Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2910 update | Chapter 6067 & 6068 Chapter 2910 My treat! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2910 My treat! 

kindly donate some money to me friends (PayPal.Me/aaritn or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). thanks in advance..

  Charlie's fierceness and killing made Antonio unable to resist all shudder.

    Charlie's words made him even more terrified, because he knew that Charlie only said not to kill himself for the time being, but whether to kill or not, everything depends on his mood.

    Thinking of this, he snotted a tear and cried to Charlie: “ Mr. Wade, we are really just had a small misunderstanding today. Now you have interrupted my knee, and I have paid a terrible price. I hope you can see it in my sincere attitude, don't know me in general……I really know i am wrong...”

    Charlie laughed: “ Look at you, what a cry?A man in Sicily, bleeding and sweating without tears, you cry like this in front of your daughter, is it worthy of Sicily's father and fellow? ”

    Anthonio felt complacent.

Although he often hangs the spirit of the Sicilian on his lips, he is really pointed at by a gun and has been shot. He just wants Charlie to let himself go. At this time, he can still take care of Sicilian spirit. As long as Charlie spared his life and let himself take off his pants and ran from here to Manhattan,Running around Manhattan Central Park three times, I am willing.

    Very few people who have been quite successful in a certain field are not afraid of death.

    Don't look at Antonio, he has been killing all the way to this day, but he has not been as brave as he was when he was young.

    When Antonio was young, just like those 14- and 5-year-old young and confused men, the family was poor and white, and the pocket was forced to live. He haven’t enjoyed a good day. He can’t afford to go out and hack. He can only go by car with a machete, and he have to escape the ticket by bus.

    This kind of person doesn't even understand the meaning of life. He can only cut people in bus when he is alive. He can lie down in an ambulance anyway, so even if the knife is split on his head, he is not afraid.

    However, Antonio hacked to this day step by step. When he became the largest mafia boss in New York, he was most afraid of death.

    His bravery will only show up when he absolutely crushes each other. For example, ten minutes ago, he felt that Charlie was just an ant, and he was completely fearless when he could just pinch it to death.

    However, when he was at an absolute disadvantage and was likely to lose his life, his bravery had long disappeared without a trace.

    In order to survive and to suffer less, Antonio can only cry and say: “Mr. Wade, if you are not satisfied, I am willing to pay you five million dollars in compensation... ”

    Charlie laughed and asked him: “ Antonio, how much do you have? ”

    Antonio's expression panicked, while dodging the eyes of Charlie, while supporting me: “I...I...I have about tens of millions of dollars in net worth...”

  Charlie raised his pistol and posted the muzzle on his right face, chilling: “ I don’t understand, are you afraid of death or money? ”

    Antonio was trembling in shock and hurriedly changed his word: “ is not not... I was wrong... I was wrong!Mr. Wade, I... I have about hundreds of millions of dollars...”

    Having said that, Antonio was busy and added: “ But most of them are real estate...”

   Charlie looked at him ruthlessly, and suddenly pulled the trigger in his ear. The huge shock made Antonio’s right ear buzz for a while. I don’t know if it was the shock of the gun, or for other reasons. He only felt his ears numb, and he hadn’t waited. He has recovered,he felt a heat flowing along his ears to his cheek and chin.

    He was frightened and consciously touched before he discovered that his right ear had been shot away!

    The Leta 92f pistol produced in Italy has always been the most proud light weapon of the Italian Mafia, and the power of this pistol has indeed been achieved. The powerful muzzle kinetic energy is not to pierce Antonio’s right ear, but directly. It's broken.

   Antonio shouted desperately with his ears in pain, Julia also cried and covered her father's ears with her hands, angry question Charlie: “ Are you crazy?!Are you a fascist? ”

    “Fascist?” Charlie laughed: “ I am a Chinese and summer man. How could it be a fascist? Unlike your father, this amazing Sicilian might have some relatives with Mussolini. ”

    To put it bluntly, Charlie looked at Julia with a strong expression and scolded: “ This lady from Sicily, I advise you to be objective. Your father first killed me. Just now he was going to face me. Shooting in the head, you are all in your eyes, if I am not a bit capable,I have become a completely unrecognizable body, and although I gave him two shots, I haven’t asked his dog to die. Compared with him, I have been too kind and too much! ”

    Julia was speechless for a while.

    She also knows that this matter is entirely the father's fault first, and it is also his intention to kill first. To some extent, this is to blame himself.

    However, this man who was shot twice was her father after all, so she could only bluntly say to Charlie: “ Although he wanted to kill you, he didn’t actually hurt you anyway!But you broke one leg and one ear!In comparison, you are a fascist! ”

  Charlie looked at her and asked calmly: “ Do you think your words are objective? ”

    Although Julia was guilty, she pretended to say firmly: “ Of course objective! ”

    “Good. ”Charlie's expressionless nodded, and the muzzle suddenly crossed Antonio's face and pulled the trigger again!


