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 Chapter 3274: Just Want to Do a Good Deed

In remote villages and towns in Morocco, workers do not have any so-called rights. As long as the boss can give them a job, they will be grateful and leave when they are told to leave. Not to mention compensation, it is already a blessing to be able to settle their wages.


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Although the employees here do not have a labour contract with the company, for the sake of livelihood, no one wants to offend the factory owner.

Therefore, when the factory director strictly asked everyone to return to the factory to start work immediately, no one dared to delay for a moment. They set out from home and rushed to the factory by various means of transportation.

In their opinion, they will not have any dissatisfaction with the boss because of his inconsistency. On the contrary, they are very happy because they have received a few days of paid vacation. Now that the vacation is over early, they do not feel any loss, so everyone feels very at ease.

Several core employees arrived first and saw that most of the production lines in the factory had been dismantled. They asked the factory manager in confusion: "Boss, didn't the Asian guy say he wanted to buy our factory for upgrading? How come it's been dismantled like this? It's worse than before."

Li Yalin had reserved a trick for the boss to announce to the employees that the factory was just cooperating with him, not selling it to him. So the crowd was just curious about why the upgrades were suddenly stopped, and they were not surprised that the boss continued to take over the factory.

The factory manager felt that the employees' excuse that they had no ties with the factory actually provided him with a lot of convenience, so he said, "The Asian's capital chain has problems. He went back to raise money and will not be back in a short time. We cannot wait for him during this period. If he cannot raise money, the factory will not allow him to invest. That's why I asked you to come back and continue working."

Then he ordered, "Hurry up and organise experienced workers to start the production line. I have already agreed with the supplier at the dock that several trucks of sardines will be delivered this afternoon. We must start work smoothly today."

Canned sardines are not a high-tech product, and the old production line has no technical content. For these employees who have worked here for many years, assembling such an old production line without any CNC technology is much simpler than assembling a bicycle with a transmission.

So a group of male labourers, led by experienced technicians, immediately began to rebuild the production line.

At around 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, as several old refrigerated trucks drove from the dock, the workers on the production line began to skillfully slaughter the fresh sardines. Soon, smoke was coming out of the boiler used to steam and cook the canned sardines.

After a few days of silence, this sardine canning factory returned to a busy state.

Charlie and Li Yalin sat in the prepared vehicle and waited until the factory resumed work. Only then did they feel relieved.

Charlie sighed, "Everything is calm, as if nothing has happened. Even if the people from the PoQing Society find out about this place in the future, they won't have any doubts about this place."

Li Yalin smiled and said, "Even if you doubt it, it's useless. So many people have come in to start work, and I've seen them working. The on-site management is chaotic and the sanitary conditions are poor. The water used to clean the sardines in the slaughter pool keeps flowing, dripping all over the ground, and then being crushed and trampled by these workers, no clues will be left. Moreover, once they start working here, the fishy smell is very strong, and the blood, body fluids and internal organs of the fish are splashed everywhere. Even if our people accidentally leave clues in the sense of criminal investigation when they evacuate, they will be destroyed by them. Even the best police dogs will be confused when they go in."

Charlie asked jokingly, "Even if you were sent here without knowing it, can't you find any clues?"

"No." Li Yalin said: "Many unsolved cases, in the final analysis, are because there is no evidence. As long as the essence of the evidence is damaged, even if the Golden Immortal comes, it will be useless. You see, there are cases in various countries that have been solved after many years. Such cases are often because there is a little bit of key evidence left at the time, such as incomplete fingerprints and human DNA information. Entering the information age, fingerprint and DNA collection covers more and more people. Once the suspect is collected or his immediate family members are collected, his good days are basically over."

As he said, Li Yalin said: "We have already processed the biological information here when we evacuated. Once these people start working, it will take less than two or three days to solve the problem. All the clues are gone, and I can't find anything unusual. "

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: "Thanks to the professional quality of Inspector Li, I feel more at ease with you here."

Li Yalin said: "Mr. Wade, you are too kind. I don't have any advantages. I just have some industry experience as a criminal policeman for so many years. Compared with you, I am still far behind."

Charlie started the car and said with a smile: "Okay, let's stop bragging about business here. Let's end it here and go back to Casablanca to meet that Wu Shuhang (Author felt sorry, he made a mistake in this character due to his personal negligence. he will change it back to Wu Shuhang from tonight. Sorry), and then we can leave and return to Northern Europe. "

Li Yalin asked hurriedly: "Mr. Wade, do you really want to meet that Wu Shuhang?"

"Yes." Charlie nodded and said, "This man is the Grand Commander of the Right Army Governor's Office. He is definitely ranked in the top ten in the Po Qing Society. He is a descendant of the Wu family and a junior of Wu Feiyan. I dare not say that I can find any breakthrough from him, but at least I can give Wu Feiyan a warning."

Li Yalin asked again, "What is Mr. Wade's plan? Are you going to kill Wu Shuhang?"

"There is no point in killing him."

Charlie said, "The Right Army Governor's Office even has its garrison replaced in rotation, and there are always emergency candidates. The position of the Grand Commander is probably the same. You forgot what Song Ruyu said. The Grand Commander before Wu Shuhang was his brother Wu Shutong, but Wu Shutong disappeared overnight, and Wu Shuhang took over urgently. No one mentioned Wu Shutong's disappearance. I think he must have been killed by Wu Shuhang, but Wu Shuhang must have other candidates around him. As long as there is any problem with Wu Shuhang, Wu Feiyan will definitely let the candidate take over all his duties. Killing him will not affect the operation of the Right Army Governor's Office. "

Li Yalin agreed and said, "These so-called great governors are just a group of senior employees, not even shareholders. The entire Poqing Society is a sole proprietorship. Wu Feiyan is the only boss and the only shareholder. No matter how high the level of others is, they are essentially employees. Their death is of no consequence to Wu Feiyan."

After that, Li Yalin was even more puzzled and asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, since you are not going to kill Wu Shuhang, what are your plans for meeting him? You can't incite him to rebel, right? Not to mention that he is a descendant of the Wu family, just the fact that his family and relatives are in the Poqing Society, he would never dare to betray Wu Feiyan. "

Charlie smiled and said, "I never thought of turning him against her. I have basically figured out the structure of Wu Feiyan and the Five Military Governor's Office. The Five Military Governor's Office is full of frontier officials. No one is qualified to stay with Wu Feiyan. I even suspect that they don't know where Wu Feiyan is. If I turn him against her, he can't provide any help for me to deal with Wu Feiyan, and he may be replaced at any time, which may expose my identity. "

Charlie smiled and said, "Didn't Wu Feiyan cut off one of his hands? I just want to do a good thing and help him connect this hand to see how Wu Feiyan feels then!"


  1. In other words, Wu Shutong in the previous chapters is Wu Shuhang, the one whose hand was cut by one of the Elders. Wu Shutong has been killed way back. OMG!

  2. When I read that name I thought Wu Shouting pretended to be dead then only to realise that they were two different people


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