, “I heard that they were instigated by a guy named Matsumoto.”


Takehiko, Emi, and Nanako were all shocked!

At this moment, they want to understand the ins and outs of the whole thing!

Takehiko shook his head and sighed: “When I jumped down from the viaduct, I thought it was Machi Takahashishi behind the scenes. I didn‟t expect that the instigator of all this was Ryoto Matsumoto! This b@stard, secretly played the game. Let me and Machi Takahashi suspect each other, and wanted to pour the dirty water of kidnapping and murdering the Su brother and sister on me. It‟s really vicious!”

Emi spoke at this moment: “Brother, when you were resting, I heard some messages from the TMPD. I didn‟t understand it at first. Now after Mr. Charlie mentioned this point, all the clues are correct. Got it!”

Takehiko hurriedly asked: “What information? What clue?!”

Emi said truthfully: “Machi Takahashi‟s son was killed yesterday evening. The murderer blocked his convoy in the underground passage, locked him in the car and set it on fire to char…”

“What?!” Both Takehiko and Nanako heard with surprise.

Emi continued: “Later, Machi Takahashi was also assassinated by a ninja at home…”

“Machi Takahashi is dead?!”

Emi nodded, and said, “There are more terrifying things…”

Takehiko Ito stabilized his mind, and said, “Say!”

“Matsumoto‟s family has more than 30 people, all of them have been destroyed!”?

Chapter 1811

The news that Matsumoto‟s family was decimated completely shocked Takehiko.

He was already dumbfounded, and blurted out: “This will wipe out all the more than 30 Matsumotos. Isn‟t this too cruel?! Who is so bold?”

Emi shook her head and said, “don‟t know the specifics. The police are also investigating this matter.”

Charlie said coldly at this time: “Do you still need to check it? It must be the Su family. I rescued the Su family siblings just in the middle of the night, and the Su family killed the Matsumoto family behind the scenes in the middle of the night.

Takehiko Ito looked a little surprised, and murmured: “The Su family‟s behavior style is too harsh? Ryoto Matsumoto only acted on their subordinates and two younger generations. Even if they take revenge, they could take Ryoto Matsumoto.

 Isn‟t it enough to kill people? At most, kill their bodyguards. Why do you have to hurt so many people up and down?”

Charlie said with a black face: “This should be the style of the Su family.”

With that, Charlie couldn‟t help thinking of his parents again.

With the fierce style and vicious methods of the Su family, the death of his parents is probably directly caused by them!

Thinking of this, Charlie felt extremely upset!

He was so d*mn blind that he saved and released the eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter of the Su family!

If he didn‟t intervene, the two brothers and sisters would have become cold corpses by now!

In that case, the talent pool of the younger generation of the Su family must have suffered heavy losses.

More importantly, this could greatly blow the Su Family‟s arrogance!

This is not that Charlie is narrow-minded, but that his parents‟ hatred is not shared!

Seeing Charlie‟s ugly expression on the side, Takehiko couldn‟t help asking: “Mr. Charlie, are you okay?”

Charlie chuckled and shook his head: “It‟s nothing, I am just a bit surprised.”

What can he say?

He can‟t tell Takehiko Ito about the death of his parents and his own life experience.

Ito Nodded, was silent for a moment, and suddenly sighed: “I didn‟t expect that in just a few days, things would turn into the current situation…”

As he said, he continued with a serious face: “Now it seems that this incident seems to have been unintentional, and the Ito family has become the biggest beneficiary.”

Chapter 1812

Emi agrees and said: “This is indeed the case. Originally, we competed fiercely with the Takahashi family, but I did not expect that both Machi Takahashi and his son were dead.

Next, the Takahashi family will be very vigorous and hurt.”

“Also, Ryoto Matsumoto had been trying hard to catch up from behind. Now the entire Matsumoto family has been wiped out. All the business shares of the Matsumoto family have been released. Can the Takahashi family now have the ability to compete with us?

Not to mention the families below. , If we take the opportunity to grab the resources released by the Takahashi and Matsumoto families, then we will soon be able to become the true Japanese first family!”

Takehiko nodded, but there was no sign of happiness in his expression. He sighed: “I wanted to be like a samurai, and frankly compete with Takahashi, but I didn‟t expect that I would become a snipe and clam. A fisherman who has gained nothing for nothing, is really unbelievable…”

At this moment, Charlie looked at Takehiko with admiration. Most people at this moment are probably excited and overwhelmed.

But what he didn‟t expect is that Takehiko still has this consciousness.

At this time, Emi counseled: “Brother, there is no need to worry about how to win. After all, the things encountered by these two families are not behind us. Even if we take advantage of it, Those who can pick it up have peace of mind, so the most urgent task is to quickly start cleaning the battlefield and take this opportunity to let the Ito family stand on top of their invincibility!”

Takehiko Ito did not answer immediately, but turned to look at Charlie, clasped his fists again, and said sincerely, “Mr. Charlie, thank you for all this! If it were not for you, the end of the Ito family might not be much better than Machi Takahashi. If it weren‟t for you, I‟m afraid that the Ito family and the Takahashi family have already been calculated by Matsumoto to ruin our homes. You are the benefactor of the Ito family!”

Seeing this, Emi immediately stood up, knelt on one knee, clasped her fists, and said sincerely: “Mr. Charlie, brother, he has trouble with his legs, so I would like to thank you on behalf of the Ito family!”

Nanako also hurriedly got up, and immediately knelt down with her aunt, and said in gratitude, “Master, please also accept my gratitude!”

Charlie sighed lightly and said seriously: “You two, please get up. You don‟t need to do this. Although I helped the Ito family by chance, you escaped this disaster. In the final analysis, it is the good fortune of the Ito family. “

Emi and Nanako just got up.

Emi said to Takehiko Ito: “Brother, Mr. Charlie is right. In addition to Mr. Charlie‟s help in this matter, I have to say that the good fortune of our Ito family is really rare! Not only can we take the opportunity to absorb the Takahashi family and the Matsumoto family

The share released can also take advantage of the Takahashi family‟s vitality to promote cooperation with the Su family. If the Su family wants to do business, now they only have the choice of the Ito family!”

“No!” Ito said without hesitation: “From now on, we will not cooperate with the Su family of any nature!”

Emi couldn‟t help asking, “Brother, why is this?! Haven‟t you been looking forward to this collaboration?”

Takehiko said very seriously: “That‟s because I didn‟t know enough about the Su family!

But now, through the Matsumoto family‟s affairs, I can see through the Su family‟s behavior. The Su family is too hostile and has no bottom line. Even the underage children are not spared. To cooperate with this kind of family is to seek the skin of the tiger!”

Emi looked terrified, and suddenly said: “What my brother said makes sense…The Su family‟s actions are indeed too cruel…”

As she said, Emi suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said: “Brother, I heard that another family in China ranked second only to the Su family seems to want to get involved in ocean shipping. They have been competing with the Su family for many years. Similar to our situation with the Takahashi family over the years, if conditions are right, we can cooperate with the Wade family.”

Takehiko Ito shook his head and said, “Forget it, the Su family and the Wade family are both very strong. In recent years, China‟s economic development has been advancing by leaps and bounds. The strength of these two families has also far surpassed other families in Asia, whether it is the Su family or the Wade family. We are far from their opponents. To cooperate with the Su family is to seek skin with the tiger, and to cooperate with the Wade family is to completely offend the tiger of the Su family. In my opinion, we still should not put ourselves in such a dangerous situation!”

Speaking of this, Takehiko pondered for a moment and said seriously: “In this way, starting from today, the Ito family will terminate all cooperation with foreign families, and will not accept any invitation for cooperation. We have been working hard in the Japanese domestic market during this time. , Let‟s try our best, dig deep holes, and accumulate food! When our strength is equal to or similar to that of Wade and Su, then consider cooperating with them!”

Chapter 1813

After hearing Takehiko‟s words, Charlie looked at him with a little admiration.

It seems that Takehiko does have a good overall view, and he can control his inner greed, not to be greedy or aggressive.

If you change to a very ambitious and greedy family, then you will immediately start to play high and play both ways.

On the one hand, it completely suppresses other families in the country, strives to eat their share in a short time, and makes oneself a fat man; On the one hand, we must cooperate with large overseas families as soon as possible to further open up profit channels and develop ourselves rapidly.

However, Takehiko Ito can clearly see the situation and the hidden dangers and hidden pitfalls.

There is no doubt that the Su family is indeed the Tiger Wolf family.

Such a family not only has no morals, but also has no basic humanity.

When cooperating with such a family, you must be on guard at all times, otherwise it is very likely that the opponent will be severely stabbed behind you.

And if you fall to the Su family‟s competitors, it is equivalent to directly standing on the opposite side of the Su family, and the risk factor is even greater.

Instead of doing this, it is better to close the door and try to develop yourself.

Emi also understood her brother‟s worries and vision, and said seriously: “Brother, you are right. I am too dull to see this level.”

Takehiko waved his hand: “Your thoughts are also normal. Starting a business is like a gamble. Either simply keep betting a little bit more, or you can have an unparalleled future; or after you reserve a certain amount of chips, learn to see and close.. ….”

Speaking of this, Takehiko sighed: “If it were before tonight, I might also be the same as you thought. I would take this opportunity to give him a big shot. However, I walked through the gate and lost both. After the legs, I finally know the preciousness of life and the meaning of being alive, and after knowing that I almost lost Nanako, I became more aware of this…”

“So, I want to be more cautious now, and being steady is more important than anything else.”

Emi nodded seriously.

At this time, Takehiko Ito glanced at Nanako, and said seriously: “Nanako, since you are now cured, from now on, stay in Tokyo with Odosan.”

Nanako hesitated slightly.

She likes the environment of Kyoto, and she is reluctant to leave Kyoto.

However, thinking of the special situation now that she can no longer follow her own preferences, she immediately said: “Okay Odosan, I will stay with you!”

Takehiko said: “Let you stay in Tokyo not only to allow you to accompany me, but also to let you get in touch with the family‟s business and industry earlier and start preparing for succession.”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Odusan, I have no experience in running a business. Isn‟t it too early?”

Takehiko nodded and said seriously: “It is indeed a little earlier, but now the situation is special, my legs are gone, and it will be more inconvenient to move in the future…”

Speaking of this, Takehiko sighed a little lonely: “Moreover, I am a disabled person, and I am not suitable for showing up on behalf of the family, which will affect the family image.”

“So, you must be ready to take my seat now. At the very least, you must first assume the external image of the Ito family. Later, on the outside, you will represent the Ito family.”

Chapter 1814

Emi also persuaded: “Yes, Nanako, you should stand up to the stage for your father now and let your father teach you and make suggestions for you.”

Nanako nodded gently and said, “Okay, I will definitely work hard!”

Takehiko and Emi were relieved to see Nanako‟s promise so refreshing.

Takehiko Ito naturally has high hopes for his daughter, but Nanako was obsessed with martial arts before and did not have much interest in the operation and management of the family business.

At that time, Takehiko was still worrying about how to let his daughter gradually take care of him and focus on inheriting the family business.

He thought that he could carry his body for more than ten years, which would give Nanako a few more years of free time.

Unexpectedly, things changed so much all at once.

Although most of Japanese culture originated from China, it has more or less localized development.

In China, most entrepreneurs put their interests first and do not pay much attention to external image issues.

However, after the Meiji Restoration in Japan, the degree of westernization was relatively high, so Japanese entrepreneurs attached great importance to the external image of enterprises.

To give the simplest example, if you do a clerical job in a Japanese company, you will have a headache in summer.

Because most Japanese companies require their employees to wear formal attire during working hours, even in the middle of summer, they must wear a shirt, suit, and even a tie.

Therefore, Japanese entrepreneurs hold press conferences or attend public events, regardless of age, all in formal wear.

And the Japanese like to bow, because they are talking here, and then they suddenly stand up ninety degrees and take a bow, then sit down and continue talking.

Therefore, Takehiko‟s current state is particularly unsuitable as a company‟s external spokesperson.

Although Nanako is young, she has a very good image and is especially in line with the Japanese aesthetics. She is responsible for the outside world. For the Ito family, it is the best choice.

Charlie is also very optimistic about Nanako, and encourages her, “If Nanako takes over the Ito family, it has the potential to turn the Ito family into an Internet celebrity company. The media will definitely beat the beauty president‟s personal settings. Setting up a successful establishment will enable the Ito family to achieve a multiplier effect in their careers.”

When Nanako heard Charlie‟s words, she couldn‟t help being a little embarrassed, and said with a blushing face: “Master Wade should stop making a joke about me. I don‟t have the temperament of a beautiful president. It‟s nothing more than catching ducks on the shelves. I have to do it.”

Charlie earnestly said: “Don‟t be presumptuous. With your perfect image and temperament, you will definitely become a beauty entrepreneur crazily sought after by all of Japan in the future, and maybe you will become a business card of the Japanese business community overseas.”

Nanako was so complimented by Charlie, she was ashamed and happy, and because she was a young girl who had just started her love, she had no ability to hide her own ability in this kind of thing, so she could only lower her head deeper and deeper.

Takehiko immediately saw his daughter‟s extraordinary. At this moment, he was already certain that his daughter had fallen in love with Charlie.

Observing for a moment, he strengthened his opinion.

At this moment, as a father, he felt a little melancholy in his heart, but at the same time, he felt a little relieved for his daughter‟s emotional maturity.

So he opened his mouth and said: “Emi, Nanako, you two go out first, I want to talk with Mr. Charlie in private!”

Chapter 1815

Emi and Nanako didn‟t think much about it. Seeing Takehiko was about to chat with Charlie in private, they got up to leave and left the ward.

After the two people left, Ito looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, what happened before was offensive, and I still have to apologize to you. Thank you for repaying your grievances with morality and saving the little girl. The Ito family, otherwise, if it really makes the Su family think that it was the Ito family who killed the Su family‟s heirs, the Ito family is afraid that we would face annihilation?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Mr. Ito is polite. I saved Nanako out of a friend‟s relationship. As for indirectly helping the Ito family, you don‟t have to be too polite to me. After all, I took your money. There is an old saying about taking money from others and helping others to eliminate disasters. I can‟t take money without doing anything, right?”

Takehiko was stunned.

The reason why he was dumbfounded was also completely shocked by Charlie‟s shamelessness.

Charlie‟s words are very clear. Take people‟s money and fight against people. This means that the 4.5 billion USD can‟t be taken for nothing. You have to do something for the Ito family.

Therefore, he has helped the Ito family get rid of the disaster, and the money can be taken with ease.

Takehiko was shocked, more or less painful.

Although he did feel that his daughter‟s life was more valuable than 4.5 billion USD, he would still feel distressed if he really threw 4.5 billion in.

However, he knew very well in his heart that if you lose the US$4.5 billion, you have lost. 

He has no other way to get the money back, or recover the loss to a certain extent, so there is no need to deal with this issue now.

Thinking of this, he smiled awkwardly and said to Charlie: “Mr. Charlie, your JX Pharmaceutical has a very strong momentum of development. After the annexation of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, I believe there must be a broader prospect. Don‟t know if we can work together. How about a certain amount of cooperation on this?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Mr. Ito, there is actually nothing to cooperate in this matter. JX Pharmaceutical is the foundation of my life and I will not give up my share of it.”

Takehiko hurriedly said: “Mr. Charlie, I don‟t want your share, but I really want to have a certain degree of in-depth cooperation with you. In the future, the Ito family will hand it over to Nanako. You and Nanako are friends, and I think It can be concluded that Nanako trusts you very much. You can try various forms of in-depth cooperation. This is good for you and us, and it is truly mutually beneficial.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I will naturally consider this in the future. If the time is right, I will definitely not reject cooperation with Miss Nanako.”

“That‟s good……”

Takehiko breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, I can see that Nanako likes you very much. If you two can have any possibility, then I‟m so relieved…”

Charlie said immediately: “Mr. Ito, Ms. Nanako is still very young. Don‟t talk about this kind of thing. If it spreads out and gets misunderstood, it will ruin Nanako‟s reputation.”

Takehiko waved his hand: “My daughter has been raised for 22 years. No one in this world knows her better than me. I can see that she really likes you, and she likes you sincerely, if possible. , I also suggest that you stay in Japan for development. You have JX Pharmaceutical and Nanako has the Ito family. If you two can combine to become a husband and wife, you will definitely become the top existence in Asia and even the world.”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Mr. Ito should have investigated me? You should know that I am already married.”

Chapter 1816

“I know.” Takehiko Ito smiled slightly and said indifferently: “What about being married?

You are married, doesn‟t Nanako still like you? So, it‟s good for me and for Nanako, We don‟t care about your past and present. What we care about is your future!”

With that, Takehiko said very seriously: “Mr. Charlie, after today‟s events, I have a very clear understanding of life. When people live, everything has meaning. Being rich means being rich, and being poor means being poor. If you die, no matter whether it is rich or poor, it will be nothing.”

“If it were before today, I would never let my daughter marry a foreign man, but at this moment, these are no longer important to me. What is important is how to make my daughter happy; The important thing is, how can my daughter have the best life!”

“Mr. Charlie has the ability, strength, and charm that a strong man should have. Nanako is cultivated, has a background, is strong external and internal, and she likes you so much. I believe you must have some feelings for Nanako in your heart, otherwise If you didn‟t, you would never travel all the way to Japan and make a special trip to Kyoto to see her, save her life, heal her injuries, and even drive a few hundred kilometers in the middle of the night to take her to Tokyo to see me.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Mr. Ito, it is undeniable that Nanako is indeed a very good girl, but I still said that. I‟m already married.”

Takehiko waved his hand and said: “Don‟t always prevaricate me by this getting married fact. You can divorce if you are married. Even if you don‟t leave, you can marry Nanako in Japan. As long as you don‟t go back, there is no problem.”

Charlie shook his head and smiled: “Mr. Ito, I really appreciate some of the precious qualities of Miss Nanako, but what you said is still impossible.”

After a pause, Charlie said again: “And I will not stay in Japan, today, tomorrow at the latest, I will return to China.”

Takehiko smiled and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, you have an old Chinese saying that good birds choose wood and live in them. I have investigated your background. Forgive me to be honest, your current wife is not worthy of you!”

Charlie looked at Takehiko noncommitantly, and asked with a smile: “Mr. Ito seems to have studied Chinese culture very much. Just now he could say words like „dug a hole deep and accumulate grain‟, and now there is „good bird‟. “Choose wood and live‟, you seem to be a Chinese expert too!”

Ito said seriously: “When he was young, he admired Togo Heihachiro, who led the Japanese fleet to defeat the Russians in the Battle of Tsushima. I started to follow his footsteps, read Chinese history books, and learned a lot of Chinese culture and classical literature.”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Mr. Ito is so studious, really admirable, but I still want to make it clear to you: I will not divorce my wife! So, just ask Mr. Ito not to Mention it again.”

Charlie said again: “Also, I am leaving Japan soon, so please don‟t mention this to Nanako, so as not to have a negative impact on her.”

Takehiko looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, you Chinese pay attention to the cycle of fate, you see, before tonight, it was Nanako who was injured sitting in a wheelchair. The doctor also vowed to say that she might live a lifetime like that. Couldn‟t stand up anymore, but now?”

As Takehiko said, he reached out and patted his amputated knee lightly, and laughed at himself: “Now, Nanako, who was declared by the doctor that it is impossible to stand up again, stands up again, but I lost my legs, so I said Ah, this life is a cycle!”

Charlie frowned and said: “Mr. Ito, I don‟t quite understand what you mean.”

Ito said with a smile: “I mean, even if you leave Japan today and swear that you will never come back again, when the wheel of fortune turns, it is likely to send you back here, even if you are unwilling. You can‟t help it!”

“The same is true for your wife. Even if you think you will never divorce her, the wheel of fortune may one day separate you!”

“Everything in the world is confusing and perplexing. Mr. Charlie is still young and there are still decades to go in his life. Why should he speak so absolute now?”

Chapter 1817

The words of Takehiko made Charlie more or less surprised.

First of all, he did not expect that Takehiko would know so much about Chinese culture;

Secondly, he did not expect that Ito would mention the cycle of fate.

He doesn‟t know whether the Japanese believe in Feng Shui or not, but now, the Japanese believe in fate at least.

These words of Takehiko Ito seem to be nonsense, but they also contain a bit of truth.

What he said was not a complete catch. After all, no one can say good about fate.

He thought of the hundred-year-old Fengshui master he met in Waderest Mountain in Eastcliff.

That master relied on the deduction of the cycle of fate that finally met himself in Waderest Mountain.

It was also that he personally broke the fate of Dragon Shoal so that he could fly into the sky.

That old gentleman must have a deeper understanding and perception of the fate cycle.

It is a pity that the Old Master is on the other side of the ocean and may not have the opportunity to meet again in the future.

Otherwise, he really wants to sit opposite him, sip tea, and have a long conversation.

However, at this moment, Charlie suddenly thought of what Takehiko said.

There is a cycle of fate, maybe in the future, He will meet the Feng Shi master again.

By the same token, if you leave Tokyo or Japan today, you may come back someday in the future.

Even if you don‟t come back, you should have the opportunity to meet Nanako again at a certain time and in a certain place.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed lightly and said to Takehiko Ito: “Mr. Ito, I think we should leave the future to the future. After all, neither you nor I can control our fate.”

Takehiko nodded and said earnestly: “Mr. Charlie, from today, the door of the Ito family will always be opened for you. In the future, the Ito family will replenish its energy and will not interact with any other overseas family or business. Cooperation, if one day, if you have enough ambitions and want to expand your horizons, the Ito family can cooperate with you unconditionally at any time!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Thank you Mr. Ito for your kindness, but I am a person with no ambitions, no schooling, no ambition and no ability, so let‟s leave it.”

In Charlie‟s view, although his attitude towards Takehiko had changed to a certain extent, it was not enough to let him put his guard down.

Therefore, Charlie didn‟t want him to know his future plans.

In fact, in Charlie‟s heart, he very much hopes to use JX Pharmaceutical to make the career snowball bigger and bigger.

Because if he wants to avenge his parents, it is useless to rely solely on his personal strength. Not only his personal strength must be strong, but his economic strength is even more important!

Otherwise, how could he be able to deal with a behemoth like the Su family alone?

Among other things, just from the Su family‟s ability to cross the river with the Raptors, and directly kill all the local Japanese snakes and the Matsumoto family, it is enough to see how strong this family is.

This not only shows that the Su family has an astonishing number of top masters, but also shows that they are extremely mobile. Zhifei and Zhiyu have an accident in Japan, and they can immediately send a large number of masters., And it‟s not worse than the US military.

If there is not enough strength, no one can single out such a family based on individual ability.

Not to mention the combat power of dozens of hundreds of masters swarming, just the relatives and friends around, they are unable to protect.

Chapter 1818

Therefore, Charlie knew very well that if he wanted to truly compete face-to-face with a family like the Su family in the future, he must have a strong comprehensive strength and being brave is not enough.

What‟s more, he hasn‟t been able to determine how much responsibility the Wade family will bear for the death of his parents.

If the Wade family had a major responsibility that they could not shirk in the death of their parents, then he might face the two top families of the Su family and the Wade family in the future.

Therefore, Charlie has decided that after returning to Aurous Hill, he will keep a low profile and develop JX Pharmaceutical.

Starting from JX Pharmaceutical, step by step, he will form his own business empire.

Only in this way can he have the opportunity to sit face-to-face with the Su Family and the Wade Family, and even trample them under his feet!

Takehiko didn‟t know Charlie‟s true identity, let alone what Charlie was thinking. Seeing that he seemed to be really ambitious, he couldn‟t help but persuade: “Mr. Charlie, you have JX Pharmaceutical as your foundation and cash in your hand. Why don‟t you spread your business?”

“Take the current ocean transportation as an example. The vast majority of international oil and bulk trade logistics rely on shipping. Now the international economic situation is declining, and this is a good opportunity for bargain-hunting!”

“Furthermore, your country is with the best economic development momentum at present, and it also has the most complete industrial system. Export trade is rising year by year. China‟s demand for ocean transportation from all over the world will increase, and the prospects for ocean transportation will be even greater. For the vastness!”

“If Mr. Charlie is willing to do it, you can start from the Chinese mainland. If you need to expand to Japan‟s port and shipping business, the Ito family will definitely cooperate with you. Even if it is your green leaf, I am willing!”

At this time, Takehiko had a very simple thought in his heart.

Four and a half billions will definitely not come back.

JX Pharmaceutical will definitely not sell shares.

In this case, it is better to find a way to attract Charlie step by step.

If Charlie can be recruited to Ito‟s house as a son-in-law, what else should he worry about in the future?

Charlie has the strength and ability, and saved his daughter‟s life. More importantly, his daughter loves him.

Before, he wanted his daughter to marry Ichiro. It wasn‟t that he had to force his daughter to marry the Kobayashi family, but that his daughter at that time was simply a silly girl with powerless love.

She didn‟t have anyone she liked at all, and he didn‟t know if she would move that muscle.

Instead of this, he might as well choose the most suitable one for her.

However, she obviously already has her favorite object now. As a father, he certainly hopes that his daughter will get what she wants.

Besides, he also felt that a man like Charlie was indeed a good choice to be a son-in-law.

For the happiness of his daughter, he is even willing to let the entire Ito family become his daughter‟s dowry.

Anyway, he has this one daughter, everything is for his daughter to be happy and happy all her life.

As for the assets of the Ito family, it doesn‟t matter whether the surname is Ito, Yamada, Watanabe, or even Wade.

Because these assets will still be in the hands of his daughters, son-in-law, and the offspring born to them.

In Ito‟s view, the real inheritance is blood, not surname.

Charlie only smiled at Takehiko‟s suggestion, and said seriously: “It‟s true that my current development focus is to do a good job of JX Pharmaceutical. If JX Pharmaceutical can develop, then I will consider other businesses.”

Chapter 1819

Seeing that Charlie declined his proposal temporarily, Ito sighed regretfully.

He really hoped that Charlie would be able to set up the stall of ocean shipping.

Because at this stage, the bulk of Asian ocean shipping is in China.

More than half of the top ten busiest ports in the world are in China. Only with such a huge import and export trade can the huge ocean shipping industry be supported.

This is beyond the reach of Japan.

Therefore, even if the Ito family wants to do it themselves, there is not enough market and demand support in the local area, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

So he said to Charlie: “Mr. Charlie, the Ito family will gradually hand over to Nanako for operation and management. If you change your mind, you can contact her at any time. I believe you will be able to establish a very good foundation for cooperation.”

Charlie nodded lightly and said seriously: “If I have this idea, I will definitely contact Miss Nanako.”

Takehiko smiled and said: “Nanako is a good girl. I dare say that in terms of overall conditions, in Japan you may not be able to find a better girl than her. Whoever marries her is to marry the best Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko. Will become the envy of men all over the world.”

Charlie smiled kindly, but did not answer.

Knowing that freezing three feet is not a day‟s cold, Ito said: “Mr. Charlie, you and the little girl are tired and have no rest at night, so I will send you to the house to take a rest first.”

Charlie waved his hand: “No need Mr. Ito, I have something to do, I have to hurry back to Osaka, so I won‟t bother you too much.”

“That‟s how it works.” Takehiko seriously said: “Mr. Charlie, you drove over overnight.

You have not rested or even eaten any food. If you just leave, then the hospitality that my Ito family ancestors upheld, Wouldn‟t it be reduced to a laughing stock.”

As he said, he didn‟t wait for Charlie to refuse, and hurriedly pressed the pager on the bedside, and said: “Let Emi and Nanako come in.”

After a while, Nanako and Emi knocked gently on the door and entered the ward.

Nanako asked softly, “Odosan, what‟s your order?”

Takehiko Ito said to Emi: “Emi, Mr. Charlie and Nanako have worked very hard all night.

You arrange for someone to send them back to the house to rest. Remember to call ahead and let the chef prepare the best dishes!”

Emi hurriedly said, “OK brother!”

Charlie said sincerely: “Mr. Ito, really don‟t bother, I will just drive back to Osaka directly.”

Takehiko said very solemnly: “Mr. Charlie, even if you want to go back to Osaka, you should at least sit down at the house for a while, eat a meal, have a cup of tea, and then leave!”

Nanako also persuaded from the side: “Yeah, Master Wade, the mansion is not far from here, you can eat something, take a rest and set off again, it‟s not light yet!”

In the middle of the night, the two arrived in Tokyo by car for travelling more than three hours, and it was only four o‟clock in the morning.

And it‟s winter again now, and it‟s already late, and it will take at least two hours before dawn.

Seeing that both father and daughter were so polite, Charlie had to agree, and said, “If this is the case, then I‟m better off being respectful.”

Upon hearing this, Emi hurriedly said, “Then I will arrange the convoy. Now there are a lot of people from the TMPD. They will be escorted and protected all the way. Safety is definitely guaranteed.”

Takehiko nodded and exhorted: “You must be a good host to entertain Mr. Charlie.”


Chapter 1820

Emi quickly arranged a team to accompany them, and Charlie still drove the car he came in.

Nanako also got into Charlie‟s car without hesitation.

Afterwards, Charlie drove the car and, under the leadership of the convoy, went to the residence of the Ito family.

Although Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world, the Ito family also owns a private manor in a quiet place.

The entire manor is designed with Japanese-style ancient buildings, which is very simple, but it reveals low-key luxury everywhere.

Charlie found that even the wood used to build the house was extraordinary.

It seems that the top big families have no place to spend more money, so when building and decorating, they are completely trying to spill money everywhere. If you can use high-end ones, you definitely don‟t need ordinary ones, you can use imported ones.

Never use local ones.

In the final analysis, it is still a sentence, only choose the expensive, not the right one.

Because Emi called in advance, the servants of the entire Ito residence were all neatly dressed, waiting respectfully at the entrance of the residence, in the courtyard and inside the villa.

Charlie parked the car and, led by Nanako, walked through the beautiful courtyard and walked all the way to the door of the villa. All the servants along the way bowed 90 degrees, with a very humble attitude.

The villa of the Ito family in Tokyo is a huge multi-storey wooden building. The whole building looks like a huge ancient temple, and the internal space is surprisingly large.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the main hall, Nanako suddenly leaned down and knelt on the ground, holding both hands empty, and said to Charlie: “Master, please let me change slippers for you!”

Charlie was stunned, and hurriedly waved his hand: “No need, no, give me slippers, I‟ll just do it myself.”

Nanako insisted, “I should help Master to change it. This is a Japanese tradition, and Master should just go to the countryside and do as the customs.”

Charlie thought to himself, China has long been equal between men and women, why in Japan, women still kneel and change shoes for men?

But then thinking about it, since it is a custom of others, they may not feel that there is anything wrong with this. If they insist on opposing it, they will break the other party‟s rules.

So he had to lift his feet up and said sincerely: “Then work hard, Miss Nanako.”

Nanako, who was still wearing a kimono, looked up at Charlie, and smiled ashamed. She was so beautiful.

Afterwards, she gently held Charlie‟s feet with both hands, and gently changed him a

pair of slippers, then slowly stood up and said: “Master, please!”

Charlie nodded slightly and walked in with her.

Nanako introduced to him: “This house has a history of more than a hundred years. It was severely damaged during the Great Kanto Earthquake. Because the repair cost was too high, no one paid attention to it. Later, it was taken by the father. He bought it and spent huge sums of money to repair it, and it looks like this now.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Mr. Ito seems to have a soft spot for this old house? The house in Kyoto looks much older than this one.”

Nanako smiled softly: “In fact, it‟s mainly because I like this style of architecture. After I moved from Kyoto to Tokyo at the age of fourteen, I have not been accustomed to life in Tokyo, so my father bought it here and spent a lot of money to repair it and it became what it is now.”

With that, Nanako said with emotion: “But I still like Kyoto more.”

Charlie nodded and said, “This mansion is quiet in the noisy city, and it has an ancient flavor and charm. It is already very good, but the Kyoto one is indeed better.”

Nanako said in a sad tone: “My father asked me to take over the family affairs. It seems that I will rarely have the opportunity to go back in the future…”

After finishing speaking, she looked up at Charlie, and asked a little pleading: “Master, I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it?”

Chapter 1821

Hearing Nanako‟s words, Charlie immediately opened his mouth and said: “You speak, if I can, I will agree.”

Nanako hesitated for a moment, looked at him expectantly, and said seriously: “I want to ask Master Wade to leave later…”


Charlie was slightly surprised, and subconsciously asked: “How long is that late? To tell you the truth, I actually plan to return to China tonight, and the plane is still waiting in Osaka.”

Nanako‟s eyelids were hot, her eyelids drooped slightly, and she whispered: “This…this mainly depends on Master‟s schedule. If time is tight, a few hours are all right…”

With that said, Nanako hurriedly added: “Don‟t get me wrong, Master. The main reason is that both father and Tanaka are seriously injured and hospitalized. Aunt is not only busy with family affairs, but also busy taking care of them…”

“And my mind is a little confused now, don‟t know where to start for the time being, I want Master to stay with me for a few more hours…”

Charlie thought for a moment and nodded: “Then I will stay until the afternoon, because it will take four hours to return to Osaka.”

Nanako asked, “You have booked a flight from Osaka Master?”

“No.” Charlie said truthfully: “My friend helped get a private jet, which is now parked at Osaka Airport.”

Nanako asked tentatively: “Master, can you let the people you travel with, come to Tokyo by plane first, and then you go to Tokyo airport to meet them and fly back to China? In this case, You can save four hours of driving?”

After finishing speaking, Nanako hurriedly said: “If it is inconvenient, it doesn‟t matter, Master needn‟t feel embarrassed…”

Charlie thought for a while, his original plan was to drive back to Osaka first, then meet Issac, Orvel, and Liang and fly back to Aurous Hill from Osaka.

However, the method Nanako said is also a good solution.

Let Issac and the others come directly to Tokyo by plane, so he doesn‟t have to drive this way.

Moreover, it is normal for Nanako to feel at a loss and helpless for a while after the Ito family has experienced an accident. He might as well stay here for another day, and he can also inquire about the Su family‟s actions in Tokyo.

Thinking of this, he said to Nanako: “If this is the case, then I will wait till dawn to say hello to my friends and see their situation.”

Nanako clenched her fists excitedly, and said happily, “That‟s great!”

The cheerful Nanako quickly invited Charlie to her dining room.

It is said that the dining room at home is actually bigger than a medium-sized restaurant outside.

Charlie feels like entering a Japanese-style buffet restaurant, where there are several busy chefs, and they are making all kinds of meals.

Nanako asked Charlie expectantly: “Master, do you like any of these meals? Just say if you like them, and the chefs will prepare them for you immediately.”

Chapter 1822

Charlie looked around for a long time, and didn‟t feel any sense of all kinds of delicacies, so he smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, please give me a bowl of ramen.”

Nanako hurriedly said to the chef responsible for making ramen: “Yokoyama, please make two bowls of ramen. Master Wade‟s bowl needs double noodles!”

The chef respectfully said: “OK lady, please wait for a while it‟ll be ready.”


