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 Chapter 3095: Solving the Hate in Your Heart

At this moment, in Tompson's first-class villa, a family of four really enjoyed a sumptuous family dinner for the first time.


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Charlie and Claire never quarreled, but Jacob and Elaine often taunted and exchanged cold words at each other at the dinner table, making the atmosphere at the dinner table always tense and awkward.

But this time, the two of them never quarreled even half a word from beginning to end. More importantly, they no longer disliked each other, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Elaine also changed her past domineering and arrogant behavior, and even frequently brought Jacob food at the dinner table, letting him eat this and try that, completely acting like a good wife and loving mother.

As for Jacob, he had always looked down on Elaine in various ways in the past, and he would always lament in his heart that he had been famous all his life, but it was a pity that a good man did not have a good wife.

But now he has completely resigned himself to his fate.

With such a bird like him, it's normal for Han Meiqing to look down on him, and Elaine can still follow him wholeheartedly, which is already pretty good.

Therefore, the look in his eyes when he looked at Elaine no longer contained the disgust and disdain that he could not hide in the past, but was instead a bit more gentle and touching.

After dinner, Elaine, who was familiar with Jacob's habits, said before Jacob got up: "Claire, help mom clean up the kitchen in a while. Mom will make a pot of tea for your dad first. Your dad likes to drink tea after dinner. ."

Claire was startled, and then said quickly: "Okay... okay, Mom, you don't need to take care of the dining table, I will clean it."

Jacob, who was sitting on a chair to eat, was stunned. Elaine personally Making tea, how could this be a treatment I deserved?

So, he quickly stood up and said, "Honey, please stop working so hard. I'll just make it myself later." 

Elaine couldn't help but said, "You just finished eating and sit down for a while before you get up. I'll make the tea for you and bring it to the coffee table in the living room and Call you."

After saying that, Elaine walked out of the kitchen.

Jacob looked at her back and was almost moved to tears.

He looked at Charlie in disbelief, and then glanced at Elaine who was walking out of the kitchen. His expression was probably asking Charlie if he was dreaming.

Charlie was also amazed by what he saw. It seemed that his mother-in-law was really going to change her gender.

While sighing, he quickly stood up and helped his wife clear the dining table.

Claire hurriedly said: "Husband, Mom won't let Dad do any work, so don't reach out. Just sit down and rest for a while, and I'll take care of it."

Charlie smiled and said, "You just came back from all the hard work. How can I just sit and watch you work?"

Jacob on the side regained his composure and couldn't help but sigh: "People say that everything is prosperous when the family is in harmony, and everything is prosperous when the family is in harmony. I didn't understand or feel it before, but now I really feel it. Got it! It’s so damn good to have a harmonious home with no quarrels, no bickering, no internal strife, and a standard sense of refreshment! This kind of family atmosphere will make people smack their mouths outside, but when they return home Everyone was so happy that they couldn't stop talking from ear to ear!" 

When Claire saw Elaine go out, she whispered with a serious face: "Dad! Thanks to Charlie for helping you smooth things over today, otherwise if mom knew that she was in the detention center at that time, you even went to the airport to pick up Aunt Han and take Aunt Han home for dinner. I'm afraid she asks the traffic police to take you in today!"

Jacob was so frightened that he trembled all over and looked outside the restaurant subconsciously. Seeing that Elaine had not come in, he lowered his voice. He said to Claire with a nervous voice: "Claire, for the sake of the harmony of our family, you must keep all those things in your stomach. The whole thing is the version that Charlie said. Do you remember it?

"Claire curled his lips and muttered: "For the sake of family harmony, I will definitely not tell mom, but you have to know it in your heart and never do anything like that again in the future!"

 Jacob nodded repeatedly and promised: "Don't worry, Dad will never do it again."

 Just as he finished speaking, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

 He lowered his head and saw that the caller was actually Zhang Ermao. He was a little surprised and muttered: "It's really surprising. This Zhang Ermao has been avoiding me for so long. Why did he take the initiative to call me today?" I'll talk."

Charlie was also a little surprised. Normally, Zhang Ermao left the antique street to help Orval Hong take care of the business on the road, and had no contact with his father-in-law. Why did he call him at this time?

 Although Jacob was confused, he still picked up the phone and pressed answer.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Ermao said respectfully: "President Wilson, it's me, Ermao, do you still remember me?"

"Nonsense..." Jacob muttered with a curse: "We have dealt with each other so many times, and you still ask me," Do I remember you? I collected a lot of good things before. I called you more than 10,000 times but couldn't get through. How come you know you have contacted me now?"

Zhang Ermao smiled and said quickly: "No. To tell you the truth, President Wilson, I have quit playing antiques and am now working for Mr. Orval of Aurous Hill. You must know Mr. Orval that he has a very good relationship with you!"

Jacob hummed. He hummed: "Of course, what kind of friendship do I have with Mr. Orval? I had a meal in the diamond box of his Classic Mansion two days ago."

After that, Jacob said again: "Okay, Zhang Ermao, don't be so pretentious. You're being polite, just tell me if you have anything to do with me."

Zhang Ermao said in a very attentive voice: "President Wilson, do you still remember Zhou Liangyun from Ji Qingtang?"

 Upon hearing Zhou Liangyun's name, on the side Charlies heart moved, and Jacob suddenly felt his face burning, as if he had been slapped again.

He immediately cursed and said: "Zhou Liangyun? How could I not remember him! I caused some trouble in Jiqingtang at that time, and I left. He asked people to catch me back, and even slapped me loudly. This grudge I will never forget it in my life! If he hadn't been kicked out of Aurous Hill by the Song family, I would have avenged him that day!"

