
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3193 update || Chapter 6633 & 6634 || Chapter 3193 Our Own People | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3193 Our Own People Facing Steve's question, Charlie just smiled slightly, without comment or answer. The reason why Helena could let Steve's father Howard reduce the time of building the AI ​​model from one or two years to one month was because of the right to buy half of the Rejuvenation Pill. As long as Howard completed the construction of the AI ​​model within the specified time, he would be eligible to buy half of the Rejuvenation Pill for 50 billion US dollars, which was the most attractive condition for him. So Howard used all the resources he could use to make this impossible thing possible. With his enthusiasm for the Rejuvenation Pill, he would definitely go to Northern Europe in person, deliver the AI ​​model to Helena in person, and then immediately buy half of the Rejuvenation Pill. Charlie could even conclude that he would take the Rejuvenation Pill on the spot after getting it, and would never hesitate for even a second. However, for Steve, this was not

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3192 update || Chapter 6631 & 6632 || Chapter 3192 There is an expert behind the scenes | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3192 There is an expert behind the scenes Seeing the push, Steve muttered subconsciously: "The BBC reported it just after they gave the money. This is too damn time-sensitive." "BBC?" Charlie asked curiously: "What did the BBC report? Did it report about the Hogwitz family?" "Yes!" Steve opened his mobile phone and quickly browsed the news, and said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, Jenny Hogwitz of the Hogwitz family actually accepted full tracking and interviews from the media. Her photos are all in the news. This old woman is scheming enough. She has packaged herself before the money is spent."  Although Charlie did not see the content of the news, he was not surprised. He smiled and said, "They have spent 1 billion US dollars, so it's understandable that they package themselves." Steve couldn't help but say, "But she doesn't know what the kidnappers' attitude will be when they see this news report. Her h

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3191 update || Chapter 6629 & 6630 || Chapter 3191 Take Me as a Spare Tire | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3191 Take Me as a Spare Tire Jenny Hogwitz couldn't wait to deliver the $1 billion cryptocurrency to the Wanlong palace within a dozen hours. It's not wrong to say that she couldn't wait. She has handled many family payments in her life, and she has never been so happy to pay money like today. This is mainly because of Howard's promise to her work. Facing those reporters who followed closely and took pictures of her face with multiple cameras, Jenny was excited and excited. She seemed to have seen herself become the most respected and beloved wife and mother in the United States. Howard did fulfil his promise and fully demonstrated the Rothschild family's mastery of manipulating public opinion. When Jenny delivered the $1 billion cryptocurrency, several major American media outlets reported intensively and in detail on this extremely large kidnapping case. Once the news was broadcast, it caused a huge sensation across the United States. At first, people wer

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3190 update || Chapter 6627 & 6628 || Chapter 3190 Can I go with you, Master? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3190 Can I go with you, Master? After hearing Lin Wan'er's guess, Charlie thought about it and said, "I always felt that the Poqing Society would realise sooner or later that it was the shipping company that exposed their every action. I just thought that before they realised this loophole, we could make use of the information and intelligence provided to us by the loophole as much as possible, but I didn't expect that they would enter a dormant period after three of the four earls died. They are now dealing with the shipping company. I think they should be reviewing a series of situations at that time during this period and realise that something went wrong here."  After that, Charlie changed the subject and said, "But this matter is really strange. After realising that there is a problem, they can continue to keep their troops in place, or even pretend to be in the dark. Selling it, as you said, doesn't seem to be necessary." Lin Wan'e

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3189 update || Chapter 6625 & 6626 || Chapter 3189 New Clues | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3189 New Clues Although Howard had no idea who had kidnapped the unfortunate father and son of Hogwitz, he knew very well that the other party must be a tough guy. When everyone thought that they must be hidden somewhere in China, the two of them suddenly appeared on the sea, and the other party asked for 1 billion US dollars. Although it was rare for kidnappers to dare to ask for such an amount, it was not uncommon. However, it was the first time that they dared to ask for so much money and told the family members directly that they would not release the kidnappers even if the money was paid. Facing such kidnappers, if Jenny did not pay, the other party would definitely expose the matter and make her be labelled as cold-blooded and profit-seeking. Before Jenny got married, her last name was Rothschild, so once Jenny became the target of public criticism, the Rothschild family would face an unwarranted disaster. Therefore, Howard naturally hoped that she would pay the money ho

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3188 update || Chapter 6623 & 6624 || Chapter 3188 This is your chance | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3188 This is your chance "At sea?" Howard asked hurriedly after hearing this, "Did the kidnappers make any demands?" Jenny replied, "Yes! They want one billion US dollars, and it has to be cryptocurrency!" "One billion US dollars?" Howard said loudly, "These kidnappers have big appetites! One billion US dollars?! Who the hell dares to ask for a ransom of one billion US dollars? It's fcuking crazy!" When Jenny heard that Howard thought it was too expensive, she couldn't help crying out of grievance and choked up, "Your Excellency Patriarch, they are a bunch of black-hearted demons! The one billion US dollars they want is not a ransom, but a life-saving money..." "Life-saving money?" Howard asked, "What does this mean?" Jenny cried and said, "Only if the money is paid can the lives of the father and son be saved. If not, they will kill my husband and son and throw them into the sea...&qu

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3187 update || Chapter 6621 & 6622 || Chapter 3187 Mom, You Must Save Us | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3187 Mom, You Must Save Us Although the outside world's suspicion of He Yuanjiang is overwhelming, He Yuanjiang himself has never been affected by the outside world's comments. As soon as the press conference ended, he focused all his energy on the development of Changying Automobile. He took his newlywed wife to the production base of Gaoheng Automobile without stopping, integrated the team, personnel and hardware there, and formed a human resources team to start recruiting automotive-related talents worldwide. According to his plan, the current team of Gaoheng Automobile will immediately put aside all Gaoheng's original work and devote themselves to the research and development of new cars. At the same time, fresh blood will continue to join this team to expand the team and improve the overall level. He asked the team to come up with the 1.0 version plan of Changying Automobile's first model within three months. Since the Aurous Hill Super Factory needs nearl

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