At that time

Just when Charlie and Nanako were having food at Ito‟s house, in the presidential suite of the St. Regis Tokyo, Zynn, who was in his 50s, was already out of bed.

He was holding a cup of coffee and a cigarette in between, looking at the Tokyo street scene still shrouded in the dark outside the window, and he was surprised.

When the cigarette burned out, he poked the cigarette butt into the ashtray, then lit another one, and asked his confidant Josh: “How are the young master and young lady now?”

Josh checked the time and said, “The plane should land in Eastcliff in half an hour. I have already informed the family that the wife has already rushed to the airport with the doctor. When the plane lands, he will immediately take the young master and Miss to the family hospital for a comprehensive examination.”

“Hmm.” Zynn nodded, and said with a gloomy expression: “This time the incident is so dangerous, I almost put both Zhifei and Zhiyu in Tokyo in danger! This d*mn Matsumoto, even if he is annihilated. He is still at advantage, and it is difficult to quench my anger!”

Josh hurriedly said: “Master Matsumoto‟s family has become coke, you don‟t have to be too angry.”

Zynn gritted his teeth and licked his smoke before he said fiercely: “After all, it is in Tokyo. If it is not so convenient to do things without leaving, I will definitely let Ruoli catch Matsumoto in front of me. Cut him a thousand times, and watch him bleed till his last breath!”

Josh said, “Master the TMPD has guessed that this incident was caused by our Su family.

When you are resting, they have been protesting with me. They feel that we have made such a big disturbance and they still don‟t say hello. Too much, and threatened to submit this matter to the Homeland Security Council for investigation and handling, thinking that this matter has violated their homeland security.”

“Infringement of homeland security?” Zynn coldly snorted, “A good man Matsumoto in a small area can be hooked on homeland security? I think they are not satisfied that we killed so many people in Tokyo. Can‟t hang on it?”

“Yes.” Josh said truthfully: “The Tokyo government is also very dissatisfied. It feels that

this matter is too cruel and affects Tokyo‟s image very much, so they decided to investigate it to the end.”

“Moreover, the international airports of Tokyo and several surrounding cities have entered a state of emergency. They are strictly investigating all departing foreigners, and even announced that private jets that are temporarily not allowed to leave the country and charter flights take off. Our private jets are all monitored. Things may be a little tricky.”

Zynn asked him, “Which other airports in this state are relatively more relaxed?”

Josh said: “At present, there should be only Osaka Airport, because Osaka is quite far away, hundreds of kilometers.”

Zynn nodded and said, “Then let them spread out, find a way to take public transportation to Osaka, and then transfer another plane from China. Remember not to transfer from Eastcliff, from China to the sea, so as not the Japanese customs are alerted, and then take Ruoli and the people who actually participated in the action back to the country tonight.”

“OK Master!” Josh nodded respectfully, and then asked again: “Master when do you plan to go back then?”

“I‟m not in a hurry.” Zynn smiled and said coldly: “The Takahashi family suffered heavy losses, the Matsumoto family is completely destroyed, and Takehiko is disabled. Tokyo is very safe now. I will stay for two more days.”

After all, he checked the time and said, “Josh, prepare some gifts for visiting patients in the morning, and come with me to the hospital at noon to take a look at Takehiko Ito.

This is our only partner at the moment!”

Chapter 1823

Charlie and Nanako had breakfast together, and the sky in Tokyo was already bright.

Nanako said to Charlie: “Master, I will ask the servant to prepare a guest room for you.

You can take a short rest. You haven‟t slept all night. It‟s too hard.”

Charlie smiled slightly, shook his head and said, “Don‟t bother, I‟m not tired.”

“How can you not be tired?” Nanako couldn‟t hide her distress. “Since the battle with Tenglin Ninja last night, Master has never rested for a while, and you has gone through two battles and drove hundreds of kilometers. ……”

Charlie smiled and asked her, “You haven‟t rested, do you feel tired?”

Nanako looked slightly startled, and she thought about it for a moment, and said: “I really don‟t feel tired at all. Not only I don‟t feel tired, but I also feel like I have inexhaustible strength all over my body. The whole body is in a very good state… .”

After that, she hurriedly asked, “Master, this should be the effect of the medicine you gave me?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, that medicine can not only cure injuries, but also improve the body‟s ability and endurance, so people will not get tired so easily.”

Nanako couldn‟t help feeling: “This medicine is really amazing. If it produces energy, Master Wade‟s JX Pharmaceutical will definitely become the world‟s top pharmaceutical company, right?”

Charlie smiled and said: “This medicine can‟t be mass-produced. It is a very rare thing in itself. It was left by ancient Chinese genius doctors. If you take one, you will lose one…”

In fact, the medicinal materials needed for refining the rejuvenating pills are not difficult to obtain.

But the key is that this pill must be refined with spiritual energy.

Aura is like the powerful energy that turns steel into molten iron during steelmaking.

Without this energy, just pile a pile of iron ore together for 10,000 years, and iron ore cannot turn into steel.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Charlie to make this medicine, but the possibility of mass production is multiplied.

Moreover, he is not going to put such a strong medicine out for mass production.

This thing is too bad for ordinary people. If it comes out in large numbers, it is likely to cause a shock in the world, and it is definitely not a good thing for him.

When Nanako heard him say this, she regretted a little bit, but didn‟t think about it anymore.

Charlie checked the time and said, “I‟ll call a friend and tell them about coming to Tokyo.”

Nanako nodded expectantly.

Charlie took out his cell phone and called Issac.

As soon as the phone was connected, Issac asked him: “Master where did you go? I didn‟t see you all night…”

Charlie said, “I‟m in Tokyo.”

“Ah?” Issac became more puzzled, and asked, “Didn‟t you not say that you are going to see friends in Kyoto? Why did you go to Tokyo again? This is a few hundred kilometers away.”

Charlie said: “Something happened at my friend‟s house, so I accompanied her to take a look.”

Then he asked, “By the way, Old man, how are things going on in Osaka?”

Issac hurriedly said, “Going back to the young master, things are going well. Today, the day will basically be over. When do you think we will return to Aurous Hill?”

Charlie said: “I called you just to talk about this. I have something to do in Tokyo. After you get it done, you will fly to Tokyo first. Then I will come to the airport and meet you.

Let‟s be together and fly from here to Aurous Hill.”

Issac blurted out: “Master private jets can‟t fly in Tokyo now! It‟s restricted.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “Why are private jets restricted here in Tokyo?”

Chapter 1824

Issac said: “I heard from my Japanese subordinates that in the past two days in Tokyo, there have been many very serious criminal cases in succession, and they seem to be related to foreign forces. Therefore, Tokyo has strengthened customs control and private jets. If you want to leave Japan, only Osaka can let you fly out in the entire region, and you can‟t fly out from anywhere else.”

Hearing this, Charlie understood in his heart.

Strict control here in Tokyo must be inseparable from the fact that the Su family killed Ryoto Matsumoto.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can figure out why.

Take the TMPD as an example. If someone violates the law in Tokyo, they definitely want to punish the perpetrator through normal legal means.

However, a group of foreigners suddenly came out on their turf and abused their nationals, and the methods were so cruel. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated by any country‟s security department.

Therefore, it can be seen that the TMPD, and even the Homeland Security Department, hope to catch the Su family‟s gangsters as soon as possible, in order to apprehend them, and at the same time save a bit of face.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed softly and said, “Forget it, you guys wait for me in Osaka.

I will drive over in the afternoon.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master it‟s too hard to drive, such a long distance, and it‟s still snowing here in Osaka. The highway is closed because of the thick snow. You may not be able to make it in six or seven hours. Leave the car at Tokyo Airport and let my staff drive by themselves. You fly directly from Tokyo to Osaka. See you at the airport, so the time will be faster.”

Charlie asked him: “I have no restrictions on flying from Tokyo to Osaka, right?”

Issac said: “There are currently no restrictions on flying within Japan. They can‟t control the entire domestic and overseas aviation at once, but it should be tightened gradually.”

Charlie said, “Let‟s leave tonight, no delay, I will try to arrive at Osaka Airport at seven, and then we will meet and take off from Osaka Airport on time at eight.”

Issac hurriedly said: “OK Master, then we will arrive at Osaka Airport before seven o‟clock to wait for you.”

“Ok, see you tonight!”

Charlie hung up the phone, and Nanako hurriedly asked, “Master, what happened?”

Charlie nodded, and told Nanako about the situation.

After hearing it, Nanako said: “Then I will help Master with the ticket now.”

With that said, she quickly took out her mobile phone and checked the flight information.

“Master, there is a flight that takes off at 5:40 in the afternoon. It takes an hour to get to Osaka and land at 6:40. Is this okay?”

Charlie nodded: “The time is just right, so choose this one.”

Nanako said: “Master, give me the passport number. I‟ll book the ticket. I‟ll take you to the airport in the afternoon!”

The short-haul ticket itself is not expensive, so Charlie didn‟t decline, and said to Nanako, “Thank you, Nanako.”

Nanako smiled knowingly: “Master and I don‟t have to be so polite!”

After that, she remembered something and asked Charlie: “By the way, Master, would you like to take some gifts for your family when you go back tonight? Shopping in Tokyo is still very convenient, usually in the afternoon, it will be more lively, if you want to go shopping , I have lunch with you, OK?”

Charlie thought, he must take some gifts to his wife after he has been away for so many days, and his mother-in-law, Elaine, also hoped that he would get something for her, so he took time to go out and stroll around.

So, he said to Nanako: “Then you will accompany me to take a good round, I am really not familiar with Tokyo.”

Nanako smiled and said, “No problem, I will accompany Master to Ginza in the afternoon.”

After that, she thought of her father Takehiko, and asked Charlie: “Master, I want to go to the hospital to deliver meals to my father at noon. Is it convenient for you to come with me?”

Charlie agreed without thinking, “Okay, let‟s go to the hospital first, and then go shopping.”

Chapter 1825

After breakfast, Charlie, who had nothing to do, was dragged by Nanako to her room.

Just like in Kyoto, Nanako invited Charlie to sit on the tatami in the room, burned a plate of incense, and prepared a cup of Japanese matcha for Charlie.

Then she said to him: “Master, I want to take a look at the financial statements and detailed information of the family industry, and get familiar with the overall operation of the family as soon as possible. If you feel bored, please tell me.”

Charlie was free, so he said casually: “I have nothing to do, you get busy, I will play with the phone for a while.”

Charlie doesn‟t really like to play with mobile phones, and unlike young people nowadays, he always keeps his hands on the phone.

The reason why he wants to look at his cell phone is to check the news in Tokyo to see if he can find more useful information.

Nanako leaned over in front of the book case and looked at the confidential family data attentively. The information in her hand was all top secret, but she did not shy away from Charlie beside her.

Charlie flipped through some local news, and one piece of news aroused his interest.

The news said that relatively serious violent incidents have occurred in Tokyo. As the number one violent organization in Japan, the Yamaguchi group issued a message to its members across the country, claiming to use violence to curb violence and use violence to maintain public order in Tokyo.

The Yamaguchi group is the head of the Japanese gang, and it is one of the world‟s three largest gangster organizations with the Italian Mafia, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

They issued a statement at this time, although they did not name anyone, it should be aimed at the Su family.

This time the Su family played a bit too big, and offended all Japanese black and white.

Even if they can retreat completely this time and want to come to Japan to develop in the future, they will probably receive “special attention” from the Japanese government and non-governmental organizations.

At this moment, Wade Family Mansion.

Charlie‟s grandfather, Zhongquan, called the entire Wade family to a meeting because of the same news.

Today‟s Zhongquan looks very happy.

While flipping through the news with a tablet, he said to everyone: “This time the Su family really lost it and broke down! The cooperation has not yet been negotiated. The eldest grandson and the eldest granddaughter almost died, and now the entire Japan is offended, and I‟m afraid it will be difficult for the Su family to go to Japan for development in the future!”

Charlie‟s uncle Andrew laughed, and said triumphantly: “The Su family is also embarrassing this time. The family‟s Old Master is afraid that he can‟t eat for three days!”

Third Uncle Changyun said with some regret: “Hey, in the final analysis, the Su family is still lucky, d*mn! Ryoto Matsumoto has done such a big game, why did the mysterious man rescue Zhifei and Zhiyu? If Zhifei and Zhiyu die in Tokyo, the entire Su family must be greatly injured! These are the two most outstanding members of their younger generation!”

“Yeah…” Zhongquan couldn‟t help sighing, “Although Chengfeng has the wrist and courage, after all, he is old and Zynn is more than hot, but his ability is still lacking. In front of Changying, he‟s like a clown, and not enough to look at it. The wife he crazily pursues, after being rejected countless times by Changying, became discouraged and chose to marry him…”

Speaking of this, Zhongquan sighed and said with a grimace: “If Changying was still alive, don‟t say that Su Family is the Heavenly Dragon, and it may not have been Wade Family‟s opponent…”

Chapter 1826

Hearing the Old Master pitying Changying again, Andrew was a bit dissatisfied and said: “Dad, Changying has been away for so many years, so please stop mentioning this kind of thing. Let‟s not talk about it again. Act responsible, so even the entire Eastcliff family is inseparable, and it is not something we can control.”

Changyun also agreed: “Yes, Dad, isn‟t this talk not about Zhifei and Zhiyu? Why did you talk about Changying?”

The Old Master sighed and waved his hand: “Don‟t say it, don‟t say it, let‟s get it right!

All in all, the Su family‟s first step towards Japan is already emptying one foot. The next situation will face them very much. Unfortunately, this is a good opportunity for us to catch up and take advantage of it! What do you think?”

Everyone glanced at each other, and Andrew was also very agreeable and said: “Dad, you are right, I also think this is our great opportunity!”

“Our ocean shipping business started later than the Su family and was at an absolute disadvantage, but if we could take advantage of the failure of the Su family, reach cooperation with the Ito family, and take the Japanese market, it would be tantamount to getting stuck in the Su family. The neck is definitely a powerful blow to the Su family!”

Zhongquan nodded, but he pondered for a moment before he said: “At the moment, we are not suitable for direct competition with the Su family. This matter must be kept lowkey and slowly. We must not let the Su family know in advance.”

Cynthia asked in a puzzled way: “Dad, the Su family can go to Japan to destroy people‟s families in a high-profile manner. When we go to Japan to talk about cooperation, should we still hide it?”

Zhongquan smiled slightly: “The strength of the Su family is there. We are now talking about cooperation with the Ito family in the future with great fanfare. For the Su family, it just slapped them and made them hard on their faces.”

After speaking, Zhongquan said again: “However, we slapped the Su family. With the style of the Su family, they will inevitably conflict with us, and we will be in trouble.”

Andrew asked hurriedly, “Dad, what do you mean then?”

Zhongquan said very seriously: “If you want to deal with the Su Family, you must dissect your opponent from a deeper level, instead of superficially comparing the two sides paper data!”

Andrew quickly stood up, bowed and clasped his fists: “Dad, I am dull, please tell me!”

Zhongquan shook his head slightly, thinking of Changying again in his heart.

He sighed in his heart: “My eldest son, Andrew, is also a brilliant talent, but he is still far from the level of genius, so he can‟t do it well. However, Changying was the top genius who never came out of the world. Changying was never „percent through a single point‟, but rather „perceive without a point‟ and learned without a teacher! What a pity, what a pity…”

Andrew also saw a trace of disappointment in his father‟s eyes, and suddenly his face turned red.

Zhongquan expressed a few words in his heart, and quickly put away his thoughts, and said to everyone: “Although the Su family has many heirs, only Zynn can enter Chengfeng‟s eyes. What‟s more, Zynn‟s sons and daughters are very competitive. The two most outstanding young people of this generation.”

“Especially that Zhiyu, who is deeply loved by Chengfeng and Zynn. The degree of preference for Zhiyu between these two fathers and sons has long surpassed other heirs, even the eldest grandson Zhifei.”

“So, once Chengfeng is dead, the power will definitely fall into the hands of the Zynn family!”

“In the future, among the Zynn family, the one with the greatest say in the future must be Zhiyu!”

Speaking of this, Zhongquan was already glaring, and said forcefully: “Zhiyu is a female stream and will eventually marry as a wife. Once she gets married, it will be the day when the Su family will divide into two. So, Whoever can conquer Zhiyu can conquer half of the Su family‟s assets!”

Chapter 1827

Andrew heard the old man‟s words and said awkwardly: “Dad, you say that you wanted to marry the Su family and turn Zhiyu into the Wade family‟s daughter-in-law, but there is no suitable person!”

Zhongquan said indifferently, “Didn‟t I say it last time? The son of Changying is a good candidate.”

Andrew said: “But Leon also said at the time that the son of Changying is unwilling to come back to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan. Maybe this kid hates us in his heart!”

Zhongquan waved his hand: “Does he hate us? It doesn‟t count if you say it, and it doesn‟t count if I say it. He has to say it.”

Changyun hurriedly asked: “Dad, do you mean to find the son of Changying to come back and recognize the ancestor?”

Zhongquan nodded: “I do have this idea, but I haven‟t figured out a useful method yet.” 

Andrew felt a tremendous pressure and threat, and hurriedly said, “Dad, the son of Changying has been away from home for many years. He will completely be uncontrollable! Please think twice!”

Zhongquan waved his hand: “You don‟t have to persuade me. When I asked Leon to buy the Emgrand Group as a gift to him, I had actually decided that sooner or later I would let him come back to recognize his ancestors. My family‟s descendants are not many. It‟s totally incomparable with the luxuriant branches of the Su family, and we can‟t let such an adult male live out.”

Andrew held his breath in his heart, but still calmly asked, “Dad, what if the son of Changying is not willing to come back?”

Zhongquan said solemnly: “People change. If he doesn‟t want to come back today, maybe he will be willing tomorrow. If he still doesn‟t want to, one year, two years, three years, or even ten years, I will change my mind and then he gets loose!”

Andrew, Changyun, and the old Changtian who hadn‟t spoken all the time scolded his mother in his heart.

The most feared thing about family property is dilution.

Whether it‟s ten thousand yuan, one trillion yuan, one person, two people, or three people, the result will be a thousand miles away.

Originally, buying the Emgrand Group for Charlie cost the family 100 billion, and also gave Charlie 10 billion in cash, which made everyone very unhappy.

After all, after the father‟s death, when the family property is divided, the 10 billion yuan, on average, to the three sons‟ homes, each can get at least 30 billion yuan, and the result is that the 30 billion yuan is in vain.

Therefore, they are also very worried that Charlie will return to the family.

Zhongquan didn‟t look at these sons or grandchildren but looked at his daughter, Cynthia.

He sighed, and said, “Cynthia, the New Year is almost coming soon.”

Cynthia hurriedly got up and asked, “Dad, don‟t hesitate to tell me if you have any orders, I will definitely go all out.

Zhongquan nodded and said, “Let‟s go to Aurous Hill tomorrow. See Charlie, have a good chat with him, and ask him if he wants to come back. If he has this heart, invite him to come back and spend time together with us this year.”

Cynthia hurriedly said, “Okay Dad, I will go to Aurous Hill tomorrow.”

As she said, she remembered something and asked, “Dad, Charlie is already married. If he wants to come back, should he bring his wife to see you?”

Zhongquan waved his hand and said in disgust, “How can a vulgar woman from a third rate city and a third-rate family be worthy of entering Wade family mansion? See you at a glance and see if there are any opportunities for development.”

“Okay!” Cynthia nodded, and said, “I‟ll go and test Charlie‟s ideas first. Let me mention these things to him step by step!”

Zhongquan smiled with satisfaction, “I‟ll leave this to you!”

Chapter 1828

Andrew was extremely depressed, but he didn‟t dare to object, so he could only pull the topic back, and said, “Dad, didn‟t we talk about going to Japan? You just said that you should not have a head-on conflict with the Su family, so what do we do?”

Zhongquan said: “We can‟t go with a big fanfare, but I can send someone to meet Ito Yuihiko in private.”

Andrew was a little irritable, thinking about going to Tokyo on his own, and by the way, he should be relieved, so he volunteered: “Dad, or I will fly to Tokyo in the morning, and see Ito Yuhiko.”

Zhongquan nodded and said, “I definitely want to see him, but you can‟t go.”

Andrew asked in surprise, “Dad, what do you mean?”

Zhongquan said: “Before the Su family sent the younger generation of juniors, if the Wade family let you go, it would look asymmetrical, as if we are a bit lower than the Su family.”

After that, Zhongquan looked at Andrew‟s son and his eldest grandson, and said, “Junior, you are ready to set off before ten o‟clock, and go to Tokyo after lunch.”

Grandson hurriedly got up and said respectfully: “Okay grandpa, I will prepare now! But grandpa, I meet Ito Takehiko, how should I talk to him about the project?”

Zhongquan waved his hand: “You don‟t have to talk about anything related to the project. I will prepare some gifts, and you will take them with your own hands. It is just a little bit of my heart. Besides, I also want to make friends with him. Leave the contact information and you can come back.”

Grandson asked in surprise, “It‟s that simple?”

Zhongquan nodded and said, “Yes, it‟s that simple!”

After speaking, Zhongquan said again: “Flying two thousand kilometers to discuss cooperation is not sincere; but if it is flying two thousand kilometers to visit a patient, it is very sincere.”

Andrew smiled and said, “Dad, you‟re better off! The Su family may have done it this time, our Wade family!”

Zhongquan nodded his head and smiled, and said, “This is called the last thing first!”



Charlie had lunch with Nanako at the Ito mansion, and the two took the meal prepared for Ito Takehiko to the hospital.

When they first went out, Zynn brought a few of his men to Ito Yuihiko‟s ward with a few exquisite gift boxes.

Ito Yuihiko didn‟t want to see them at first, but he also knew the truth about not hitting the smiley people with his hand, so Emi invited them in. 

As soon as Zynn entered the door, he walked very politely to Ito Yuuhiko‟s bed and sighed, “Brother Ito! I have been admiring Brother Ito for a long time. I am honored to see you today!

Seeing Zynn‟s harmless face, he felt a little hairy in his heart.

The incident of the Su family‟s destruction of Matsumoto‟s family really brought a great psychological shadow to Ito, and it also made him deeply aware that the man in front of him looked gentle and smiled, but in fact, he was a foodie. The devil who does not spit bones.

However, Ito Yuhiko knows very well that for such a smiling tiger, the less he can offend him on the bright side, otherwise he still doesn‟t know what kind of trouble he will cause in the future.

So, he also said with joy: “Oh, Mr. Su! I didn‟t expect you to come to see me in person. I am really flattered! Please sit down, please sit down!”

Zynn nodded, sat on the chair by the hospital bed, smiled, and said, “I‟m so sorry to meet in this way. I‟ve been busy recently, so I wanted the children to come and visit Mr. Ito first, and then I took time. I came to visit in person again. I didn‟t expect so many accidents. I would like to ask Mr. Ito to forgive me!”

Chapter 1829

I have to say that Zynn‟s acting skills are very good.

If it wasn‟t for Takehiko who knew what kind of person he was, it would be easy to be deceived by his smiling and friendly appearance.

Although disgusted in his heart, he still braced him and did a good job on the surface, so he smiled and said: “Mr. Su is too polite, you are coming to Japan, I was going to meet at the airport in person, and then arrange the hotel for you. Staying here, I didn‟t expect to encounter so many things.”

Zynn hurriedly said: “Where is it, Mr. Ito doesn‟t have to be so polite. The friendship between our Su family and the Ito family has a long history. We will definitely continue to strengthen cooperation and deepen our relationship in the future. Why should we be stuck with this little thing?”

Seeing his hypocritical appearance, Ito wanted to vomit the breakfast in his stomach, but he could only nod his head and said in agreement: “Mr. Su is right! You really don‟t have to be too rigid…”

Zynn nodded in satisfaction, and said seriously: “Mr. Ito, although the things that happened in Tokyo in the past two days are chaotic and even hurt you seriously, I still have to say something about the facts. This series of things After the dust settles, the Ito family is the biggest winner.”

Takehiko knows what Zynn‟s words mean. He knows that in addition to explaining the acts, Zynn also wants to mention him. Now his family is fighting between snipes and clams, and the fisherman is profiting, and he is pushing his family to profit from it. , He is Zynn.

In other words, Zynn also reminded him, don‟t forget the help that Su family gave to you.

However, Ito doesn‟t want to owe such favors casually.

After all, the reason why the Ito family can survive this dispute is not really dependent on Zynn, but Charlie!

Don‟t say that he didn‟t rely on Zynn. Zynn‟s son and daughter can survive, and he must thank Charlie!

If Charlie hadn‟t saved Zhifei and Zhiyu, and Zynn guarded the corpses of a pair of children, it might not have been able to find out the real murderer.

Therefore, Takehiko couldn‟t help but sighed: “Oh, Mr. Su, it is very dangerous for the Ito family to survive this time!”

As he said, he patted the roots of his thighs and sighed: “Look at my legs, they are completely abolished. If it wasn‟t for my loyal servant Tanaka who pushed me to jump off the viaduct, I would have been knifed. Hacked to death.”

In this remark, Takehiko actually explained a point to Zynn first. First of all, if he can survive, it has nothing to do with your Su family.

Immediately afterwards, Takehiko said again: “And my daughter, she also suffered a ninja ambush in Kyoto, and was fortunate to be saved by a master, so she was spared.

Otherwise, I would really want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.”

Speaking of this, Takehiko pretended to be curious and asked: “By the way, Mr. Su, it seems that your children were also saved by the mysterious master in Kyoto?”

Zynn‟s expression became a little depressed when he heard this.

What he meant just now was to mention Takehiko. To have the last laugh, and kill Machi Takahashi and Ryoto Matsumoto. More than half of the credit is due to that master‟s help.

Unexpectedly, the old fox, Takehiko Ito, came directly to say something like this. The meaning is also very simple: Don‟t say I want to thank you, it doesn‟t exist. We both have to thank the mysterious master, otherwise my daughter would have finished. Both your son and daughter would have finished.

Although Zynn was depressed, he couldn‟t refute Ito‟s words.

After all, his son and daughter were indeed saved by that mysterious man.

He also asked his son and daughter specifically, who is that mysterious person? Now that he has such a powerful ability, can he be used by him?

But Zhiyu told him that the mysterious person was very dismissive of the brother and sister.

It was to help Takehiko Ito‟s daughter, Nanako, to relieve the troubles, so he chased them all the way.

Chapter 1830

Rescue brother and sister, that was just by the way.

The only clue they know is that he should be Chinese.

But don‟t know anything in more detail.

Originally, Zynn wanted Ruoli to leave to check the clues and details of that person.

But now the TMPD, Japan‟s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Homeland Security Department all want to capture his subordinates.

So he could only give up this idea and let Ruoli return home first, so as not to be caught here.

Once caught by the Japanese government, it will be as serious as the killing of the door, even if she is not sentenced to death, it will be at least life imprisonment, so he won‟t think about it in this life.

So Zynn could only give up temporarily.

Now he heard Ito mention that person again, so he deliberately asked: “Mr. Ito, that mysterious person is said to protect your daughter, so you should know him?”

Takehiko shook his head and said regretfully: “I really want to know him, but unfortunately, that person is really too mysterious. I asked my daughter, but my daughter didn‟t know, otherwise, I really want to take him. For my own use! With such a powerful person by your side, you should never have to worry about safety anymore!”

Zynn observed at Takehiko for a moment, feeling that he didn‟t seem to be lying.

It seems that Takehiko does not know who the mysterious person is. 

But why would he save Nanako?

Is it a pure chivalrous man of justice?

However, it seems a bit strange for a Chinese to come to Japan as a hero.

Or, he is an overseas Chinese living in Japan?

Zynn couldn‟t think of a reason, so he simply left it behind, looked at Takehiko, and said seriously: “Mr. Ito, I‟m here this time. In fact, besides visiting you, I also want to talk to you about cooperation. Talk about a general intention.”

After speaking, he said: “Ocean shipping is the next very important business of the Su family. Although we pursue a global strategy, we still attach great importance to the Japanese market in East Asia. Block business and reached a cooperation with the Ito family. don‟t know what Mr. Ito wants?”

Takehiko Ito nodded and said seriously: “The Ito family has always wanted to reach a cooperation with the Su family on this business. I also talked to your son and daughter two days ago.”

When Zynn heard this, his eyebrows showed a bit of joy, and he thought to himself: “It seems that cooperation with the Ito family can be a matter of course.”

Zynn was thinking triumphantly, but Takehiko had already planned to use the dragging technique.

Seeing him, he changed the conversation and said apologetically: “But Mr. Su, you can see my current physical condition. The doctor said that I have to stay under observation in the hospital for at least half a month.”

“Moreover, even if I leave the hospital, I will have to rest for a few months when I go home. For the time being, I may not have much energy to focus on business operations.”

“Therefore, whether or not this cooperation should be carried out or how it should be carried out, it may take a while to give you a clear answer…”

Chapter 1831

Zynn frowned when he heard this.

He was naturally not satisfied with Ito‟s plan.

However, he also knows that Takehiko has just amputated his limbs. To put it ugly, the blood scabs on the wounds are still fresh. At this time, it is indeed unrealistic for him to immediately push such large cooperation forward.

Moreover, Ito‟s daughter seems to be very young, about the same age as his daughter Zhiyu.

In this case, it is really difficult for him to draw conclusions immediately and move forward.

So, Zynn said seriously: “Mr. Ito really needs to take a good rest during this time. As for the specific cooperation matters, when you are discharged from the hospital, I will come again. Then I will visit the mansion and talk about the details of the cooperation. how is it?”

Takehiko Ito nodded readily and smiled: “When the lower body recovers, if Mr. Su comes to Tokyo, he must have a good banquet here!”

Zynn smiled slightly, and said, “Then I‟ll bother Mr. Ito.”

He said, “By the way, Mr. Ito, I have one more thing to remind you of friendship.”

Takehiko hurriedly said, “Mr. Su, please say it.”

Zynn said: “As far as I know, the Wade family of Eastcliff also wants to follow our pace and take the development route of ocean shipping. If I am not wrong, they should also want to contact you here and talk about Project cooperation.”

After a pause, Zynn said: “However, the strength of the Wade family is far worse than ours, so I suggest that Mr. Ito doesn‟t have to consider them, as long as he concentrates on raising his body and waits for the body to recover, then talk to the Su family. Comprehensive cooperation must be the best choice.”

Takehiko Ito nodded and smiled, and said, “To not hide from Mr. Su, I have a certain understanding of the Wade family. Their ocean shipping business hasn‟t started at all.

It‟s just that the Su‟s family has improved so they are trying to catch up. It is really difficult for them to become a big game, so in my mind, the Su family is ranked the highest priority.”

Zynn said with great satisfaction: “Mr. Ito really has eyes like a torch! The Wade family just wants to follow a wave of wind, but they don‟t have any resources at all in this field!

Let alone cooperate with the Ito family, even It is China‟s domestic port resources, and we will suppress it without a stand!”

Takehiko smiled and said: “Mr. Su, don‟t worry, I will never cooperate with the Wade family. If I want to choose between the Su family and the Wade family, I will definitely choose Mr. Su!”

Zynn laughed: “Oh, Mr. Ito, with your words, I can go back to China with confidence.”

Takehiko asked, “When does Mr. Su want to return to China?”

Zynn said: “Just these two days, mainly because private planes are restricted from taking off from Tokyo. I wait here for two days. If the take-off permit is not open within two days, then I will buy a ticket and take a civil aviation flight back.”

Takehiko Ito nodded and said with emotion: “As far as I know, Mr. Su‟s previous handwriting was too big, and the Tokyo authorities did have some criticism.”

Zynn waved his hand indifferently: “The TMPD and the Department of Homeland Security are all dogs. Ryoto Matsumoto was a sinister and vicious person. don‟t know how many people would get killed if I let him in the world! I was not only acting for the sky, but also protecting the public order in Tokyo!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Takehiko and said seriously: “Mr. Ito, aren‟t you the direct victim of Matsumoto? If I can‟t kill him, he might have sent someone to the hospital to chase you down, like a ghost. Know how many people he will kill in Tokyo?”

Seeing Zynn‟s righteousness and boldness, Ito couldn‟t help being amazed by the thick skin of this man.

He cursed secretly in his heart: “Zynn, Zynn, you stinky shameless thing. You killed Matsumoto, kill Matsumoto‟s right-hand man, and even kill his younger brother. This is understandable, but you kill the whole family. Young and old, not sparing one, what the h*ll is this? The saying that it‟s not good for your wife and children is still what your Chinese ancestors said. How come you are here, and even the basic morals and justice are ignored?”

“Now what you mean by this, were you destroying Matsumoto‟s family, or were you protecting me in disguise? Do I have to thank you for killing Matsumoto‟s family? What a f*cking b@stard logic!”

However, on the surface, Takehiko still said with emotion: “Oh! This is really thanks to Mr. Su, otherwise, I may really still have countless dangers and threats…”

Chapter 1832

Zynn nodded and said with a somewhat arrogant expression: “I hope the TMPD and the Japanese Homeland Security Department can understand this truth. Sometimes, the necessary surgery is still required, leaving the cancerous tissue in the body. It will only drag down the whole city, and I just fly over and perform a precise surgical operation on Tokyo!”

Takehiko Ito nodded in agreement, but he said in his heart: “d*mn, this Zynn is a real dog. The more you talk, the more shame you get!”

Zynn looked at the time and smiled: “Mr. Ito, your body is still injured. I won‟t bother you anymore. The nutritional supplements I brought you are all very good natural medicinal materials and ingredients. I look forward to a speedy recovery.”

With that, Zynn‟s right hand: “Since we all have the intention of deep cooperation with each other, then I will wait for your body to recover, and we will move forward together hand in hand!”

Takehiko said seriously: “No problem! You and I keep communicating at any time!” 

“Okay!” Zynn laughed and said, “If this is the case, then I will leave first!”

Takehiko nodded: “Mr. Su walks slowly, I won‟t see you off here!”

Zynn hastily patted him on the shoulder: “Mr. Ito, you are welcome, take a good rest and heal your injuries!”

Takehiko Ito said to Emi: “Emi, please see off Mr. Su!”

“OK, brother!”

Zynn got up and shook hands with Takehiko. Accompanied by Emi, he stepped out of the ward.

At this time, Charlie and Nanako had just arrived at the hospital, standing at the elevator entrance waiting.

Emi sent Zynn and Josh to the elevator entrance, and said apologetically: “Mr. Su, I have to take care of my brother, so I can‟t send you down.”

Zynn smiled and said, “Ms. Ito, please stay. Go back and take care of Mr. Ito!”

Emi nodded, and bowed ninety degrees, “Mr. Su, take care!”

Zynn waved his hand and stepped into the elevator.

After the elevator door was closed, Zynn asked Josh, who had been silent for a long time: “What do you think, what does Takehiko Ito think?”

Josh thought for a moment, and said seriously: “Master I think that although Takehiko has a good disguise, he still feels a little afraid of you…”

“Yeah.” Zynn nodded: “It should be because of the fact that Matsumoto Man‟s family is destroyed. Thinking about it now, what I did was really a little overdone.”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand again and said indifferently, “I don‟t care about him. I killed Matsumoto because he wanted to harm my son and daughter. He wanted me to end. If I didn‟t let him die, others would think I am weak. A soft persimmon, anyone can squeeze!”

