
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2934 update | Chapter 6115 & 6116 Chapter 2934 Give in to others | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2934: Give in to others At the moment, as long as the news that Gustavo's son wants to kill him is not leaked, his status in this prison will still be unmatched by anyone, not even Joseph. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Therefore, at this moment, he still has the unique status and privileges of Brooklyn Prison. After he called and arranged for the two girls tonight, he made a direct call to the warden of Brooklyn Prison. On the phone, he said cryptically, "Bruce, a new batch of goods has arrived tonight. I wonder if you have any arrangements. If not, you can help me inspect the goods."  When the warden heard this, he suddenly became excited. "I don't have any plans tonight, Mr. Sanchez, do you really have good goods to arrive?" Although the warden is from the Rothschild family, in fact, he is also important to the Rothschild family. He

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2933 update | Chapter 6113 & 6114 Chapter 2933 has an entry point | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2933 has an entry point Joseph’s younger brother has not recovered from the shock and surprise. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). They couldn't understand that the boss had been planning for so many days just to find an opportunity to kill Gustavo, but when he was about to succeed, a so-called uncle of the boss suddenly appeared. The key is that this uncle was much younger than the boss. What's even more outrageous is that the young uncle stood up and said a word, and the boss immediately terminated all plans. However, since they were chosen by Joseph to implement this plan, at least their loyalty was guaranteed, so even if they were surprised, as long as the boss spoke, they could only obey unconditionally. Charlie also knew that this matter was not over yet. There was a conflict between the two sides today, and Gustavo's younger brothers were all beate

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2932 update | Chapter 6111 & 6112 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not A sudden voice from outside the crowd made everyone look back subconsciously. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me continue posting story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Neither Joseph nor Gustavo expected that someone would intervene at this time. Just as he was wondering, Charlie had already separated from the people outside and walked up to Gustavo and Joseph. The boys who were pushed away didn't understand why they were pushed to both sides by this tall and thin boy. Before they could react, the person had already passed by them.  Seeing that Charlie was a strange oriental face, Joseph immediately pointed at Charlie angrily and asked, "Who the hell are you? Are you looking for death?"  Saying that, he did not want to waste time on Charlie. At the same time, he immediately yelled at the two men around him, "Pull this kid out and beat him to death!"  https

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2930 update | Chapter 6107 & 6108 Chapter 2930 Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2930 Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality When Joseph’s men gradually surrounded Gustavo and his younger brother, these Mexicans also surrounded Gustavo. It became a circle. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me continue posting story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Gustavo's expression was still cold, even cold, with a bit of anger. He feels that he is the standard, and he will be bullied by dogs when the tiger falls down. When he was outside, he had thousands of troops. If anyone dared to look at him on the street, he would take out his pistol and shoot him in the head without hesitation. As a result, now, I am in an American prison, but I am forced to be so passive by a group of brainless muscular men. Seeing that he was outnumbered, Gustavo couldn't help shouting, "Joseph, what do you mean?" Joseph left his younger brother at this time, walked to the out

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2931 update | Chapter 6109 & 6110 Chapter 2931 Give me some face | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2931: Give me some face The frightened Gustavo no longer had the arrogance and pride he had before. He retreated toward the window and begged bitterly, "Everyone, if you have anything to say, please tell me. Don't be impulsive! If you want money, I can give you a lot of money. How about one million US dollars per person? I'll give you ten million!" Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).  After that, he hurriedly said, "By the way, don't you want to drink? Do you want to eat steak and caviar with red wine? Starting today, I’ll cover all your steaks, red wine, caviar, and other high-end ingredients! How about black truffles? I’ll arrange for them to be delivered tomorrow, and The best bluefin tuna! And the best Chinese and Japanese food in the United States!" " By the way, do you like sushi? There is a little old man in Japan w

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2929 update | Chapter 6105 & 6106 Chapter 2929 Hunting Time | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2929 Hunting Time Gustavo wanted to see the warden, and so did Charlie. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). It would be best to find an opportunity to see the warden without being noticed by the Rothschild family. However, due to the special conditions of the prison, it is not easy for Charlie to achieve this goal. It seems that Gustavo can be an opportunity.  In Charlie's opinion, getting close to Gustavo is at least easier than getting close to the prison warden. After all, he and Gustavo happen to be in the same prison area now.  So, he asked Lucas in front of him: "If I want to be friends with Gustavo, is there any good way?" "Who? Gustavo?" Lucas seemed to have heard a fantasy and said with a smile: "Brother, before Gustavo went to jail, he was not only the biggest drug lord in Mexico, but also one of the top drug lords in the world. He is a billionaire and the leadi

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2928 update | Chapter 6103 & 6104 Chapter 2928 Breakthrough from inside | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2928 Breakthrough from inside Charlie, who was asking Lucas about the situation in the prison, heard all the conversations between the bosses of the first and second prison blocks. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). He really didn't expect that a prison in downtown New York that didn't even have an open-air playground would have such undercurrents inside. Looking at this trend, Joseph, the boss of the Second Ward, is looking for a suitable opportunity to give the boss of the First Ward, the Mexican drug lord Gustavo, a serious blow. Although Gustavo is pampered in this prison and leads a luxurious life beyond the reach of other prisoners, he also has his worries. Although his family is powerful, unfortunately, those murderous drug dealers have no way to enter the United States, let alone the Brooklyn Prison to help him. His own life and safety, as well as the future of the entire family, ar

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