Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2916 update | Chapter 6079 & 6080 Chapter 2916 Absolute Authority | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2916 Absolute Authority

Joseph Wan’s words directly scared the gangsters who were full of anger just now, so that they huddled together and trembled desperately.

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This scene is like the emperor penguins huddled together to keep warm and trembling in the biting cold wind of Antarctica in winter.

Charlie was secretly amused when he saw how frightened they were.

These gangsters, who pride themselves on being fearless, will one day turn into local dogs after being frightened.

The best way to deal with evil forces like the United States is to fight against evil.

If he usually draws a knife and cuts, then you have to draw a gun and hit him; if he draws a gun and hits him, then you have to kill his whole family. And don’t talk morals to them.

Because the vast majority of people in this industry do not follow morality. Morality is a code of conduct that is more stringent than the law. All illegal things violate morality, but not everything that violates morality is necessarily illegal.

Every penny these gangsters make is earned by violating the law. They don't even care about the law, so how can they care about morality?

Therefore, the best way to deal with such a person is to be more ruthless than him.

And Charlie also knew that his deterrence was far from enough for these gang members.

If you want to scare them from the bottom of their bones, you must first establish enough fear in their hearts. But to establish enough fear, you must first make them fully aware of his own strength and determination to destroy them.

The upfront cost of doing this kind of thing is too high.

Spending so much effort, if it is just used to subdue a bunch of New York gangsters, is really not worth the gain.

Therefore, Charlie called Joseph Wan over and asked him to make a bad face for these people, which was a straightforward step.

After all, in terms of having many brothers, who can compare to Wanlong Palace? When it comes to killing people, these gangsters are no match.

Moreover, they are not equal in front of Wanlong Palace. Wanlong Palace knows their identity and can find them at any time and kill their whole family if they want. It will not work for them wherever they hide.

But on the other hand, what can they do even if they know that the base of Wanlong Palace is in Syria? You can't just come and kill Joseph Wan, right?

For this reason, when Joseph Wan said those threatening words, everyone in this group was frightened.

But Charlie didn't intend to spare them so easily. He wanted to establish absolute authority in the hearts of these people.

So, he looked around and said to Joseph Wan, "Joseph, later you record all the identity information of these people clearly, and then use the fastest method toTake the time to find out all their family relationships. Once they are disobedient, don't let anyone related to them go.

Joseph Wan immediately nodded and said, "I understand! " "

Charlie pointed to Qiang Zai on the side and said to Joseph Wan, "Also, from now on, if something happens to Qiang Zai, whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, you will kill all of these people and not a single one of them. Keep! "

When everyone heard this, they couldn't hold back at all. They kept snorting from their noses, and seemed to have great objections to this decision. 

Seeing this, Charlie said to Joseph Wan, "Since we are all together, If we are discussing, we have to let them talk. Come, pull the things out of their mouths, and let's listen to their opinions. "

Joseph Wan nodded, and immediately stepped forward with his men to take out all the things that were stuffed in the mouths of these people. 

At this time, a gang boss tremblingly blurted out, "This... this is not fair! If we didn't kill him and he had an accident, why would he kill us? ! "

When the others heard someone speaking out their feelings, they quickly nodded in agreement and shouted, "Yes! This is not fair! "

Charlie smiled and asked, "What? Did I hear that right? Our New York underworld is a fair place, right?

Seeing that his words were echoed by everyone, the man plucked up the courage and said, "You let us go to Syria and let us hand over 75% of the profits to the Chinese Gang. We can do this, but you can't take other people's money. " His life and death are forcibly tied to ours! If we actively cooperated, but in the end, due to his own reasons, we would be buried together, wouldn't it be too unfair to us? "

Charlie nodded, "You want to be fair, right? The other party nodded heavily, "

Yes!" I want fairness! "

Charlie smiled and said, "Check again, are you sure you don't accept my proposal, but want to be fair?

The man said without thinking, "I'm sure! " 

Charlie smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about fairness. First, tell me what your name is and which gang you belong to?" "

The man said, "My name is Todd, Todd Gilbert, I am the person in charge of the Desperados..."