Josh asked: “Will Takehiko dare not cooperate with us because of this?”

Zynn snorted coldly, and said, “Give him some time to heal his injury first, and then come to him. At that time, we will have a cooperative approach, and there will be solutions for non-cooperation don‟t worry!”

At this time, the elevator gave a ding sound and stopped on the first floor.

Josh hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully, “Master please!”

Chapter 1833

When the elevator door opened, Zynn took the lead.

When Charlie saw the elevator coming, he was about to signal to let Nanako next to him go first. At this time, Zynn had already stepped out.

The moment he walked out of the elevator door, he directly faced Charlie‟s eyes.

At this moment, Zynn frowned slightly subconsciously, a familiar and unfamiliar aura that made him feel nervous.

And Charlie, although he didn‟t know the man in front of him, but seeing the other person‟s eyes with full alertness and surprise, he couldn‟t help but glance at him more.

The opposite man was in his early fifties, with a normal appearance and a normal figure.

He was dressed very luxuriously. There was a bit of hostility between his eyebrows, and he looked like a cruel master.

A face, but between the sparks and flints.

There was Nanako beside Charlie, so she didn‟t pay too much attention to this man, and after passing by, he entered the elevator with Nanako.

When the elevator door was closed, Zynn suddenly stopped and looked back in the direction of the elevator.

Josh on the side asked him: “Master what‟s wrong?”

Zynn smacked his lips: “Weird… the kid who entered the elevator just now has a familiar feeling…”

Josh asked curiously: “Do you have acquaintances in Japan?”

Zynn said: “There are many acquaintances, but there are really no such young people.

Does the kid just now look like a twenty-six or seven? He is about the same age as Zhifei, or one or two years older than Zhifei.”

Josh nodded: “It‟s about the same age as the Young Master…Do you know him?”

“Do not know.”

Zynn bit his lip and said with a black face: “But he looks quite similar to an old friend of mine!”

“Old friend?” Josh asked curiously: “Master who is your old friend?”

Zynn asked with a very cold expression: “Have you ever heard others talk about Changying?”

Josh is not very young.

This year is less than forty years old.

When Charlie‟s father, Changying, died, he was still studying abroad, and he didn‟t know what happened in Eastcliff at that time.

Therefore, he couldn‟t help asking: “Master is the Changying you said belongs to the Wade family?”


Zynn couldn‟t help thinking of Changying‟s heroic posture.

At that time, Changying was really a super noble son who moved the capital.

Handsome, unrestrained, and suave, and more importantly, his personal ability extremely strong, and he was definitely the first to excel in Eastcliff.

Back then, in front of Changying, Zynn was completely gloomy.

Changying, one of Eastcliff‟s celebrity ladies, squeezed their heads and wanted to marry Changying, one by one, they could not wait to find a life for Changying.

Zynn‟s wife, Liona Du, who was also Zhifei and Zhiyu‟s mother, loved Changying to the death.

Back then, Zynn exhausted everything and launched a frantic pursuit of Liona, but Liona completely dismissed it and wanted to marry Changying.

Even if Changying already had a fiancee, Liona was determined to die for him at any time.

Even if Zynn worked hard to create a grand proposal that made a sensation in Eastcliff for her, Liona still did not agree.

In front of countless people, Liona only said a few words to Zynn.

The first sentence was: I‟m sorry, I can‟t marry you.

The second sentence: Because Changying is not married after all!

Chapter 1834

Because Changying has a fiancée but is not yet married, Liona still felt there was a glimmer of hope and was still unwilling to give up.

He asked a woman to marry him, but the woman said in public that she was still waiting for another person. Zynn still remembers this strange shame.

From then on, he hated Changying deeply.

Later, Changying got married in Eastcliff.

That night, Liona cried out all her tears and stayed behind closed doors for a month.

Zynn brought flowers to Du‟s house every day to beg to see her. He persisted for thirty nine days and spent thirty-nine bouquets of roses before finally knocking on Liona‟s heart.

Liona, who was nearly twenty kilograms thin, walked out of the room and the door, and said a word to Zynn who was holding flowers outside the door.

She asked Zynn if she might not forget Changying for the rest of her life, Zynn would still marry her.

Zynn gritted his teeth and agreed.

Then, Liona and Zynn became engaged, and a month later, got married.

When he got married, Zynn slept with anxiety and fear every night.

He was afraid that his wife next to his pillow would suddenly call Changying‟s name in her dream.

Worry soon became a reality.

A few days after the wedding, Zynn could hear Liona whimpering in her mouth and yelling Changying‟s name every day while she was half asleep and half awake.

During that time, Zynn almost collapsed.

Later, the eldest son Zhifei was born.

Liona finally shifted her focus from Changying to her son.

Since then, Zynn could finally sleep well.

The son‟s loud cry in the middle of the night became even the most beautiful lullaby for him.

He could sleep peacefully in the cry of his son, but he couldn‟t listen to his wife‟s sleep, whispering Changying‟s name in a very low voice, because the name became his nightmare!

Thinking of the humiliation in the past, Zynn felt extremely angry.

Even though the incident had passed more than two decades, even if Changying had passed away long ago, he still couldn‟t swallow this breath.

Josh was surprised when he saw his cold expression, clenched fists and trembling teeth.

He worked for Zynn for many years, knowing that Zynn looked like this, he was generally angry to the extreme.

When he heard that Matsumoto was the man behind the kidnapping of Zhifei and Zhiyu, his performance was no different from now.

Josh couldn‟t help but wonder in his heart: “What exactly did this Changying do to make Master so angry?”

Thinking of this, he couldn‟t help asking: “Master is the man just like that Changying?”

“Like.” Zynn nodded, and said: “But his temperament is a bit low-key, maybe he is

dressed somewhat casually. Changying back then could be said to be full of style, walking with wind, and amazing aura!”

Josh asked again, “Is that kid just now the offspring of Changying?”

“Impossible.” Zynn said coldly, “Changying‟s offspring has long since disappeared, and the life or death of him is uncertain. The Wade family couldn‟t find him. It is estimated that he died outside long ago.”

As he said, Zynn smiled darkly, and mocked: “Back then, Changying made enemies everywhere and offended the Rothschild family that controlled Europe and the United States. He was also targeted by all kinds of people in China because of his sharp edge.

People who wanted to kill him were really Too much.”

Speaking of this, Zynn lit a cigarette and said lightly: “Although the kid looks a lot like him just now, I think he is likely to be a Japanese, maybe it‟s just a little like him.”

Josh nodded slightly and asked him: “Master where shall we go next? Back to the hotel or?”

“I won‟t go back to the hotel.” Zynn said coldly, “If the TMPD can‟t catch them, if they can‟t stay away, they will definitely find a way to embarrass me and disgust me. I‟d better leave Tokyo early!

Having said that, Zynn told him: “Just leave the hotel room there. Let‟s drive north directly to Aomori Prefecture, the northernmost part of Honshu, Japan. We will soak in hot springs for two days, relax and then go to China.”

Chapter 1835

When he took the elevator upstairs, Charlie was still thinking about the man he met when he got out of the elevator just now.

He was sure that he didn‟t know the person, why did that person look hostile when he saw him.

He originally thought that the opponent would also be a hidden master, and he saw that he was extraordinary.

But after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong, because that man didn‟t have the aura of a strong man. From the perspective of his own strength, he should be an ordinary person.

However, he didn‟t think too much. After getting out of the elevator, Nanako took him to the ward where Takehiko was.

At this time, Takehiko was scolding his mother in the hospital bed.

He said to Emi: “This guy Zynn is a b@astard with a honey-sucking sword. Staying with this kind of person for a second makes me feel uncomfortable!”

Emi nodded and said, “That Zynn really feels insidious, and the more friendly he smiles, the more chilling his back, especially when he thinks of what he did to the Matsumoto family in his head. I feel cold all over!”

Charlie, who had just entered the door, blurted out and asked loudly: “That man just now was Zynn from the Su family?!”

Both Takehiko and Emi were shocked, and they realized that Charlie and Nanako had already entered.

So, Takehiko asked curiously: “Does Mr. Charlie also know Zynn?”

Charlie frowned, and even his voice became colder: “The man who just got down from the elevator is Zynn?!”

Ito said, “don‟t know who you met in the elevator, but Zynn did just leave.”

When Charlie heard this, he turned around and ran out!


The initiator and leader of the anti-wade Alliance!

When Charlie thought of this, hatred surged all over his body!

He just wanted to chase out, even if it was to kill Zynn‟s bodyguard and entourage in broad daylight, he still had to catch the b@stard and ask him why he wanted to target his parents.

Then let him have a taste, and kill him on the street!

It‟s a pity that when Charlie chased him out, there was no shadow of Zynn anywhere in front of the hospital.

Zynn was already in the car and headed to Aomori Prefecture.

Charlie couldn‟t help but beat his chest and feet at the entrance of the hospital!

Since the death of his parents, this is the closest moment to his enemy!

However, he failed to recognize the other party!

This is really annoying to him!

The Wade Family and the Su Family had always had a bad relationship, so even when Charlie was young, he had never seen Zynn very much.

In addition, the Su Family and the Wade Family are themselves top families, and they never appear on various wealth lists, and the media never report them, so Charlie doesn‟t even know Zynn‟s appearance.

At this moment, he was extremely depressed.

When he came to Japan this time, he had close contact with the Su family one after another.

First, he accidentally saved Zhifei and Zhiyu, and now he just passed Zynn!

Charlie gritted his teeth and thought to himself, if he were to give himself a chance to go back a few minutes ago, the first thing he would do when he saw Zynn would be to smash his dog head first!

Chapter 1836

It‟s a pity that even if he has great abilities, it is impossible to turn back time.

Therefore, he can only hope for the next time.

At the same time, he swears from the bottom of his heart: “Zynn, if I have the opportunity to come face to face with you again, I will definitely not let you go!”


When Charlie returned to the ward, Takehiko asked him with a look of surprise: “Mr. Charlie, do you know Zynn? Or is there any relationship? Why are you so sensitive to him?”

Emi and Nanako also looked at Charlie suspiciously, looking forward to his answer.

Seeing this, Charlie laughed at himself, and said angrily: “You forgot? I accidentally saved his pair of children. He is so rich. It stands to reason that he has to give me 10 billions? I didn‟t expect to let him run away…”

Takehiko suddenly became dumb.

He didn‟t doubt the authenticity of Charlie‟s words, because Charlie was in his eyes, everything was good, but that he loved money as if it was like his life, for money, he could even shamelessly blackmail or even maliciously Occupy it.

Therefore, he accidentally rescued Zhifei and Zhiyu. Because of his character, he didn‟t want to ask for some money. It really wasn‟t him.

When Nanako heard this, she couldn‟t help laughing and saying, “Master, you are too fascinated by money, did you know that when you heard the word Zynn just now, you acted as if he was your murderer? Like an enemy, I didn‟t expect it was just a creditor in your heart…”

Charlie smiled bitterly and said casually: “Hey, it‟s a pity that I let him run away, but it‟s nothing. Sooner or later, he will still have the opportunity to see this debt. He can‟t hide from the fifteenth day of the first year.”

Nanako nodded, and then said to Takehiko Ito: “Odosan, I brought two sick meals here today. One is for you and the other is for Tanaka. Can I visit him?”

Takehiko nodded and said, “Tanaka is in the next ward. Go and have a look.”

Nanako turned her head to look at Charlie: “Master, are you going to see him?”

Charlie‟s impression of Tanaka was pretty good, he was indeed a rare servant, so he nodded and said, “Okay, let‟s go and take a look.”

At this time, Tanaka was lying on the upper half of the ward next door and reading.

Seeing Nanako and Charlie coming in, he hurriedly put down his book and said respectfully: “Hello, Miss, Hello Mr. Wade!”

Nanako smiled slightly and walked forward with the lunch box, and said, “Tanaka, I brought you a sick meal from home. The chef at home made it specially. You can eat it while it is hot.”

Hiroshi Tanaka was flattered and said, “Miss, how can I let you deliver food to me? This is really impossible…”

Nanako said very religiously: “Tanaka, you saved the life of my father. I am very grateful. 

A meal is nothing but a little bit of thoughts!”

Hiroshi Tanaka said sincerely: “Miss, with your words, it is worth 10,000 deaths…”

Nanako said: “Tanaka, if you have any needs, just tell aunt, she will find a way to solve it for you, you must cheer up, recover well, and leave the hospital early!”

Hiroshi Tanaka nodded again and again, and said gratefully: “I know Miss, thank you for your concern!”

After speaking, he asked tentatively: “I took a wheelchair and went to the president‟s ward in the morning. I heard the president said that Mr. Charlie cured your injury?”

Nanako nodded and said, “Master Wade not only healed my injury, but also saved my life…”

Tanaka looked at Charlie and thanked him: “Mr. Charlie, it is…thank you so much!”

Charlie felt somewhat upset because he was rubbing shoulders with Zynn and missing opportunities for revenge. Seeing Tanaka talking to him, he couldn‟t help but said in a perfunctory tone: “You‟re welcome.”

Hiroshi Tanaka asked in surprise, “Is there anything Mr. Charlie is unhappy about?”

Nanako smiled charmingly and said, “He, just missed $10 billion and is sulking…”

Chapter 1837

Charlie just smiled slightly at Nanako and didn‟t explain much.

After chatting with Tanaka Hiroshi for a while, Nanako said to him apologetically:

“Tanaka, Master Wade is going back to Aurous Hill tonight. I have to accompany him to buy some things. I will leave first and see you at night!”

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly said: “Miss, you and Mr. Charlie go to work, don‟t worry about me, don‟t have to come to visit me specifically. It is too much trouble for you!”

Nanako smiled and said, “It‟s not troublesome. We have known each other for so many years, so why are you so polite.”

Hiroshi Tanaka nodded gratefully, then looked at Charlie, and said seriously: “Mr. Charlie, I will not be able to see you off when you return home tonight. I wish you a safe journey!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Thank you Tanaka, we have a chance to see you again.”

“Okay Mr. Charlie, see you if I have a chance!”

Leaving Tanaka‟s ward, Nanako accompanied Charlie to Ginza, Tokyo.

It‟s been a few days since he came to Japan. This is the first time he has come out to go shopping.

Because when he went to Eastcliff last time, he bought a set of Hermes for his wife Claire, so this time Charlie skipped the luxury goods of luggage.

He strolled around in the jewelry area and found a heart-shaped diamond ring from Tiffany‟s.

The main diamond of this diamond ring has a net weight of three carats. The purity is very high, not very large, but it is very exquisite, and the heart-shaped cut is also very beautiful, which makes him look very fond of it at a glance.

Recalling that from the time of marriage to the present, he had not given Claire a real wedding ring, so Charlie planned to buy this diamond ring and give it to her.

He consulted the clerk and learned that the price of this ring was about 800,000 converted into RMB, which was not expensive.

So he was going to buy this ring.

Nanako couldn‟t hide her envy and asked: “Master bought this ring for your wife, right?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said: “She has been with me for so many years, and I haven‟t given her a ring yet.”

Nanako sighed and said, “Master Wade is so kind to his wife…”

Charlie smiled slightly and was about to say something modest. Tiffany‟s salesperson said very politely: “Sir, may I ask how big your wife‟s ring finger is?”

This question stopped Charlie from asking.

“How big is the ring finger? I really don‟t know this…”

The salesman explained: “If you don‟t know the size of the ring, it will be more troublesome to buy a large or small one. So I suggest you call your wife and determine the size of the ring. We will help you directly adjust to the most suitable state.”

Charlie hesitated slightly.

He wanted to give Claire a surprise. If he calls her and asked her now, wouldn‟t the surprise be gone?”

Just thinking about it, Nanako whispered from the side: “Um… Master Wade, look at my hand, how bad is it compared to your wife?”

With that, Nanako opened her hands, spreading her fingers in front of Charlie.

Charlie took a closer look, and said in surprise: “Nanako, it feels like your hand is similar to my wife‟s finger! please help me try it!”

Nanako nodded without hesitation.

The salesman handed the ring to Charlie and said, “Sir, please let this lady help you try it out!”

Charlie didn‟t think too much. He picked up the ring with one hand, and gently dragged Nanako‟s right wrist with the other, carefully putting the ring on her ring finger.

At this moment, Nanako felt dreamlike and drunk.

Although she knew very well that she was only helping Charlie‟s wife to try the ring, but when she thought that this was Charlie wearing a diamond ring on her ring finger, she was so excited that she couldn‟t add anything.

She said to herself in her mind: “If this is a dream, then I wish I could sleep here and never wake up again…”

Chapter 1838

The moment the ring passed through the knuckles of her ring finger and put it on her hand, Nanako‟s eyes were filled with tears.

She hurriedly lowered her head, not wanting Charlie to see what she was like now.

She liked Charlie very much, but she didn‟t want to put too much psychological burden on him.

Because she faintly knew in her heart that the main reason why Charlie came to Japan this time to visit her in Kyoto was definitely not because of how much he liked her in his heart, but because he sympathized with and felt sorry for her.

She can understand Charlie‟s feelings, that is a kind of empathy that a person who is also a martial artist has in his heart.

What is empathy?

It is the emotion of understanding each other, empathizing with each other.

It‟s like a racer, seeing another racer suffered a car accident and was seriously injured or even killed on the field, his empathy for the injured must be stronger than ordinary people.

In the same way, if a soldier sees his comrades-in-arms, or those who are with the same soldier, injured or disabled in battle, this kind of empathy will surely develop in his heart.

Charlie must be feeling the same to her.

Seeing that she didn‟t listen to persuasion, was seriously injured in the game, or even was pulled directly from the field by an ambulance, he must have sympathized with her more.

In addition, he had a way to heal her, so when he came to Japan this time, he took time to go to Kyoto to see her, save her, and heal her injuries.

Therefore, Nanako knew very well that although Charlie was very good to her, most of them should be sympathy born out of empathy.

For a girl who is obsessed with him, the last thing she wants is the sympathy of the other party.

In fact, apart from love, any other emotions are not what she wants.

At this moment, Charlie couldn‟t see Nanako‟s expression. His attention was focused on her fingers. Seeing that the ring Nanako was wearing slightly larger, he gently took it off again, yes. The salesperson said, “I‟m sorry, but the trouble is a little bit smaller.”

“OK, sir.” The salesman took the ring and began to readjust the ring.

At this time, Nanako felt a strong sense of loss.

Although he knew it a long time ago, that ring would leave after just staying on my finger.

But when the ring was really taken off by Charlie, her heart hurt like a knife.

However, she did not dare to be seen by Charlie, so while Charlie was watching the salesman adjust the ring, she hurriedly said: “Master, let me go to the bathroom!”

After speaking, he ran away before Charlie responded.

The reason why she had to run away was because the tears filled her eyes, and her eyes were too big to bear.

She didn‟t want Charlie to see that she was crying at this time.

Because she didn‟t want to affect Charlie‟s concentrated mood.

She had never thought of affecting Charlie‟s life and Charlie‟s marriage.

After all, Charlie has given her too much kindness.

She turned to leave, silently in her heart: “Tonight, Master Wade will leave Japan, return to the embrace of his family, and return to his wife…”

“In the future, don‟t know what year and month you will come back again…”

“The next few hours will be the last few hours I will be with Master Wade…”

“I must control my emotions and don‟t add any psychological burden to him…”

Chapter 1839

When Nanako returned from the bathroom, there were no traces of tears on her face, but her eyes were slightly red. 

She deliberately bashed her face with cold water, so it seemed a lot more natural.

Back in the store, Nanako took the initiative to smile and asked Charlie: “Master, have you adjusted it? Do you want me to try again?”

Charlie smiled and nodded: “Trouble you!”

Nanako smiled softly: “Master Wade doesn‟t have to be so polite.”

As she said, she stretched out her right hand again and said grinning: “Come on! Try again!”

Charlie didn‟t think much, picked up the adjusted ring and put it on the ring finger of her right hand again.

This time, the size of the shank has become very suitable, it is not tight or loose on her hand, it looks almost natural.

Nanako couldn‟t help changing the direction of her right hand, and under the light, carefully observed this diamond ring, which was not expensive.

Although this ring is not as gorgeous as the tens of millions of rings in the hands of ladies and beauties, it has its unique charm.

Simple, atmospheric, beautiful and touching.

Charlie looked at the ring on Nanako, and also liked it as he watched it.

He knew that his wife didn‟t pursue those luxurious jewels, and this ring happened to match her calm temperament.

Thinking of this, he couldn‟t help but turn his attention from the ring to Nanako‟s face.

To be honest, if you say that it is as quiet as still water, Claire may be able to achieve 80 or even 90 points, but Nanako is absolutely 100 points.

So in other words, it seems that this ring is more in line with the temperament of Nanako.

But Charlie didn‟t think too much about this issue.

Nanako wore this ring, and observed it with joy and melancholy for a long time, only then reluctantly took it off and handed it to Charlie.

She said: “Master, if appropriate, let the salesman help you wrap it”

“Yes!” Charlie saw that the ring was indeed suitable, so he smiled and said to the salesperson: “Hello, please help me wrap this ring.”

“OK sir!”

The salesperson is also very happy.

Although Tiffany is also a well-known brand, the price of most diamond rings is actually in the range of 10,000 USD to 20,000 USD. In fact, very few people will buy rings with more than 20,000 USD. Sometimes it may not be possible for a long time to sell one.

Like Charlie‟s choice, the equivalent of a ring with a price of more than 100,000 USD, generally can sell such a limited number of rings a year.

Therefore, she regarded Charlie as a distinguished VIP customer, so she helped him pack the ring very carefully, and said to him: “Sir, if you have no other needs, please follow me to the cashier to checkout.”

Charlie said: “No hurry, I want to see the bracelet.”

The ring is a token of love between lovers, so when he bought this ring for his wife, he naturally couldn‟t buy the same thing for his mother-in-law.

Therefore, Charlie planned to show Elaine a bracelet, the price would not be too high, equivalent to two or three hundred thousand, which would be great.

Two or three hundred thousand bracelets were enough for Elaine to make her happily unable to sleep.

The salesperson heard that Charlie wanted to buy a bracelet, and immediately said: “Sir, wait a moment, I will let the person in charge of the bracelet area show you and recommend a few styles for you.”

In their store, each salesperson has his own exclusive counter, and this salesperson is responsible for the diamond ring, so the bracelet needs other people to provide shopping guide services for Charlie.

Chapter 1840

Charlie readily agreed. Soon, the salesman called another girl and said to her: “This VIP wants to see the bracelet. Can you recommend one for him.”

The girl knew that Charlie was an elite, and immediately said with a big smile: “Sir, please come with me.”

Nanako hurriedly asked him: “Master, do you still need me to try the bracelet for you?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I plan to buy the bracelet for Mother-in-law. She is a bit fat, so I don‟t need to trouble you.”

Nanako smiled and said, “Then Master will take a look for himself, I want to see the ring, can I?”

Charlie nodded: “Of course you can. Look first. I‟ll go over there to see the bracelet.”

Nanako smiled sweetly: “Okay!”

When Charlie went to the bracelet area, Nanako whispered to the girl who sold the ring: “Excuse me, is the ring I tried just now in stock?”

The salesperson nodded lightly and said, “Yes, we have three rings of this model in our store. We sold two, and now there is one left. Do you want it now?”

Nanako was overjoyed, and whispered: “It is not convenient for me to pay now. Can you keep it quietly for me? I will ask someone to come over and help me pay the bill later, and then please help me adjust the ring to the size?”

The salesperson said politely: “Madam no problem, please tell me your name. When the person you arrange comes over, he can tell me your name.”

Nanako smiled happily and said: “My name is Nanako Ito, and the other party will tell you that he buys it for Miss Ito.”

The salesperson nodded slightly: “Okay, Miss Ito.”

Nanako blinked, and said in a low voice, “Don‟t tell the gentleman who came with me, keep it secret for me.”

Although the salesperson was a little puzzled, he nodded his head very dedicatedly and said, “Don‟t worry, I will not disclose it to anyone.”

“That‟s good!”

At this time, Charlie was on the side of the bracelet counter, looking around.

There are many styles of bracelets in this store, most of which are relatively low-key and simple, but there is a rose gold bracelet full of diamonds that is more luxurious.

Charlie knows Elaine very well. What he likes most about his mother-in-law is that she can see the luxury at a glance.

Things that are golden, full of diamonds, and sparkling at a glance, will definitely be able to win her taste.

And don‟t look at the diamonds, but because they are relatively small diamonds, the price is not high.

The bracelet that Charlie chose for his mother-in-law was actually about 250,000 equivalent. Although it was not cheap, it was just drizzle to him.

After he chose, he asked the salesperson to pack the bracelet and pay the money together with the ring.

At this time, Nanako had already set up the ring with the previous sales, and then sent a message to ask an assistant of her family to help over and pay.

After the arrangements were made, she came to Charlie contentedly and asked him with a smile: “Master, have you chosen everything?”

Charlie nodded: “The money has been paid, hey, Nanako, why are you so happy?”

Charlie could also see that Nanako‟s condition at this time seemed to be much better than before, and she seemed to be happier.

Nanako stuck out her tongue playfully and blinked and said, “This is a secret. I can‟t tell Master Wade, otherwise Master will definitely laugh at me.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “How can it be!”

Nanako said shyly, “I am too shy to tell you.”

Charlie shrugged helplessly: “Since you don‟t want to say, then I won‟t ask…”

Chapter 1841

After leaving Tiffany, Nanako accompanied Charlie again, walking around the major shops in Ginza.

In order to show less favoritism, Charlie bought a high-end boss suit for his old man Jacob.

Jacob now mixes with the Calligraphy and Painting Association every day, and has become the No. 2 figure in the entire Calligraphy and Painting Association. It can be said that he has a lot of face.

What‟s more, the calligraphy and painting association he is currently in and Meiqing‟s senior college often have contacts and exchanges, so Charlie buys a suit for the Old Master, and also wants to help the Old Master to dress up and make him more energetic and more appealing.

In addition, Charlie bought some other small accessories and small objects piecemeal.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, there are about two hours before Charlie‟s flight to Osaka takes off. Considering that Tokyo Airport is far from the city, Charlie said to Nanako, “Nanako, the time is almost here. I have to go. It‟s time to go to the airport.”

Nanako said without hesitation: “Master, I‟ll take you there!”

Charlie said: “I have to drive over and leave the car at the airport. If you follow me, what will you do how you will come back?”

“It doesn‟t matter.” Nanako blurted out: “I can ask someone to drive to the airport to pick me up. Don‟t worry about it, Master!”

Charlie asked subconsciously: “Too much trouble for you, right?”

“No, no!” Nanako said with a pleading expression: “Master, Nanako wants to take you to the airport, and even wants to take you to Osaka and take you back to Aurous Hill, but the situation at home is very special now, it is really not suitable for me to get out. So I asked Master to give me a chance to take you to the airport…”

Hearing this, Charlie couldn‟t help feeling a little moved, so he said: “Then we two will drive to the airport together, and you should also call your family and arrange for them to send a car to the airport to pick you up.”

“Yeah!” Nanako nodded and said happily: “Master doesn‟t have to worry, I will arrange it!”

“Fine then!”

When Charlie heard this, he didn‟t insist anymore. The two of them got in the car and drove to Tokyo Airport.

This way was Charlie‟s first journey back.

On the way, Nanako was worried.

She had been sneaking at Charlie next to her, feeling extremely reluctant to him in her heart.

As early as in Aurous Hill, she had a passion for Charlie.

And when she met him again in Japan, she fell in love with him completely.

After separating from Charlie this time, she didn‟t know if she still has a chance to meet him again.

Because she could feel in her heart that Charlie has lifted the burden of her heart.

She is a very smart girl.

She could see that the reason why Charlie came to Japan must be because of her injury, so he had a sympathy for her in his heart.

And he happened to have the medicine that could cure her, so he took that medicine and came to Kyoto to find and cure her.

At this moment, she was lonely deep in her heart and thought to herself: “My injury has been healed. It is estimated that Master will be able to relieve me in the future?”

Thinking of this, Nanako felt very sad.

In her heart, she was willing to give up some and stay with him forever.

But she also knew in her heart that this was unrealistic.

Chapter 1842

When Nanako‟s thoughts were flying, Charlie had already driven the car to the airport.

After he parked the car in the airport parking lot, he got out with Nanako.

Then, instead of leaving in a hurry, he bent down and put the car key on top of the front tire of the car.

Nanako asked in surprise: “Master, what are you doing?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I leave the key here for my friend, otherwise the key will have to follow me back to China.”

Nanako asked suspiciously, “Can‟t it get stolen this way? If someone finds out, can I just drive away?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It is impossible for other people to see it here. There are so many cars here. Who would bend down to look at other people‟s car tires?”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “I will tell the owner of the key when I go back. After the owner knows it, it will be very convenient to pick up the car for him.”

Nanako smiled and nodded, and said, “Master is smart. I might never think of such a method for a lifetime.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Actually, I mainly want to save some money, otherwise the mailing fee is quite high if I wait until I return to China and then send it to him.”

Nanako suddenly laughed and said, “Master, in your case, you definitely won‟t be short of money… My father alone has contributed 4.5 billion USD to you, your JX Pharmaceuticals is developing rapidly, so why to save money so much…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “It‟s not saving money, it‟s about how to live a life. We won‟t save a point for what should be spent, and we won‟t waste a point for what shouldn‟t be spent.”

Nanako nodded earnestly: “Thank you Wade, Nanako is taught.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I am not a good teacher, I just express my own little opinions, which are some very crude personal opinions.”

Nanako said sincerely: “Although the reason is simple and obvious, I have never considered this. If I was in my previous status, it would not matter if I spent more money or wasted a bit, but now my father wants me to take over Ito Co., Ltd., in the future, I must change my previously unconceptual attitude towards money. Only like Master Wade can I make the family business bigger and stronger!”

Seeing Nanako‟s serious look, Charlie smiled helplessly, and said, “I believe Ito Co., Ltd. will become stronger and stronger in your hands!”

Nanako nodded gently: “Thank you Master Wade for your blessing, I hope I can live up to expectations…”

Charlie looked at her, smiled encouragingly, and then said: “Okay, time is almost up, I have to go through the registration procedures, how do you go back?”

Nanako said, “I asked the family assistant to drive me to pick me up.”

With that, she checked the time and hurriedly said: “He may take a while to arrive, or I will send you to the security checkpoint!”

Charlie nodded, and the two left the parking lot together and went straight to the airport departure hall.

At this moment, a woman with a delicate face and delicate features, but with a bit of heroism and coldness, walked into the airport departure hall.

This woman is about one hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall and has slender legs.

She was wearing a black tight leather jacket, black stretch leather pants, and black high top leather boots. Her long black hair is tied into a bunch of ponytails and hung to her waist.

This woman is beautiful and moving, but her face is icy.

She stepped into the airport and went directly into the VIP security check channel.

The male staff in charge of checking the boarding information turned his eyes straight when he looked at the woman.

After the woman stood in front of him for a few seconds, he came back to his senses and said blushingly: “Miss, please show your ID and boarding pass.”

The woman handed over the certificate blankly, and the other side glanced at it. It read “Su Ruoli.”

Chapter 1843

At this stage, in order to detect the murderer of Matsumoto‟s family, Tokyo Airport has strengthened exit inspections.

However, due to the shortage of manpower, there is no way to strictly control all passengers.

Although Ruoli took a Chinese passport, because her boarding pass was for Osaka, not for leaving Japan, the staff did not report to the leader.

He just read Ruoli‟s name silently in his heart a few times, and felt that the name was very nice, but he couldn‟t tell why it was really nice.

Ruoli saw the other party holding her passport in a daze, and the first thought in her heart was whether her identity has been exposed and the other party had already noticed it.

However, she quickly analyzed it and felt that such a thing was unlikely.

First of all, the TMPD only knows that it was a hidden master from China who killed Matsumoto, but they don‟t know anything else.

They also don‟t know who killed the Matsumoto family.

What‟s more, Japan is so close to China. There are so many tourists, overseas Chinese and business elites traveling between the two countries on weekdays. The TMPD cannot lock itself in such a short period of time.

After a quick analysis in her mind, Ruoli could conclude that the staff in front of her was probably just amazed by her appearance, and was a little slow to react.

So she asked the staff member blankly: “Does my passport look good?”

The other party nodded subconsciously: “Very pretty…”

After finishing speaking, he realized that he accidentally missed his mouth, and hurriedly handed the passport back to Ruoli with both hands, and said apologetically: “Miss Su, I‟m so sorry! I didn‟t mean it!”

Ruoli completely ignored his apology, but continued to ask him with a cold expression: “Then can I pass?”

“Of course!” The staff was pressed by Ruoli‟s glamorous aura to cold sweat, and quickly stamped her boarding pass and handed it to her respectfully.

She received the boarding pass and immediately turned to leave. The staff member turned to look at her back, with a face full of intoxication, and he couldn‟t help sighing and muttering: “This…this is simply her Carden‟s. Aura…Apart from TV shows and anime, I have never seen a woman with such a strong aura…”

Although the staff member was thinking of Ruoli, Ruoli had completely forgotten him and came to the security inspection machine.

This time, all Masters of the Su family broke up, unable to leave the country, so everyone dispersed, and as tourists, they bought ordinary flight tickets and flew to Osaka.

Ruoli chose the 5.40 flight.

After the flight arrives in Osaka, she will take the private jet temporarily seconded from Zhonghai to return home with other Su‟s subordinates.


At this moment, Charlie also came to the VIP security check channel.

Before entering the security checkpoint, he turned sideways and said to Nanako next to him: “Nanako, you have taken so hard to send me so far. I‟m going through the security heck. You should go back now.”

Nanako nodded reluctantly, and said seriously: “I wish you a good journey Master, and remember to report me peace after landing.”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Take care of yourself too!”

Nanako said with red eyes, “Thank you Master for your concern, I will definitely!”

Charlie nodded and couldn‟t help but sigh softly.

With this sigh, there was reluctance, but also a relief.

What is reluctant is that Nanako is indeed a rare good girl. It can be said that apart from nationality, there is nothing wrong with it.

If they say goodbye today, it will be difficult for the two to see each other again in the future, so Charlie will naturally feel reluctant.

As for letting go, it was mainly because he came to Japan this time and he has removed the thorn in his heart.

That thorn is Nanako.

Chapter 1844

In the beginning, Nanako insisted on competing with Aoxue.

As for Aoxue, it was because of his rejuvenation pills that her strength improved by leaps.

In the end, Aoxue severely injured Nanako in the ring, this was a thorn in Charlie‟s heart.

On the one hand, he felt sorry for Nanako, and on the other hand, he admired her character of never giving up and favoring competition over backing off.

In addition, he also felt ashamed of Nanako to a certain extent.

Because it was his hand that pushed Aoxue from a level far below Nanako to a position far surpassing her.

Now, he cured her, so he dilute the distress;

He saved her life and made her strength improved by leaps and bounds, so that guilt is also played down.