Hearing what his father-in-law said, Charlie couldn't help but feel helpless.

Although now that things have come to light step by step, Charlie knows that the vase fell to the ground when his father-in-law was looking at the vase in Jiqing Hall, but his behavior at that time was indeed very unscrupulous.

He thought that he accidentally broke the vase worth millions. His first thought was not to find a way to repair it, but to leave Charlie there as a backup. He immediately ran away. What's the point of getting Grudgeful for this slap??

But Jacob didn't think so.

After all, he was very old. It was very embarrassing to be caught by a gang of people on the street. When those guys caught him and took him back, they were not polite with their hands and punched him. He still got beaten at such an old age. How can he swallow this breath?

Moreover, according to the news he received, Zhou Liangyun disappeared from Aurous Hill after that incident, and he had no chance to take revenge even if he wanted to.

Zhang Ermao on the other end of the phone heard jacob’s reaction when he mentioned Zhou Liangyun and understood Jacob was still very angry, and he felt relieved, knowing that he had read the pulse correctly, so he said flatteringly: "If President Wilson wants to take revenge, there is a chance!"

"There is a chance." Jacob couldn't hear what Zhang Ermao said, but said angrily: "This grandson has disappeared a long time ago. I guess he is no longer in Aurous Hill. Where can I seek revenge from him?"

Zhang Ermao hurriedly said like a treasure: "President Wilson, I am calling you to tell you the good news. Zhou Liangyun has returned to Aurous Hill, and he plans to open a store in Antique Street!"

"What did you say?" When Jacob heard this, he stood up immediately and asked in a somewhat excited tone: "The b@stard named Zhou is coming back to Aurous Hill Antique Street to open a shop? Is he just hanging around outside, or is he just messing around? Is it worse?"

In Jacob's mind, there are two possibilities for Zhou Liangyun to return to Aurous Hill. One is that he is very good outside, rich and powerful, and returns to Aurous Hill to open a shop, so as to get back the favor of Ji Qingtang. The face of being expelled; but the other is the complete opposite, that is, he can no longer survive outside, and has no choice but to return to Aurous Hill to beg for food.

If it is the former, then there is no hope of revenge; but if it is the latter, then there is a chance for revenge.

Zhang Ermao replied: "President Wilson, to be honest, I haven't seen Zhou Liangyu in person, but judging from the news I received, he shouldn't be doing well outside. He just wants to hang out in the antique street when he comes back this time." Doing some small business doesn't look like you've become a big man outside."

Jacob burst out laughing: "Haha! I think this b@stard has been miserable outside and has no other way out, so he has to come back to Aurous Hill with a face and find a job! It’s really God’s vision!”

Zhang Ermao said with a smile: “President Wilson, if you want to find a chance to avenge the slap in the face by him, I can help you!”

Jacob immediately said Said: "That's great! Aren't you working for the Fifth Master? Tomorrow, bring some more boys, find him, and give him a good beating!"

 Zhang Ermao said in astonishment: "President Wilson, this kind of thing is Isn't it a bit too unskilled?"

Jacob blurted out: "Isn't it also unskilled when he hit me?"

Zhang Ermao quickly explained: "President Wilson, that's not what I meant. I just think that since he has offended you, then if we want to punish him, we will punish him severely. At the very least, we must make him lose face in Aurous Hill, be unable to survive, and get out of the house! When he cannot survive and wants to leave, we will find him again and If we beat him up, that's called beating up a drowned dog. Only in this way can you relieve the hatred in your heart, don't you think so?"

Jacob was overjoyed and immediately said: "It makes sense! What you said makes sense!"

Zhang Ermao said: "If you have no objection, President Wilson, then Ermao will, start to do this!!"

"Okay!" Jacob He said without hesitation: "I will do as you say!"

Zhang Ermao smiled and said: "Okay, President Wilson, just wait for my good news!"

Jacob said: "I can't wait any longer. If you have any situation, just don't wait for my call. "Synchronize with me as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Zhang Ermao said: "I'll think about how to start, and I'll report to you as soon as I figure out a plan!"

"Okay! I'll wait for your report!" Jacob With that said, he hung up Zhang Ermao's phone with satisfaction.

At this time, Charlie couldn't help but curse in his heart. This b@stard Zhang Ermao was so shrewd that he even remembered his father-in-law's grudge for Zhou Liangyun. Moreover, Zhou Liangyun had just arrived in Aurous Hill today and he had received the news. The efficiency was really fast. Amazing.

It's just that Zhang Ermao wouldn't know his relationship with Zhou Liangyun.  Otherwise, even if he was given a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare to think about causing trouble for Zhou Liangyun.

At this time, Claire on the side stopped collecting the dishes and said to Jacob righteously: "Dad, you caused such a big trouble in Jiqingtang, breaking millions worth of vases, and after all Just run away, if I were the manager there, I might not be able to control myself and hit people!"

Jacob snorted: "It's my business to run away, but he can't hit me, it's not right for him to hit me."

Claire shook her head helplessly and said seriously: "Dad, you must not let that Zhang Ermao go find trouble with others, we can't do such an embarrassing thing!"

Jacob said impatiently: "Oh, I know what I am doing, so don’t worry about it!”

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  1. Still not happy with the chapter. There is only one sentence for Charlie and Claire, and that is, they never quarreled. Is that all? Still the contents is about other people's lives.


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