Charlie smiled and said, "The Desperados... a good name. "

After that, he said to Joseph Wan, "Joseph,Since this Todd Gilberto likes fairness, let’s do this. You take him to Syria first, and then send someone to find out all his background for me. I want to know his life. Does he ever done anything unfair to others? Even if he is just claiming to be the boss of the outlaws and goes out without paying parking fees, buys watermelons, or goes to restaurants without paying, you have to find out everything for me. if all the big and small things are taken into account, as long as there are more than ten, just dig a hole in Syria and bury him alive. "

Todd Gilbert was extremely frightened for a moment. He blurted out, "This... this is too unfair..."

Before he could say the word "fair", he swallowed it back.

He knew that if he It was too unfair to open his mouth and say it was unfair... So he could only say angrily, "Sir, if this is what you mean by fairness, then I give up..."

Charlie asked, "What? Don’t you want to be fair? If you want fairness from me, then I will also want fairness from you on behalf of those who have been treated unfairly by you. Why have you given up? "

After that, Charlie said to Joseph Wan again, "Oh, by the way, Joseph, if you find out that this person has hurt the other party's innocent family members when dealing with enemies and competitors, then just treat him as a human being. Treat the other person's body, he killed his wife, we will kill his wife, he killed his son, we will also kill his son, after all, this is what he asked for, we must pay attention to absolute fairness.

Joseph Wan immediately said, "Mr. Wade, don't worry, your subordinates will find out everything! " "

When Todd Gilbert heard this, his whole face was ashen, and the muscles on his face and limbs were beating violently visible to the naked eye. He asked for help to keep warm." 

In "Emperor Penguin", one person blurted out, "Sir, this son of a bitch kidnapped a friend of mine's son many years ago in order to steal his goods. My friend gave the goods to this bastard, but this bastard took the goods." My friend and his son were all killed! Many people here know this! "

Charlie nodded and praised, "You did a good job. Are you the boss or the second in your gang? "

The man said quickly, "I'm the second child..."

Charlie said to Qiangzai beside him, "Qiangzai, remember, after this matter is verified, you can wipe out the change for the 75 in their gang and only accept him. 70 will do. 

Qiang Zai said quickly, "Okay Mr. Wade, I've written it down!" "

The man was overjoyed immediately, and reduced his salary by 5 in one sentence, which corresponds to the gang's monthly payment. An income of one million US dollars is not a small sum.

At this time, someone else in the crowd said, "Sir, I want to report Gilberto! Ten years ago, in order to force an Algerian prostitute to make money for him, he personally killed one of the prostitute's two children! At that time, the child was just a child Five years old!"

Charlie nodded, "Okay, I'll give you a deduction of 4 after verification!"

Someone else in the crowd said, "I want to report it too! Last year, in order to grab the business of a nightclub, Gilbert led someone to take turns killing the nightclub owner's wife. We were annihilated!"

Charlie said, "Okay, I'll give you a discount of 3 after verification!"

Others realized that the discount was getting smaller and smaller, and all wanted to report them, but Charlie stretched out his hand to signal everyone to silence, and turned to look Todd Gilbert, who looked pale, "Is what they said true?"

Todd Gilbert was completely frightened. He cried subconsciously and said, "I was wrong, sir, I was really wrong." ! I don’t want any fairness, whatever you say is what you say... My son has just grown up... Please be noble and let him go..."

Charlie smacked his lips and said in embarrassment, "You are making it difficult for me, After all, I gave you my proposal, but you were unwilling to accept it. To be fair, you proposed it yourself. You can't go back on your word in front of so many people, right?" 

Todd Gilbert slapped him hard. He slapped himself seven or eight times and cried, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! From now on, no matter what you say, I will accept it unconditionally!" 

Charlie waved his hand, "You said you want to be fair, I will make an exception. It's fair to you, but you said no more. Not only are you going back on your word, but you are also wasting my time and energy. If all of them imitate you, and everyone puts forward a plan they want, then everyone will also If you have to wait until I give you another plan and then regret it like you did, then do I still need to lead this team? How can I waste so much time on you?" 

Todd Gilbert knelt down tremblingly. On the ground, although his hands were tied behind his back, he still bent his body and kowtowed, begging bitterly, "I really know my mistake... Please consider that this is my first offender, please forgive me this time..." "

Charlie waved his hands, "Impossible. I'll give you two choices. The first one is as you said. Let's take a fair route. But I just don't know if your family is enough. After all, you have done many evil things. We really need to investigate carefully. If you go on, I still don’t know how many lives you have to pay for, so I will give you one more choice. If you die today to apologize, after you die, I can let go of the things you have done."

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