At this point, the distress and guilt have been washed away, and the rest is more of an appreciation for Nanako.

Therefore, Charlie smiled at her knowingly, revealing a row of white teeth: “If this is the case, then I will go first!”

“Okay!” Nanako nodded heavily, feeling extremely sad, but still smiling and said sweetly: “Master, I wish you good luck, peace and health!”

Charlie didn‟t expect that Nanako would say the words wishing him, he startled slightly, and immediately clasped a fist to her with a serious face, and said loudly: “Thank you Miss Nanako, we will have some time later!”

After speaking, he took a deep look at Nanako again, turned around and entered the security checkpoint.

At the moment Charlie turned around, Nanako‟s tears burst.

She looked at Charlie‟s back, tears flowed like rain!

She wanted to call him so that he could look back so that she could take a closer look at him.

However, she was afraid that when she stopped him, when he sees her face full of tears, he would think a lot, would misunderstand, and think that she deliberately wanted him to see him letting go of all the disguise.

Therefore, she resisted the urge to call him, just wanted to stand here, watch him disappear into that door, and then turned and left.

At this moment, Charlie couldn‟t help it suddenly, and subconsciously looked back at her.

Just a glance made Charlie‟s whole body as if struck by lightning, and stayed for a while.

He wanted to turn his head, and beckoned to her courteously.

But he didn‟t expect it. Looking back, Nanako, who was still smiling just now, was already crying into tears.

At this moment, Charlie felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to have suffered a shock. This kind of feeling, in general, only needs one word, that is: distressed!

Nanako didn‟t expect that Charlie would even look back at her again.

At this moment, as the eldest lady of the Ito family, as the Yamato Nadeshiko who had undergone traditional Japanese education since childhood, she finally completely lost all self-control ability.

At this moment, she lost all her sanity and ran towards him crying, rushed straight into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Before Charlie came back to his senses, she gently stood on tiptoe and offered her first k!ss on her own initiative. Those thin l!ps that were a little salty and cold because of her tears, k!ssed Charlie‟s l!ps without hesitation… …

Chapter 1845

Charlie felt the soft and cold touch of Nanako‟s lips first, and then felt a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He knew in his heart that this was the smell of Nanako‟s tears.

At this moment, he felt a little bit reluctant and helpless.

A few seconds later, their l!ps parted, Nanako raised her head, looked at Charlie with red eyes, choked up and said: “Master, don‟t forget me…”

Charlie nodded earnestly: “Don‟t worry, I definitely won‟t!”

Nanako said solemnly: “If there is anything that needs my help in the future, you must tell me Master!”

Charlie nodded: “Okay, so do you!”

Nanako broke her tears into a smile: “Then Master, let‟s go, if you get off the plane again, you won‟t be able to catch”

Charlie looked at her and said softly: “Nanako, there will be a time later.”

“Well, Master will come later!”

Charlie turned around this time, and did not look back.

He didn‟t want to be like just now, when he looked back, he saw a tearful Nanako. 

So, simply put your mind away and stepped into the security check channel.

The surrounding passengers, seeing the beautiful and charming Nanako, covered their face with their hands at the security checkpoint, their eyes were crying, and they looked at Charlie‟s figure without blinking until they disappeared, and their hearts were quite moved.

At this moment, most men envied the man who had just disappeared from the security check.

“How can that guy, have such a beautiful woman watching him cry with such infatuation?!”

“The point is… he never looked back! This is too much!”

“If it were me, I must turn around to save that woman and tell her I will never leave!”

Nanako turned a deaf ear to everything in her body.

After Charlie disappeared for a long time, she was still immersed in the feelings that had nowhere to rest.

Until, her cell phone rang.

The phone connected, and a woman‟s voice came: “Miss, I have arrived at the gate of the airport, where are you?”

Nanako wiped away her tears hurriedly, and said, “Wait a moment, I‟ll be there soon!”

After speaking, she hurriedly looked into the security checkpoint again, and after making sure that Charlie could not be seen, she turned and left the airport reluctantly.

Outside the airport at this time, three black Rolls Royces were already waiting side by side.

As soon as Nanako walked out of the airport gate, the co-pilot of the Rolls-Royce in the middle walked down a young woman. The woman respectfully greeted her: “Miss is here!”

Nanako nodded, and before she got to the front, a man opened the back door for her.

After Nanako got into the car, she closed the door and returned to the co-pilot.

After getting in the car, Nanako couldn‟t help but asked her: “Kawana, did you buy the ring I wanted for me?”

“I got it!” The woman called Kawana, whose full name is Hisui Kawana, is a senior assistant of the Ito family. At this time, she immediately handed over a beautiful Tiffany jewelry box from the co-pilot.

Nanako took the jewelry box excitedly, and carefully unpacked it.

When she opened the box, she found that in the jewelry box, lying quietly, the same ring that was exactly the same as the diamond ring that Charlie had tried on her fingers.

Chapter 1846

The rings are the same in style and size, even the size of the shank is exactly the same.

As soon as she saw this ring, Nanako felt extremely happy and joyful, as if this ring was really given to her by Charlie.

Seeing her looking at this ring, Kawana was overjoyed and asked in surprise: “Miss, why would you be interested in a brand like Tiffany? This brand is a very ordinary jewelry brand, and this ring is too cheap, and diamonds are really hard to get out…”

Kawana is right.

This kind of diamond ring, which sells for less than RMB 1 million, is simply for ordinary little rich people.

The real rich don‟t even bother to wear this kind of ring.

The richest people in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea like diamonds the most.

Some of them are very pure, and the cutting process can reach the top diamonds. One is worth ten million.

Real wealthy people buy this kind of diamond, specially made into diamond rings.

Therefore, the diamond ring worn by the top wealthy people is worth more than tens of millions, which is really not ordinary.

Chinese rich people like more things. They not only like diamonds, but also all kinds of gems, especially jade.

The real top-quality emperor green jade has a surprisingly high price.

It is not a big problem for a bracelet to be worth more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Because for the wealthy, this kind of jewelry can not only bring out face, but also has a lot of room for appreciation.

The Ito family itself is Japan‟s top wealthy family, and Nanako is the only daughter of the family patriarch. She would like this ordinary small diamond ring, which really exceeds Kawana‟s cognition of her.

Nanako held the diamond ring in love, and said shyly: “Kawana, there are some things that cannot be measured by money. This ring may not be worth too much in your eyes, but it is invaluable in my eyes.”

After all, she couldn‟t wait to wear the ring on her ring finger.

Looking at this ring, she couldn‟t help showing a happy smile on her face.

Kawana exclaimed: “Miss, the ring finger is specially used to wear a wedding ring. You can‟t wear a ring on the ring finger. Otherwise, if someone sees it, he will think you have been married. !”

When Nanako heard this, she suddenly realized that as a single woman, she really shouldn‟t wear a ring on her ring finger. This would cause misunderstandings among people around her.

But this did not delay her love for the ring, so she hurriedly took off the ring, put it back carefully, and stuck out her tongue at Kawana: “It‟s okay, I just wear it for a try. I will definitely not wear it.”

Kawana nodded and asked her, “Miss, where are we going now?”

Nanako said: “Go to the hospital, I‟ll accompany father!”



At this moment, Charlie had successfully passed the security check, and took his passport and boarding pass to the VIP lounge.

Now, there is about an hour before the flight takes off, and about half an hour before boarding.

There were not many people in the VIP lounge, so Charlie randomly found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a beautiful waiter immediately said to him: “Hello sir, do you need something to drink?”

Charlie didn‟t know why, but Nanako was still in his heart, so he waved his hand absently, “No, thank you.”

The waiter nodded and said politely: “If you have any needs, please feel free to tell me.”


After Charlie finished speaking, he was about to take out his mobile phone to contact Issac. With his keen hearing, he heard a woman not far away. She lowered her voice and said to the phone: “In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, notify the crew, tonight first Zhonghai, we will rest one night in Zhonghai and return to Eastcliff tomorrow!”

Chapter 1847

Originally, Ruoli‟s retreat plan was that everyone dispersed to Osaka, and then transferred a private jet from Zhonghai to bring everyone from Osaka directly back to Eastcliff.

However, considering that if the TMPD cannot catch her and the other Su family members, it will definitely recheck the previous exit records, so a plane flying directly from Osaka to Eastcliff will inevitably become the most suspicious object in the eyes of the TMPD.

Therefore, Ruoli decided to fly to Zhonghai from Osaka first.

The Japanese side only has the right to check the flight information related to its own country. In theory, for all flights departing from Japan, the Japanese side has the right to check all the information about the flight.

But if you arrive at Zhonghai and then fly directly from Zhonghai to Eastcliff, then this is a completely domestic flight and has nothing to do with Japan.

In this way, the Japanese clues are also broken.

It stands to reason that Ruoli would not make such a low-level mistake of being heard when making a phone call. She deliberately chose a corner in the VIP lounge where there was no one within 5 meters.

And when she called just now, she deliberately suppressed her voice to the lowest level.

Judging from her experience, with the volume of her words just now, it is impossible for anyone to hear it even within three meters.

Unless that person is only about one meter away from her.

In addition, she didn‟t reveal too sensitive information when she spoke, only that she changed the plan and flew to Zhonghai first and then to Eastcliff.

However, she did not expect that she would be heard by Charlie several meters away when she called with such a low voice.

Charlie heard her words and immediately realized that this woman must be from the Su family.

the reason is simple.

The reason why the entire Tokyo implements strict exit control is that the Su family destroyed Matsumoto‟s affairs.

At this time, those who are deliberately thinking about leaving Japan and deliberately conceal their whereabouts are most likely from the Su family.

What‟s more, this woman said on the phone just now that she must fly to Zhonghai before returning to Eastcliff.

This proves that her destination is actually Eastcliff.

Eastcliff happened to be the base camp of the Su family, so this woman must have worked for the Su family.

After Ruoli gave orders, she put the phone back in her pocket and closed her eyes in the seat to rest.

Charlie quietly looked at the woman not far away. The beauty of her appearance was Charlie‟s first impression of her, and his second impression of her was that the features of this woman made people feel too cold.

The Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures made Charlie‟s perception more sensitive, allowing him to perceive a deeper taste from a person.

The feeling that Ruoli gave him was faintly bloody.

This kind of feeling is rarely encountered in ordinary people, so he can be sure that this woman‟s hands must be bloody. If he thinks about it, he should be the killer of the Su family.

Moreover, listening to what she said, Masters sent by the Su family to Japan should be just like her, preparing to leave Japan by private jet from Osaka.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and sent Issac a WeChat message: “Old man, you can check it out immediately. There are a few private planes flying from Osaka tonight.”

Issac did not ask the reason, and immediately began an investigation.

Although he doesn‟t have much energy in Japan, collecting some tips, this basic problem can still be solved.

Chapter 1848

Civil aviation information itself is not considered a secret. Even the route of a private jet cannot be concealed from the airport staff and the airport dispatch system.

Therefore, Issac quickly found some information and summarized it to Charlie.

Issac‟s message to Charlie showed that there were four private jets flying from Osaka to Zhonghai tonight.

Two of them are small business jets with very few passengers. Both planes carry about 10 passengers. Considering that there are many masters from the Su family in Japan, it is unlikely to take this kind of aircraft back, so Charlie Then directly filter out the two planes.

The remaining two are private jets modified from Airbus a320 aircraft, and the number of seats for the entire aircraft is about forty to fifty people.

Therefore, Charlie speculated that the person from the Su family who left Japan from Osaka tonight will take one of the two a320s.

So he asked Issac to carefully investigate the information of the two aircraft.

Both aircraft are registered in China. One of them is under the name of a domestic private airline, but it is actually serving a high-end travel agency, specializing in highend outbound charter flights, and this aircraft just left from the south yesterday.

Shenzhen City sent a high-end tour group of forty people over, and today plans to pick up another group of tour group members to return to Shenzhen City.

The other one was registered under the name of a real estate company in China Shipping. The plane arrived in Osaka from China Shipping only today. The original flight plan was to fly from Osaka to Eastcliff, but the flight plan was temporarily changed and applied Permission to fly from Osaka to Zhonghai.

As soon as Charlie saw this, he knew that the last plane must have been arranged by the Su family.

Analyzing so far, Charlie suddenly had a bad idea.

As a result, he wiped a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and after giving Issac some orders, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes on his seat and squinted to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, a gentle voice rang in his ears: “Priority boarding of your flight has already started, honorable first-class passenger. If you want to board the flight early, please go to the boarding gate.

Charlie gave a hum, and glanced at Ruoli‟s position, and saw that Ruoli had also stood up, and thought to himself: “Thinking of this Su family‟s female assassin, she is on the same flight as me.”

Afterwards, he stretched his waist and took his small suitcase, before Ruoli stepped out of the VIP lounge.

Charlie came all the way to the boarding gate, and after showing his boarding pass, he gave priority to boarding from the VIP lane before all economy class passengers boarded the plane.

Since the plane was flying on a one-hour short-haul route from Tokyo to Osaka, the plane had very few first-class cabins, with only eight seats. Charlie‟s seat was in the second row by the window on the right.

The weak flight attendant offered to help him put the suitcase, Charlie thanked her, but he did it himself and put the suitcase in the overhead compartment.

Just as he sat down, Ruoli walked in with a few first-class passengers.

When Charlie saw her coming in, his first thought was to turn his head and not look at her, so as not to be discovered by her.

However, between the electric light and flint, he suddenly realized a problem.

A female killer like Ruoli‟s strength and perception ability, although not necessarily better than him, must be superior to ordinary people.

And she is so beautiful, she must have accepted the attention given to her by ordinary men.

If you deliberately avoid looking at her, she is very likely to notice something abnormal.

So Charlie deliberately looked at Ruoli with a look of surprise, as if he was shocked by her beauty and excited about being able to take the same plane with her.

Ruoli felt Charlie‟s scorching gaze, but just glanced at him casually, and her heart was immediately full of disdain.

She secretly said contemptuously in her heart: “Hey, it‟s another rag who can‟t pull his legs when he sees a beautiful woman!”

Chapter 1849

Although Ruoli sneered at Charlie‟s performance, it was Charlie‟s superficial appearance that made her relax a little guard against Charlie.

Then, she stepped to his side and sat down directly next to him.

As soon as she sat down, Ruoli spent her spare time and looked at Charlie silently.

This was not because she had doubts about Charlie, but because of her usual cautious habit.

In each environment, the first thing she will do is to have a relatively in-depth understanding of the environment, so as to obtain more information that may be useful.

She observed Charlie for a while, and found that this man was really handsome and looked pleasing to the eye.

It is that when he looked at her occasionally, the straight-forward look makes people look a little bit uncomfortable.

So, Ruoli turned around, looked at Charlie, and asked with a smile: “Hello. Are you Chinese?”

Charlie didn‟t expect that this Su family‟s female assassin would turn her face to talk to him, so he pretended to be surprised, and then asked with a bit of surprise: “Beauty, how can you tell that I am Chinese? This is not A flight to China.”

Ruoli smiled slightly and said seriously: “The difference between Japanese boys and Chinese boys is still very big. For example, Japanese boys basically shave their eyebrows, and their hairstyles and dressing styles are also different.”

Charlie smiled and said, “The beauty is really observant.”

Ruoli nodded, and asked him, “Where are you from China?”

Charlie said casually: “I am from Wuhan.”

“Oh?” Ruoli raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: “Wuhan is a good place. As the saying goes, there is heaven above and Suzhou below. The soil and water there are very nourishing.”

After that, Ruoli asked him again: “By the way, since you are from Wuhan, you should know the Wu family, right?”

After all, Ruoli is a well-versed and experienced master. Hearing Charlie introduced himself as from Wuhan, her first thought was to determine whether Charlie lied.

She felt that if the man next to her did not lie, he would most likely be a very useful tool person. On the next trip, if there is an emergency, he can be used as a shield, so that she can be better. Be safer.

Charlie heard the woman next to him mention the Wu family, and knew that the other party wanted to test if he was from Wuhan, so he smiled and said, “Who doesn‟t know about the Wu family, the current owner is Regnar. He has two sons, one is called Roger and the other is called Wu Qi. That Wu Qi is very famous. It is said that don‟t know which of the tendons didn‟t match up, and he has to eat poop every once in a while. Oh, it‟s also amazing.”

Ruoli smiled and said, “I didn‟t expect you to be familiar with Wu‟s affairs.”

Charlie said with a playful smile: “Of course, who doesn‟t know about the Wu family, Wuhan?”

As he said, Charlie lowered his voice and said, “Tell you something more exciting!”

Ruoli nodded: “Listen with respect.”

Charlie hooked her and said, “You get closer and I will tell you.”

Ruoli couldn‟t help frowning slightly, and said in a cold tone: “You can just say that.”

Charlie wrote a copy of his face: “How can this secret be told in front of so many people casually? If you want to listen, come and listen. If you don‟t want to listen, forget it.”

Ruoli‟s anger came up all at once, seeing Charlie‟s serious intention to take advantage of her, she wanted to lick him with her big mouth.

Chapter 1850

However, Ruoli really wanted to know, what exactly Charlie knew about the more explosive material, so she suppressed the disgust in her heart and moved her body towards him, and said coldly: “Hurry”

Charlie also deliberately leaned toward her, spitting out warm air in her ear: “Some time ago, the brother-in-law of Regnar, that is, Nanshan, the leader of the Regnar Gang, was killed. He was killed together, with his wife, and a lot of beggars!”

Ruoli immediately retracted her body from Charlie‟s side, keeping a certain distance from him, and said coldly: “That‟s it? It was all popular in short videos at the time. I ask you. Does anyone else know?”

Charlie shrugged: “I thought you didn‟t know.”

Ruoli glared at him disgustingly. In her opinion, Charlie just used this matter to try to get close to her.

But fortunately, he didn‟t take any real advantage, so Ruoli didn‟t have an attack either.

However, after this incident, Ruoli‟s guard against Charlie was even lower.

Seeing that Ruoli could no longer speak, Charlie voluntarily leaned over to ask her, “Hey beauty, where are you from? I told you all, so do you want to talk to me?”

Ruoli said blankly: “You told me, it doesn‟t mean that I have to tell you.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Beauty, don‟t be so cold! You are such a beautiful big beauty, you should smile more, smiling more will make you look better!”

Ruoli rubbed her temples, and said disgustedly: “I‟m sorry, I want to rest.”

After speaking, she simply closed her eyes.

Charlie asked again: “Beauty, what are you doing in Osaka? Are you going to Osaka or returning from Osaka?”

Ruoli opened her eyes, frowned at him, and asked, “How do you know that I am going back to China from Osaka?”

“Tokyo won‟t let you go!” Charlie sighed, and said, “don‟t know what is going on in Tokyo, and what exit control is going on. My family is still waiting for me to go back to celebrate the New Year. There is no choice but to choose from Osaka……”

Ruoli nodded lightly, and thought to herself: “It seems that I am too sensitive. People in Tokyo who want to return to China basically have to leave from Osaka or other airports in northeastern Japan. It‟s normal to return home from Osaka.

Therefore, she also completely lost interest in chatting with Charlie, and said: “Okay, I‟ll take a nap for a while, if nothing is wrong, don‟t chat with me.”

Charlie didn‟t shut his mouth wisely, but continued to ask: “By the way, beauty, I listen to your accent, it looks like an Eastcliff person!”

As soon as Ruoli‟s brows stretched out, she quickly frowned, denying: “I am not from Eastcliff, I am from Zhonghai.”

Currently, Japan restricts exits and conducts investigations on all foreign tourists. Among them, the most important thing is tourists from China‟s Eastcliff native place, so Ruoli was cautious and described herself as a Chinese citizen.

Charlie said in surprise at this time: “Oh, beautiful, you‟re boring. Everyone is Chinese.

It‟s fate to meet on a Japanese plane. You don‟t need to chat with your compatriots and hide it, right? Your accent As soon as I heard it was from Eastcliff, the people of Zhonghai are not talking like you.”

Ruoli was about to be annoyed by Charlie.

She is now more and more sure that Charlie has nothing wrong with her, nor is there any danger. He is just a bit sloppy, a bit wretched, and a bit too much nonsense. So while bothering him so much, she also completely relaxes her guard against him.

At this time, she closed her eyes and rested her mind, too lazy to talk to him.

Charlie has already instructed Issac on WeChat to prepare according to his plan…

Chapter 1851

Soon, the plane took off from Tokyo Airport.

An hour later, they landed at Osaka Airport on time.

When the plane landed, according to the usual practice, the first-class guests will get off the plane first.

Ruoli didn‟t have any luggage and was sitting in a row outside, so as soon as the plane stopped, she immediately got up and walked directly to the door.

As soon as the cabin door opened, she stepped out. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the plane arranged by the Su family will take off in half an hour, so she needs to go to the business jet terminal and go through the security check again. To reach the hangar of the private jet.

The duty process of private jets is different from that of ordinary civil aviation, and ordinary terminals only serve ordinary civil aviation passengers.

As long as the customized passengers take private jets or business jets, they all go through the security check and boarding at the business jet terminal.

When Charlie walked out of the hatch carrying the suitcase, Ruoli was no longer in the long reach.

He couldn‟t help but smiled and thought to himself: “She wants to go back so anxiously?

The more anxious you want to go back, the less I don‟t want you to go back.”

Thinking of this, he himself walked slowly to the business jet terminal while taking out his mobile phone and asked Issac: “Old man, how are things arranged as I explained to you?”

Issac smiled and said, “Master don‟t worry, I have everything ready.”

Charlie snorted and said, “You pay attention to the situation, I will be here soon.”

“OK Master!”

When Charlie arrived at the business jet terminal and passed the security check smoothly, Issac had been waiting in the terminal for a long time.

Seeing Charlie, he immediately stepped forward and whispered to him: “Master everyone else has already boarded the plane. The woman in black clothes you mentioned on WeChat, I just saw her. After passing the security check, she made a shuttle bus and went to Hangar No. 12. The plane parked there is the one you found out!”

After speaking, he said again: “Oh, yes, our plane is parked in Hangar 13 next to them, and the departure time we requested is just behind them, and their plane will be in front of us in a moment.”

“Okay!” Charlie laughed and said, “Go, go to the hangar first, and wait for a good show!”

Later, Charlie and Issac boarded a VIP shuttle bus and went to Hangar 13 together.

The shuttle bus drove all the way into the hangar, and the Gulfstream airliner that arrived was already waiting here.

When the plane sent Charlie and the others to Japan, they first flew to Tokyo, and then flew directly to Osaka to wait. During this time, they never left Osaka.

Seeing Charlie‟s arrival, Orvel, Liang and others hurriedly got off the plane before Charlie arrived, and respectfully guarded outside the cabin door.

After Charlie got out of the car, everyone called him, and then bowed deeply together.

Charlie waved at them and said, “Don‟t engage in these etiquettes, board the plane quickly, I‟m still waiting for a good show!”

After all, he has already taken the lead in boarding the plane.

Seeing this, other people hurriedly followed.

After everyone boarded the plane, the flight attendant immediately closed the door, and then asked Issac for instructions: “Mr. Issac, can the plane be launched?”

Issac glanced at Charlie, and when he saw Charlie nodding, he immediately said to the flight attendant: “Let‟s launch it now!”

Subsequently, the aircraft was slowly pushed out of the hangar by ground vehicles.

The captain reported the situation to the tower and requested takeoff arrangements by

the way. The tower responded to the instructions and informed the captain that there was a private jet going to Zhonghai in front of them and asked the captain to queue behind him to go to the runway.

Chapter 1852

So the captain immediately picked up the communicator and made a cabin announcement: “Mr. Issac, we have obtained the queuing permission from the tower.

The tower puts us in line behind the China Shipping plane in Hangar No. 12. Now compare the planes waiting to take off at Osaka Airport. It takes about forty minutes to take off.”

As soon as Charlie heard that the plane he was flying was behind the plane of Su‟s family, he immediately said to Issac, “Go, go to the cockpit!”

Issac quickly followed Charlie and squeezed into the somewhat narrow cockpit together.

As soon as Issac came in, he asked the captain, “Where is the plane from China Shipping?”

The captain pointed to the plane that had just been pushed out from the hangar and was turning in place, and said, “Issac, that‟s the one.”

Issac nodded and saw that the plane turned toward the runway after turning in place, so he quickly said to the captain, “Quickly follow him!”

The captain immediately increased the engine thrust, and the plane followed the Su‟s plane and taxied forward unhurriedly.

Seeing the plane with its wings trembling constantly in front, Charlie‟s face was full of smiles.


At this moment, in the Airbus A320 sent by the Su family, more than fifty top masters o  the Su family were sitting neatly.

A middle-aged man, looking at Ruoli sitting in the front unsmilingly, stepped forward and smiled and said: “Miss Ruoli, this operation was really successful under your command. We destroy the Matsumoto family. None of them survived, and are successfully withdrawing this time. As long as our planes fly, the TMPD will never find us in this lifetime!”

As soon as the others heard this, they hurriedly agreed: “Yes, Miss Ruoli, you have a good leadership this time. After you go back, Mr. Su will definitely promote you. Don‟t forget us at that time!”

Ruoli said indifferently: “I, like you, are both subordinates of the Su family. As long as you do things well, the Patriarch will definitely not treat you badly.”

After that, Ruoli said again: “After going back this time, I will definitely report the truth to the Patriarch and ask for your credit. Please rest assured!”

When everyone heard this, they all smiled and apologized.

Although everyone is a master of martial arts, in the final analysis, they have completely entered the dunya, and they have worked for the Su family for money.

When Ruoli said that she wanted to ask for credit for everyone, everyone naturally knew, which meant that the Su family would definitely reward everyone with a generous amount of cash.

As a result, everyone clapped happily, cheering and whistling endlessly.

At this time, Ruoli‟s phone vibrated.

She picked up her mobile phone, saw that Zynn was calling, hurriedly connected the phone, and said respectfully: “Patriarch!”

Zynn‟s voice came: “Ruoli, how is your side? Is it about to take off? There are no accidents and twists in the middle, right?”

Ruoli hurriedly said, “Master our plane is already in line for take-off, and it is expected to take off in half an hour at most!”

“Very good!” Zynn said with a smile: “This time, you did a very beautiful job! When you return to Eastcliff, you will definitely be rewarded!”

Ruoli said piously: “Patriarch, it is Ruoli‟s blessing to share worries for you and the Su family…”

Zynn laughed and said, “If you leave, I am really lucky to have you as a strong general!

Don‟t you always want to go back to your hometown to take a look, after this time you go back, I will give you a good vacation and go back to your hometown to take a rest, you can rest until the Lantern Festival and then come back!”

Ruoli said gratefully: “Thank you Patriarch! I really want to go back and take a look. It would be great if I can rest!”

Zynn said, “You did so beautifully this time, and you will definitely have a good rest when you go back!”

When Ruoli was about to say thank you, a large number of helicopters roared from all directions outside. Outside the window, you could see many armored personnel carriers roaring, surrounding the planes.

In the sky, the helicopter shouted with a high-power speaker: “Listen the people below, we are the Japanese Self-Defense Force! You are now surrounded!”

Chapter 1853

At this moment, more than fifty Su family masters in the plane looked shocked!

The plane is about to take off, and everyone will be able to retreat, leave Japan, and return home to receive awards.

Ruoli had even received repeated compliments from Zynn on the phone. Who could have predicted that at this moment, things suddenly changed dramatically!

More than a dozen helicopters of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, more than 30 ground-wheeled armored vehicles, and the planes that surrounded Ruoli and others!

The Japanese Self-Defense Force is actually the Japanese army. Only after Japan was defeated that year, according to regulations, the defeated country could not have an army, so it made some changes in the form of the Self-Defense Force.

Although it is called the Self-Defense Force, the equipment and training standards of the entire Self-Defense Force are completely in accordance with the regular army.

The masters of the Su family are certainly very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are just martial arts masters. Their little punches and kicks, in front of the guns and guns of the regular army, are almost like children playing in the house.

What‟s more, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched this time are all specially trained anti-terrorist special forces, and the number is large, and the total number of air and ground forces is at least 600 or 700!

These six to seven hundred people are almost the top presence in the Japanese SelfDefense Forces!

In addition, their equipment is very sophisticated, and they have set up a net in advance, so the Su family masters are simply inevitable!

Ruoli, who had not been in the old well, couldn‟t help panicking now.

She blurted out and asked the people around: “What‟s the matter?! How did the Japanese Self-Defense Force find us?! Who leaked the wind?!”

Everyone was full of horror, and they didn‟t know who had leaked the news.

However, they know that everyone is over this time!

Originally, the movement they made in Tokyo this time was so surprising that the TMPD and even the entire Japanese government hated them to their bones, so they would trace their whereabouts at all costs.

Tokyo and many surrounding cities have implemented exit controls in order to catch them early.

Now that they are in the hands of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, you don‟t have to think about it, this is a big trouble!

At this time, Zynn‟s phone has not hung up.

Hearing the movement on the phone, he immediately blurted out and asked: “Ruoli, what‟s the matter?!”

Ruoli said with a trembling voice: “Patriarch…our plane is surrounded by the Japanese Self-Defense Force…”

“What?!” Zynn felt dizzy when he heard this!

He secretly said in his heart: “It‟s over! This is over! The Su family has sent nearly a hundred people to Japan this time. Except for some support and auxiliary personnel, the real core masters are all on that plane!”

“It can be said that the more than fifty people on that plane represent at least 80% of the combat effectiveness of the Su family!”

“Especially Ruoli, this is a general who can be equal to one hundred!”

“If these people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, according to Japanese law, the principal offender should be properly sentenced to death, and the accessory should also be imprisoned for life…”

Thinking of this, Zynn almost ran away, and he tremblingly asked, “Ruoli, what is going on?! Did you leak the wind, or did a traitor appear inside?!”

Ruoli also said nervously, “Going home, don‟t know this now…”

At this time, the broadcast outside the plane continued: “This is the Japanese SelfDefense Force. You are restricted to immediately turn off the aircraft engine and open the door for investigation. Otherwise, we will resort to aggressive attack!”

The captain and deputy captain in the cockpit panicked first.

They can all see the gunship above the front, and the large-caliber cannon in front of the helicopter has been aimed at them.

In front of this kind of military weapon, the civil aviation airliner has absolutely no power to parry. If the engine is not turned off, the cannon on the helicopter can instantly turn the aircraft into a hornet‟s nest.

So they didn‟t care about asking Ruoli for instructions, and immediately turned off the aircraft engine.

Chapter 1854

At this time, the outside broadcast continued: “This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force.

You are restricted to open all hatches immediately! Otherwise, our special forces will attack!”

The captain ran out of the cockpit at this time and said nervously: “The other party asked us to open the hatch. If we don‟t open it, we will be under attack!”

There was also chaos in the cabin.

These so-called super masters were completely panicked at this moment. Some people stood up in a panic, like a headless fly, pacing back and forth in the cabin, as if looking for a way to escape.

More than fifty people, like more than fifty cockroaches locked in a glass bottle, were so frightened that there was nothing to add!

Ruoli also panicked.

However, she knew very well in her heart that once the hatch was opened, it was tantamount to surrender!

The massacre of the Matsumoto family angered the whole of Japan. If she takes everyone to surrender, the Japanese government will not let them go, and will punish them with the harshest means possible…

However, if you don‟t surrender, the end will probably be even worse!

Because special forces all over the world basically adopt the same approach when fighting terrorism.

They will use directional bombs to blow open the doors and windows of the cabin, and then throw flash bombs and tear gas into the cabin.

Flash bombs will release extremely strong light instantly, blinding people‟s eyes in a short period of time. Once they lose their vision, they can only be slaughtered.

And tear gas is a double blow.

It not only makes people cough and loses combat effectiveness, but also makes people‟s eyes irritated and secretes a lot of tears, further destroying the opponent‟s vision.

The flash bombs and tear gas came in turns so many times, before the special forces rushed in, the people inside might not be able to hold it, climb out and surrender…

In despair, Ruoli asked Zynn on the other end of the phone, “Patriarch…you…what do you think we should do…”

“How to do……”

Zynn whispered feebly, all distressed are bleeding!

The elite of the Su family‟s core fighters are going to be wiped out!

The blow and influence this brought to the Su family was too great!

Moreover, in the next few years, it is impossible for the Su family to re-assemble such a team!

Even if it can, it will have to pay a huge cost!

The cost of attracting a top master is sometimes higher than attracting a hundred ordinary people!

With so many top players, the cost behind them is also astronomical.

What is even more depressing is that if these fifty people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, whether they are sentenced to death or life imprisonment, the Su family will have to pay their relatives a lot of living allowances all year round!

This is also the core method used by the Su Family to win over these masters.

The reason why they worked for the Su family was because the Su family promised their high salaries, and they also promised that in the event of an accident, the Su family would pay their family members a monthly subsidy of more than one million.

It was this kind of money spent at any cost that allowed the Su family to gather such a large number of top experts.

But now, once these fifty-odd people are captured by the Japanese government, their families will immediately become the oil bottle of the Su family!

Moreover, the Su family must not kick these oil bottles away, otherwise, no one will be devoted to the Su family in the future!

So, this time they really have to lose to grandma‟s house!

Chapter 1855

At the time when the two sides were deadlocked, the head of Japan‟s homeland security department had already flown to Osaka Airport by special plane.

With him, there was the Director of the TMPD.

Originally, they were under tremendous pressure and carried out a carpet investigation in Tokyo. They tried their best to catch the group of murderers, so that they could give the people an explanation and the high-level officials.

But what they didn‟t expect was that these murderers were more cunning than the foxes, and left no useful clues at all.

When they originally wanted to continue to expand their search range, they suddenly received a message from a mysterious man saying that the murderer had arrived in Osaka and would return to China by plane from Osaka. This shocked the people of the Department of Homeland Security!

If this group of people is really allowed to run away, this sensational massacre that caused a sensation across the country may not be broken for a lifetime.

At that time, the Japanese TMPD and the Homeland Security Department will be completely thrown into the mud, and even be scolded by thousands of people.

Therefore, the Homeland Security Department immediately made a decision to directly take over the case from the TMPD, and then notify the Self-Defense Forces in Osaka to take over and prevent the plane from taking off at all costs.

The Japanese Self-Defense Force has tens of thousands of troops stationed in Osaka.

Upon receiving instructions from the Homeland Security Bureau, they immediately dispatched the most powerful special forces to Osaka Airport.

Moreover, the Homeland Security Department even made an emergency plan to prepare a fighter squadron.

If the special forces fail to stop the private jet and allow it to take off, the Japanese SelfDefense Force‟s f35 fighter jet will immediately take off, trying to force it to return to Osaka Airport and land before it leaves Japan‟s airspace.

At this time, the special plane of the Department of Homeland Security just stopped, the person in charge immediately picked up the phone and asked: “How is the situation on the scene now? Is the other party‟s plane under control?!”

On the phone, the voice of the operational commander came immediately: “Now the opponent‟s aircraft is surrounded by our square-wheeled armored vehicles, and there is no possibility of breaking through, but the opponent has not yet been captured, we are already preparing for a storm!”

