Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3049 update | Chapter 6345 & 6346 Chapter 3049: Meet her | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3049 Meet her 

 At this time, Charlie looked at the pile of photocopied contents of the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface" and couldn't help but sigh: "If our guess is correct, then the false teacher last time saved my life."


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Lin Wan'er nodded lightly, but she held her chin and muttered: "The slave family feels that the false teacher should have taken orders from others, and the person who really helped the young master should be the person behind her."

Charlie was very satisfied with her point of view. Agreed, but said with some doubts: "This person can see through Meng Changsheng's careful plan, and can also stop me at the critical moment. His background must be extraordinary, but I can't figure it out. Since this person is willing to help me, he also knows Why am I unwilling to show my true face to others? If we face each other face to face, we may be able to reach cooperation and fight against the Po Qing Society together."

Lin Wan'er smiled and said: "Perhaps each of them has their own secrets to protect, just like the slave family, if it weren't for Young Master Having saved the lives of the slave family and being sent here by my father's ring, the slave family will definitely not reveal their true identity and experience."

After saying that, Lin Waner added: "But what the slave family can be sure of is that this person must be observing in secret. Look at the young master, maybe when the time is right, this person will take the initiative to meet the young master."

 Charlie nodded and said: "I don't know who Butler Stephen has been working for over the years left without saying goodbye. I always felt that he was too similar to the false teacher we met in Shiwanda Mountain. They must be the same person behind them. What makes me a little ashamed is that the other person may have been paying attention to me since many years ago, but I know nothing about them."

As he said that, Charlie subconsciously took out the agarwood bracelet he got at the nunnery that day from his pocket. Twenty-eight precious Qinan agarwood beads were warm and smooth in his hands, and exuded. With a refreshing fragrance.

Looking at this object, Charlie couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, the other party is not an enemy. He can't show his face now. Maybe he has his own reasons."

Lin Wan'er nodded and said, "Master, I have countless calculations, but I never thought about what I have been planning for hundreds of years." The plan will be blocked by others and discovered by the young master. At present, as long as the young master does not set foot on the Shiwan Mountain and does not practice the "Nine Mysterious Heart Decisions", he should not be affected by the master. In this case, the young master's biggest enemy at present is, It's still Poqing Society and Wu Feiyan."

After saying that, Lin Waner asked him again: "Then what are the young master's plans next?"

Charlie said: "When I met my grandpa in Eastcliff, Inspector Li came up with an idea to Investigate suspicious companies around the world, dig out and eliminate the dead soldiers of the Po Qing Society one by one, if possible, use two or three years to eliminate the effective forces of the Po Qing Society." 

As he spoke, Charlie said Lin Wan'er synchronized with Lin Wan'er about using AI models to help with the investigation.

After listening to this, Lin Wan'er called Li Yalin's criminal investigation thinking very impressive. She also agreed very much with this method and said with a smile: "Once this AI model is put into use, it should be possible to crack down on the Po Qing Dynasty's global power map." They will be located one by one one by one.

Charlie thanked her sincerely: "Thanks to you this time. If you hadn't reminded me, I would never have thought of getting an AI model from the Rothschild family. I am a modern person. I am really ashamed that I don’t know as much and as quickly as Ms. Lin about the actual facts. 

Lin Wan'er smiled shyly and said: "Sir, after all, the slave family has been on the run for more than three hundred years. During these three hundred years, the slave family's most important thing is to collect all kinds of information. In the early years, they read newspapers, and later they listened to the radio and watched TV. I started paying attention to the Internet decades ago, and I have long developed a habit. Every time a new technology comes out in the world, the Slave family must find out about it immediately, and then analyze and evaluate whether this technology will have any impact on Wu Feiyan when she finds the slave family. What key role will it play, so we pay attention to AI. "

Speaking, Lin Wan'er added: "The most important thing is that the young master has completely grasped the person in charge of the Rothschild family. Otherwise, in today's environment, it may be impossible to get such an AI model. "

The two chatted for a few more words. Charlie looked at the time and said to her: "Ms. Lin, I plan to go to the mountainside villa in Champs Elysees at noon to meet my grandmother and aunt. It's almost time. I'll take my leave first. I'll see you again after I finish handling the matters at hand."

Lin Wan'er nodded understandingly and asked him: "Sir, what should I do with these photocopies?"

Charlie thought for a while and said, "I'll leave it to you, Miss Lin. Handle it, you can put it away, it's no problem to burn it."

Lin Waner nodded and said: "Okay, let the slave family handle it." 

Lin Waner sent Charlie out and asked Qiu Yingshan to arrange for Sister Xian to drive Charlie there After the Champs Elysees, a person returned to the top-floor courtyard alone and sorted out all the photocopies of the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra".

Originally, she wanted to throw the papers directly into the stove and burn them.

But after she meditated cross-legged on the futon for a few minutes, she suddenly stood up very simply, found her schoolbag, put all the papers in it, put her schoolbag on her back and walked out of the courtyard.

After walking down the stone steps, Lin Waner said to Lao Zhang who was guarding here: "Ask Lao Qiu to prepare a low-key car for me. I want to go out!"

Lao Zhang hurriedly asked: "Miss, do you want me to accompany you?" Are you going?"

Lin Wan'er waved her hand very resolutely: "No, I'll go by myself!"


At the same time, Qixia Temple Mountain Villa.

