Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2990 update | Chapter 6227 & 6228 Chapter 2990 Killing four birds with one stone | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2990 Killing four birds with one stone

An Qishan could hear that when Howard said the last sentence, he almost collapsed.

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So he pretended to be surprised and asked: "Brother, did your people force Chen Zhimin to death?"

Howard said depressedly: "Brother An, just tell me, is this something he can do?"

 "Why not? An Qishan sneered twice: "He is a member of the Po Qing Society and has mastered a lot of the secrets of the Po Qing Society. If you drive him to a dead end, he will definitely die to show his loyalty to the Po Qing Society. If he doesn't die, All his family members will be executed."

    "Fcuk!" Howard gritted his teeth and cursed, and said depressedly: "Then what can I do? Will the Po Qing Association think that I drove him to death? But what am I really doing? I didn't even do it! I just want to keep an eye on that antique dealer and find our Rothschild family's own things, that's all..."

    At this time, Howard was so aggrieved that he almost collapsed.

    Don't blame Howard for not seeing the world, it's something like this that makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

    In the more than three hundred years of history of the Po Qing Society, it has been deployed all over the world for two to three hundred years, and most of this time was a time of great changes in the world.

    And the more you live in the midst of great changes in the times, the more opportunities you have to create huge amounts of wealth.

    The Rothschild family itself has relied on many great changes in the times to continuously strengthen itself and become the first family in the world today.

    The development path of Po Qing Hui not only took longer than that of the Rothschild family, but was also smoother than that of the Rothschild family.

    Therefore, no one knows how much assets the Po Qing Society has, maybe even more than the Rothschild family.

    Howard also understood that originally the Rothschild family and the Po Qing Society were on good terms with each other, but now the situation seemed to be that his own men had forced the Po Qing Society members to death. If the Po Qing Society knew about this, they would definitely not let it go.

    After all, the Rothschild family had almost no advantage before the Qing Dynasty meeting.

    It is precisely because of the huge disparity in strength that Howard is extremely nervous, fearing that breaking the law will retaliate against the Rothschild family in the future.

    An Qishan deliberately sighed at this time: "Brother, you don't know much about Po Qing Society. The members of this organization are, to put it bluntly, a bunch of lunatics. They are like the Japanese kamikaze team that flew planes into aircraft carriers in the late World War II. The only thing in their minds is loyalty to the emperor. For them, dying for the emperor is the supreme honor. It is completely out of the way of normal people's brains. I can't afford to offend these perverts, so I came to China. Otherwise, how could I give up my business? The U.S. market for decades? Weren’t they forced me to do it?”

    An Qishan laughed at himself: “I’m old and timid. If I lose my money, I can make more money. If my life is gone, I’m really gone.” ."

    "Fcuk..." Howard's heart sank at what An Qishan said.

    Although the strength of the An family is still far behind that of the Rothschild family, it is impossible for the Rothschild family to scare An Qishan into leaving the United States.

    It can be seen that in An Qishan's eyes, the strength of Po Qing Society far exceeds that of the Rothschild family.

    Howard was panicked and at the same time felt very helpless.

    He didn't even dare to discuss it with his sons when something like this happened.

    Because he knew very well that the children and grandchildren at home who had never seen any trouble would not only be unable to provide any substantial help, but might even be a disservice.

    Based on his understanding of his children and grandchildren, if he told them what had happened, there would definitely be some unscrupulous idiot who would loudly shout slogans about destroying the Po Qing Society in order to win his favor.

    Therefore, he could only discuss this kind of matter with An Qishan.

    After all, An Qishan is also someone who has had something to do with Po Qing Society, and can be regarded as his senior. Moreover, everyone can be regarded as a tycoon in the global business world, and their thinking and structure are all at the same level.

    So, he asked very piously: "Brother, please help me analyze, what should I do now?"

    An Qishan pretended to think for a moment and advised him: "Brother, there is no need to be too nervous. Now your top priority is to do your best to block the news. As long as you don't let anyone know that Chen Zhimin's death is related to you, the Po Qing Society will not necessarily pay attention to you."

    Howard said uneasily: "The matter has become very big now. I don’t know how many firefighters were dispatched here in New York to put out the fire. Once the fire is extinguished, the bodies in the helicopter cannot be hidden. I’m afraid that the police will investigate the matter thoroughly. After all, paper can’t cover the fire. !"

    An Qishan said: "Brother, I will give you an idea. You can listen to it and see if it is worth adopting."

    Howard said hurriedly: "Brother, please tell me! I am all ears!"

    An Qishan said: "Brother, are you here? The influence of New York is very strong. From the outside, this incident is nothing more than a fire, and it is impossible for the firefighters to know the death and injury inside until the fire is completely extinguished;" "

    So, I suggest you clear the relationship as soon as possible. After the firefighters put out the fire, be sure not to let them get close to the center of the fire. Send people in first to deal with the bodies of Chen Zhimin and the antique dealer." "

    After all, the skin and flesh burned at high temperatures will be damaged. Carbonization may no longer exist when flooded with water, but the bones may leave residues, which is still very difficult. As long as the bone residues are cleaned up, it will be difficult to find your head. "

    Howard subconsciously asked: "Brother, do you think this is feasible?"

