
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2922 update | Chapter 6091 & 6092 Chapter 2922 A Lesson for You | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2922: A Lesson for You Soon, the prison guards brought Charlie to the door of cell No. 8 where he was assigned. Originally, the prisoners inside were laughing and making a mess. The prison guard shouted through the door, and all the prisoners lined up in the center of the cell. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). The two prison guards waiting at the door checked the number of people through the iron railings, and then used the intercom to notify their colleagues to open the gate. Then the two went in first to check, and after confirming that there was no problem, they gave instructions to the prison guard with Charlie behind. , the prison guard pushed Charlie and saw Charlie being brought into the cell. As soon as he entered the cell, Charlie smelled a sour smell. Body odor and foot odor mixed with the smell of bedding, plus the smell of the toilet, made it disgusting.  As soon as Charlie entered, he

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2921 update | Chapter 6089 & 6090 Chapter 2921 It’s time to renovate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2921 It’s time to renovate Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). At noon, when Charlie was sitting alone in a Sichuan restaurant in Chinatown eating, two Immigration Bureau police cars flashed their lights silently and suddenly stopped in front of the hotel. door. Charlie saw everything but pretended not to care and continued to eat with his head down. At this time, several policemen rushed in quickly, took a photo to compare the guests in the hotel, and suddenly rushed to Charlie and asked loudly, "Are you Charlie who smuggled himself to the United States from Malaysia?"  Charlie raised his head, shook his head innocently and said, "No..." The policeman checked the photo again, then sneered and said to his colleagues next to him, "That's him, take him away!" As soon as he finished speaking, several policemen rushed forward. , twisting Charlie's arms to his back a

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2920 update | Chapter 6087 & 6088 Chapter 2920 Preparations | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2920 Preparations "Send someone in?" Fei Kexin asked him subconsciously, "Mr. Wade, don't want me to send you in, right?" "That's right." Charlie said, "Please help me get a false identity, and then send me to Brooklyn Prison. I want to meet that Peter Zhou." Fei Kexin thought for a while and said, "Mr. Wade, it is okay to send you in, but Kexin can’t guarantee whether you will be able to see Peter Zhou after you go in. After all, his situation is too special, and it is worth the core members of the Rothschild family to spend a lot of time on him, no matter why he offended the other party. this matter must be unusual, so he must also receive special attention in Brooklyn Prison. If you want to see him, it will probably take some effort."  Charlie smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we have to go in first to talk about these." Fei Kexin asked, "When does Mr. Wade want to go?" Charlie

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2919 update | Chapter 6085 & 6086 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? When Charlie and Chen Zhaozhong left the goose shop together, Chen Zhaozhong looked back at the simple facade and sighed softly, "From now on, my father's goose roasting skills will be lost."  Friends who can, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Charlie smiled and asked him, "Uncle Zhong, do you doubt or object to my decision today?" Chen Zhaozhong was silent for a moment and said seriously, "Master, Qiangzai is an orphan I adopted, not a pet I tame. I started from the day I adopted him. , I never thought about making any plans for his life. He learned to cook roast goose from me, not because of my intention, but because he had a wandering childhood, had neither read much nor had the heart to study, and an illegal immigrant His identity meant that it would be difficult for him to get out of Chinatown, so I taught him how to make roast goose, so that he could ma

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2917 update | Chapter 6081 & 6082 Chapter 2917 Shock | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2917 Shock Charlie's tone was firm and cold, and his words were full of chilling meaning, which made everyone at the scene feel numb, and even made Todd Gilbert scared to the extreme. Friends who can, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Todd Gilbert naturally didn't want to die, nor did he want his family to be killed like the family members of other people he had killed. For a moment, he was extremely upset and asked Charlie for so-called fairness, which became his The most regretful and stupidest thing he has ever done in his life. With tears streaming down his face, he knelt down and kept bowing and kowtowing with his hands, praying for Charlie's forgiveness, but Charlie didn't give him any chance at all. Seeing that he didn't speak, Charlie said, "Since you don't choose it yourself, then I will choose it for you." After that, he said to Joseph Wan beside him, "Just d

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2916 update | Chapter 6079 & 6080 Chapter 2916 Absolute Authority | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2916 Absolute Authority Joseph Wan’s words directly scared the gangsters who were full of anger just now, so that they huddled together and trembled desperately. Friends who can, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or at least watch some videos given between the story... thanks in advance... This scene is like the emperor penguins huddled together to keep warm and trembling in the biting cold wind of Antarctica in winter. Charlie was secretly amused when he saw how frightened they were. These gangsters, who pride themselves on being fearless, will one day turn into local dogs after being frightened. The best way to deal with evil forces like the United States is to fight against evil. If he usually draws a knife and cuts, then you have to draw a gun and hit him; if he draws a gun and hits him, then you have to kill his whole family. And don’t talk morals to them. Because the vast majority of people in this in

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2915 update | Chapter 6077 & 6078 Chapter 2915 Scare Them to Death | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2915 Scare Them to Death Aman Ramovich also knows that Charlie’s ability to circumvent his life is regarded as repaying evil with kindness. In this case, his best choice is to accept it as soon as it’s good and stop trying to plead. , otherwise if Charlie changes his mind, he is likely to get a worse offer. Friends who can, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or at least watch some videos given between the story... thanks in advance... In desperation, he could only say to Charlie, "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, when we get to Syria, I will try my best to cooperate deeply with Commander Hamid and do my best..."  Charlie nodded approvingly and smiled. He said, "Yes, yes, Mr. Aman Ramovich is the Taoist in the words of us Chinese people. In this society, there are not many people who are truly Taoist."  After saying that, he looked at the time and said to Joseph Wan He said, "Joseph, it'

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