
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2845 update | Chapter 5937 & 5938 Chapter 2845 Leave it to me and let me handle it | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2845 Leave it to me and let me handle it When Jimmy's condition became more and more stable, Charlie and Lin Wan'er had already driven to South Yunnan. This city named after tea has a history of more than a thousand years. It is not only a post station on the ancient tea-horse road, but also an important producing area of ​​Pu-erh tea. When Lin Wan'er left Dali, she brought the ashes of her parents out of Dali, and they were finally buried in Poole. Lin Wan'er hasn't come back here for more than three hundred years, and Lin Wan'er can't remember what this city looked like before. According to Lin Wan'er, she only brought out her parents' ashes from Dali back then. When she buried them in Poole, she also secretly chose a geomantic location to bury the two coffins. She did not buy coffins for her parents, let alone build Graves and tombstones. It is basically impossible to find two columbariums buried more than 300 years ago here. Fortunately,

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2844 update | Chapter 5935 & 5936 Chapter 2844 Best Candidate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2844 Best Candidate Mr. Wade gave my Son a chance to live. Thinking back on his helplessness before, at this moment, he was extremely grateful to Charlie in his heart. Wei Liang smiled and said: "Mr. Smith, don't worry. Mr. Wade told me that he is out of town now, so you should accompany your son to receive treatment these days. When the child's condition improves, he will return to Aurous Hill. I will ask you to meet." James Smith said gratefully: "Then Mr. Wei must help me convey my thanks to Mr. Wade, our whole family is grateful for his great kindness!" Wei Liangliang nodded and looked at James · Smith's current state, he knows in his heart that this person is really grateful to Charlie, and will definitely do his best for Charlie in the future. The underlying cultural background and underlying logic of Jiuxuan Pharmaceuticals are quite different from those of Western society. If Jiuxuan Pharmaceuticals’ drugs are to be successfully marketed

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2843 update | Chapter 5933 & 5934 Chapter2843 Really saved | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2843 Really saved Wei Liang quickly arranged for the three of them. Hu Leqi and Shu Lan were placed in the adult ward, while little Jimmy was placed in the children's ward. Under the guidance of the staff, James Smith completed the hospitalization procedures for his son, and the whole process was like a dream. He thought that his son had no chance to participate in the clinical trial of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, and he was just discussing with his wife whether to send the child to the United States for hospital care, but he didn't expect that everything would turn upside down in the blink of an eye. Because he had a certain understanding of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills, James Smith had only one thought at the moment, and that was his son's life, which was really saved this time! He couldn't help guessing in his heart, who was secretly promoting all this. Could it be that the Mr. Lin that Hu Leqi met by chance really had such great ability? Just when he was lost for a whi

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2842 update | Chapter 5931 & 5932 Chapter 2842 Turn around before the gate of ghosts closes| Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2842 Turn around before the gate of ghosts closes "James Smith?!" Wei Liang was astonished, and couldn't help but ask, "Master Wade, I dare to do it for you, why did you open him up?" Charlie smiled and said, "Just let him trigger the hidden reward by accident." , I have told him before that if he can really do charity with his heart without asking for anything in return, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical may give him a chance, and this time I will delete the word "maybe."  Wei Liang said without hesitation, " Alright, Master Wade, don't worry, I'll arrange it." Charlie said again, "The other two are young people who I accidentally got strong, and they are destined to be with me, so you can make arrangements together." Charlie said again He instructed, "However, after you admit the patient, you put James Smith's son in the children's ward and isolate him from the other two. Don't let them know my ide

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2841 update | Chapter 5929 & 5930 Chapter 2841 Your old acquaintance | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2841 Your old acquaintance   Jenny can't figure out why her husband suddenly wants to take her son out.     Even though his son is dying, she still regards chemotherapy as the last straw for his son.     Seeing that her husband was about to take the child out without waiting for her son to finish chemotherapy, she quickly stopped her and said, "Are you crazy? No matter what, we have to wait until the child's chemotherapy is over!"  James Smith waved his hand: "I can't wait, I'm going to take him out now."     As he spoke, he didn't wait for Jenny to ring the calling bell, he took a step forward, pulled out his son's infusion needle, picked up his sleeping son, and walked out.     Shocked and angry, Jenny chased all the way out, and reprimanded behind him: "James! You put Jimmy down! He still has half of the chemotherapy drugs, and you will kill him like this!"  James Smith did not speak, and the ground under his feet The sp

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2840 update | Chapter 5927 & 5928 Chapter 2840 Last Chance | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2840 Last Chance  "Go to Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical?" The voice was a little excited and said: "A friend helped me and Xiaolan settle the clinical trial quota of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill. He seems to have a relationship with the senior management of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical. I asked him to give Jimmy a quota. He agreed, and we are rushing over to dock with that side now,  so hurry up and bring little Jimmy over here too!"  James Smith couldn't believe his ears, wondering: "The two of you have already been brushed off by them. Is it? Little Jimmy can’t meet their points standard, what’s the background of your friend? How can he have such a great ability?” Hu Leqi said: “I don’t know what background he is, he said he and Jiu Wei Liang of JX Pharmaceutical has a very good relationship, although there is nothing to prove that he really knows Mr. Wei, but I feel that he is not joking with us, so I still have some confidence in this matter."  "How i

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2839 update | Chapter 5925 & 5926 Chapter 2839 Reciprocity | Wade latest Chapters today's update

 Chapter 2839 Reciprocity Charlie didn't have any sympathy for James Smith. In this world, there are so many parents of children with cancer, and James Smith is just one of thousands of people, nothing special. And most importantly, he originally had a chance to save his son's life, but his ignorance and arrogance made him give up this chance by himself. In this case, he no longer deserves anyone's sympathy. Charlie never thought about giving him and his son a chance. However, what surprised Charlie was that according to what Hu Leqi said, after James Smith met him last time and told him that he had to pay first if he wanted what he wanted, he actually resigned from his post and job as the head of the FDA. He sold his family property and took his children to Aurous Hill to do charity. Although Charlie is very clear that the reason why he did this is most likely to win a chance for his son, but what Charlie admires is that he really worked hard to do it after all. In this ca

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