Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2992 update | Chapter 6231 & 6232 Chapter 2992 Help me sell goods | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 2992 Help me sell goods

When Steve heard Helena’s arrangement, he knew that the Queen wanted to be alone with Charlie and live in a world of two. If he knew each other, If so, it’s best to follow the arrangements.

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    Moreover, Steve also knew in his heart that looking at the situation in front of him, his son would definitely have no chance of winning Helena's heart. The Rothschild family could also completely stop thinking about marrying with the Nordic royal family.

    Steve's advantage is that he is more aware of current affairs. Since something is no longer possible, he will definitely not waste any energy or plant any trouble for himself.

    So, he said to Helena very politely: "Everything is arranged by Her Majesty the Queen."

    Helena called the personal housekeeper she had trained and told her: "Take the two gentlemen to the room to rest first."

    The young housekeeper immediately said: "Okay, Your Majesty the Queen."

    After that, he said to Zhou Liangyun and Steve: "You two, please come with me."

    The two followed Helena's housekeeper and left, and Helena said to Charlie: " Mr. Wade, please come this way."

    Charlie nodded slightly and followed Helena to her room.

    Helena stayed in the largest suite in the hotel. Although the area was not as large as the average presidential suite, it was very spacious and comfortable for one person to live in.

    Helena had prepared a sumptuous Western-style breakfast in the dining room of the suite, and even had the restaurant carefully decorated. The tableware, tablecloths, and even the flowers in the middle of the dining table were all carefully selected and prepared.

    Sitting opposite Charlie, Helena's eyes never left Charlie's face.

    Although she got cold feet when she slept with Charlie last time, at heart she was a passionate and unrestrained Nordic girl who dared to love and hate, so even though she was now the queen, she still made no secret of her feelings for Charlie. Chen's love.

    Charlie, on the other hand, felt a little uncomfortable with her direct gaze, so he quickly spoke up to break the silence and said: "Helena, I'm really grateful that you have done so much for me this time, temporarily. Did changing the time plan of the visit bring you any trouble?"

    Helena smiled slightly and said faintly: "Why is Mr. Wade so polite now? My mother and I were given our lives, and my grandma was also because of you. Only then can you wake up. You are the great benefactor of the entire Nordic royal family. It doesn’t matter if we do such a small thing for you."

    After saying that, Helena added: "If Mr. Wade still needs me to do anything else, I will definitely do it. There is no turning back."

    Charlie nodded and said with a smile: "Then I won't be polite to you. I may need you to go to New York in person in the next two days to meet the patriarch of the Rothschild family."

    Helena Without even having any questions, he said directly: "No problem, Helena will do whatever Mr. Wade asks Helena to do."

    Charlie nodded slightly, took out a blood-spreading and heart-saving pill, and handed it to Helena, He opened his mouth and said: "I prepared this medicine for Howard, the patriarch of the Rothschild family. New York has not been very peaceful recently. A lot of things may happen today. Maybe a little later, Howard's physical condition will be greatly affected." I'm sorry for the trouble. You may need to help me bring this medicine to him. You should seize the time to make an appointment with him tomorrow to avoid him having a physical problem and he would like to thank you behind closed doors."

    Helena was a little surprised. : "Mr. Wade, why don't you give him such a big favor yourself?"

    Charlie smiled and said, "It's useless for me to ask for his favor, not to mention I don't want him to know my existence."

    With that, Charlie Then he said: "Besides, this pill is not given to him for free, it requires money."

    Helena pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "I understand, you want me to help you sell this pill. Give him the medicine."

    "Yes." Charlie nodded and told: "I just want you to help me sell the goods. When you see him, take out this blood-dispersing and heart-saving pill and cut off ten pieces first. Give him one part to drink, and after he knows it is a good thing, you can sell the rest to him. As for the price, you will always have to charge him one to two billion US dollars. If you can sell it for more , that would be the best."

    Helena immediately understood what Charlie meant, and said with a smile: "Okay Mr. Wade, I understand. When the time comes, just leave me an account and I will negotiate the price with him. After that, ask him to pay you, and the minimum should not be less than 20 billion."

    "No need." Charlie waved his hands and said casually: "Go and talk to him, and you can keep the benefits you get from the negotiation."

    Helena Surprised, he quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, Mr. Wade, the pill is yours, and the money obtained from the realization is also yours. How can I ask for your money..."