   Antonio only felt that what happened just now was reproduced in the left ear exactly the same. He reached out and found that the left ear was full of blood. The whole person almost collapsed and cried: “ My ears!All my ears are gone! ”

    Charlie looked at him, and then looked at Julia, who was horrified, and said lightly: “ If I hear from your mouth again, I will break his limbs if you are free of your mafia father, If you continue to quibble for him, I will chop him up and feed to the dog,At that time, you can continue to accuse me of being a fascist while watching him being eaten up by dogs. ”

    When Antonio heard this, he was almost fainted when he was on time. He cried and said to Julia: “ My good daughter. From now on, you should say nothing...”

    Julia was also terrified. When she heard his father say this, he could only nod her head and dare not say more than half a word.

  Charlie didn't pay attention to her anymore, but questioned Antonio: “ Are you going to tell the truth now, or continue to tell lies? ”

    Antonio was terrified and cried and said: “ I tell the truth...I tell the truth...I have about two billion dollars in all my assets... There is about a quarter of real estate, A quarter of all fixed assets, and a quarter exist in various forms of cash and deposits, stocks, and trusts,The remaining quarter is all poison ⁇ and various smuggled goods...”

 Charlie sneered: “ little 2 billion, what do you cover up?Are you of afraid I will grab your money? ”

    Antonio subconsciously shook his head and blurted his way: “No, I don’t mean that...”

Charlie pulled the strong boy next to him and looked at Antonio's opening lane: “ to introduce you, this is Qiangzi. He opened a goose burning shop in Chinatown, and there was a gang called a burning angel. He received three thousand dollars a month. What is the relationship between this burning angel and you? ”

    “ They didn’t follow me...” Antonio subconsciously wanted to excuse himself, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that this might be why Charlie found himself!

   In other words, Charlie already knew his relationship with the burning angel!

   Omani Ramovich also collapsed completely!

   He cried in his heart: “ Mom's Laozi, what the hell is this!Charlie clearly came to trouble Antonio today. Why did I just happen to go to Antonio today!My mother came half an hour late, maybe Antonio was dead, and I don’t have to offend Charlie, let alone get a shot...”

    Antonio was scared at this time. Unexpectedly, Charlie deliberately played a scene in front of his house today. Its real purpose was to find himself to settle accounts!

    When I think that I have been shot three times by Charlie, if I am more arrogant at this time, I might get another shot, so he can only tell the truth: “ Mr. Wade.. I tell you the truth... This burning angel is a small gang under my control...although they are loyal to me,But I really don’t know that they are blind and dare to offend you. I hope you give me a chance. I will call the boss who burned the angel and kill him to give you an explanation! ”

 Charlie looked at Julia again and asked her: “ Did you see clearly?Who is the fascist who will kill if he doesn't move?Your dad is going to kill someone to please me for his own life. You said, is such garbage still fcuking human?Not even a fcuking dog!Dogs are more loyal than him. ”

    Julia was ashamed and dared not look up. Antonio even explained: “Mr. Wade...I...I also want to exhale for you and this strong boy...”

 Charlie ignored him, but asked Qiangzai: “ Qiangzi, your shop, how much can you make in a month? ”

    Qiangzai Dao: “ Mr. Wade, the shop can earn up to four thousand dollars a month, because it has to pay rent, and it has to hire someone to wash the dishes. I need to hire someone to help during the day. I have to pay a protection fee, so four thousand dollars is already the limit..”

Charlie nodded and looked at Antonio and asked: “Do you mafia like to ask 75% of others' profits as protection fees? ”

    Antonio shook his head in a row: “ is not... there may be some may be a decision made by a burning angel without my permission...”

Charlie swinged his hand: “ I don’t care about these. In the future, Qiangzai will be the boss of the Chinese Gang. You local gangs will also pay him 75% of the profit as a protection fee, not a penny less!Do you understand? ”

    Antonio stared at the boss, but he didn't dare to say a word to his mouth.

    Now he just wants to get through the difficulties in front of him, so he can only nod and say: “ I nderstand... Mr. Wade rest assured that every month of protection fees, I will hand it to Brother Qiang in the future... ”

Charlie swinged his hand: “ You have no chance. If you behave well today, tomorrow morning, there will be a boat to take you and Mr. Amanramovich alive to leave New York. As for the protection fee, you can let your daughter Pay on time every month, but if you do not perform well today, you will not live tomorrow. ”

    Antonio asked in horror: “Mr. where are you going to send me and Aman Ramovic? ”

Charlie casually: “ went to Syria, and a friend of mine started a war experience summer camp there. You two can experience it in the future, including transportation, food and accommodation, and war experience projects can participate. You don’t need pay a penny. I treat you! ”

kindly donate some money to me friends (PayPal.Me/aaritn or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). thanks in advance..


  1. Good for Aman and Antonio. But when will this novel end? I have been reading it for more than a year already from other links.


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