Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3044 update | Chapter 6335 & 6336 Chapter 3044: Paving the way for you | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3044: Paving the way for you

Howard’s statement made Jenny Hogwitz so excited that she cried and bowed in gratitude: “Thank you, dear Your Excellency, Patriarch! Thank you!"


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For Jenny, she was already at her wits' end, but there was no good solution. Originally, she did not dare to ask the Rothschild family for help. After all, she knew in her heart that the Rothschild family looked down on these distant relatives.

But isn’t this a coincidence today?

Howard suddenly extended an olive branch to the side family, and Jenny immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The other collateral families, seeing how responsible Howard was to the collateral family, were naturally very grateful and excited.

Howard stood up at this time and said with a smile: "If something like this happens again in the future, you can go to the clan liaison office as soon as possible. I will arrange for my most trusted subordinates to be stationed there to concentrate on solving the problems you encounter. ."

When Howard said the word "men", all the sons realized one thing. The old man was wary of them.

Generally speaking, if you really want to contact relatives, it must be the most suitable one to choose from family members, and it is also the best way to make these collateral families feel valued.

But the old man put aside so many sons and grandsons and chose to let his subordinates take on this role, which meant that although he wanted to strengthen ties with the collateral families, he also wanted to create a separation between his children and grandchildren and the collateral families.

In this way, his real purpose of drawing close to the collateral families can be easily revealed, which is to guard against these children and grandchildren.

At this moment, the eldest son Steve felt even more depressed.

He cursed in his heart: "The old man is afraid that I will unite with my relatives to rebel in the future. Now he is directly attacking me from the inside and outside. I can't break through internally and can't borrow strength from the outside. In this way, I can always be held in the position of heir by him." No way..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but lament: "Fortunately, Charlie only gave the old man a few more years of life. Even if the old man tried hard, he wouldn't be able to give up for a few more years. When his health is gone, even if he doesn't want to give up, he will have to give up... "

Immediately afterwards, Steve suddenly became extremely panicked and sighed: "If in the future, like Helena said, Charlie can let the old man live longer than me, it will be over! If Charlie keeps extending the life of the old man, I will definitely not survive the cheating old man..."

At this moment, Steve was extremely frightened.

He knew that in the current state of the old man, he would definitely try his best to live longer, and he would definitely control the position of the head of the family, and would never allow himself to succeed easily. Therefore, his future was completely In Charlie's thoughts.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to go to Charlie to pay homage to the dock tomorrow, to repent, and to show his loyalty at the same time.

At this time, Howard's attitude moved the collateral families present to the extreme, giving them a real sense of sincerity.

For Howard, he wanted to win over these collateral families and was planning to find a role model to set up. Unexpectedly, Jenny Hogwitz happened to cry and make her appeal in front of so many people. In his opinion, this is the best opportunity to demonstrate the courage, strength and credibility of the patriarch.

And it doesn't sound like it's going to be difficult.

It's nothing more than the Hogwitz father and son missing in China.

Disappearance, there are only three results, either the person is dead, or the person is alive but hidden by himself, or the person is alive but hidden by others.

If it's the first type, then it's the easiest, just find the body and give the woman an explanation;

if it's the second and third type, then find the two men, regardless of whether they voluntarily hid it. We should still hide them passively. In short, if we bring them back to the United States, we will be done.

    So, he looked at the Rothschild direct members on both sides of the conference table and asked: "Which of you is willing to volunteer to go to China to help Jenny bring her husband and son back?"

All the children and grandchildren looked at each other.

Who wants to leave New York at a time like this?

If something changes in New York during this period and I am in China, wouldn't I completely lose the opportunity to compete?

Howard couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he saw that no one in the group spoke up. These children and grandchildren usually seemed to be five to six in number, and they all obeyed his words, but when he really wanted them to come forward, they were like dogs to each other. What if there wasn't any When someone picks a fight with you, where do you put your face?

Just when Howard felt that he was riding a tiger, his eldest son Steve suddenly stood up and said: "Father, let me go! It is related to the personal safety of the two clansmen. We must pay enough attention to it. You are old, so naturally If I can't let you go there in person, then please allow me, the eldest son, to go to China on your behalf!"

"Holy shit!"

Howard was ecstatic, and he even praised Steve's performance angrily.

He sighed in his heart:

"What is a pattern?"

"This is what a fcuking pattern is!"

"You guys who are not the eldest son, none of you are willing to leave New York, but my eldest son took the initiative to ask for help!"

"It seems, Steve My son is indeed my great eldest son! A filial eldest son!"