    Charlie smiled and said: "Helena, let me say something To be honest, your Nordic royal family is the poorest among the existing royal families in Europe, and your population is also the most declining." "

    Although your popularity is very high now, you are the Queen of the royal family, so it is difficult for you to be like ordinary people. Like people, when it comes to traffic monetization business, you can’t be like those Internet celebrities in China and end up going live to bring goods, right? Unsightly food is very unpopular;"

    "So, in the end, you still need enough funds to maintain and enhance the influence and hard power of the Nordic royal family, otherwise once your popularity passes, the Nordic royal family will fall into silence again, and then think about it again It may be difficult to increase influence. "

    Helena knew that Charlie was telling the truth, but she still said very firmly: "Mr. Wade, you have helped us so much, and you have also helped us attract a lot of investment in Northern Europe. This kindness from the Nordic Royal Family I don’t know how to repay it, how can I let you spend more money at this time..."

    Charlie smiled and said: "Well, you just sell the goods for me. According to our current charging standards for goods in China, one hundred yuan For money, the cost is roughly 10 yuan, the traffic delivery is 50 yuan, the anchor fee is 10 yuan, the logistics, labor and return costs are 20 yuan, and the profit is 10 yuan. We will sell a blood-removing pill, and the cost will be 10%. The logistics is on you and the labor is on me, and there is no such thing as returns or non-returns, and the traffic costs are also converted to you, so it’s just you and me, three, it’s very reasonable, right? "

    Helena said helplessly: "Mr. Wade... something as good as the Blood-Spreading and Heart-Rescuing Pill does not require any data charges at all, and I am just bringing it to Howard for you. How can I take your money... ..."

    As she said that, Helena said seriously: "If you really feel that you need to pay me for my hard work, then we can just negotiate reasonably. I will spend a day to help you do this. After the matter is completed, you will also spend a day. Time is at my disposal.

    Charlie smiled and said, "As long as the money issue is settled, it will be a trivial matter. "

    Helena said anxiously: "Didn't we agree on an equal exchange? " I would like to exchange one day of my own time for one day of yours. "

    Charlie said: "This can only be used as an additional clause, and the conditions for its establishment must be based on the agreement on the main clauses. "

    Helena thought for a moment, then pursed her lips and said, "Then I will give you nine.

    Charlie shook his head: "I am six and you are four. " "

    Helena said: "Then you and I are one."

    Charlie asked her: "Is this different from what you said last time?"

    Helena stuck out her tongue: "At least the order has changed, so there is still a difference. "

    Speaking, Helena added: "Mr. Wade, what you want me to do is just a piece of cake for me. If you ask me to collect your money, Do I really deserve it..."

    Charlie was helpless and said seriously: "Listen, now is the final fixed price. Then you go to see Howard. When we come back, we will split it 50-50. If you are willing, we have decided happily. If you are not willing, Then I'll find someone else to do it for me."

    Helena looked at Charlie's macho appearance, feeling a little happy and a little sad.

    Needless to say, she was happy, not because of the money, but because Charlie had himself in his heart and thought about himself everywhere; she was worried, not because she couldn't repay the debt of gratitude, because she couldn't repay it long ago. She was mainly worried. All my fantasies about men are less than one-tenth of what Charlie himself is. If I fall into this pit, I will never get out of it in this life.

    When she thought of this, she suddenly felt a little regretful, and she couldn't help shyly thinking to herself: "It would have been better if I had been more decisive last time..." 

Thinking back to the scene where she and Charlie hugged each other tightly on the bed, Helena couldn't help but feel a little sad. He was distracted and his face couldn't help but turn red.

    Charlie didn't know why, he tapped the marble tabletop with his finger, and asked her: "How are you thinking, Your Majesty the Queen?"

    Helena's mind at this time had drifted back to the original bed, and even the situation She had already taken it in, and suddenly heard Charlie talking. It felt as if she had just taken off her clothes and got into Charlie's bed. Charlie suddenly woke up and talked to her, scaring her so much that she couldn't help but scream, and then she realized He lost his composure and quickly covered his mouth again.

    Charlie asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

    Helena shook her head quickly: "No...I didn't think about anything..."

    Charlie asked again: "What about my proposal just now?"

    Helena was thinking at this time Not sure what Charlie's proposal was just now, he could only cover it up in a panic: "Ah? I...I...I don't's whatever Mr. Wade said..."

    Charlie nodded and smiled. : "Then it's settled, 50-50 split. Too much money is also a problem. Then you can negotiate the total price with Howard first, and then ask him to pay it in installments and pay it over ten years;" "

    In addition, the method of payment It can also be a variety of things, including but not limited to cash, gold, high-quality corporate stocks, high-quality real estate, etc.;" "

    They can even be asked to contribute funds to sponsor the Nordic royal family to do some charitable activities;"

    "In short, this money needs to In the next ten years, you can provide support to the Nordic royal family from all aspects to enhance your overall strength and influence. You may consider it carefully."

    Helena nodded lightly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wade, I will consider it carefully!" "

    Marven stretched and said with a smile: "Now we are waiting for Howard's bad news to come. I hope this old man's mental endurance is stronger..."

The original version (Chinese version) of the story yet to be released, once they release the chapter we will update here...

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