Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3047 update | Chapter 6341 & 6342 Chapter 3047: Dividing into Dragons & Transforming into Dragons | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3047: Dividing into Dragons & Transforming into Dragons

 Lin Wan'er's inference suddenly made Charlie enlightened.


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He was a little excited and nervous at the same time and said: "Miss Lin is right! If this was a game that was laid out more than three hundred years ago, the people who laid it out would never let any link go beyond their control. If all this If it is really what Meng Changsheng did, then there must be a way in the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" for me to have Dragon Grid like my father!"

After saying that, he looked at the photocopy of the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" again and spoke. Said: "Ms. Lin, if it is convenient, you and I might as well study this book together."

Lin Wan'er nodded without hesitation, stood up immediately, and said to Charlie, "Young master, help me to help the slaves and bring the tea." Let's move the table back to the main room, let's go in and discuss it."

Charlie didn't hesitate at all, and immediately moved the tea table, and together with Lin Wan'er entered the main room on the top floor, which was the living room.

There is a long book table placed in the main room. This was specially prepared by Lin Wan'er when she was painting the landscape scroll. It has been left here since then and has not been moved away.

The two came to the book desk. Lin Waner continued to make tea for Charlie, while Charlie took apart the binding of the photocopied version of the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" and laid them out one by one on the book desk in order.

"Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" contains a lot of content. The photocopied version is printed on a single side, with a total of more than 400 pages, and each page is filled with dense text.

At the beginning of this book, the meaning and characteristics of the path of spiritual cultivation are introduced in great detail. After a concluding opening remarks, there is a spiritual cultivation method called "Nine Mysterious Heart Decisions". This spiritual method is in very detailed and takes up at least half of the entire book.

Charlie roughly went through the content of the mental method. It is indeed a very detailed set of mental training methods from shallow to deep. There is even a section on how to open the Niwan Palace.

Charlie was excited when he first read it, but soon felt uneasy, so he temporarily put this section on hold and quickly browsed other contents.

After "Nine Mysterious Hearts", there is an autobiography written by Meng Changsheng in classical Chinese, which roughly introduces his life and his real intention in writing this book.

In his description, the reason why he wrote the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" and used special methods to move it around the world was to find an heir who could inherit his mantle.

He did not shy away from telling clearly that only people with dragon fate are qualified to obtain the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra", but he also threw out the concept of ascending to dragon in the second half. According to him, Although dragon  can already inherit his legacy, if he wants to change his destiny in the true sense, he can only have the chance to rise to the Dragon Level. Otherwise, no matter how hard he works, he will not be able to escape the disaster in the end.

Next, there is an introduction to fate.

Dragon  and rising dragon are all mentioned in these.

In addition, the book also clearly introduces the whole story of ascending to dragon, stating that ascending to dragon requires father and son to sacrifice themselves and achieve success for each other. It also provides methods on how to peel off dragon.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er looked back again. The next section was titled "The Art of Dividing Dragons".

The two of them studied the contents together and were both stunned.

Charlie looked at one of the lines and murmured: "One dragon divides into two dragons, and two dragons turn into dragons again. If two dragons turn into one dragon, then the art of dividing dragons becomes... This... Is this to make his son also become a dragon?" dragon's method?!"

After Lin Wan'er read it, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Sir, according to the records in "Shu Yi Ji", a water snake (hui) can transform into a dragon in five hundred years, and a dragon can transform into a rising dragon in a thousand years. It is said here that one dragon can be divided into two Jiao, that is to say, dragon's father is required to first divide his dragon into two dragons, one for himself and one for his son."

After saying that, Lin Waner added: "Jiao fate is the fate closest to dragon. It is also the only fate that can 'turn into a dragon'. Once the dragon's pattern turns into a dragon, it will be a dragon's pattern. This means that when the young master's mother is pregnant with the young master and the young master's destiny has not yet been decided, the young master's father will become a dragon. He had divided his dragon grid into two dragon grids and gave one of the dragon grids to the young master;" "

Then, the young master's father experienced dragon transformation with the young master and became a dragon grid together!"