Thinking of this, he exhaled all his breath, slapped the table in excitement, stood up, and said loudly: "Okay! Very good! Steve You are worthy of being the eldest son of my Howard Rothschild! The pattern is far beyond comparison with others! Since you have this heart, then this task will be left to you!"

Steve decided to go to China in person, not really wanting to find it. Hogwitz and his son, he just wanted to take this opportunity to go to China to find Charlie and say goodbye to the dock.

But in Howard's view, when his son took the initiative to ask for help, he was wholeheartedly trying to solve his problems.

In fact, there is an information gap between Howard and his son Steve.

Howard didn't know the true owner of the elixir. He only knew that the elixir belonged to the Queen of Northern Europe, and he didn't know the hidden story behind it.

But Steve knew clearly in his heart that the Queen of Northern Europe was just Charlie's white glove. Whether his father could get the elixir in the future depended entirely on Charlie alone.

Therefore, he had to quickly take advantage of this opportunity to go to China to say good things to Charlie.

Howard first thought that the Queen of Northern Europe sent the elixir because of his son Steve's filial piety, so now Steve took the initiative to ask for help, which naturally made him very satisfied, so he looked at everyone and said loudly: "Besides, I want to make an announcement here. From today on, Steve Rothschild will officially become the next heir to the Rothschild family! In the future, after I retire, he will be the one who leads the Rothschild family forward. That man!"

As soon as these words came out, the side members at the scene applauded, but Steve's younger brother and nephews all had expressionless faces.

They knew very well that if the old man announced this decision in front of so many people, there was basically no possibility of changing it.

That also means that after the old man passes away and Steve becomes the patriarch, they will slowly become a collateral family. In the future, their descendants will sit in the audience seats and face each other like the collateral families behind them. Some of the petty little favors from the host’s family are grateful.

What's interesting is that Steve himself doesn't look very happy at this time.

This is not surprising, because he was the only one besides Howard who knew that he might not be able to take over.

Therefore, he became even more eager to go to China to meet Charlie.

After the meeting, these collateral family members left the Rothschild Manor happily one by one. Howard called Steve to his study alone and told him: "Steve, this time you go to China, you must, You must do everything you can to bring back the Hogwitz father and son. Those side families are waiting for news of your success."

Steve said respectfully: "Father, don't worry, I will go all out! "

Howard nodded slightly and continued: "I usually look down on these relatives, but they will be an indispensable force for you to consolidate your position as the patriarch after you come to power in the future, so I established a clan this time. The purpose of the Liaison Office is to unite them around the Rothschild family from now on!" "

With the grace given to them by this clan liaison office, they will do their best to maintain the orthodoxy of the Rothschild family in the future. The orthodoxy of the family is to safeguard their interests. Your father and I are the orthodoxy of this generation of the Rothschild family, and you, as my eldest son and my confirmed first heir, are the orthodoxy of the next generation of the Rothschild family. Orthodox, so everything I did today was to pave the way for you, do you understand?"

Steve sneered in his heart: "Paving the way for me? My road has almost been cut off by you, and you are still paving the way for me? It's more like paving the way for you!"

If it were before meeting Charlie, Steve would have believed at least 70% of Howard's words.

However, given the inside story that he already knew, Steve's trust in his words was completely zero.

In comparison, he knew more than Howard, so he could conclude that everything his father did today was to consolidate his status as the patriarch. The reason why he said so high-sounding things was just to deceive himself and continue to give himself Draw a cake and let yourself be a stupid prince.

The simplest point is that if the old man really wants to pave the way for himself, then he should naturally be the person in charge of the clan liaison office.

However, he avoided all direct family members and appointed his most trusted professional managers to manage this office. Isn't this because he was afraid that the favors done by the Clan Liaison Office to the collateral families would be mistakenly recorded in his name? , or in the names of other brothers?

The old man took the lead in establishing the office, and he designated his confidants to manage it with full authority. If the collateral families benefited from this office in the future, the old man would naturally be grateful.

Just imagine, when a person is not sure whether the boss's son will lay off employees or replace people after taking over, or whether he will cut his salary and drive out people, his boss suddenly wants to give him a 50% salary increase, and also promises to help him solve his wife's problem. Work, children's insurance, home mortgage, parents' medical care, will he expect the boss's son to take over?


He would only pray to Bodhisattva or God every day to bless him and let his unfair boss live a few more years, because if his son comes up one day, his good days may come to an end.

However, although Steve knew everything well, he still bowed to Howard respectfully and said: "Thank you father for your cultivation! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

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