The elderly Sister Sun came to the Zen room where An Chengqi was resting and said respectfully: "Madam, the young master went to Purple Mountain Villa after getting off the plane, probably to see Lin Wan'er." "

Okay, I understand." An Chengqi nodded slightly. , said with a smile: "It seems that in Charlie's mind, Lin Wan'er may be the best choice to share secrets."

Sister Sun agreed: "The young master and she are both people with many secrets, and their Secrets each have their own merits in terms of shocking the world. Once you open up, there will definitely be many common topics."

An Chengqi sighed: "The main reason is that Lin Wan'er is too smart. The more Charlie communicates with her, the lower the probability of making mistakes. It's not anyone's. There is someone around him who has lived for nearly four hundred years to help him correct his mistakes at all times."

Sister Sun nodded and asked: "Madam, Master Changying also left a photocopy of the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" to Zhou Peter, the young master rescued him from New York this time and sent the Sifang Baozhu back to China. I think he should have obtained a photocopy of the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra". Do you want to find a way to remind the young master not to practice in it? What's your mentality?"

An Chengqi said: "Last time at Shiwanda Mountain, we had no choice but to contact Lin Wan'er. That place was the last line of defense at that time. Once Charlie got there and didn't stop, we would have to risk exposing ourselves. There is a risk of imposing interference. Now we should try our best to avoid contact with Charlie. I believe that with Lin Wan'er's intelligence, she will be able to guess the answer. We don't have to worry for the time being."

With that, An Cheng Qi suddenly remembered something and said with a somewhat flustered expression: "Sister Sun, Lin Wan'er might come to Qixia Temple to find you. To be cautious, I will leave Aurous Hill later and go to Putuo Mountain to rest for a few days. You can stay here for one more day. If Lin Wan'er hasn't come to Qixia Temple by this time tomorrow, you can come to Putuo Mountain to find me. If Lin Wan'er comes and comes alone, you can find an opportunity to meet her and confirm whether Charlie has practiced "Nine Mysterious Hearts". "Decision" means, and also you ask her about what kind of cooperation Charlie has reached with the Rothschild family this time when he went to the United States. I received news this morning that several companies in Silicon Valley that were waiting for Nvidia to supply graphics cards were banned for no reason. The delivery has been delayed, and I always feel that this matter has something to do with Charlie."

Sister Sun looked confused when she heard this, and asked in confusion: "Madam, why do you suddenly think that Lin Wan'er has come back to Qixia Temple to find your subordinates?"

An Cheng said curiously: "Last time you stopped Lin Wan'er at Shiwanda Mountain, although she didn't know about our identity, but we must know that the reason why we did this is because we care about Charlie and are afraid that Charlie will be in danger;" "

This time Charlie brought back the "Nine Mysterious Sutra Preface" and went to Zijin Villa to see her immediately, so he would definitely tell her She opened her heart, and with her intelligence, she must have been able to see that all of this was a trap set by Meng Changsheng, and she must also be able to understand that the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" is full of dangers for Charlie;" "

Part 1 Once Charlie was in danger, we took action. Although this time it was not as urgent as last time, it was still equally important. She could definitely guess that we would most likely be paying attention to him secretly;" "

If she knew that we were paying attention to him, and is sure that we are not in danger, she will most likely convey the information that she wants to meet us with actual actions;" "

The last time you saw her, she was pretending to be a master. If she goes to any temple or nun in Aurous Hill in the next 24 hours, that must be telling us that she wants to meet us. Qixia Temple is the most famous temple in Aurous Hill. If she wants to convey information to us, she will most likely come here."

Sister Sun couldn't help but be a little stunned, although she has served An Chengqi wholeheartedly for many years, but her thinking still can't keep up with An Chengqi's rhythm. People say that those who guess three steps from one step are masters, and those who guess ten steps from one step are just as good for ordinary people's understanding. It's a bit metaphysical.

However, although she didn't quite understand, she still didn't have any doubts about An Chengqi, so she said without hesitation: "Okay, madam, I'll wait for her here all day!

 " A young woman pretending to be a nun, named Jingchen, stepped in and said: "Madam, Aunt Sun, we saw from the surveillance below the Purple Mountain that the young master left the Purple Mountain ten minutes ago. After leaving the east gate, the car headed south. We got on the highway, most likely going to the Champs-Élysées. Two minutes ago, Lin Wan'er also drove out alone, and now she has just driven out of Purple Mountain."

 An Chengqi asked, "Which direction did Lin Wan'er go?"

 Jingchen said: "Back to Madam, Lin Wan'er walked north after leaving the east gate of Purple Mountain."

 Sister Sun looked horrified and said, "Lin Wan'er walked north, is she heading towards Qixia Temple?"

 Jingchen said: " Returning to Aunt Sun is not yet certain, but we will follow her using traffic surveillance along the way to see where she is going."

 An Chengqi smiled slightly and said, "Sister Sun, Lin Wan'er should have come to Qixia Temple. It takes at least forty minutes by car to come from Purple Mountain. Please prepare."

 Sister Sun quickly asked her: "Madam, is this subordinate going to meet her as a master's wife, or is it some other identity?"

 An Chengqi said: "She must have seen through your fake teacher’s identity a long time ago, so you might as well wait for her in the parking lot outside the temple and chat with her for a few words outside. As for your conversational skills, just use Plan A we made before."

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