"This is how your father used this method to let the young master possess Dragon!"

Charlie couldn't help but turn his eyes red and murmured: "I heard Uncle Zhou say that the separation of fate is extremely painful. It is the most painful thing he has ever seen in his life. The matter of 'one dragon divided into two dragons' mentioned here, although it does not completely separate the destiny, but it can at least half... This... must also be very painful... My father... actually... actually... did it for me. Suffering such extraordinary pain twice..."

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly and said with emotion: "I have pity on the hearts of parents in the world. There are probably countless parents in the world who are willing to endure extreme hardships for their children... My father clearly had five hundred years of immortality back then, but he would rather die to give this opportunity to the slave family. I think he feel the same as your father..."

Charlie murmured: "Why bother... When he used the "Dragon Splitting Technique" , I wasn't born yet, why did he have to pay so much for me? Why didn't he think about it, maybe I don't want the Dragon Rank, I don't want the Dragon Rank, let alone the immortality..."

Lin Wan'er said with a bitter smile: " My father has never thought about it. In fact, the slave family does not want to live for such a long time. I am afraid that no one in this world can imagine the hardships I have endured for more than three hundred years..."

Charlie sighed and asked her: "My father After using the "Dragon Splitting Technique", his destiny has been reduced from dragon grid to jiao grid, and his own fortune must be greatly affected, right?" "

That's natural." Lin Waner said: "If his destiny has been reduced by one level, his fortune will be natural. I'm also going down a level."

Charlie had mixed feelings in his heart, quietly wiped away his tears, and continued: "Uncle Zhou said that my father stripped me of my destiny before taking me away from East Cliff. In other words, after When I was eight years old, he had already completed the transformation into a dragon, and returned from Jiao fate to dragon. And I must have completed the transformation into a dragon during those eight years, but I was too young at that time and did not remember myself at all. There is something special about my childhood life, which means that my father not only divided his own dragon grid into two dragon grids, he even used his own efforts to raise our two dragon grids to the next level. Dragon, I don’t know how much effort and price it takes to do this in just a few years..."

Lin Wan'er nodded and said: "Sir, since we speculate that all these are dominoes left by the master, then this Everything must be within his calculation. Since the "Dragon Splitting Technique" in which one dragon divides into two dragons is written in the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra", there must also be the "Dragon Transformation Technique" in which two dragons can transform into dragons again. Otherwise, if Jiao fate cannot transform into a dragon, all the designed steps will suddenly break."

After saying that, she turned her eyes to the next section and exclaimed: "Look, sir, there is indeed the "Dragon Transformation Technique" !"

Charlie was attracted and quickly looked at the content behind it. Sure enough, even the name was exactly what Lin Wan'er guessed, it was "The Art of Transforming Dragons"!

Charlie couldn't wait to study it line by line, and then he discovered that the so-called "Dragon Transformation Technique" required the person who used the "Dragon Dividing Technique" to separate their fates to continuously use their mental methods to improve the fate of the two people.

In other words, since his father divided his dragon grid into two dragon grids and gave one of the dragon grids to himself, his dragon grid and his dragon grid are like quantum entanglement, completely sharing the same advance and retreat.

 Every effort made by his father will act on the two people's dragons completely simultaneously. From that moment on, the burden of the two dragons transforming into dragons rests entirely on his shoulders.

It is conceivable that in the eight years after he was born, his father Changying Wade had been working hard for the two of them to transform into dragons.

But my young self didn’t know anything about it!

What Charlie didn't expect was that his father would first split his own dragon grid into two, then upgrade the two dragon grids into dragon grids by himself, and finally peel off his own lost dragon grid completely. Gave himself...

At this moment, he felt extremely ashamed. If he was given a chance to choose, he would rather be an ordinary person who didn't understand the Taoism at all than his father who had paid so much for himself and ended up being killed together with his mother...

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