“Okay!” The head of the Department of Homeland Security gritted his teeth and said, “Give them one more minute. If they don‟t surrender obediently, immediately carry out a live ammunition attack! This time we must kill these cruel desperadoes in one fell swoop and give it to all of Japan. The people will not care!”

Following his order, four boarding vehicles with boarding ladders slowly drove towards Su‟s plane from both sides.

Four combat squads with live ammunition have assembled under the plane. Once the boarding car is aimed at the cabin door, they will quickly rush up, blow up the cabin door, and use flash bombs and tear gas to conduct the first round of attack.

Their firearms have also been inspected. The all-American assault rifles have very powerful firepower. Once the fire is exchanged, these Su family‟s subordinates have no power to parry.

At this time, Ruoli, through the window, saw the boarding car approaching, she was already extremely nervous, but she still didn‟t think about what to do.

Someone around her panicked and proposed: “Let‟s open the hatch and surrender honestly. If they attack by force, the bullet will not be long-sighted!”

“Surrender?!” Someone immediately scolded angrily: “d*mn! I killed four of the Matsumoto family alone. Isn‟t surrendering equal to death? I will definitely be sentenced to death by then!”

“The death penalty does not matter!” Another person blurted out: “The execution cycle of the death penalty in Japan is very long. Do you know the Shinrikyo who committed terrorist attacks at Tokyo subway stations before? Their leader Shoko Asahara used sand in 1995. Lin Duqi attacked the Tokyo subway and shocked the world, but he was not executed until 2018, and it has been delayed for more than 20 years! Even if we are sentenced to death, we can at least live in prison for more than ten or twenty years. It‟s better than being shot to death right now, right?”

“Yes!” Someone stood up, clenched a fist and said, “With our strength, even if we go to prison, we can definitely become a hegemon in the prison. No one will bully us. Then we can live even in prison. Very comfortable, why don‟t you think about it now?”

The conversation between these people immediately convinced most people.

If you can live, no one is willing to give up the hope of survival.

Even living in prison is much better than dying on the spot.

So everyone looked at Ruoli and blurted out: “Miss Ruoli, let‟s surrender!”

Chapter 1856

“Yes! Surrender!”

“Leave the green hills, I‟m not afraid that there will be no firewood!”

Zynn on the phone also gave a long sigh and said to Ruoli: “Ruoli, surrender, I will do everything possible to mediate with the Japanese side, and I will rescue you anyway…”

The string in Ruoli‟s mind was finally loosened. Although she was still unwilling, she nodded and said, “Patriarch, I know… you take care, if you can‟t Serving you is in control…”

Zynn was heartbroken, but he could only speak, “Trust me, I will definitely save you!”

“Well! I believe it!”

Ruoli said angrily, then hung up the phone and said to the flight attendant: “Okay, open the hatch!”

The flight attendant nodded immediately and opened the four front and rear hatches one after another.

Afterwards, they heard people shouting outside: “Everyone put your hands on top of your heads and line up to walk down the spiral staircase. Anyone who dares to play tricks will be killed on the spot!”

Ruoli sighed, stood up, and said to everyone with a sad expression: “It is also fate for everyone to work together, I hope you can take care of yourself!”

After speaking, she raised her hands above her head, and stepped out of the hatch first.

Outside the cabin, the helicopter kept roaring overhead, and the huge wind blew Ruoli‟s long hair and clothes.

Countless guns were pointed at her below, and someone shouted: “Come down slowly, put your hands on your head and let us see!”

Ruoli could only do so.

The moment she stepped down the spiral staircase, she was also flustered for her unknown future.

Because she didn‟t know what the end of waiting for herself was.

After all, she is the principal culprit. After being arrested, others will definitely confess her identity as the principal culprit.

If nothing else, the death penalty must be waiting for her. Unless Zynn can really save her, she will undoubtedly die.

When she stepped down the spiral staircase, several heavily armed self-defense team members rushed up and pressed her to the ground, then put her hands behind her back, and handcuffed her in handcuffs.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining fifty or so people stepped off the plane one after another, all of them were handcuffed back and squatting on the ground, the heads of the assault rifles against the back of the head.

Even the crew members were not spared, they were all caught by their accomplices.

Charlie stood in the cockpit of the plane behind, sneer in his heart as he watched the Su family get swept away.

These fifty-odd people are the claws and fangs of the Su family.

Now that they are all in the hands of the Japanese government, the Su family‟s vitality is greatly injured.

Su Family, I, Charlie, will definitely let you pay the price for the anti-wade Alliance back then!

Chapter 1857

After all the members of the Su family plane were under control, the Japanese Self Defense Forces began to clear the ground and gradually restore order at the airport.

They first drove over three buses with steel protective nets welded to their windows, so that everyone including Ruoli, under the watch of the self-defense team, boarded one by one.

In order to prevent these people from escaping as much as possible, the Japanese Self Defense Forces put two sets of handcuffs on everyone, besides, they also handcuffed them.

Not only that, but they also scattered these people and guarded them one-on-one.

The seat division on the bus has two seats on each side.

Therefore, every Su family in handcuffs was arranged to sit by the window, and then a self-defense team with live ammunition sat next to them to prevent them from having any chance to escape.

In addition, ten self-defense personnel armed with live ammunition were arranged in the corridor of the bus to guard all suspects in the vehicle. If there is any change, they will be shot and killed immediately.

Ruoli was leaning against the window with her face like ashes, looking out the window through the steel protective net.

The airport at this time was brightly lit.

For Ruoli, she should have taken off by plane and headed back home, but she never dreamed that she would become a prisoner.

She still couldn‟t figure out which link went wrong.

But she knew that she could not escape this time!

After a while, all of the Su family‟s men were escorted into the bus by the self-defense team.

As a result, the three buses started slowly under the escort of ten wheeled armored vehicles, ready to leave the airport.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents to the greatest extent, the Japanese Homeland Security Department plans to relocate all the more than 50 people from the Su family to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces station in Osaka.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding them, and no one can rescue them from there.

When the bus drove away from the scene, it happened to pass by the plane that Charlie was on behind.

The Gulfstream plane Charlie took was a small plane with about ten seats, and the fuselage was not too high.

And Ruoli was sitting on the bus, further shortening the height difference between the two.

When passing by this Gulfstream plane, Ruoli looked at the plane‟s cockpit, just like looking at the cab of an off-road vehicle from an ordinary car.

Leaning against the window of the car, she was so desperate, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a man who was somewhat familiar standing in the cockpit of a Gulfstream plane passing by.

She glanced at it, angrily almost exploded on the spot!

Because she recognized that on that plane, the man who was looking at her playfully was the man who sat next to her when she came to Osaka from Tokyo!

“Why is he on a private jet?”

“And, it‟s still behind our plane?”

“Why does the look in his eyes seem to play with me?!”

“And, why would he pretend to be a squinting ordinary person on the plane?!”

Countless questions suddenly gathered in Ruoli‟s brain.

She suddenly realized that the person who leaked her whereabouts was most likely the Chinese who flew to Osaka with her!

Ruoli couldn‟t help asking herself: “Who is he?!”

Charlie was not afraid of being seen through by Ruoli at this time, he kept looking at her in the bus with a mocking look.

Chapter 1858

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to him, Charlie had a frivolous smile on his mouth, looked at Ruoli, waved at her, and shouted: “Hi, beauty!”

Ruoli looked at him with cannibal eyes.

Although she couldn‟t hear what Charlie said, she could still easily recognize the mouth shape of the words Hi Beauty.

From Charlie‟s playful and ridiculous expressions, Ruoli realized that he was planted in the hands of this man.

She observed at Charlie fiercely with resentful eyes, and her teeth were almost crushed by her!

At the moment when the car and the plane interacted and the distance between the two was the shortest, Charlie made a decapitating gesture on his neck with his right hand.

This gesture made Ruoli immediately furious!

Suddenly she jumped up from her seat and shouted hoarsely: “Bad son! I will kill you myself!”

Charlie‟s hearing is much more sensitive than ordinary people, so he heard the woman‟s angry shout clearly.

Immediately, he smiled at Ruoli, and said with a smile: “I‟m waiting for you!”

Ruoli recognized this mouth shape clearly, and was even more sure that Charlie was the culprit who harmed her and more than fifty subordinates.

At this moment, she couldn‟t wait to eat Charlie alive!

However, the reality does not give her any chance of revenge at all.

The convoy had already begun to accelerate at this time, and soon passed by Charlie, and after leaving the airport, it drove towards the Self-Defense Force station.

At the same time, the airport staff had driven the plane towing it away, and at the same time the tower began to direct the airport to resume normal operations.

The captain beside Charlie said: “The tower has approved us to go to the runway and take off!”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled slightly, and said with satisfaction: “I have been out for so many days, it‟s time to go back!”

The plane quickly taxied to the end of the runway, then continued to accelerate on the runway, and finally took off and left Japan.


Although Charlie left Japan, Japan was already boiling!

All TV stations across the country are broadcasting major news urgently at this time.

During the news, the host excitedly introduced to the audience that the Tokyo Matsumoto family killing case shocked the whole country, 57 suspects have been arrested!

The news also specifically broadcast real shots of the capture scene.

The shocking scene of multiple armed helicopters, wheeled armored vehicles, and self defense team members encircling the entire aircraft is indeed jaw-dropping.

Soon, the news spread throughout Japan.

Zynn was in a hot spring hotel in Aomori Prefecture at this time. After reading this news, he angrily smashed everything that could be smashed in the hotel room, including the TV hanging on the wall!

This time, the Su family not only suffered heavy losses, but also disgraced!


The old Chengfeng, who was in Eastcliff, had received the news for the first time.

He called and blurted out and asked: “What‟s the matter?! What‟s the matter?! More than 50 people are captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces?! How did you lead the team?! If I didn‟t completely hand it over to you, you caused me such a disaster. You are trying to piss me off!”

Zynn suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in pain, “Dad! don‟t know what is going on, don‟t know who leaked the wind, but you should know that I don‟t want to see this scene more than you!”

As he said, he firmly grasped his hair with one hand, gritted his teeth and said word by word: “Although Ruoli‟s identity is shameful, she is my flesh and blood after all, and now even she has been arrested. It is very likely that she will be sentenced to death by the Japanese government. Do you understand what I feel, I am a father?”

Chapter 1859

Ruoli is only 21 years old this year.

Her actual age is one year younger than Zhiyu.

However, from her birth until the age of eighteen, Zynn didn‟t know her existence.

Ruoli‟s biological mother, whose real name is Roma, is the eldest daughter of the He family of China‟s four major martial arts families and one of Zynn‟s personal bodyguards.

Roma was not only beautiful, but also very capable. She was almost the leader of the Su family bodyguards at the time.

She was three years older than Zynn. When Zynn was fifteen years old, he went abroad to study. For his safety, Chengfeng asked the He family to come over and became Zynn‟s personal bodyguard.

That year, Roma was eighteen years old and had just grown up. 

Since that year, she has been with Zynn.

Accompany him abroad, accompany him to study, accompany him to hone his family business, and accompany him to travel around the world.

Even when Zynn frantically pursued his current wife Liona, Roma had been secretly guarding.

She joined the world to protect Zynn when he was ignorant, and had been guarding him for more than ten years. She had no understanding of other men at all, so it was natural for her to have a secret love for Zynn, who she was most familiar with.

Roma has always kept this love in her heart because of the differences in their identities, ages, and family background.

Until Zynn married Liona, Roma, who was nearly 30 years old, still didn‟t reveal what she thought of him.

In the second year of Zhiyu‟s birth, Zynn was 30 and Roma was 33. Zynn encountered a plot overseas. Roma tried her best to save him at the risk of her life, but she himself lost an arm because of this.

Roma, who became a disabled person, had a sharp decline in combat capability, so Zynn had to let her retire and return to He‟s home early.

When Roma was leaving, Zynn was also persevering.

After all, for the 30-year-old at the time, Roma had been with him almost every step of half of his life.

Therefore, he asked Roma if there was anything he could do for her.

Roma hesitated again and again, expressing the feelings she had buried in her heart for many years.

Zynn, who is usually hard-hearted, was also moved by Roma‟s confession.

That night, he had an excuse to go out and spent the n!ght out with Roma.

After that night, Roma left Zynn and returned to her hometown in Northeast China.

After more than nine months, Ruoli fell to the ground.

Ruoli did not have the surname Su at first, but followed her mother‟s surname.

The so-called Ruoli means Ruo Zhi Ruoli.

It also represents Roma‟s special feeling for Zynn in her heart.

Ruoli has been held in the palm of the hand by the He family since she was a child. She has never been to school. From the age of two to eighteen, she has been practicing ancient martial arts.

Therefore, at the age of eighteen, she surpassed her mother at the age of eighteen and became the strongest young woman in the He family.

After becoming an adult at the age of eighteen, Roma told her, her life experience.

In Roma‟s description, Zynn is a good father who values love and justice. The reason why he never cared about Ruoli is because he never knew her existence.

Therefore, Roma gave Ruoli two choices.

Stay and continue to practice martial arts in He‟s family; Or leave home to work for her biological father.

Chapter 1860

Ruoli considered for a long time and chose the latter.

Because she can faintly realize that this is the path her mother hopes to choose.

So, Roma changed her name to Ruoli Su, and then she was recommended to Zynn.

Zynn didn‟t know Ruoli‟s life experience at the beginning, but felt that this girl was extraordinary in strength, a manufacturable, and very much like Roma back then.

Ruoli also obeyed her mother‟s instructions, and didn‟t want Zynn to know this, but the old and cunning Chengfeng saw some clues from Ruoli.

He always felt that the look in Zynn‟s eyes was something wrong with this young girl.

This kind of wrong made him vigilant.

He was afraid that Ruoli was an undercover agent sent by his opponent, so he asked people to thoroughly investigate Ruoli‟s identity.

Going up the source step by step, he finally found Roma‟s body.

After learning that Ruoli might be Zynn‟s daughter, the father ordered someone to collect the hair of the two and quietly compare the DNA.

After getting the definite result, he told Zynn all this.

Zynn‟s first reaction was shock, and his second reaction was moved.

He is really why Roma is moved by his feelings.

After that night that year, she not only gave birth to his daughter, but also cultivated her into a talent, and quietly sent her back to him to protect him.

However, he was also worried about Ruoli‟s identity.

After all, Ruoli is the illeg!timate daughter of his derailed marriage.

If he lets his wife, children, and others know Ruoli‟s identity, then his image in their minds will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, with the wife‟s character, she will definitely choose to divorce him without hesitation.

Even with this mistake, nearly two decades have passed.

After the Old Master discussed with him, the two thought of a solution, pretending not to know.

Since Ruoli didn‟t want to disclose her identity and recognize him as the father, he didn‟t need to take the initiative to recognize this daughter.

Everyone keeps secrets in their hearts, and everything in life will not be affected by this.

In the past few years, Zynn took special care of Ruoli and even trained her as a leader of the Su family master team.

He felt that even if he couldn‟t show Ruoli a fatherly love, he must arrange her future properly so that she could realize her own life value in Su‟s house, and let her become a master in the future, and not worry about food and clothing.

But he never expected that a trip to Japan would ruin all of Ruoli‟s future, even her life.

So, how can he not suffer at this moment!

Chengfeng could understand his mood at this time. He was silent for a while, and sighed after a long while, saying: “The current situation is very unfavorable for the Su family. We have lost so many people at once. This matter will spread before dawn. All over the country, now we are like tigers with broken teeth. I am worried that the Wade family will be the first one to be unable to hold back! So you can‟t get too distracted by this matter, it‟s best to come back to China right away and discuss it together!”

Zynn choked and said, “Dad, I have a request, and I hope you can agree to it!”

Chengfeng hummed, “Say it, I‟ll listen to it!”

Zynn observed him and said, “At all costs, we must rescue Ruoli!”

Chengfeng said with emotion: “Zynn, this matter is really too ruthless! It is tantamount to slap the Japanese government in the face of the whole world. They will definitely deal with this kind of thing severely. If she is rescued, the cost may be too high for you to imagine!”

Zynn said seriously: “Ruoli‟s implementation is what I meant, so I am at fault in this matter!”

He said, “The Japanese government just wanted to catch the murderer and ensure justice, and give the people an account. They arrested more than fifty of our people, and one of the fifty-something is released. The core purpose has no effect, is it always okay to sell face?”

Chapter 1861

“Selling face?”

When Chengfeng heard this, he said with some emotion: “In this world, everything can be clearly priced. People say that the crime of killing his father is greater than the sky.

Then you give him 100 million, ten 100 million, or even 10 billion, 100 billion, there is always a price that can move him.”

After that, he changed his words: “But! The key is how much money it costs to buy this face? If it really costs 10 billion, or even 100 billion, do you want to buy it too?”

Zynn fell silent all at once.

He really wanted to save Ruoli.

Ruoli, she is her own flesh and blood. Tiger poison still doesn‟t eat her, how can he watch her die?

Ruoli, is the top master of the Su family, and she is still young, if she can be rescued, then she can make a great contribution to the Su family in the future.

However, no matter whether it is sentiment or reason, the cost must always be weighed before calculating the plan to be implemented.

If it is really necessary to pay a price of tens of billions or hundreds of billions, the Su family may not agree to it.

After all, apart from him and the Old Master, no one in the Su family knew that Ruoli was his daughter, and they thought it was a subordinate of the Su family.

It‟s fair to spend tens of millions for a subordinate. A top expert like Ruoli spends a few hundred million, and he just bites his teeth and accepts it.

But if you really want to spend more money, this matter will be clearly out of balance in the eyes of outsiders. At that time, even if they barely accept it, they will definitely wonder if there is any hidden truth in it.

Seeing that he fell silent, Chengfeng said with comfort: “Zynn, if Ruoli is the flesh and blood of the Su family, your daughter, and my granddaughter, I certainly hope that she will be safe, but when doing business, we must weigh the pros and cons in everything.

Disadvantages, or advantages equal disadvantages, can be done, but if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, don‟t force it.”

Zynn asked in anguish: “Dad, tell me, how much cost and price the Su family is willing to bear for Ruoli? We also paid a great price to rescue Zhifei and Zhiyu this time…”

Chengfeng thought for a while, and said: “if Ruoli is illegitimate after all, her identity is shameful, so I can‟t equate her with Zhiyu. Let‟s do it, within one billion, so that the accounting can be hidden. High, it‟s troublesome for other people or your wife to ask.”

Zynn hesitated for a moment and said, “Well, I will try it first, and I will fly to Osaka after a while to see if I can find the key person to mediate.”

Chengfeng said: “Don‟t go. The Japanese government has long known that you are behind the scenes, but they don‟t want to get into trouble with Su‟s family for the time being, so they won‟t go further after arresting those who did it. But if you still don‟t understand a little bit and leave Japan as soon as possible, in case there are changes in this matter, if someone among our people confessed your name, I‟m afraid the Japanese government will change their mind and take you!”

Zynn thought for a while, and felt that Dad‟s words made sense.

In this situation, the Japanese government has more or less sold the Su family for a little bit of face. As long as the murderer is brought to justice, they can not hold the Su family accountable.

But if he doesn‟t keep a low profile at this time, and instead goes to Osaka and try every means to mediate and save people, then he might be a bit shameless in the eyes of the Japanese government.

When the time comes, the Japanese government‟s lack of security will turn its face.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said, “I know Dad. I will fly back from Aomori early tomorrow morning.”

Chapter 1862

“Yeah.” Chengfeng said: “You have to adjust yourself, don‟t put all your thoughts on Ruoli. Now the Su family‟s trouble is even greater. After returning, we will have a meeting to discuss the feasible solutions at this stage. The plan, if we don‟t quickly fill up the lost power, some families will be ready to move!”

“Ok, I see!”


At this moment.

Eastcliff, Wade family.

The major news of the Su family in Japan has instantly detonated the entire Eastcliff public opinion.

All the families were shocked by this news, because no one expected that the Su family, as the top family in China, would suffer such a big loss and encounter such a big failure in Japan.

However, this news is a piece of huge bad news for the Su family, but for other families, it is a piece of good news that cannot be better!

The strength of the Su Family in Eastcliff is indeed too strong. Except for the Wade Family‟s barely able to fight them, the gap between the other families and them can be described as heaven and earth.

Now the strength of the Su family has been severely damaged. For other families, the gap with the Su family has naturally narrowed, so everyone is naturally happy to watch the Su family‟s jokes.

Among them, the Wade Family was naturally the most excited one, not all of them.

Zhongquan was pacing back and forth in the living room of the villa with excitement, saying, “The masters of the Su family have always been a problem to my heart, especially that Ruoli, young and strong, scary, and capable of doing things. She is very strong, and the execution is outrageous. She has always been a thorn in my eye and a thorn in my flesh. I didn‟t expect that this time the full fold will be in Japan! It is great!”

“Yeah!” Andrew on the side was also full of excitement: “The Su family is really losing money this time. The top masters have been swept up by Japan. For a long time in the future, they will all have their tails in their hands!”

Zhongquan nodded and asked him, “How is Morgan talking with Takehiko?”

Andrew shrugged: “Morgan met Takehiko at the hospital, but Takehiko doesn‟t seem to be interested in continuing this business at this stage, so he doesn‟t seem to be too caring.”

Zhongquan said: “It is understandable. After all, even ordinary people may not accept this kind of thing after losing their legs. What‟s more, Takehiko, Japan‟s top rich man, is understandable to face a period of depression.”

Andrew asked again: “Then should I let Morgan come back, or let him stay in Tokyo to see?”

Zhongquan thought for a while and said, “Let him stay in Tokyo first, and then visit Takehiko in two days. Maybe his attitude will loosen. Now there are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Let Morgan stay in Tokyo until the twelfth lunar month.

Then come back again.”

“Okay.” Andrew nodded and said, “Cynthia will go to Aurous Hill tomorrow morning. It would be great if Charlie is willing to come back for the New Year!”

Cynthia chuckled and said casually: “It is good if Charlie is willing to come back. If not, we can‟t force it…”

Zhongquan said very seriously: “The Wade family itself is not considered prosperous. If Charlie is willing to come back, it will not only give the Wade family a boost, but also lock us in a marriage partner in advance. I dare not say that he can do it. Zhiyu from the Su family, but at least that Sara from the Gu family is within easy reach. Marriage with the Gu family is not bad. At least the two can be combined to suppress the Su family!”

Chapter 1863

Charlie‟s plane landed safely at Aurous Hill Airport at around ten o‟clock that night.

In order to give Claire a surprise, he didn‟t tell her of his coming back tonight.

Issac had already arranged the convoy to pick up from the plane, so when everyone got off the plane, they shared several cars and went home.

Orvel and Liang left separately, and Issac took the initiative to drive Charlie back to Tomson, Charlie naturally did not refuse.

After getting in the car, Issac smiled and said to him as he drove, “Master this time we made the Su family so miserable. If the Su family knows about it, I‟m afraid it will be desperate with us…”

“It doesn‟t matter.” Charlie said with a smile: “The Su family is now hard to protect itself.

It has lost so many people. it will not be able to recover in a few years. It must be overwhelming in recent years.

“This is…” Issac sighed: “Ruoli, who was so distracted by the people of Eastcliff, was also brought in by you. The Su family really suffered a heavy loss this time.”

“Ruoli?” Charlie frowned and asked, “Who is Ruoli?”

Issac said: “This is the woman you greeted on the plane. She is Su Ruoli, one of the strongest players in the Su family.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked curiously: “Is she the heir of the Su family?”

“No.” Issac said: “She just happened to be Su. She joined the Su family at the age of 18 and it has only been three years now. However, in the past three years, there has been a lot of noise, and the strength is really intolerable.”

Charlie nodded lightly and smiled: “Unfortunately, I don‟t have a chance to discuss with her.”

Issac laughed and said, “Master she is also a master among ordinary people. How can she be compared with you? If you just say a word of thunder, I think Ruoli will turn to ashes!”

Charlie said indifferently: “Thunder this kind of thing can‟t be used too often, I have the opportunity in the future, I still hope to learn from real martial arts masters.”

Issac said: “The national martial arts masters are basically in Eastcliff. Some serve the top families.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “If I have the opportunity, I can go to Eastcliff again.”

While talking, Issac‟s cell phone rang suddenly.

He kept his cell phone on the cell phone holder in the car. He looked down and exclaimed: “Master it is your aunt who is calling…”

“My aunt?” Charlie frowned, and the image of a young woman appeared in his mind.

He had an impression of his aunt. Aunt Cynthia was two years younger than his father.

She was not close to his father before, and naturally she was not so close to a family of three.

In his memory, his aunt was a relatively snobby woman, because she felt that the uncle was the eldest son, so the aunt had been close to him since he was a child.

Moreover, because the uncle and dad were a little uncomfortable, the aunt stood in the uncle‟s camp. Before, she always tried every means to help the uncle run against his dad.

This was what bored Charlie.

Issac was also a little puzzled at this time, saying: “I have no contact with your aunt.

Don‟t know why she called me suddenly, so I will answer it first.”

“Good.” Charlie exhorted: “Don‟t disclose any information about me.”

“OK Master!”

Issac said, reaching out and pressing the answer button.

As soon as the phone call connected, he respectfully said: “Hello, Miss Wade!”

Issac was a subordinate of the Wade family, and the subordinates were called by the main family. Except for the Old Master, Andrew, Changying and Cynthia were all major members.

Chapter 1864

As for Charlie‟s generation, they are generally called Young Master and Young Miss.

On the phone, Cynthia spoke with a high-pitched tone, “Issac, are you in Aurous Hill recently?”

Issac hurriedly said respectfully: “Miss back, I‟m in Aurous Hill.”

Cynthia gave a hum, and said, “Tomorrow, vacate the presidential suite of Shangri-La Hotel, and arrange for a convoy to pick me up from the airport. I will fly there in the morning.”

Cynthia usually travels by private jet, so there is no specific departure time at all.

Get up early and go a little earlier; get up late and go a little later.

After listening, Issac asked in surprise: “Miss, you are coming to Aurous Hill?! Don‟t know what else needs to be prepared next?”

Cynthia asked, “What has Charlie been up to lately?”

“Young Master…” Issac glanced at Charlie, who was expressionless in the back seat, through the rearview mirror of the car, and said: “He is not busy, he should be at home with his wife. Right.”

Cynthia said in a somewhat contemptuous tone: “The dignified young master of the Wade family, it‟s not fine to join a low-class family in a third-rate city. Gave him an Emgrand group. If he doesn‟t manage it well, he only knows how to stay home with his wife and do housework every day. Pathetic!”

Issac was embarrassed and didn‟t know how to answer the conversation for a while.

After thinking for a while, he asked, “Miss, are you here this time to see Young Master?”

“Right.” Cynthia said, “Tomorrow night, let Charlie come to Shangri-La to see me, so I will invite him to dinner.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Oh, well, I‟ll talk to him later.”

“Yeah.” Cynthia said: “By the way, I am a person who recognizes a bed when sleeping. What brand of bed does the Master bedroom of your presidential suite use?”

Issac thought for a while and said: “It seems to be the black label series of Simmons in the United States, all imported with original packaging.”

Cynthia blurted out: “Replace it! Change to a bed from Swedish Heisteng, and ask for their high-end series.”

Heisteng‟s bedding can be said to be the most expensive bed in the world. Any entrylevel mattress costs hundreds of thousands, and a high-end series mattress costs millions.

If you add the bed frame, at least two million.

Even a five-star hotel would not use such an expensive bed.

But now that Cynthia has spoken, Issac can only agree and say: “Miss, Aurous Hill might not have a Heisteng store. In this way, I will arrange for someone to buy it at Zhonghai tomorrow morning, and then drive it back to replace it.”

“Yeah.” Cynthia‟s voice sounded satisfactory, and continued: “Yes, there are quilts. I want to cover the quilt made of Icelandic goose down. Arrange it as well for me.”

Iceland goose down is the world‟s top and most precious and rarest top down. It uses soft down on the bre@st and underarms of the Iceland goose duck. It is very precious and is made into a quilt, which costs at least one million.

In other words, if Cynthia came to stay one night, just preparing the bed and quilt would cost at least three million.

Issac did not dare to have any doubts, and immediately said: “OK eldest lady, I will do everything tomorrow.”

Cynthia hummed: “Okay, so be it, I‟ll hang up.”

After speaking, she directly hung up the phone.

Charlie frowned at this moment and asked: “My aunt, suddenly coming to see me, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?”

Chapter 1865

Hearing Charlie‟s question, Issac was also puzzled: “Master to be honest, don‟t know your aunt. In my capacity, it‟s actually difficult to have direct contact with the Wade family‟s direct members. Steward Stephen will have more daily contact with them. Why don‟t you call and ask him?”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently: “Forget it, it doesn‟t make sense to call and ask. Soldiers will stop you and the water will cover you. Let‟s see what she wants to do first.”

Issac asked again: “Then will you go to dinner with her tomorrow?”

Charlie nodded: “Go, if you set a time, tell me directly when the time comes, and you won‟t use it to pick me up, I will come by myself.”


Charlie thought of his aunt‟s previous appearance. In his mind, she was a relatively mean and evil woman. When he was five years old, she married a young master from a quasifirst-line family in Eastcliff, and later gave birth to a son. Don‟t know his name.

So Charlie asked Issac: “Old man, what is the status of my aunt at Wade‟s house now? It stands to reason that she is married, so she should not be able to intervene in family‟s affairs anymore?

Issac replied truthfully: “Master your aunt has separated from her lover a long time ago, and since the separation, she moved back to the family.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Separated? What‟s the matter?”

Issac chuckled and said, “In fact, we shouldn‟t say such things, but since you asked, Master I will tell you…”

Immediately, Issac gave a slight pause and explained: “When your Aunt married to the Sun family, although the Sun family is not as good as the Wade family, it is still a quasifirst-line family in the entire Eastcliff family. The overall strength is also very good.

However. Six or seven years ago, the Sun family bet on the steel industry and invested a lot of money to build a steel group. It coincided with the continuous collapse of the steel industry, so the Sun family also lost a lot of money, and the family industry lost at least half of its assets.”

Speaking of this, Issac smiled helplessly: “Since the sun‟s family was gone, your aunt had always wanted to get a divorce, but Master Wade felt that the divorce was detrimental, so he didn‟t let her leave. Fortunately, your aunt moved from the sun‟s family. Come out, went back to the Wade family, and then start working in the family again.”

Charlie nodded lightly and hummed: “It seems that my aunt is not a fuel-efficient lamp.”

Issac smiled and said: “Your aunt‟s temper is really bad, and she is also famous in Eastcliff, so when you meet with her tomorrow, if there is something wrong, don‟t be too impulsive.”

“Okay, I see.” Charlie smiled faintly and said: “In fact, I can guess without thinking, she probably wants me to return to Wade‟s house.”

“Yes.” Issac agreed and said: “I think so, but steward Stephen said that Master Wade really wants you to go back. Considering that you may be more resistant at first, so it didn‟t make this matter clear.”

Charlie smiled and said, “This time the Su family‟s accident, the Wade family should be very happy, right?”

Issac also smiled and said, “You really did a great favor to the Wade family. The Su family has not suffered such a big loss in many years. Master should be very happy.”

Charlie put away his smile, sighed, and his eyes became more determined and said: “These two families, whichever one is the only one, is cheaper than the other. One day, if I can step on them together, it will be considered a real success!”


When Issac drove to the door of Tomson, it was already eleven o‟clock at night.

Charlie carried the suitcase, walked into Tomson alone, came to the door of his villa, swiped his card directly into the yard.

The room was brightly lit. Charlie opened the door directly with fingerprints before his wife and father-in-law were asleep.

At this time, Claire, Jacob and Elaine‟s family of three are sitting in the living room, watching TV intently.

Chapter 1866

Claire heard the door ring, turned her head and found that it is Charlie. She ran over to him in surprise, and exclaimed in excitement: “Husband, why are you back today?

Yesterday you said I might have to wait for two more days?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Can‟t I surprise you!”

After speaking, Claire ran up to him and plunged into his arms.

In the past few days that Charlie went to Japan, Claire missed him every night.

Before that, she rarely felt this way.

Charlie missed her when he went to Eastcliff, but she didn‟t think so much.

Therefore, when she saw Charlie suddenly come back, she ignored her all-time reservedness and hugged him directly.

Charlie didn‟t expect that his wife would hug him directly in front of the old man and mother-in-law, and for a while, he was a little delighted and embarrassed.

So, he said to Claire: “Wife, if you want to hug, you have to wait until we return to the room. After all, your parents are still watching.”

Claire also recovered and blushed all of a sudden.

She was a little shy and fearful and said: “We just watched TV. It turned out that there was a massacre that killed more than 30 people in Japan a few days ago. It is really scary!”

Charlie asked in surprise: “Has it been reported in China?”

“Yeah!” Claire nodded and said seriously: “Several TV stations are broadcasting, and it seems that they are still sending out troops to arrest suspects at the airport. They at once arrested three buses. The law and order seems terrible. Now, I know if it was so messy over there, and I won‟t let you go if I knew anything!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don‟t know how messy there is, but it should be an accident.”

Elaine had already run over happily at this time and said excitedly: “Oh my dear son-inlaw, you are finally back! You don‟t know how much your mom missed you when you went to Japan these days!”

Jacob immediately dismantled the platform from the side and hummed: “You don‟t miss Charlie, you are thinking about what he brought you!”

Elaine immediately glared at Jacob and cursed: “Jacob, you don‟t bullsh*t! I said it from the bottom of my heart. Even if my good son-in-law doesn‟t bring me anything, I miss him!”

Elaine finished cursing in this voice, immediately turned to look at Charlie, and asked with a smile: “Good son-in-law, have you come back this time, have you brought a gift for mom?”

Charlie nodded: “Take it, take it all.”

With that, he took out the gift he bought.

He first took out the ring that was bought for Claire, handed it to his wife‟s hand, and said, “My wife, this is for you. Open it!”

Claire asked in surprise, “What is it?”

Charlie smiled and said, “You‟ll know by unpacking and taking a look.”

Elaine also hurriedly urged: “Claire, you quickly open it, and let Mom open her eyes to see what gift the good son-in-law has prepared for you!”

Chapter 1867

Seeing that Elaine was already full of eagerness, Charlie put the suitcase on the ground and was about to open it.

Elaine, who was on the side, could no longer hold it back, squatted down and said flatteringly: “Oh, my son-in-law, how can this kind of thing be bothering you? Mom will help you get it!”

Charlie smiled helplessly and did not object.

Elaine opened the box and saw a huge boss bag on the top. She couldn‟t help but said, “Hey, this boss should be men‟s clothing, right?”

Charlie nodded and said, “This is the suit I picked for dad. He is the standing director of the Painting and Calligraphy Association now. He always has social activities and so on. 

He is also a leader, and he is a little dignified to go out!”

Jacob was excited on the side: “Oh, Charlie, you are really a good son-in-law of Dad!

Dad has always wanted to buy a suit that can be worn out to drink tea, but I have been reluctant to start, but I did not expect you to do it for Dad! Thank you so much!”

