Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2873 update | Chapter 5993 & 5994 Chapter 2873 Everything is calculated. | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2873 Everything is calculated

Lin Wan'er's words made Charlie a little alert.

He couldn't help but ask Lin Wan'er: "Do you think there is a problem with her identity?"

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Lin Wan'er nodded lightly and said firmly: "The slave family has also come into contact with some masters who have made great achievements in Buddhism in the past. One of these people The common characteristic is that they strictly use the Buddhist teachings to restrain themselves, and they always quote scriptures and use the wisdom of the Buddhist teachings to guide their daily lives and speech and behavior. To put it more simply, even in their daily lives, they always speak without departing from the Buddhist teachings, but that person The master, except Amitabha, rarely mentioned Buddhism, so the slave family suddenly felt that she might not be a real master."

Charlie suddenly became alert and said: "If she is not a real nun, then she is She is waiting for us here disguised as a nun. Regardless of whether she is an enemy or a friend, there must be another force outside of the Po Qing Society behind her."

Lin Wan'er nodded and said seriously: "But you don't have to worry too much, Master. I feel that they are definitely not enemies, and there is a high probability that they will also have a grudge against Po Qing. The enemy of our enemy is our friend, but they are still a little wary of us, or there may be other reasons that make it inconvenient for us to know their true identity for the time being."

Charlie was silent for a moment and asked Lin Wan'er: "What Greek mythology did she say?"

Lin Wan'er didn't want Charlie to know too much, so as not to guess the clues, so she said: "She just told me the story of Achilles, even if her strength It's very strong, and even if you're not careful, you may be undone."

Charlie didn't think much and said with a firm expression: "Let's go back and have a look!"

 Lin Waner asked in surprise: "Master, are you planning to go to Qingzhao Nunnery to take a look?"

"Yes!" Charlie nodded and said: "I want to know who they are, why they know so much about us, and why they deliberately disguise themselves as nuns and wait for us here. Originally, they said that Buddhism is an important place and won't let me in, so naturally I should Respect, but now it seems that there is a high probability that they are not Buddhists at all, so it is better to go in and ask in person." "

This..." Lin Wan'er hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Since the young master wants to see what happens, then the slave family will Accompany the young master, but the young master must not be impulsive, so as not to turn friends into enemies."

Charlie nodded: "I just want to know who they are. If we can really become friends because of the common enemy, we must at least be honest with each other. , it would be too shameful to be secretive."

Lin Wan'er also agreed with Charlie's point of view. The other party already knew her and Charlie's identities and backgrounds, but they still concealed their true identities, which really made people feel a little bit sad. uncomfortable.

 So, the two of them turned around and went down the mountain again, heading straight to Qingzhao'an.

 After passing the Y-shaped intersection, Charlie and Lin Waner walked up the road. Halfway there, Charlie frowned and said, "There is no one in Qingzhao Nunnery anymore." 

"Ah?" Lin Waner asked in surprise, "Young Master did you use the spiritual energy to check?"

"Yes." Charlie nodded and said, "No one is there. They have probably left." "

This..." Lin Wan'er frowned and said, "When I left just now, I looked back many times, but I didn't I saw someone coming down the mountain..."

After Charlie released more spiritual energy to investigate, he said: "There is a path behind the mountain."

 Lin Wan'er said with some annoyance: "It's all my fault, if the slave family had thought of this earlier, Okay..."

Charlie smiled lightly and said with relief: "It's okay. Since everyone has left, let's go up and take a look. Maybe they can leave some clues."

Lin Waner asked quickly: "Do you want Lao Sun to leave? Can you help me check? These people may leave surveillance information in nearby towns."

Charlie shrugged: "You can give it a try, but I feel like there won't be any gains. These people are different from Wu Feiyan. Wu Feiyan is suspicious by nature. This time he came to Shiwan Mountain by herself. In this case, it is very difficult." It's hard to cover everything, but they are different at first glance. Not only are they acting as a team, but they have also been prepared in advance. In this case, they should not leave us any clues."

 "That's true..."

    Lin Waner sighed. In a tone of voice, she said: "It seems that they guessed that we were coming here in advance, so they made preparations in Qingzhao Nunnery in advance." 

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As she said that, Lin Wan'er thought of something and said: "We can learn about the situation of Qingzhao Nunnery from the local area. Maybe we can find some clues."

    "Okay." Charlie nodded and said, "Let's go up and take a look first."


When the two of them arrived outside the main entrance of Qingzhao'an, the door was already closed.

However, Charlie stepped forward and pushed gently, and the door opened with a creaking sound.

Charlie stepped in, looked at the thick wooden door bolt behind the door, and frowned: "It seems they knew we were coming, and specially left the door open for us."

Lin Waner looked a little horrified and murmured: "This is a Every step we take is counted..."

"Yeah." Charlie laughed at himself and said, "I thought it was hidden very deep, but it turns out that everyone knows everything. The key is that everything can be calculated. I really can't understand it. "

Lin Wan'er also said with some dejection: "The slave family has never had any cultivation in more than three hundred years. What I have always been more conceited about is my brain. Now it seems that I can't compare with them." 

Charlie smiled and said: "This is normal. , two fists are still hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that there may be a huge organization behind them. With so many people working together, how can we two still understand?" 

Lin Wan'er sighed softly and said: " Wu Feiyan has three hundred years. They have never found the slave family, so these people may not be as strong as Po Qing Society, but the people behind them must be smarter than Wu Feiyan and me."

Charlie comforted: "Fortunately, it is unlikely that they are enemies. If they can become friends in the future, it should be of great help to us."

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly, but it could be seen that she was still a little bit confused. receive a blow.

Charlie changed the subject and said to her, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Okay." Lin Wan'er responded and followed Charlie and walked in.

Qingzhao'an is not big at all.

There are two courtyards in total, one in front and one in the back.

On both sides of the front yard are side halls, and in the middle is the main hall. There is also a small courtyard behind the main hall with three tile-roofed houses.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er first looked at the side halls on both sides. Apart from a few Buddha statues enshrined in the side halls, there was nothing special.

In the main hall, the evergreen lamp was still burning, and in the incense burner, three sticks of sandalwood had almost burned to the roots.

    Charlie looked at the incense burner, then guessed the length of the incense ash, and said, "These three sandalwood sticks seem to be very long. They must have been burning for more than an hour." 

Lin Wan'er calculated the time and said, "Came down the mountain from the nunnery . , it has indeed been an hour since I met the young master at the bottom  and explained everything to the young master, plus the young master and the slave’s family went up the mountain and then turned back.”

    Charlie nodded and said: “Then these three sticks of incense are from when you left the house. It ignited at that moment."

    As he spoke, Charlie closed his eyes, smelled the sandalwood scent carefully, and sighed: "This sandalwood scent is so good, better than any other sandalwood scent I have ever smelled!

Lin Wan'er said in agreement: "I was just going to say... this sandalwood is indeed very good. I am also a lover of tea and fragrance, but the best old sandalwood I have ever come into contact with does not have this kind of sandalwood smell. " Okay, the aroma is rich, deep and slightly sweet."

Charlie couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that every step we take is indeed in their calculations. They must have calculated that you will notice the abnormality and that we will turn back. These three sticks of incense should be lit for us."

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