Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2871 update | Chapter 5989 & 5990 Chapter 2871 Madam | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2871 Madam

Lin Wan'er probably guessed the meaning of the old nun's words, so she asked: "Master Tai said, Master, he can Whether rebirth depends entirely on Mr. Wade?"

    The old nun said noncommittally: "The poor nun has said too much, and some questions should be digested by Miss Lin herself. However, please remember not to let Mr. Wade know about these things."

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 Lin Waner Seeing that she didn't want to say more, she quickly asked: "I wonder if Master Tai has any other instructions?" "

    No." The old nun clasped her hands together and said respectfully: "I've heard Miss Lin's name for a long time, and I have to meet you today, so forget it. The poor nun has a wish. Mr. Wade is still waiting at the bottom of the mountain. Miss Lin should go down the mountain early and persuade him to go back to Aurous Hill."

    Lin Waner saw that the old nun wanted to see her off, but she still didn't want to give up, so she hurriedly asked: "Master Tai, what should Master Wade do next? If we can't move forward today, I'm afraid that Mr. Wade will be in trouble. I would like to ask Master Tai to make it clear where Mr. Wade should go in the future!" 

The old nun's expression suddenly became very struggling. , hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Miss Lin, please tell Mr. Wade to find an opportunity to open the Niwan Palace as soon as possible. Only by opening the Niwan Palace can we reluctantly fight against Wu Feiyan." 

Lin Wan'er became increasingly confused about the old nun's identity. After all, she really couldn't understand why Charlie kept a low profile and hid his identity so much. Why did this old nun seem to know everything about him? She even knew that Charlie didn't open Niwan Palace.

    Lin Wan'er wanted to ask her some more questions, but the old nun had already opened the door of the main hall and shouted to the outside: "Jing Chen, see off the guests."

    The young nun who had just brought Lin Wan'er walked out of the side hall. She respectfully said to Lin Wan'er, "Miss Lin, please follow me out."

    Lin Wan'er had no choice but to nod her head, looked at the old nun, and said, "Little lady, thank you Master for your advice."

    The old nun nodded slightly and smiled, and said: "Amitabha, Miss Lin, please take care of yourself!"

    Lin Wan'er said goodbye to the old nun and followed the young nun out of the gate of Qingzhao Nunnery.

    The young nun named Jingchen said, "Miss Lin, you can go down the mountain the way you came. I won't send you down."

    Lin Waner nodded and said, "Master, please stay." 

Jingchen bowed to Lin Waner, and then Slowly close the door.

    Lin Wan'er looked at Charlie from a distance at the foot of the mountain, whose visual effect was no bigger than a grain of rice, and waved to him. Seeing that Charlie seemed to be waving to her, she quickly walked a few steps and hurried down the mountain.


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    At the bottom of the mountain, Charlie has been waiting here for a long time.

    Seeing Lin Wan'er coming down, he took a few steps forward and asked with concern: "Miss Lin, what kind of medicine is that nun selling in the gourd? What did the host ask you to do?" 

Lin Wan'er pursed her lips and  said : "Sir, they reminded us that there are dangers on the road ahead and want to persuade us to turn back."

Charlie looked surprised and asked, "Does she know where we are going?"

Lin Wan'er nodded lightly and explained: "The slave family, It seems that the teacher is not a bad person. There must be dangers on the road ahead that we have not thought of..."

    As she said that, she looked at Charlie and begged: "Sir, let's not go any further and go back to Aurous Hill, okay? "

    Back to Aurous Hill?" Charlie frowned and said seriously: "We are probably only a few dozen miles away from the place where Meng Changsheng practiced. My parents may have been here back then, and from the items he left behind I took the "Preface to the Nine Mysteries Sutra" with me. If I walked these dozens of miles, I might be able to figure out more details about their lives. How could I give up halfway..." 

After saying that, Charlie said to Lin Wan'er: "Miss Lin , why don’t you go back to town and wait for me, and I’ll go by myself!”

    "Absolutely not!" Lin Wan'er subconsciously grabbed Charlie's hand and begged: "Master, since you already know that the place where Master passed away is not far from here, then this time it is not considered in vain, nor does it count as giving up halfway. The young master can go back to Aurous Hill to continue preparations. It won’t be too late to come back after the young master’s strength has greatly increased!”

    Charlie said: “You and I haven’t figured out the identity of the other party. I can’t let the other party give up the original plan with just a few words. Everything."

    Lin Waner said anxiously: "Sir, someone knows that we are coming here, and has calculated the route in advance and is waiting here. This proves that the other party knows you and me very well, even if she has no ill intentions towards us. We also have to admit the fact that our identity has been revealed. If we continue to force forward in this situation, whether she is an enemy or a friend, the situation may be extremely unfavorable to us."

    Charlie was slightly startled.

 Lin Wan'er's words made him start to re-examine the matter again.

As Lin Wan'er said, regardless of whether the nun is a friend or an enemy, it is already a fact that he was exposed. Since she knows, it proves that others may also know.

If I insist on moving forward, let alone whether I will encounter risks, what if someone else knows my identity? What should we do if it reaches the ears of Po Qing Society?

Lin Wan'er said again at this time: "Sir, no matter what is dozens of miles away, it can't change the fact that Wu Feiyan is also very afraid of it. If Wu Feiyan is also afraid of it, then why should we go to force it?"

Charlie suddenly fell into struggle.

He knew very well what Lin Wan'er said.

However, when he finally got closer to his parents' secret, he really didn't want to give up.

At this time, in the main hall of Qingzhao'an.

Jingchen returned to the main hall and respectfully reported to the old nun: "Aunt Sun, Lin Wan'er has left." 

The old nun didn't look back and asked, "Did you see her go down the mountain with your own eyes?"

    "Yes." Jingchen nodded and said, "After I closed the door, I watched her come down the mountain through the crack in the door and then came back to report to you." 

The old nun asked again: "What are the two of them doing?"

    "Conversing. "Jingchen replied: "The two have been talking on the spot, but they are not ready to set off yet. 

The old nun nodded slightly and said: "You stay here, I will report to my master." "

    After that, without waiting for Jingchen's answer, she quickly walked towards the back of the main hall. There is a door directly behind the main hall. Generally speaking, this kind of place in the temple is no longer open to pilgrims, mostly monks and nuns. A place for her own use.

    The old nun stopped outside the door, gently knocked on the door, and said respectfully: "Madam, Lin Wan'er is gone. "

    A pleasant and somewhat majestic female voice came from the room: "Have they gone back?

    The old nun replied: "Not yet. The two of them seem to be still talking at the intersection at the foot of the mountain. It is not yet certain whether they will give up. "

    The woman inside the door smiled and said, "There should be no problem. " "

    With that said, the woman also said: "By the way, please hurry up and organize everyone to clean up. We should go. That Lin Wan'er is so smart that she is almost a demon. I think she was too worried and ignored some details. I believe it won't be used. How long will it take for them to come back again? Keep us informed and don't leave any clues here. "

    The old nun said respectfully: "Okay madam! "

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