Elaine curled her lips, took out the suit bag and threw it at Jacob‟s feet in disdain, and said contemptuously: “You old thing is also worthy of such a good suit? Look at your old face, are you worthy?”

Jacob angrily said, “Why am I not worthy? I am in my early 50s and I haven‟t gotten blessed yet. Unlike you, the whole body is out of shape!”

“What are you talking about?!” Elaine suddenly exploded, and blurted out: “You dare to say that I am out of shape?! Aren‟t you tired of life and crooked?”

Jacob hurriedly shrank his neck and said angrily, “I was just kidding…”

Elaine glared at him fiercely, and then said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, what boss suit do you buy for him? Just his old thing, wearing a fake is worthy of him. I saw you last time. The fake Rolex you found for him is not bad, and it‟s good enough to match his bad Old Master!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Mom, Dad‟s suit doesn‟t have much money. It‟s a discount. The gift I bought for you is much more expensive than this.”

When Elaine heard this, she immediately smiled and said happily: “Really? Ouch! My good son-in-law loves me! What gift did you buy for mom, show it to mom!”

Charlie took out the two Tiffany boxes, and handed the larger one to Elaine.

“Mom, this is for you.”

Elaine looked at the Tiffany logo on the package and immediately danced with excitement: “Oh! Tiffany! This…this is a big international brand!”

Having said that, she immediately opened the package and couldn‟t wait.

After that, she opened the exquisite Tiffany jewelry box again, and when she glanced at it, she found a golden bracelet full of diamonds lying inside, and she was suddenly surprised!

“d*mn! I know this bracelet! It sells for hundreds of thousands in China! It‟s certainly not cheap to buy in Japan?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Mom likes it, it doesn‟t matter if it costs more money or less.”

Elaine smiled: “Why don‟t I say that my son-in-law is the best!”

After finishing speaking, hurried up and put the bracelet on her hand, and watch carefully from all angles under the light. While observing, she exclaimed: “This Tiffany thing is done well! The workmanship is fine, and there is no fault at all! It‟s so good with my temperament in my hands.”

Although Jacob secretly curled his lips on the side, he did not dare to say anything ironically.

At this time, Charlie took out another smaller gift box from the suitcase and handed it to his wife.

Chapter 1868

“My wife, this is for you, open it and see if you like it!”

Claire was surprised and said: “Bought it for me too? Husband, it is not easy for you to make money. I usually don‟t see you spend money for yourself, and you always buy things for me when you go out…”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Silly girl, Charlie is an absolute model of a good man who loves you, admires you, and spoils you! Look at your dad, this old stingy man. When did he give me any valuable things? ?”

Jacob said angrily: “You used to control the financial power of the family. I don‟t even have pocket money. What can I give you something?”

Elaine sipped: “I‟m pooh! Even if the husband has no money, he will do everything possible to give things to his wife. How about you? You will make excuses for having no money. Haven‟t you hidden private money yourself for so many years?”

Jacob picked up the suit Charlie gave him and hummed: “I won‟t tell you about these useless ones. I will go back to my room and try the suit my good son-in-law bought me!

It happens that the Calligraphy and Painting Association will have activities tomorrow. I will wear this new suit then?!”

Claire had already carefully unpacked the gift box.

When she saw a brilliant diamond ring in the jewelry box, she was shocked and covered her mouth!

Elaine‟s eyes widened several times and exclaimed: “Mom! Such a big diamond?! Should it be a three carat?!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Then you really know the goods, the main diamond on this ring is 3.2 carats!”


Elaine felt her scalp numb, and exclaimed: “So big?! This is not a millions?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Renminbi is only eight hundred thousand!”

“It‟s only eight hundred thousand?!” Elaine touched her chest, and said with emotion “My dear! My son-in-law is really good at it! Eight hundred thousand diamond ring, only eight hundred thousand, really. Great wealth! Great! Great!”

Claire beside her couldn‟t help being shocked, and said, “Charlie, you are busy running around every day, and it is not easy to make money. Why buy me such expensive things… The ring is so expensive, I can‟t wear it out, isn‟t it a waste of money…”

Charlie said seriously: “My wife, we have been married for so long and haven‟t bought you a ring. Just treat this ring as my belated wedding ring for you!”

Claire‟s eyes were moved with tears.

She looked at Charlie and choked: “If you really want to buy a wedding ring, then you can buy one for 20,000 or 30,000. Don‟t buy such an expensive one…”

As she said, she wiped her tears and continued: “And look at you…every time you just buy things for me and parents, but never buy things for yourself, how can I live in my heart? Go willingly…”

Charlie smiled slightly, took out the ring, and took his wife‟s right hand, and said seriously: “Claire, it is my blessing to marry you. Thank you for your persistence for so many years. This ring is what I, as your husband owe you, now I will make up for it, you must accept it!”

“Yeah!” Elaine also helped to echo: “Daughter, look at how good Charlie is and takes care of you so much! You must have a good time with Charlie. The most important thing is to have a baby quickly!”

Claire was still moved by Charlie‟s affectionate confession, but when she heard this, she blushed immediately.

At this time, Charlie carefully put the ring on her right ring finger and said with a smile: “Wife, company is the most affectionate confession, thank you for being with me all these years!”

Chapter 1869

At this time, Claire was already moved to tears.

Looking back on the years of marrying Charlie, she was also filled with emotion deep in her heart.

Back then, grandpa insisted on letting her marry Charlie, she didn‟t understand, and the whole family strongly opposed it, but grandpa still used his Carden to make her compromise.

However, forced marriage made her misunderstand marriage from the beginning.

After marrying Charlie, the marriage she thought was to follow her grandfather‟s request and be Charlie‟s wife. The two would live together like that. It didn‟t matter whether it was suitable or not, it didn‟t matter whether she liked it or not.

Therefore, the two have respected each other for a long period of time. Although they are nominally husband and wife, they are actually just strangers living under the same roof.

Especially when he first got married, Claire also suffered strong pressure from all sides because of Charlie‟s identity.

At that time, everyone was in her ears and kept telling her: Charlie is a Rubbish, a d*ck, and a rubbish. She shouldn‟t be with Charlie, and divorce Charlie quickly.

But for her at that time, since she chose to marry him, no matter whether she was willing or not, she didn‟t want to embark on the road to divorce.

After all, Charlie has never done anything to miss.

Later, in her post-marriage life with Charlie, she gradually saw the shining points on Charlie‟s body, and gradually developed a little affection.

However, she has never understood what it is like to like and love.

After all, Claire had never been in a relationship before, and she was relatively ignorant and stupid about feelings, so that the two of them had been so confused to this day.

And now, facing Charlie‟s affectionate confession, she suddenly felt a feeling of extreme acceleration in her heartbeat, which made her short of breath and dizzy.

Of course, she was moved to tears.

Elaine on the side saw this scene with joy in her heart.

She really felt that Charlie was indeed a good son-in-law who could stand the test.

In the past, those rich second generations who liked Claire, although they were extremely flattering to her, there were few who could really do Charlie‟s steps.

Looking back in the past, she treated Charlie so much and insulted him so much. He still took his respect for his mother-in-law and always called her a mother. From this point of view, Charlie is a good young man who repays his grievances with virtue.

What‟s more, she has repeatedly caused serious disasters, and in the end it was Charlie who helped her settle, and even saved her life more than once. These are classic models for repaying morality!

The most important thing is that Charlie is finally promising now.

A Tomson villa worth more than 100 million and two BMW cars were all earned by Charlie. Every time he went out to show others Feng Shui, he would buy her many expensive gifts.

Such a son-in-law, to be honest, is really hard to find with a lantern.

Moreover, he is really good and caring for her daughter, which is even more rare.

So she hurriedly said to Claire: “Claire, Charlie must be tired after flying back so late. You two should go back to the room and take a sh0wer together and go to bed early!”

“Ah?” Claire was startled, her face flushed immediately, and said at a loss:“Mom…you…what are you talking about…what together… a bath…”

Elaine said solemnly: “Isn‟t it normal for a couple to take a bath together? It just so happens that the bathroom in our big villa also has a luxurious bathtub. That bathtub is suitable for two people. You can also wipe Charlie‟s back or something. , How great…”

Claire was so embarrassed that she couldn‟t wait to get in.

Although she is now more than 20 years old, in fact, she is still a little girl who has never been in a relationship before.

Elaine suddenly asked her to take a b@th with Charlie and asked her to wipe Charlie‟s back. She couldn‟t adapt at all, she was ashamed and embarrassed.

Chapter 1870

Charlie knew that his wife was a shy woman, and she had no experience in that aspect.

How could she be able to hold Elaine‟s ridicule.

So he hurriedly said: “Mom, at first she feels thin-skinned, so don‟t shame her.”

Elaine smiled and said, “Claire, have you seen it? Charlie thinks more of you!”

As she said, she stretched her waist and said, “I won‟t talk to you anymore. I have to go back to my room and take pictures of my bracelet. You guys should rest early!”

While talking, Jacob walked out of the elevator wearing a brand-new boss suit.

As soon as he saw the three of them, he walked around the elevator entrance with a smug look, and smiled: “Look, the old Willson still has some foundation, this suit is almost tailor-made, you just say I have this figure. It‟s rare in the world to be blessed in the fifties!”

At this time, Jacob, wearing a high-end and decent suit, did look very stylish. In addition, he did a good job in body management. At first glance, he really did not look like a person in his 50s.

But Charlie knew very well in his heart that Jacob was actually a lazy man, and he didn‟t exercise much at all. The reason why he could keep his figure so good was completely tortured by Elaine for so many years.

Although Elaine has converged a lot now, the former Elaine is simply a female devil.

Whoever puts on a wife like this will be awful and dying. She is bored and bored every day. She doesn‟t even have any appetite for eating, and she doesn‟t want to gain weight.

It‟s too impossible.

So Charlie praised: “Dad, you are dressed like this, and you look like you are forty years old. You really have a very good temperament!”

“Yeah! Hehehe!” Jacob smiled triumphantly, and said: “When I was in college back then. 

It was also a famous school grass, not much worse than those little fresh meats now!”

Claire shook her head helplessly: “Dad, when can you be a little humble? If you say this, it will make people laugh!”

Jacob curled his lips and said, “What are you afraid of? Your father, I put it in the pile of old men. That is definitely one of the best. To use an idiom to describe it, it‟s called a triumphant crowd!”

Elaine looked at Jacob, who was young and styled, and felt really uncomfortable.

She couldn‟t help thinking in her heart: “Jacob‟s dog stuff, it‟s really like that to clean his my figure, he has been getting blessed all these years, and he is getting a little out of control! During this period of time at home, my legs have been injured. , And even a serious lack of exercise, which leads to continuous weight gain! No! I must lose weight and get back to my body! Nothing can make me comparable to Jacob!”

So Elaine gave Jacob an unconvinced glance, did not speak to him, but said to Charlie and Claire: “I‟m going back to the room, and you two will go back to rest soon.”

Claire blushed and responded, “Okay mom, you go back to the room and rest!”

Jacob also said: “Charlie, you go back to your room early to rest. You must be tired after running around for so many days. Let Claire put some hot water for you and take a good bath!”

Claire couldn‟t help but feel ashamed when she thought of what her mother said just now, but when she thought about it, her husband was really working hard. Taking a bath can relax a lot, and the feeling of exhaustion will definitely be greatly improved.

So she said to Charlie: “Charlie, you can chat with dad for a while, I‟ll go up and ready some water, and you can take a bath in ten minutes.”

Charlie nodded.

After Claire and Elaine took the elevator upstairs together, Jacob pulled Charlie to make him a cup of tea to relieve his fatigue.

As soon as Charlie sat down, the phone buzzed.

Looking down, it was an unfamiliar number from Eastcliff, so he stood up and said to Jacob, “Dad, I‟ll answer the phone.”

Jacob said: “Answer the phone right here, go out?”

Charlie nodded: “The customer is calling.”

After speaking, he stepped out of the door.

When he came to the yard, Charlie pressed the answer button and said, “Hello, who is it?”

On the phone, a woman‟s enthusiastic voice came: “Oh, Charlie, I am your aunt! For so many years, your aunt really missed you so much!”

Chapter 1871

If it weren‟t for the phone call between his aunt and Issac on the way home, Charlie at this moment would really believe that the enthusiasm of the woman on the phone really came from the heart.

So, he simply pretended to be very surprised, and said with a smile: “Auntie, it‟s really you? Why would you remember to call me?”

Cynthia actually didn‟t want to call Charlie either.

She had already passed the order to Issac, so that Issac would directly inform Charlie to go to Shangri-La for dinner tomorrow.

However, Mr. Wade came to her specifically just now and asked her to call Charlie herself.

But it can also appear that she is more sincere, and, after all, she and Charlie have not seen each other for so many years. A call ahead of time to get in touch with each other is tantamount to warming up in advance. For the next plan to persuade Charlie to go home, also Will help.

So she smiled and said: “Charlie, I haven‟t seen you for so many years, your aunt has always been thinking about you. I wanted to see you in Aurous Hill a long time ago, but I heard Stephen say that you don‟t want to come back temporarily, so I just I didn‟t bother you…”

With that said, she asked with great concern: “Charlie, how have you been all these years?”

Charlie felt a little nauseous in his heart, but he kept politely saying, “Everything is fine for me, thank you aunt for your concern.”

Cynthia breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “You have a good time, auntie can‟t be more pleased!”

After that, she said again: “By the way, Charlie, I called you, mainly because I want to come to Aurous Hill to see you tomorrow and ask you out for a meal. I wonder if you have time?”

Charlie asked in surprise, “You are coming to Aurous Hill tomorrow?”

“Yes!” Cynthia said: “Actually, I wanted Issac to notify you, but I thought about it, the aunt and nephew have not seen each other for so many years, so I called you personally.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Okay, when will you arrive tomorrow, I will invite you to dinner!”

Cynthia smiled and said, “Let‟s have dinner in Shangri-La tomorrow night. I have already told Issac.”

“Okay.” Charlie did not hesitate, and agreed without thinking, “Then see you in ShangriLa tomorrow night.”

Cynthia smiled and said, “Well, well, then I‟ll see you tomorrow!”

Charlie hung up Cynthia‟s phone, the smile on his expression gradually disappeared.

He has no affection for all the people named Wade, whether it is his grandfather, his uncles, or his aunt.

Before investigating the cause of his parent‟s death, the Wade family was the biggest suspect in his eyes.

Back in the room, Claire had already set a bathwater for him.

After taking a bath, Charlie went back to bed to sleep.

Claire, like a child waiting to hear the story, asked him if he had encountered any interesting things in Japan.

Charlie told Claire what had happened between the three big families in Tokyo.

However, he deliberately picked himself out of this series of events, not daring to let Claire know that he was deeply involved in it.

He just told her that his clients in Japan happened to have some relationship with these families, so he got some first-hand inside information.

Claire was shocked to hear Charlie talk about these incredible things.

The elements of big family, ninja, and assassination sound not only incredible, but also new.

Therefore, Claire was very happy to listen to it, and entangled Charlie to talk about it until it was too late.

Chapter 1872

The next day, Claire got up early to go to work at the company.

Charlie had eaten breakfast made by Elaine, and spent the whole day thinking about Cynthia‟s affairs.

Since Stephen found him, until now, the Wade family has never directly appeared in his life.

Charlie, also liked this situation where he didn‟t have to deal with the Wade family.

However, Cynthia broke the silence between him and the Wade family this time, which  also means that the Wade family has begun to want to win over him, and for whatever purpose they do not want for him to stay in Aurous Hill.

Even if he saw his aunt today and refused her request, the Wade family would definitely give up.

It seems that the Wade Family will become a long-term trouble for him in the future.


At 5:30 in the afternoon, Charlie said hello to his mother-in-law Elaine, telling her that he would have something tonight and not eat at home.

Later, he went out alone and took a taxi to Shangri-La.

Issac wanted to pick him up by car, but Charlie refused.

The Wade family always thought that Issac was theirs. If Issac behaved too diligently to him, the Wade family might be aware of the abnormality.

When Charlie arrived at the Shangri-La catering department, Issac was already waiting here in person.

Seeing Charlie arrived, Issac immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: “Master you are here.”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “Where is my aunt? Is she here?”

“Here.” Issac wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered: “Your aunt said that she was a little tired. I arranged for a spa masseur to go to her room to serve her. It will take more than half an hour to finish the work.”

Charlie smiled faintly: “All right, then take me to the box first.”

Issac hurriedly said, “You two will have dinner in the sky garden tonight.”

Charlie couldn‟t help but frown. He remembered the Hanging Garden, where the wedding he had made up for Claire was held there.

The Hanging Garden is a huge banquet hall with no boxes and translucent glass around it. It is usually a dining place for top Shangri-La members. Choosing to eat there will inevitably be seen by other guests.

So Charlie asked him, “Are there many guests tonight? In case many people see me having dinner with her, and then recognize her, it might expose my identity.”

Issac shrugged and said, “Don‟t worry, Shangri-La tonight has completely cleared the entire catering department. Whether it is the outside box or the sky garden, there are no other guests tonight.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “It‟s not enough to clear a sky garden? The boxes, Chinese restaurant and western restaurant outside are also cleared?”

“Yes.” Issac said: “The catering department will only entertain you and your aunt tonight.”

Charlie said awkwardly: “There is no need to toss like this, just find a higher-grade box?”

Issac lowered his voice and said in Charlie‟s ear: “Master you may not know your aunt, she has always been like this.”

After speaking, Issac said again: “Your aunt usually has eyes above the top, and she has always sneered at a third-tier city like Aurous Hill, and asked her to eat with locals in a third-tier city like this. In her eyes, it‟s an insult to her…”

“What insult?” Charlie said with a bit of disgust: “No matter how pompous you are, don‟t you still have to eat, drink and sleep like ordinary people? What‟s the point of doing this kind of specialization everywhere?”

Chapter 1873

Charlie stepped into the restaurant department of Shangri-La.

The huge food and beverage department is indeed empty today.

The waiters also evacuated a lot of arrangments. According to Issac, he was afraid that there would be too many waiters, which made Cynthia upset.

Charlie walked through the outer restaurant of the catering department and came directly to the Hanging Garden in the center. In the Hanging Garden Banquet Hall at this time, the eighty-eight banquet tables have been completely removed, and only one is left in the center. A well-made Western-style dining table.

Charlie didn‟t need to think about it. The removal of the eighty-eight banquet tables and chairs must have been instructed by his aunt.

Therefore, he felt a little upset in his heart.

Although Charlie hadn‟t met this aunt until now, he felt very disgusted by his aunt‟s style of being a relative of the ancient emperor.

Even if Charlie now has nearly 60 billion in cash in his bank card, he still has no intention of showing off.

Not to mention that eating a meal is a waste of time and money, even if he is allowed to eat a bowl of beef noodles for ten at a roadside ramen restaurant, he will not feel anything wrong.

Moreover, in order to have a meal, the entire Shangri-La field and the entire Hanging

Garden were emptied, and it was really impossible for Charlie to experience any superiority.

On the contrary, this will make him very repulsive and resistant.

Accompanied by Issac, Charlie came to the only table.

The dining table is about two meters long and one meter wide, with two seats placed at both ends.

Issac personally opened one of the seats for Charlie and said, “Master I have to apologize for keeping you waiting here for a while.”

Charlie nodded lightly and said, “Okay, go ahead and wait for her here. I will just play on my mobile phone.”

Issac asked hurriedly, “Master would you like to drink something first, I‟ll let someone help you prepare it.”

Charlie said, “Just give me a glass of boiled water.”

“OK, Young Master.”

Charlie sat at the dining table alone, fiddling with his cell phone, just in time to receive a message from Nanako: “What is Master Wade doing?”

Charlie smiled knowingly when he saw her message, and replied, “Preparing to eat outside, how about you?”

Nanako replied: “I just came back from the hospital and accompanied my father in the hospital.”

Later, Nanako sent another message: “Master, does your wife like the ring you gave? Is the size of the ring still appropriate?”

Charlie replied: “She liked it, thank you for helping me try the ring, the size of the ring is also very suitable.”

Nanako sent a smiling face and said, “That would be great! It will be the Chinese Lunar New Year in four days. I wish Master Wade a Happy New Year in advance!”

With a smile on his face, Charlie typed his fingertips and replied: “Thank you! How is Mr. Ito doing?”

Nanako replied: “The doctor said that after a few days of training, he can be discharged from the hospital.”

“That‟s good.” Charlie just sent these three words, and at the entrance of the Hanging Garden, a woman dressed in luxurious and splendid walked in.

This woman, looking at her age, is about forty years old, wearing a limited edition Chanel costume, with short and medium hair dyed in yellow. Her face was not beautiful, except for her indifferent appearance. Kind of a very mean feeling.

This woman is Charlie‟s aunt, Cynthia.

Chapter 1874

Cynthia walked very fast, the stride meteor came in and went straight to the dining table where Charlie was.

And Issac followed her step by step with a respectful attitude.

When Charlie was still a few meters away, Cynthia smiled and said, “Oh, Charlie, I haven‟t seen him for so many years, and he has grown into a handsome young man!”

Charlie looked at Cynthia and found some childhood memories on her face.

So he laughed and said, “I will be 27 years old soon, and I am not a big or small guy anymore.”

Cynthia looked very intimate, and said with a smile: “Oh, you look so much like your dad! It‟s like a mold!”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Compared with the previous years, Auntie seems to have not changed much.”

Cynthia laughed and said: “A dozen or twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I am almost 50 years old. How could I be the same as before.”

At this time, Issac had already taken Cynthia‟s seat away carefully.

When Cynthia sat down, he glanced at Charlie‟s side, and saw that Charlie had always been sitting on the chair, but he hadn‟t stood up before she took a seat. She couldn‟t help feeling a little dissatisfied.

According to the rules, the younger generation at the dinner table should stand up and wait respectfully when the elders arrive.

If the elders speak, the younger ones must bend over and lower their heads to listen carefully;

If the elder is seated, the younger must wait until the elder is seated and when the elder indicates only then he can sit.

But Charlie did well, his looked like he was on a chair all the way, not to mention standing up, he didn‟t even bother to move. 

Cynthia felt annoyed all at once.

She actually didn‟t have a good impression of Charlie.

If Charlie keeps missing, never shows up again, it is naturally best for her.

But she didn‟t expect that this kid had been missing for so many years, and suddenly jumped out to divide the assets of the Wade Family.

What made her even more unacceptable was that the Old Master gave him Emgrand Group and 10 billion cash, which was not enough, and he wanted him to return to the Wade family.

She looked at Charlie, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, had an easy-going temperament, and had some ignorance of etiquette, and she said in her heart: “What qualifications does such a person have to return to the Wade family? Any direct member of the Wade family has received aristocratic education since childhood. Then he went abroad to receive advanced studies. Compared with Charlie, who only spent a year as a senior in Aurous Hill, it is almost a heaven and earth difference. Letting such a semiilliterate return to Wade Family will definitely lose Wade Family‟s face!”

However, although Cynthia didn‟t like Charlie very much in her heart, she did not dare to refuse the father‟s explanation.

After all, after she and her husband were completely separated, her wishful thinking was to return to the Wade family, so that in the future, she would get a share of the family‟s assets.

But after all, she was a married woman, and she wanted to return to her natal family to separate the family property. She herself was very repelled by the Andrew and Changyun brothers.

In this case, if Cynthia still wants to get some of her assets, she must have her father‟s strong support.

Therefore, she has always been the only one in the Wade family.

She usually has eyes above the top, no one is in the eye, and everyone does not dare to contradict her, but she did not dare to disobey the Old Master.

Moreover, whenever the Old Master confessed to her, she always went all out to make the Old Master happy.

Therefore, she also warned herself in her heart: “This time, I have to do the things my father arranged for me beautifully! Let‟s not say that I can persuade Charlie to return to the Wade family, at least let him agree. For the Lunar New Year, he has to go back to Wade‟s house to spend time with the Old Master!”

Thinking of this, she suppressed her dissatisfaction with Charlie, and said with a smile: “Charlie, you have really suffered in Aurous Hill these years. My family hasn‟t seen you for so many years, and all of them miss you very much. When do you want to come home and have a look?”

Chapter 1875

“Come home and have a look?”

Charlie couldn‟t help but smile when he heard these words.

Cynthia saw that he had a fake smile on his face, so she said, “Charlie, people say that you are leaving home to be the boss. Now that you are no longer young, you should come back and have a look after you have been away for so many years.”

Charlie nodded, agreeing: “You are right. After leaving for so long, I should take time to go back and have a look.”

As he said, he smiled and said, “Well, I‟ll arrange a time later, and I will check it out if I have time.”

Charlie seemed to have agreed to Cynthia‟s proposal, but in fact it was nothing more than a drag formula.

After a while, to arrange another time, is basically tantamount to nowhere. Anyway, his only idea is to deal with today.

Of course, Cynthia also knew Charlie‟s plan, and immediately said, “Charlie, don‟t have any resistance to your family. My family has always cared about you very much. Don‟t forget, your grandfather heard that you were in Aurous Hill. He Immediately asked Stephen to buy you the Emgrand Group and transfer 10 billion in cash. It is reasonable. 

You should also come back and meet the Old Master, what do you think?”

Charlie asked back: “Aunty, is it true that I just have to go back and have a look, and this matter is settled?”

Cynthia‟s dissatisfaction has grown stronger.

In her opinion, Charlie was indeed a little ignorant of good and bad.

Wade Family asked her to come all the way to ask him to go back. This is already a shame for her. If he knows a little bit, he should immediately agree to it, and then go directly with her plane back to celebrate the New Year.

Unexpectedly, he actually played hide and seek with her here, and he even said nothing.

So, she said to Charlie with a slightly displeased expression: “Charlie, your grandfather invested 110 billion in you. This amount of money is nothing to the Wade family, but it is purely from Quantitatively speaking, it is definitely a huge sum of money. Is it possible to invest so much in you so that you can only go back and take a look?”

Charlie looked at Cynthia and asked seriously: “Auntie, what exactly does the Wade family want from me? You don‟t have to hide it here. Let‟s open the skylight to speak up.”

Cynthia hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, “Well, since you said that, then I won‟t go around with you.”

As she said, Cynthia sat up straight and said with a serious expression: “Your grandfather meant to let you come back to Wade‟s house to spend a reunion year together.”

Charlie raised his eyes and asked with interest, “Did it break? What happened?”

Cynthia said: “You have nothing more than an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill, and a family of your current wife.”

Chapter 1876

As she said, Cynthia stretched out a finger and said arrogantly: “First of all, regarding the Emgrand Group, you can continue to ask Doris to help you take care of it at that time.

We have investigated this person, and she has the ability, and during this period of time.

The Emgrand Group has developed well in her hands, so you can rest assured to hand it over to her.”

After that, Cynthia stretched out another finger: “Secondly, your current wife, Claire‟s family. We have investigated the situation of the Willson family. To be honest, such a family can not even count as a bullsh*t in front of the Wade family. No! How can their family be the Wade family‟s in-laws?”

Cynthia had already looked disgusted at this time, and said, “So, I advise you to leave that Claire as soon as possible and draw a clear line with their family. It is best to give them a sum of money directly and let them get away forever. Leave China so that no one will make a big fuss about them in the future and satirize our Wade family man who is hungry and does not choose food!”

Charlie‟s face immediately became a little ugly when he heard this, and his voice became colder and colder. He said, “Auntie, my marriage is my own business, and it has nothing to do with you or the Wade family. So, please don‟t interfere with the Family!”

Cynthia sighed and persuaded: “Charlie, don‟t be so arrogant. Think about it yourself.

You are a descendant of the Wade family! Choose ten of the richest second generations in the country with the highest status and you will definitely be there. For a seat, how could the girl with the surname Willson be worthy of you? She wouldn‟t even be qualified to carry your shoes! In ancient times, she wouldn‟t even had the qualifications to be your housekeeper!”

Charlie said with a bit of sullen tone: “Auntie, she is my wife at first, and she married me when I was at the bottom of my life. I would never divorce her, I don‟t need to divorce her!”

Cynthia said with regret: “Charlie! Don‟t use emotions!”

Charlie said coldly: “Emotional matters, of course, I must be emotional!”

Cynthia blurted out: “As a descendant of a wealthy family, feelings are not even a bullsh*t! Do you remember your uncle? He is also a kind of talent. He has treated me well for so many years, but what about it? Once his family strength couldn‟t match I separated from him!”

Immediately afterwards, Cynthia said unwillingly: “If it weren‟t in your grandfather‟s opinion, woman‟s initiative to divorce will affect her reputation, and if I was not allowed to go through the divorce formalities, I would have severed all relations with him! You are a man, at all. Don‟t worry about the impact of divorce on your reputation, you just divorced the surname Willson, and returned to Eastcliff to marry a well-known eldest lady. The future is boundless!”

Charlie sneered and said, “I‟m sorry, I am more emotional. If you can do something like this, I can‟t do it!”

Seeing that Charlie did not accept her suggestion, Cynthia immediately said: “Charlie! You have to find out that Wade Family‟s hands are one of the best in the whole country!

Any woman who wants to marry into our Wade family, must have a family background that matches the Wade family! Otherwise, it will drag my Wade family back and shame my family‟s face! The Wade family‟s face must not be ruined by you or ruined by the surname Willson in the hands of the humble family!”

Charlie said coldly: “I‟m sorry, although I am a Wade, I am not someone you can control and control at will. I am in charge of my marriage. No one else has the right to interfere. 

The same is true for you!”


Cynthia was furious at that moment. She slapped the table and stood up and shouted angrily: “Charlie! You thought I was talking to you in a good voice, and I was discussing it with you?!”

“What?” Charlie asked her coldly, “Are you going to force me to get a divorce?”

Cynthia scolded, “You are the heir of the Wade family! You must follow the arrangements of the Wade family. What‟s more, do you think the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash are given to you in vain?! If you are not obedient, the Wade family can support you, just I can step on you!”

Charlie was also immediately furious, and he said coldly: “You don‟t want to talk about the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash here! The reason why the Wade family was able to advance by leaps and bounds and stand at the top of the country was due to my father‟s dedication. Plowing, and strategizing decision-making! If the property is counted, my father owns at least a quarter of the Wade family‟s asset inheritance rights.

If that is the case, let alone 110 billion, even 110 trillion, I deserve it! “

Speaking of this, Charlie‟s tone became more severe, and he scolded: “My father did so much for the Wade family, but how did you return him? You forced our family of three out of Eastcliff! In the end, my parents died tragically. ! I haven‟t settled this account with you yet!”

Chapter 1877

Cynthia didn‟t expect Charlie to dare to talk to her like this!

Moreover, when Charlie said that he should inherit a quarter of Wade Family‟s assets, she was immediately furious!

So, she shouted directly: “b*stard! You are too high on yourself! Why should you inherit a quarter of the assets of the Wade family?!”

Charlie said coldly: “Just because I am Charlie! Just because my father is Changying!”

Cynthia scolded, “Your dad has been dead for so many years, so you still want to inherit the Wade family‟s assets?! I tell you, you are not worthy!”

Charlie looked at Cynthia and sneered: “My father flew for the Wade family back then. In my opinion, even the head of the Wade family is more than enough! It‟s you! I really have to follow the rules of the big family and get married. His daughter is the water that was poured out. Now that you are married, you are no longer a member of the Wade family! Why are you pointing fingers at me in front of me?!”

The sentence that the married daughter is the water poured out is the sentence that Cynthia hates most in her life.

Even if she married as a wife early on, she had been thinking about the Wade family‟s wealth.

Now, after separating from her husband and severing her relations, she pinned her hopes for the future on the Wade family‟s fortune!

However, the elders of the Wade family, Andrew, Changyun, and old Changfeng have always been hostile to Cynthia. They often said this in front of Cynthia, and reminded her overtly and secretly not to worry about Wade family assets, because she was married. , Is no longer the Wade family member, and is not worthy to inherit the Wade family‟s assets!

Cynthia naturally refused to accept it 10,000!

She felt that her husband‟s family was unreliable, the only thing she could rely on was Elder Wade!

Therefore, in any case, she must please the Old Master, and let the Old Master give her a legacy that can make her life safe for life before death. This is also the goal of her hard work now.

However, what she didn‟t expect was that Charlie, a kid who had been away from home for nearly twenty years, dared to say such things in front of her. It was like stepping on her tail and making her angry immediately!

So, she gritted her teeth and glared at Charlie, and said angrily: “Charlie! I tell you! If you are more acquainted and follow the instructions of the Wade Family, the Wade Family will naturally not treat you badly in the future, and will let you live a life of food and clothing!”

After all, she changed her conversation, her voice increased a little, and her eyes were cracked threatening: “But if you don‟t know me! Then I tell you, the Wade family can hold you up, and naturally they can also throw you down. Go down! At that time, the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion will leave you! After all, you will be beaten back to your original shape and become the stinky rag that is despised by everyone and even in the wife‟s family!”

Cynthia was out of control, her voice even screamed.

In the whole sky garden, her angrily voice echoed.

Issac hurriedly evacuated all the service personnel, and walked out of the sky garden banquet hall and stood outside the door.

At this time, even if she is slightly dissatisfied with them, it is possible that Cynthia‟s emotions will be further out of control.

Seeing that Cynthia‟s expression had already taken on a strong resentment, Charlie smiled playfully, and asked her: “So cruel? Then I would like to ask, if I‟m acquainted, what would the Wade family command me?”

Chapter 1878

Cynthia thought that her threat had softened Charlie, so she immediately sneered: “First divorce your wife, and then returned to the Wade family to wait for your grandfather‟s dispatch. Now Philip of the Gu family is unified. The Gu family‟s control over the entire Gu family has reached an unprecedented peak. His daughter has a marriage contract with you. If you marry his daughter, it will be of great help to the Wade family.”

After that, Cynthia said again: “Or you can try the eldest granddaughter of the Su family, that is, the daughter of Zynn. She is very favored in the Su family. Her mother was one of your father‟s suitors back then. , Maybe she will be willing to marry her daughter to you, and she will be even more helpful to the Wade family at that time!”

“So, after you divorce that woman, first try to develop with the eldest granddaughter of the Su family. If you can get her, you will get married to her. If you can‟t get her, you will fulfill the engagement with Philip‟s daughter!”

Charlie chuckled, “So the Family wants me to sell for the Wade Family!”

Cynthia said coldly: “This is not a sell-off. After all, marriage is very common in the upper class. This is not only good for the Wade family, but also good for you!”

Charlie sneered: “Auntie, since marriage has so many benefits, why don‟t you just divorce, and then try to get together with Philip or Zynn? If you have this, it is with them. You hook up with one of them, wouldn‟t it be a huge help to the Wade Family?!”

When Cynthia heard this, she felt like she had been slapped repeatedly by Charlie. Then she realized that he seemed to be subdued, but it was actually to humiliate her!

Thinking of this, she immediately became angered and gritted her teeth: “You beast! I am your aunt! How dare you insult me?!”

Charlie said coldly: “I insult you? I shame you. If you were a man, I would have beaten you eight times!”

Cynthia almost fainted, clutching her chest with a hideous face.

