
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3207 update || Chapter 6661 & 6662 || Chapter 3207 Waiting for the Rabbit | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 3207 Waiting for the Rabbit When Charlie was driving Lin Wan'er to revisit her hometown outside Bergen, in an oil field in Nigeria in southeastern Africa, a large number of beam pumping units were running 24 hours a day on the vast land. The entire plain was filled with the figures of machines turning over and over, as well as the roar of various other machines. Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa, and the oil economy is their mainstay. When international oil prices were high, Nigeria was once the number one country in Africa. It is not possible to say that its GDP has always been the first, but it is not a problem to be in the top three. The oil field under the command of the Poqing Society has been operating on this land for decades. It was taken by the Poqing Society through special means after Nigeria's independence, and it can contribute a lot of profits to the Poqing Society every year. This oil field has a net profit of at least tens of billions of US d

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3206 update || Chapter 6659 & 6660 || Chapter 3206 Interlocking | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3206 Interlocking At this moment, in the base of Poqing Society, Wu Tianlin reported to Wu Feiyan respectfully: "My Lord, the three elders have arrived in Nigeria. I have arranged for the Grand Commander of the Right Army Governor's Office to personally receive them and have prepared a temporary training ground for them. At present, the three elders have settled down in the station in Nigeria."  Wu Feiyan hummed and asked him: "How is the matter with the plane?" Wu Tianlin said: "It has been carried out according to the original plan. We staged an emergency incident that was a false alarm. The route applied by the plane is from Frankfurt, Germany to Johannesburg, South Africa. The route information of this cargo flight can be found on all aviation software. The emergency landing in the middle will not appear in the regular route information. Only by checking the specific flight trajectory of the plane on that day can we see that the plane landed in

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2701 to 2800 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 2701 As the son of the Su family, Zynn has definitely seen many big scenes for so many years, but the whole person is in an unprecedented panic towards Charlie, who is in his twenties. He didn‟t understand why the Wade family descendant in front of him was so fierce that he attacked the Su family one after another without any scruples. In the beginning, even when the competition between Su and Wade was the fiercest, no one dared to play such a fierce tactic. After all, both sides are very strong, which is equivalent to two countries with nuclear weapons. Desperately at balance with each other. However, Changying‟s son didn‟t care about it at all. He directly tied Shoude, which in itself was not enough to put the Su family in his eyes. Now, instead of converging, he aimed at himself. This kind of person is simply a disruptor of the rules of the game! Seeing Charlie‟s aggressiveness unabated, Zynn‟s heart was tense, and his mouth softened somewhat. He said seriously: “Although t

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