    An Qishan said: "You can only gamble on your luck now. If you don't deal with it, once someone knows that someone died in the hangar, what will happen to the fire?" The nature of the incident immediately changed. Whether it was the police, the FBI, or the Po Qing Society, once they knew that someone had died in the hangar of my Anjia General Aviation Company, they would try their best to investigate the clues. Moreover, this general aviation company was run by Chen Zhimin. He disappeared, and the Po qing Committee will definitely investigate with all their strength. Sooner or later, you will be unable to escape the involvement."

    After saying that, An Qishan let out a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "Oh! Thinking about it now, my decision to leave the United States was really the right one. ! If I were still in the United States, I would have nothing to do with this matter. Just checking my general aviation company would be enough to bother me. Now that our family has been away from the United States for so long, no matter where this matter is found, it will be investigated. If it doesn't work for me, I won't want this general aviation company!"

 Howard felt envious and depressed after hearing An Qishan's thankful words.

    He also knew that An Qishan had left the United States and had no intention of coming back. Even if his family's general aviation company burned more people to death, it would not cause him any trouble. He was not the one who burned them to death anyway, and the United States He himself has a mentality of giving up on these properties that he cannot take away.

But I can’t do it myself!

    An Qishan could hide in China, but where could I hide?

    Besides, the famous Rothschild family can’t even abandon their old nest just because they are looking for Peter Zhou and Sifang Baozhu!

    After thinking about it, he still felt that the advice given by An Qishan was worth trying.

    At this time, An Qishan comforted him and said: "Brother, you don't have to be too nervous. As long as you can dispose of the body cleanly, you can basically sit back and relax. If the incident really comes to light, in the eyes of the Po Qing Association, in fact, with me, The relationship is greater than the relationship with you."

    Howard subconsciously asked: "Why do you say that?"

    An Qishan said: "You think, I have a grudge against Po Qing Society, and this is one of them; Chen Zhimin is superficially My son-in-law, this is the second one; General Aviation Company is my Anjia property, this is the third one. If they find out that Chen Zhimin died in the fire, do you think they will doubt you more, or me more? "

    What An Qishan said made Howard on the other end of the phone breathe a sigh of relief!

    He thought to himself: "An Qishan is right! No matter how you look at it, this matter has more to do with him. As long as I can deal with the clues in this fire and hide all the people involved, who Will know that I did this?"

    Thinking of this, he said very embarrassedly: "Brother An, this matter has nothing to do with you, but I have to ask you to bear the risk for me, how can I feel so good about it? ?"

    The reason why he has to be polite is because Howard knows that even if this matter can be hidden from Po Qing Society, An Qishan still knows all the inside stories. If he reveals the truth about this matter one day, Poqing Society Maybe will still settle the score with himself.

    Therefore, he had to test An Qishan's tone to see if he was really willing to do him this favor.

    An Qishan didn't know what he was thinking, so he said nonchalantly: "Poqing Society and I have been fighting to the death for a long time, so I bear this risk for you. To put it bluntly, it's just too many lice to bite you." , Po Qing Society was going to kill my whole family. Even if he thought I was the one who killed Chen Zhimin, what else could he do to me? He couldn't kill my whole family twice, could he?"

    Howard, who has been cunning all his life, has always been a person who puts interests first. If a random person dies in the world and he gets $10,000, he will at least make a wish to God to reduce the world's population by 99.99%.

    Moreover, he does not feel he is indebted to anyone.

    But now, he was very grateful for An Qishan's generous help, and said with great emotion: "Brother An, thank you so much!"

    An Qishan smiled slightly and said, "Brother, don't be in a hurry to thank me. I am not a vegetarian that Po Qing will exist for so many years. If Po Qing finds out that this matter is related to you, you must also be mentally prepared accordingly."

    Howard's heart tightened, knowing that An Qishan said Yes, there is indeed a possibility that all this will be exposed, but now he has no choice. He must seize the time to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, at least he can still take a gamble.

    So, he said with great gratitude: "Brother An, thank you for your reminder and help. I will seize the time to do as you said. If they find out in the end, I will have to accept my fate." 

The two were polite. After hanging up the phone, Howard began to use his connections to find ways to destroy the body and eliminate traces.

    An Qishan sent a message to Charlie, telling him that Howard had taken the bait.

    Charlie asked his grandfather to scare Howard mainly so that his plan of killing four birds with one stone could be implemented perfectly.

    The reason why it is said to kill four birds with one stone is that after this is accomplished, it will first torture Howard and make him sleepless and sleepless; secondly, it will make Howard think that Zhou Liangyun is dead and give up on tracing Zhou Liangyun's whereabouts; thirdly, it will also induce Howard Howard helped destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, making it more difficult to find clues. As for the final purpose, it was to drag the Rothschild family into trouble.

    The moment Hank chased the General Navigation Company, the Rothschild family had already boarded Charlie's pirate ship. Once they actively participated in the destruction of corpses and traces, there would really be no way out. In the future, this alone would be able to Keep a tight grip on Howard.

    In this way, Charlie had a handle on Howard and his son Steve at the same time. No matter who wanted to betray the father and son, he had plenty of ways to deal with them!

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