Charlie didn‟t bother to stay here at this time. He stood up and said to Cynthia disdainfully: “Go back and tell the Old Master, if he wants the return of the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion, I can return at any time!”

When he said this, his expression was stern and he shouted sharply: “But!” “My parents‟ account, I will definitely settle it with him in the future!”

“At that time, all the people who are responsible for this matter will have to pay me back with profit! No one can escape! Even him! No exception!”

“You, you” Cynthia trembled angrily, and yelled at Charlie with her fingers pointing: “You b@stard! You dare to be so disrespectful to your grandfather because you are the heir of the Wade family! How outrageous!”

Charlie said coldly: “What if I disrespect him? If you are not satisfied, you can go back and complain to him!”

Cynthia gritted her teeth and said, “Okay! Every word you say today will be truthfully told to your grandpa. If you are beaten back to your original form, don‟t blame your aunt for not giving you a chance!”

“Give me a chance?” Charlie snorted: “You don‟t deserve any chance at all! However, if I find out in the future and find that you are also involved in the death of my parents, then you won‟t ask me to give you a chance!”

“It turned you back! It turned you back!” Cynthia was already completely irritated by Charlie. She grabbed a beautiful empty wine glass on the table and slammed it on the ground, shouting hysterically: “I will definitely make you regret it!”

Charlie nodded and sneered contemptuously: “You can use whatever means you can, I‟m waiting!”

After that, he walked toward the gate without looking back.

Chapter 1879

Seeing Charlie‟s departure, Cynthia behind him couldn‟t help shouting angrily: “Charlie! I haven‟t left yet, what qualifications do you have to leave first! I am your elder, your aunt!

You dare to be so disrespectful to me, I must make you pay!”

Charlie ignored it.

In his opinion, his aunt is completely an idiot spoiled by the family halo.

She never forgets to hold his airs and arrogantly at all times. It is obviously the order of the Old Master to do business, but she only cares about her own air and face, such a person, even in the Wade family, is difficult to respect.

Therefore, Charlie didn‟t bother to waste time with her.

After leaving the gate, Charlie left the Hanging Garden directly.

Issac hurriedly greeted him and said nervously, “Master why are you doing this? If Miss Cynthia goes to Master to file a complaint, then your situation will not be good!”

“So what?” Charlie snorted: “Don‟t think she is from the Wade family, but in fact she is  just a dog of the Old Master. She wants to bite me, but also depends on what the Old Master means! If the Old Master wants to really want to start with me, then let him do it!”

After that, Charlie said again: “The reason why I only scolded her now, instead of hitting her or killing her, is because I was thinking that they still have a blood connection with me. If they do it themselves, then I will even have this point. The bloodline is ignored!

No matter who belongs to the Wade family, if they dare to bark in front of me, I will directly destroy them! If anyone dares to do anything to me and the people around me, I will directly kill them!”

At this moment, Charlie‟s body was murderous!

Issac sighed helplessly.

At this moment, what he was actually worried about was not what the Wade Family would do to Charlie in the future, but worried. Once the Wade Family became angry and angered Charlie, he was afraid that he would not let the Wade Family go.

In case it really started, Wade Family might not be Charlie‟s opponent.

He sent Charlie all the way to the door of Shangri-La, and respectfully said: “Master where are you going? I will drive you.”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, you send me at this time, the Wade family will be aware of the clues. Go and see Cynthia, and by the way, see what she has planned next.”

Issac nodded slightly: “Master then I will go and see your aunt first.”

Charlie reminded him: “Take a look at Cynthia‟s return plan to see when she leaves.

Besides, you must be guarded against her going to see my wife, understand?”

Issac suddenly shuddered and stood up straight and respectfully said: “Master don‟t worry, I understand!”

Charlie did not put Cynthia in his eyes, but he also worried that Cynthia would think of other ways to save the country.

She wanted him to divorce Claire on her own initiative, and then returned to Wade‟s house. He rejected her directly. Then, if she went to find his wife, it would be a bit tricky for him.

After all, Claire still doesn‟t know his identity.

And he didn‟t plan to let her know.

At least, he didn‟t want his wife to know his identity before he found out the truth about his parents‟ death and successfully avenged his parents.


After Charlie left, Issac turned back to the Hanging Garden.

At this time, Cynthia was already furious on the spot and her blood was boiling.

Chapter 1880

The prepared western dining table had already been lifted by her, and the ground was full of mess.

Because there was a lot of broken glass ballast on the ground, the female foreman of Hanging Garden was afraid that Cynthia might accidentally injure herself with the glass ballast, so she hurried over with two waiters to clean it.

Cynthia was full of sorrow and anger and had nowhere to vent. Seeing that the foreman came with two waiters, she was immediately furious. She went up and grabbed one of the girls. She raised her hand and pulled her face, while beating, she cursed and said in her mouth: “Did I let you come? Did I let you come?!”

The girl was slapped several times, crying and begging: “Miss you, calm down, I am afraid that you will be injured by the glass ballast, so I came quickly to clean the glass ballast…”

Cynthia‟s heart was still very angry, and even increased a bit of strength in her hands, and yelled: “b@stard thing! I let you out, you can come out, I don‟t let you out, I better not even see your!”

Seeing this, the foreman hurriedly stepped forward and begged: “Miss, don‟t be angry, this was my own opinion, so I ran into you…”

Cynthia observed angrily, kicked the foreman‟s stomach, and cursed coldly: “Things that don‟t have eyes! All three of you have been fired. Get out!”

The foreman was kicked by Cynthia and sat down on the ground.

The ground was full of glass ballast, so she immediately felt a few pieces of glass ballast pierced into the flesh.

However, at this moment, she did not care about the severe pain caused by the glass ballast. She was pale and clutching her belly, and said in pain: “My stomach hurts… Lily, please call me an ambulance……”

Lili was the other of the two waiters. She was not beaten by Cynthia because she was standing a little far away from her.

As soon as she saw the foreman holding her stomach and her face in pain, she immediately asked with concern, “Sister Nan, are you okay? Hold on, I‟ll call 120!”

Cynthia looked at the foreman contemptuously, and said disgustedly, “What kind of pity do you pretend to be in front of me? Do you want me to lose money to you?”

The girl who was dialing the phone suddenly rebuked, “Why are you like this! Sister Nan is three months pregn@nt! You are still kicking her belly. If the child has something long and two short, no matter how much money she has It can‟t solve the problem!”

Cynthia couldn‟t help frowning, and said coldly: “What are you, dare you to talk to me with this attitude?!”

The girl blurted out without showing weakness: “We are human! Not a thing! Even if we are not as high as you, our body is given by our parents! Why are you hitting us?!”

Cynthia is almost furious!

She grew up so big, in addition to behaving like a good woman with her tail clipped in front of her father, no one had ever dared to disobey her and talk to her in such a tone!

But here today, she has been confronted by Charlie and several waiters one after another, and she is naturally annoyed.

At this moment, she completely ignored the fact that the foreman was pregnant, and took a step forward, grabbed her mobile phone from the girl who had smashed her into the hands of the girl who was waiting for the 120-sound station to answer, and slammed it directly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she immediately raised her hand and slapped her face, slapped her face fiercely, and gritted her teeth and cursed: “Shame on her face, and dare to yell at me here, don‟t you know who I am?!”

As she was talking, Issac stepped forward, and when he saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “Miss, what‟s the matter with you?”

Seeing Issac‟s arrival, Cynthia said coldly: “Okay, you are here just right! I ask you, how do you manage this group of people under your hands? Even they dare to stand in front of me?!”

When Issac saw that all three of his employees had been beaten, he didn‟t need to ask them to know that Cynthia must have vented her anger towards Charlie on them, so he immediately said respectfully, “Miss, don‟t worry, these three do not have long eyes. I must deal with the person seriously! Don‟t get angry, I will send you back to your room to rest first?”

Cynthia was also suffocated with anger, and looked at Issac and said coldly: “Completely block these three b*tches for me!”

After that, she stretched out her hand and slapped Lily‟s face again, before turning around and leaving…

Chapter 1881

As soon as Cynthia left, Issac hurriedly asked the three employees: “What happened just now?”

Lily choked and said: “Mr. Issac, Miss Cynthia was angry and raised the table. Sister Nan took us over to clean the glass ballast. As a result, Miss Cynthia suddenly acted on us and kicked Sister Nan in the stomach. Sister Nan is pregn@nt. She is pregn@nt, I wanted to call an ambulance, and the Lady smashed my phone…”

Sister Nan, who was sitting on the ground with a painful face, said: “Mr. Issac, I am to blame for this. You must not get angry. If the company wants to punish, please punish me alone!”

Issac sighed and said, “I blame myself for this. I didn‟t protect you. I will arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately. In addition, I will give you at least one month‟s vacation and give you a compensation of 200,000 each.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the supervisor sitting on the ground and said seriously: “Sister Nan, I will contact the best gynecologist in Aurous Hill to help you with the baby, and make sure that the child is fine at all costs. If the child can be saved, I will make up for your 200,000 fetal expenses; if can‟t keep it, I will make up for you 500,000, and then give you one year of paid leave, and go back to take a good rest, and actively prepare for pregnancy!”

When Issac said so, everyone was immediately relieved.

They also worried that Issac would obey Cynthia‟s request and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, it is really rare for Issac to take care of them so much.

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him one after another, Issac couldn‟t help persuading them, so he greeted the security team and rushed them to the hospital.

After all three of them were sent to the hospital, he sighed sadly in the office alone: ”Hey, I really don‟t know how long Cynthia, the aunt, will be tossing in Aurous Hill, let alone what she will do too much. It‟s a pity that she is a member of the Wade family after all. No matter what, I can‟t suppress her at all. If she really wants to cause trouble in Aurous Hill, I have nothing to do. It seems that I can only hope for her immediate return!”


Charlie didn‟t pay attention to his aunt, let alone take it to heart. After returning home, he began to prepare for the New Year with his family.

Since it was the first Spring Festival in the Tomson Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the sense of ceremony of the Spring Festival this year.

Claire bought a lot of decorative window grilles, stickers, red lanterns and other accessories, intending to make her home more festive.

Although Elaine is lazy, she has a strong vanity. She also wants to set out her home as soon as possible, and then take more photos to show off in her circle of friends, so she is busy with Claire.

After Charlie came back, he joined them.

Claire took out a bunch of beautifully made red lanterns from the big carton that she bought online, and said to Elaine: “Mom, I want to decorate both the third and second floor terraces. Hang this on the railings of the terrace. Plant red lanterns and turn them on after dark, the effect must be particularly good.”

Elaine agreed without hesitation: “Okay! New Year, just have to be a little festive, I‟ll go hang up later!”

Claire hurriedly said, “Mom, I have another business, I want to discuss it with you.”

Elaine smiled and said, “Okay! Just talk about it!”

Claire said embarrassingly: “You have been hanging a lot of green hats on the terrace on the third floor. This is New Year. It is really inappropriate to hang so many green hats, so let‟s remove the hats. Right!”

When Elaine heard these words, she immediately blurted out without hesitation: “So how do you do it! Those green hats are all prepared for the Old Master Noah, so that after he gets up every day, he opens his eyes and sees this. He piled up green hats, and then was gloomy all day. If I take them away, wouldn‟t it be a waste of money for him?”

Claire helplessly said, “Mom! Every family is full of lights and festivities for the celebration of the New Year. If we still have so many green hats, it will not look good at that time!”

Chapter 1882

“That won‟t work!” Elaine said stubbornly, “Those green hats are my magic weapon against the Willson family. I just want them to forcibly remember every day that Horiyah was pregn@nt outside with wild species!”

Elaine suddenly remembered something at this time, and said with a smile: “Hey! I will hang these lanterns and the green hats one by one in a while. When the lanterns are turned on, the red lanterns and the green hats are absolutely conspicuous! It will definitely anger the Willson family!”

Claire persuaded: “Mom, those who celebrate the New Year, have to be forgiving and forgetting of other‟s past deeds!”

Elaine snorted coldly: “You don‟t come to persuade me. It‟s useless to persuade me. 

Don‟t you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And my two front teeth are also lost thanks to her. I will never forgive her for this!”

Seeing her mother‟s face full of determination, Claire felt a burst of powerlessness. 

It seems that there is no possibility to persuade the mother to change her mind.

At this time, Elaine held a bunch of red lanterns by herself, and walked towards the elevator, and said as she walked: “I‟m going to hang up the lanterns and hang them with the bunch of green hats!”

After half an hour.

Under the organization of Mrs. Willson, the Willson family was also lighting up the lights in their villa, so it was so lively.

The Willson family is not what it used to be. The Willson Group had previously received Regnar‟s investment, and after repaying all the debts, it took another small project given by Regnar. Now it has turned a profit.

Mrs. Willson also took back the villa, antiques, and calligraphy and painting that had been seized by the bank before.

Because Regnar promised to lend the Tomson first-class luxury villa to their family for ten years, Mrs. Willson simply rented out the old villa and could earn some rent back.

The company has survived enough again, and all the previous assets have returned to her own hands. The current Mrs. Willson is very high-spirited. 

Noah‟s family knew that the happy life in the future depended almost entirely on the Old Lady, so they always treated her as the empress dowager Cixi.

Noah is also proud of the recent spring breeze. The Willson Group has come back to life.

He and Harold and Wendy are in important positions in the group.

Harold and Wendy are re-living the lives of the rich second generation, and of course they are also full of joy.

Horiyah was the only one in the family who had the worst. No one gave her a good face all day long.

Noah and Mrs. Willson hated her deeply, but because of Regnar, they couldn‟t drive her away, so they regarded her as a thorn in the eye.

Harold and Wendy also felt that their mother was too embarrassed to have been pregn@nt with wild species and contracted s3xually transmitted diseases, so they always ignored her every day.

Being rejected by the whole family made Horiyah very hurt.

Especially seeing the four people smiling every day, but she can only hold back at home, sweeping, cooking, and washing clothes, like a servant who doesn‟t need money, she feels even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, seeing that they were all preparing various decorations for the New Year, Horiyah stepped forward, licking her face and said flatly, “Oh, mom, I will help! You forgot that we lived in the past. When I was in the old villa, the decorations and arrangments of the house were all made by me as soon as the Chinese New Year came!”

Mrs. Willson glared at her, and said in disgust: “What‟s the matter with you? Hurry up and clean the windows! I tell you, as soon as today is over, there will be three days before the New Year. You must have all windows in the villa all spotless!”

Chapter 1883

When the Old Lady said that she asked her to clean the windows of the entire villa,

Horiyah suddenly collapsed.

She couldn‟t help but blurt out: “Mom! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms, so many windows, I can‟t finish it even after the first month of the year!”

Mrs. Willson said with a sneer: “You still want to delay the first month? I tell you! Before New Year‟s Eve you must have cleaned all the windows of the whole family, I will drive you to the yard for New Year‟s Eve dinner!”

As soon as Horiyah heard this, how angry the whole person was!

If it weren‟t for Noah, Harold, and Wendy still here, she would have liked to rush over now, kick the Old Lady to the ground with one foot, and then ride on her stomach and slam her old face.

It is a pity that she has no chance to start at all.

Horiyah was extremely helpless, even if there were 10,000 dissatisfaction in her heart, she could only swallow it all in her stomach, and said with annoyance, “OK mother…I know…I will try my best. To wipe…”

Mrs. Willson coldly snorted: “Forget your acquaintance! She was originally a woman who corrupted her family style. If she is not honest and obedient, even Regnar can‟t save you!”

Faced with the arrogance of Mrs. Willson, Horiyah felt so annoyed.

But at this time, she didn‟t dare to say a rebuttal, she could only nod and say with humility: “Mom, you are right, I must listen to you!”

Noah said at this time: “Mom, I‟ll go upstairs and hang some decorations.”

Mrs. Willson hummed and said to Horiyah: “You go to clean the windows now, hurry”

Horiyah had no choice but to do it.

Noah went upstairs and came to his room. He was about to put a few grilles on the window. He suddenly saw that a row of red lanterns lit up on Elaine‟s balcony opposite their house.

What is disgusting is that these glowing red lanterns are all next to all kinds of green hats, and the red light is set off on the green hats, emitting a strange color, which makes people feel annoyed to watch.

Noah was furious immediately!

He couldn‟t help cursing: “dmn, this Elaine is too much, and she gave a green hat with a red lantern. Isn’t this the fcking old saying, red and green race sh!t?! It‟s so f*cking mad.

I‟m dead!”

Thinking of Elaine not letting himself live during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable, and gritting his teeth came downstairs, and said to Harold who was putting window grilles in the living room? “Harold, you come with me! Let‟s go find that Elaine!”

Mrs. Willson frowned and asked, “What are you going to do to Elaine at this time?”

Noah scolded angrily: “Mom, that stinky Elaine is really deceiving people. She hung so many green hats on the balcony, and it‟s fine after hanging them for so long. Now they have one next to each green hat. The big red lantern, this is the d*mn Chinese New Year and wants me to die! I have to find her to settle the accounts!”

The Mrs. Willson shouted sharply: “You stop! Go to Elaine to settle the account, can you two beat Charlie? Do you two want to spend the New Year in the hospital?” 

Noah, who was still aggressive just now, was immediately dumb.

Chapter 1884

Charlie‟s strength is very abnormal. If he is at home, finding his door with his son is equivalent to sending him to death.

Thinking of this, he couldn‟t help gritting his teeth: “Mom! I don‟t need to trouble her today, but in any case, I can‟t let Elaine wear those green hats for the New Year!”

Mrs. Willson said disdainfully: “If she likes to hang on, let her hang on! Now for our family, what counts for the face? Money is the most real thing!

Noah said angrily, “Then I can‟t bear Elaine b@stard forever, right? When is this the f*cking stop?”

Harold said with a black face at this time: “Dad! Didn‟t you always say that you want to find a chance to engage in a wave of Elaine? If you want me to say, we want to do it as soon as possible! It‟s best to do it before the New Year. Let Charlie‟s family have a miserable year. If this happens, Mr. Regnar will also be able to explain it! Otherwise, we will never start with their family, Mr. Regnar will soon lose patience with us!”

Noah‟s expression froze, and he blurted out: “Yes! stinky Elaine had a plaster on her leg before, and she stayed at home all day long and didn‟t go out. We didn‟t have a chance to fix her, but I think she seems to have the plaster removed now. Now, she has to prepare for the New Year in the next two days. In my opinion, Elaine will definitely go out. It is better to find a chance to provoke her and let her learn a lot!”

After that, he looked at Mrs. Willson again and asked, “Mom, what do you think?” 

Mrs. Willson pondered for a moment, and nodded: “We really have to teach Elaine a lesson. At least we have to cause a little trouble for Charlie‟s family, otherwise Regnar is not going to feel comfortable.”

Later, Mrs. Willson remembered something and said excitedly: “Regnar will just come to Aurous Hill tomorrow to inspect a few projects. It is estimated that he will spend the night in Aurous Hill!”

When Noah heard this, he quickly agreed: “Mom, isn‟t this a good opportunity to give back to Mr. Regnar! Why did he let us live in this villa and return it to our Willson Group to invest? To put it bluntly, not just to let us be under the nose of Charlie‟s family and disgust them? If we take the money and never do anything, if Mr. Regnar comes to blame someday, we‟ll be in bad luck!”

Mrs. Willson hummed, and said: “If you do it often, let you figure out how to do this. I only ask for one thing. Don‟t kill anyone, otherwise Regnar may not be able to keep us.”

Noah nodded and sneered: “Don‟t worry, mom, I planned it a long time ago. I‟m going to tie Elaine and take some unsightly photos of her. It‟s best to find someone to get her pregn@nt and let that family feel the shame!”

Mrs. Willson frowned, and said: “Noah, I have no objection if you find someone to do it, but you should never do it yourself!”

Noah nodded and said, “Don‟t worry, Mom, I know it!”

Harold on the side hurriedly asked, “Dad, are you planning to start tomorrow?”

“Yes!” Noah grinned and said, “Tie her up tomorrow, and then wait for a show for President Wu tonight!”

Harold said hurriedly, “Dad, I used to know some friends, they were pretty reliable, and I can ask them to help!”

Noah smiled and said: “Okay! You go find a few young and strong people, and then find a van, I have a buddy who has a vacant warehouse in the suburbs, and then I will get Elaine there!”

Wendy on the side asked, “Dad, what if Elaine doesn‟t go out tomorrow?”

Harold also nodded and said, “Yes, Dad, what if Elaine doesn‟t go out?”

Noah said: “If Elaine doesn‟t go out, let‟s create an opportunity for her to go out! I have been observing her daily trajectory these days. Don‟t worry, I have a way to get her out of home by herself!”

Chapter 1885

Early the next morning.

Claire and Jacob left home early and went to work on their own affairs.

Claire‟s studio is closed according to the national legal holidays. It will be closed on New Year‟s Eve and will be closed for a total of seven days until the sixth day of the new year.

As for Jacob‟s Calligraphy and Painting Association, it is a hobby group in itself, so there is no such thing as a holiday, it depends on everyone‟s mood.

And Jacob didn‟t deal with Elaine at home on weekdays, so he couldn‟t wait to be in the Calligraphy and Painting Association on the first day of the new year.

Elaine didn‟t have much entertainment, and prepared the ingredients for the New Year‟s Eve dinner alone at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early in the morning, he checked the operation report of JX Pharmaceutical from Liang on his mobile phone.

At present, several production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Japan have begun to smoothly switch to JX Weisan, and a large amount of inventory has been in place within a period of time.

Charlie plans to sell JX Weisan on the first day of the Lunar New Year in Japan. At that time, all major Japanese TV stations will also broadcast Sara‟s endorsement of JX Weisan ads.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Sara‟s influence in Japan cannot be underestimated.

In addition, the efficacy of JX Weisan is far ahead of similar competitors, so Charlie believes that it will be a hit in Japan.

When Elaine downstairs was preparing the ingredients, the doorbell rang.

She stepped out of the yard, saw a courier guy standing outside the door, and opened the yard door directly.

The courier brother asked her: “Is this Ms. Elaine‟s house?”

Elaine nodded: “I am, what‟s the matter?”

The little brother handed a small package to her and said, “Hello Ms. Elaine, this is your city express, please sign for it.”

“Sent to me?!”

At this time, Elaine was a little surprised. She didn‟t do much online shopping, and she didn‟t buy anything online recently. Why does she have her own city express delivery?

So, after she signed for the courier, she opened it suspiciously.

After unpacking, she found that the express included it was a trial package of high-end body care essential oils, as well as a very beautifully made card and a printed letter.

She opened the letter and read all the words on the letter: “Hello, distinguished guest, congratulations on your acquisition of the whole body spa treatment package of Lizi high-end beauty and health club worth 8888. With the package card, you can visit the store at any time. Enjoy free full spa services, no appointment required!”

After reading these, Elaine said with joy: “Oh, I‟m going! Free body spa treatment?! Is there such a good thing?!”

The thought of lying on the beauty bed in the beauty salon and enjoying the meticulous massage by the masseur makes Elaine feel itchy all over!

She could not help but secretly said: “I have been raising legs at home some time ago. I haven‟t enjoyed a high-end spa for a long time. I didn‟t expect that a free high-end spa would suddenly hit me. Maybe someone made a mistake. It‟s sent to me. If I don‟t hurry to experience it, if someone catches it back, wouldn‟t I be a big loser?!”

Thinking of this, Elaine immediately put the package card into her pocket and ran into the house excitedly, went straight to her room on the third floor, changed clothes for going out, and planned to go out and make the spa immediately.

Thinking of Charlie before going downstairs, she went to the door of Charlie and Claire‟s room on the second floor, knocked gently on the door, and asked with a smile: “Good son-in-law, have you gotten up yet?”

Charlie got up and opened the door and asked, “Mom, are you okay?”

Elaine smiled embarrassedly: “Well, mom is going out for something. The breakfast is ready and it‟s in the kitchen. It‟s still hot. Go down and eat while it‟s hot!”

Chapter 1886

Charlie nodded and said, “Okay mom, go ahead if you have anything.”

Elaine hurriedly smiled and said, “OK, OK! Then mom will go out first, if you have anything to do, call mom!”

“It is Okay.”

Charlie didn‟t think too much, after all, Elaine was also an adult, and it was normal to go out.


Noah had been on the terrace of his room at this time, staring closely at the door of Charlie‟s house.

Seeing Elaine went out in a hurry, a sneer was wiped from the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he walked downstairs quickly and said to Harold: “Harold, Elaine is out! How are your friends preparing?”

Harold smiled and said, “Dad, don‟t worry if I do the job, I‟m all ready, and I‟m sure that Elaine will never return!”

Noah said hurriedly: “Come here, you will review the overall plan with me, and I will see if there are any omissions!”

Wendy and Mrs. Willson also leaned in, waiting for Harold‟s text with a look of expectation.

Harold said triumphantly: “First of all, the beauty card sent to Elaine by the same city courier just now, isn‟t that beauty salon called Lizi Beauty Health Club? The owner of this beauty club is a former friend of mine. He is now having difficulties in business and has always wanted to transfer the beauty salon, but the economic situation is not good recently, so he has not been able to transfer.”

Noah waved his hand: “Talk about the important point!”

Harold said hurriedly, “Don‟t worry, Dad! I have to explain the whole plan to you!”

Noah nodded: “Yes, you say.”

Harold then continued: “My friend can‟t make it anymore now, so I just want to take advantage of the fact that the New Year‟s members have a lot of things at home and can‟t take care of them to do beauty, and take advantage of the opportunity to roll the money away. I told him, as long as he cooperates. Well, I will give him 200,000 for this scene. He wanted to run away anyway, so he was naturally willing to make more money before running away.”

Wendy on the side hurriedly asked: “Brother, did you intend to tie Elaine to the beauty salon when you fudged her?”

“Yes!” Harold nodded and said, “That beauty salon has a back door. When Elaine goes to the spa, I will arrange for a masseur to put sleeping pills in her water. When she passes out, we drive to the beauty salon. At the back door of the courtyard, she is directly tied up and taken away from the back door, absolutely unaware of it!”

Horiyah heard this and hurriedly asked, “Harold, what do you plan to do with Elaine after torturing her?”

Harold said, “I haven‟t thought about this yet, what do you think?”

Horiyah immediately gritted her teeth and said, “Find a black coal mine and send her to dig coal too!”

Harold said embarrassingly: “Don‟t know anyone who runs a black coal kiln either!”

Wendy blurted out: “Then send her to Africa to grow sugarcane! I heard that there are many illegal immigrants there, and they can only bury their heads in the sugarcane fields and chop sugarcane for the rest of their lives, and they cannot live out of the African continent!

Harold coughed and said awkwardly: “Wendy, what you said is illegal immigration, how can I have that relationship!”

Horiyah was anxious and blurted out: “Harold, are you planning to find someone to take Elaine after sleeping, take pictures, and then let her go?! This is too cheap for her, right?!”

Although Noah was very disgusted with Horiyah, when he heard this, he couldn‟t help but nodded in agreement: “Yes! I just found someone to sl3ep with Elaine, maybe he even let Elaine take advantage!”

Mrs. Willson thought for a moment, and said: “We are helping Mr. Regnar with Elaine.

Or else you call him and ask him to see if he has any friends who run black coal kilns. Let him arrange for her to dig coal!”

Chapter 1887

Regnar‟s life has been miserable recently.

The eldest son Roger is still recovering from his injuries at home, and the second son Wu Qi‟s condition has not improved. He has basically given up treatment.

In addition, Regnar‟s wife Yaqina has divorced him recently.

The main reason for the divorce was the death of Nanshan and his wife Kaili.

Yaqina felt that Regnar didn‟t protect her brother, nor did he find out who killed her brother.

In Yaqina‟s eyes, what was even more exaggerated was that instead of helping her younger brother and avenge him, he was at home every day, scolding his dead brother bloody.

Of course Regnar hates Nanshan crazy.

In his opinion, it was the b@stard who completely ruined the reputation of the Wu family, so that the market value of the Wu family was directly cut down because of its reputation.

It was originally the first family in Aurous Hill, but now, it can‟t even make the top ten in Aurous Hill.

What made him a little unacceptable was that his wife was so ignorant to praise!

He hadn‟t blamed her for being too doting on her younger brother, causing the Wu family to be implicated, but she blamed him on the contrary, it is really unreasonable!

Because of this, the two of them simply fell into a long cold war.

Originally, Regnar spoiled his wife very much, but now he doesn‟t even bother to care about her, and put all his thoughts into his career.

Now he has only one thought in his mind, which is to do everything possible to make the Wu family rise again!

At just this time, he was following up on a real estate project in Aurous Hill, so early this morning, he came to Aurous Hill from Suzhou for inspection.

Just when he first arrived at the project site, he received a call from Noah.

On the phone, Noah said flatly: “Hello, Mr. Regnar! I‟m Noah, we haven‟t seen you in a long time!”

Regnar said coldly: “Noah, you call me, what‟s the matter?”

Noah hurriedly smiled and said, “Mr. Regnar, this is the case. Do you know that the New Year is coming? Our family wondered, saying that nothing will let Charlie‟s family have a stable year, so we plan to confront Wade first today. His mother-in-law, Elaine, decided to find someone to give it to her first, and then take some photos and videos and upload them to the Internet, so that Charlie‟s family will be disgraced!”

Regnar suddenly became interested, and his voice improved a little, “Huh? Noah, I heard that right, did your family finally dare to do something with Charlie?”

Noah said embarrassingly: “Mr. Regnar, I really didn‟t think of a plan before, so I haven‟t moved, but you can rest assured! This time we must do this thing beautifully!”

With that said, Noah said with a bit of bitterness: Charlie is in Aurous Hill. I heard that there seems to be a nickname called Real Dragon in the world. I want to see if his mother-in-law lets people play, what he is in this world after that. Can the true dragon‟s face hang on it?”

When Regnar heard this, he smiled and said, “Not bad, not bad! Do this thing well, I will not treat you badly.”

Noah was overjoyed, and he was too busy to ask: “By the way, Mr. Regnar, I called you. I actually wanted to ask you if you know the little boss who runs the black coal kiln. If you know him, that‟s really great. After I find someone to take care of Elaine, I will send her directly to the black coal mine!”

Chapter 1888

Regnar thought for a while and said, “There are not many coal mines in the South, so I really don‟t know anyone who runs black coal mines.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: “But I do have a kid who runs a brick factory at home. The work in the brick factory is not easy compared to the black coal kiln. You can take that woman sent there as a coolie!”

Noah immediately smiled and said, “Oh, Mr. Regnar, this is really great. A b*tch woman like this should spend life in the black brick factory!”

After speaking, he hurriedly asked: “Mr. Regnar, do you think it is convenient for you to tell me the address of your friend? After I have taken care of Elaine, I will send her directly!”

“Don‟t worry!” Regnar sneered: “I have a deep hatred for Charlie. Now I just arrived in Aurous Hill. There is no reason to miss such an enjoyable thing. You tie her up first, and then give me an address. I will come over. Witness it with my own eyes!”

Noah hurriedly agreed, “Mr. Regnar, don‟t worry, I must have done this properly, and I will call and let you witness it in person!”

Regnar hummed, and said with a smile: “Okay, I have something to work on. Call me after you finish it.”

“OK, Mr. Regnar!”

As soon as Noah hung up the phone, he immediately couldn‟t help but said to the family excitedly: “Mr. Regnar said, he has a friend who runs a brick factory. When we tie Elaine, we will let someone do it as planned. After that, she will be immediately sent to the brick factory to let her work hard in the brick factory for the rest of her life!”

When Horiyah heard this, she felt very unbalanced in her heart. She said angrily, “I went to the black coal kiln at the time. How can Horiyah go to the brick factory! This is too cheap for her!”

Noah glared at her dryly, and blurted out: “You know what a sh!t! The brick factory is much more bitter than the black coal kiln. Although the black coal kiln is dirty and exhausting, it is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The brick factory is different. The fire burns bricks in all seasons, and the people alone can‟t stand the heat.

Moreover, the work of moving bricks is no easier than digging coal. Generally speaking, people in brick factories suffer more than black coal kilns!”

Horiyah felt a little more comfortable.

However, she still had one more question to ask, but she swallowed it again.

So she can only murmur in heart: “Hey, don‟t know if Elaine will meet a squinty supervisor after being sent to the brick factory. If she can meet, that would be great, and it‟s better to let her Get sick and get pregn@nt!”


At this moment.

The Presidential Suite of Shangri-La Hotel.

Cynthia was making a short report to Zhongquan over the phone.

On the phone, she described Charlie as a s*umbag with perverted personality, hot temper, low quality, and unremarkable. She also always emphasized to Zhongquan: “Dad, Charlie, this kid has not received any education for so many years and has very low quality. You can‟t let him come back to Wade‟s house, otherwise, our Wade‟s face will be lost by him!”

Zhongquan listened to her little report of adding fuel and jealousy, and said lightly: “Cynthia, I always thought you were very smart. I didn‟t expect to be so easily influenced by emotions. You really disappointed me!”

Cynthia suddenly became nervous when she heard this, and blurted out: “Dad, I…Where am I not doing well enough?”

Zhongquan said coldly: “You still don‟t understand, why do I want Charlie to come back?”

Cynthia said embarrassingly: “Dad…I really don‟t understand too much. If you want me to say that Charlie‟s quality is so low, not only can we not let him come back, but we have to draw a clear line with him!”

Zhongquan snorted and said: “What I want now is to let any of my grandsons marry Zhiyu from the Su family, or to marry Sara from the Gu family. Now it seems that only Charlie has the greatest chance!”

Chapter 1889

“how can that be possible!”

Cynthia blurted out: “Dad, you haven‟t seen Charlie for many years, so you think of him too well. Let me tell you the truth, Charlie is now a small gangster in a remote country!

Whether it‟s Zhiyu or Sara, They are all Eastcliff‟s famous ladies of the sky, how can they be worthy of him?!”

Zhongquan said coldly: “I saw Philip at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, and I asked him if he still remembers Charlie‟s engagement with his daughter. He said to me on the spot, as long as he can find Charlie, he must not hesitate. Let his daughter marry him!”

“In addition, Philip also said that no matter what Charlie is now, even if he is begging along the street, he is also the future son of the Gu family. Their family has long reached a consensus on this matter!”

Cynthia was stunned: “What age is this, is Philip crazy?”

Zhongquan said in a harsh tone: “I don‟t want to care if Philip is crazy or not, don‟t worry about it. Your task now is to do everything possible to make Charlie promise to come back for the New Year!”

Cynthia was so helpless that she had no choice but to say angrily: “Dad, tell you the truth, Charlie was too much yesterday, so I didn‟t control my emotions yesterday. I had a big fight with him. He didn‟t eat anything, so he just waved away…”

“b@stard!” Zhongquan yelled, “Don‟t think don‟t know you. With your acting style, it‟s not good to say who is too much!”

After that, Zhongquan said again: “I don‟t care about anything else, you must bring Charlie back to me! If he doesn‟t want to return, then you can think of something else!”

Cynthia hurriedly asked: “Other methods? What else?”

Zhongquan said, “Doesn‟t he have a wife in Aurous Hill? Can you find a way to get in touch with his wife or his father-in-law?”

Cynthia said immediately: “Then I will go to see his wife, give her some money, and let her divorce Charlie!”

Zhongquan said: “Don‟t go to his wife, you can make a fuss from his mother-in-law first.

I heard that his mother-in-law is very greedy for money and is a monseter who eats money!”

Cynthia quickly said, “Dad, then I will try to find a breakthrough from his mother-in-law!”

“Yeah!” Zhongquan reminded: “After you meet his mother-in-law, don‟t reveal your true identity, otherwise, if you let that kind of evil people know that Charlie is a member of our Eastcliff Wade family, you will be killed. She, she won‟t let her daughter divorce Charlie either.”

“Okay,dad! I see!”

Cynthia quickly agreed, and then immediately took out the phone, called the bodyguard who brought Aurous Hill this time, and ordered: “Check for me where Charlie‟s motherin-law is, I want to see her!”


Elaine rushed to take a taxi to the beauty club on the package card. When she came in and showed the package card, she was somewhat guilty, for fear that others might make a mistake, or the card itself could not be used.

But what she didn‟t expect was that the clerk said to her very politely: “Hello madam!

Your package card can be used at any time and no appointment is required. Do you want to experience it now?”

When Elaine heard this, she said excitedly: “Of course! I‟ve been taking a taxi from a long distance, can‟t I just come and ask you? Hurry up and arrange a massager for me, I will have a good experience now.”

The clerk nodded and said respectfully: “Madam, our full-body spa here is for bathing first. I will take you to bathe and change clothes first, and then arrange a massager to do the spa for you!”

Elaine was very happy. When she had money in her hands, she did go to beauty salons or beauty clubs to do facial or spa treatments.

Therefore, she knows the process of a high-end spa in a beauty salon. The first thing she must do is to soak in a flower petal milk bath, then put on the disposable underwe@r provided by the beauty club, and receive a full body massage from a massager. 

Elaine happily followed the clerk to the bathroom and found that a tank of water had been placed here, with milk, flower petals and bath salt added to the water, and immediately smiled and said, “Oh, your service is really in place. Come on, put the water away first.”

Chapter 1890

The clerk thought that Elaine had noticed the abnormality, and hurriedly said,

“Uh…that…this is the case. We originally had a customer who made an appointment to come to the spa. The water for our bath is ready, and she said that we can‟t do anything temporarily, so you can just pick a ready-made one.”

Elaine smiled and said, “Oh, what a coincidence, it seems that God just wants to make up for me and let me enjoy it!”

After speaking, she waved to the clerk and said, “Okay, you can go out. I will take a bath by myself and let the massager prepare to wait for me.”

“OK, Madam!”

After the clerk went out, he immediately ran to report to the boss.

When the boss heard that Elaine was coming, he quickly called Harold and said to him, “Harold, people have already came and are taking a bath. When will you come?”

Harold said excitedly: “Great! Old Baidel, you must stabilize her for me, don‟t expose any flaws, I am ready to come over!”

The owner of the beauty salon laughed and said, “Harold, who is my brother, since I have promised you, I will definitely do this thing beautifully!”

“Good!” Harold smiled and said, “Wait for half an hour!”

After finishing speaking, Harold said again: “Brother Baidel, your shop will not do business with other customers in the morning, so as to avoid accidents.”

“Don‟t worry, I won‟t do other business in the morning, just pick up your order!”


Just as Elaine was lying in the bathtub soaking, a Rolls-Royce stopped at the door of this beauty salon.

A tall bodyguard walked out of the co-pilot. After getting out of the car, he immediately opened the rear door.

Immediately afterwards, Cynthia, dressed in gorgeous clothes, stepped down.

She looked at the door face of this beauty salon, and said contemptuously: “What a broken beauty salon, looking at it, it‟s not up to the standard!”

In fact, the decoration of this beauty salon is pretty good. Although it is not top-notch, it is not affordable for ordinary housewives in Aurous Hill.

However, for the top rich second generation like Cynthia, it is really too much to be on the table.

The money she paid for a treatment at a top beauty salon is enough to buy this beauty salon.

The bodyguard whispered from the side: “Miss, the woman you are looking for is doing beauty treatment here, just came in ten minutes ago.”

Cynthia nodded, and said in disgust, “Follow me in.”


The bodyguard took the lead and reached out and pushed open the door of this beauty salon.

The clerk rushed over and said apologetically: “I‟m sorry, we won‟t receive guests in the morning.”

Cynthia frowned: “Won‟t receive guests? A woman named Elaine, didn‟t she just come to your store for a spa? Why did it become unwelcome when it came to me?”

Chapter 1891

The clerk was questioned by Cynthia, and she didn‟t know how to reply.

She knew very well in her heart that the boss meant that she would never treat guests this morning, so she couldn‟t let anyone in.

So she hurriedly said: “I‟m sorry, Ma‟am, we really don‟t treat guests in the morning. Ms. Elaine made an appointment in advance, so I‟m sorry.”

Cynthia almost exploded in anger.

She condescended to come to this kind of shabby beauty salon. It is like a phoenix coming to the chicken coop. Didn‟t expect that this chicken coop would not let her enter? !

She immediately furiously said: “Don‟t let me in, right? Believe it or not, you won‟t have to do this in the future?!”

The clerk suddenly didn‟t know what to do.

She could also see that Cynthia‟s dressing was no ordinary person at first glance. If she really angered her, it might cause trouble.

So she could only say respectfully: “Sorry, ma‟am, wait a moment, I will ask our boss for instructions.”

Cynthia waved her hand in disgust: “Move faster, I have very limited patience!” 

The clerk hurried to the boss‟s office. The boss was already in his office at this time, picking up valuable items.

He intends to help Harold this time. After earning Harold‟s 200,000, he will immediately prepare to run away and vacate the shop tonight. If this is the case, when members of the shop arrive tomorrow, they will find the courtyard is empty.

This is also the usual routine for most gyms and beauty salons to run away, taking advantage of people‟s unprepared feet to apply oil, so that all members who have been fooled into applying for a stored-value card are caught off guard.

The clerk entered the office and hurriedly said: “Boss, there is another woman outside.

She has to come in! I can‟t stop her, go and see!”

When the boss heard this, he frowned and asked, “What woman? Didn‟t you tell her not to treat guests in the morning?”

“Said it!” the clerk said aggrievedly: “I told her several times, but she insisted that the guest named Elaine came in, why can‟t she enter…”

The boss suddenly became nervous: “Does she know Elaine?”

“I do not know either……”

The boss thought for a moment, and said: “Okay, I‟ll deal with her and see what she wants to do.”

After speaking, he got up and came out of the office, all the way to the front desk.

Seeing Cynthia, the boss also saw that this woman should have a lot of background, and he was even more nervous.

So he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “Hello Ma‟am, don‟t know what your needs are?”

Cynthia said coldly: “Your store is open, why don‟t you let people in? What do you mean by not serving guests in the morning?”

The boss chuckled and hurriedly said: “It‟s true that we have guests booked a full set of care in the morning, so it is not convenient to treat guests again. If you come in the afternoon or tomorrow, I will arrange the best massager to serve you!”

Cynthia said disdainfully: “Stop this set with me, I didn‟t come to your ruined place to consume!”

The boss frowned: “If you don‟t come to consume, what are you doing here?”

Chapter 1892

Cynthia said, “I‟m here to find Elaine, who just came to your place for care. I have something to talk to her in private.”

As soon as the boss heard that she was not for consumption, he darkened his face and said annoyedly: “If you are not for consumption, then please go out. If you are looking for someone to discuss matters, you must find another place. I don‟t provide such services.”

Cynthia winked at the bodyguard, and the bodyguard immediately took out 50,000 in cash from his small suitcase and patted it on the counter.

When the boss saw the money, his attitude became flattering again, and he smiled and asked, “Ma‟am, what service do you want me to provide you with?”

Cynthia said coldly: “Take me to see Elaine. I want to chat with Elaine in private. It won‟t be too long, at most half an hour. During this half an hour, no one is allowed to bother me. , This fifty thousand is your reward, do you understand?”

When the boss heard this, he thought to himself: “Harold asked me to give that Elaine some sleeping pills. After she is asleep, Harold would take her away secretly. Now he has killed the eldest sister halfway and has to talk to Elaine. It sounds like a good deal for an hour, and then give 50,000. As long as he let Harold wait for half an hour, wait for the older sister to talk to Elaine and leave, then give Elaine sleeping pills?”

Thinking of this, he immediately agreed with a smile: “It‟s easy to talk about! Isn‟t it half an hour of private time, no problem, Ms. Elaine is taking a bath, you can wait in the spa room first.”

Cynthia nodded and said to the bodyguard, “Come with me.”

“Hey!” The boss said hurriedly, “We are a female-only club. Members wear very casually here, and sometimes they don‟t even wear clothes. Even my boss can‟t enter the private service area for members. You can‟t take this gentleman inside!”

Cynthia didn‟t think that an ordinary beauty salon would be dangerous, so she said to the bodyguard, “You are waiting outside.”

The bodyguard nodded slightly.

Today, Cynthia‟s whereabouts were made on a temporary basis, and there was no suspicious person following along the way, so in this case, there was basically no possibility of encountering danger, so she didn‟t care too much.

The bodyguard waited at the door, and Cynthia said to the boss: “Can you take me in now?”

The boss smiled and hurriedly said, “Let our clerk take you in. I can‟t get in either.” 

“Good.” Cynthia nodded, and followed the clerk into the beauty salon. 

The apartment of this beauty salon is relatively deep, with the front desk and lobby outside, and then the bathing place through the promenade, and then the spa room is going deeper.

The reason why the spa room is placed in the deepest part is mainly that the guests who come to the spa for complete relaxation and are very resistant to noise. If it is too close to the outside and close to the road, the vibration and horn sound of passing cars will be very obvious.

After Cynthia followed the clerk through the deep corridor, she came to one of the spa rooms.

The clerk respectfully said to her: “Hello, madam, please wait here for a while, and I will bring her here after Ms. Elaine comes out.”

Cynthia gave a hum, took out 10,000 in cash from her limited Hermes backpack, handed it to her, and exhorted: “Don‟t tell Elaine I‟ll wait for her here, just bring her in, understand?”

The clerk happily accepted the ten thousand, and said excitedly: “Don‟t worry, I won‟t say it!”

“Yeah.” Cynthia nodded: “You go out first.”

“OK, lady.”

After the clerk went out, Cynthia frowned and looked at the environment in the room, frowning in disgust.

She took out a cheque written a long time ago from her bag. The amount on the cheque was one billion, which she planned to use to buy Elaine.

However, the more she looked at the low-end environment of this beauty salon, the more she sighed in her heart: “This Elaine would actually come to this place to do a spa.

She must be a bun who has never seen money. Give her a billion. It is too much!”

Chapter 1893

Thinking of this, Cynthia stuffed the one billion check back into her wallet.

She felt that if she wanted to buy a cheap woman like Elaine, one billion would be taken advantage of, and one billion was a lot.

As a result, she took out the checkbook again and temporarily wrote a check for 100 million.

She planned to take this one-hundred-million-dollar check directly in a while to entice Elaine to go home and force her daughter to divorce Charlie. In this way, her mission to Aurous Hill this time would be half completed.

After writing a check for 100 million, she took out a Hermès silk scarf from her bag and placed it on the sofa before sitting down.

At this time, Elaine was still soaking in the bathtub.

In fact, she had washed it a long time ago, and the reason why she still didn‟t want to soak it out was mainly because she felt that the milk petal bath should have a good moisturizing effect on the skin, so it‟s better to soak for a while.

And Harold and Noah, at this time, had already brought a few young men who were still alive and drove a large van to the back door of the beauty salon.

Harold took out the phone, called the boss, and asked, “Brother Baidel, how are things prepared? Have you fainted Elaine? I‟m just waiting at the back door!”

The boss thought to himself: “I haven‟t made the extra 50,000 yet, so I have to wait for my 50,000 to be safe before doing it!”

So, he said to Harold: “Harold, wait a moment, that Elaine is taking a bath, there is a bit of ink, but don‟t worry, I will have the water with the added ingredients ready for her.

After the bath, find a chance to let her drink it, and you will wait patiently for my notification. Once she faints, I will call you. Then you can just come in and do your thing!”

As soon as Harold heard this, he immediately smiled and said, “Brother Baidel, you are still reliable! Okay! In that case, I‟ll wait a while, and you will notify me immediately if it‟s done.”

“Okay, just wait for me!”


Elaine soaked for another ten minutes, feeling that the skin on her body was a little pale because of the blisters, and then she came out of the bathtub reluctantly.

After she came out, she immediately rang the service bell, and the clerk who had received her hurried in with a clean bath towel in her hand.

She helped Elaine wrap the bath towel and asked diligently: “Madam, do you need to wear disposable underwe@r? I will open the package if necessary.”

As she said, she added: “All our massagers and service staff are women. It doesn‟t matter if you don‟t wear them.”

Elaine thought for a while and said, “I‟d better put it on. After all, this is not a bathhouse. It‟s too awkward to be alone.”

The clerk nodded and quickly took apart the disposable underwe@r for her to wear, and prepared another bathrobe for her. After Elaine put on the bathrobe, she was led to the spa room.

Opening the door, the service staff said to Elaine: “Miss, please come in.”

Elaine nodded, and when she stepped through the door, she found a beautifully dressed woman sitting on the sofa in the room, and asked the clerk with some dissatisfaction: “This is your massager? This fancy suit is too exaggerated. Right? There are so many decorations on her body, making it look like a mannequin in a jewelry shop. What if she accidentally scratched me?”

Cynthia must be angry at this.

Secretly cursed in her heart: “The f*cking bun, said I am wearing fancy clothes, said I am pompous?!”

Chapter 1894

The clerk was also embarrassed at this time. Looking at Cynthia, she didn‟t know how tointroduce Elaine.

Cynthia frowned, and said in a very arrogant tone to the clerk: “Okay, you go out first, I‟ll talk to her.”

The clerk immediately left the room as if she was getting amnesty, and closed the door behind her.

Elaine looked at Cynthia warily, and asked coldly, “Hey, who are you?”

Cynthia said lightly: “You don‟t deserve to know who I am.”

Elaine suddenly sipped: “You babble! The smelly Old Lady, what kind of big-tailed eagle is here with me? Dressed in colorful, d*mn United, and carrying a fake Hermes, it‟s not you who are awesome here?”

Cynthia suddenly shouted angrily: “What are you talking about?! It is a catwalk coat customized by Chanel‟s top designer! My Hermes is also the top limited edition! The clothes I wear are worth at least 50 million!”

Elaine disdainfully said: “You f*cking pretend to impress me, if I am a bunny who has never seen the world? Just your broken Hermes, and mother dare to say that it is a limited edition. Tell you, I am the one who uses the real products!”

As she said, she immediately took out the Hermès backpack she had placed in before taking a shower from the locker, hung it on her arm and stretched it out in front of Cynthia, and said pretentiously: “Open your dog‟s eyes, This is the real Hermes, simple and atmospheric, understand?”

Cynthia glanced at Elaine‟s Hermes, and suddenly she burst into laughter.

Seeing her smile, Elaine couldn‟t help but sneered: “What? You don‟t dare to pretend to be impressed when you see the real Hermes, right?”

Cynthia sighed, and sneered: “I know what is poor, so you are called poor!”

As she said, her eyes were full of contempt and said: “Do you still dare to show off in front of me with the most basic entry-level Hermes?”

Immediately, Cynthia picked up her Hermes, and sneered: “Open your dog‟s eyes and see it clearly, this Hermes, can buy more than 100 of those!”

“fck your mother’s old mule!” Elaine said in disgust: “You fcking boast that you won‟t be taxed. Listen to what you mean, do you earn 10 million Hermes?”

Cynthia sneered: “15 million!”

Elaine curled her lips: “I really don‟t know where the dead Old Lady came from. I chop you up and sell you by a kilogram. You are not worth 15 million! Are you still here to pretend to be my grandma? Get out of here. Don‟t f*cking delay my spa!”

When Cynthia heard this, her whole body trembled with anger, and she wished to slap Elaine immediately to give a lesson to this unseen turtle.

But after another thought, I came here today, not because she is more expensive than her Hermes, there is still business to be done.

So she gritted her teeth and waved her hand: “Okay, Elaine, I won‟t talk nonsense withyou anymore. It‟s meaningless. I came to you this time because I wanted to make a deal with you.”

“Doing business?” Elaine frowned, “I have nothing to do with the fake Hermes like you, so get out of here!”

Cynthia pressed his anger and said coldly: “You might as well listen to me first. I am looking for you this time for one purpose. You go back and get your daughter to divorce Charlie. If you promise me, this check will be yours.”

After that, she handed the one-billion-dollar check to Elaine, and said proudly: “This check is worth 100 million. As long as you promise me, you can take the money first!”

Seeing Elaine‟s expression stunned, Cynthia sneered again, and said in a condescending  tone: “But Elaine, listen to me. Since you have taken my money, you must do what I explain! Otherwise, I will not only Letting you spit out this money a lot, and it will cost you a huge price!”

Chapter 1895

Elaine looked at Cynthia dumbfounded, and blurted out unbelievably, “What are you talking about, this check is worth 100 million?!”

Seeing her surprised look, Cynthia sneered, and said sarcastically: “Look at the way you have never seen the world, Citibank cash check! Haven‟t you seen it? If you think of someone like you, you won‟t have the chance to see it in your life. Such a large cash check!”

Elaine‟s whole expression immediately became uncertain.

Cynthia thought she completely shocked Elaine, and smiled satisfied.

She held the check in her hand and slapped it a few times, and smiled arrogantly: “Do you want this check? If you want, just listen to me and persuade your daughter to leave Charlie!”

Elaine‟s expression suddenly became a little annoyed.

Cynthia hasn‟t figured out how this woman‟s expression has become so fast.

Elaine suddenly stretched out her hand and snatched the check over, took a close look in front of her, and then angrily tore the check into pieces!

Cynthia was dumbfounded. She saw Elaine tear her one hundred million check into shreds, and immediately said in her heart: “It seems that I have underestimated this stinky lady! She tore the check even if she said it, it seems that her appetite is not small!”

At this moment, when Cynthia saw Elaine staring at her with an extremely angry look, she gritted her teeth and said: “Okay! One hundred million is too small for you, yes! As long as you obediently listen to me, let your daughter and Charlie divorce After the formalities are completed, I can give you 200 million!”

After all, she immediately took out the checkbook from Hermès‟ bag, took off the pen cap, and said coldly: “You think about it. If you want, I will write you a check now!”

When Cynthia said this, she thought to herself: “Elaine is nothing but an old hat in a small city. Don‟t look at you in a villa of Tomson, but you must be a stinky silk who has never seen a lot of money. A billion is in front of you, I don‟t believe you will refuse!”

Thinking of this, Cynthia suddenly saw a flower, and in the next second, a sharp pain came from her left cheek!


It turned out that Elaine directly raised her hand and slapped Cynthia severely!

Cynthia has never been beaten in her entire life, and never dreamed that she lived more than 40 years old. The first slap in her life was actually beaten by a s*umbag!

She immediately felt a burst of anger rush to her head!

Staring at Elaine, she yelled hysterically: “B!tch! Are you f*cking crazy? Dare to beat me?!

Do you know who I am?”

As soon as the voice fell, Elaine came up directly, kicked her chest, and kicked her directly from the back of the sofa!

Although Cynthia is not a good person, she is also an intellectual.

Although she was proud and bullied others all her life, she basically was never bullied with violence to this level.

Therefore, Elaine suddenly moved her hands, and she suddenly had no resistance!

Seeing being knocked to the ground by Elaine, she struggled to get up and cursed with a disheveled hair: “Elaine! Are you fcking sick?! I am giving you money, if you fcking don‟t, there is no need to do it with me.” Don‟t you f*cking understand the truth that a gentleman speaks but doesn‟t use his hands?!”

Elaine gritted her teeth and cursed: “What a f*cking gentleman who talks but doesn‟t do anything? Since you dare to give the dead man the paper money to fool me, why can‟t I beat you like this! I will not only beat you today, I want to kill you!”

Cynthia was almost blinded at the moment.

She yelled hysterically, “What the hll are you doing?! I gave you a cash check from Citibank! You can hear clearly, it’s Citibank! Even if you fcking have never seen the world, at least have some basic common sense!”

Chapter 1896

“fck you!” Elaine rushed over in a rage, and rode directly on Cynthia’s stomach. With her big mouth bowed from side to side, she flicked towards Cynthia’s face and cursed as she slapped, “You fcking treat me as a fool. I have been fooled like this once, you f*cking dare to cheat me again!”

At this moment, Elaine thought in her heart that Jacob was hospitalized in the hospital.

She wanted a check for her daughter Claire‟s check-out rent. After Charlie handed the check to her, she took the check to pay for the hospitalization.

Unexpectedly, the denomination of that check turned out to be 100 million!

At that time, the hospital cashier ridiculed her and threatened to call the police to catch her.

In the end, she went back to Charlie to settle the accounts in a rage, only to realize that Charlie had bought the check from the funeral store and planned to burn it to his deceased parents.

Therefore, Cynthia now also took out a 100 million check, which looks almost exactly the same as Charlie‟s 100 million check at that time.

In this case, of course she was furious!

What‟s more hateful is that this d*mn Cynthia has been repeatedly emphasizing Citibank in front of her!

In this life, Elaine hated Citibank the most!

Because for her, the worst experience in her life was caused by the fake black gold card of Citibank.

After that, she was put in a detention center, and was abused by Mrs. Willson, Wendy, and the big and rough Gena for several days.

Those just a few days were definitely the black hole of Elaine‟s life.

Therefore, when she saw that Cynthia not only cheated her with a cheque of 100 million from the dead, but also dared to use Citibank to chirp here, she was already angry!

Cynthia was dizzy and nauseous when she was beaten at this time, and her cheeks that Elaine beat back and forth were red and swollen, and the pain was unbearable.

Although she screamed, her bodyguard was outside the gate at this time and couldn‟t hear the movement so deep inside, so he couldn‟t help her at all. 

Even though Cynthia was beaten very dumbfounded, she knew very well in her heart that now it is idiotic to get his mobile phone and let the bodyguard come in to rescue him, so he can only fight with Elaine! ?

As a result, she suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Elaine‟s hair like crazy. After grabbing a lock of Elaine‟s hair, she yanked her desperately!

Elaine didn‟t expect her to be beaten by this woman all of a sudden, and as a result she attacked her hair!

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her hair, which made her scream several times, and she was desperately trying to beat Cynthia with her hands.

While beating and cursing: “Silly idiot, you dare to pull my hair, I fight with you!”

Naturally, Cynthia was not to be outdone. With that strand of hair in her hand, he desperately tore, and directly tore all that strand of hair from Elaine‟s head!

This time, Elaine covered her head in pain and yelled. Cynthia saw that this was an opportunity, and directly pushed Elaine to the ground, and then rushed up, riding on Elaine‟s stomach, facing her face for a while!

“Even I dare to fight, I f*cking kill you shrew!”

Cynthia was mad at this moment. If she were given a knife, she would be able to kill Elaine on the spot.

At this moment, the waiter outside heard the movement and ran over in a hurry, opened the door to see, and was shocked immediately, so she hurried to the boss‟s room, opened the door and panted and said, “Boss, no… …Not good! Then…the two women…in the room…fight…fighting…”

Chapter 1897

As soon as the owner of the beauty salon heard that the two women were fighting, he became angry.

“d*mn, aren‟t friends chatting? Why are they fighting?!”

The clerk hurriedly said: “don‟t know, it‟s a terrible beating. If you don‟t check it again, one will probably kill the other!”


The beauty salon owner was nervous.

He hasn‟t run away yet. If something goes wrong at this time and the police are brought in, it will be a big trouble.

So he hurried to check the situation. Before he got there, he heard that one is being beaten to death.

Elaine was yelling through the door: “d*mn, stinky girl, I can‟t cure Gena‟s big fat pig, and he can‟t cure you?!”

Cynthia obviously took the advantage, gritted her teeth and cursed: “You wait! I‟m definitely not going to make you feel better! I won‟t let you live to see the sun tomorrow!”


Elaine slapped Cynthia‟s face again: “That broken mouth, why the f*ck is forcing me to talk, see if I won‟t tear your mouth for you!”

The owner of the beauty salon opened the door and took a look, but was frightened by the two women with blood on their faces and quickly closed the door.

He muttered nervously in his mouth: “No way, no way! If you continue to do this, you must die!”

After speaking, he immediately ran to the back door, and when he pushed the door, he saw a van parked upside down at the door, with the trunk entrance facing the back door.

So he hurried to the co-pilot and took a picture. Harold put down the car window and asked excitedly: “Brother Baidel, has that stinky Elaine fainted?” 

The owner of the beauty salon said anxiously: “Fat! she fought with a woman inside. If she continues to fight, she will kill people. Go in and take them away!”

Harold asked in surprise: “What‟s the situation?! Has she started fighting? With whom?”

The owner of the beauty salon was a little guilty, but didn‟t mention a word about the fact that he charged Cynthia. He said hurriedly: “don‟t know who the h*ll is, you quickly take the person away, otherwise it‟s all be over if something happens! I‟m going to die, and you are going to die!”

Upon hearing this, Harold hurriedly led a few young people out of the car.

A crowd of people, led by the owner of the beauty salon, swarmed to the door of the spa room. Before opening the door, they heard the mess inside.

Harold kicked the door open. Seeing Elaine was riding on a woman with a bloody face and beating her, he immediately said to a few people around him: “It‟s the woman above, grab her and take her into the car!”

Elaine turned to find Harold, and suddenly shouted in panic: “Harold! What do you want to do?!”

Harold grinned and said, “aunt, you spent so long with our family and sent Mom to the black coal kiln. Now is the time to pay a price!”

After speaking, he waved his hand, and several people around him immediately rushed over and tied Elaine up.

Cynthia didn‟t know what was going on, but when someone started to arrest the woman who had been beating her, she was finally relieved and angrily cursed: “Elaine, I am going to break you into pieces! Wait! “

As Cynthia spoke, she reached into Hermès‟ bag and fetched her phone.

Seeing this, Harold hurriedly scolded: “d*mn, you still want to call?! Put the phone down for me! Otherwise, don‟t blame me for being impolite!”

Cynthia looked at him and blurted out: “This matter is my personal grievance with Elaine, don‟t worry about it! Give Elaine to me, and I will give you a satisfactory reward!”

Harold exploded immediately.

Chapter 1898

He thought to himself: “Is this woman mindless? Give Elaine to her? How can our family explain to Mr. Regnar? Besides, I don‟t care how you appeared here today, since you and Elaine When they got together, in order to avoid problems with kidnapping Elaine, then I can only take her away!”

So he ignored Cynthia and said directly to the young people: “Tie up this woman and take her away!”

When Cynthia heard this, she shouted angrily: “Tie me?! Do you know who I am?!”

Harold said in disgust: “I don‟t bother to know who you are. When you and Elaine go to the brick factory to burn bricks, tell Elaine who you are!”

After speaking, he said to the few people: “Give me both of them!”

Cynthia said hysterically: “You dare to move me, I‟m Wade…oo…”

Before Cynthia could say the rest, her mouth was tightly gagged with a towel.

The end of Elaine was the same. After being gagged, Harold immediately said to them: “Hurry up and get people in the car!”

Several people immediately took Elaine and Cynthia, walked out the back door quickly, and stuffed them into the carriage.

Harold said to the owner of the beauty salon at this time: “Brother Baidel, I advise you to withdraw as soon as possible and don‟t spend an extra moment here.”

The owner of the beauty salon said: “No, I still have some second-hand equipment and furniture waiting to be processed!”

Harold asked him: “How much money can it be worth just such a little second-hand tatter?”

“It‟s worthless, but it‟s better than a lot of things. If you sell it, you can sell it for ten or twenty thousand.”

Harold said hurriedly: “You quickly pull it down! How long do you have to spend on this 20,000? In case it is for such a small amount of money, and you finally want to run away, then you will lose out. ! So I advise you to leave now! After I am gone, you should withdraw from the back door quickly!”

The beauty salon owner thought carefully: “Yes… the woman who came to Elaine just now has a companion, but that companion is waiting outside at this time, and now she is taken away by Harold. The other party can‟t wait for anyone, and it will take half an hour, and he will definitely come in to see what happens. Isn‟t it a bad thing?!”

Thinking of this, he lost his heart. Anyway, he earned 200,000 from Harold, and another 50,000 from Cynthia, which is already a lot of money. If he doesn‟t run away now, if he can‟t get away. Regret no tears!

So he hurriedly said to the clerk: “Go and say hello to the massager, pack things up and leave in five minutes!”

The clerk nodded busy: “OK, boss!”

Soon, the van that Harold found, carrying Elaine and Cynthia who were tied up by the five flowers, quickly left the back door of the beauty salon.

Within a few minutes, the owner of the beauty salon also took clerk and a massager, with large and small bags of soft luggage, and sneaked away through the back door.

At this moment, Cynthia‟s bodyguard was still standing beside the Rolls-Royce on the roadside, waiting for Cynthia to come out.

How did he know that Cynthia was actually kidnapped in this ordinary beauty salon…

Twenty minutes passed, and Cynthia hadn‟t come out yet. The bodyguard took out his cell phone and planned to call Cynthia to ask.

At the same time, the van was driving outside the city.

Harold was sitting on the back seat with a smug look, while Elaine, who was heavily tied up, was lying at his feet.

He deliberately stepped on Elaine‟s face with his feet, and sneered: “Elaine, you didn‟t expect it, you will have a f*cking day today!”

Elaine was speechless, so she could only whimper a few times.

At this moment, in Cynthia‟s bag next to him, the phone rang suddenly!

Chapter 1899

Cynthia‟s cell phone ringing shocked Harold.

He hurriedly reached out to Cynthia‟s bag and took out an Apple mobile phone.

Seeing someone calling her, he immediately turned off the phone without saying anything, and threw it back into Cynthia‟s bag.

Although Cynthia whimpered for a while, but there was nothing to do, and the intestines that she had regretted long ago were blue.

She thought to herself, “Isn‟t it the bad luck that I did? What am I doing with this Elaine?

If it wasn‟t for her, I wouldn‟t be kidnapped by this group of people!”

However, regret at this time has no meaning. Although she is the eldest daughter of Elder Wade, at this moment, she is also called every day to refuse, and the ground is not working.

At the same time, at the entrance of Lizi Beauty Salon.

Cynthia‟s bodyguard found that his master refused to answer his phone.

He didn‟t think much about it at first thought. After all, he knew that Cynthia was here to talk to Elaine. Maybe it was inconvenient to answer his phone at the critical moment of negotiation.

However, in order to be sure that he was foolproof, he called Cynthia again.

Unexpectedly, after the call was made, the phone turned off!

This moment made the bodyguard nervous!

In today‟s society, mobile phones are very important to anyone. Therefore, Cynthia‟s mobile phone has hardly ever been turned off during the day.

He immediately noticed something abnormal, so he immediately said to the driver: “Follow me in and have a look!”

The driver was also one of Cynthia‟s bodyguards. He immediately got off the RollsRoyce and rushed into the beauty salon along with the bodyguards who had been guarding the car.

As soon as they entered the beauty salon, the two realized that something was wrong!

The clerk was not there, and it was a bit messy inside, obviously showing signs of hastily turned over.

So they searched from room to room and found the spa room where Cynthia and Elaine had been fighting before.

When they saw the house full of mess, blood, and a lock of long hair on the ground, the two of them shook their hearts and looked at each other, and they could see the despair and collapse in each other‟s eyes!

On the sofa, there are silk scarves left by Cynthia!

From the scene, it can be easily seen that Cynthia was kidnapped!

The two bodyguards suddenly felt thunderous!

They were ordered to protect Cynthia‟s personal safety. They should have used their lives to defend Cynthia‟s safety, but they didn‟t expect Cynthia to be kidnapped right under their noses!

One of them desperately said: “It‟s over! This is over! The protector is not strong, this is a capital crime!”

The other person was equally desperate and collapsed and said, “This…this shouldn‟t be!

Missy decided to come to see that Elaine temporarily today, so it is impossible to reveal any whereabouts in advance, and our way is not. Without being followed by anyone, who would take her against her, this is not logical!”

“Oh, you don‟t care about what is reasonable or unreasonable. The top priority now is to find the eldest lady! Let‟s call Issac as soon as possible! Aurous Hill is his site, he must be better than us!”

“It makes sense!”

As the man said, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Issac.

Issac was in the hospital at this time, visiting the employee who miscarried because of Cynthia.

Cynthia‟s kick not only kicked the female employee‟s child, but also caused the female employee to cause a severe bleeding. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and she was temporarily out of danger.

Issac hated and angered at the thought of Cynthia‟s arrogance and domineering, but as a servant of the Wade family, he had no right to point fingers at her anyway.

Chapter 1900

Therefore, he can only comfort his female employee and let her cultivate her body at ease.

After coming out of the ward, Issac sighed, wondering when the grandmother Cynthia could leave when the phone suddenly rang.

The person who called was Cynthia‟s bodyguard.

Issac answered the phone: “Hey, this is Issac.”

The nervous people on the other end of the phone almost cried, and choked up: “Mr. Issac, something has happened, Mr. Issac!”

Issac frowned and asked, “What‟s the matter? What is such a fuss for.”

There was a shivering voice and said: “Issac…Mr. Issac, the eldest lady…she…she is kidnapped!”

There was a buzz in Issac‟s mind!

What do you mean?

Cynthia was kidnapped in Aurous Hill?

Who is so bold that even they dare to touch the Wade family?

So, he hurriedly said, “Don‟t worry, let me know the matter clearly after the first five to ten!”

The other party hurriedly said, “Today the eldest lady is looking for a woman named Elaine to talk about something, so we accompanied the eldest lady to a beauty salon and met with that woman…”

“Unexpectedly…the two of them disappeared in the beauty salon together, and even the clerk and boss of the beauty salon are missing…”

In the next moment, he immediately thought of Charlie.

He knew that Charlie had a big quarrel with Cynthia in the Hanging Garden, and the two sides must have been very uncomfortable, so it might really be Charlie‟s hand.

So he hurriedly called Charlie and asked as soon as he came up, “Master where are you?”

Charlie said lightly: “I‟m at home, what‟s the matter?”

Issac said nervously, “Master did you tie up Miss Cynthia?”

Charlie frowned: “No, I don‟t even bother to see her, why would I tie her up? Why, she is kidnapped?”

Issac was surprised: “Ah? You didn‟t do this thing?! That‟s bad! This is really going to happen!”

Charlie asked, “What the h*ll is going on?”

Issac blurted out: “Miss Cynthia went to the beauty salon to see your mother-in-law, and said she was going to talk to your mother-in-law in person, but she suddenly disappeared and disappeared from the beauty salon!”

Charlie was shocked, and hurriedly asked him: “What about Mother-in-law? Missing too?! Do you know what she said to Mother-in-law?!”

What Charlie feared most at this time was that Cynthia would reveal his identity in front of Elaine.


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